Elvira female name meaning of the name. What suits Elvira? True Elvira - bright, truthful, aristocratic

Proud, principled, intractable. The meaning of the name Elvira is rather ambiguous, a complex cocktail of the girl’s character has been causing trouble for her family and friends since childhood. At first glance, calm and balanced, upon close acquaintance - demanding, bold and unpredictable.

You should know that for a child who does not attach importance to the moralizing and authority of his parents, his own hobbies and beliefs will be important. And all because of the conflicting feelings that overcome the soul of a small creature, creating confusion that will have to be fought all his life.

Despite the fact that the upbringing process will be able to correct and direct the restless energy and assertiveness of the baby in the right direction, the bad character will still remind of itself. However, this does not mean that the girl is trying to go against the established rules, just that her priorities are slightly different from those generally recognized.

From an early age, the baby shows leadership qualities and stands up for all the weak, zealously fighting for justice. Those people whom she considers her enemies, the girl will not spare. However, many of the young lady's enemies later become her friends.

Friendships are very important and rather difficult for a girl, her exactingness often leads to conflict. A young lady pays great attention to her surroundings and friends, she can sacrifice a lot for them, while demanding the same from her loved ones.

All her life, Elvira needs to set serious goals for herself and achieve them, the only way a girl can achieve success and prosperity. A woman can devote her life to any one goal (serving God, helping and caring for a person with disabilities) and will follow her calling even though she does not particularly like it.


Romance is rare for girls. This means that not only feelings are important for them, but also common goals and a sense of unity with a partner. The meaning of the name Elvira suggests the propensity of its owner to dominate the family, but if the husband turns out to be weaker than the girl, then such an alliance leads to the collapse of the relationship.

It is very rare for a young lady to have a good relationship with her husband in her first marriage. The second marriage often becomes the last and happy, having learned the negative experience of previous relationships, a young woman tries not to make mistakes made in the past.

The owners of this female name dominate in bed, preferring variety. They feel calm and comfortable with a long absence of intimacy; for them, not only closeness itself is of great importance, but also personal sympathies.

A family

Elvira copes with all household chores excellently. This means that the children are fed, clean and obedient. In raising children, he uses the "carrot and stick" method. Mostly boys are born to women.

However, according to her unusually complex nature, a woman’s relationship with her husband’s relatives does not develop very smoothly. The girl will not attach great importance to criticism and advice from acquaintances, preferring to deal with the situation herself. The interpretation of this name says that a woman will try to maintain order in the family circle and will not allow even her parents to command herself and her household.

With all her abilities, a young girl will not be able to keep her restless energy within the four walls of the house and become a good-natured housewife. With a long occupation with one life, a girl can turn into a "grumpy woman" who will not give life to either her husband or children.

Business and career

A woman can handle almost all the work. In a career, the meaning of the name Elvira suggests that its owner will occupy a fairly high leadership position, but on condition that the girl works closely on her character.

Traits such as bossiness and unwillingness to compromise can do a disservice when moving up the career ladder. And ambition and excessive self-confidence make the young lady susceptible to flattery. She pays great attention to her appearance, which means that flattering words can slightly dull a woman's vigilance.

origin of the name Elvira

It is not known for certain where the name came from. The origin of the name Elvira is based on several assumptions. According to the first, it was formed from a combination of two words of ancient German origin "al" (etymological translation of "everything, everything") "wer" (which means "truth").

The history of the second assumption has German-Scandinavian roots, and is based on a combination of the names of the ancient Elvars, which in ancient times were considered symbols of fertility. Elvira, whose name was formed from the modification of the Arabic name Ilfira ("patriot"), is the third assumption. The etymological translation of Elvira from Latin is light, sunny, ruddy.

Characteristics of the name Elvira

At the first meeting, one gets the impression that a woman has practically no flaws, however, with prolonged communication with her, the negative aspects of her character are also striking. But do not think that the characterization of the name Elvira consists of some shortcomings, like any person, a girl has her pros and cons of character.

Among the pluses, the most dominant are kindness, warmth, self-sacrifice, aesthetics, natural talents for drawing, modeling and forecasting. A huge disadvantage in character is the mental imbalance of a woman, which can affect both family life, health and career.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - agate, beryl, jasper, amber.
  • Zodiac sign - Virgo, Gemini.
  • Name day - July 16, August 21.
  • Color - yellow, orange, purple.
  • Flower - violet, lily.
  • Planet - Sun, Mercury.

Famous people

  • Elvira Ibragimova (1986) is a rising star in the television and film industry. The TV presenter of the rating TV channel of Kazan - "Efir", starred in the film "The Treasure of the Boar Island".
  • Elvira Bolgova (1975) - Russian actress, known for the films "Tests for Real Men" and "Abyss".
  • Elvira Nabiullina (1963) - Russian statesman, economist, Minister of Economic Affairs of the country.

Different languages

The translation of the name Elvira in almost all languages ​​is read as El-vi-ra, with the exception of French (El-vir), Finnish (El-viir) and Italian (El-vi-rina).

In Chinese, Elvira is translated 埃莉维拉 (āilìwéilā), in Japanese it sounds like Makoto (sincerity, truthfulness) or Hino (sunny).

Name Forms

  • Full name is Elvira.
  • A diminutive and abbreviated form - Elya, Ella, Vira, Elyusya, Elunya.
  • Derivatives of the name - Elvirka, Elvirochka. Name options - Ella, Ilvira, Vera, Alla.
  • In the Orthodox calendar, Elvira does not appear. However, you can consult with a priest who will select a name that is consonant or close in meaning and meaning to the child.
  • Name declension: Elvira-Elvira-Elvira.

The one that protects everyone - that's what the name Elvira means in translation from the ancient Germanic language. The female name Elvira is quite attractive in different states. There are several versions of the origin of the name Elvira. The most common version has ancient Germanic roots. In this case, the meaning of the name Elvira is translated as "all-truthful." Another variant of the origin of the name Elvira is the formation from the male Allovera, which translates as “favorable”, “virtuous”, “faithful”. Other linguists suggest that the origin and meaning of the name Elvira is associated with the German-Scandinavian spirits Elvars and elves.

The origin of the name Elvira, according to another version, has Spanish roots. In this case, it translates as "protector" or "preserver". In Muslim families, daughters are often called by this name, translated from Arabic, it means "patriot".


The meaning of the name Elvira for a girl lies in the restlessness and curiosity of the child. This girl likes active entertainment, she will be happy to attend sports sections and dance clubs. The meaning of the name Elvira gives the girl impulsiveness, but she lacks regularity. She may be interested in absolutely any occupation, but not for long. Since the birth of Elvira, which means the name "benevolent" has been endowed with a strong inner core. This baby is quite proud and very proud, it is often difficult for her to contact new people. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the development of such character traits of a girl as generosity, friendliness and kindness. By the meaning of the name Elvira, since childhood, a restless child. She tries to do everything and everything. This girl is of little interest in studying, games with peers, as well as various educational circles, look more entertaining for her.

Elvira Nabiulina

Intractable, principled, proud - this is what the name Elvira means for a child. Fate prepares for the girl an ambiguous and complex character, which also makes relatives and relatives suffer. At first glance, this child seems quiet, calm and balanced. But the more people get to know Elvira, the more they realize that she is unpredictable, brave and demanding. For her, the authority of her parents means almost nothing, she does not listen to their moralizing, her own convictions are more important for her. Throughout his life, from childhood, conflicting feelings struggle in the soul of a child, which cause confusion.

If parents are able to correct the upbringing process in time and find the correct application of the girl’s restless energy and assertiveness, then at times her bad character will still manifest itself. The whole reason is that it does not just go against generally accepted rules, but acts according to its own principles, which differ from established norms. Since childhood, this baby is a leader. She always seeks to protect the weak, to uphold truth and justice to the end. People whom Elvira considers enemies will never wait for mercy from her, but can also easily turn into her friends. For the sake of friends and relatives, she is ready to sacrifice a lot and wants the same reciprocity and dedication from people.

Business and career

By the meaning of the name Elvira, most often the professional activity of such a girl is connected with the spheres of politics, finance or management. Such positive traits as diplomacy and practicality can become a guarantee of success in business, trade, economy and social activities.
By the nature of the meaning of the name Elvira can become an excellent and responsible performer, a hardworking employee. But this is not for long, as her ambition and unwillingness to obey will force her to move further up the career ladder until she herself becomes a leader. Having become the head of Elvira, which means the name "protecting everyone", he turns into a meticulous and demanding leader, prone to tyranny. To please such a leader, you need to fulfill your own duties and assignments with exceptional quality.

In the meaning of the name Elvira there is prudence, practicality, intellectual abilities. They help the girl achieve a good stable financial position. It is on the fine line between economy and greed. The girl is used to carefully planning expenses and saving money, but she does it without fanaticism. She appreciates expensive things of excellent quality. Professions are also suitable for her, where these qualities of hers can be fully revealed. For example, she can become an administrator, accountant, executive assistant, tax inspector or politician. Also, the girl subtly feels the psychology of other people, which will help her to successfully realize herself in teaching.

The meaning of the name Elvira makes business a native element for this woman. In any business-related business, Elvira will be successful.

Personal life

Although the meaning of the name Elvira gives a positive description of the girl in translation, communication with other people is very difficult for her. In communication with friends, she is a patron, incapable of betrayal. At the right time, she can help out with practical advice, support, but her difficult nature jeopardizes any relationship. She always tries to take a leading position in them and often neglects the interests of her partner. But in the house of such a woman, order will always reign, she will be able to clearly distribute responsibilities between family members.

Having entered into marriage, the woman again turns out to be a leader. He approaches the choice of a spouse very seriously, chooses a gentleman for a long time, looks closely at him, determining whether he can get along with her domineering disposition. And a man must match her inner strength and intellectual abilities. It is important that they have common interests. But this partner must also be able to cede the dominant role to her. Family life with Elvira can fluctuate from one extreme to another. One day it's a perfect marriage, and the next it's a living hell. If this girl has strong feelings for the chosen one, then such a marriage can become perfect. But as soon as discontent and indifference appear in this family, the marriage begins to collapse immediately.

Few people know that the name Elvira for a girl means several marriages. The reason for this is the complex principled nature of the girl. It is very difficult to get along with Elvira in everyday life, she is demanding and principled. To create an ideal couple, she should look for a balanced and flexible man. Otherwise, Elvira is an excellent hostess, an excellent mother, but at the same time she is a careerist. It will be difficult for her to choose between family and professional activities. Although a girl strives to marry for love, she does not forget about the calculation. She does not think that with a sweet paradise and in a hut, therefore, she looks closely at wealthy young people who are ready to obey her and indulge her whims.


Adult Elvira is a self-confident woman, sometimes even domineering. The character of the name Elvira endowed this girl with a stormy temperament and diplomatic abilities. She will not be scattered over trifles, showing nervousness. Soberly assesses the situation. If she understands that the scandal will not benefit or harm, then she is able to pull herself together and cope with emotions. By the meaning of the name Elvira is quick-tempered, but for a long time she is not able to harbor resentment towards people. She is quick-witted, she understands perfectly well that all people are not perfect, have their shortcomings, so she does not take offense at them for a long time. This woman is very susceptible to flattery. Therefore, the older he gets, the more he feels his superiority over others. At the same time, people are drawn to her because of the ability to understand them, a subtle sense of humor and the ability to adapt to any life situations.

Mystery of the name

The following astrology is considered the secret of the name Elvira:

  • zodiac constellation - Virgo;
  • patron planet - the Sun;
  • talisman stone - jasper, amber, agate;
  • totem animal - dolphin, peacock;
  • lucky color - orange, brown;
  • suitable plant - cinnamon, violet, mint;
  • auspicious day - Thursday.

The secret of the name Elvira lies in the combination in this girl of iron willpower, determination and determination with femininity and gentleness.


Favorable compatibility of the names Elvira and Sergey, Evgeny, Boris, Alexander, Victor. Unsuccessful compatibility of the name Elvira with Semyon, Oleg, Peter, Pavel, Edward.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Elvira is a detailed description of the origin and features of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Elvira. Elvirka, Elya, Ela, Ella, Elunya, Elyusya, Elyusha, Vira, Elvy, Elva, Alva, Ilya.
Synonyms for the name Elvira. Elvira, Elvira, Ilvira, Alvira, Alvira.
Origin of the name Elvira The name Elvira is Tatar, German.

The name Elvira has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Elvira is of German origin, and here both the translations and the appearance of the name are different. Translated from the ancient German language, Elvira means "all-truthful." Or this name was formed from the male name Alvar, which has various meanings of "favorable, benevolent", "faithful, true, real" or "cautious, vigilant". There is an assumption that the name Elvira appeared from the names of the German-Scandinavian spirits (elves, elvars), which were symbolized by the ancient peoples with fertility.

According to the second version, the name Elvira has Spanish roots and is translated as "protecting, protecting everyone." This name is often used among the Tatars, it has a variety - Ilvira.

Elvira is characterized by such traits as determination and perseverance. Notes of aristocracy are heard in the sound of the name, and from all this it becomes clear that Elvira's character will be imperious and confident.

Elvira has such a quality as leadership. The ability to defend one's point of view and exactingness towards others have been present in Eli since childhood. She has a very violent temperament, which manifests itself in various conflict situations. This woman has a very strong character. She will never allow herself to show nervousness in petty situations. Elvira perfectly understands people, it is almost impossible to deceive her. She is quite diplomatic and knows how to use this quality when communicating with people. In addition, Elvira has an iron will. She is quick-tempered and emotional, but at the same time quickly outgoing.

Her difficulty in understanding with other people does not contribute to a tumultuous career. To achieve good goals in the work of Elvira, it is necessary to pacify her character. But the role of a housewife does not suit her either. Elvira dreams of leading people. Sometimes it seems that she was already born with a well-thought-out plan for her life. Luck and success accompany Ela, but if she is disappointed in herself, then she fails in almost everything.

In friendship, Elvira is also drawn to leadership, she is too proud. But then she will never betray those whom she considers a true friend. With age, dissatisfaction with society is becoming stronger in her, she feels her superiority. Unfortunately, excessive pride makes Elvira too susceptible to flattery. And not very good people can take advantage of this. All negative qualities in communication are smoothed out by Eli due to the ability to respect people, as well as an excellent sense of humor. She is good at adapting to her surroundings. She has equally developed qualities such as objectivity and subjectivity. Elvira throughout her life, feels the need to devote herself to one thing.

Family life for Elvira is either all or nothing. The golden mean is not for her. When Elvira loves, she is ready to put the whole world at the feet of her beloved. But if she is disappointed in her chosen one, then she herself will turn her whole family life into ruins. Living with Elya is not so easy, because there are a lot of masculine traits in her character. Nevertheless, Elvira is able to devote her whole life to her ideal.

Notable people named Elvira

  • Elvira Nabiullina (Russian economist, statesman, Minister of Economic Development of Russia)
  • Elvira Repetto-Trisolini ((1860 - 1922) Italian opera singer (soprano))
  • Elvira Kokorina (ballerina, teacher, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor, Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Classical Dance of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet)
  • Elvira Avakyan (Soviet animator and animation film director)
  • Elvira Danilina (Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Elvira Khasyanova (Russian athlete, performs in synchronized swimming, Olympic champion, multiple world and European champion, winner of the World and European Cup)
  • Elvira Todua (goalkeeper of the Russian women's national football team)
  • Elvira Menendez ((880 - 921) Queen of Galicia from 910, Queen of Leon from 914, first wife of King Ordoño II of León)
  • Elvira Bolgova (Russian actress)
  • Elvira Baryakina (modern writer)
  • Elvira of Castile ((1071 - 1151) illegitimate daughter of the King of Castile Alfonso VI the Brave from the mistress of Jimena Munoz)
  • Elvira Minita Gordon ((b. 1930) was Governor General of Belize from independence in 1981 until 1993. First Commonwealth woman to serve as Governor General)
  • Elvira Ramirez ((c.935 - 975 / c.986) the only daughter of King Ramiro II, in the early years of his nephew, Ramiro III - regent of the kingdom of Leon (966-975))
  • Elvira Arellano ((born 1975) an illegal immigrant of Mexican origin, who gained fame in the North American and Latin American media thanks to a widely deployed campaign against the deportation of illegal immigrants, leading to a break with their children, mostly minors born in the USA, and therefore having legal status)
  • Elvira Popescu ((1894 - 1993) French theater and film actress of Romanian origin)
  • Elvira Notari ((1875 - 1946) Italian film director)
  • Elvira de Hidalgo ((1892 - 1980) Spanish opera singer (coloratura soprano))
  • Elvira Gascon ((1911 - 2000) Spanish artist)
  • Elvira Lindo ((born 1962) Spanish writer and journalist)
  • Elvira Nicolaysen (Norwegian pop singer)
  • Since ancient times, the name Elvira was given to girls who were predicted to have a high social status and financial well-being. Fate is demanding on the bearers of this name - it is necessary to sharpen a strong character in order to find a balance between determination and femininity.

    Pictures with names Elvira

    Girls who are accustomed to industriousness and trained in good manners succeed. The aristocratic roots of the name form a craving for self-education, communication in higher circles and the desire to look perfect in any situation. Elviras delight those around them with inexhaustible optimism and the ability to overcome colossal difficulties with a smile.

    True Elvira - bright, truthful, aristocratic

    The meaning of the name Elvira is determined by historical roots. Legends about the magical people of the "alvs" (elves) permeate Scandinavian and Celtic mythology. Elves are represented in legends as immortal and shining spirits with huge wings. Light elves favorably treat people, protect small children and help those who are in trouble.

    • truthful

    Magical people exalt Truth and Kindness, hate lies and stupidity - the fate of the adult Elvira greatly depends on education and upbringing. It is important to emphasize the moral and aesthetic development of the girl in order to open her access to strong Celtic energies.

    • Faithful

    Among the German peoples, the idea of ​​​​Elvira, as a protector of the weak, was somewhat transformed. A stable image of the Keeper of the Hearth appeared - a faithful wife, trustworthy. German Elvira put the interests of the family above their own, provide their husbands with tremendous support in difficult times, impeccably run the household and cannot imagine life without needlework.

    • fine

    The character of the Spaniard Elvira is distinguished by sophistication of manners, a craving for luxury and the need to rotate in high society. “Shining”, “white”, “blissful” - such epithets in hot Spain could only be awarded to aristocrats who rarely go out into the sun. Such women are destined for an impressive destiny - passionate fans, career growth and travel.

    The origin of the name Elvira is ambiguous, so her character may surprise you with eccentricity. It is important to consider the influence of the historical roots of the name in order to bring out the best features.

    Character Traits - Elvira is impressive

    To name a daughter Elvira means dooming her to a bright future. Depending on the derivative form used, the girl should devote herself to:

    • science or art to comprehend Truth and Beauty;
    • arrangement of the hearth, being realized as a wife and mother;
    • career growth that guarantees high social status and power.

    The meaning of the name Elvira is softened by various derivative forms: Ella, Ellochka, Elya, Vira, Eva. A lot of affectionate derivatives (Elunya, Elvirochka, Elechka, Elunya) help to soften the character of the girl. For example, the abbreviated "Elya" will give the girl a flirtatious and perky character, and the solid "Ella" will make her faithful and strong-willed.

    Such different Elvira - the meanings of the name

    The potential of the name "Elvira" is revealed throughout life. In childhood, her tendency to hermitage manifests itself - girls immerse themselves in the world of books, or find an outlet in contacts with nature. The energy of the first ones should be directed to realization in a career or to develop inherent talents. The second type is closer to family values ​​and love for needlework.

    The meaning of the name Elya is inextricably linked with such features as:

    • decisiveness and courage;
    • perseverance and inspiration;
    • intuition and will;
    • power and aristocracy.

    Want to spoil Elvira? Teach her to be lazy, or encourage excessive feminization. A brilliant fate awaits only harmoniously developed bearers of the name.

    Water grinding stone - Elvira needs to be softened!

    The strong-willed "Ella", as well as the somewhat softened "Elya", is always distinguished by a strong, somewhat violent and quick-tempered character. She is initially attracted to extremes, there is excessive self-confidence, a desire to control everything and rise above the crowd. It is important to smooth out the dominant features with a gentle upbringing, to teach them to take care of others, to show generosity and goodwill.

    From birth, Elvira has shown the features of a real leader - it is easy for a girl to accept the role of a winner, it is pleasant to be in a crowd of fans, to receive awards for achievements. Her fate is largely determined by the quality of manifestation of typical female traits (tenderness, kindness, responsiveness, forgiveness, unconditional love).

    A strong character needs to be cut, otherwise the girl can grow into an imperious but unhappy woman. Elvira is unbearable to be unloved, so from early childhood she should be taught to dress up beautifully, build relationships with the opposite sex and present herself correctly in society.

    Popularity of the Name Elvira

    In the modern world, daughters in wealthy and powerful families are called Elvirs. Often, parents are worthy representations of dynasties in three areas - business, art and education. What the name Elvira means becomes obvious when assessing historical reports - the name has been glorified over the centuries by royalty, outstanding artists (opera singers, ballerinas, writers), teachers and athletes.

    Are you naming your daughter Elvira? Be prepared for pedagogical difficulties - her character can hardly be called easy, but the future will be great!

    Proud, principled, intractable. a rather ambiguous, complex cocktail of the girl’s character has been causing trouble for her family and friends since childhood. At first glance, calm and balanced, upon close acquaintance - demanding, bold and unpredictable.

    Despite the fact that the upbringing process will be able to correct and direct the restless energy and assertiveness of the baby in the right direction, the bad character will still remind of itself.

    However, this does not mean that the girl is trying to go against the established rules, just that her priorities are slightly different from those generally recognized.

    From an early age, the baby shows leadership qualities and stands up for all the weak, zealously fighting for justice. Those people whom she considers her enemies, the girl will not spare. However, many of the young lady's enemies later become her friends.

    Friendships are very important and rather difficult for a girl, her exactingness often leads to conflict. A young lady pays great attention to her surroundings and friends, she can sacrifice a lot for them, while demanding the same from her loved ones.

    All her life, Elvira needs to set serious goals for herself and achieve them, the only way a girl can achieve success and prosperity. A woman can devote her life to any one goal (serving God, helping and caring for a person with disabilities) and will follow her calling even though she does not particularly like it.

    origin of the name Elvira

    It is not known for certain where the name came from. The origin of the name Elvira is based on several assumptions. According to the first, it was formed from a combination of two words of ancient German origin "al" (etymological translation of "everything, everything") "wer" (which means "truth").

    The history of the second assumption has German-Scandinavian roots, and is based on a combination of the names of the ancient Elvars, which in ancient times were considered symbols of fertility.

    Elvira, whose name was formed from the modification of the Arabic name Ilfira ("patriot"), is the third assumption. The etymological translation of Elvira from Latin is light, sunny, ruddy.

    At the first meeting, one gets the impression that a woman has practically no flaws, however, with prolonged communication with her, the negative aspects of her character are also striking.

    But do not think that the characterization of the name Elvira consists of some shortcomings, like any person, a girl has her pros and cons of character.

    Among the pluses, the most dominant are kindness, warmth, self-sacrifice, aesthetics, natural talents for drawing, modeling and forecasting.

    A huge disadvantage in character is the mental imbalance of a woman, which can affect both family life, health and career.

    Elf in the modern world

    The name Elvira allows its owner to be a principled, independent person and good-natured at the same time. Parents and close friends may call her Elya, Eva, Ella or Vira for short.

    Each owner of such a name has a complex character since childhood. Girls grow up principled and not accommodating. These wayward traits are reflected not only in relationships with loved ones, but also in the future, when girls try to build relationships with guys.

    It is common for the girl Elvira to manipulate others, stopping the same attempts in relation to herself. Compromises, persuasions and ultimatums are not suitable for raising girls with that name.

    Therefore, future parents need to look for an individual approach to education from the first years of the baby’s birth if they decide to give her the name Elvira.

    The meaning of the name Elvira suggests that without proper upbringing, girls and girls grow up to be self-centered and a bit selfish. Therefore, the approach to persuading the baby will need to be thought out more than carefully.

    The ambition inherent in Elvira's character does not help her achieve good marks for a school certificate or diploma.

    Maximalism and stubbornness will interfere with her studies and, in particular, in interactions with teachers and lecturers. Regardless of the strong-willed nature, selective qualities will manifest themselves more often than the desire to please someone.

    From a wayward girl, Elvira grows up and turns into a purposeful person who will only do what can truly interest her.

    At a more conscious age, Elvira's character will complement the desire for leadership, which will manifest itself in almost everything. It is worth noting that she can always justify her point of view, thereby puzzling the interlocutor.

    Extremely restrained, the girl Elvira will not allow herself to be nervous because of the little things. Although, in more significant situations, she can flare up and show excessive emotionality. This quality does not particularly affect Elvira's compatibility in friendship and love, as she is quickly outgoing.

    Fate does not deprive girls with that name of friends. In her social circle there will always be a couple of people who will come to the rescue in difficult times.

    The character of the matured Elvira practically does not change. She remains the same strong, purposeful and not accommodating. The lack of desire to pacify your character will create little difficulties on the way to the heights in your career.

    Romance is rare for girls. This means that not only feelings are important for them, but also common goals and a sense of unity with a partner. The meaning of the name Elvira suggests the propensity of its owner to dominate the family, but if the husband turns out to be weaker than the girl, then such an alliance leads to the collapse of the relationship.

    It is very rare for a young lady to have a good relationship with her husband in her first marriage. The second marriage often becomes the last and happy, having learned the negative experience of previous relationships, a young woman tries not to make mistakes made in the past.

    The owners of this female name dominate in bed, preferring variety. They feel calm and comfortable with a long absence of intimacy; for them, not only closeness itself is of great importance, but also personal sympathies.

    A family

    Elvira copes with all household chores excellently. This means that the children are fed, clean and obedient. In raising children, he uses the "carrot and stick" method. Mostly boys are born to women.

    However, according to her unusually complex nature, a woman’s relationship with her husband’s relatives does not develop very smoothly. The girl will not attach great importance to criticism and advice from acquaintances, preferring to deal with the situation herself.

    The interpretation of this name says that a woman will try to maintain order in the family circle and will not allow even her parents to command herself and her household.

    With all her abilities, a young girl will not be able to keep her restless energy within the four walls of the house and become a good-natured housewife. With a long occupation with one life, a girl can turn into a "grumpy woman" who will not give life to either her husband or children.

    The same qualities will not be the best for personal life. The role of a complaisant and humble housewife is clearly not for her. The meaning for the name "Elvira" suggests that it is difficult for such women to build a family. In most cases, this is due to the wayward disposition and the shortcomings characteristic of these girls.

    As for her personal life, here it is also not acceptable for Elvira to look for a “golden mean”, She is unlikely to be able to combine her career and family. Therefore, for her, the family hearth is either everything or nothing.

    The search for a soul mate and the construction of romantic relationships complicate the difficult nature of the girls. But if they truly fall in love, they are ready for a lot. Even pacify your temper and work on shortcomings.

    At the same time, if her chosen one gives rise to doubts, or worse, disappointments, she will make ruins from the family hearth with her own hands. For her, the main thing is that the spouse corresponds to the ideal that she draws in her mind.

    In general, family life with girls whose name is Elvira is not easy. Complicates her character of the owner herself and some masculine features inherent in her.

    Those who are interested in what the name Elvira means for building family relationships need to be prepared for the girl's perseverance. Overshadowing most of the virtues, the desire for leadership will go far to the detriment of the relationship. This quality will be relevant if the chosen one himself gives up the “reins of government”. Having received supremacy in a pair, she will show all her only best qualities.

    Surprisingly, the meaning of this beautiful name Elvira defines her as an excellent hostess. Being loved, she is ready to restrain her restlessness, devoting herself to her husband and children completely.

    Such a woman will become a very strict mother, because the meaning of the name Elvira implies a predominance of male traits in the character. At the same time, it cannot be said that such a woman will be grumpy and demanding without an obvious reason.

    Fortune and fate will be favorable to the girls, whose name is Elvira, if she is calm in stressful situations and when she is defeated. In addition, they should not be disappointed in themselves when the "streak of bad luck" drags on.

    A woman can handle almost all the work. In a career, the meaning of the name Elvira suggests that its owner will occupy a fairly high leadership position, but on condition that the girl works closely on her character.

    Traits such as bossiness and unwillingness to compromise can do a disservice when moving up the career ladder. And ambition and excessive self-confidence make the young lady susceptible to flattery. She pays great attention to her appearance, which means that flattering words can slightly dull a woman's vigilance.

    Mystery of the name

    • Stone - agate, beryl, jasper, amber.
    • Zodiac sign - Virgo, Gemini.
    • Name day - July 16, August 21.
    • Color - yellow, orange, purple.
    • Flower - violet, lily.
    • Planet - Sun, Mercury.

    Famous people

    • Elvira Ibragimova (1986) is a rising star in the television and film industry. The TV presenter of the rating TV channel of Kazan - "Efir", starred in the film "The Treasure of the Boar Island".
    • Elvira Bolgova (1975) - Russian actress, known for the films "Tests for Real Men" and "Abyss".
    • Elvira Nabiullina (1963) - Russian statesman, economist, Minister of Economic Affairs of the country. Read more:

    Name Forms

    • Full name - Elvira.
    • A diminutive and abbreviated form - Elya, Ella, Vira, Elyusya, Elunya.
    • Derivatives of the name - Elvirka, Elvirochka. Name options - Ella, Ilvira, Vera, Alla.
    • In the Orthodox calendar, Elvira does not appear. However, you can consult with a priest who will select a name that is consonant or close in meaning and meaning to the child.
    • Name declension: Elvira-Elvira-Elvira.

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