Drawing lesson “Apple tree with golden apples. Directly educational activities in the senior group of doe Drawing "Apple tree with golden apples"

Synopsis of GCD

in the section "Drawing"

in the senior group on the topic:

"An apple tree with golden apples in a magical garden."


Tereshchenko Elena Mikhailovna

using fairy tale therapy



Target: To teach children to create a fabulous image, draw branchy trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of "golden" apples.


Educational: to consolidate the ability to draw with non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with foam rubber "pokes"). Learn to beautifully arrange the image on the sheet.

Developing: develop coherent speech of children. Expand vocabulary. Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of composition.

Educational: Cultivate an interest in art.

Material and equipment:

Album sheet, gouache paints, brushes, a jar of water, a napkin, foam rubber "pokes", a palette, MM-presentation.

Educational technologies:

    Health-saving technologies (physical education "Apple Tree").

    Fairy tale therapy.

    ICT (DER: multimedia presentation "The Tale of the Tsar").

The course of educational activities.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: - Guys, do you like to listen to fairy tales?

Children :- Yes.

Educator: - Do you want me to tell you a new story?

Children: - Yes.

2. Preparation for the development of program material through the updating of basic knowledge.

caregiver : - In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, he lived - there was a king. And the king had three daughters: the eldest, middle and youngest. The king loved his youngest daughter very much. And the stepmother was very angry for this and decided to bewitch the girl. She put the king's daughter to sleep. The king was saddened and went for advice to the Wizard.

The wizard thought and thought and said: “I can help you get your daughter back. To do this, you must plant an apple tree with golden apples in the magic garden, they will save the princess from deep sleep.

Educator: - Guys, how to be? Would you like to help the king?

Children: - Yes.

caregiver : - How can we help?

Children: - We will draw an apple tree with apples.

Educator: - Great, guys, let's help the king: draw an apple tree with golden apples! Do you agree?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - How do we start drawing?

Children : - Draw an apple tree.

Educator: - We start drawing with the largest object - an apple tree. Try to place the picture in the center of the sheet.

Educator: - We draw an apple tree: first, with a brush, draw the trunk, branches with brown paint. Then we draw the leaves by "adhering". To draw with a leaf, we need green gouache. First, draw the leaves with dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.

caregiver : - Have you done it?

Children: - Yes.

3. Acquaintance with new material.

Educator: - And how can we draw apples? I'll give you a hint. Pay attention to what items are on your table. What do you think, how will we try to draw apples today?

(children raise foam "pokes")

caregiver : - That's right, we will draw apples with foam rubber “pokes”. To do this, we dip one edge of the "poke" in yellow paint, the other edge in red paint.

Educator: - What do we do if we have excess paint?

Children: We take it off with a napkin.

caregiver : - Quite right. And now, guys, put a “poke” with a “Column” and gently scroll.

Educator: - What do you see?

Children: - Apple.

Educator: - It turns out an apple with a red barrel. Ah, what a magical apple! Round gold!

Educator: - Guys, I suggest you play a little, do you want to?

Children: - Yes.

Physical education "Apple tree"

Target: The formation of motor activity in children, the removal of muscle tension, the prevention of fatigue.

4. Primary comprehension and consolidation of the material in practice.

caregiver : - Did you enjoy playing?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: Guys, we haven't finished our work. We need to hurry.

Educator: - Sit down at the table and we will draw an apple tree with golden apples. Who has time to draw an apple tree, the drawing can be supplemented with details. And I'll take a picture of your drawings and send it to the Wizard. He will revive the apple trees and give them to the king. The king will go out into the magic garden, pick a golden apple, bring it to his beloved daughter, and she will come to life. And they will live happily ever after.

5. Summing up the organizational type of activity.

Educator: - Guys, did you like the trip to the fairy tale?

Children: Yes!

Educator: - Admire your work. You like?

Children: - Yes!

Educator: Thanks guys for the work you've done. You did a good deed: you saved the young princess.

You don't have to be born a genius. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the technique of creating a drawing. Thanks to a step-by-step description, each person will be able to understand how to draw an apple tree. And most importantly, you can teach your child this simple skill.

An easy way to learn how to draw an apple tree

In order to get started, you will need two simple pencils, an eraser, paints and some free time. Drawing an apple tree in stages is not difficult. We create a tree trunk. We need to depict a beautiful apple tree.

You need to work hard to create a mighty silhouette of a tree. First, one curved side of the trunk is drawn. Then we draw the second part. It is always necessary to remember that the trunk is the first and important step in creating our drawing. Therefore, how it will be depicted will depend on what kind of apple tree will come out. It is very important to use a pencil with a soft lead so that the lines are light.

apple tree roots

When the "heart" of the tree is ready, we proceed to the roots. From the trunk are wavy and smooth lines down. Our roots belong to the old tree. They are rooted deep into the ground. They became a good support for the plant. But over time, the roots grew and began to break out. And the drawing conveys this impulse.

tree branches

Branches are drawn up from the trunk. First, we depict large, like snakes. Then from each line there is a branching in different directions. And together they resemble the big antlers of an old deer. The more branches are drawn, the stronger and more powerful our apple tree seems.


In order to create a crown for an apple tree, you need to remember how the clouds look in the sky. Represented? Next, we will transfer the memories of them to the branches of our tree. And to create the effect of leaves, the upper part of the crown is drawn wavy.

This simple method makes it possible to understand how to draw an apple tree with a child. The resulting masterpiece will be able to replenish the baby's home collection of creativity.


Already when every young artist wants to supplement it with ripe fruits. And the child involuntarily asks the question: “How to draw an apple tree with apples to decorate a picture?”

To begin with, small strokes are evenly applied throughout the crown. These will be the stems. Juicy apples will be placed on them. Then, under each stroke, round fruits are depicted.

Final stage

When the drawing is complete, it should be decorated. But at this point you need to get creative. To begin with, all the lines of the trunk are carefully removed with an eraser, and only then watercolor is applied. This applies to every drawn part of the tree. First, the pencil is removed, and only then the paint is applied. On the sunny side, the paint will be a couple of tones lighter. Aligns to the center. If you paint in this way, you will get the impression that one side of the apple tree is warmed and caressed by the sun.

When a person depicts a picture in stages, it is much easier for him to understand and remember how to draw an apple tree. A step-by-step instruction will become an indispensable assistant when creating the first masterpiece.

As a result, I would like to add: drawing is like mental therapy. It relieves stress and gives complete relaxation to a person. And for a child, this is the best activity, because this skill teaches children to notice all the minor details.

Well, if a novice artist asks his parents about how to draw an apple tree, then this article will always come to the rescue and will be a good hint. Experiment yourself and teach this truly wonderful skill to your children.

Summary of GCD on drawing in non-traditional technique "Apple tree with golden apples" (senior group)

Drawing "Apple tree with golden apples."

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development"


Learn to create a fabulous image, draw branchy trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees

To consolidate the ability to draw with non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with foam rubber poke). Learn to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet

To develop coherent speech of children. Expand words knowledge.

Cultivate an interest in art.

Equipment: We will need:

tinted landscape sheet

simple pencil

gouache yellow, red, orange, green, brown, blue

brushes thin and wide

Foam "pokes"

jars of water


· napkins

a small piece of paper for a test poke drawing

Methodological techniques: Game situation, conversation-dialogue, productive activity of children, summing up.

GCD progress:

In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, there lived - there was a Gardener. Every autumn, golden apples ripened in his garden. Yes, the trouble happened: the Three-Headed Dragon flew in and ate all the apples, and burned the apple trees. The Gardener was saddened and went for advice to the Wizard. The wizard thought and thought and said: “I can help you revive the garden, only I need pictures with painted apple trees”

Guys, let's help the Gardener: draw apple trees with golden apples! Do you agree?

How do we start drawing? (draw an apple tree)

We start drawing with the largest object - an apple tree. The drawing is located in the center of the sheet.

We draw an apple tree: first, with a brush, draw the trunk, branches with brown paint.

Then we draw the leaves by “adhering”. To draw leaves, we need green gouache. First, by “dipping”, we draw the leaves with dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.

We will draw apples with a foam poke.

How to draw an apple

Dip one edge of the poke in yellow paint, the other edge in red paint

(remove excess paint on the auxiliary sheet)

We put a poke "Column" and gently scroll. It turns out a round apple with a red barrel. Ah, what a magical apple! Round, gold, with a pink barrel!

Physical break.

« Apple tree Serbian song

Apple tree! Apple tree! Children walk in a circle holding hands.

Where are your apples? In the center stands one child - the "apple tree".

Did the frost freeze them? Children stop, for every line

Or did the wind blow them away? bend one finger on both hands.

Or did the lightning strike?

Or hail beat them?

Or have the birds pecked?

Where did they disappear to? They lower their hands, shrug their shoulders.

The frost did not freeze them, These words are pronounced by the child - "apple tree".

And it was not the wind that carried them away, Children bend one finger on both

Did not burn them with fire, hands, starting with large ones.

There was no hail with rain,

The birds didn't bite them.

Kids broke! Children scatter, the “apple tree” child tries to tarnish them.

Independent work

Now sit down at the tables and we will draw an apple tree with golden apples.

Who has time to draw an apple tree, the drawing can be supplemented with details


Offer to admire the resulting drawings. I will photograph these drawings and send them to the Wizard. The Wizard promised to revive the apple trees and give them to the Gardener.

The teacher thanks the children for their work.

Abstract of the drawing lesson: "Apple tree with golden apples."
Teacher of additional education Mishchenko Nadezhda Viktorovna, Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten "Skazka", Karymskoye village, Trans-Baikal Territory
preparatory group
Creation date: October 2016
Purpose: to teach children to draw the image of a fabulous tree - an apple tree.
Educational: Learn to create a fabulous image, draw branching trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees. To consolidate the ability to draw with non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with foam rubber poke). Learn how to properly place an image on a sheet
Developing: to develop interest in art, aesthetic perception, the ability to combine the beauty of the world, develop imagination, creativity, visual skills.
Nurturing: To cultivate accuracy, perseverance, the ability to behave.

Material: sheets of paper according to the number of children, gouache, foam sponges, brushes, wet wipes, palette.
1 part. Introductory.
- In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, he lived - there was a Gardener. Every autumn, golden apples ripened in his garden. Yes, the trouble happened: the Dragon flew in and ate all the apples, and burned the apple trees. The Gardener was saddened and went for advice to the Wizard. The wizard thought and thought and said: “I can help you revive the garden, only I need pictures with painted apple trees”
- Guys, let's help the Gardener: draw apple trees with golden apples! Do you agree?
There is an apple tree by the road
(weave hands over head, fingers unclenched)
An apple is hanging on a branch.
(put wrists together)
I strongly shook the branch,
(arms above head, moving back and forth)
Here we have an apple.
(palms in front of the chest, imitate holding an apple)
I'll drink into a sweet apple,
(connect wrists, spread palms)
Ah, what a nice taste.
2 part. Main.
- How do we start drawing? (let's draw a horizon line) With a horizon line, we divide the sheet into heaven and earth. Since we have a magical garden in which golden apples grow, let's draw a sky of an unusual color. Let's apply strokes on the top of the sheet with three colors: blue, red and yellow. With a damp cloth, rub three colors into a single background.
- Next, paint the bottom of the sheet. Let's apply strokes on the bottom of the sheet with three colors: dark green, light green and yellow. With a damp cloth, rub three colors into a single background.
- The apple tree is located in the center of the sheet. We draw an apple tree: first, with a brush, draw the trunk, branches with brown paint. Then we draw the leaves by “adhering”. To draw leaves, we need green gouache. First, by “dipping”, we draw the leaves with dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.
- We will draw apples with a foam sponge. We apply yellow and red gouache to the palette. Dip one end of the sponge in yellow paint, the other end in red paint. We put the sponge "Column" and gently scroll. It turns out a round apple with a red barrel.
Independent work.
3 part. Final.
- Oh, what magical apples on the apple tree! Round, gold, with a pink barrel!
Offer to admire the resulting drawings. I will photograph these drawings and send them to the Wizard. The Wizard promised to revive the apple trees and give them to the Gardener.

An apple is a familiar fruit from childhood, but what do our children really know about it? Let's tell them interesting facts, conduct experiments, read a couple of fairy tales and, of course, get creative. Drawings, crafts, poems and descriptions of experiments - all this you will find in this article.

Hello my dear readers, and here we are again together on the blog. Today I will tell you how many interesting things Alexander and I managed to do on the topic of just one fruit. Sit comfortably, I'm sure that each of you will find something useful for your children. Let's start with creativity.

Apple: drawing for children

We did not waste time on trifles and drew a whole basket of ruddy apples. Now I will briefly tell you how my son, 7 years old, makes drawings with his mother.

It still remains a mystery to me why such a smart boy cannot grasp the elementary skills of art. At the same time, I consider him a creative person: he makes any crafts, plays the piano. From early childhood we use pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, but if earlier I referred to age, uncertain coordination of movements, now there is nothing to blame. If this is your case, then see how I work with it.

Having chosen one of the familiar techniques, I began to learn the basics. There is a magnetic board hanging on the wall in the children's room. She helps with various projects, she does school homework almost daily, she also became my assistant in drawing. On the Facebook page, I periodically share the findings of step-by-step lessons. Subscribe! Starting the apple week, downloaded here great tutorial for kids.

In our case, it was a lesson with my mother - I drew every step on the board, Alexander repeated on paper. And although the use of a ruler was not planned, its use proved to be useful for practice and the final form of creative work.

What will be required:

  • A sheet of thick paper;
  • pencil;
  • colored crayons;
  • black marker.

Parent's guide:

  1. Print out a step-by-step tutorial.
  2. Draw center lines on paper.
  3. The child follows the tutorial using a pencil.
  4. Outline the outlines with a black marker.
  5. The student carefully paints the details with crayons.

We've changed the process a bit. Since the last academic year, acrylic paints have been used in drawing lessons at the Lyceum. The tubes with leftovers were taken home by the teacher. Don't get lost! Therefore, at first the child painted the picture with paints, then outlined the contours in black.

What I'm noticing is that my son is gaining confidence as the end result looks quite nice. And I, as always, put off the finished work in a specially created folder. The time will come, we will smile together over the difficulties in drawing.

For those who are more advanced and prefer realistic drawings with pencils, I offer a video:

Poem about an apple for children

Now let's learn a short rhyme.

The day is bright today -
Sun and chill.
We are a basket of apples
Brought from the garden.

And pear and wound -
There is no sweeter than these apples!

Ask little students what time of year the poet describes? My son immediately answered - autumn. Which made it possible to explain when most varieties ripen. The words pear and wound can be an empty sound for a child's ear, if possible, show them.

Can you tell us about the Apple Savior, which has long been celebrated in Russia on August 19th. Until that date, it was forbidden to pick apples from trees. On this day, the ripened fruits were taken from the apple trees, blessed in the temple and treated to each other.

Description of an apple for children: download test material

It's time to get to know the fetus better. Although I am sure that many, even small children, will be able to name all the parts of an apple without any problems. They saw him in the cut. To get started, let's prepare:

  • Saucers or one form divided into sections;
  • an apple divided into the necessary parts (pulp, peel, seeds, “tail”, leaf, stalk);
  • magnifier.

The latter will be needed, firstly, because with this magical device, an activity for children turns into a real study. Secondly, a situation like ours may arise - the seeds turned out to be underdeveloped, and we wanted to consider them. With a good quality magnifying glass, the fact that the pulp is porous can be noted. It will come in handy later during the experiment. Reading the encyclopedia about the apple tree is great here, it is written about it below.

It is better to prepare several fruits with different tastes, then it will turn out to expand the lesson:

  1. LOOK AT color: peel, pulp, seeds and stalk.
  2. HEAR: the crunch when biting or the sound of a knife cutting through the fruit.
  3. TRY: pulp of different varieties, their juice.
  4. SMELL: sweet aroma.
  5. TOUCH the different parts of the fruit: smooth, sticky, wet, hard.

Now let's put the ingredients on the dish, name them, discuss the purpose of each. If you wish, you can complicate the task and give definitions in your native and foreign languages ​​being studied. We did not have a leaf, it should also be added.

Let's check our knowledge. For blog subscribers, I have prepared a couple of materials for printing. Please fill out the form below and a download link will be sent to your inbox. If you are not a subscriber, the system will add you to the list after your consent. If you wish, you can take a look at.

Print the first page of the downloaded material. Ask the student to cut out the 6 words at the bottom, paste them into the empty boxes and color the picture of an apple. Below is Alexander's finished work.

life cycle of an apple

In continuation of the topic, we will use the second part of the downloaded material - we will discuss how the apple grows. Last year, my son came across a sprouted bone in the fruit he was eating, and we decided to plant it. It soon became clear - a wild game with spikes on a young trunk was born, besides, the gardener filled it with water. Therefore, things did not go further than a glass. But this experience also helped to find out what an apple tree grows from. We then read a lot of information, and Alexander was surprised how long it would take to wait for the fruits of our sprout.

This time we repeated the life cycle. The child is invited to glue the “petals” to the hexagon in the correct order and color the picture. Here's what it looks like when finished.

Thermomosaic: voluminous crafts

Creativity continued with a wonderful craft from your favorite material. If you make several of these beauties, then you can create a garland. We have already finished with , so if you are reading this article in the fall, welcome for ideas.

It took:

  • Pusla;
  • base for assembly.

According to this pattern, the child lays out two halves of the fruit. Carefully count the number of beads, then the details will connect perfectly.

An adult irons the parts through waxed paper (supplied with the kits) with a hot iron. My ironing machine has a temperature setting from 1 to 6, with pussies I work on a four. In circular motions, without pressing, I count up to 20. If I see not melted beads, it means that they have not stuck to their neighbors, I iron them for another 5-6 seconds. When the halves have cooled, remove the paper and connect.

And for kids, you can make crafts from real juicy fruits, as Diana and her mother do on the Dianka Film channel:

Articles about thermomosaic on the blog:

Labyrinth “Apple”

We move on, and in order to dilute creativity, I propose to guide the caterpillar through the maze. It is kindly provided mrprintables, I really love his blog and when my son was small, I used a lot of free materials from him. Before printing, determine by eye the complexity of the passage, whether it is suitable for your child. My son loves this activity and will not hesitate to say that he finds a way out of any confusing options.

Fragrant pastries

Of course, everyone uses this wonderful fruit in the kitchen: jam, compotes, pastries, salads. And since a book of recipes from Findus and Petson appeared in the home library, we decided to cook something tasty from it on the topic. Unfortunately, the apple pie recipe posted there was not worth our effort. They ate without much pleasure.

In advance, I prepared a verse that may be useful to you if you have a proven recipe:

ruddy apples,
They have honey juice!
Mom will bake us
Apple pie.

Delicious and fragrant
The pie will come out
With a golden crust
Eat it buddy!

Of course, I didn’t calm down on this, I really don’t like failures in the kitchen. And finding something that seemed interesting to me, I created yummy. It is very easy to prepare, but children under 10 years old are unlikely to be able to help.

Well, isn't it beauty? Below there is a detailed video in English, but for your convenience, I will indicate the ingredients and cooking steps. So, for six apple roses you will need:

  • 2 apples of sweet varieties;
  • water;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 3 tbsp apricot jam (jam);
  • a sheet of ready-made puff pastry (I have two of them in the package, we use one);
  • a little flour for dusting the table;
  • cinnamon;
  • powdered sugar for dusting.
  1. Cut the apples in half, cut out the core and chop finely as shown in the video.
  2. We fill the bowl halfway with water, add the juice of half a lemon to the water and put the apple slices into the solution.
  3. Put in the microwave for 3 minutes. This is done so that the fruit becomes plastic. Drain water, let cool.
  4. Dilute apricot jam with 2 tbsp. water and put in the microwave for 1 minute.
  5. Unfold the dough on a floured table, roll it out a little and cut into 6 strips.
  6. We put a little apricot mass on the strip, lay out the apples with an overlap from the center up (look at the video), sprinkle with cinnamon. Put the second half of the dough on top and roll up.
  7. We put all the blanks in a mold for cupcakes. If yours is not silicone, you should lubricate with coconut oil.
  8. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes.
  9. Cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Books about apples for children

Reading enriches the inner world of children, and allows parents to diversify classes on any topic. Ask the children in what works this wonderful fruit is found? I'm sure everyone can name at least three. Below is our list of what we read and listened to.

Russian folk tales

  1. Swan geese- in different fairy tales, the apple tree asks the heroes to shake its branches. So here Masha shook off the ripe fruits, and the tree helped her for this.
  2. “Magic apple” - the father planted an apple tree for each of his sons ... but the fruit cured the princess only from a son with a pure soul. (A musical audio tale performed by Anofriyev can be found for listening through a search engine).
  3. Silver saucer and pouring apple- a Russian folk tale about Maryushka and her favorite toy - an apple, which, rolling on a saucer, showed all the wonders that are happening in the world. But it was not the fruit that helped the girl become a queen, but her kindness.
  4. “Rejuvenating apples” - the old king decided to rejuvenate and he sent three sons to distant lands, so that rejuvenating fruits would be brought to him and living water. But even here only Ivan Tsarevich distinguished himself ...

The last three works have a pronounced Russian-folk language. I think that it will not be clear to all modern children, so I do not advise reading until 6-7 years old, because you will often have to interrupt for explanations.

Author's works

Of the writers, I want to immediately note 2 books about apples for children:

  1. Tales and pictures of V. Suteev- this beautiful collection contains works for the little ones: “A Bag of Apples” and “Apple”.
  2. Pushkin's Golden Tales- an amazing collection for children from 8-9 years old, we read “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”. This story is familiar to everyone from the work “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Alexander Sergeevich managed to revive it in a Russian way.


Did you think that in this category there is no place for our topic? A very interesting book was created by biologist A. Smirnov:

  1. Who looks like an apple tree? A visual edition with large bright pictures and easy-to-read text, from which children will learn about plants of the Rosaceae family. Based on my son, I would recommend a book for ages 5+.
  2. No less amazing for children from 2 to 5 approximately, which you need to read with a flashlight, was released by the Phoenix Premier publishing house: What is the apple tree hiding?

Sailor dance "Apple"

It's time for a physical education session, as well as familiarization with Russian music: accordion, balalaika - everything is here! If the melody is familiar, then you can immediately start dancing or first watch the dance performed by professionals. I assure you, everyone's mood will rise!

Let's get down to science and do some experiments. Look at the age of the children, someone may need the help of an adult, others will cope with all the actions on their own.

apple volcano

This experience is the easiest and suitable even for toddlers. Alexander and I started “exploding” volcanoes at the age of three, me. Remember that repeating experiments in different ways helps to reinforce understanding of the concepts being presented. Surprisingly, such simple ingredients cause a violent reaction in the child now. So, we needed almost nothing:

  • 1 apple;
  • soda;
  • apple cider vinegar (at the same time we will explain what it is made of), of course you can take white.

Everything is extremely simple. Carve a "crater" in the fruit. Have your child pour in the baking soda and then pour in the acid solution in a trickle. Get ready to fill the container with the ingredients a dozen times!

Why do baking soda and vinegar form bubbles? It is enough for kids to understand that these two products, when combined, cause a reaction. Older children can already be given the basics of chemistry:

Baking soda and vinegar react with each other due to an acid-base reaction. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate and vinegar is acetic acid. One of the products that this reaction creates is carbon dioxide. It is with this phenomenon that we met this time.

Drown or not?

I asked my son such a tricky question, putting a container of water and a few apples in front of him. Alexander took them in his hands, assessed the severity and confidently answered: “They will drown.” Let's check!

Don't drown! You know why? The apple has air inside, and that prevents it from sinking completely. These fruits are less dense than water. Well, since they swim, it’s worth making boats and playing.

What will save you from darkening?

Many have noticed that the cut apple darkens. Oxidation occurs when the flesh comes into contact with oxygen and starts to react, turning brown. By the way, did you know that through genetic modification, varieties are bred that remain white in the cut? I have a negative attitude towards such changes, which it is not known how they will affect the genetics of our children decades later. Unfortunately, the stores do not indicate what exactly we buy ...

The experience we are talking about will show how the pulp reacts to different environments. This required:

  • Jars from Ikea (use any);
  • pieces of fruit;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon juice;
  • water.

I gave one option for Alexander to choose - he filled a jar of soda. Another container was left empty, without a lid - air.

Now wait, we did it for 2 days for a more obvious result. Then I took everything out, we carefully examined, touched. The most surprising was the oil environment. In it, the slice remained quite light and absolutely hard, I would say crispy. Salt also pleased - the color is preserved. It was she who struck my little student. The lemon stopped the oxidation, but the flesh became very loose. Here I used apple cider vinegar, which I regretted, it stained the experimental piece.

Click on these two photos

What else can be done with children on the topic? Ours immediately came to mind in the form of an apple tree with fruits.

On this I say goodbye to you, my dear readers. I hope I was able to inspire you to do something like this. Use pictures, read books, conduct experiments - the main thing is that the learning process is interesting for children. Bye Bye.

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