Forbidden archeology or unexplained artifacts. Ancient artifacts of Siberia that parasites hide from us and destroy

Our ancestors III - II millennium BC. Imagine a temple in the form of a hexagon, 13 meters long, oriented north-south, with a gable roof and a floor covered with bright red mineral paint that has retained its freshness to this day. And all this in the Arctic, where the very survival of man is called into question by science!

Now I will explain about the original origin of the six-pointed star, now called " star of david". Our ancient ancestors, or according to science "Proto-Indo-Europeans", marked the pubic part of female clay figures with a triangle, personifying the mother goddess, the progenitor of all living things, the goddess of fertility. Gradually, the triangle, as well as the image of the angle, denoting the feminine, regardless of the positions of their tops, became widely used for ornamenting pottery and other products.

The triangle with its apex up began to denote the masculine principle. In India, later, the hexagram was a symbolic image of the widespread religious sculptural composition of yoniling. This cult attribute of Hinduism consists of an image of the female genital organs (yoni), on which an image of an erect male member (ling) is installed. Yoniling, like the hexagram, denotes the act of copulation between a man and a woman, the merging of the male and female principles of nature, in which all living things are born. So the hexagram-star - turned into a talisman, a shield from danger and suffering. The hexagram, today known as the Star of David, has a very ancient origin, not tied to a specific ethnic community. It is found in cultures such as Sumero-Akkadian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Indian, Slavic, Celtic and others. For example, later in ancient Egypt, two crossed triangles became a symbol of secret knowledge, in India it became a talisman - " Vishnu's seal", and among the ancient Slavs this symbol of the masculine began to belong to the god of fertility Veles and was called the" star of Veles.

In the second half of the 19th century, the six-pointed star became one of the emblems of the Theosophical Society, organized by Helena Blavatsky, and later of the World Zionist Organization. Now the six-pointed star is the official state symbol of Israel. In the national-patriotic environment, there is an unequivocal misconception that the six-pointed star in the Orthodox tradition and in Judaism is the same essence and the same symbol. For our Orthodoxy, this is the Star of Bethlehem, symbolizing the birth of Christ and has nothing to do with Judaism.

The following artifacts were also found in the Siberian Subarctic and later disappeared.

Why are artifacts hidden, why are some of them destroyed, why are vatican For centuries, ancient books have been collected in the archive and they are not shown to anyone, but only to the initiates? Why is this happening?

The events that we hear about from the blue screens, print media and disinformation media are mainly about politics and economics. The attention of the modern man in the street is deliberately concentrated on these two directions in order to hide things no less important from him. What is at stake - in detail below.

At present, the planet has been swept by a chain of local wars. This began immediately after the West declared a Cold War on the Soviet Union. First the events in Korea, then in Vietnam, Africa, Asia Minor etc. Now we see how the war that has broken out in the north of the African continent is slowly approaching our borders, peaceful cities and villages in the southeast of Ukraine are already being bombed. Everyone understands that if Syria falls, then Iran will be next. And what about Iran? Is a NATO war with China possible? According to some politicians, the reactionary forces of the West, in alliance with Muslim fundamentalists, nurtured by Bandera, may fall on the Crimea, on Russia, and the finale will be China. But this is only the external background of what is happening, so to speak, the visible part of the iceberg, consisting of political confrontation and economic problems of our time.

What is hidden under the thickness of the invisible and unknown? And this is what is hidden: wherever hostilities take place, it doesn’t matter, in Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, in northern Africa or in the vastness of Asia Minor, Ukraine, everywhere, following NATO troops, behind American, European and Muslim warriors, an invisible army is advancing the force that is trying to rule the world.

What are these, to put it mildly, representatives of the military presence doing, if their main duty is to destroy museums in the occupied territories? They are engaged in appropriation of the most valuable, which is under the protection of the states occupied by NATO troops. As a rule, after a military conflict in a particular territory, historical museums turn into a real dump of broken and confused artifacts. In such chaos, which is difficult to understand even for a major specialist. All this is done intentionally, but the question is, where does the loot disappear, is it really in the British Museum or other museums in Europe? Maybe in the national history museums of America or Canada? It is interesting that the seized values ​​do not appear in any of the above named establishments and therefore it is impossible to present a bill to any European country, as well as to the Americans and Canadians. Question: where do the things taken from the historical museum of Baghdad, Egypt, Libya and other museums end up, where did the foot of a NATO soldier or a mercenary from the French International Legion set foot? Now the problem of returning the gold of the Scythians of Ukraine and Crimea, whether or only part of it will be returned, remains in question, and no one pays attention to this because of the unleashed war of the oligarchic authorities of Ukraine against their own people.

One thing is clear, that all the stolen artifacts go directly to the secret Masonic vaults, or to the dungeons of the Vatican. The question involuntarily arises: what are the globalists and their accomplices trying to hide from the public?

Judging by what we managed to understand, things and artifacts related to the ancient history of mankind enter the caches of the Masonic order. For example, a sculpture of the winged demon Patsutsu disappeared from the Baghdad Museum; according to the assumption, this demon was the image of certain creatures that came to Earth in ancient times. What is its danger? It may be that he could suggest the idea that people are not products of evolutionary development according to Darwin's theory, but direct descendants of aliens from outer space. On the example of sculpture Patsutsu and related artifacts, it can be concluded that Masonic bloodhounds steal artifacts from museums that tell about the true history of mankind. Moreover, this is happening not only in the West, but also here, on the territory of Russia.

For example, one can remember Tisulskaya find. In September 1969 in the village Rusty Tisulsky district of the Kemerovo region, a marble sarcophagus was raised from a depth of 70 meters from under a coal seam. When it was opened, the whole village gathered, it was a shock to everyone. The casket turned out to be a coffin, filled to the brim with a pink-blue crystal-clear liquid. Beneath it lay a tall (about 185 cm) slender, beautiful woman, about thirty, with delicate European features and large, wide-open blue eyes. Directly a character from Pushkin's fairy tale suggests itself. You can find a detailed description of this event on the Internet, down to the names of all those present, but there is a lot of false stuffing and distorted data. One thing is known that the burial place was then cordoned off, all artifacts were taken out, and for 2 years, for unknown reasons, all witnesses of the incident died.

Question: where was all this taken out? According to geologists, this is the Decembrian, about 800 million years ago. One thing is clear, nothing is known to scientific circles about the Tisulskaya find.

Another example. On the site of the Battle of Kulikovo, now stands the Staro-Simonovsky Monastery in Moscow. At Romanovs the Kulikovo field was moved to the Tula region, and in our time, in the 30s, at the present place of the mass grave, the tomb of the soldiers of the Battle of Kulikovo who fell here was dismantled in connection with the construction of the Likhachev Palace of Culture (ZIL). Today, the Old Simonov Monastery is located on the territory of the Dynamo plant. In the 60s of the last century, they simply crushed priceless slabs and tombstones with genuine ancient inscriptions into crumbs with jackhammers, and took all this, together with a mass of bones and skulls, by dump trucks to the garbage, thanks for at least restoring the burial place of Peresvet and Oslyab, but the real no longer return.

Another example. A three-dimensional map was found in the stone of Western Siberia, the so-called " Chandar plate". The slab itself is artificial, made using a technology not known to modern science. At the base of the map, durable dolomite, a layer of diopside glass is applied to it, its processing technology is still unknown to science. A three-dimensional terrain is reproduced on it, and the third layer is a sprayed white porcelain.

The creation of such a map requires the processing of huge amounts of data that can only be obtained by aerospace photography. Professor Chuvyrov says that this map is no more than 130 thousand years old, but now it is gone.

From the above examples, it follows that in Soviet times the same secret organization operated on the territory of the country to seal ancient artifacts as in the West. No doubt it still works today. There is a recent example of this.

A few years ago, in order to study the ancient heritage of our ancestors, on the territory Tomsk region, a permanent search expedition was organized. In the very first year of the expedition, 2 solar temples and 4 settlements were discovered on one of the Siberian rivers. And all this, practically, in one place. But when a year later there was again an expedition, they met strange people at the site of the finds. What they were doing there is unclear. The people were well armed and behaved very impudently. After meeting with these strange people, literally a month later, one of our acquaintances, a local resident, called us and said that unknown people were doing something on the settlements and temples we found. What attracted these people to our findings? It's simple: we managed to find fine ceramics with ancient Sumerian ornaments both in temples and in ancient settlements.

There was a message about his find in the report, which was handed over to the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society of the Tomsk Region.

The winged solar disk is found in ancient Egyptian, Sumerian-Mesopotamian, Hittite, Anatolian, Persian (Zoroastrian), South American and even Australian symbolism and has many variations.

Comparison of the ornamental motifs of the ancient Sumerian pictographic writing and the ornaments of the Siberian, northern peoples. The ancestors of the Sumerians are the Subers, the ancient inhabitants of Siberia.

The casket opened very simply, if a small search expedition of local historians came across the ancestral home of the ancient Sumerians of Siberia - the ancient civilization of Siberia, then this fundamentally contradicts the biblical concept, which claims that only wise Semites, but not representatives of the white race, can be the oldest carriers of culture on Earth , whose ancestral home is in the north of Europe and in the vast expanses of Siberia. If in Middle Ob the ancestral home of the Sumerians is discovered, then, logically, the Sumerians come from the ethnic "cauldron" of the ancestral home of the white race. Consequently, every Russian, German or Balt, automatically turns into close relatives of the most ancient race on the planet.

In fact, it is necessary to rewrite history anew, and this is already a mess. What the "unknowns" were doing at the ruins we discovered is still unclear. Perhaps they hastily destroyed traces of ceramics, or maybe the artifacts themselves. This remains to be seen. But the fact that strange people arrived from Moscow says a lot.

Now the RAS is being reformed and its charter is being developed, but there are frictions between the Ministry of Education and Science and the RAS. Since the 90s, our economy has been living on oil and gas and does not require new technologies that are easier to buy abroad than to develop in the country. Without the development and implementation of science-intensive products, Russia has no future. But who is at the helm of Russian science, that we are now in such a position, why is there simply silence in historical obvious facts, such as the existence in Siberia of such a large state as Great Tartaria. Or since the time of Catherine II, the same principles of subordination to Western opinion still apply. Of course, I would not like to think that the Russian Academy of Sciences is blowing brains out of Russia, following the lead of the proteges of the West, but Russian scientists make scientific discoveries, are published in leading journals, receive Nobel Prizes, become heads of the largest technology corporations for some reason, mainly in the West. I would like to believe that the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences will give the desired result.

It is also gratifying that all these "scientific miners" to destroy the traces of an ancient civilization and the facts that modern humanity has a cosmic origin are not able to destroy what is on the ground, in the mountains or under water. It’s easier with museums, everything is collected in them, come and take it. The main thing is to seize the country, and rob there, I don’t want to. Climb into the vaults and act according to strict instructions. So we don't need to worry too much. But here, in Siberia, in the Urals and Primorye, there are such ruins, the ruins of ancient capitals and cultural centers that even the most advanced modern weapons cannot destroy. The only thing they can do, these representatives of the dark forces, manipulators of public consciousness, is to keep silent about the findings and force science to play its game, which has already been done a long time ago. Therefore, our scientists, mostly historians and ethnographers, do not see the obvious things point-blank. And if they see, they try to immediately forget. This is understandable, as soon as you open your mouth, you will lose both your title and a warm, paid job, or even life itself. But since we, the patriots of our people, are not dependent on scientific dictate and the influence of Masonic lodges, it is almost impossible to stop our research.

Recently, an expedition took place to the south of the Kemerovo region in Mountain Shoria. Geologists have repeatedly reported that in the mountains, at an altitude of 1000 meters or more, lie the ancient ruins of a disappeared civilization, according to mythology, the ancient civilizations in Siberia of our ancestors. You can see the post: "White pages of the history of Siberia (part-3)", megalithic cities of Siberia, ancient settlements and the first city.

What they saw there is impossible to describe. Before us stood a megalithic masonry, built of blocks, some of which reached 20 meters in length and 6 meters in height. From such "bricks" the foundation of the structure is laid out. Above were the smaller blocks. But they also struck with their weight and size. When they examined the ruins, they saw traces of obvious ancient melting on some of them. This discovery led us to think about the death of the building due to a powerful thermal effect, possibly an explosion.

When we examined the mountain, we saw granite blocks of more than 100 tons or more, they scattered in different directions from the explosion. They filled the gorge and littered the slopes of the mountain. But how the ancients could raise giant blocks to such a height and where they took them - remains a mystery to us. When we asked our guides about what is nearby in the mountains, they replied that there is something like an ancient giant capacitor. It is assembled from vertically placed granite blocks, and in some places of this structure, ceilings are still visible. What it was is unclear, but the fact that the artifact was made by human hands is beyond doubt. We managed to explore these ruins, but as it turned out, a huge area around is also covered with the same remains.

A natural question arises, how could it happen that for so many years these megaliths have not been visited by our vaunted scientists? Did they believe academician Miller, the one who wrote the history of Siberia, claiming that it is a non-historical territory? And that's why they refused to study it? In the future, in my posts, I will show how the "envoys" of the Vatican rewrote the history of Siberia and China, and we have blood ties with the Chinese. In the past, our ancestors were friends with the ancient Chinese and fought, but the scribes of history many of our ancient peoples, who lived in those days on the modern territory of Siberia, Altai, Primorye, Northern China, were called in Chinese. Well, Mason Miller came up with his theory to hide the real history of Siberia, and the ruins on its territory, from the once-dead civilization of our distant ancestors. Admittedly, cleverly thought out. With one stroke of the pen, take away our people's distant past. I wonder what "friends" abroad and from our Russian Masonic organizations will now come up with in order to hide such a find from the public?

In Soviet times, there were several camps on this territory, but now they are gone, and therefore any journalist and scientist can get here. One thing remains, to do it the American way, they have long worked out the technology - to arrange military bases on the ancient ruins. As, for example, they did in Iraq, on the site of the destroyed Babylon or in Alaska, where a huge stone city stands safe and sound on the seashore. But the problem is that not only Mountain Shoria there are such ruins, traces of the great distant past. As we managed to find out, exactly the same ruins, built of giant blocks and polygonal masonry, stand on Altai, Sayanakh, Urals, Verkhoyansk Range, Evenkia and even Chukotka. It is impossible to turn the whole country into a military base and it is impossible to blow up such ruins. What the henchmen of the Masonic lodges are now doing is reminiscent of the agony of a drowned man who clings to straws, but the truth can no longer be hidden.

About the ancient stone map of Siberia found by Chuvyrov

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

Of course, not all the important artifacts found on planet Earth are collected here, but at least some of them. It should be noted that for some reason most of the artifacts disappear in an unknown direction. Or maybe the disappearance of artifacts is not at all accidental?

The Lolladoff Plate is a 12,000-year-old stone disc found in Nepal. It clearly depicts a UFO in the shape of a plate. Also on the disk there is a drawing of a creature that resembles aliens. I would like to note that there is no data on the storage of this artifact. It is not known where this item is currently located. The origin of this image also raises many questions, there are doubts about its authenticity. There is not a single image where the artifact is depicted against the background of any objects.

In 1974, an aluminum wedge covered with a thick layer of oxide was found on the banks of the Maros River, which is located near the city of Aiud in Transylvania. It is noteworthy that it was found among the remains of a mastodon, which is 20 thousand years old. They cannot find an explanation for this find, because. aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and began to be produced only in 1885. Until now, after the publication of the find, the wedge simply mysteriously disappeared, only his photographs remained. Which in itself is no longer surprising. common practice, everything that contradicts modern "science" is systematically destroyed, and what is not is elevated to the crown of creation.

Giants from Nevada
In 1931, two skeletons were found at the bottom of the lake. One was 8 feet (2.4 m.) tall, and the other was just under 10 feet (about 3 m.)
fossil giant
The 12-foot fossil giant was found in 1895 during mining in the English city of Antrim. He is 12 feet 2 inches (3.7 meters) tall, 6 feet 6 inches (2 meters) chest, and 4 feet 6 inches (1.4 meters) long.

Ancient spaceship.
This ancient rock art from a cave in Japan dates back to over 5000 BC.

300 million year old iron bolt
In the summer of 1998, Russian scientists exploring a 300-kilometer site southwest of Moscow in search of meteorite fragments found a stone encased in an iron bolt. According to geologists, the age of the stone is 300-320 million years.

Mysterious stone doll
In 1889, while drilling a well in the town of Nampa, Idaho, a discovery was made that excited the scientific world of the last century. At a depth of 320 feet, a small figurine of a man was found, which was definitely created by human hands. The whole mystery is that the figurine, judging by the depth at which it was found, was here long before the appearance of people in this part of the world. Scientists simply stated that this could not be.

Horned human skull
At the very end of the 19th century, in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, a scientific expedition found an ancient mass grave. Judging by the skeletons, the buried were real giants, their average height was more than two meters! However, the researchers were most struck by the skulls: on some of them, bone outgrowths of decent size protruded on the sides. The discovery has not received a worthy scientific explanation so far.

Texas hammer or London hammer
In 1934, an ancient hammer was discovered in Texas. The hammer consists of almost pure iron (97%) - even modern people cannot produce this. The age of the reservoir in which it was found is up to 140 million years. Dr. Hans-Joachim Zilmer from Germany, who studied the mysterious find in detail, concludes: This hammer is made using a technology unknown to us!

Crystal skull.
In the jungles of Belize back in 1927, archaeologist Frederick Mitchell found a skull made of rock crystal in perfect condition.

A stone artifact of the latest history of finds was found at a coal mine in Kuzbass on January 31, 2015. Until the find was destroyed or dissolved in time, you can watch it in a real video footage filmed by the person who found it. There were no official expert opinions on it yet.

The oldest calendar in the form of the letter "Omega" was found in Ireland in 1688. In essence, it is a huge calendar. Only once a year, namely on December 22, on the shortest day - the day of the winter solstice, a ray of sunshine penetrates the central room of the building.

Documentary film "Degradation and order of civilization. Artifacts that are dangerous for academic science. Forbidden archeology."

Unknown civilizations of the Ural Mountains. Nikolai Subbotin

Alexey Kungurov: Grandiose artifacts of ancient civilizations

Gaps in Japan's ancient history

Mystery of Yonaguni Complex discovered on the seabed

In the Sahara desert in Egypt lie the oldest known, astronomically aligned, rocks in the world: the Nabta. A thousand years before the creation of Stonehenge, people built a stone circle and other structures on the shore of the lake, which has long since dried up. Over 6,000 years ago, stone slabs three meters high were dragged over a kilometer to create this place. The depicted stones are only a part of the entire complex that has been preserved. Although the Western Egyptian Desert is completely dry at present, it was not so in the past. There is good evidence that there have been several wet cycles in the past (when up to 500 mm of precipitation fell per year). The most recent dates back to the interglacial period and the time of the beginning of the last glaciation, which was approximately 130,000 to 70,000 years ago. During this period, the area was a savannah and supported numerous animals such as extinct bison and large giraffes, antelopes of various species and gazelles. Starting around the 10th millennium BC, this area of ​​the Nubian desert began to receive more rainfall, filling the lakes. Early humans may have been attracted to the region by the sources of drinking water. Archaeological finds may indicate that human activity in the area is known from at least sometime between the 10th and 8th millennium BC.

Chinese mosaic of lines.

These strange lines are located at 40°27"28.56"N, 93°23"34.42"E. There is not much information available about this "strangeness", but a beautiful mosaic of lines does exist, it carved in the desert of Gansu Sheng province in China. Some records indicate that the "lines" were created in 2004, but nothing seems to be found to officially support this assumption. It should be noted that these lines are located near the Mogao Cave, which is a World Heritage Site. The lines stretch for a very long distance, and at the same time retain their proportions, despite the curvature of the rough terrain.

Inexplicable stone doll.

In July 1889, in Boise, Idaho, a small human figure was found during a well drilling operation. The find aroused intense scientific interest in the last century. Unmistakably man-made, the "doll" was discovered at a depth of 320 feet, which allowed its age to be dated far before the arrival of man in this part of the world. The find has never been disputed, but only said that such a thing, in principle, is impossible.

Iron bolt, 300 million years old.

It was found almost by accident. The expedition of the MAI-Kosmopoisk Center searched for fragments of a meteorite in the south of the Kaluga region, in Russia. Dmitry Kurkov decided to inspect an ordinary, it would seem, piece of stone. What he found is capable of turning our ideas about earthly and cosmic history upside down. When dirt was brushed off the stone, on its chip was clearly visible somehow got inside ... a bolt! About a centimeter long. How did he get there? A bolt with a nut on the end (or - what this thing also looked like - a coil with a rod and two disks) was tight. This means that he got inside the stone back in those days when it was only sedimentary rock, bottom clay.

Ancient rocket ship.

This ancient cave painting from Japan dates back to over 5000 BC.

Moving stones.

No one, not even NASA, has yet been able to explain this. It's best to just watch and marvel at the moving rocks in this dry lake in Death Valley National Park. The bottom of Racetrack Playa is almost flat, 2.5 km north to south and 1.25 km east to west, and is covered with cracked mud. The stones move slowly along the clay bottom of the lake, as evidenced by the long footprints left behind them. The stones move on their own without the help of others, but no one has ever seen or recorded the movement on camera. Similar movements of stones were recorded in some other places. However, in terms of the number and length of tracks, the dry Lake Racetrack Playa is unique.

Electricity in the pyramids.

Teotihuacan, Mexico. Large sheets of mica have been found embedded in the walls of this ancient Mexican city. The nearest place is a quarry where mica is mined, located in Brazil, thousands of kilometers away. Mica is currently used in energy production technology. In this regard, the question arises as to why the builders used this mineral in the buildings of their city. Did these ancient architects know some long forgotten energy sources to use electricity in their cities?

Dog Death

Suicide of dogs on a bridge in Overtown, near Milton, Dumbarton, Scotland. Built in 1859, the Overtown Bridge became famous for a number of unexplained cases in which dogs apparently committed suicide by jumping from it. These incidents were first recorded in the 1950s or 1960s, when dogs - generally of the long-nosed species, like collies - were observed to quickly and unexpectedly jump off a bridge and fall fifty feet to their death.

fossil giants

The fossilized Irish giants were discovered in 1895 and are over 12 feet (3.6 m) tall. The giants were discovered during mining in Antrim, Ireland. This image is from the British magazine Strand, December 1895. “Height 12' 2", bust 6' 6", arm 4' 6". There are six toes on the right foot." The six fingers and toes are reminiscent of some characters from the Bible, where six-fingered giants are described.

Pyramids of Atlantis?

Scientists continue to explore the ruins of megaliths in the so-called Yucatan channel in the Cuban region. They have been found for many miles along the coast. The American archaeologists who discovered this site immediately declared that they had found Atlantis (not for the first time in the history of underwater archeology). Now the place is sometimes visited by scuba divers to admire the majestic underwater structures. All other interested parties can only enjoy the filming and computer reconstruction of the millennium-old city buried under water.

Giants in Nevada

A Nevada Indian legend about 12 foot red giants that lived in the area when they arrived. According to American Indian history, the giants were killed in the cave. During excavations in 1911, this human jaw was discovered. Here's what an artificial human jaw looks like next to it. In 1931, two skeletons were found at the bottom of the lake. One of them was 8 feet (2.4 m) high, the other - just under 10 (3 m).

inexplicable wedge

This aluminum wedge was found in Romania in 1974, on the banks of the Mures River, near the city of Aiud. They found it at a depth of 11 meters, next to the bones of Mastodon - a giant, elephant-like, extinct animal. The find itself is very reminiscent of the head of a huge hammer. At the archaeological institute of Cluj-Napoca, where the artifact supposedly went, it was determined that the metal from which this wedge is made is an aluminum alloy coated with a thick layer of oxide. The alloy contained 12 different elements, and the find was classified as strange, since aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and the age of this artifact, given its presence in the layer along with the remains of an extinct animal, is determined to be approximately 11 thousand years.

"Loladoff's Plate"

Loladoff's Plate is a 12,000 year old stone dish found in Nepal. It seems that Egypt is not the only place visited by aliens in ancient times. This clearly demonstrates the disk-shaped UFO. There is also a drawing on the disk. The character bears a striking resemblance to the aliens known as Grey.

Hammer made of the purest iron alloy

A puzzling riddle for science is ... an ordinary-looking hammer. The metal part of the hammer is 15 centimeters long and about 3 centimeters in diameter. It has literally grown into limestone about 140 million years old, and is stored along with a piece of rock. This miracle caught the eye of Mrs. Emma Hahn in June 1934 in the rocks near the American town of London, Texas. The experts who examined the find came to a unanimous conclusion: a hoax. However, further research conducted by various scientific institutions, including the famous Battele laboratory (USA), showed that everything is much more complicated. Firstly, the wooden handle on which the hammer is mounted has already petrified on the outside, and inside it has completely turned into coal . So, its age is also calculated in millions of years. Secondly, specialists from the Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were amazed by the chemical composition of the hammer itself: 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulfur. No other impurities could be identified. Such pure iron has not been obtained in the entire history of terrestrial metallurgy. Not a single bubble was found in the metal. The quality of iron, even by modern standards, is exceptionally high and raises many questions, since the content of metals used in the metallurgical industry in the production of different grades of steel (as, e.g. manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten, vanadium or molybdenum). There are also no foreign impurities, and the percentage of chlorine is unusually high. It is also surprising that no traces of carbon have been found in iron, while iron ore from terrestrial deposits always contains carbon and other impurities. Generally speaking, from a modern point of view, it is not of high quality. But here's the detail: the Texas hammer's iron doesn't rust! When in 1934 a piece of rock with an ingrown tool was chipped off the rock, the metal was badly scratched in one place. And over the past sixty-odd years, not the slightest sign of corrosion has appeared on the scratch ... According to Dr. K. E. Buff, director of the Museum of Fossil Antiquities, which houses this hammer, the find comes from the early Cretaceous period - from 140 to 65 million years ago. According to the current state of scientific knowledge, mankind learned how to make such tools only 10 thousand years ago. Dr. Hans-Joachim Zilmer from Germany, who dealt with the mysterious find in detail, concludes: "This hammer was made using a technology unknown to us."

The highest technology of stone processing

The second group of finds that pose mysteries to scientists are artifacts created after the time of the appearance of man on Earth, accepted today. But the technologies that were used in their creation became known to us relatively recently or are still unknown. The most famous find of this group can be called a crystal skull, found in 1927 in Belize during excavations of the Mayan city of Lubaantuma. The skull is carved from a piece of pure quartz and measures 12x18x12 centimeters. In 1970, the skull was analyzed in the Hewlett-Packard laboratory. The results were stunning. The skull was created without respecting the natural crystal axis, which is impossible in modern crystallography. When working on the skull, no metal instruments were used. According to the restorers, quartz was first cut with a diamond chisel, after which silicon crystalline sand was used for more thorough processing. It took about three hundred years to work on the skull, which can be taken as an incredible example of patience or recognize the use of high technology unknown to us. One of the Hewlett-Packard experts said that the creation of a crystal skull is not a matter of skill, patience and time, but that it is simply impossible.

fossil nail

However, most often, objects are found in the rock that are similar in appearance to nails and bolts. In the 16th century, the Viceroy of Peru kept in his office a piece of rock, which firmly held an 18-centimeter steel nail found in a local mine working. In 1869, in Nevada, a metal screw 5 centimeters long was found in a piece of feldspar, raised from a great depth. Skeptics believe that the appearance of these and many other objects can be explained by natural causes: a special kind of crystallization of mineral solutions and melts, the formation of pyrite rods in voids between crystals. But pyrite is iron sulfide, and at the break it is yellow (which is why it is often confused with gold) and has a clearly defined cubic structure. Eyewitnesses of the finds clearly speak of iron nails, sometimes covered with rust, and pyrite formations can be called gold rather than iron. There is also an assumption that the rod-shaped NIOs are the fossilized skeletons of belemnites (invertebrate marine animals that lived at the same time as dinosaurs). But the remains of belemnites are found only in sedimentary rocks and never in bedrocks, such as feldspar. In addition, they have a pronounced skeletal shape, and it is impossible to confuse them with something else. It is sometimes argued that nail-like NIOs are molten fragments of meteorites or fulgurites (thunderbolts) obtained by lightning strikes into rocks. However, finding such a fragment or trace left millions of years ago is extremely problematic. If the origin of the nail-shaped NIOs can still be argued, then some of the finds can only be shrugged.

ancient battery

In 1936, the German scientist Wilhelm Koenig, who worked at the Archaeological Museum of Baghdad, was brought a strange object that was found at the excavations of an ancient Parthian settlement near the Iraqi capital. It was a small clay vase about 15 centimeters high. Inside it was a cylinder made of sheet copper, its base was covered with a cap with a seal, on top of the cylinder was covered with a layer of resin, which also held an iron rod directed to the center of the cylinder. From all this, Dr. Koenig concluded that he had before him an electric battery, created almost two thousand years before the discoveries of Galvani and Volta. Egyptologist Arne Eggebrecht made an exact copy of the find, poured wine vinegar into a vase and connected a measuring device that showed a voltage of 0.5 V. Presumably, the ancients used electricity to apply a thin layer of gilding to objects.

The Antikythera mechanism (other spellings: Antikythera, Andythera, Antikythera, Greek Μηχανισμός των Αντικυθήρων) is a mechanical device discovered in 1902 on an ancient shipwreck near the Greek island of Antikythera (Greek Ακαθτ). Dated to around 100 BC. e. (perhaps before 150 BC). It is stored in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. The mechanism contained 37 bronze gears in a wooden case, on which dials with arrows were placed and, according to reconstruction, was used to calculate the movement of celestial bodies. Other devices of similar complexity are unknown in Hellenistic culture. It uses a differential gear, which was previously thought not to have been invented before the 16th century, and the level of miniaturization and complexity is comparable to mechanical watches of the 18th century. Approximate dimensions of the mechanism assembly 33×18×10 cm.

Figurines of astronauts from Ecuador

Figurines of ancient astronauts found in Ecuador. Age > 2000 years. In fact, there are plenty of such testimonies, if you want, read Erich Von Denikin. He has many books, one of the most famous is "Chariots of the Gods", there are both physical evidence and deciphering of cuneiforms and so on, in general, quite interesting. True, it is contraindicated for ardent believers to read.

Mysterious artifacts of ancient civilizations are located in the Nazca desert, represented by huge drawings. Amazing geoglyphs appeared in 200 BC, covering vast areas off the coast of Peru. Engraved on sandy ground, they illustrate animals and geometric figures.

The images, also represented by lines, are very similar to runways. The Nazca people, who created wonderful drawings, left no record of the purpose of large-scale images. Perhaps because of their prehistoric age, they had not yet discovered the benefits of a written language, or something else was holding them back.

Not advanced enough for a written language, they nevertheless left a great mystery to future civilizations. We still wonder how such complex projects were realized at that time.

Some theorists believe that the Nazca lines represent constellations and correlate with the positions of the stars. It is also speculated that the geoglyphs must have been viewed from the heavens, with some of the lines forming runways for alien visitors to Earth.

Another thing also amazes us, if the "artists" themselves did not have the opportunity to view images from the sky, then how did the Nazca peoples create absolutely symmetrical images? In the absence of records from that time, we have no acceptable explanation other than the involvement of extraterrestrial technology.


An artifact 35 centimeters long, according to legend, was discovered in the 1960s in Egypt. The researcher of the unknown Gregor Sporri, having met the owner of the artifact in 1988, paid $ 300 to photograph the finger and take an x-ray. There is even an X-ray image of the finger, as well as a seal of authenticity.

Original photo taken in 1988

However, not a single scientist studied the finger, but the person who owned the artifact, leaving no opportunity to hear the details. This may contribute to the fact that the giant's finger is a hoax, or testify to the civilization of the giants who lived on the earth before us.


As reported in the history of the artifact, Cho Pu Tei, a professor of archeology (who is a real archaeologist) in Beijing, was on an expedition with students to explore caves deep in the Himalaya mountains. Located between Tibet and China, a series of caves were clearly man-made as they consisted of tunnel systems and rooms.

There were small skeletons in the cells of the rooms, speaking of a dwarf culture. Professor Tay suggested that they are an undocumented species of mountain gorilla. True, the ritual burial was very embarrassing.

Hundreds of disks with a diameter of 30.5 centimeters with ideal holes in the center were also found here. The researchers, having studied the paintings on the walls of the cave, came to the conclusion about the age - 12,000 years. Discs with a mysterious purpose date back to the same age.

Sent to Peking University, the discs of the Dropa tribe (as they are called) have been studied for 20 years. Many researchers and scientists tried to decipher the letters engraved on the discs, which were not successful.

Professor Tsum Um Nui from Beijing examined the disks in 1958 and came to the conclusion about an unknown language that had not previously appeared anywhere. The engraving itself was done to such a skillful level that it required a magnifying glass to read. All the results of decryption went to the area of ​​extraterrestrial origin of artifacts.

Tribal Legend: Ancient drops descended from the clouds. Our ancestors, women and children hid in caves ten times before sunrise. When the fathers finally understood the sign language, they found out that those who came had peaceful intentions.


In 1961, a very strange artifact was discovered in the mountains of Coso, California. Looking for additions to their show, the owners of a small gem shop set out to collect a few pieces. However, they were lucky to find not just a valuable stone or a rare fossil, but a real mechanical artifact of ancient times.

The mysterious mechanical device looked like a modern car spark plug. Analysis and X-ray examination revealed a porcelain filling containing copper rings, a steel spring and a magnetic rod on the inside. Complementing the mystery is an unidentifiable powdery white substance inside.

After conducting research on the artifact and marine fossils covering the surface, it turned out that the artifact "petrified" about 500,000 years ago.

However, scientists were in no hurry to analyze the artifact. They were probably afraid of accidentally disproving generally accepted theories by saying that we are not the first technologically advanced civilization. Or the planet really was a popular place for aliens, often repaired on Earth.


In the past century, divers have been cleaning up ancient Greek treasures at the site of the wreck of the Antikythera ship dating back to 100 BC. Among the artifacts, they found 3 pieces of a mysterious device. The device had bronze triangular prongs and is thought to have been used to track the complex movements of the moon and other planets.

The mechanism used a differential gear consisting of over 30 gears of various sizes with triangular teeth that were always counted down to prime numbers. It is believed that if all teeth are proven to be prime numbers, then they can clear up the astronomical mysteries of the ancient Greeks.

The antikythera mechanism had a knob that allowed the user to enter past and future dates and then calculate the position of the sun and moon. The use of differential gears made it possible to calculate angular velocities and calculate lunar cycles.

No other artifacts discovered since this time are advanced. Instead of using a geocentric representation, the mechanism was built on heliocentric principles, which were not common at the time. It seems that the ancient Greeks managed to independently build the world's first analog computer.

Alexander Jones, a historian, deciphering some of the inscriptions said: the device used colored balls to represent the Sun, Mars and the Moon. Well, from the inscriptions we found out where the device was created, but no one said how it was made. Is it possible that the Greeks knew more about the solar system and technology than we previously thought?


Egypt is not a unique place for theories about ancient aliens and high technology. Small gold items dating back to 500 AD have been found in Central and South America. era.

More precisely, dating is a kind of challenge, since the items are entirely made of gold, so the date was estimated by stratigraphy. This may fool some people into thinking it was a hoax, but the artifacts are at least 1,000 years old.

Artifacts are interesting for their amazing similarity to ordinary planes for us. Archaeologists have designated the finds as zoomorphic, for their resemblance to animals. However, comparing them with birds and fish (having similar characteristics from the point of view of animals) seems to be pulled to the right conclusion. In any case, such a comparison is highly questionable.

Why do they look so much like airplanes? They have wings, stabilizing elements and landing mechanisms that have encouraged researchers to recreate one of the ancient figures.

Crafted to scale yet accurate in proportion, this ancient artifact appears very similar to a modern fighter jet. After the re-creation, it was documented that the plane, although not very aerodynamically good, flew wonderfully.

Is it possible that ancient cosmonauts visited us 1000 years ago and left the design solutions for what we now call "airplanes"? In addition, the aerodynamic characteristics on the home planet of the "guests" may be different from terrestrial conditions.

Perhaps this is a model of a space shuttle (by the way, we are designing the same shape). Or is it more plausible to think that the artifact represents an overly inaccurate depiction of birds and bees?

It is possible that the ancient world was in contact with a variety of alien races, as evidenced by the rich collection of stories detailing the encounters. Many cultures separated by thousands of years contain stories of flying objects and technologies so advanced that it seems to us to be a hoax.

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