Blackcurrant jelly. Blackcurrant jelly without cooking (4 recipes)

Currant jelly, which we will prepare for the winter according to this simple recipe, turns out to be very tasty, transparent, keeps its shape perfectly and freezes already at room temperature. This sweet preparation of berries should appeal not only to blackcurrant lovers, but also to all sweet tooth.

Due to the high content of pectin in blackcurrant berries, the jelly keeps its shape perfectly - it contains only berries, a little water and granulated sugar. Such a dessert will be a wonderful addition to pancakes and pancakes, complement the taste and emphasize the tenderness of cheesecakes, cottage cheese casseroles and other home-cooked dishes.


Cooking step by step with photos:

We sort out the blackcurrant, remove it from the branches, wash and dry it. The weight of the berries (1.5 kilograms) is indicated in the already prepared form.

Now, with the help of a pusher or directly with our hands, we crush the berries so that they release the juice better and faster. Of course, you can pierce the currants with a submersible blender, but personally I don’t advise you to do this - then it will be difficult to squeeze out the pulp, which will clog the gauze. If desired, you can chop the berries in a food processor with a metal knife attachment - in this case there will be no homogeneity, and it is not needed.

We put the berries with water on medium heat and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. From the moment of boiling, cook the currants for 5-7 minutes. This is enough for the berries to release their juice and soften the skin.

The next step in preparing currant jelly for the winter is the most time-consuming. You need to get juice and it is important to do this before the berry mass has had time to cool completely (then the currant begins to gel). While still hot, pour part of the berry base into a sieve covered with 2 layers of gauze, not forgetting to put some container down. For the first few minutes, currant juice will drain quite actively, and then it will stop. Help him with a spoon, gently stirring the contents.

And then you will need to squeeze out the thick juice from the blackcurrant with your hands. Do this in such a way as not to burn your hands, that is, wait until the berry mass becomes not very hot.

The result is a little over 1 liter of berry juice. Do not throw away the wet cake that remains - this is the basis for homemade compote, jelly, jelly, wine.

We pour granulated sugar - it needs exactly as much as the juice turned out. In my case, 1 kilogram.

We put on medium heat and, stirring, bring the contents to a boil. In the process of gentle bubbling, a dense foam will form on the surface - remove it and transfer it to a separate bowl (then with tea or pancakes - very tasty). From the moment of boiling, cook the future currant jelly for 5-7 minutes.

It remains to pour the future jelly into jars. According to this recipe, you will need 3 jars (500 milliliters each), that is, in total, you will get 1.5 liters of berry preparation. My favorite thing is to sterilize the jars in the microwave, and boil the lids on the stove (5 minutes after boiling is enough). We wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 milliliters of cold water into each. We steam them in the microwave at the highest power for 10 minutes (the time is indicated immediately for 3 jars). Drain the water and pour thick berry syrup into empty hot jars.

Blackcurrant jelly has long been considered one of our favorite vitamin desserts. I learned the first recipe for the winter from my grandmother, when neither gelatin nor other thickeners were added to the blanks, and there were no slow cookers, everything was cooked on the stove in a large basin. There was always a sea of ​​​​berries, they only had time to roll up the banks. And after all, everything was eaten, the delicacy was more accessible than sweets.

Housewives with children like to cook blackcurrant jelly. Luminous jelly beautifully laid out on a plate everyone immediately wants to try. Cooking it is not at all difficult, it is not necessary to add thickeners, because currants have enough of their natural pectin. And it also has the whole group of vitamins that really help us out in the winter.

How to make blackcurrant jelly

Of course, a big plus is that there are a lot of pectins in the berry and it gels itself. But it's hard to give up its juice. Therefore, you always have to tinker with the berry. But the result always justifies our labor costs.

To separate the juice, they use different methods, stew the berries, rub them through a sieve, grind them in a food processor or pass through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice with a juicer. Any method has the right to exist, you need to choose the one that is more convenient for you. Let's look at recipes with different juicing methods.

Blackcurrant jelly, recipes

For this type of preparation, you can take a slightly unripe berry, the juice from it gels better and the result is stable.

Traditional currant jelly recipe

You will have to calculate the ingredients in the preparation process, it is not so difficult

We will need:

  • Black currant
  • A glass of water for every kilogram of berries
  • Sugar, 500 grams per liter of juice

How will we cook:

First we sort and wash the berries. In this case, I don’t cut off the tails, anyway, they will remain together with the cake. I put the washed berry in a colander, shake it a little so that the excess water is glassed faster.

After that, the berry must be weighed to find out how many glasses of water to pour. We pour everything into a bowl or where we will cook and fill the berry with water. It must be boiled, boiled for about ten minutes, so that the berries burst, the juice flows out.

Then I rub the berry in portions into a stainless steel pan, where the jelly will be boiled. You can do this with a wooden spoon or spatula. The amount of juice also needs to be measured in order to know how much sugar to fill. I measured it by eye in advance, pouring water into the pan with liter jars.

We introduce sugar little by little, in portions into the already hot juice, continuing to heat until everything boils, you need to cook at a low temperature and stir all the time so that the sugar dissolves evenly. I boil the jelly by a third of the total volume, by the way, so that evaporation goes faster, it is better to take a wide and low pan.

The whole boiling process takes about an hour. Then I immediately pour hot jelly into jars and roll it up. jars should be sterile and dry, preferably warm. Then they do not need to be turned over and generally touched while the gelling process is in progress.

I found a good use for the cake left over from the berry. I lay it out on a baking sheet and dry it, then store it in a glass jar. In winter, it makes an excellent fragrant tea.

Blackcurrant jelly recipe - five minutes

Simple recipe and always works. It takes very little time, sometimes I make jelly using only this recipe.

For him you need:

  • A kilo of berries
  • 0.3 kg sugar
  • Half glass of water

How to make jelly:

I sort out the berries and wash them well, pouring them into a colander, under the tap. Then I pour it into a cauldron or saucepan, pour water into it, start heating it very slowly so that the berry gives off the juice, it takes about 15 minutes.

Blackcurrant jelly through a meat grinder

For him you need:

  • Liter of squeezed juice
  • 0.45 grams of sugar

How to cook:

I sort out the berries, leave the tails, sometimes even twigs, there's nothing to worry about. I pass through a meat grinder. It turns out a thick mass, the bones and skins still come out, the juice is very difficult to separate. I pour the mass into a wide basin, add a little water there. If there was a five-liter bucket of berries, then you need a glass of water.

Slowly heat the mixture, then let it boil for ten minutes. During this time, the juice will already separate well. After that, it remains only to squeeze everything through cheesecloth, I put it in 4 layers. I pour sugar into the resulting juice, cook over medium heat until a thick film begins to collect on the surface, which means the jelly is ready and it's time to pour it into jars.

Raw blackcurrant jelly

Yes, I do this. In this case, all vitamins are perfectly preserved. Only here it is necessary to observe special sterility, pour boiling water over all objects that will come into contact with the berry. The berry itself needs to be sorted very well, tear off the tails and choose overripe ones, as they provoke fermentation.

For this you will need:

  • Liter of juice
  • Half a kilo of sugar

How to make raw jelly:

In this case, the juice is separated through a juicer, if there are seeds, then you still need to pass it through cheesecloth, which must be boiled.

Next, grind the sugar into powder using a coffee grinder. You can fall asleep whole, but it will take longer to dissolve. Add the powder to the juice, start heating until everything is completely dissolved. We do not bring to a boil and immediately pour into sterile jars. I keep this jam in the fridge.

Blackcurrant jelly, my favorite recipe

Summer is a wonderful time of the year when there is a wonderful opportunity to taste delicious and healthy berries in order to stock up on vitamins for the long winter. There is no equal in this, which is considered a real storehouse of vitamin C. It copes well with both banal colds and insidious ones. To keep the properties of this berry unchanged, you will need a recipe for blackcurrant jelly, which can be closed for the winter. It will come in handy if your family members are already tired of the classic jam, but the state of their immune system leaves much to be desired.

Blackcurrant jelly "Five minutes"


  • water - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • blackcurrant - 1 kg.


Sort the currants and remove unripe and rotten berries, as well as twigs and leaves, then wash them and let them dry. Pour water into an enameled pan or basin, add sugar, mix well and quickly bring to a boil over high heat. Throw the currants into the sugar syrup that has just boiled (it is advisable to immerse it in boiling water before cooking and then pour it into a colander so that the berries do not wrinkle), mix, wait for the boil and boil for no longer than 5 minutes over low heat. Then immediately pour the still hot jelly into well-sterilized jars and close them with lids. This recipe for blackcurrant jelly is suitable for busy housewives, for whom every minute is valuable.

If you want to give this dish a special exquisite taste, gelatin is indispensable. It is he who will give this blank a gelatinous shape for the winter. Therefore, if you still don’t know exactly how to make blackcurrant jelly so that even children are delighted with it, we advise you to try this method.


  • blackcurrant - 500 g;
  • gelatin - 70 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 300 g.


Put the gelatin in a bowl and cover it with cold boiled water for half an hour. Sort the berries, place them in a colander and rinse well under running water. Pour boiling water over the currants, rub well with a wooden pestle and carefully squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

Pour boiling water over the rest of the berries, boil and strain through a sieve. Throw away the swollen gelatin there. Place the decoction of berries on the stove again, add gelatin and sugar and bring to a boil with continuous stirring. Wait for cooling, pour in the squeezed juice, mix thoroughly, pour the jelly into a sterilized jar, close it and send it to the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, dip the jar in hot water for a few seconds, pull it out, wipe it and store it at a normal temperature of about 20 degrees.

Blackcurrant jelly without cooking

It has long been known that boiling destroys vitamins. Therefore, if it is important for you to maintain good health, such a preparation for the winter will turn out to be a real lifesaver for you.


  • blackcurrant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


Grind the washed dry berries in an enameled container with a wooden pestle. Then wipe the currants through a colander and grind in a meat grinder, gradually adding sugar in the process. After that, pass the mixture through the blender again and place it in sterile, well-dried glass jars, which are covered with parchment paper or any lids. Store jelly in a cool place with low humidity. Similarly, you can make jelly from black and red currants. It usually turns out so tasty that you just lick your fingers.

Blackcurrant jelly without gelatin

This is a very tasty and natural substitute for artificial sweets that you can offer your children to boost their immune system.


  • blackcurrant - 10 glasses;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 cups for every 2.5 cups of currant juice.


Sort and rinse the currants in a colander, pour into a saucepan and remember with a crush, add water there and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Wait until it boils and keep on low heat for about 10 minutes.

Cover the colander with cheesecloth and place on the pan. To get juice, place the mixture of berries in a colander, cover with cling film and leave to stand overnight. Then again gently squeeze the currants into the pan with your hands. Pour sugar into the juice and wait for it to boil again. When a slightly noticeable film forms on the surface of the berry mass, which wrinkles when pressed, remove the jelly from the heat and pour into carefully sterilized jars, which are immediately rolled up.

Red and black currant jelly is a delicious dessert that creates a festive mood. Jelly is prepared quickly and not at all difficult. The hardest part of this recipe is waiting for the jelly to harden. For the preparation of berry jelly, you can use fresh, or, as in this case, frozen berries. It is not necessary to defrost currants in advance. Properly frozen currant berries can be stored for a long time, and at the same time without losing their useful qualities at all. Black currant is the leader among other berries in terms of useful properties. Black currant is rich in vitamins, microelements, essential oils, acids, phytoncides and tannins. There are a lot of vitamins C, P, A, iron, potassium, iodine in red currant berries. In a word, a decoction of currant berries for making jelly will be very useful.

Recipe for red and black currant jelly with gelatin

Berry Jelly Ingredients:

  • Berries of black and red currants - two glasses;
  • Drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • Gelatin - 2.5 large spoons;
  • Half an apple;
  • Frozen strawberries - 10 pieces;
  • Sugar - to taste.

How to make frozen red and black currant jelly

The preparation of jelly will begin with the preparation of gelatin. To do this, simply pour gelatin with boiled water and leave for 25-30 minutes.

For jelly, half a glass of frozen red currant is used. You don't need to defrost it.

And a glass and a half of blackcurrant.

Pour currants into a saucepan and fill them with water.

Boil the berries until soft, then rub through a metal sieve so that the seeds and skins do not get into the jelly, and add sugar to the broth.

After half an hour, warm the gelatin on the stove, but do not boil. Then pour it to the berry broth, straining through a strainer. Mix gelatin with berry broth.

Place a few frozen strawberries in bowls.

Then a few apple slices.

Pour mixture into creamers.

Cover the bowls with lids and refrigerate to set. After a few hours, the currant jelly will harden. A very pleasant, berry dessert is ready. Moderately sweet, with a slight sourness, and most importantly, healthy berry jelly will delight you and your loved ones.

Enjoy your meal.

I really love blackcurrant jelly, the bushes of which adorn my garden plot. If currants grow in the garden, then his mistress has a passion for culinary preparations. So it is, I know and share the best recipes.

I remember in my early childhood for these healing black berries, my mother and I went to the Okhansky fruit nursery and bought berries in buckets. And yet, my brother and I picked wild currants along the banks of the Yug River. And now, beauty, the bushes are growing on my site and soon there will be a picking of berries.

I like to pick berries and make jelly-like jam out of them. It is delicious, my favorite and very useful. The recipe is similar to making jelly

How to make blackcurrant jelly for the winter

High-quality jelly has a natural color, characteristic of the black color of currant berries. This recipe uses the cooking method.

Cooking steps:

1. We start preparing the recipe by preparing sugar and berries in a 1:1 ratio. We take a blender and grind the berries.

2. It turned out a homogeneous crushed mass, into which we pour sugar.

3. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice per 1 kg of berries.

4. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and pour the mass into a cooking container.

5. First, put on a strong fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Then reduce the fire and cook for 15 minutes. The fire should be minimal, otherwise the currant mass will burn. We stir constantly and do not leave the stove.

6. After 15 minutes, turn off the gas and let the mass cool down.

7. Put blackcurrant jelly in jars.

8. We twist with an iron lid and put it in the cellar.

0. We put the remaining product of our creativity in a vase and drink tea with pleasure.

Blackcurrant jelly without stones and without sterilization

Now we will prepare a delicious jelly-like product from blackcurrant juice. We put it on fire only so that the mass warms up and the sugar dissolves. We will not boil and cook.

Cooking method:

1. 2 kg of peeled and washed currants are harvested in a cup. For this number of berries we will use 600 g of sugar. The product will turn out not very sweet, but with sourness. If you want it sweeter, add more sugar.

2. Grind the berries with a blender or meat grinder.

3. The next step is to separate the bones and skins from the juice. To do this, you can use a regular sieve, as an example.

4. In our actions we will use a nylon curtain with a mesh.

5. We put on a rubber glove on our hand, for convenience, and squeeze the placed berry mass into the fabric.

6. And here it is - squeezed fresh blackcurrant juice. Pour sugar into it and mix.

7. Put the pan on the fire, heat it up and stir thoroughly until the sugar dissolves. So, the mass has warmed up and the sugar has melted, turn off the fire.

8. Let the berry mass stand for a while and put it in jars. Close with lids. Ready.

Jelly turned out about 2 liters. It should only be stored in the refrigerator. On storage, it becomes thicker.

Video on how to make jelly jam with currant berries

Check out the classic recipe for jelly-like jam, which results in a thick, beautiful jelly with berries.

Now you have looked at the most popular recipe that has existed for a long time and is inherited.

Raw currant jelly without cooking

Fresh berries contain a lot of vitamins, which is why they are called raw. Sometimes this method is called as pureed currants with sugar for the winter.


1. Using scissors, we remove dried flowers from each berry. You can choose not to do this (optional).

2. Place the berries in a colander, put it in a container and pour boiling water. Keep it like this for 1.5-2 minutes.

3. Then drain the water and grind the berries with a blender.

4. Grind the berries with a blender until smooth.

5. Then pour sugar in the ratio of 1 kg of berries, take 1.5 kg of sugar and again work with a blender. Some housewives adhere to the ratio: 1.2 kg of sugar is taken for 1 kg of berries.

6. Additionally, mix with a spatula, check for the absence of grains of sugar and that's it - blackcurrant jelly is ready.

7. We fill the prepared jars with a jelly-like product.

8. We tilt the jar of jelly and make sure that it is thick.

9. Close the filled jars with lids.

Bon appetit and delicious!

Preparing raspberry and blackcurrant jelly

Look at the recipe for my favorite preparation, when raspberries and currants are in one jar. With this method, pectin substances are preserved. Berry jelly is prepared without cooking and sterilization.

We will need:

Cooking process:

1. Blackcurrant berries (1.5 kg) need to be sorted out, washed and dried on a towel. Since the presence of water contributes to the souring of the workpiece.

2. Raspberry berries (2.5 kg) are also sorted out, remove worms and rotten fruits, remove garbage. Raspberries do not need to be washed.

3. Knead the raspberries with a crush, you do not need to grind through a blender.

4. Here is such a raspberry homogeneous mass turned out.

5. Grind black berries in a blender bowl.

6. Add the grated mass of currants to the chopped raspberries and mix.

7. Pour 4 kg of sugar into the total berry mass of raspberries and currants. Stir for a long time and thoroughly with a ladle until the sugar grains dissolve.

8. You need to stir periodically with interruptions, and when the sugar settles, then stir again. Mix well with a wooden spatula.

9. After all the sugar has dissolved, lay out the fragrant mass in jars and close the lids.

Video on how to cook thick currant jelly with gelatin for the winter

After viewing all the recipes, you probably realized that jelly is squeezed berry juice mixed with sugar in different proportions.

Juice can be obtained in two ways: fully boil, and then squeeze the berries or squeeze the juice from fresh berries. The resulting juice must be filtered through a sieve or gauze in several layers.

Most often, many people make blackcurrant jelly from pureed berries (raw jelly). Very tasty and fragrant, it is obtained with the addition of raspberries.

Successful recipes with a good mood!

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