An enchanted place the main characters and their characteristics. Analysis of the product H

The story "The Enchanted Place" is one of the stories of N.V. Gogol from the cycle "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". Two main motives are intertwined in it: hooliganism of devils and getting treasure. This article provides a summary of it. Gogol, "The Enchanted Place" is a book that was first published in 1832. But the time of its creation is not known for certain. It is believed that this is one of the earliest works of the great master. Let's refresh our memory of all its main points.

N. V. Gogol, "The Enchanted Place". The main characters of the work

Chumaki (traders).

Grandfather's grandchildren.

Grandfather's fiancee.

Summary: Gogol, "The Enchanted Place" (introduction)

This story happened a long time ago, when the narrator was still a child. His father, taking one of his four sons, left to trade tobacco in the Crimea. Three children remained on the farm, their mother and grandfather, who guarded the bashtan (a vegetable garden sown with watermelons and melons) from uninvited guests. One evening a cart with merchants drove past them. Among them were many of my grandfather's acquaintances. Having met, they rushed to kiss and remember the past. Then the guests lit their pipes, and the refreshments began. It became fun, let's dance. Grandfather also decided to shake the old days and show the Chumaks that he still has no equal in dancing. Then something unusual began to happen to the old man. But the next chapter (its summary) will tell about this.

Gogol, "The Enchanted Place". Development of events

Grandfather broke up, but as soon as he reached the cucumber patch, his legs suddenly stopped obeying. He scolded, but there was no point. Laughter was heard from behind. He looked around, but there was no one behind him. And the place around is unfamiliar. In front of him lies a bare field, and on the side is a forest, from which some kind of long pole sticks out. For a moment it seemed to him that the clerk, and the pole, visible from behind the trees, was a dovecote in the garden of a local priest. Around it is darkness, the sky is black, there is no moon. Grandfather went across the field and soon came across a small path. Suddenly, a light on one of the graves lit up ahead, then went out. Then a light flashed in another place. Our hero was delighted, deciding that this was a treasure. He only regretted that he did not have a shovel now. “But that’s not a problem either,” thought the grandfather. “After all, you can notice this place with something.” He found a large branch and threw it on the grave, on which a light was burning. Having done this, he returned to his tower. Only it was already late, the children were sleeping. The next day, without saying a word to anyone and taking with him a spade, the restless old man went to the priest's garden. But the trouble is - now he did not recognize these places. There is a dovecote, but there is no threshing floor. The grandfather will turn: there is a field, but the dovecote is gone. He returned home with nothing. And the next day, when the old man, having decided to dig a new ridge on the tower, struck with a shovel in the place where he did not dance, suddenly the pictures in front of him changed, and he found himself in the very field where he saw the lights. Our hero was delighted, ran to the grave, which he had noticed earlier. On it lay a large stone. Throwing it away, grandfather decided to sniff tobacco. Suddenly, someone sneezed heavily over him. The old man looked around, but no one was there. He began to dig the earth on the grave and dug out a cauldron. He was delighted and exclaimed: “Ah, there you are, my dear!” The same words were squeaked from a branch by a bird's head. Behind her, a ram's head bleated from a tree. A bear looked out of the forest and roared the same phrase. Before the grandfather had time to say new words, the same faces began to echo him. The old man was frightened, grabbed the cauldron and rushed to his heels. About what happened to the unlucky hero next, the next chapter below (its summary) will tell.

Gogol, "The Enchanted Place". ending

And grandfather's houses were already missed. Sat down for dinner, but he's still gone. After the meal, the hostess went into the garden to pour out the slop. Suddenly she saw a barrel climb towards her. She decided that this was someone's joke, and poured slop directly on her. But it turned out that it was the grandfather. In the cauldron that he brought with him, there were only squabbles and rubbish. Since then, the old man swore not to believe the devil anymore, and he surrounded the accursed place in his garden with wattle. They said that when this field was hired for local gourds, God knows what grew on this piece of land, it was even impossible to make out.

More than a century and a half ago, N.V. Gogol wrote The Enchanted Place. A summary of it is presented in this article. It is no less popular now than it was many years ago.

Drafts of Gogol's story "The Enchanted Place" have not survived, so the exact date of its creation is unknown. Most likely it was written in 1830. The story “The Enchanted Place” was included in the second book of the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”.

The works of this collection have a complex hierarchy of narrators. The subtitle of the cycle indicates that "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" was published by a certain beekeeper, Rudy Panko. The stories “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “The Missing Letter” and “The Enchanted Place” were told by a deacon of one church. This removal of the author from the participant in the events allowed Gogol to achieve a double effect. Firstly, to avoid the accusation of writing “fables”, and secondly, to emphasize the folk spirit of the story.

The plot of the story is really based on the traditions of folklore, which were well known to the writer from childhood. Tales about “cursed places” and treasures are characteristic of the myth-making of many peoples. In Slavic legends, treasures were often sought in cemeteries. The right grave was indicated by a suddenly flashed candle. Traditional for folk stories is the motive of turning ill-gotten wealth into garbage.

The originality of the story is manifested in a bright and juicy language, which is generously dotted with Ukrainian words: “chumaks”. "kuren". "tower". "lads". .. The extremely accurate depiction of folk life, as well as the writer's sparkling humor create a special Gogolian atmosphere, full of poetic fantasy and slyness. It seems to the reader that he himself is among the deacon's listeners. This effect is achieved through apt comments by the narrator.

The protagonist of the story is grandfather Maxim. The author describes it with good irony. This is a lively, cheerful and active old man who loves to brag, dances dashingly and is not afraid of the devil himself. Grandfather really likes to listen to the stories of the Chumaks. He scolds his grandchildren, calls them “dog children”. but it is clear that the old man does not have a soul in tomboys. And they play a friendly joke on the grandfather.

An important element of the story is the enchanted place itself. In our time, it would be called an anomalous zone. Grandpa accidentally discovers a "bad spot" while dancing. As soon as the old man gets to his border "near the cucumber patch." so the legs themselves stop dancing. And inside the enchanted place, strange things happen with space and time, which the grandfather attributes to the action of evil spirits.

The transition between the real and unreal world is depicted as a distorted space. Landmarks that the grandfather notes for himself in the anomaly zone do not appear in the real world. He can't manage to find a point from which the priest's dovecote and the threshing floor of the haired clerk are visible.

The cursed place has “its own character”. It does not like strangers, but does not harm uninvited guests, but only frightens them. There is no particular damage from the penetration of irrational forces into the real world either. The land in the anomalous zone just does not produce a crop. The enchanted place is not averse to playing with grandfather. That does not allow to itself, despite all efforts, then it suddenly opens easily. There are many unusual means in the arsenal of the anomalous zone: suddenly spoiled weather, the disappearance of a month from the sky, monsters. Fear makes the old man abandon the find for a while. But the thirst for profit turns out to be stronger, so otherworldly forces decide to teach grandfather a lesson. In the cauldron, which was obtained with such difficulty in a cursed place, there were not jewels, but “rubbish, squabbles and ashamed to say what it is”.

After such a science, the hero of the story became very religious, swore himself to deal with evil spirits and punished all those close to him. Grandfather peculiarly takes revenge on the devil who confused him so much. The old man fences off the enchanted place with a wattle fence and throws all the rubbish from the tower there.

Such an ending is natural. Gogol shows that such treasures do not bring good. Grandfather receives as a reward not a treasure, but a mockery. So the writer affirms the idea of ​​the illusory nature of any wealth that is acquired by dishonest labor.

Pushkin. Herzen, Belinsky and other Gogol's contemporaries enthusiastically received The Enchanted Place. And today, with a smile and great interest, readers are immersed in an amazing world where wit, poetry and fantasy reign, the very soul of the people comes to life.

(2 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5)

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Gogol N. V. fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"

Genre: literary mystical fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place" and their characteristics

  1. Narrator, sexton in his youth. Little boy, funny and mischievous.
  2. Grandfather Maxim. Important, angry, serious. Wanted to find a treasure.
  3. The mother of the narrator. She poured slop on grandfather.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
  1. The deacon begins the story
  2. Grandfather and his chicken
  3. The arrival of the Chumaks
  4. Dancing
  5. enchanted place
  6. Grave with a candle
  7. Grave Search
  8. Again at the grave
  9. Fear and horror
  10. Removing the boiler
  11. hot slop
  12. Garbage in the boiler.
  13. Don't trust evil spirits.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The deacon recalls his youth, how he lived with his grandfather in a hut by the road.
  2. Chumaks arrived once and grandfather began to dance, but suddenly he found himself in an unfamiliar place.
  3. Grandfather saw a candle on the grave, realized that there was a treasure.
  4. A day later, the grandfather stood up again on the cursed place and ended up near the grave.
  5. He was frightened by evil spirits, but he pulled out the cauldron and brought it home.
  6. Mother doused grandfather with slop, and there was garbage in the boiler.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
Never believe what the evil spirit promises you.

What does the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place" teach
The fairy tale teaches not to try to get rich quickly, not to look for treasure, but to work. Teaches not to believe in evil spirits. It teaches that there are many mysterious and incomprehensible things in the world. Teaches to be brave and firm in faith.

Review of the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
I really liked this story, which the author called true. Of course, I did not quite believe this story, it seemed to me still fabulous, but it was interesting to read it. And the description of evil spirits at the grave even caused a smile, although I would not want to meet this at night myself.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
The devil is strong, but there is no will.
It would be a swamp, but there will be devils.
Contacted the devil - blame yourself.
Pray to God and don't show the devil.
The devil is not as scary as he is painted.

Unfamiliar words in the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
Chumak - carrier
Bashtan - melon
Kavun - watermelon
Levada - vegetable garden
Khustka - scarf
Kuhva - barrel

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"
The deacon tells an incident from his youth.
His father was taken to sell tobacco, and the storyteller, grandfather, mother and two brothers remained at home. For the summer, grandfather went to live in a hut near the road, and took the boys with him. And then one day chumaks, six wagons, appeared on the road. Ahead walked a chumak with a large gray mustache.
He recognized his grandfather and greeted him. Grandfather was delighted with old acquaintances, climbed to kiss. Everyone sat down, took watermelons and grandfather ordered to play the nozzle and dance. Yes, and at the very grandfather's legs were torn to dance. And so he could not stand it and rushed to trim the knees. Accelerated, reached the middle, and the knee is not dressed. He turned around, came back, again reaches the same place - it doesn’t work.
The grandfather cursed at Satan, looking, and around the place is unfamiliar. The grandfather took a closer look, saw the dovecote near the priest, got out onto the path. It goes, and the night is dark, impenetrable. Suddenly, a candle was lit at the grave - it means a treasure there. The grandfather regretted that there was neither a shovel nor a spade, he piled a huge wood on the grave and went home. I came home, the Chumaks had already left, and my grandfather fell asleep.
The next day, towards evening, grandfather took a shovel and went to the priest's garden. Walked, wandered, could not find the grave. And then it started to rain. The grandfather ran home wet, lies, swears with the last words.
The next day, grandfather, as if nothing had happened, walked along the melon, covering the watermelons. And in the evening, with a shovel, he passed by an enchanted place, could not stand it, went into the middle and struck with a spade. And again in the same place at the grave was. And the candle burns again.
The grandfather came to the grave. He sees a huge stone lying on it. Grandfather dug a stone, pushed it off the grave. The grandfather stopped to rest, poured tobacco on his fist, only bring it up to his nose, someone sneezes from behind, splashed the whole grandfather.
The grandfather turns - no one. Grandfather began to dig. He dug out a pot, was delighted. "There you are, my dear," he says. And the bird's nose repeats the same words. And then a ram's head from the top of a tree. And a bear from behind a tree. The grandfather became scared, and the bird's nose, the ram and the bear repeat everything after him.
Grandfather was frightened, looked around. And the night is terrible - no moon, no stars. Yes, some mug peeks out from behind the mountain, his eyes are red, his nose is like fur in a forge. Grandfather threw the cauldron and was just about to run away, when everything disappeared, everything became quiet.
The grandfather understood that the evil spirit only frightens. He pulled out the cauldron with difficulty and ran as fast as he could. And only at the priest's garden he stopped.
And at this time at home everyone was wondering where the grandfather had gone. Mother had already come from the farm with dumplings, everyone had already had dinner, and mother had washed the cauldron, looking for where to pour the slop. Some kind of barrel looks like it’s coming, it’s true that someone is pushing it from behind.
The mother decided that it was the lads who were indulging, and poured hot slop directly into the barrel. As someone yells in bass, look - and this is the grandfather.
He wiped himself off, quarreled, exposes the boiler. Wealth promises. Opens, and there rubbish, garbage, dirt. The grandfather spat and ordered never to believe in evil spirits. Hardly that where it will seem, at once began to be christened. And he ordered to throw rubbish and rubbish on the damned place.
Good watermelons grew there.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Enchanted Place"

Real and fantastic in N. V. Gogol's story "The Enchanted Place"

The story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "The Enchanted Place" is the story of a deacon about an incident from his life. It is wonderfully written and interesting. With each line, reading this story is more and more captivating. Even the deacon himself, who reluctantly began the story, was so carried away by his narration that he reproached the listeners for inattention: “What really! .. Listen to listen like that!”

The main character of the story is the deacon's grandfather. His image is very bright and memorable. Telling us the story that happened to the grandfather, the deacon tries to give us all the details, and this makes the story more reliable.

It is impossible not to notice the humor with which the deacon leads his story. He calls his grandfather “old crap”, laughs at how his grandfather danced, how he tried to find a treasure, how his mother poured slop on him. The grandfather, in turn, called his grandchildren "dog children", scolded them. But we feel that the characters truly love and appreciate each other.

According to the deacon, most of all, grandfather liked to listen to the stories of the Chumaks passing by: “But for grandfather, it’s like a hungry dumpling.” And we understand that the hero himself was a cheerful, interesting person, it’s not in vain that the deacon says: “It used to happen, he decides ...”

But the best way to understand the character of the grandfather is to describe the search for the treasure. His speech and thoughts are full of unusual expressions: “What a disgusting face!”, “Well, lads, now you will have bagels!”.

Gogol did not accidentally give the story such a name - "The Enchanted Place". After all, the work combines two worlds: real and fantastic. Everything fantastic is connected with the grave, the treasure and the power of the devil.

The real world is life. Depicting the ordinary life of people, Gogol uses Ukrainian words, such as "chumaks", "kuren". An interesting description of the way of life of the heroes, how the grandfather grows watermelons, "covers them with burdock", digs "a new bed for late pumpkins." Or about how he defines the weather: ““Tomorrow there will be a big wind!” thought the grandfather.” Gogol admires the pictures of this folk life, the creative work of his heroes.

The whole story is written very brightly and colorfully. Sometimes it seems that you yourself are among the deacon's listeners, because the narration is interrupted by his comments. From the speech of the narrator it becomes clear that he himself has already grown old. But the deacon, like the grandfather, in his soul remains the same young, interesting and unusual person.

At the end of the story, the deacon says that instead of the treasure, the grandfather brought "litter, squabbles ...". After that, the hero began to believe only in Christ, and "... that damned place where they didn’t dance, blocked it with a wattle fence, ordered to throw everything that was indecent ...". We can say that with these lines the author is making fun of his grandfather. Indeed, in this story, Gogol says that good can be acquired only by one's own labor. In addition, using the grandfather as an example, he teaches us to believe in the bright, pure: “So this is how the evil spirit of a person fools!”

People are said to be able to deal with an unclean spirit. You shouldn't say that. If the evil spirit wants to deceive, so be it.

The narrator was 11 years old. In total, the father had 4 children. Father went to the Crimea in early spring and brought tobacco for sale. He took his 3-year-old brother with him, and the narrator stayed at home with his mother and 2 brothers. Grandfather sowed a garden right by the road and went to live in a hut.

Grandfather liked the fact that about 50 carts passed by him a day, and everyone could tell him something.

Once, 6 wagons drove past Maxim's grandfather, they were grandfather's old comrades. They sat in a circle, ate and talked. Grandfather took the narrator and brother to play the pipe and dance. Unable to resist, the grandfather himself started dancing right on the path between the cucumber beds. It was here that something unclean happened: as soon as grandfather reached the middle of the path, his legs immediately stopped rising. He started again from the beginning of the track, danced to the middle and again his legs became stiff. It was some sort of haunted place. Grandfather immediately began to swear and called this place devilish.

Immediately behind the grandfather, someone laughed. The grandfather turned around, looks - but the place is unknown, the field around is unfamiliar. He took a closer look, and recognized the threshing floor of one volost clerk. That's where the unclean force brought the grandfather.

Then the grandfather decided to go out onto the road, and on the side of one of the graves he saw a flaring candle. Soon it went out and a second one lit up, a little further away. Grandfather thought that a treasure was hidden in this place. I thought to immediately dig it out, but I didn’t have a shovel with me. Then he decided to remember the place and come back here later. With these thoughts, he walked home.

Toward evening the next day, grandfather took a shovel and a spade, and went to the place of the treasure. But, having reached the place, he was surprised - if there is a threshing floor, then there is no dovecote, but if a dovecote is visible, then there is no threshing floor. Suddenly a heavy downpour began, and grandfather wandered back home.

The next day, grandfather went through his garden to the enchanted place with a spade in his hands. Striking with a spade at the place where his legs were stiff, he immediately found himself on the field where he saw the candles. Only now he had a spade.

He reached the place indicated by the candles and began to dig. Soon he dug out the cauldron. While digging, grandfather talked to himself, and someone repeated his words several times. Grandfather thought that this was a devil who did not want to give the treasure. Then he left the treasure and ran to the house, and around - silence. Then he returned, took the bowler hat and ran as fast as he could. So he got to the priest's garden.

Mother waited until evening for grandfather. We've already had dinner, but you can't see him. Mother washed the pot and began to look for where to drain the slop. Suddenly she saw a kuhlya* floating through the air in the darkness. Mother took and poured hot slops into it. Immediately there was a loud cry of the grandfather. Grandfather told about the found treasure and hoped that now all the children would have bagels and bagels.

Hoping for gold, grandfather opened the bowler hat, and there was something that is even embarrassing to say.

After this incident, my grandfather lost confidence in the devil. And he often told his grandchildren that they would never believe the devil - he would definitely deceive. And if he heard somewhere, something unsettling was going on, he immediately began to be baptized and shouted to his grandchildren to be baptized.

That enchanted place on the path, where his legs became stiff, the grandfather protected with wattle, and dumped all the garbage and weeds there.

Kukhlya* - a vessel for transporting liquids over short distances.

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