Zamyatin we detailed summary. Evgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin

Year of publication of the book: 1927

Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" became in many ways defining for the writer. Firstly, this is the only completed novel by Zamyatin, and secondly, he played a decisive role in the life of the writer. Written back in 1920, it was severely criticized among Soviet functionaries. As a result, the book was published in English, French and some other languages ​​much earlier than in Russian. And the writer himself, unable to endure persecution, was forced to leave his homeland.

Roman Zamyatin "We" summary

If we summarize Zamyatin's novel "We" briefly, then it is worth starting with the fact that the novel is written in the form of a diary. It is led by the brilliant engineer of the Integral spacecraft. The name of the main character in Zamyatin's novel "We" is D - 503. The fact is that by the 32nd century the totalitarian society of the United State had completely abandoned names. Now everyone wears only faceless numbers, everyone wears the same clothes, and the “Table of the Hour” regulates what each member of society should do at every minute. Only the vowel and consonant at the beginning of the name distinguishes men from women. There are no races or religions, only apartments with the minimum necessary set of furniture are provided to everyone. The "Guardian's Bureau" carefully monitors compliance with the rules, and in the event of a crime, the "Benefactor" personally executes the criminal, turning him into just a puddle of chemically pure water. By the way, it is also customary to elect the “Benefactor” only unanimously on a non-alternative basis. One of the basic principles of the United State says "We" - from God, "I" - from the devil.

Even the sexual life of citizens in Zamyatin's novel "We" is subject to harsh laws. For each resident, a report card of sexual days has been compiled, and everyone can sign up for each. A pink ticket is issued for a date. The action of the novel begins with D - 503 walking around the Musical Factory with O - 90. He has known her for a long time. She has another sexual partner and a poet - R - 13. He is also a friend of the hero of Zamyatin's novel "We". These two he considers his family. Violates their walk I - 330, which speaks to D - 503. Sharp and stubborn, she seems to read the thoughts of the protagonist.

Further, in Zamyatin's novel "We", a summary can be read as a few days later I - 303 invites the main character to the Ancient House. This is an old apartment where there is a piano, a statue and a lot of colors. D - 503 is captured by this spectacle, but to the persuasion of I - 303, which offers to break the rules and stay with her, she does not give in. He is going to convey this request to the Bureau of Guardians, but in the morning he goes to the medical center and gets a day off. Then D - 503, along with other numbers, is present at the execution of the poet, who is accused of impartial verses addressed to the Benefactor. The verdict is read by a friend of the hero of Zamyatin's novel "We" - R - 13. And then the Machine turns the criminal into water.

Shortly thereafter, the protagonist of the novel "We" Zamyatin receives a notification that I-303 is recorded on him. According to the law, he comes to her. She teases him by smoking illegal cigarettes and drinking alcohol. And then in a kiss he makes him try alcohol. D - 503 is simply obliged to inform the keepers about it, but he understands that he cannot. He has changed. Now he, like the hero of ancient books, is jealous and loves like an idiot. He confesses this in his diary. Mental turmoil leads him to the Medical Center, where Guardian S - 4711 helps him to reach. By the way, this character of Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" is a friend of I - 303. As it turns out, D - 503 is terminally ill - he, like many other citizens of the United State , the soul appeared.

Further in the novel “We” by Zamyatin, you can read about how, in search of I - 303, the main character comes to the Ancient House. He opens the closet door and suddenly the floor leaves from under his feet, and he finds himself in a dungeon. It leads outside the wall. There he is met by a familiar doctor who is very surprised by his appearance. He tells them to wait until I - 303 arrives, and then they walk together through the clumsy and irrational world.

By this time, the character of Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" under the number O - 90 understands that D - 503 has lost interest in her. Therefore, she removes all her notes on him, but before that she decides to come to say goodbye. In the afternoon impulse, she asks the protagonist for a child. D - 503 tries to reason with her by declaring that she is ten centimeters below the Maternal Norm. But she is ready for anything in order to feel the child inside her. D - 503 fulfills her request. Soon after, I - 303 finally comes to him. The protagonist accuses her of tormenting him. To which she replies that she was not sure that he would follow her to the end. And if he is not afraid, then he will find out the details after the Day of Unanimity.

Further in Zamyatin's novel "We" in a summary, you will learn how the Day of Unanimity comes when a new Benefactor is elected. To the slow cast-iron question: “Who is for”, six million hands rise up. And when the question is raised against who, thousands of hands rise up, among which is the hand I - 303. The figures of the Guardians begin to rush about like a whirlwind. A friend of the hero of Zamyatin's novel "We" - R - 13 carries a bloodied I - 303 in his arms. He picks it up and runs, and only the thought that he is ready to carry it like that always boils in his head.

The next day, there was a note in the newspapers that the Benefactor was unanimously elected for the 48th time, and on the streets there were leaflets with the inscription "Mephi". The protagonist of Zamyatin's novel "We", together with his girlfriend, again goes beyond the wall. Here he meets overgrown and cheerful people who offer him to destroy the Wall at the upcoming Integral tests. D - 503 understands that they are with these people as separated molecules of H2 and O, and that since I - 303 is with these people, then he is with them.

And the next day, the decree on the Great Operation comes out. Its goal is the destruction of fantasy. Operated ones come out of the gaping doors like tractors. They surround the crowd, and everyone rushes loose. The hero of Yevgeny Zamyatin's science fiction novel "We" is hiding in the stairwell with a friend of O - 90. She wants to save their child. D - 503 gives her a note to I - 303 and promises that she will help.

And finally, the test of "Integral". Among the staff, members of "Mephi" and I - 303. She reports that she helped the woman he sent. But then a voice sounds on the radio that the Keepers know everything and that they believe that they will not dare to disrupt it. D - 503 understands that it was the duty officer in his house, Yu, who read his diaries and told everything to the Guardians. She probably did it just to keep him safe. But I - 303 blames him for everything. The protagonist of Zamyatin's novel "We" gives the command down and turn off the engines. And then the Second Builder rushes into the wheelhouse, who gives the command up.

Further in Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" you can read about how the Benefactor summons the protagonist. He is the same person as all the rest of the inhabitants of the city. He convinces D - 503 that he was needed only as the builder of the "Integral". And the next day, "Mephi" blow up the wall. Birds fly through the streets of the city, and the rebels move west. D - 503 runs to the Guardians Bureau and tells the character of Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" S - 4711 everything he knows about "Mephi", but then he realizes that he is one of them. He goes into the bathroom and right from there he and his neighbors are taken to the Great Operation.

Now the head of the protagonist of Zamyatin's novel "We" is empty. He comes to the Benefactor and tells everything he knows about the rebels. Then he watches with him as I - 303 is brought in. She looks at him and is silent. Then she is brought into the Gas Room from which the air is pumped out. She looks at him until her eyes close. It is taken out with the help of electrodes, consciousness is restored and the procedure is repeated again. All this reminds of something, but what, the main character does not remember. Soon other conspirators will be brought here, and then they will find themselves in the Machine. The diary of the protagonist of Zamyatin's novel "We" ends with the words that reason must win. After all, they have already built a new wall.

Roman Zamyatina "We" on the Top Books website

Evgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" became so popular to read, thanks to its inclusion in the school curriculum. This factor allowed the work to take a high place among the year. In addition, the novel ranked high among our site. And given the high interest in Zamyatin's work, he will continue to be presented among.

The writers of our country are talented people, as you can see when you read their works, which are included in the school curriculum. Among the writers that must be studied is Zamyatin, who wrote the excellent work We.

Zamyatin "We" summary by chapter

Just today, we bring to your attention the book by Zamyatin We are in a summary of the chapters, thanks to which you will quickly get acquainted with the plot. Having studied Roman Zamyatin We chapter by chapter in a summary, you can answer the questions posed and analyze the work. The work itself is about the distant future, where a talented engineer makes notes so that later they can be read by descendants.

He writes so that descendants can learn about the One State and the ideal ruler - the Benefactor, read about life, where we are and this is from God, but I - comes from the devil.

Chapter 1

From the note of the first chapter, we learn that the earth submitted to the One State and the ruler Benefactor. People don't have names, only numbers. They are happy here. And now the construction of the Integral is being completed. This spacecraft must integrate the universe, destroy the wild curve and straighten it out. After all, the line of an ideal united state is straight, wise and precise. Thanks to the Integral, it will be possible to bring mathematical happiness to all other creatures of the planet. The great mathematician of the United State D-503 is working on the construction of the ship, he also keeps records, where he writes down all the thoughts of happy residents.

Chapter 2

One spring day in the afternoon, his beloved O-90 dropped in on D-503 and they went for a walk. It was extra time, during which the same numbers walked under the March of the State. Walking, the hero met a stranger who was called I-330. Somehow she was able to read our builder's mind. The hero became interested in a lady who invited him to room 112. D-503 said that he would come if there was an outfit. Further, left alone with O, the girl told her lover that she would like to come to him at night. But he said that their meeting was scheduled for the day after tomorrow. The hero said goodbye to the girl, kissing her three times goodbye.

Chapter 3

In Chapter 3, the author decided to acquaint the future reader with such concepts of civilization as the Tablet, Maternal and Paternal norms, the Green Wall. D says that after the war no one crossed the line of the Green Wall, which separates the city from the forest. At the same time, the Tablet is like that icon that you want to read prayers. Thanks to these hours, the planned life of the population passes, which simultaneously wakes up, eats, works, walks, goes to bed. Every day, twice a day, people have personal time during which they can walk, meet their soul mates, or create and write, as the author of the notes does.

It is incomprehensible how earlier people could live not according to the clock, not according to scientific ethics, without the regulation of time. He cannot comprehend such a thing. It was also absurd that the sexual life was not settled, where people, like animals, gave birth blindly. The author writes that this is hard to believe, but there were times when people lived in the state of wild animals or herds, and even now such individuals can be met. D writes that this is rare and is quickly eliminated. Guardians watch over everything.

Chapter 4

D really got an outfit for audience 112. They talked about the music of the past over the loudspeaker. One of the examples was performed by that stranger named I. Today D was in a mood and was constantly looking for O, who was supposed to come to him in the evening. In general, all their rooms were glass, so that you could follow their life. This also facilitated the functions of the Guardians, and only on sexual days it was allowed to close the curtains. And at 21 came O with a pink ticket.

Chapter 5

In this part, D introduces the future reader to his world, which is understandable to him, although many will wonder, for example, about what a pink ticket is. The author writes how the state defeated hunger in a two hundred year war, writes about how oil food was invented, how such a feeling as Love was won. Now they live according to the formula, where anyone can choose a number. Having made a statement, you will be assigned the desired number and on sexy days you can use the specified number by receiving a pink book with coupons. Such relationships are much more pleasant and beneficial for the body.

Chapter 6

In the sixth chapter, it is mentioned that so far their life is not perfect. D writes that there will be Justice on the square, as one of the numbers broke the rules. Why go far when something incomprehensible happened to him, albeit in his personal time. He writes how I called him and made an appointment at the Ancient House. And now, five minutes later, D and I-330 were in the air. They arrived at the house where the strange old woman was sitting. She let the visitors in. The hero began to examine the room, where chaos reigned around. I-330 changed into a strange dress. Noticing that it was time, the mathematician offered to go, so as not to be late. However, the woman refuses and offers to stay, breaking all the rules. The author of the note refuses, deciding to report to the Guardians about the revealed violations.

Chapter 7

Our hero has a dream. Waking up, he realizes that he is ill, because dreams are considered a mental illness. The author goes on to say how brilliant Taylor was that he was able to integrate life. D, having had breakfast, went to the Integral. Along the way, he met Guardian S, whom he had already seen. I wanted to tell about I and her violation, but changed his mind, as it turned out that the Guardian knew the woman very well. He later met with Oh, who suggested that the hero was ill. And so the author of the notes decides to go to the doctor, and in the evening D and O solve problems that help to relax and clear thoughts.

Chapter 8

In this entry, D recalls being terrified of an irrational number as a child. The mathematician goes to the Guardian's Bureau, but on the way he meets O and the writer R-13. After talking with them, the writer invites everyone to go to visit him together, despite the fact that O is written to him today. Everyone goes to the writer, where they talk about poets and their work. Next, D goes home, and R-13 lowers the curtains. The author of the notes concludes that the writer he and O, like a family, is not an isosceles triangle.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 takes us to Cuba Square, where the people have gathered. D. was also there. All eyes were turned to the Benefactor. He stood near the Machine on the square, where the execution of the criminal who wrote blasphemous verses is expected. The poet's poems began to be read out on the stage, among them was a poet familiar to us, a friend of D. The criminal went up to the Machine. By pressing the lever, the Benefactor killed the poet by sending him hundreds of thousands of volts of electric current. There was a splitting of atoms, the poet turned into water.

Chapter 10

D receives a letter stating that I wrote him down. Since O is to come to him that evening, he sends her a copy of the notice, while he himself goes to the woman. O did not understand why she called him. He let her know that he didn't like her. I herself said that he was in her power, because he did not go to the Guardians. The woman smoked, and even drank liquor. It was forbidden, but she didn't care. She offered alcohol to D, but he refused. Then the woman, having typed liquor into her mouth, during the kiss, poured the liquid into the mouth of the author of the notes. And then the hero, like crazy, almost confessed his love, but did not have time. It was necessary to get home, because after half past ten it was impossible to go out into the street. He couldn't sleep at home.

Chapter 11

Now D does not understand who he really is, he lost faith in himself. Next, the poet comes to the man. They are talking. In a conversation, R says that the day after tomorrow O is written to D, and then our hero finds out that the poet is also familiar with I. Here jealousy woke up in a man. The poet leaves, and the mathematician understands that now they don’t have a triangle, the feelings that have surfaced have ruined everything.

Chapter 12

D hopes to recover. He believes that everything will pass and will be as before. He is waiting for a meeting with O. Heading to work, he reads the poet's poems, and the Guardian reads them with him.

Chapter 13

The mathematician slept well, considering himself recovered. He is waiting for the evening, when O should come to him. But then a call from I, who asked him to come out. He wanted to put an end to it, saying that he was controlled by the state, but that was not the case. After meeting I, D is late for work. A familiar doctor writes a certificate, after which the heroes go to the Ancient House. There they loved each other. After I disappears.

Chapter 14

D comes to O, who immediately notices that the mathematician is different, not hers. D began to kiss her, but could no longer surrender to love. The girl runs away, and the hero realizes that I broke his relationship not only with the poet, but also with O.

Chapter 15

D comes to the place where the Integral is being built. There, the second builder tells him about a spy who was sent to the Operations Bureau, where he will be tortured. The second assistant says that there are a lot of violators around the construction, but D advises him to have an operation to temper the fantasy.

Chapter 16

D yearns for I, whom he has not seen for a long time. Only a couple of times she flashed surrounded by men. She had a pink ticket for D, but she didn't show up. The hero begins to be jealous of her, and then it seems to him that the Guardian is watching him.

D comes to I's house because of which he is late. He goes to the doctor in order to get a release from work, and the doctor diagnoses that he is sick, D has a soul. But, you should not worry, because the soul is not only him alone. Walking can cure it. He says that he needs to walk to the Ancient House, as if hinting that I is waiting for him there.

Chapter 17

D goes to the House hoping to see the woman. The old woman reports that I is in the house, but the hero cannot find her. Then he sees the keeper S walking. The mathematician hides in a closet and falls through somewhere. As it turned out, there was an elevator. In the underground corridor, D met a doctor he knew, who took him to I. She in her yellow dress. They leave the house, I make an appointment for the day after tomorrow.

Chapter 18

Continuing to read the work of Yevgeny Zamyatin We, in a summary, again see our hero. He dreams of I and then he remembers all that terrible irrational number. In the evening, D decided to take a walk, as the doctor advised. Watching the lectures, the mathematician realizes that he does not want to be among the others. Returning from a walk, he is handed a letter from O-90, who wrote that she was letting him go, although she loves him very much. She understands that he loves another.

Chapter 19

The first start of the Integral engine takes place, during which several people died. But, this is nothing, such a loss was not even noticed. D is waiting to meet with I, but she did not come. But she sent a letter where she asks the mathematician to lower the curtains, creating the illusion that he has it. The hero got angry, but fulfilled the request. D goes to a lecture on child rearing, where he met O. After the lecture, he goes home. O is waiting for him there. She admits that, against all odds, she wants a child from D. They copulate.

Chapter 20

The hero reflects on what happened, in which case, he is ready for death.

Chapter 21

Despite the fact that I is again enrolled in mathematics, she does not come. D lowers the curtains, as before, he writes notes himself. Then the hero goes to the Ancient House to find a girl there, but meets Guardian S, who asks D to be careful. In the evening, controller Yu comes to D, telling that the children at school drew a caricature of her because of which she handed them over to the Keepers.

Chapter 22

There is a procession. They lead criminals to execution. And then a woman from the crowd rushed to one of the criminals. The mathematician thought it was his missing girlfriend. He rushed to her defense and was seized as an accomplice. But Guardian S protected him, saying that he was ill.

Chapter 23

Finally I came to the hero. She loves him and wants to be sure that he loves her too. She wants to know that he is ready for anything for her. D senses that the woman is hiding something. I promises to tell everything, but after Unanimity.

Chapter 24

D thinks about the day of Unanimity, during which the same ruler is chosen. The mathematician calls I and offers to go to the square that day together. But the woman refuses.

Chapter 25

Here is the day. Benefactor with his speeches at the podium. Near I, poet and keeper. The hero gets jealous, and then the unthinkable happens. During the voting, thousands of people rioted by voting against the Benefactor. There is panic all around. I - wounded, she is carried in the arms of R. The mathematician takes the woman away from him and carries her to the upper platform. They agree to meet in an underground corridor. D thinks about what happened, does not understand how this happened and people rebelled.

Chapter 26

Oddly enough, but the world has not changed, everything is as before. The newspaper reported that the Benefactor was elected, although they tried to disrupt the elections. Mephi's leaflets were posted along the street, one of which D helped to rip off number S.

Chapter 27

D and I met. The woman took the mathematician to where he had never been. They were behind a green wall. There the hero saw many people covered with wool. I calls on those gathered to destroy the wall, capture the Integral in order to fly to other planets with like-minded people. It is necessary to change the established orders and laws. Someone said that this was madness, but D picked up his companion, saying that it was precisely this madness that was indispensable. After the preparations, everyone drank some of the contents of the cup, and then D saw a familiar face in the crowd. He said that he saw the Guardian, but I claimed that no one knew about this place.

Chapter 28

I comes to D, Yu breaks in after her, but Yu is put out the door. I herself says that the mathematician can hand it over to the Guardians, but D says that he is already different and will not hand it over. Then the woman says that the state is preparing something, because all classrooms where medical tables are being prepared have been cancelled. Another woman suggested that the hero is a descendant of a mixed family, from a woman from the city and a man who lived behind the wall. She also spoke about Mephi, who fights for freedom and movement, in contrast to the state, which stands for order and stability. She leaves. Later, D receives a letter that Guardians are heading towards him. He hides dangerous records. The keeper leaves without finding anything.

Chapter 29

D once again goes to the Ancient House, where he has an appointment with I. Heading into the house, he sees a pregnant O. She is happy, but D understands that she is in danger. He wants to ask I to take her behind the wall, but O, hearing her rival's name, refuses to go with the mathematician.

Chapter 30

I shares his plans with D. Mephi planned to capture the Integral during the first test flight. The hero claims that this is a revolution, but it cannot be avoided. I asks everyone to lock up in the dining room during lunch so that they can carry out their plans.

Chapter 31

Newspapers write that they have invented a method that will completely make people perfect. To do this, you need to come to the operation, which is carried out in the classroom. D is happy, shared his joy with I. She makes an appointment. The launch of the Integral itself is delayed due to operations, which the mathematician is happy about, because there is no need to betray the Integral. Returning home, he sees Yu, who reports that she forcibly took all the children to the operation. Everyone can follow the actions, because the operations are carried out in plain sight. D, before going for surgery to remove the center of the brain that is responsible for fantasy, meets with I. She confronts him with a choice. A happy ideal life without her or he chooses I. He chooses the second.

Chapter 32

The integral is being prepared for launch, but people refuse the operation. They begin to drive them by force, but they run away. D was also among those fleeing. He met O, who agreed to go to I and hide behind the wall. However, D notices the surveillance. He sends the girl alone by writing letter I. Many people claim that a naked, hairy man was seen outside the Ancient House.

Chapter 33

The newspapers began to write about the need for an operation, and everyone who does not appear will be betrayed by the Benefactor's Machine.

Chapter 34

The ship is ready for testing. The mathematician sees I, who reports that O is safe. And then dinner came, everything was supposed to happen, but the man whom D thought Mephi turned out to be the Guardian. The revolution was prevented from taking place. I suspects D of betrayal. The same understands that he was reported by Yu, who could read the last entries when he was not in the room.

Chapter 35

D searches around the city for Yu to kill, but does not find it. In the crowd, he sees I, who is forced to go to the operation. He wants to help her, but he can't get through the crowd. The raid began and D runs away. In the evening, Yu herself comes to D. He lowers the curtains so that they do not see the murder, but Yu, thinking about the connection, takes off her clothes. D laughs and it kills the woman. Yu gets dressed and confesses that she didn't betray I. The hero believes the woman.

Chapter 36

D called the Benefactor. He assured that D was used no more than that. They just wanted to get information out of him. These words hurt a man. He wants to see I.
He is in the square next to the Benefactor's car, imagining how I will be executed. At that moment, for the first time, he regretted that he did not have a mother.

Chapter 37

When breakfast was taking place, everyone heard a roar and saw flying birds. People understood that the wall had been blown up. Everyone heads to the place where the hole has formed. The mathematician learns that I is somewhere in the city. He goes to her apartment, but it is empty and some kind of pogrom. He sees pink coupons for him and another man. Without waiting for the woman, the hero goes home.

Chapter 38

In the morning he woke up from the light. Opening his eyes, I saw I. She came for a few minutes, and they were waiting for her downstairs. D told about the meeting with the Benefactor and their conversation. However, I did not answer, and left.

Chapter 39

There is chaos in the city, birds are flying, fighting is going on. D decides to go to the Guardians. Oh decided to confess everything. On the way, he saw the corpse of a familiar poet, and then, in the Bureau, he tells everything to S. As it turned out, he was one of the rebels and knew everything. So D was not mistaken when he saw a man similar to the Guardian behind the wall. D leaves and meets a scientist who is working on his calculations. He argued that the universe is not infinite. D was interested in the question of what is at the end of the universe. But he did not receive an answer, because he heard a clatter.

Chapter 40

The hero and scientist is captured. They are in the audience. They do operations. D feels healthy. The next day D at the Benefactor. He tells him everything. On the same evening, all were captured. D and the Benefactor were in the gas room, where I was tortured, but she did not confess, although the others confessed to everything. They should all be executed in the square.
Further, D writes in a note that the rebels are still walking around the city, but a temporary wall has been erected from them. He hopes that the United State will win, because reason and numbers are simply bound to win. This concludes the work We Zamyatin in.

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Far future. D-503, a talented engineer, builder of the Integral spacecraft, keeps notes for posterity, tells them about the "highest peaks in human history" - the life of the United State and its head, the Benefactor. The title of the manuscript is "We". D-503 admires the fact that citizens of the One State, numbers, lead a life calculated according to the Taylor system, strictly regulated by the Tablet of Hours: they get up at the same time, start and finish work, go for a walk, go to the auditorium, go to bed. For numbers, a suitable report card of sexual days is determined and a pink coupon book is issued. D-503 is sure: "We" are from God, and "I" are from the devil."

One spring day, with his sweet, round-turned girlfriend, recorded on him 0-90, D-503, along with other equally dressed numbers, walks to the march of the Musical Factory trumpets. A stranger is talking to him with very white and sharp teeth, with some kind of annoying X in her eyes or eyebrows. I-330, thin, sharp, stubbornly flexible, like a whip, reads the thoughts of D-503.

A few days later, I-330 invites D-503 to the Ancient House (they fly there by air). In the apartment-museum there is a piano, a chaos of colors and shapes, a statue of Pushkin. D-503 is trapped in a wild whirlwind of ancient life. But when I-330 asks him to break the routine and stay with her, D-503 intends to go to the Guardian Bureau and denounce her. However, the next day he goes to the Medical Bureau: it seems to him that the irrational No. 1 has grown into him and that he is clearly sick. He is released from work.

D-503, along with other numbers, is present on Cuba Square during the execution of one poet who wrote blasphemous verses about the Benefactor. The poetic sentence is read with trembling gray lips by D-503's friend, State Poet R-13. The criminal is executed by the Benefactor himself, heavy, stone, like fate. The sharp blade of the beam of his Machine sparkles, and instead of a number - a puddle of chemically pure water.

Soon the builder of the Integral receives a notification that I-330 signed up for him. D-503 comes to her at the appointed hour. I-330 teases him: smokes ancient "cigarettes", drinks liquor, makes D-503 take a sip in a kiss. The use of these poisons is prohibited in the One State, and D-503 must report it, but cannot. Now he is different. In the tenth entry, he admits that he is dying and can no longer fulfill his duties to the One State, and in the eleventh - that he now has two "I" - he is both the former, innocent, like Adam, and the new - wild, loving and jealous, just like in the idiotic old books. If only I knew which of these 'I's is the real one!

D-503 cannot live without I-330, and it is nowhere to be found. In the Medical Bureau, where he is helped by the double-curved Guardian S-4711, friend I, it turns out that the builder of the Integral is terminally ill: he, like some other numbers, has a soul.

D-503 comes to the Ancient House, to "their" apartment, opens the closet door, and suddenly... the floor leaves from under his feet, he descends into some kind of dungeon, reaches the door, behind which there is a rumble. From there, his friend, the doctor, appears. "I thought she, I-330..." - "Stand there!" the doctor disappears. Finally! Finally she is there. D and I leave - two-one ... She walks, like him, with her eyes closed, throwing her head up, biting her lips ... The builder of the "Integral" is now in a new world: something clumsy, shaggy, irrational is all around.

0-90 understands: D-503 loves another, so she removes her record on him. Having come to say goodbye to him, she asks: “I want - I owe a child from you - and I will leave, I will leave!” - "What? Wanted the Car of the Benefactor? You are ten centimeters below the Maternal Norm! - "Let! But I can feel it in myself. And at least a few days ... "How to refuse her? .. And D-503 fulfills her request - as if rushing down from the battery tower.

I-330 finally appears at his beloved. “Why did you torture me, why didn’t you come?” - “Maybe I needed to test you, I need to know that you will do whatever I want, that you are already completely mine?” - "Yes, absolutely!" Sweet, sharp teeth; a smile, it is in a cup of an armchair - like a bee: it has a sting and honey. And then - bees - lips, the sweet pain of flowering, the pain of love ... "I can't do this, I. You always keep something back," - "Aren't you afraid to follow me everywhere?" - "No, I'm not afraid!" - "Then after the Day of Unanimity you will know everything, unless..."

The great Day of Unanimity is coming, something like ancient Easter, as D-503 writes; the annual election of the Benefactor, the triumph of the will of the one "We". A cast-iron, slow voice: “Who is in favor, please raise your hands.” The rustle of millions of hands, with an effort raises his own and D-503. "Who is 'against'?" Thousands of hands shot up, and among them - the hand of I-330. And then - a whirlwind of robes fluttered by running, confused figures of the Guardians, R-13, carrying I-330 in its arms. Like a battering ram, D-503 rips through the crowd, snatches I, covered in blood, from R-13, presses it tightly to itself and takes it away. Just to carry it like this, carry it, carry it...

And the next day in the United State Newspaper: "For the 48th time, the same Benefactor was unanimously elected." And in the city, leaflets with the inscription "Mephi" are pasted everywhere.

D-503 from I-330 along the corridors under the Ancient House leave the city behind the Green Wall, into the lower world. Unbearably colorful din, whistle, light. D-503's head is spinning. D-503 sees wild people, overgrown with wool, cheerful, cheerful. I-330 introduces them to the builder of the Integral and tells them that he will help capture the ship, and then it will be possible to destroy the Wall between the city and the wild world. And on the stone are huge letters "Mephi". D-503 is clear: wild people are half that the townspeople lost, some are H2, and others are O, and in order to get H2O, it is necessary that the halves unite.

I appoints D a date in the Ancient House and reveals to him Mephi's plan: capture the Integral during a test flight and, making it a weapon against the One State, end everything at once, quickly, without pain. “What an absurdity, I! After all, our revolution was the last!” - “There is no last one, revolutions are endless, otherwise - entropy, blissful peace, balance. But it is necessary to break it for the sake of endless movement. D-503 cannot betray the conspirators, because among them ... But suddenly he thinks: what if she is with him only because of ...

The next morning, a decree on the Great Operation appears in the State Gazette. The goal is to destroy fantasy. All numbers must undergo operations in order to become perfect, machine-equal. Maybe do surgery D and be cured from the soul, from I? But he can't live without her. Doesn't want to be saved...

At the corner, in the auditorium, the door was wide open, and from there - a slow column of the operated ones. Now they are not people, but some kind of humanoid tractors. They uncontrollably plow through the crowd and suddenly envelop it in a ring. Someone's piercing cry:

"They're chasing, run!" And everyone runs away. D-503 runs into some entrance to rest, and immediately 0-90 is there. She also does not want the operation and asks to save her and their unborn child. D-503 gives her a note to I-330: she will help.

And here is the long-awaited flight of the Integral. Among the numbers on the ship are Mephi members. "Up - 45!" - commands D-503. A deaf explosion - a push, then an instant curtain of clouds - a ship through it. And the sun, the blue sky. In the radiotelephone room, D-503 finds I-330 - in a hearing winged helmet, sparkling, flying like ancient Valkyries. “Last night she comes to me with your note,” she says to D. “And I sent it - it is already there, behind the Wall. She will live…” Lunch hour. Everything is in the dining room. And suddenly someone declares: “On behalf of the Guardians... We know everything. You - to whom I speak, they hear ... The test will be brought to an end, you will not dare to disrupt it. And then ... "I - mad, blue sparks. In D's ear: “Ah, so it's you? Have you done your duty? And he suddenly realizes with horror: this is the duty Yu, who has been in his room more than once, it was she who read his notes. The builder of the "Integral" is in the command cabin. He firmly orders: “Down! Stop engines. The end of everything." Clouds - and then a distant green spot rushes towards the ship like a whirlwind. The warped face of the Second Builder. He pushes the D-503 with all his might, and he, already falling, vaguely hears: "Aft - full speed!" A sharp jump up.

D-503 calls the Benefactor to him and tells him that now the ancient dream of paradise is coming true - a place where the blessed with an operated fantasy, and that the conspirators needed D-503 only as the builder of the Integral. "We don't know their names yet, but I'm sure we'll find out from you."

The next day, it turns out that the Wall has been blown up and flocks of birds are flying in the city. There are rebels on the streets. Swallowing the storm with open mouths, they move west. Through the glass of the walls you can see: female and male numbers are copulating without even lowering the curtains, without any coupons ...

D-503 runs to the Guardian Bureau and tells S-4711 everything he knows about Mephi. He, like the ancient Abraham, sacrifices Isaac - himself. And suddenly it becomes clear to the builder of "Integral": S is one of those...

D-503 - from the Bureau of Guardians and - to one of the public lavatories. There, his neighbor, who occupies the seat on the left, shares his discovery with him: “There is no infinity! Everything is finite, everything is simple, everything is computable; and then we will win philosophically...” - “And where does your finite universe end? What's next?" The neighbor does not have time to answer. D-503 and all who were there are seized and in auditorium 112 are subjected to the Great Operation. D-503's head is now empty, easy ...

The next day he comes to the Benefactor and tells everything he knows about the enemies of happiness. And here he is at the same table with the Benefactor in the famous Gas room. They bring that woman. She has to give her testimony, but only keeps silent and smiles. Then it is entered under the bell. When air is pumped out from under the bell, she throws her head back, her eyes are half closed, her lips are clenched - this reminds D-503 of something. She stares at him, clutching the arms of her chair tightly, staring until her eyes close completely. Then they pull her out, quickly bring her to life with the help of electrodes and put her under the bell again. This is repeated three times - and still she does not say a word. Tomorrow she and others brought with her will climb the steps of the Benefactor's Machine.

D-503 ends his notes like this: “A temporary wall of high-voltage waves has been constructed in the city. I'm sure we will win. Because the mind must win."

Far future. D-503, a talented engineer, builder of the Integral spacecraft, keeps notes for posterity, tells them about the "highest peaks in human history" - the life of the United State and its head, the Benefactor. The title of the manuscript is "We". D-503 admires the fact that citizens of the One State, numbers, lead a life calculated according to the Taylor system, strictly regulated by the Tablet of Hours: they get up at the same time, start and finish work, go for a walk, go to the auditorium, go to bed. For numbers, a suitable report card of sexual days is determined and a pink coupon book is issued. D-503 is sure: "We" are from God, and "I" are from the devil"

One spring day with his sweet, round-turned girlfriend, recorded on him 0-90, D-503, along with other identically dressed numbers, walks to the march of the Musical Factory trumpets. A stranger is talking to him with very white and sharp teeth, with some kind of annoying X in her eyes or eyebrows. 1-330, thin, sharp, stubbornly flexible, like a whip, reads the thoughts of D-503.

A few days later, 1-330 invites D-503 to the Ancient House (they fly there by air). In the apartment-museum there is a piano, a chaos of colors and shapes, a statue of Pushkin. D-503 is trapped in a wild whirlwind of ancient life. But when 1-330 asks him to break the routine and stay with her, D-503 intends to go to the Guardian Bureau and denounce her. However, the next day he goes to the Medical Bureau: it seems to him that the irrational No. 1 has grown into him and that he is clearly sick. He is released from work.

D-503, along with other numbers, is present on Cuba Square during the execution of one poet who wrote blasphemous verses about the Benefactor. A poetic sentence is read with trembling gray lips by D-503's friend, State Poet R-13. The criminal is executed by the Benefactor himself, heavy, stone, like fate. The sharp blade of the beam of his Machine sparkles, and instead of a number - a puddle of chemically pure water.

Soon the builder of the Integral receives a notice that 1-330 has signed up for him. D-503 comes to her at the appointed hour. 1-330 teases him: smokes ancient "cigarettes", drinks liquor, makes D-503 also take a sip in a kiss. The use of these poisons is prohibited in the One State, and D-503 must report it, but cannot. Now he is different. In the tenth entry, he admits that he is dying and can no longer fulfill his duties to the One State, and in the eleventh - that he now has two "I" - he is both the former, innocent, like Adam, and the new - wild, loving and jealous, just like in the idiotic old books. If only I knew which of these 'I's is the real one!

D-503 cannot do without 1-330, but it is nowhere to be found. In the Medical Bureau, where he is helped by the double-curved Guardian S-4711, friend I, it turns out that the builder of the Integral is terminally ill: he, like some other numbers, has a soul.

D-503 comes to the Ancient House, to “their” apartment, opens the closet door, and suddenly ... the floor leaves from under his feet, he descends into some kind of dungeon, reaches the door, behind which there is a rumble. From there, his friend, the doctor, appears. “I thought she, 1-330…” - “Stay right there!” the doctor disappears. Finally! Finally she is there. D and I leave - two-one ... She walks, like him, with her eyes closed, throwing her head up, biting her lips ... The builder of the Integral is now in a new world: something clumsy, shaggy, irrational is all around.

0-90 understands: D-503 loves another, so she removes her record on him. Having come to say goodbye to him, she asks: “I want - I owe a child from you - and I will leave, I will leave!” - "What? Wanted the Car of the Benefactor? You are ten centimeters below the Maternal Norm! - "Let! But I can feel it in myself. And at least a few days ... "How to refuse her? .. And D-503 fulfills her request - as if rushing down from the battery tower.

1-330 finally appears at his beloved. “Why did you torture me, why didn’t you come?” - “Maybe I needed to test you, I need to know that you will do whatever I want, that you are already completely mine?” - "Yes, absolutely!" Sweet, sharp teeth; a smile, it is in a cup of an armchair - like a bee: it has a sting and honey. And then - bees - lips, the sweet pain of flowering, the pain of love ... "I can't do this, I. You always keep something back," - "Aren't you afraid to follow me everywhere?" - "No, I'm not afraid!" - “Then after the Day of Unanimity you will know everything, unless ...”

The great Day of Unanimity is coming, something like ancient Easter, as D-503 writes; the annual election of the Benefactor, the triumph of the will of the one "We". A cast-iron, slow voice: “Who is in favor, please raise your hands.” The rustle of millions of hands, with an effort raises his own and D-503. "Who is 'against'?" Thousands of hands shot up, and among them - the hand 1-330. And then - a whirlwind of robes fluttered by running, confused figures of the Guardians, R-13, carrying 1-330 in his arms. Like a battering ram, D-503 rips through the crowd, snatches I, covered in blood, from R-13, presses it tightly to itself and takes it away. If only to carry it like this, carry it, carry it ...

And the next day in the United State Newspaper: "For the 48th time, the same Benefactor was unanimously elected." And in the city, leaflets with the inscription "Mephi" are pasted everywhere. -

D-503 from 1-330 along the corridors under the Ancient House leave the city behind the Green Wall, into the lower world. Unbearably colorful din, whistle, light. D-503's head is spinning. D-503 sees wild people, overgrown with wool, cheerful, cheerful. 1-330 introduces them to the builder of the Integral and tells them that he will help capture the ship, and then it will be possible to destroy the Wall between the city and the wild world. And on the stone are huge letters "Mephi". D-503 is clear: wild people are half that the townspeople lost, some are H2, and others are O, and in order to get H2O, it is necessary that the halves unite.

I appoints D a date at the Ancient House and reveals to him Mephi's plan: capture the Integral during a test flight and, making it a weapon against the One State, end everything at once, quickly, without pain. “What an absurdity, I! After all, our revolution was the last!” - “There is no last one, revolutions are endless, otherwise - entropy, blissful peace, balance. But it is necessary to break it for the sake of endless movement. D-503 cannot betray the conspirators, because among them ... But suddenly he thinks: what if she is with him only because of ...

The next morning, a decree on the Great Operation appears in the State Gazette. The goal is to destroy fantasy. All numbers must undergo operations in order to become perfect, machine-equal. Maybe do surgery D and be cured from the soul, from I? But he can't live without her. Doesn't want to be saved...

At the corner, in the auditorium, the door was wide open, and from there - a slow column of the operated ones. Now they are not people, but some kind of humanoid tractors. They uncontrollably plow through the crowd and suddenly envelop it in a ring. Someone's piercing cry:

"They're chasing, run!" And everyone runs away. D-503 runs into some entrance to rest, and immediately 0-90 is there too. She also does not want the operation and asks to save her and their unborn child. D-503 gives her a note for 1-330: she will help.

And here is the long-awaited flight of the Integral. Among the numbers on the ship are Mephi members. "Up - 45!" - commands D-503. A deaf explosion - a push, then an instant curtain of clouds - a ship through it. And the sun, the blue sky. In the radiotelephone D-503 finds 1-330 - in a hearing winged helmet, sparkling, flying like ancient Valkyries. “Last night she comes to me with your note,” she says to D. “And I sent it - it is already there, behind the Wall. She will live…” Lunch hour. Everything is in the dining room. And suddenly someone declares: “On behalf of the Guardians… We know everything. To you - to whom I speak, they hear ... The test will be brought to an end, you will not dare to disrupt it. And then ... "I - crazy, blue sparks. In D's ear: “Ah, so it's you? Have you done your duty? And he suddenly realizes with horror: this is the duty Yu, who has been in his room more than once, it was she who read his notes. The builder of the "Integral" is in the command cabin. He firmly orders: “Down! Stop engines. The end of everything." Clouds - and then a distant green spot rushes towards the ship like a whirlwind. The warped face of the Second Builder. He pushes the D-503 with all his might, and he, already falling, vaguely hears: "Aft - full speed!" A sharp jump up.

D-503 calls the Benefactor to him and tells him that now the ancient dream of paradise is coming true - a place where the blessed with an operated fantasy, and that the conspirators needed D-503 only as the builder of the Integral. "We don't know their names yet, but I'm sure we'll find out from you."

The next day, it turns out that the Wall has been blown up and flocks of birds are flying in the city. There are rebels on the streets. Swallowing the storm with open mouths, they move west. Through the glass of the walls you can see: female and male numbers are copulating, without even lowering the curtains, without any coupons ...

D-503 runs to the Guardian Bureau and tells S-4711 everything he knows about Mephi. He, like the ancient Abraham, sacrifices Isaac - himself. And suddenly it becomes clear to the builder of "Integral": S is one of those ...

D-503 - from the Bureau of Guardians and - to one of the public lavatories. There, his neighbor, who occupies the seat on the left, shares his discovery with him: “There is no infinity! Everything is finite, everything is simple, everything is computable; and then we will win philosophically…” “And where does your finite universe end? What's next?" The neighbor does not have time to answer. D-503 and all who were there are seized and in auditorium 112 are subjected to the Great Operation. D-503's head is now empty, easy ...

The next day he comes to the Benefactor and tells everything he knows about the enemies of happiness. And here he is at the same table with the Benefactor in the famous Gas room. They bring that woman. She has to give her testimony, but only keeps silent and smiles. Then it is entered under the bell. When air is pumped out from under the bell, she throws her head back, her eyes are half closed, her lips are clenched - this reminds D-503 of something. She stares at him, clutching the arms of her chair tightly, staring until her eyes close completely. Then they pull her out, quickly bring her to life with the help of electrodes and put her under the bell again. This is repeated three times - and still she does not say a word. Tomorrow she and others brought with her will climb the steps of the Benefactor's Machine.

D-503 ends his notes like this: “A temporary wall of high-voltage waves has been constructed in the city. I'm sure we will win. Because the mind must win."

Good retelling? Tell your friends on the social network, let them prepare for the lesson too!

The story is told on behalf of the protagonist D-503, a mathematician and builder of the Integral spacecraft, designed to explore and conquer other planets. He is a resident of the fantastic United State of the future. In fact, the entire novel is a D-503 diary, intended to be sent to the inhabitants of an alien civilization. In the first entry, he retells a note from the State Newspaper that the construction of the Integral will be completed in 120 days and describes his pride in the United State and its accomplishments.

Record 2.

The protagonist describes the arrival of spring, reflecting on the beauty of the blue sky without a single cloud and the beauty of lack of freedom in everything. Then comes the time for a walk with the O-90 (citizens of the United State do not have names, they only wear numbered tokens). D-503 describes the city they are walking around: a crowd of people in identical blue-gray uniforms with numbers on their chests, straight streets, transparent glass buildings. Celebration wakes up in him, as if he himself is the creator of this perfect world. Then he remembers that in the past everything was completely different - cars, a riot of colors, chaos. Then an unfamiliar woman with the number I-330 spoke to him, passing by and noticing his enthusiastic look. He was confused. There is a short conversation between them, I-330 invites him to the auditorium the day after tomorrow112 and leaves with some S-shaped man. D-503 senses irrationality in this woman and becomes annoyed. Then they part ways with the O-90. O-90 wants to stay with him, but he takes her words with a sneer, since in the United State the days of personal meetings are exactly scheduled, and their next "sexy day" is the day after tomorrow.

Entry 3.

The protagonist talks about what may be a representative of an alien civilization, for which these records are intended, will not understand much of what the author himself seems simple and obvious. Therefore, in this record, he explains some of the realities of the United State.

He mentions the Bicentennial War that took place in the past, after which all the roads between the cities were destroyed, the territories between them were overgrown with forests, and people began to live in isolation in the cities separated by the "Green Wall".

Then he describes the Tablet of Hours - the schedule of the daily routine, which is uniform for all residents of the One State. This is a digital board that hangs in the room of every citizen and shows the hours allotted for a particular activity. That is, all citizens of the One State do everything at the same time, and only two hours a day are given to them for free time. He also briefly talks about the regulation of sexual life and fertility in the One State, the Maternal and Paternal norm.

He again compares this state of affairs with the past, which is known to him thanks to the Unified State Science, and wonders how the state of the past could leave people in an uncontrollable state, when everyone did what he pleases and when he pleases. But, despite all the achievements of the United State, the animal essence of man still makes itself felt. However, this "animal essence" in the United State is being fought with all its might, destroying the "defective parts" of the mechanism (that is, in the literal sense, removing the rebels against the regime).

In conclusion, the protagonist remembers that the man with whom I-330 was with is from the Bureau of Guardians. D-503 becomes uncomfortable again at the memory of this woman.

Entry 4

D-503 writes with surprise that he really received an outfit for auditorium 112, although the probability of this was very small.

An auditorium is a transparent glass sphere in which people with smoothly cut heads and in the same uniform sit in rows. It hosts a lecture in which they talk about the music of the past and the present. The hero is looking for Oh with his eyes, since he has a scheduled meeting with her today. The bell rang, the anthem of the United State played.

The lecturer talks about the primitiveness of the music of the ancients, an old piano is rolled onto the stage and I-330 comes out, dressed in an evening dress. She begins to play some wild, convulsive, motley melody of an ancient era. The melody captures the hero for a second, but when he is shown the music of the United State, he comes to his senses, hearing the mathematically calculated mechanistic music of his day.

Arriving home, he shows the attendant a pink coupon, which gives him the right to draw the curtains in the evening for an hour (the residents of the United State have transparent houses, and it is allowed to draw the curtains only during dates). In the evening, his girlfriend O comes to him. He shows her his notes, and she begins to cry.

Record 5th.

The author of the diary again talks about the realities and history of the United State. The Great Bicentennial War was a war between town and country. After it, only 0.2 of the world's population survived. Then they invented artificial oil food, which replaced bread and other products that the inhabitants of a single State have no idea about. Having subjugated hunger, the One State subjugated and organized even love. About 300 years before the events of the novel, "Lexsexualis" was proclaimed: "each of the numbers has the right - as for a sexual product - to any number." sexy days. After that, a person makes a statement that in his day he wants to “use” a number such and such, and receives a special pink coupon book.

D-503 once again admires how the power of logic has led everyone, it would seem, to universal happiness. However, he again felt something strange and vague. But he attributes this to the fact that he has to tell about his progressive future to beings who, perhaps, are at a lower stage of development and are in chaos.

Entry 6

D-503 complains that even in the United State there is no complete harmony. The State Gazette writes that in two days a feast of Justice will be held on Cuba Square.

When D-503 was at home, I-330 called him and invited him to a walk in the Ancient House during his free hour. This woman frightens and annoys him, but he agrees to a meeting, and they fly by aero to the Ancient House, near which they are met by the old woman who owns this house. They go into a room with colorful walls, furniture, books, and a Buddha statue that seems crazy, wild, and disorganized to him. D-503 senses a strange irony in the woman's voice when she talks about the past and the present, and they frighten him. For some reason, he thinks about what is happening "behind the curtains of the eyes" of this woman. I-330 goes into another room and dresses in an old dress. This angers him even more. A woman with irony in her voice says that earlier what is now called equality was considered a banality, slavishly worshiped poets who were more significant than kings and laughs.

D-503 notices that his "private hour" time is running out and is about to leave, but I-330 suggests that he break the schedule and stay, as her doctor friend from the Medical Bureau can make a certificate that he is ill. D-503 is horrified: this is a violation of the law. He leaves for a scheduled lecture at 5:00 pm, promising that he will report on I-330 to the Bureau of Guardians. In the meantime, she calls another person on the phone.

After returning from the lecture, D-503 decides to go to the Guardian's Bureau the next day, as he is very tired.

Entry 7

D-503 dreams that juice is pouring from the objects he saw yesterday in the Ancient House. He wakes up thinking that he is sick. (Dreams are considered a mental disorder among the inhabitants of the One State.) The alarm clock rings, he wakes up, has breakfast and goes to work. On the subway, he runs into S-4711, the man who was on I-330 when they first met. D-503 tries to tell him about what happened at the Ancient House, but under S-4711's gaze, he gets lost.

After work, he still intends to go to the Guardians Bureau and report to I-330, but meets O-90, who is romantically inclined: she gives him a bouquet of lilies of the valley and calls him for a walk. D-503 is annoyed. Oh says something is wrong with him and suggests that he is ill. He agrees and goes to the Medical Bureau. In the evening, he finds a bouquet of lilies of the valley given to him, and this again stirred him up.

Entry 8

D-503 recalls how in a mathematics lesson he was frightened by a story about an irrational root, as something that does not fit into logic.

At 16:10, he again stood in front of the Bureau of Guardians in thought, and could not move there and tell about everything. He is called by a school friend, the poet R-13. O was with him.

In order to drown out strange feelings in themselves, D-503 invites them to solve problems together. Oh says that in the evening R-13 is written to her, and then busy. But the poet agrees to sit together at his house, reducing the time for a date with O.

They come home to R-13 and remember their school years and the poet's pranks. R-13 says that he spends all day writing poems intended for the Integral, as well as a poetic sentence for another poet who, in his creation, placed himself above the One State.

In the company of O and R, D-503 calms down and goes home, looking back at the lowered curtains in R's apartment.

Entry 9

The hero describes a public execution in Cuba Square. Before the execution of the criminal - the same poet who wrote poems against the Benefactor, poems are read out. R-13 comes out, reads a poem about this crime. For some reason he is very nervous. The Benefactor launches the Machine, which dissolves the criminal's body into atoms. D-503 feels triumphant at what is happening.

Entry 10

The next day, D-503 is relieved from yesterday's ceremony, but Yu, the gatekeeper in the lobby, tells him that a letter has arrived for him. D-503 became nervous and unable to concentrate while working. At 12 he received a letter and read it in his room. It was a notice that I-330 signed up for him, and he was supposed to appear at her address at 21:00. He begins to worry about how to tell O.

At 9:00 pm, he comes home to I-330. She finishes writing the letter and tells him that now he is in her hands: after all, those who have not come to the Guardians Bureau with a denunciation within 48 hours are considered criminals. I-330 lowers the curtains, changes into an old dress, drinks liquor and smokes a cigarette in front of him. D is discouraged by this, because the One State punishes everyone who uses alcohol and nicotine. I-330 kisses him and transfers the taste of liquor to his lips, which makes him drunk. The woman mockingly talks to him, makes him jealous of other men who are signed up for her. D becomes not himself from passion, but then she shows him that their time is up - it was five minutes to 22:30, and after that time it was forbidden to appear on the streets. He hurries home in fear and notices that he is being followed by a man who looks like the S-shaped man from I-330.

Entry 11

D is confused. He feels in himself the birth of a completely different person and that his feelings do not obey reason. R-13 comes to him. D-503 enthusiastically recalls his poem-sentence, but the poet seems to be frightened by a reminder of this and transfers the topic to a discussion of the poem intended for the Integral. He talks about the idea of ​​a new poem, which says that the biblical god tempted people, forcing them to choose between happiness and freedom, and they chose freedom, and then sings of the punishing machine of the One State, which defeated God himself and provided people with happiness, depriving them of their freedom .

The poet says that O asked D-503 if he would like to see her again. She didn't tell R-13 that a fourth person had gotten into the triangle, but the poet guessed it himself and asked D-503 about it. He asked the poet if he had ever tried alcohol or cigarettes. The poet replies that he has not tried it himself, but knows one woman. D-503 confesses that he dated I. R-13 laughs "Are you with her too?". D-503 becomes furious, but quickly pulls himself together. R-13 says he understands and leaves, leaving his book on the table. D-503 is angry with him.

Entry 12

D reads in the underground car the book that R-13 left for him and reflects on how wisely the One State subjugated even poetry. Now poetry is a socially useful activity, glorifying mathematics and the power of the Benefactor. He notices that S is following him and is even glad of this, likening him to his guardian angel.

Entry 13

It was foggy in the morning. At 11:45, I calls him and invites him to go for a walk against his schedule. He obediently comes to the meeting place, I'm late. Conversing that you love only that which is beyond your control to the end, they come to the Medical Bureau, where a doctor friend issues a certificate to D-503 stating that he is ill and cannot go to work.

They went to the Ancient Home, where an intimacy occurred between them. I orders him to return from the Ancient Home alone. Before leaving, D returns back to the room, but I seems to have sunk into the ground.

Entry 14

The next evening, Oh comes to him, with whom a meeting is planned. But nothing works out for them, and O leaves, upset.

Entry 15

The next day, when D-503 arrives at the construction site of the Integral, the second builder informs him that yesterday the release from the boathouse caught an unnumbered person who was immediately sent to the Operations Bureau (an institution somewhat reminiscent of the medieval Inquisition: violators tortured with a gas bell). The second builder says that he thinks that these intruders are scurrying around the Integral, but D-503 advises him to have an operation to remove the fantasy.

D-503 at first feels calm at the majestic view of the Integral under construction, but when he is reminded of yesterday's illness, he again feels dismay.

Entry 16

The author of the diary did not write anything for several days. He longs for I, who disappeared somewhere and whom he saw only once on a walk with that doctor, S and another man. They said something about Integral.

Although I was assigned a pink ticket to D-503 a few days later, she did not appear. He yearns and is jealous of her other familiar men.

D-503 notices that S is watching him every day and feels apprehensive that the Guardians know all about his misdeeds.

He calls I, wanders around her house and is late for work again. D decides to go to the Medical Bureau to get a certificate again stating that he is ill, but runs into S. The latter takes him to the doctor, although D thought that now he would be taken to the Operations Bureau. D comes to a doctor he knows. He has another doctor with him.

The doctor tells him that he is really seriously ill: he has a soul. The second doctor suggests that he take alcohol to prevent an epidemic, but the first doctor objects that D-503 is the builder of the Integral and whispers to the patient that he is not the only one with this disease, and that walking on foot can cure it. The Doctor advises D-503 to take a walk to the Ancient House. D caught a hint of I in his eyes.

Entry 17

D decides to go to the Ancient House and walks towards it along the Green Wall. This is a glass wall that separates the city from the thickets. D-503 sees the muzzle of some animal through the glass of the wall and thinks: maybe in his wild state he is happier than the citizens of the United State.

Arriving at the Ancient House, he sees the same old woman and asks her where I is. She does not immediately, but answers him that she is here. D-503 kisses the old woman out of gratitude and immediately goes into the room where they were together. I'm nowhere. He goes around all the rooms, but does not find her. Then he notices that S is coming into the house. D hides in fear in a closet and apparently loses consciousness there. There was something like a secret elevator in the closet, which takes him to an underground corridor built in the past. He suggests that this is a shelter from the Bicentennial War. In this corridor, he encounters a doctor he knows. He didn't expect to see him. D-503 tells him that he came to see I. The Doctor follows her, keeping D out of the corridor door.

I appears, still dressed in the same old yellow dress. Together with D, they go out of the dungeon and she promises to meet him the day after tomorrow at 16.

Entry 18

D-503 dreams of I. He wakes up and again thinks about the irrational root that has crept into his logical and measured life.

In the evening, following the doctor's recommendation, he walks down the street at a time when everyone else is having lectures and realizes that he does not want to be with others, as always. When he returns, controller Yu hands him a letter from O-90, in which she says she loves him and wants to leave forever because he loves another. D is touched by this.

Entry 19

At Integral, they completed the installation of the engine and tested it idle. During the test run, 10 people died, but no one even paid attention to this, which D-503 writes about with pride.

At 4 p.m. D comes home and waits for the promised meeting with I, but instead he receives a letter from her, where she asks to lower the curtains, as if she were with him. The man got angry, but complied with her request. After that, he goes to the auditorium for a lecture on child breeding. There he meets O-90.

On the way home, S is watching him. When he returns, he finds O there. She tells him that she wants a child from him, despite the fact that this is punishable by the One State.

Entry 20

D-503 reflects on what happened and convinces himself that the individual is insignificant in itself and only the crowd has the right.

Entry 21

I again sends him a note, but does not come on the appointed day. D-503 dutifully pretends to have it. However, he does this both because it makes it easier for him to take notes, and because he wanted to know what kind of elevator and corridor it was.

He comes to the Ancient House and searches unsuccessfully for a way out of the corridor near which he parted ways with I. There, he also encounters S and sees many aero belonging to the Guardian Bureau in the sky. S states that it is "disease prevention".

In the evening, D-503 is visited by the old controller Yu, who tells him that she turned the children in to the Guardians Bureau because they drew a caricature of a fish on her. It seems that she intends to "sign up" with him in order to be with him and look after him like a child, but he is not enthusiastic about this idea.

Entry 22

During a mass procession accompanying several convicts to execution, a woman jumped out of the crowd and tried to come to the aid of a convicted youth who was hit with an electric whip. The guards wanted to grab her, but D-503 thought it was I and rushed towards her. Then he saw that it was another woman, but he was already seized as a criminal. However, S saved him by announcing that D was ill and unable to control his actions. D-503 was released. He again joined the slender column, but the thought that he was "not healthy" did not leave him.

Entry 23

The time has come for the long-awaited meeting with I. D-503 is glad of this meeting and asks her to tell about everything that he saw. She promises to tell him and show him everything after the holiday, if he is ready to follow her to the end. D-503 agrees to this, and I, without saying anything to the end, leaves.

Entry 24

D-503 reflects on the Day of Unanimity. This is the election day of the chief ruler of the United State (the Benefactor). In fact, the “elections” are purely formal, and everyone votes for the same Benefactor, and if someone is against, then the Guardians immediately seize him. But D-503 is delighted with such choices, considering them wise and rational.

However, he again thinks about I and his thoughts about the Day of Unanimity begin to seem to him unnecessary and meaningless. He calls I and in a rush invites her to be together that day, but she refuses him, saying that she cannot.

Entry 25

The Day of Unanimity has arrived. All citizens gather in the stands, The pipes of the Musical Factory play the anthem. The Benefactor descends from the sky to the aero, they read an election ode, But D-503 feels the tension hanging in the air. Here, something is about to happen. In the stands, D notices I, along with S and R-13. D barely restrains jealousy.

After a five-minute pre-election break, voting begins. Millions of hands go up for the Benefactor. But after the question “Who is against” sounds, thousands of hands suddenly rise up, which has never happened before. This produces a panic, the Guardians start running around in the crowd. D-503 notices an O in the crowd. R-13 carries a wounded I in his arms. D-503 loses his temper, runs after them and takes the I from him. He brings her to the highest stand. I says that anything can happen tomorrow, but if nothing special happens, then she will take him to that underground corridor.

In the evening, D-503 digests the events of the election and cannot believe that the people have rebelled against the Benefactor.

Entry 26

Waking up in the morning, D-503 sees that the world is still in place. He is surprised by this. The State Gazette says only that the elections of the Benefactor took place for the 48th time and some rebels unsuccessfully tried to disrupt them. It was also reported there that at 12 o'clock there would be a joint meeting of the Bureau of Guardians, the Administrative Bureau and the Medical Bureau.

The whole city and even the construction site of the Integral are pasted over with leaflets with the inscription "Mephi". D-503 helps S remove one of them.

Entry 27

D-503 is waiting for I in the underground corridor. She arrives late, but is very pleased with him. She leads him down a corridor outside the Green Wall, where he sees a real forest for the first time and is discouraged by it.

In a clearing near a stone that looks like a skull, which depicts a winged youth with a flaming coal instead of a heart, a man sees a crowd of 300-400 creatures that look like people, but are overgrown with hair. Among them were people from the city in unifs. It seemed to him that among the crowd was S

I climbs this stone and makes a speech about the need to destroy the Wall and change the order of things, taking the Integral into his own hands. madness is necessary. The hairy people greet him as the builder of the Integral.

Entry 28

D's apartment is broken into by I and Yu, who prevents her from entering. D in a rage puts Yu out the door and asks for forgiveness in front of I. She tells him that everything is in his hands, and he can hand her over to the Guardians at any moment. I tells him about the cancellation of all auditoriums and that the state is up to something. The man warns her against the madness that she is trying to commit and invites her to escape behind the Green Wall and live together, but she is determined to fight to the end. As I is about to leave, I looks at his hairy hand and says that once upon a time, women from the city happened to love those people who live beyond the Wall, and perhaps he is the descendant of such a mixed marriage, which is why she likes it so much. D asks to tell her about these hairy people. She talks about how people who survived after the Bicentennial War were forcibly driven into the cities, but some of them remained to live in the forests behind the Green Wall. I explains that the Mephi movement is fighting for freedom and perpetual motion, while the One State is for stability and order, and in this they are similar to Christians and anti-Christians. Then the person who brought D letters from I comes running and informs her that the Guardians are heading to this house. She leaves and D hides his notes and pretends to write something about the One State. Finally, S enters his room. D suspects that it was Yu, offended by him, who brought the Guardians. The Guardians search the room and leave, finding nothing. D-503 learns that they took three people away that day.

Entry 29

A storm is coming. D-503 goes to the Ancient House, where I made an appointment for him. On the way, he runs into Oh, who shares with him how happy she is with her pregnancy. He feels shame and pain, realizing that she and her child can be destroyed. But then the thought comes to him to ask I to take O behind the Green Wall so that she avoids death. However, O, hearing the woman's name, refuses to go with him.

Entry 30

During a date at the Ancient House, I says that the day after tomorrow at 12 o'clock they are going to capture the Integral. D is indignant: after all, this is a revolution. I convinces him of the need for revolutions, because the development of man is endless and cannot stop, as they believe in a single State.

Entry 31

The State Gazette reports on the invention of the Great Operation to remove the center in the brain responsible for fantasy, which prevents a person from finally approaching the perfection of the machine. The note calls on the citizens of the United State to go for this operation. Joyfully, D calls I, and she tells him that they need to see each other.

Walking down the street, he sees an operation being carried out in one of the auditoriums, but for some reason no one is in a hurry to go there. At boathouse D they report that the trial run of the Integral is being postponed until the day after tomorrow.

Yu is sitting in his room. He discovers that he left the last pages of his manuscript on the table, but he no longer cares. He forgives the woman for yesterday. Yu tells how she forcibly took the children to the operation.

At 4 pm, I comes to him. They again argue about what is better happiness or freedom, and she demands a choice from him. He chooses to be with her.

Entry 32

"Integral" is refueled for the first launch. People on the streets are in a panic: it is clear that no one wants to remove the fantasy. The inhabitants of the United State are forcibly driven into an operation to remove the fantasy, and Dedva manages to escape.

O turns out to be next to him. She says that she agrees to go to I. He led her there, but then noticed that he was being followed. D told her that he could not go with her and sent O alone. He had to secretly write a note for I and hand it over to O.

The lobby is crowded. Someone says that he saw a naked man covered with wool at the Ancient House, but no one believes him.

Entry 33

It was announced in the State Gazette that all the numbers must report tomorrow for the operation, and those who did not surrender were subject to the Benefactor's Machine. D mentally says goodbye to all the past.

Entry 34

Integral is being prepared for launch. The ship goes beyond the atmosphere. D meets with I. She says that O has come to her and now she is safe behind the Wall. The ship starts to fall down, but suddenly stops. The crew sees from above the ground behind the Green Wall and hairy people on horseback. A detachment of Guardians enters the cabin and announces that the test will be brought to an end, and the violators will be caught. I suspects D of betrayal. D thinks that it was Yu who spied on his notes and told everything to the Guardians. "Integral" falls down...

Entry 35

D intends to kill Yu, suspecting her of denunciation. He takes the stock, wraps it in paper and goes to look for her. She is not in the lobby, because on this day all work is canceled in connection with the mandatory operation of the entire population.

Outside the wind and clouds. People gather around agitators against the operation and the ruling power. D hears the voice of I, who says that she does not want to go for an operation to remove the fantasy, and tries to get through to her, but he does not succeed. Together with the crowd, he escapes from his pursuers.

D returns home, again not finding Yu. At 9 pm, she comes to his apartment herself, worried about his injury after the Integral test. He intends to hit her with a rod and pulls down the curtains to prevent the man from the next apartment from seeing the murder. Because of this, Yu thinks he wants to rape her and rips off his unifu. This stops D and he starts laughing.

Then they call him and force him to immediately go to the Benefactor. Y makes Yu get dressed and asks her if she betrayed I. But Yu confesses that she didn't do it, otherwise Y would hate her. D understands that she told the truth.

Entry 36

D talks with the Benefactor. He rebukes him and justifies the cruelty of the executioners and the totalitarian One State, which has fulfilled the dream of people: the pursuit of happiness. The benefactor says that the rebels only used him, the builder of the Integral, to extract information from him, and he believed them like a naive boy. D is saddened by these words. He runs out into the street with the thought that he must find I, and sees discordant crowds in the city that call him. He comes to the square, sits down at the Car of the Benefactor and imagines the execution I. He wants to have a real mother.

Entry 37

In the morning after breakfast, everyone runs downstairs somewhere. People see that a flock of birds has rushed to the city from the west - someone has blown up the Green Wall. The crowd of the operated is sent to the west. D say that I is in the city and is active. D hurries to her house, but her apartment is empty. There he discovers pink coupons, on half of which his number is written, and on the other - someone else's.

D returns home and falls asleep hearing a rumble in the west.

Entry 38

D wakes up from a bright light. I is sitting in front of him. They are waiting for her, and she came only for 15 minutes. She asks him if he was with the Benefactor, and he tells her everything. I leaves without answering his question: did she come just to find out.

Entry 39

The battle continues in the west. D after a sleepless night decides to go to the Guardians Bureau

In the city of chaos, on D street, he discovers the corpse of his friend R-13, but this did not hurt him in any way after everything he had experienced.

D comes to the Guardian's Bureau, sees S there and decides to tell him everything. But it turns out that S knows everything, and moreover, S also turns out to be an agent of the rebels - he really was behind the Wall.

D leaves in desperation and finds himself in the restroom at the underground road station. There he sees a scientist who tells him about his discovery that the universe is not infinite. D admired how he, despite the riots, concentrated on his work and asked for his pen to write this entry. Then he asks the scientist: And what's next, beyond the Universe? but he does not have time to answer him: a clatter is heard on the steps ...

Entry 40

D writes that that evening he and the scientist who discovered the finiteness of the universe were taken to auditorium 112 and had an operation. The next day, D appeared to the Benefactor and told him the whole truth. That same evening, he sat with the Benefactor in the gas room and watched with indifference as I-330 was being tortured, forcing her to testify. She did not say a word, only looked at D, although she was put under the Gas Bell three times. Tomorrow her group is to be executed.

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