Anime female names. Japanese female names and their meaning

The cultural values ​​and centuries-old traditions of Japan remain a mystery to us in many ways. As if with a mysterious haze hiding something important from prying eyes, the country of samurai and technogenic civilization is shrouded. Both names and surnames are a curious part of the Japanese language and cultural heritage. They are an integral part of the history of the country and are fraught with many interesting facts. Japanese female names are a separate topic worthy of discussion.

Beautiful Japanese woman

Japanese name base

It is difficult for any representative of the Russian-speaking culture to distinguish a Japanese name from a surname. Therefore, you just need to remember that the Japanese first have a surname, then a personal name without a patronymic. In the land of the rising sun, both boys and girls are named by parents without much difficulty, guided by the dictates of the heart. At the same time, they rely on cultural traditions, as well as on modern trends in word formation. Names for girls often consist of two parts, one of which can be replaced and get a new meaning.

Written in hieroglyphs, Japanese female names are read differently. The sound will depend on how you read it.

The Japanese have another interesting feature. They actively use all kinds of prefixes. It is curious that the prefix is ​​most often applied to their surnames, and the names are generally omitted. The prefix values ​​are:

  • san - the prefix is ​​​​used in combination with the surname for traditionally polite treatment
  • sama - a prefix is ​​added to the surnames when referring to high-ranking officials, members of the government, representatives of the clergy
  • sensei - this prefix sounds after the surname when referring to professionals in any direction; in us, it evokes associations with Japanese films and means an appeal to martial arts masters
  • kun - in combination with the surname, it is used in communication with teenagers and subordinates
  • chan (chan) - this prefix is ​​​​added to a personal name in communication with children, friends or lovers.

It is noteworthy that in Japanese families the following appeals are more often heard: father and mother, daughter and son, younger brother or younger sister, older brother or older sister. By tradition, the prefix -chan (-chan) is added to these addresses.

Female names in Japanese

Eloquence and simplicity are inherent in Japanese surnames and given names. Girls in this amazing country are called abstractly. The beautiful, simple, feminine sound of a female name is interconnected with its meaning: “moon”, “flower”, “bamboo”, “aroma”, “chrysanthemum”, “morning dew”.

Girls' names often contain the following characters: "mi", which means "beauty" (Fumiko, Harumi, Kazumi, Miyuki), or "ko", which means "child" (Yumiko, Asako, Maiko, Takao). Among girls, the character "ko" is not particularly popular, so they often omit it in colloquial speech. Thus, Naoko becomes Naoko, and her friends call her Nao-chan.

Such syllables are also very popular:

  • ah - love
  • ti - mind
  • en - calmness
  • ma is true
  • yu - tenderness

They are added, wishing the girl to acquire these qualities over time.

Another type includes Japanese female names with the presence of hieroglyphs that mean plants or animals. More often than others, a syllable with the meaning "crane" is used. But the "tiger" and "deer" have long gone out of fashion, although their presence means good health. Syllables related to plants are in particular demand:

  • hana means "flower"
  • kiku - chrysanthemum
  • ine - rice
  • momo peach
  • take - bamboo
  • yanagi - willow

Japanese female names with hieroglyphs-numerals are considered quite rare. They are traditionally used in noble families, reflecting the order of birth. Here are some of them: "nana" means the number seven, "go" - five, "mi" - three, "ti" - a thousand.

It happens that hieroglyphs have the meaning of natural phenomena, seasons, time of day, etc. What an extensive list one can make of them! Here are a few examples: "natsu" - summer, "kumo" - a cloud, "asa" - morning.

In Japanese, beautiful names for girls, combined with surnames, sound very poetic. They often mean some natural phenomena, or reflect the features of landscapes or positive qualities of character.

The list of popular names for girls contains those that are now used in famous animated series, historical chronicles, comics.

Parents often turn to specialists to come up with an unusual, beautiful name for their daughter with a melodic sound and a special meaning. An extensive list in modern Japanese names, the use of prefixes and the emergence of new hieroglyphs make it almost impossible - female names are rarely repeated. Interestingly, their parliament changes the list of permitted characters in the spelling of names approximately every five years.

No matter how beautiful Japanese female names are, they often choose not classic Japanese, but exotic foreign ones for their language, for example: Anna, Emiri, Maria, Rina, Rena, etc.

It is interesting

When marrying, a Japanese woman takes her husband's surname. In rare cases, it happens the other way around, a man takes the name of his wife if she is from a very noble family. In their traditions there is no such thing as a double surname.

In the Middle Ages, women did not have surnames at all. It was believed that they simply did not need them, because the girls were not heirs. In aristocratic families, girls were often called so that at the end they sounded the syllable "hame", which in Japanese means "princess". Samurai wives were addressed by their husband's surname and rank, and their personal names ended in "-gozen". The nobility and the monastic class bore names with the ending "in".

Examples of Popular Japanese Names for Women

Names are perhaps the most difficult part of the Japanese language. It is almost impossible to list all of them. According to statistics, the most popular in recent years are:

Ai - indigo, love

Ika - a song about love

Aiko is a child of love

Aimi - I love beauty

Akane - bright red

Akemi - bright beauty

Aki - autumn, bright, spark

Akiko - child of autumn

Akira - clear

Amaterasu - goddess of the sun

Aoi - blue, mallow

Arisu - Alice

Asami - morning beauty

Asuka - the flavor of tomorrow

Atsuko is a kind child

Avaron - the island of apples

Aya - colorful, design

Ayaka - flower petals

Ayame - iris flower

Ayano is my color

Ayumi - walking, walking

Azumi - safe living

Jun - obedient

Junko is an obedient child

Izumi - fountain

Kaori - the scent of weaving

Kaoru - fragrance

Kasumi - mist

Katsumi - victory of beauty

Kazue - branch, first blessing

Kazuko - harmonious

Kazumi - harmonious beauty

Kiku - chrysanthemum

Keen - gold

Kiyomi - pure beauty

Kohaku - amber

Kou - happiness

Mayi - dance

Makoto - sincerity

Mana is love

Manami - gentle beauty

Masami - elegant beauty

Megumi - blessing

Michi - way

Midori - green

Minori - truth

Mitsuko - radiant child

Mizuki - beautiful moon

Momo - peach

Moriko - forest child

Naoki - obedient tree

Naomi - first of all

Ran - lily, orchid

Rika is a meaningful fragrance

Ren - water lily

Fumiko is a child of cherished beauty

Haru - spring, sun

Harumi - spring beauty

Hikaru - shine

Hoshi is a star

Chi - wisdom

Chow - butterfly

Shika - gentle deer

Shinju is a gem

Amy is a beautiful blessing

Etsuko is a joyful child

Yasu - calm

Yayoi - Spring

Transliteration of the Japanese language causes a lot of talk and controversy. Therefore, there are many discrepancies in the translations of names. Having become acquainted with the basics of the formation of female names in the Land of the Rising Sun, one can not only study their language more deeply, but be imbued with the philosophy of this mysterious people.

Do you know Japanese names and their meanings? What names are popular in Japan today? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Japanese given names these days tend to include a family name (surname) followed by a personal name. This practice is common in East and Southeast Asia, including in Korean, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese and other cultures.

Name comparison

  • Akayo is an intelligent man;
  • Aki - bright, autumn;
  • Akio is a charmer;
  • Akira - clear, brilliant;
  • Akihiko is a colorful prince;
  • Akihiro - spectacular, learned, smart;
  • Areta - the newest;
  • Goro is the fifth son;
  • Jero is the tenth son;
  • Jun - obedient;
  • Daisuke is a great helper;
  • Izamu - daring, warrior;
  • Isao - merit, honor;
  • Iori - addiction;
  • Yoshieki - true glory, spectacular luck;
  • Ichiro is the first heir;
  • Kayoshi - calm;
  • Ken is healthy and strong;
  • Kero is the ninth son;
  • Kichiro is a lucky son;
  • Katsu - triumph;
  • Makoto - true;
  • Mitseru - complete;
  • Memoru is a protector;
  • Naoki is an honest tree;
  • Nobu - faith;
  • Norio is a man of principles;
  • Ozemu - autocrat;
  • Rio is magnificent;
  • Raiden - thunder and lightning;
  • Ryuu is a dragon;
  • Seiji - warning, second (son);
  • Suzumu - progressive;
  • Takayuki - noble, filial happiness;
  • Teruo is a flamboyant person;
  • Toshi - emergency;
  • Temotsu - protecting, full;
  • Tetsuo - dragon man;
  • Tetsuya is the dragon one transforms into (and possesses his longevity and wisdom);
  • Fumayo is an academic, literary child;
  • Hideo is a luxury person;
  • Hizoka - saved;
  • Hiroki - rich fun, strength;
  • Hechiro is the eighth son;
  • Shin - true;
  • Shoichi - correct;
  • Yukayo is a happy person;
  • Yuki - grace, snow;
  • Yuudei is a great hero;
  • Yasuhiro - rich honesty;
  • Yasushi - honest, peaceful.

Beautiful names of men in Japan are usually divided into two types: single-component and multi-component. The composition of names with one element includes a verb, as a result of which the name has an ending - for example, Mamoru (intercessor). Or an adjective with an ending - si, for example, Hiroshi (spacious).

Sometimes you can find names with one sign that have an on-reading. Names made up of a pair of hieroglyphs usually indicate the masculine principle. For example: son, warrior, man, husband, courageous and so on. Each of these indicators has its own ending.

In the structure of such names, there is usually a hieroglyph that reveals what reading the name should be read. There are also names consisting of three elements. In this episode, the indicator will be two-link. For example, "eldest son", "youngest son" and so on. It is rare to find a person with a three-link name and a one-component indicator. Infrequently, there are names that contain four components, written in Japanese alphabet, and not in hieroglyphs.

Name Shizuka

The Japanese name meaning "dragon" is popular with locals and foreigners alike. What is the name Shizuka? Interpretation of this name: quiet. The meanings of the letters in this name are as follows:

  • Ш - developed intuition, impulsiveness, ambition, diligence, independence.
  • And - intelligence, emotionality, kindness, pessimism, uncertainty, creative inclinations.
  • Z - independence, developed intuition, intelligence, diligence, pessimism, secrecy.
  • U - kindness, developed intuition, sincerity, creative inclinations, spirituality, optimism.
  • K - developed intuition, ambition, impulsiveness, practicality, kindness, sincerity.
  • A - selfishness, activity, creative inclinations, impulsiveness, ambition, sincerity.

The number of the name Shizuka is 7. It hides in itself the ability to direct abilities into the world of philosophy or art, into religious activity, the sphere of science. But the results of the activities of people with this name largely depend on a deep analysis of already accomplished victories and on the true planning of their own future. Knowing other people, they often turn into leaders and teachers of the highest class. But if they are engaged in commercial or financial affairs, then here they themselves will need someone's help.

The planet named Shizuka is Mercury, the element is cold dry air, the sign of the zodiac is Virgo and Gemini. The color of this name is changeable, colorful, mixed, day - Wednesday, metals - bismuth, mercury, semiconductors, minerals - agate, emerald, topaz, porphyry, rock crystal, glass, sardonyx, plants - parsley, basil, celery, walnut tree, valerian , animals - weasel, monkey, fox, parrot, stork, thrush, nightingale, ibis, lark, flying fish.

The Japanese give their children names according to tradition. As a rule, the family name (that is, the surname) comes first, and then the personal name of the person. This is a fairly common practice in East Asia. Exactly on the same principle, the names and surnames of the Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai peoples are built. The Japanese population does not have a patronymic, there is only a surname and a first name, and the Japanese imperial family does not have a surname at all, only first names. Very often, Japanese girls' names are created independently from existing signs, which is why there are a lot of unique female names in the country. At the same time, Japanese names for girls differ from male names mainly in components and structure. At the moment, the country has a list of Japanese names from which you can choose a name suitable for your child.

How are Japanese names formed? The keyword in the name can be a seasonal phenomenon, a shade of color, a gem. Also, parents may wish that the newborn child becomes strong, wise, and for this they use the hieroglyphs of strength and wisdom. Recently, it has become popular to name a child by the euphony of names, that is, if the desired name has a pleasant sound, then the parents determine the hieroglyphs with which they will write this name. In addition, in Japan it is customary to name children after celebrities, however, as in all nations of the world. Children can be given the names of heroes of historical chronicles, pop stars, and even heroes of TV shows.

Lists of Japanese girl names:

Aneko - older sister

Kaede - maple leaf

Rin - surly

Amaya - night rain

Kameko - baby turtle

Rei - gratitude

AI - love

Kita - north

Rai - truth

Akina - spring flower

Kiku - chrysanthemum

Reiko - Gratitude

Azarni - thistle flower

Kumiko - forever beautiful

Rini - little bunny

Arahsi - storm, whirlwind

Kagami - mirror

Riko - jasmine child

Akiko - autumn child

Kiyoko - purity

Ran - water lily

Akane - sparkling red

Kyoko - mirror

Ruri - emerald

Kohaku - amber

Ren - water lily

Aki - born in autumn

Kazuko is a cheerful child

Suzu - bell

Ayame - iris

Leiko - arrogant

Sorano - heavenly

Asuka - the scent of tomorrow

Masa - straight

Sayuri - little lily

Akako - red

Maeko - honest child

Anda - met in the field

Mizuki - beautiful moon

Satu - sugar

Anzu - apricot

Mura - rustic

Sumi - cleansed

Akemi - dazzlingly beautiful

Mai - bright

Sango - coral

Aiko - beloved child

mika - new moon

Shizuka - quiet

Chikako - child of wisdom

Miki - stalk

Shika - deer

Chizu - a thousand storks

Maemi - sincere smile

Suzume - sparrow

Chinatsu - thousand years

Matsu - pine

Sachi - happiness

Chika - wisdom

Miya - three arrows

Sakura - cherry flowers

Chiyo - eternity

Momoko - peach child

Sachiko - child of happiness

Cho - butterfly

Miyako - March's beautiful baby

Suki - favorite

Dai - great

Misaki - the flowering of beauty

Etsu - delightful, charming

Mariko - child of truth

Suma - asking

Etsuko is an adorable child

Machi - ten thousand years

Shina - worthy

Fujita - field, meadow

Moriko - child of the forest

Tomiko - child of wealth

Gin - silver

Marise - endless

Tani is a child from the valley

Hanako - flower child

Michi - fair

Taura - many rivers

Hide - prolific

Manami - the beauty of love

Tamiko - child of abundance

haruka - distant

Mitsuko - child of light

Taka - noble

Hoshi - star

Minako is a beautiful child

Takako - tall child

Hikaru - light, shining

Mine - brave protector

Toshi - mirror image

Hiroko - generous

Midori - green

Tora - tigress

Hitomi - doubly beautiful

Michiko - beautiful and wise

Tama - gem

Hotaru - firefly

Michie - gracefully dangling flower

Takara - treasure

Haruko - spring

Machiko - lucky child

Tsuyu - morning dew

Hana - flower

Tsukiko - child of the moon

Izumi - fountain

Nikki - two trees

Toya - house door

Ishi - stone

Umeko - child of plum blossoms

Isami - courage

Nyoko - gem

Usagi - rabbit

Ima is a gift

Naomi - above all beauty

Ume - plum blossom

Izanami - attracting

Natsuko - summer baby

Yoshiko - perfect

Junko - pure child

nori - law

Yuko - kind child

Kasumi - mist

Naoko - obedient child

Yuri - lily

Kyoko is a happy child

Nami - wave

Yumi - like an onion

Kohana - small flower

Nana - apple

Yumiko - child of the arrow

Kotone - the sound of a koto

Nozomi - hope

Yuriko - child of a lily

Kei - respectful

Natsumi - beautiful summer

Yoshi - perfection

Namiko - child of the waves

Yumako - Yuma's baby

Kichi - lucky

Nariko - sissy

Yoko - child of the sun

kuri - chestnut

Noriko - child of the law

Yachi - eight thousand

Kimiko - child of noble blood

Oki - middle of the ocean

Yukiko - snow child

Keiko - adorable

Orino - peasant meadow

The modern Japanese name in its composition follows the tradition characteristic of Chinese, Korean and a number of other cultures. According to this tradition, a Japanese name consists of a family name or surname followed by a personal name. Names in Japan are most often written in kanji, which have different pronunciations in different cases.

All modern Japanese have a single surname and a single given name; they do not have a patronymic. The only exception is the imperial family, whose members have only a first name without a surname.

The Japanese pronounce and write their last name and first name in reverse order than is customary in the West. The surname comes first, then the given name. However, in Western languages, Japanese names are written in the order familiar to Europeans - the surname follows the given name.

Often Japanese names are created independently from existing characters. As a result, this country has a large number of unique, non-recurring names. More traditional are surnames, which by their origin often belong to toponyms. Thus, there are more names in Japanese than surnames. The difference between female and male names is expressed in the use of component names characteristic of each species and their structure. It should be noted that reading Japanese names is perhaps the most difficult element in the Japanese language.

Transcription of Japanese names

Most often, in other languages ​​that use the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet, Japanese names are written according to their transcription, as well as ordinary Japanese text, according to the rules of a particular system - for example, romaji, the Polivanov system. Not less common is the recording of Japanese names in non-standard transliteration, for example, instead of “si”, “shi” is used, and instead of “ji”, “ji”, which is explained by an attempt to transliterate from the Latin spelling of the name according to the romaji system. For example, the name and surname Honjou Shizuka by Russian-speaking readers in most cases is read as Honjo "at Shizu" ka, and not Honjou Shizuka.

In Latin and Cyrillic transcription, Japanese names most often go in the usual order for Europeans - first the first name, then the surname, i.e. Yamada Taro is usually written as Tarou Yamada. This order is found in news feeds, magazines and journalistic publications. Less commonly, the Japanese spelling order is used, but in this case, the surname in Latin spelling is written in full capital letters. The Japanese traditional order of indicating the surname and name can be found in professional linguistic publications.

Sometimes you can find the Latin spelling of the name using standard Latin abbreviations of the name to the initial. Vowels in Japanese have different lengths, which may be shown in transliteration in a spelling way (for example, Tarou Yamada), or may not be shown at all (for example, Taro Yamada). In Cyrillic writing, vowel length is usually not shown. The exception is educational publications, where the length of vowels is shown in brackets after writing in hieroglyphs and is indicated by a colon.

In Japanese, the relationship of interlocutors to each other is expressed by a suffix that is added after the name. So, san is typical for respectful neutral communication, kun is used in a conversation between two men, a classmate or work colleagues of equal rank, and tyan is an analogue of diminutive suffixes in Russian. The last suffix is ​​usually used in close acquaintance, when referring to girls or children.

Most Japanese refer to each other by their last names. Only in the circle of friends and good acquaintances is it possible to address by name without a suffix, in other cases such an appeal will be considered familiar.

As mentioned above, the choice of a name in Japan is not limited by anything, names can be created from any hieroglyphs allowed for this. Of course, many Japanese use popular names that take into account certain traditions.

Female Japanese names

Most Japanese names are easy to read and write, but there is a trend among parents to choose characters with unusual spellings or readings. It is for this reason that a large number of interpretations of both the meaning and reading of Japanese names have appeared. This trend has been actively manifested since the end of the 20th century.

This phenomenon was especially active in women's names. It is for this reason that the popularity of a particular female name is not as stable as that of a male one. For the past 20 years, Misaki and Sakura have continued to stay in the top 10, but they have been squeezed out by names such as Hina, Aoi, Rin and Yui, who have not been in the top five most popular female names in the last 100 years.

Japanese girl names have a clear and understandable meaning and are easy to read. Most of the female names are composed of the main component and the indicator, although there are names that do not have an indicative component. Depending on the value of the main component, it can be divided into several types.

  • Many female names fall into the group of names with an abstract meaning. These names are based on components meaning "love", "calm", "tenderness" and others. Such names are given as a wish to possess certain qualities in the future (Kiyoko, Michi).
  • The next group of names are names that have animal or plant components in their composition. In the past, girls were often given similar names. It was believed to promote health. However, today the fashion for names with animal components has passed. Only the component denoting "crane" is still popular. And the hieroglyphs associated with the world of flora do not go out of fashion to this day. Very often you can find names with components denoting "chrysanthemum" or "bamboo" (Sakura, Hana, Kiku).
  • It is very rare to find names with numerals that take their roots in the ancient tradition of naming girls from noble families in order of birth (Nanami, Anko).
  • You can also find names that have in their composition a component with the meaning of seasons, time of day, etc. (Yuki, Kasuma)
  • Fashion for foreign names (Anna, Maria and others).

Beautiful Japanese names. The greatest changes have occurred among female names. New characters and hieroglyphs were added to record the name, the view on the general use of female names changed - more European-sounding names began to appear that resemble European names, although they are traditionally written in hieroglyphs and compiled according to traditional Japanese traditions. Examples would be the names - Naomi, Mika, Yuna.

At present, beautiful Japanese names contain less and less animal or plant components, and more and more often they began to use abstract concepts and desirable meanings of good qualities, future success (Haruto, Hina, Yuna, Yamato, Sora, Yua). Although the name Sakura does not leave the top ten most popular female names, the female name Aoi (mallow) and the male name Ren (lotus) are firmly in the top five.

The previously common name component with the ending “-ko”, which literally means “child”, has become considered unfashionable, out of date, therefore it is used less and less, although it has not completely lost its position (Asako, Yumiko, Takako).

Male Japanese names

Male names are incredibly difficult to read. It is in them that non-standard readings of nanori and rare readings are used, sometimes some components change in a non-standard way. So, the names Kaoru, Shigekazu and Kungoro have the same hieroglyph in their composition, but in each individual name it is read differently. Also, the same component of yoshi names, which is very common in Japan, can be written with 104 different characters or their combinations. It happens that only its bearer can read the name correctly.

Often one-component names come from verbs or adjectives. For example, Kaoru comes from the verb “to smell sweet”, and Hiroshi comes from the adjective “wide”. Male names that include two hieroglyphs use the hieroglyph denoting the male name as the second hieroglyph, showing also the way the name is read. Three-component names have a similar two-component index (Katsumi, Macao, Naoki, Sora).

Time does not stand still, and modern trends have made their own adjustments. Now, among male names, traditional ones continue to prevail, but now they have different reading options. Popular male names in 2005 were such names as Sho, Shota, Hikaru, Tsubasa, Yamato, Takumi and various variations of the name Hiroto.

The traditional male name Hiroto now has alternative readings and "romanized" transcriptions. In the Russian version of pronunciation and recording, these are as if completely different and not at all close, not similar names, because it's all about recording the hieroglyph and voicing it. Modern twins for the name Hiroto - Haruto, Yamato, Daito, Taiga, Sora, Taito, Masato, all of them are used in modern times along with their progenitor.

Most often, male names are divided into the following groups, but these are only the most basic ones.

  • The name contains the "-ro" component, which is interpreted as "son" (Ichiro, Shiro, Saburo). But also this part of the name is assigned the meaning of “light”, “clear”, which can add various shades to the meaning of the name.
  • The "-to" component is considered masculine and is very rare among female names. Means either "person" (Yuto, Kaito), or "fly", "soar" (Hiroto).
  • The "-dai" component means "big, great". Used only in male names (Dai, Daichi, Daisuke, Daiki).
  • Desirable names are popular, in which the boy is credited with masculine features, future successes and a wonderful life (Takeshi, Niboru, Ken).
  • Traditional Japanese names are related to natural phenomena, seasons, natural materials (Kita, Montaro, Kohaku, Akiyama).

List of Japanese names with descriptions

List of Japanese names with meanings

Ai (Ai) - love

Ayaka - colorful flower

Aiko - beloved child

Aina (Aina) - loving

Akemi - dazzlingly beautiful

Aki (Aki) - born in autumn

Akiko (Akiko) - autumn child

Akira (Akira) - smart, quick-witted

Akihito - bright, friendly

Akiyama - autumn mountain

Amaya (night rain)

Ami (Ami) - beautiful Asian

Amida is the Japanese name for Buddha Amitabha.

Anzu - apricot

Anko (Aneko) - older sister

Aoi (Aoi) - pink mallow

Arisu (Arisu) - noble (Japanese analogue of the name Alice)

Atsuko (Azuko) - a kind child

Ayame - iris

Ayana - beautiful sounding

Bachiko - happy child

Botan (Botan) - long life, longevity

Gin / Gin (Gin) - silver

Goro - fifth son

Daiki - great tree, great radiance

Daisuke - great help

Izumi - fountain

Ima (Ima) - now

Isamu - peppy

Itsu (Etsu) - delightful, charming

Ichiro (Ichiro) - the first son

Ishi - stone

Yoko (Yuko) - bright / sunny child

Yori - trustworthy

Yoshi - reeds

Kagami - mirror

Kazuko (Kazuko) - a harmonious child

Kazuo - man of the world

Kaze - wind

Kazuki - hope for the world

Kazuya (Kazuya) - harmonious, cheerful

Kaito (Kaito) - elusive

Kameko (Turtle child) (symbol of longevity)

Kana - diligent

Kano (Kano) - male power, opportunity

Kasumi (Kasumi) - haze, fog

Katashi (hardness)

Katsu (Katsu) - victory

Katsuo (Katsuo) - victorious child

Katsuro - victorious son

Keiko - blessed child, happy child

Ken (Ken) - strong, healthy

Kenji - strong second son

Kenshin - the heart of the sword

Kenta (Kenta) - healthy and bold

Kiyoko - purity

Kiyoshi (quiet)

Kiku (Kiku) - chrysanthemum

Kimiko (child of noble blood)

Kin - gold

Cinema (Kino) - air, forest

Kita (North)

Kichiro (Kichiro) - a lucky son

Koko (Koko) - stork

Koto (Koto) - the name of the national musical instrument of the Japanese - "koto", melodic

Kohaku - amber

Kohana - small flower

Kumiko - forever beautiful

Kuri - chestnut

Mai (Mai) - bright, leaf, dance

Maiko (Maeko) - an honest child

Makoto (Makoto) - sincere, true, truthful

Mami (Mami) - true beauty

Mamoru - earth, protector

Manami - the beauty of love

Marise - infinity

Matsuo - pine

Maemi (sincere smile)

Midori - green

Mika - first sound, three trees

Mina (Mina) - beauty

Mira (Mirai) - treasure

Misaki - flowering of beauty, beautiful flowering

Miu (Miu) - a beautiful feather

Mizuki - beautiful moon

Mitsuko - child of light

Michi (Michi) - fair, road

Miya (Miya) - three arrows

Montaro - mountains

Momoko (Peach Child)

Nami (Nami) - wave

Nana (Nana) - apple, seven

Nanami - seven seas

Naoki - straight tree

Naoko - obedient child, honest child

Naomi (Naomi) - beautiful

Nara - oak

Nariko - sissy, thunder

Natsuko - summer child

Natsumi - beautiful summer

Niboru - famous, rising

Nikki - new hope

Nori (Nori) - law, ceremony, rite

Nyoko - gemstone

Oki (Oki) - the middle of the ocean

Osamu (observant of the law)

Reiko - grateful child, thanksgiving child

Renzo - third son

Ryo (remote reality)

Ryota - obese, fat

Riko - child of jasmine, child of reason

Riku (Riku) - land, land

Rin (Rin) - unfriendly, cold

Rini (Rini) - little bunny

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive influence on the character, aura and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, improves health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how do you pick the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are poetic interpretations in culture of what female names mean, in reality, the influence of the name on each girl is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, making it difficult for the baby to form. Attempts to use astrology are no longer applicable, astrology and numerology of choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate through the ages.

Christmas calendars, holy people, without consulting a seeing, perspicacious specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

Lists of popular, happy, beautiful, melodic female names - in fact, generalizations, and completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child.

Beautiful and modern Japanese names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features of the name, negative features of the name, choice of profession by name, the impact of the name on business, the impact of the name on health, the psychology of the name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of the character, energy structure, task for life and kind of a particular child.

Name compatibility topic(and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns inside out on the interactions of different people the internal mechanisms of the influence of the name on the state of its carrier. And it cancels the entire psyche, the unconscious, energy and behavior of people. It reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

Meaning of the name does not give a full effect, this is only a small part of the effect. For example, Ai (love) does not mean that the girl will be happy in family life, and carriers of other names are unhappy. The name can weaken her health, block her heart center and she will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another girl to solve problems for love or family, it will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third girl may not bring any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics. And the same name. But fates are different.

The most popular Japanese names for girls are also misleading. 95% of girls are called names that do not make life easier. You can only focus on the innate character of the child, spiritual vision and the wisdom of a specialist. And experience, experience and once again the experience of understanding what is happening.

The secret of the female name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of a name. And if this name destroys the child, then there would be no beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and aggravation of fate.

Below is a list of Japanese names. Try to choose a few, the most suitable in your opinion for the child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate, .

List of female Japanese names in alphabetical order:

Azumi is a safe place to live
Azemi - thistle flower
Ai - love
Ayano - the color of silk
Akemi - bright beauty
Aki - autumn, bright
Akiko - autumn child or smart child
Akira - bright, clear, dawn
Akane - shiny, red
Amaterezu - bright in the sky
Amaya - evening rain
Aoi - blue
Arizou - noble appearance
Asuka - fragrance
Asemi - morning beauty
Atsuko is a hardworking, warm child
Aya - colorful or woven silk
Ayaka - colorful flower, fragrant summer
Ayako is an academic kid
Ayam - iris

Banquo is a literary child

Janko is a pure child
Jun - obedient

Zhina - silver

Izumi - fountain
Izanami - a woman who invites
Yoko - ocean child, confident child
Yoshi - fragrant branch, good bay
Yoshiko - fragrant, good, noble child
Yoshshi - good

Kam - turtle (symbol of long life)
Kayao - beautiful generation, increase generation
Keiko is a happy, respectful child
Kay - respectful
Kiku - chrysanthemum
Kimi is an abbreviation for names beginning with "Kimi"
Kimiko - beautiful child of history, dear child, ruling child
Keen - golden
Kyoko is a child of the capital
Cotone - the sound of a harp
Koheku - amber
Kumiko is a beautiful, long-lived child
Kaed - maple
Kezu - branch, blessed, harmonious
Kazuko is a harmonious child
Kazumi - harmonious beauty
Kemeyo - turtle (symbol of long life)
Kemeko - turtle (symbol of long life)
Keori - fragrance
Kaoru - fragrance
Katsumi - victorious beauty

Marie - beloved
Megumi - blessed
Miwa - beautiful harmony, three rings
Midori - green
Mizuki is a beautiful moon
Mizeki - flower of beauty
Miyoko is a beautiful child of the generation, the third child of the generation
Mika - the first sound
Miki - a beautiful tree, three trees
Miko is a beautiful child of blessing
Minori - a beautiful harbor, a village of beautiful areas
Mineko is a beautiful child
Mitsuko - full child (blessings), bright child
Miho - a beautiful bay
Michi - trail
Michiko - a child on the right path, a thousand beauties of a child
Miyuki - beautiful happiness
Miyako is a beautiful baby in March
Mommo - peach
Momo - a hundred blessings, a hundred rivers
Momoko is the child of the peach
Moriko - forest child
Madoka - calm
Mezumi - increased beauty, true purity
Matheko - fix, control the child
Mazemy - correct, graceful beauty
May - dance
Meiko - child's dance
Mayumi - true bow, true absorbed beauty
Mackie - true report, tree
Maine is true
Manami - the beauty of love
Mariko is the true reason baby
Mesa is an abbreviation for names beginning with "Masa"

Nana - seven
Naoki - an honest tree
Naomi - beauty first
Nobuko is a devoted child
Nori is an abbreviation for names beginning with "Nori"
Noriko is a child of principles
Neo - honest
Neoko is an honest child
Netsuko is a summer child
Netsumi - summer beauty

Ran - water lily
Reiko - a beautiful, courteous child
Ray - polite
Ren - water lily
Rika - rated fragrance
Riko is a jasmine child
Ryoko is a good child

Sake - cape
Setsuko is a temperate child
Sora - sky
Suzu - call
Susumu - progressive
Suzyum - sparrow
Sumiko - a clear, thinking child, a pure child
Sayeri - small lily
Sakera - cherry blossom
Sekiko - blooming child, earlier child
Sengo - coral
Sechiko is a happy child

Teruko is a bright child
Tomiko - the child who kept beauty
Tomoko is a friendly, wise child
Toshi - emergency
Toshiko is a child of many years, a priceless child
Tsukiko - moon child
Takeko - tall, noble child
Tekera - treasure
Tamiko - child of abundance

Uzeji - rabbit
Umeko - Plum Blossom Child
Ume-elv - plum blossom

Fuji - wisteria
Fumiko - a child who kept beauty

Hana - favorite or flower
Hideko is a luxurious child
Hizeko is a long-lived child
Hikeri - light or shining
Hikeru - light or bright
Hiro - widespread
Hiroko is a generous child
Hiromi is a widespread beauty
Hitomi - the name is usually given to girls with especially beautiful eyes
Hoteru - firefly, lightning bug
Hoshi is a star
Haneko - loafer
Heruka - far away
Heruki - springtime tree
Heruko - child of springtime
Harumi - the beauty of springtime

Chi - wisdom, a thousand blessings
Chiio - a thousand generations
Chiyoko is a child of a thousand generations
Chica - wisdom
Chico is a wise child, a thousand blessings of a child
Chikako - child of wisdom
Chinatsu - a thousand years
Chiheru - one thousand springs
Chiesa - morning repeated a thousand times
Cho is a butterfly

Shayori — bookmark, guide
Shig is an abbreviation for names beginning with "Shij"
Shigeko is an exuberant child
Shizuka - quiet
Shizuko - soothe the child
Shika - gentle deer
Shinju is a gem

Eiko - a long-lived child, a luxurious child
Eika - love song
Eiko is a beloved child, a child of love
Aimee - the beauty of love
Eyumi - walk
Amy - smile
Emiko - smiling child
Eri is a lucky prize
Etsuko is a joyful child

Yuka - fragrant, friendly blossom
Yuki - happiness, snow
Yukiko - a child of snow or a happy child
Yuko is a helpful, superior child
Yumi - bow, useful beauty
Yumiko is a beautiful, useful child
Yuri - lily
Yuriko - lily's child, dear child

Yayoi - Spring
Yasu - calm
Yasuko - an honest child, a peaceful child

Fate is character. Character is corrected, including through thoughts. The main idea is the name. The name lays changes in the character. Then character changes fate and future. Since all people are different, any generalizations that ignore the individuality of a person are incorrect.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

We will analyze your name - find out right now the meaning of the name in the fate of the child! Write to whatsapp, telegram, viber +7926 697 00 47

Name neurosemiotics
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

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