Female body drawing in pencil. How to draw a girl with a pencil step by step for beginners

Many girls and girls often draw princesses and girls. But to draw a person beautifully the first time is very difficult. It is necessary to monitor the observance of the proportions of the body, otherwise the figure will turn out awkward and unnatural. A fluffy dress will help to correct the figure, hide mistakes in construction and give a festive look to the drawing. Such a girl can already be placed on a holiday card and on the cover of a notebook.

How to draw a girl in a dress with a pencil step by step

Auxiliary lines are drawn with a hard pencil. Mark the hem of the skirt, it should resemble a mermaid's tail. Add a slightly inclined oval of the hips. From the center of the oval, draw a slightly curving line of the spine. Draw a circle of the head, outline the chin on it, draw lines of symmetry of the face. In the middle of the spine, outline the circle of the chest, and above it the line of the shoulders. From the right shoulder, draw the line of the arm lowered by the visa, draw the line of the left arm bent at the elbow, so that the hand rests on the waist. Circle the joints of the ovens and hands.

Draw the contours of the body around the auxiliary lines. You need to start from the head. Outline the face, left ear, neck position. Outline the hairstyle. Add shoulders, dress, arms.

Using lines of symmetry, outline the eyes, mouth, nose. With a soft pencil, outline the hairstyle, the line of the chest, bring the dress, draw a train and add splendor to the hem.

Work out the facial features, add beads to the girl, draw the texture of the hair. Decide on a light source and add shadows using hatching.

How to draw a girl in a dress step by step

Draw an oval for the head, a line for the neck, shoulders, and arms. Mark the joints with small circles, this will help to further add volume to the drawing.

Draw the neck, it should be thinner than the head, but thicker than the arms. Add smoothness to the shoulders, draw the right arm, torso and neckline of the dress.

Under the chest, draw 2 parallel strips (tape-belt), draw the second hand. The sleeves of the dress are made with a lantern, so the shoulders are slightly raised.

Auxiliary lines can be erased.

Draw a rectangle (hat) on the head. Connect its two upper corners with an additional smooth line.

Draw an oval around the bottom 2 corners of the rectangle (hat brim). Draw the outlines of the eyes, mouth, nose. It is important that the eyes are at the same level and the same shape.

Detail the face, draw thick hair for the girl. Decorate the hat and dress.

How to draw a girl in a dress with a pencil

Draw an oval for the head, with thin lines mark the position of the body.

Give shape to the hairstyle, outline the figure of the young lady, apply the contours of the dress.

Draw the style of the dress, “put on” bracelets on your hands, add volume to your hair, apply axes of symmetry to your face.

Draw the girl's eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth. Add nails on the hands, draw bracelets. Apply a pattern on the dress, give it volume with folds.

How to draw a girl in a dress in full growth

With thin lines, outline the contours of the body and head.

Mark the approximate borders of the dress, draw the arm and chest, outline the hairstyle.

Start drawing facial features, shape the hairstyle, add splendor to the dress, draw the top. Draw flowers in the girl's hands.

Add details to the dress, draw the face and hair. Draw the desired lines with a soft pencil.

Remove guide lines.

How to draw a girl in a dress step by step in full growth

It is not necessary to draw motionless girls. You can portray a girl dancing flamenco. The dancer will have a symmetrical skirt, similar to a layered cake, with her arms raised, one of them behind her head. The girl stands in half a turn, arching.

Will hold thin line of the base of the skirt. Mark the upper part of the skirt above it (its contours resemble a sun hat), connect it with stepped lines to the base. From the skirt draw a curved spine line. Draw a circle for the head and mark the chin on it. Where you plan to draw a face, apply guides. Below the head, draw a circle (chest). Draw the line of the right hand raised up. The left hand peeks out from behind the head. Mark the shoulder and elbow joints with circles. Note the position of the hands.

Outline the contours of the hairstyle, face. Draw a curved back, arms and shoulders, chest, hips. Add a forward leg with a shoe.

Draw contours with a soft pencil, add pleats to the skirt, details to the dress, add splendor to the hair and weave a flower into the hairstyle. Work out the girl's facial features, fingers.

The drawing is almost ready, it remains to add volume with shading. The dress and the inside of the folds of the skirt, the shoe is the darkest part of the picture. The dancer's skirt is slightly lighter. The face and shoulders are shaded with small light strokes. To create an atmosphere of Spanish dance, you can sketch a guitarist in the background.

How to draw a girl in a dress in full growth with a pencil

Such dresses were fashionable in the 19th century (the fashion came from France) Fluffy skirts with ruffles, frills, made of velvet, lace, satin ribbons. And now such an outfit will leave few people indifferent, you can admire it for a very long time.

Outline the contours of the figure and dress. Keep in mind that for the correct proportion of the figure, there should be 8 heads in height.

Draw folds and frills on the skirt, draw the top of the dress, beautiful sleeves ending in lanterns. Draw the lady's hat and hair that sticks out from under it. Draw guide faces.

It is hard to draw a beautiful dress of the last century. There are a lot of frills, folds, lace in the outfit, and all of them need to be pointed, carefully drawn. So be patient.

To give the dress volume, you need to work out the shadows well. Decide where you will have a light source. Draw the shadows from the folds immediately.

Under the folds and flounces are the darkest parts of the pattern. Shuttlecocks should be illuminated so that every fold on them is clearly visible.

There are no buttons on the dress, but a lot of lace, their texture should be clearly visible.

Use a soft pencil to draw the main lines, giving the picture contrast and expressiveness.

Draw the girl's face, hat and hair.

Draw the hands holding the fan. The girl in the old dress is ready. The drawing is complex, it took a lot of effort, but as a result you got a girl in a chic dress of the 19th century.

How to draw a girl in a dress video

Drawing people on paper is not such a simple form of artistic reproduction and requires some training. Let's try to figure it out and learn that with a pencil.

Learning to draw a female figure

Sketching with a pencil is an interesting and always exciting activity. In order to learn how to draw a girl with a pencil, you need to take into account all the proportions of the human body.

Drawing steps:

Face and hands in the image of people

A portrait is a graphic representation of a person, taking into account his individual characteristics, by which he can be easily recognized. This genre is the most difficult in the visual arts.

retaining its inherent individuality? It is very important for the artist to display the eyes and hands in order to convey the similarity with the original. Hands in the sketch play an important role. They help to express joy, sadness, thoughtfulness. They either kneel, or beautifully support the face or fold in any other gesture. Together with the face, the hands convey the state of the person at the time of drawing.

You can draw a portrait from a living person or from a photograph. To simplify your task at the initial stages of learning, it is better to take a finished image for work.

Features of a female portrait

In order to understand how to draw a girl with a pencil, remember that she is characterized by smooth body curves, softer and thinner. Therefore, the drawing should not have sharp and rough lines that are relevant for depicting a male drawing.


Drawing a girl is not easy, but quite exciting. Therefore, in order to understand how to draw a girl with a pencil, it is necessary not only to learn how to convey the resemblance to the original, but also to try to show the character with a smile, expressive eyes and gestures.

Women and men have fundamental differences in body structure. But, in today's world, some women look like men because of their clothes and hairstyles. However, no matter how hard a woman tries to look like a man, we can still recognize her. The main distinguishing feature is the structure of the woman's body - these are wide hips and narrower shoulders (in men, exactly the opposite figures). At drawing a woman in full growth it is worth starting from this basic rule, and the rest of the secrets of construction can be learned from this step-by-step lesson.

Materials and tools:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. First you need to draw a vertical center line with a simple pencil. We leave serifs at the edges of the segment. They will determine the total body height that cannot be exceeded:

Photo 2. We divide the segment in half. Thus, the line is divided into two parts, along which we will later build the body. Next, divide the upper segment in half again, and measure another half from the resulting upper segment. The uppermost segment is the height of the woman's head:

Photo 3. Now you need to outline the location of the shoulders. The shoulder line will be under the head, namely under the second (top) serif. Let's retreat a little down from the head, leaving some room for the neck. Draw the line of the shoulders at an angle, because the woman will stand slightly leaning:

Photo 4. Next, we need to find out the place of the waist and knees. To do this, you need to divide the center line into three parts. To make this easy, we divide the lower half of the center line in half, but the line of the knees will be slightly higher. We measure its height and transfer it to the center line three times, leaving serifs. The result should be three equal parts:

Photo 5. Now we outline the waist line. It will be located on the serif between the first and second half of the divided center line (there are 3 parts in total), and the hips are slightly lower and twice as wide as the waist. We draw the hips and waist at an angle, opposite to the shoulders:

Photo 6. We unite the shoulders and waist along the edges, and from the waist we draw a line to the hips. It is necessary to outline the length of the skirt - it will be equal to two distances from the waist to the hips:

Photo 7. From the shoulders we outline the location of the hands. The left arm will be bent at the elbow and is at waist level, and the right arm will be raised and laid aside:

Photo 8. Now let's draw the legs. Do not forget that the knees should be located at the level of the notch. The right leg will go a little behind the left:

Photo 9. Let's draw the head in the form of an oval, and on it we will "outline" the hair. Most of them will fall to the left side:

Photo 10. Let's draw the hands and give them a shape. The girl will hold her left hand at the waist, and the right hand will be set aside:

Photo 12. With an eraser, we remove the extra lines that were previously needed for construction. Strengthen the contour of the woman's body:

Photo 13. Let's draw the features of the woman's face. We don’t put much emphasis on drawing the face, because our main task is to learn how to draw a woman in full growth, namely the body. You can check out my separate lesson " how to draw a female portrait", where I work out the details of the girl's face in detail:

Photo 14. Set the tone for the hair. Near the bends we make the strokes of the pencil denser:

One of the easiest ways to draw a female figure is to draw taking into account, that is, taking into account certain ratios of the sizes of individual parts of the body to the entire figure. However, for more effective drawing of a female figure, you should get acquainted with the structure of the human skeleton and muscles.

The height of a woman's head is 1/8 of her height.

Consider the most practical, simple and common way of constructing a female figure, which proceeds from the statement that the height of a woman's head is equal to 1/8 of her total height. A similar construction method must be used with one amendment. The height of the head fits in the height of a woman not exactly 8, but 7.5 times. Unlike building a male figure, where the entire height is conditionally divided into 8 equal parts, this takes into account the fact that a woman has one more vertebra and, accordingly, the upper body is slightly larger than the lower.

To start building a female figure with this method, we draw a vertical and divide it into 8 equal parts. We divide the lower eighth into two more hits - at this level the line of the base of the feet will pass. The remaining divisions are distributed as follows:

  • 0 mark - the crown of the head.
  • 1 mark - the lower line of the chin.
  • 2 mark - nipples.
  • 3 mark - waist line, navel.
  • 4 mark - the line of the base of the legs, inguinal region.
  • 8 (7.5) mark - the base of the feet.
The level of the knees will be centered between the 4 mark (base of the legs) and 8 (base of the feet). The height of the face according to this method from the chin to the upper border of the forehead is 3/4 of the height of the head. The length of the hand is equal to the height of the face.

About the female figure

When asked what should be the ideal proportions of a woman, they often say 90x60x90. However, this ideal is very far from reality. It was invented only to standardize clothing collections and took into account, in addition to body circumferences, also height. It is important to note that any attempt to standardize the female figure is not able to cover the entire variety of existing female images. All women are unique. Moreover, in a professional environment, it is believed that a truly beautiful and unique woman is made by her small imbalances, which in their entirety are harmonious. And harmony is beauty.


The female figure in a historical retrospective was less often subjected to an attempt to standardize than the male one. In depicting the female figure, artists and designers often paid attention to the beauty of the overall image. The highest peak of attempts to standardize the female figure occurred in the past and present centuries. This is due to the boom in sales of women's clothing and accessories. It was necessary to standardize female parameters for mass production. Otherwise, when displaying the female body, even professionals often pay attention to the overall figurative beauty of a woman, rather than to the rigid construction of her body, and sometimes completely violating the proportions for the sake of a beautiful line that emphasizes the image.

Step by step learning to draw
female figure

It is better to start drawing a female figure after mastering the drawing of a male figure. This is due to the fact that the skeleton and muscle mass are often better seen on the male figure. This allows you to gradually move from a rigid and detailed drawing to a more figurative one.

The female figure, like the male figure, first needs to learn how to draw from classical statues. Then you can start drawing a female figure from life. It is advisable, as well as in drawing male figures, to draw female figures in the following sequence: standing, sitting, lying.

It is important to sketch female figures from life as much as possible.

The human figure is far from the easiest object to draw. However, by starting to create a drawing with the simplest baselines, you can maintain all proportions and complete a neat and beautiful drawing. Our tips will help you with this.

Preparation for work

So that at any time you can correct the drawing, choose a hard pencil for work. First you will need to draw the body in a sketchy manner. Do this without pressing hard on the lead so as not to scratch the paper. After completing this stage, take a softer pencil to work. Also make sure that the eraser is of good quality - this will easily remove imperfections and at the same time will not leave streaks and stains on the sheet.

We draw the girl's body in stages

To draw the body of a girl in stages, we first determine the position of the figure. Next, we outline the base lines on the basis of which we will build a silhouette.

The simplest thing is to draw the body of a girl standing directly facing you. Having successfully completed this task, you can try to draw a girl standing sideways, sitting on a chair or lying on the beach, for example.

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