Chanson women. Chanson: listen or download in MP3 for free online at without registration Chanson performers list of popular men

"Chanson" (French chanson) is a French word that translates as "song". Later in France, the vocal genre, lyrical works, songs, the text of which is a story told to the music, began to be called this way. The list of chanson performers is headed by the legendary Edith Piaf and her talented student, the current king of French chanson -

Russian chanson

In our country today, chanson is understood as songs written by bards - songwriters. This genre will combine several musical directions: urban romance, thieves, émigré, military and bard songs, which are united under the common name “Russian chanson”. The beginning of the nineties of the last century can be considered the origin of Russian chanson, or rather, its revival. Prior to this, the term “chanson” was understood exclusively as a French musical genre. Russian first chanson singers tried to imitate the French. The list of chanson performers of the Soviet period consists of such singers as Leonid Utyosov, Alexander Vertinsky, Claudia Shulzhenko and others. However, after the collapse of the USSR, “chanson” began to be understood mainly as “spiritual” songs about life in the “zone”, which were stated in the first person - song performer. Often he was identified with the hero of the story, which was the basis for the text of this thug song. For sharpness, the lyrics contained thieves' jargon, and the song was performed with the obligatory hoarseness. Mikhail Krug - the performer of the famous song "Vladimirsky Central" - has never been to "remote places", but fans of the genre saw him as their hero. These songs were especially popular with the “new Russians”, not only men, but also women. The heroes of these songs aroused the admiration of many representatives of the weaker sex, seeming to them the embodiment of sexuality and masculinity. Songs of this genre have become widespread not only in Russia, but also spread all over the list of chanson performers consisted of bards, for example, Alexander Rosenbaum, whose songs are performed by many singers of this genre, for example Mikhail Shufutinsky, as well as guitarists. In the Soviet Union, songs of these genres were played in cafes and restaurants, but their broadcast on television was excluded. After the collapse of the USSR, they began to appear even in the charts on television and radio, and later radio and TV channels of the same name appeared. Russian chanson today has reached such a level of development that since 2001, the awarding of the “Chanson of the Year” award has been organized annually.

List of Russian chanson performers (groups and solo performers)


  • Belomorkanal.
  • "Lumberjack".
  • "Thieves".
  • "Ace of the Cross".
  • "Lotsman".
  • "Butyrka".
  • "Five Years".
  • "Odessians" and others.


  • Alexander Dyumin.
  • Alexander Rosenbaum.
  • Michael Krug.
  • Mikhail Shufutinsky.
  • Eyyub Yagubov.
  • Serey Nagovitsyn.
  • Alexander Novikov.
  • Willy Tokarev.
  • Mikhail Sheleg.
  • Valery Shunt.
  • Alexander Marshal.
  • Konstantin Belyaev.
  • Ivan Kuchin.
  • Gennady Zharov.
  • Nike Borzov.
  • Stas Mikhailov.
  • Zhek.

List of female chanson singers

Speaking of chanson, we first of all imagine a courageous singer, wise by experience and life circumstances. Indeed, many of the singers included in the are men, but there are also many women in this genre who are considered excellent performers of "soulful" songs. These performances often became the winners of the charts. Surely, many people remember such famous songs as “Cabriolet” and “Carousel” by Lyubov Uspenskaya. Other singers included in the list of chanson performers are Vika Tsyganova, Katya Ogonyok, Elena Vaenga and others.

Are you planning to celebrate an anniversary, wedding or other holiday? Do you want to do it in a big way? Invite popular chanson performers (women) and your holiday will be unforgettable. Since 2008, Big City Agency has been providing a large selection of pop artists, and also offers event management services. Order a real traditional chanson, which is similar to the one that comes from France. The musicians are ready to sing their most popular verses for you and make the celebration unforgettable.

Female chanson performers (list)

A French pop song in the cabaret style is a definition that describes real chanson as a genre. Not only men, but also women work and create in this style. Singers whose voices at one time received public recognition and became at the origins of female chanson. They became famous all over the world thanks to their beautiful voices, lyrics full of meaning and charisma, which not every artist is endowed with. French chanson performers (women):

  • Mireille Mathieu is a famous French singer whose recordings have sold 133 million albums.
  • Patricia Kaas is a very popular chansonnier all over the world, including in Russia, as well as in the countries of the former USSR.
  • Lara Fabian is a French-speaking singer, the owner of a reference lyric soprano, and critics call him "angelic".

Thanks to the performers (women) of the French chanson, this genre fell in love with many people of different generations. The listed singers are reference in their genre. But the domestic is worthy of respect. Bright representatives of Russian chanson are Anya Vorobey, Alena Skok, Vika Tsyganova, Ilona Krasavtseva, Inna Razumikhina. You can order any singer to sing her best hits for you and your guests.

What does Big City offer?

Chanson and pop song have a very fuzzy border, perhaps this creates some kind of separate genre. For more than 10 years we have been working on the creation of celebrations and the embodiment of the most original fantasies of our clients. More than a thousand events created by us remained in the memory of the heroes of the occasion and their guests. Which singers we offer to order:

  • chanson performers (women and men);
  • foreign and domestic pop singers;
  • rock groups and individual performers;
  • DJs, pop musicians, electro and artists of other genres.

Chanson won the hearts of millions of fans around the world. From French, the word is translated as a pop song in the style of Cabaret. Currently, chanson has become an independent style of musical performance. It includes urban romance, thieves, pop and bard songs. In our country, the musical genre appeared in the 90s. Most famous performers began their careers at this time. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Chanson of the Year award was presented for the first time. Since then, it has been held every year. In this article, you will learn about the top 20 chanson performers.

1. Vladimir Vysotsky

The idol of millions of people, the singer and songwriter has achieved incredible popularity in our country and beyond. Vladimir Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in the capital of Russia. The singer wrote the first song in the 8th grade. Throughout his life, 7 records and one huge disc were released, on which 15 records of songs fit. He was popular during his lifetime and after his death. The last performance of Vladimir took place in 1980, in the capital of Russia.

2. Mikhail Krug

Being alive, Mikhail Krug was considered the "King of Chanson". His compositions remain the best in the "Chanson" genre in our time. The future singer was born on April 7, 1962. Mikhail's compositions are so penetrating and sincere that they touched the souls of the most diverse segments of the population. In 1998, Mikhail Krug received the Ovation and Russian Chanson awards. Each released album was in the lead in the Russian chanson charts. Such hits enjoyed the greatest success: “Golden Domes”, “Girl-Pie”, “Kolshchik”, “Come to My House”.

3. Stas Mikhailov

People's pop singer, who has become a favorite of millions of women, an honored artist of the country and a multiple winner of the Chanson of the Year awards. Stas Mikhailov is included in the list of the highest paid domestic singers in Forbes magazine. He was born on April 27, 1969 in Georgia, in the family of a pilot and a nurse. He first showed his talents at the age of 15, performing a song by Yuri Antonov at the competition. At the age of 20, Stas decided to conquer the capital of Russia. Gradually received a prize at the Star Storm festival. But real success came to him in 2004 after the release of the song "Without You".

4. Irina Krug

The wife of the "King of Chanson" Mikhail Krug has achieved no less success in this field. The future singer worked as a waitress, where the then-famous Chansonnier noticed her. He offered her to work for him as a costume designer, voicing an impressive salary. But the girl refused to go because she had a little daughter from her first husband. A few years later, Mikhail and Irina tied the knot. A year later, their son Alexander was born. But the happiness of the family was short-lived. A popular singer was killed in his own home. After the death of her husband, Irina decided to record several songs. So her first album was released, which was rated at the Chanson of the Year award.

5. Alexey Bryantsev

A famous singer in the chanson genre, who became popular in a short period of time. His velvety baritone reminds many of the famous chansonnier. Alexey was born on February 19, 1984 in the city of Voronezh. As a child, he was fond of music, so he successfully graduated from a music school. Alexey was helped to achieve success in the stellar sphere by his distant relative and namesake producer. He also wrote the first song for him. The first popularity came after a duet with Irina Krug. The songs of these two chanson stars have led the charts more than once.

6. Zheka

Another very popular singer in the chanson genre, performing under the stage name Zheka. Yevgeny Grigoriev was born in Belarus on October 14, 1966. Music for Zheka as a child was a favorite pastime. He receives a musical education. The first album was released in 2001 and it was called "Pine-Cedars". Success is achieved by Zheka in collaboration with producer Oleg Shvedov-Turanov. The first performance of the singer took place at a concert in memory of Sergei Nagovitsyn. The most successful songs are “Pine-cedars”, “I am like an autumn leaf”.

7. Viktor Korolev

Viktor Korolev was born in the Irkutsk region in 1961. At the age of 20 he graduated from a music school. After returning from the army, he studied at the Shchepkin Theater Institute. Upon graduation, he began acting in films. The first steps in his pop career began to take in 1991. A year later, he received a diploma from the Golden Deer festival. Popular songs of the artist: "Cursed Love", "Drunken Cherry", "White Lilac".

8. Sergey Nagovitsyn

The domestic songwriter and singer was born on July 22, 1968 in the Urals. Musical abilities manifested themselves from a young age. His idols were the best representatives of the chanson of that time. While still in the army, Sergei began to compose poetry. Nagovitsyn's first successful album was called "Full Moon". After that, the performer was noticed by Moscow producers and offered a contract. A few years later, the next album, entitled "City Meetings", appeared on sale. The most popular songs of Nagovitsyn: "Broken Fate", "White Snow" and "Lost Land".

9. Sergey Trofimov

Sergey was born on November 4, 1966 in the capital of the country. The well-known performer released his first collection, Garbage Aristocracy 1, in 1995. Later, 4 more albums-continuations of the first were released. Sergey Trofimov received a special award in the nomination "Best Chanson Lyrics". Chansonnier writes music and poetry not only for himself, but also for other performers such as Nikolai Noskov, Karolina, Vakhtang Kikabidze.

10. Elena Vaenga

A popular pop singer of the present time, who conquered her fans not only with a strong voice, but also with soulful lyrics. They say that Elena wrote more than 800 songs. The singer's work has been appreciated by many modern awards and prizes. The most popular are such compositions: "Chopin", "Airport", "Taiga", "Absinthe".

11. Mikhail Shufutinsky

People's Artist of the Russian Federation, pop singer, musician and winner of the Chanson of the Year awards. Mikhail was born on April 13, 1948 in the capital. He received the main music award for such songs: “Nakolochka”, “Alenka”, “Moscow-Vladivostok”, “Soul hurts”, “For lovely ladies!”, “Kruchina”.

12. Vorovaiki

A popular female chanson group founded by composer Yuri Almazov. The thieves' songs and scandalous image brought fame to the group. The group was founded in 1999. At the same time, their first album was released. Now Diana Terkulova, Larisa Nadyktova and Yana Pavlova are participating in the team. Their songs are especially popular at corporate parties of oligarchs.

13. Lyubov Uspenskaya

Domestic and foreign performer of Russian chanson, who received many music awards. The future singer was born on February 24, 1954 in the capital of Ukraine in the family of a director and a nurse. Uspenskaya's first music album was released in 1985. The singer became the winner of awards for compositions: "To the only tender", "Marusya", "Sky", "Wind" and many others.

14. Alexander Novikov

Famous domestic singer in the style of urban romance. Over the entire period of creativity, he wrote more than 400 songs. His best hits were “Remember, Girl?”, “Cab”, “Street Beauty”. The performer is a multiple winner of the Chanson of the Year and Ovation awards.

15. Sergei Lubavin

Author and performer of songs in the genre of romantic chanson. Chansonnier with a gentle touching timbre won the hearts of many fans across the country. Sergei Lyubavin is a multiple participant in the festival "Oh, Razgulyai!". He became the laureate of the "Chanson of the Year" award for the songs "Flower", "Tenderness", "Vladi", "Betrothed".

16. Logging

A popular musical group founded in the 90s by Mikhail Tanich and Sergey Korzhukov. Mikhail Tanich wrote all the songs for the group. Music for them was written by Sergey Korzhukov. Over the course of their career, the band has released more than 20 albums. Basically, compositions are performed with guitar, accordion, drum. After the group's mastermind died, his wife replaced him. Mikhail Tanich wrote poetry for Lesopoval's songs until his death. One of the band's most famous songs is "I'll Buy You a House".

17. Denis Maidanov

Songwriter, performer, actor and music producer. He was born on February 17, 1976 in Balakovo. Became popular after the release of the first album. Denis composes songs for many popular singers and films. Repeatedly received the awards "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone", "Chanson of the Year".

18. Butyrka

The most popular modern group in the style of chanson. It was founded in 2001 by producer Alexander Abramov. The first songs were an incredible success. The team became the winner of the "Worthy Song 2002" award. It involves Alexander Goloshchapov, Yuri Akimov and Dmitry Volkov.

19. Katya Ogonyok

The performer of Russian chanson was born on May 17, 1977 in the Krasnodar Territory. Over the entire career, 20 albums have been released. The latter was released after the death of the singer. Her real name is Christina Pozharskaya. At one time she performed with the Lesopoval team. She owes her success to the work of producer Vyacheslav Klimenkov, who selected soulful songs for her, which became very popular. Katya Ogonyok's first album is "White Taiga".

20. Alexander Kalyanov

The singer, composer, sound engineer, and producer was born on August 26, 1947 in the Bryansk region. The first musical work developed with Alexander with the group "Six Young". At one time, the group was noticed by Vladimir Vysotsky, who offered them a joint program. The first own album was released in 1984 under the name Fresh smell of lindens. The real success came after participating in the Christmas meetings.”

Chanson is an interesting, original and meaningful genre. At the same time, it is easy to perceive, and the music is light and filled with poetic content. As a separate genre, it appeared in the 19th century, and went back to the work of medieval minstrels. Order modern chanson performers (from the list) on our website and the event will stand out and be remembered for a long time by all those present. It is now simple and inexpensive to invite artists, contrary to popular belief to the contrary. Big City Agency offers a large database of artists who can be ordered inexpensively for your event. Order your favorite artist from the list of the best chanson performers on our website.

Chanson - genres of Russian music

Russian chanson is a collective concept, which includes hard labor, thieves' songs, urban romances, military, emigrant, and also some pop songs. All these genres are the source of domestic chanson, the way modern people hear it. Such songs, like the Negro blues, were originally dedicated to the plight of an involuntary people and their desire for freedom. Bright representatives of this song:

  1. Butyrka is a team founded in 2001. They conduct their creative activities in Russia, as well as abroad.
  2. Lesopoval is a group created in 1990 by Mikhail Tanich, who spent 6 years in prison in the post-war years.

This is not the whole list of famous chanson performers, but the brightest representatives of the thug song genre, whose compositions are covered in karaoke. From our database of popular artists, you can choose those who will light the audience and charge any event with drive and make the audience have fun.

List of male chanson performers

The biographies of many performers of Russian chanson are not quite simple, as it may seem, therefore their work is sincere and meaningful. What they sing about may be a special case, or it may describe some global problem. List of popular chanson performers (men):

  1. Mikhail Shufutinsky - singer, pianist, producer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Winner of the "Chanson of the Year" awards.
  2. Nikita Dzhigurda is a popular film director, screenwriter, actor, and songwriter who is known for his outrageous behavior.
  3. Alexander Rosembaum is a poet, Russian singer, composer and Honored Artist of Russia.

By inviting famous artists to your holiday, you make it original and unique. Now it is fashionable to invite pop stars to private parties, because it is already difficult to surprise your guests with anything else. The concert and holiday agency offers its services in organizing and creating holidays. You can also order artists from us at a low price.

Chanson performers of the 90s

Chanson as a genre has no equal, and we will talk about thieves, robbery compositions, but also about the author's song, which echoes the blues, touching the strings of the human soul. Urban romance - that's what they call chanson, which is not surprising. The wide variety of the genre has secured fans in different circles of people. Alexander Rosenbaum, Denis Berezhnoy, Dmitry Poltoratsky are famous chanson performers, you can order them for your event. The list of Russian chanson performers of the 90s can be continued indefinitely, choose those musicians whose music you like, and we will take care of all the worries. Big City Concert Agency provides a large database of artists, they can sing their best compositions especially for you and your guests. A wedding, birthday, corporate party or anniversary of the company is an excellent occasion to invite Russian chanson performers of the 80-90s to the holiday (you can see the list on our website).

List of 80s chanson performers

The traditional melodies of Russian chanson originated in the 19th century. One of the brightest representatives of Russian chanson as a genre was Leonid Utyosov. Songs from chansonnier authors are not just music, the lyrics are filled with meaning. You can dance under them, think about life, its meaning, great value, which many of us underestimate. Lesopoval, Igor Slutsky, Viktor Petlyura, Alexander Novikov are iconic names in Russian thieves' songs. Some of them knew the hardship of life in places not so remote, because they lived during the times of severe Stalinist repressions. Now the freedom of creativity gives great horizons, so you can order famous chanson performers of the 80s to perform at your event without any restrictions.

Popular Russian chanson performers of the 90s: list

Butyrka, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Vili Tokarev, Fedya Karmanov are widely known representatives of chanson - street romance, thieves' song. You can invite your favorite performers to the circle of your holiday, thereby making your guests happy, leaving wonderful memories in their hearts for a long time.

We have a large base of artists at our disposal, we work directly with all of them. Thanks to this, we offer a good price, as well as high quality of the services provided. In addition to famous chanson performers of the 80s, you can order celebrities who work in other musical genres - pop, rock, disco.

How to organize a holiday

Turning to the agency "Big City", you can not think about organizational issues, as well as preparation for the event. We will think over everything, bring your fantasies to life, so that the guests or visitors of the celebration are satisfied, and you do not waste time and nerves. To organize an event, order chanson performers of the 80s, call the number or leave your details on the website. A free manager will contact you, he will help you with the selection of musicians or an entertainment program.

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