A conspiracy for beauty in front of a mirror. A conspiracy to dream of a loved one in an erotic dream

Since ancient times, a mirror has been attributed to an unusual object that can have both positive and negative effects on a person. Mirrors are made of silver nitrate, and silver is a strong magical metal. Many people know about their mystical properties.

Mirror, one of the most mysterious ancient magical symbols of mankind.

There are many signs, superstitions and conspiracies associated with mirror surfaces. The most famous and common sign that has a negative connotation is a broken mirror. What to do when the mirror breaks? Using the conspiracy on the mirror, you can protect yourself and protect yourself, and you can also attract good luck.

Signs, superstitions and traditions

There are signs that everyone should know about in order to protect themselves from negative influences and make their lives safe.

Esoteric teachings claim that the mirror has a dual nature: half of its aura belongs to our world, and the second goes straight to the other world.

It is better not to accept mirrors as a gift and not to take someone else's. After all, you do not know for what purpose the thing was presented to you, and what kind of energy it stores. This can lead to negative changes. But you can apply a conspiracy to help avoid trouble.

After receiving such a gift, say these words:

“I wash, I wash, I wash off the old, I change the owner, I clean the bad, I pour it out with dirty water. May it be so!"

Then you need to wipe it dry and repeat 3 times:

“Clean, bright glass is magnificent, serve the new owner, people and God pleasing. May it be so".

“The mirror is bright, I washed you, washed you with holy water, brought you into the house, didn’t give it to strangers. The water ran away from you, changed the owner, from now on I am the mistress, look at me. To be kind and peaceful, we will live together with you. Drive evil people out of the house, keep love and peace in my house. May it be so".

With the help of a charmed mirror, you can check the sincerity of any guest who comes to your apartment. A person with bad intentions and a deceiver will become uncomfortable being in your house, and he will quickly try to leave it.

No need to spin in front of him for a long time in the nude. This can lead to poverty and poverty.

You can not stay with your back to the mirror for a long time, because it, as it were, draws out vital energy, which can lead to various diseases and a breakdown.

You should not admire this item on critical days, women in position and the first time after childbirth.

If there is a seriously ill person in the house, then the mirrors from the room must be removed so that the patient does not lose energy. It is a bad omen if such a person sees his own reflection.

The mirror should not hang in front of the front door. It can push well-being, luck, happiness out of your home.

One of the most common traditions is to cover the mirror surfaces if someone has died in the house.

What to do with cracked and broken mirrors?

The most dangerous and well-known sign is a broken mirror. They say that such a sign portends trouble, and also that failures and misfortunes will haunt you for seven years.

It is also believed that when a person looks into the fragments of a mirror, energy leaks and his life can be split.

The question naturally arises: “What to do if the mirror is broken?” First of all, do not panic, there should not be any negative thoughts. If you broke it, you can use simple tips:

  1. Do not pick up the fragments with your bare hands, be sure to take gloves.
  2. You can’t look at the mirror pieces, so just cover them with a cloth.
  3. It is necessary to collect all the fragments and rinse well under running water. It is water that helps to remove negativity.
  4. Then take everything outside and bury it in the ground.

As soon as this item is broken, say the following words 3 times:

“All misfortunes from my doorstep out! My home is a happy home. I am healthy and happy and my whole family. Amen".

It is impossible to store in the house not only broken mirrors, but cracked ones. It is imperative to get rid of them. By correctly collecting mirror fragments, you will protect yourself and loved ones from the troubles and troubles that are associated with this sign.

Rite of Purification

Perform a purification ceremony: wash it with holy or spring cold water, while reading a prayer.

Any mirror contains information about every person who has looked into it at least once. Therefore, they must be periodically cleaned, and especially before the ritual.

It is advisable to clean once a month. Take either spring water or holy water, which can be added to a 3 liter container. Next, rinse the surface abundantly in order to neutralize all the information accumulated earlier. Otherwise, negative energy will "mirror" in response. That is, the negative accumulated in the mirror will certainly have a negative impact on the owner.

Attracting good luck with a mirror

If you want to attract good luck, you can use the ritual, which uses a mirror. You can pick up and apply any plot you like on the mirror.

Talisman Mirror

From a small mirror, you can make a talisman that brings good luck. Take this small object and say the following words:

“Mirror, mirror, bright window, reflect all troubles and obstacles, remove from my path, only good, bring good luck and success to me. Amen, amen, amen."

Blue mirror storage bag

Prepare a blue pouch for your talisman in advance. You also need to take a piece of paper and write your data on it: first name, last name, patronymic and date of birth. This rite also helps to protect against future failures. Carry the charmed item with you for a week. You can then take it with you if you wish.

Protective ritual in front of a mirror

It is better to have a large mirror on the wall. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on the full moon. The ideal option is from Saturday to Sunday, from 00-00 to 03-00. Take a church candle, light it, stand in front of a mirror and say these words three times:

“Deliver me, Lord God, from the deception of the vile and evil cunning Antichrist, hiding me from him in the hidden wilderness of Your salvation. Give me, Lord God, the strength and courage to clearly confess Your holy name, so as not to retreat for the sake of the devil, not to renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, but from Your Holy Church. But grant me, Lord God, day and night tears with weeping for my sins, and spare me, Lord God, in the part of Your Last Judgment. Amen".

Then put out the candle, and wrap the remaining cinder in a white cotton cloth. Hide the bundle under your mattress. It is important that he does not disappear anywhere.

Regardless of which ritual you choose for yourself, with a mirror or in front of a mirror, it is important to sincerely believe in the power of its action.

Conspiracies that attract money Vladimirova Naina

magic mirror

magic mirror

Mirrors have long been used in magic, which has not always been safe. But we will not talk about such magic. There are completely safe rituals with mirrors that will help make life happier.

Rituals to strengthen the financial situation. Take a small mirror, a coin worth one or five rubles. Wait for the full moon. At midnight, put a mirror on the windowsill with the glass towards the window, put a coin in front of the mirror so that it is reflected in the mirror. Do not look in the mirror yourself, it “charges” the coin for profit without your participation. The moon helps. You stand behind the mirror and say the plot three times:

Mother Moon, in my wallet is your money,

Your treasury is my treasury

Money to money!

Go to bed. In the morning, put a coin in your wallet and carry it with you all the time for a month. On the next full moon, the rite must be repeated.

A ritual is also done for the general prosperity in the house. Only instead of a coin, a piece of fresh bread is placed in front of the mirror (try not to take change for bread when you buy it). The conspiracy is this:

As there are a lot of stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so my master's house should have enough of everything. Amen.

To make your child calmer and more disciplined, perform this ritual. Before the child goes for a walk, bring him to the mirror, carefully look into his eyes in the mirror and say:

Walk, child, walk, do not lose yourself. The Lord will save you, bring you back to me. Amen.

The astral double from the looking glass will follow your child, help to avert trouble from him and bring him back home.

Help yourself with a round mirror get rid of anxiety, unreasonable fear, just a nervous state of mind.

Look into the round mirror, carefully look into the eyes of your reflection and read the plot:

Do not languish, do not let your heart, do not grab the mother, heavy sighs, empty commotion. Do not tear a zealous heart in two. Everything is empty. Go away, sadness, into the looking-glass distance. Don't split, don't prick, don't tear your heart, let it go. Everything is empty. Go away, sadness, into the looking-glass distance. Don't split, don't prick, don't tear your heart, let it go. Everything is empty. On shaky glass, on the wind, on the forest, on dry grass, on the stove chimney, as smoke disperses in the wind, melts, so let the heart leave. Amen.

Then wrap the mirror with a cloth and put it away. There is a very strong rite of removal of the birth curse with two mirrors. The ceremony is performed exactly at midnight! Place one mirror in front of you, the second behind you. Pick up a wax candle, light it and read the plot, looking at your reflection:

The night is black, the mirror is dark, reflect the evil word from me, the human curse, the sign of hell. I ask for the first time.

The night is black, the mirror is dark, reflect the evil word from me, the human curse, the sign of hell. I ask for a second time.

The night is black, the mirror is dark, reflect the evil word from me, the human curse, the sign of hell. I ask for a third time. Amen.

After that, immediately wash yourself with holy water, dry yourself with your own underwear. Get out of the circle of mirrors, but leave the candle to burn out. Then remove the mirrors, wrap the cinder in a piece of paper and bury it under any tree, having previously drawn a cross on a piece of paper.

On the first Sunday after the ceremony, go to the temple and put three candles to the Savior, three to the Mother of God, three to the Holy Spirit, three to St. Panteleimon. Only twelve candles. And sincerely and ardently thank God for helping to remove the curse.

Several will accept related to mirrors:

To break a mirror - to the loss of a friend, to trouble;

If the mirror broke by itself - to someone's imminent death;

You can’t look in the mirror seven days after the death of a person, otherwise you may be the next ...

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Conspiracies for protection are an absolute must if you are going to practice magic. It is unfortunate that some people have to verify the correctness of this statement from their own experience. In this article you will find a variety of ways to protect: from the simplest to the most complex.

In the article:

Fire and water conspiracies on a pin


First of all, you need to take a candle. It is important that it be wax, not paraffin. After that, take the pin. Drop the wax into the eye of the pin, which is on the opposite side of the point. Tell:

“The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, move it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I fix the word with iron.

Now pin it point down on the inside of your garment.
First you need to draw a small amount of water from a well or stream into a glass cup. Put the pin in a bowl for a day. Having taken out, read the plot:

“Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic offspring and other infection. Remove all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me.

Remember that pins need to be changed from time to time, as they have already fulfilled their purpose and absorbed negative energy.

It should be noted that the mirror shield is one of the strongest conspiracies for protection, but it can also be very dangerous if you do not cope with the ritual. So, be careful when choosing this rite.

It can be held on all days of the week, with the exception of Tuesday. The phase of the moon also doesn't matter. First you need to purchase two mirrors in different places. You can't take change in the first place, be sure to take change in the second. On the same day, as soon as midnight strikes, place two mirrors opposite and light a candle in front of each mirror. Then you need to read the plot seven times:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak the body is white.
I fix it stronger than steel and damask steel.
Stronger than any hardened way.
I knit that invisible strand,
So that no servant of God (name) could take:
Not by a quick deed, not by a conspiracy word,
Not through the oven, not through the candle,
Not through holy water.
With me, the holy apostles read the amulet,
My child is shielded from enemies:
Nikita the Stylite, Gabriel the Archangel,
Archangel Michael, George the Brave,
John the Baptist and Merciful Savior.
And whoever approaches my child will do.
He will not leave my conspiracy word.
Heaven in my words, Earth in my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Then put a white natural fabric on your left mirror. Cut your right palm and drip on your right hand mirror. The blood must be rubbed clockwise, while whispering a conspiracy:

“Hide the soul, keep the body, commanded by blood, seven men, their verbs. What a distant verst is thrown, then (name) is not closed to me. This shield is reliable. Amen".

Remove the cloth from the mirror on your left and place it on your right. Say the following:

“I am shifting, unlocking myself with our prayer from words, eyes, deeds, destructive, disastrous, I defend. Seven words are like one. The cross is oblique, mirrored, formidable with glee, I, (name), keep it firmly. The rag is white, darling under the skin, not for my body, but for the rag business, not for me, but for the rag. Such is the story. Amen".

On the fabric you need to put two of your photos, connected with the front side together. After that, lower the left mirror onto the fabric so that the photos lie in the middle between the mirrors. After that, it should be fastened in such a way that they cannot move. Wrap the mirrors in some kind of cloth, and hide them where no one can see them.

Time spent: night, until dawn.

Moon phase: decreasing.

Items: a piece of paper, a purple candle.

purple candle piece of paper

First, light the purple candle. You can also use white and blue candles. When it burns down to half, write on paper:

“Envying eyes, raking hands, not me, the servant of God (name), you see, do not covet my goodness, but stretch into a rotten swamp. Twelve apostles, protect me, remove all envy from me. My iron gates, my stone fence. Key. Lock. The answer is fiery. Amen".

The edges of this sheet must be charred, but not completely burned. Do not blow out the candle, but extinguish it with your fingers. Hide the rest of it where no one will find it. The next time you find out that you were envied, take out a piece of paper and burn it on the flame of the same candle, reading the same plot. Scatter the ashes on the street. Let the candle burn to the end. You need to repeat in about a month, at the same time.

"Forty Candles"

Time spending: a couple of hours before dawn.

Items: a piece of coal or chalk, a knife, a silver cross, forty wax candles.

Wax candle Silver cross
piece of chalk

You need to get up early in the morning before the sun has risen, wash and comb your hair. It is highly recommended not to eat or drink before the start of the ritual. You must have a prepared place for the ceremony, free from foreign objects. After all preparations, sit down in the prepared place. Draw a circle with charcoal or chalk, trying not to take your hand off the floor. Now you need to arrange the candles in a circle and light them. Speak a protective spell:

“As the Red Sun rises, I, the slave (name), will be lucky in my business.
I put protection white, God's, from every dash of a fortune teller.
Key. Lock. Language.

Draw another circle with the silver cross while reading:

“White protection, God's help, to help me, the enemy back. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Following this, take the knife by the blade and cross yourself with it 12 times, saying:

“As the Red Sun rises, so famously will bypass me. Amen".

Don't leave the circle until dawn. Do not extinguish the candles, they should go out on their own.

"Fire Shield"

This spell will give you protection from corruption and the evil eye, as well as curses.

Time spent: in the evening, until 00.00.

Items: 3 candles of different shades: white, yellow, blue; light fabric.

blue candle
light fabric yellow candle white candle

First you need to arrange the candles in the form of an equilateral triangle, one of the corners of which is directed towards the west. In the middle of the figure, spread the cloth and step on it with bare feet, facing west. Don't dress in dark clothes. Now close your eyes and read the plot 5 times:

“The fire is red, the fire is clear, protect me from evil attacks, from devilish guidance. Put your shield in front, put your shield behind, put your shield on your sides, put your shield up and down. Evil from the shield will repel me and will not return. May it be so!"

Financial problems according to statistics are the most popular. In second place in this ranking are love failures. To get rid of such difficulties, people use a variety of methods. Some begin to actively work on themselves and develop themselves, others find it easier to read the conspiracy on the mirror. Financial independence, success in all matters, sincere love - this is why the decision is made to conduct magical rituals.

Conspiracy for money: how to do

The desire to have material well-being will help to perform a special ceremony with coins. It will help improve the financial condition of a person and increase the success of his activities. Conspiracies with mirrors can be both simple and complicated. This money rite belongs to the first category.

What will be needed?

According to magicians, a mirror surface is a powerful attribute during rituals, especially if it is a conspiracy for quick money. In combination with other elements, it will strengthen their influence. That is why you need to take the following items:

  • small mirror;
  • any coin;
  • spell text.

A new lady's mirror would be perfect. The coin can be of different denominations. The result of the ritual does not depend on this.

What to do?

You need to prepare the above things in advance. They should be used frequently by those who perform the magical procedure. When everything is ready, do the following:

  1. Pick the right time. There must be a full moon on the day of the event. If it is not, then it is better to reschedule this event.
  2. In the house, find a window sill that receives reflections of moonlight.
  3. Place a mirror on the surface near the window.
  4. Place the money directly in front of the mirror.
  5. Stand with your back to a mirrored surface.
  6. It is necessary to read the text of the conspiracy:

"Mother Luna! I turn my gaze and request to you. Fill, you, my chest with riches, hand over your treasury to me.

It is not allowed to display a person in a mirror object. Otherwise, the desired outcome should not be expected. Make sure that all involved objects are under the light of the moon.

After the ceremony, immediately go to sleep. A charmed mirror can be used daily, and a coin must be placed in a purse. She should be there for at least a month.

Money conspiracy for men and women

There are categories of rituals in which there are differences for representatives of both sexes. Distinctive features can be individual items, days of the week, number of attributes, time, etc. A conspiracy for money and material well-being belongs precisely to this group.

Required Attributes

Things prepared in advance can contribute to the successful implementation of the ritual. This is important so that in the process you are not distracted by the search for tools. To carry out the magical procedure with money, you need to acquire:

  • large and roomy wallet or purse;
  • two small mirrors;
  • three large coins;
  • conspiracy words.

The size of the wallet is an important part of the transaction. It depends on the amount of success and the amount of money. Coins also choose large diameter.

Order of conduct

Female representatives can perform the ceremony only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are the best days for men. Having planned the procedure for increasing money for a certain date, follow this plan:

  1. Wait until evening.
  2. Only the person casting the spell can be in the room or room.
  3. Hang windows in any way.
  4. If there are mirror objects in the room in the height of a person, they must be covered with a cloth or a sheet.
  5. With the help of mirrors, reproduce the mirror corridor.
  6. Arrange the coins so that their image is clearly visible in the corridor.
  7. Read a prayer in a whisper:

“I will go from one mirror to another, servant of God (say only your own name). I will go and collect money. Pick it up and put it in your wallet, drive away the need from yourself, so that you never see it again. Lord, have mercy, do not be angry with me. Save my soul and save me from sin. Amen".

Fold the money between the mirrors in a wallet or purse. Carry the created talisman to attract success with you for a long time. Before going to bed, you need to say the words of the prayer "Our Father" exactly nine times.

Conspiracy on the mirror: broken surface

Experienced magicians know that a charmed mirror is one of the most powerful ritual attributes with strong energy. It contains silver, which has magical properties. Using this thing in rituals, people hope to become rich, successful and attract good luck. Based on this, conspiracies on mirrors are the most popular.

Even children know about the broken mirror surface. It says that if an object is broken, then for seven years a person will face failure or a birth curse. Thanks to magical rituals, such consequences can be avoided. There is no need to panic or be negative about it.

Required Items

Above all, the thoughts of the culprit must be pure and optimistic. If a similar situation arose, quickly look for such things:

  • clean scoop and broom;
  • the cloth;
  • shovel;
  • water;
  • spell text.

The shovel can be taken in any size. Prayer must be learned and said quickly out loud.

Action plan

Try not to panic. Rituals performed under stress are doomed to failure. Follow this order:

  1. Gently sweep the fragments with a broom into a shovel.
  2. Never look at broken particles. To do this, cover them with a piece of fabric.
  3. Clean the slices of dirt and negative energy with water or an aqueous solution.
  4. It is necessary to take the fragments to the street.
  5. Bury waste as deep as possible in the ground.
  6. Play the phrase:

“All misfortunes from my doorstep out! My home is a happy home. I am healthy and happy and my whole family. Amen".

Repeat the text three times. Do not store broken or cracked mirror objects in your living space. Be sure to dispose of them immediately after the incident.

Mirror spell for good luck from N. Stepanova

The conspiracies of Siberian Natalia Stepanova have already helped more than one person. She offers rituals only with white magic. They are distinguished by simplicity, accessibility and beautiful prayers. The healer also claims the magical power of mirrors, which she actively uses in rituals for good luck and success.

What things are needed?

It is worth paying attention to the preparation for the procedure. You will need a few tools:

  • mirrors;
  • prayer text.

What actions?

How to speak a mirror effectively and correctly? The process won't take long. To successfully implement it, follow the algorithm. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select night time from Sunday to Monday. The moon must be full.
  2. Be optimistic and put your thoughts in order.
  3. Stand in front of a mirror.
  4. Speak aloud such charmed magic sentences:

"Baba is a sorceress. You walked the earth boldly, you did your magic work. She was not afraid of anyone, she worshiped herself. You had everything: luck, gold, and silver. She collected happiness and took it away from people, stole luck and bestowed it on herself. Grant me luck too, sorceress woman. Give me, dear witch, happiness in addition. I will command you the fortieth psalm and the forty-first psalm and the first of Black Magic. I take away your luck and happiness in addition. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strictly follow the procedure. In the near future, you will feel a positive effect. If the result is not achieved, repeat the ceremony again.

A conspiracy to dream more often of a loved one

Every girl in love dreams of appearing in the dreams of her beloved man. For her, dreaming about a guy at night means an opportunity to remind herself. This can be done using the ritual of white magic.

What should be taken?

The ritual is simple, so the number of things involved is minimal. Take these attributes:

  • any object with a mirror;
  • spell text.

The mirror cannot be previously used, that is, it must be new. Before the ritual, carefully read the conspiracy prayer.

What do we have to do?

The action plan will also be limited to a few points. Their order is:

  1. Pick up a mirror.
  2. Bring the object to your lips.
  3. Whisper the words:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear to my beloved in a dream. (Say your name) sleep and rest, And see me in a dream. Amen".

After that, hide the mirror under the pillow with the front side. In the morning, it should be washed with clean water and wrapped in any fabric item. Hide the item between your underwear, which you are allowed to use in the future.

Conspiracy for successful love affairs

Has everything gone wrong in love affairs? Magicians do not recommend immediately turning to black magic, but to try white. Conspiracies for love are distinguished by power and energy strength. They must be done very carefully and only after good thought. In most cases, you need to use a mirror and a candle.

  • container with water;
  • aromatic oils;
  • pink candle;
  • spell text.

Aromatic oils should be based on flowers, preferably roses. Buy a candle of exactly pink color, because this is the shade of love.

The main part of the ritual

It is necessary to choose a day when there will be a full moon. Then proceed like this:

  1. You have to take off all your clothes.
  2. Place a container of water in front of the mirror.
  3. Drip aromatic oils inside and put a candle.
  4. Light a pink candle.
  5. Speak text:

“The rose bloomed under the moon, smelled, blossomed, so I would become a beauty, and I found my love. Lunar path, bring the groom to the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Next, you need to rub your face and the whole body with charmed water. To protect against bad suitors, wipe the doorknobs with the same liquid. Place the remaining water under the bed and add rose petals. After 3 weeks or a month, you can meet your soul mate. Now the whole world is open before the girl!

Let's take a closer look at the conspiracy on the mirror to dream of a guy how he acts - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

A conspiracy to dream about a guy is used to remind a loved one about himself. Often such a magical effect is used in cases where you are in love with a person, but he does not pay attention to you. And having seen you in a dream, your chosen one will certainly be interested in you, and, therefore, the likelihood of the emergence of closer relationships increases.

Effective rituals to dream

There are a wide variety of rituals. Most of them can be carried out in any phase of the moon. But magicians believe that this type of influence is most successful during the full moon.

Any conspiracy to dream of a loved one belongs to white magic, therefore it is harmless. But at the same time, it will be successful only if you wholeheartedly believe in the power of magic.

Appeal to the Moon

A rite that uses a conspiracy containing an appeal to the moon is best done on the street. During the ritual, the moon should shine in the sky. If it is not possible to go outside, then you can perform the ceremony near the window, which must be opened in advance.

Previously, a conspiracy that contains an appeal to the night luminary should be written on a piece of paper.

Magic words can be:

This plot, looking at the moon, must be repeated three times. Then you need to set fire to a leaf from a match and let the ashes fly into the wind.

This rite should be performed late at night. After it, you can’t talk to anyone, but you need to go to bed as soon as possible. It is necessary to try to fall asleep with thoughts of a loved one.

With magical smoke

In order to dream of a loved one, you can conduct a strong ritual with smoke. For such an impact, you will need to use a small bundle of straw or hay.

Before the start of the ritual, you need to put one straw or a dry blade of grass under your pillow. Then the natural attribute is placed on a metal dish or tray and set on fire next to a pre-opened window or window.

After the smoke appears, the following magical phrases are spoken:

Words need to be spoken repeatedly, until smoke is visible. Ashes from burned straw or hay should be scattered to the wind.

A simple ceremony with a photo

A very simple but effective rite can be performed using a photograph. In addition to a fresh picture, you need to prepare one church candle and a small container filled with water.

In the photo, your loved one should be shown alone. Such a picture is set on the table, and a candle is lit in front of it, and a container of water is placed next to it. In the ceremony, you can use tap water.

First you need to sit opposite the picture of your loved one, so that you can see the image of your loved one through the flame. After carefully looking at the picture, you need to imagine the scene in which you would like to dream of your loved one. The better it is possible to visualize it, the more successful the ceremony will be.

Then you should look at the surface of the water, and imagine on it the image of a loved one. As soon as this can be done, the water from the container should be thrown out the window.

While saying the following words:

After reading the plot, you need to sit in silence in dreams of your loved one and wait until the candle burns out.

This ritual is quite difficult to perform, as it requires maximum concentration. In this regard, it can only be carried out by people with good natural abilities.

With mirror

In order to dream of a loved one, you can perform a magical act with a mirror. But for such an impact to be successful, you must have strong feelings for the person.

First you need to write the name of your loved one on the mirror surface, and then read the plot, so that you touch the mirror surface with your breath.

The words of the conspiracy sound like this:

After that, you should quickly go to bed, while the mirror must be placed under the pillow with the mirror surface up. In the morning, the mirror must be taken out and washed under running cold water and hidden. This mirror is no longer recommended for domestic use, but it should not be thrown away. If necessary, the ceremony can be repeated after a while.

If your chosen one came to visit you and left a wet mark from shoes on the floor, then you can take advantage of this and perform a ritual aimed at ensuring that he sees you in a dream that night.

To do this, you need to go to a fresh trail and speak it with these words:

The trace should not be wiped until the morning, and on this night you will definitely dream of your chosen one.

You should know that any conspiracy aimed at dreaming of a chosen one can provoke the appearance of a loved one in your dreams. But this is no proof that the conspiracy was successful. Most likely, this indicates your impressionability. Success depends entirely on your self-confidence and faith in magic. It is very important to carry out the ceremony in a positive mood, a depressed mood makes the impact ineffective.

A conspiracy to dream of a loved one

There are situations when lovers are forced to part for a while. So that a loved one does not forget about his chosen one, even in a dream, you can perform a simple ritual. It is important not to tell anyone about the use of magic, because nothing will work.

A conspiracy to the moon to dream of a guy

A simple ritual should be performed on a full moon. Take a sheet of dark paper and write the following plot on it:

“Virgo Moon, tell my beloved (name) hello from me. Let him see me in a dream, remember me and miss me. As soon as he gets bored, he will give me the news. Virgo Moon, give your sweetheart a happy and bright dream about me, and I will thank you, I will say thank you very much.

Before going to bed, stand at an open window, look at the moon and read the plot three times. Then wrinkle the paper and throw it out through the window. Go to bed immediately afterwards.

A conspiracy on a mirror to dream of a guy

Take a small mirror and write the name of your loved one on it. You can do this with lipstick, felt-tip pen or eyeliner. Looking in the mirror, read the plot:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear to my beloved in a dream. (Name) sleep and rest, And see me in a dream. Amen".

It is important during this to bring the mirror to the face so that it reflects the breath. After that, place the mirror face up under the pillow. This ritual can be used for several days in a row.

A conspiracy to dream on a photo to dream of a guy

For the ceremony, you need to prepare a fresh photograph of your beloved, as well as 13 church candles. Put the picture on the table, and put candles nearby and light them. Looking at the photo, read this conspiracy:

“I will dream of you at the behest of the night, as soon as you close your tired eyes. I will be desired, I will be loved, having appeared in a dream to you the most beautiful. You will not be able to wake up, drive away the obsession, I will dream every night in confusion. You will get used to dreams, and succumb to the spell, and surrender to me at the behest of your heart. May it be so. Amen".

Perform the rite for 13 days in a row for it to work.

A conspiracy to dream of a loved one in an erotic dream

If you want the guy to remember the dream for a long time, then use this ritual, for which prepare a photograph of your beloved, a church candle, a piece of paper and a new pen. The ceremony should begin on the full moon exactly at midnight. Put a picture in front of you, and behind it a candle. Let your hair down and take off all your clothes. On a piece of paper, write such a conspiracy to dream of a loved one:

“I will lie down, the servant of God (your name), having prayed, crossing myself on all sides. I won’t sleep until dawn, I won’t close my eyes until morning. I will yearn, grieve for my dear, servant of God (name). You, my longing, go to your betrothed, whisper words of love so that you rave about me both in a dream and in the clear sun. Give him one desire: how to caress me the servant of God (name), how to love and dove every day, every night, every minute.

Then read the plot, set fire to the paper from the candle and burn it, while fumigating the photo with smoke. Disperse the resulting ash into the wind through the window. Remove the photo under the pillow and go to bed, and leave the candle to burn out completely. It is not recommended to repeat the ceremony often.

To make a guy miss

When love at first sight ignites between a guy and a girl, it is believed that such a feeling is the strongest. And, indeed, there are many examples that confirm this fact. But what if the feeling flared up only on one side, and the second did not even understand that someone had fallen in love with her without a memory?

It often happens that a girl suffering from a man writes to him, at a meeting meaningfully looks into his eyes, tries to find an excuse to be there. And he doesn't care. He does not even suggest that she cannot imagine life without him. Bitterness and resentment accumulate in the soul of a woman, because the feeling is not mutual. What to do? A conspiracy to make a guy miss, write, meet, or dream about him will help her change the picture of events for the better.

To make a guy yearn

In order for the conspiracy to have an effective impact on the object of adoration, and the beloved is bored, you need to clearly imagine the image of your loved one in front of you. Even better, if in the hands there is an object belonging to a man, his photograph. A white love spell will definitely work if you read it at dawn, at noon and at sunset for several days in a row. The text must be spoken in a whisper or aloud:

I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the light, more beautiful, there is no one better than me. I will go to an open field, to a wide expanse, there I will find seventy-seven stone ovens. On those stones are fiery cakes, oohs, sighs, love commotions, seventy-seven oohs, seventy-seven sighs, aahs, suffering, day and night experiences, love yearning and impatience. Get up, go, find the servant of God (name), drag him, lead him to me, to God's servant (name). I will fill him up, I will lure him in, I will take him into constriction. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist, mix, throw yourself at his heart and liver. He would think about me, do not forget, do not drink in food and drink. He missed, yearned, wept and grieved for me, God's servant (name), lamented with bitter weeping, but as he would see, so that he would not let go of himself. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

This is enough for the beloved to miss the girl day and night.

What to do in order to dream about him

A plot to dream of a guy, and he yearned, can be read on any day except Monday. For the ritual, you need to take a small mirror and write the name of the chosen one on it with a cosmetic pencil, marker, felt-tip pen. This magical action will give results very soon. For a guy to write or come, the plot must be repeated 3 times before going to bed, and then put the mirror under the pillow with the reflection up. The words are:

Reflected in the mirror surface

I am in my beloved's dream.

(Name of the man) sleep and rest,

And see me in a dream. Amen.

Ritual for meeting a guy

A girl in love is languishing from the fact that the guy is not nearby, but in another city, or serious circumstances force him to always be out of her field of vision. What to do to make your loved one miss you, and then come? Simple actions will bring the long-awaited moment closer, and the beloved man will appear on the threshold, making her heart flutter excitedly. It is advisable to read the plot in the evening, with the curtains closed tightly. It is better to light the room not with the light of a lamp, but with the warm fire of a candle. The words are as follows:

Lord, take me on the road. And give me the green light for a relationship. Reveal to me the secret of my acquaintance. Give me everything I need. Give me the opportunity to be confident in (the name of the beloved) or give me the opportunity to be disappointed in him. Save me from wasting time. Arrange the meeting I need so that I understand my perspectives. My heart skips and worries. Sympathy arose and multiplied. Don't let me fall into torment. Bring on a date (name of a loved one). I will pray to you for this. My God, my Vizardas. I will praise you, greet you. Don't let me miss my chances. Khantaa upar.

The woman will not believe her eyes when she sees with her own eyes that he has come.

How to get news from him

A conspiracy for a guy to write must be read when dusk is falling. If there is a sheet on which there are lines written by the hand of the chosen one, it will also come in handy during the ceremony. It is necessary to light a church candle and, pronouncing the cherished words, burn on fire the paper that the man’s hand touched. Enchantment text:

My clear falcon, servant of God (name), desired, beloved and long-awaited! Let the straight path only lead you to me, and the voice of the Great Lord will call me to write. Remember me more often and don't forget to write (3 times)! May you not leave me for a minute, for my words are strong and sincere! Amen.

When reading any of the proposed conspiracies, you need to clearly imagine the desired image and believe that the plan will come true. If a girl allows at least a fraction of doubts about what should happen, the ritual will be ineffective and the result will have to wait a long time. And on the other hand, before resorting to the services of white magic, it is worth considering: maybe a sincere conversation with the chosen one will give much better results?

Effective conspiracies to dream about a loved one

It is believed that sleep is a reflection of a person's subconscious desires. Sometimes it is enough to read a conspiracy in order to dream of a loved one, and the person will again make itself felt, reappear in your life. You can perform the ceremony at any time. But experienced magicians consider the most suitable and effective time for this to be the period of the full moon.

When reading a conspiracy to dream of a loved one, you need to think about him with warmth. Emotions should be only positive. Everything is reflected in dreams. And that dream, which was accompanied by pleasant sensations, always stimulates the search for meetings and the desire to see the object of dreams.

Ritual with a mirror

In order to dream of a loved one, it is enough to take a small mirror. On it write the name of the object of desire. The inscription is made with an ordinary felt-tip pen or cosmetic pencil. The words of the conspiracy are read on the mirror three times. In this case, the mirror is brought close to the face so that the breath is reflected in it.

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear to my beloved in a dream. (Name) sleep and rest, And see me in a dream. Amen".

After reading the magic words, the mirror is placed face up under the pillow. A plot to dream of a guy using a mirror can be applied several times in a row.

Rite to the Moon

It is advisable to go outside or a balcony. Looking at the moon, cross your mouth and read the words of the conspiracy:

You can turn to the moon and attract her help in another way.

  • Write the text of the ceremony on a piece of paper.

"Mother moon! Send (name) from me to my dear (name) hello. Let him see me in a dream, remember me, miss me. Mother moon, give your sweetheart a festive dream, and from me to you - heartfelt thanks.

  • Look at the full moon. Say the words written on the piece of paper three times.
  • Set fire to the leaf.
  • Scatter the remaining ashes outside. You can do it through the window.
  • After the rite is completed, you can not talk to anyone. Therefore, it is better to do it before bedtime.
  • Be sure to say thank you to the moon.

magic smoke

Smoke is often used in magical rituals. A conspiracy to dream of a loved one, in smoke, is quite effective. He helps to deliver the news and remind of himself.

To perform the ritual, you need to get some straw. For the future, you can independently stock up on it for the future. It is useful for many magical rites. To do this, it is torn with bare hands in any meadow and dried in the shade.

  1. From the prepared bunch of dry grass, one straw is placed under the pillow.
  2. The rest of the grass is placed on a fire-resistant tray or lid.
  3. They burn near the open window.
  4. When smoke forms, read the following words on it:

“Go, smoke to the servant of God (name). So that the haze spins and whirls in the wind, So that I dream of my dear at night. Amen".

Words are spoken while the smoke is coming. Ashes after burning straw are scattered through the window in the wind.

Conspiracy for photography

There is a strong enough conspiracy that will help your loved one dream. To carry it out, you need his photograph, a candle and a small container of water.

  1. A single shot of an object is put on the table.
  2. A candle is lit in front of its center.
  3. They look at the picture through the flame and imagine a dream with their participation.
  4. Next, the gaze is transferred to a container of water.
  5. It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible and imagine the image of a loved one in the water.
  6. After, the water is poured out and the following text is pronounced:

“My dear (name), wait for me in a dream. I'm going to you. Amen".

A magical ritual requires maximum concentration. During it, it is advisable to be at home all alone. This allows you to relax as much as possible and fully concentrate on the upcoming process.

A strong ritual for dreaming a guy

For a conspiracy, you will need two photographs: yours and the person you want to dream about. They are folded right sides to each other. Wrapped in natural fabric without seams (linen, cotton) white. Pictures are placed under the pillow. Read the following text:

“By the power of love, I conjure you, servant of God (name of the chosen one): see me in a dream! Recognize me and come to me, love me and be faithful to me!”

You can keep photos under your pillow for any amount of time. But every evening the energy message needs to be updated, that is, the plot must be read again.

What few people know, but you need to know

Quite often, a conspiracy aimed at dreaming of a loved one contributes to the appearance of an object in one's own dreams. This is not an indicator of whether the ritual affects a person or not. The effectiveness of the magical rite depends only on you. Depression, bad mood, doubts reduce the effectiveness of any conspiracy to zero.

A conspiracy to dream of a guy or loved one

Interesting dreams, full of colors, are especially remembered for a long time, they can even push you to some action. Dreams are a kind of magic, so there are ways to dream about a person who is interesting to you for some reason. Since ancient times, girls have performed various rituals to come to sleep with a guy they like. Similar visions

help to start a love relationship, or strengthen existing ones.

Sleep is the work of our subconscious, and, therefore, everything that happens in dreams is either already in it, or vice versa, will be imprinted in the morning.

How to conduct a ceremony

Sleep invocation spells can be cast on any day and at any time, unless the ritual itself specifies further. The girl conducting the ceremony should be in excellent physical shape, have a good mood and not be very tired. On critical days, it is better to postpone the ceremony.

Varieties of conspiracies

There are many ways to dream a person in a dream. In this article we will consider the simplest and safest of them.

On a round mirror

You need to take a round cosmetic mirror, write the name of the right guy on the glass. You need to pronounce the conspiracy almost close by bringing the object to your lips so that your breath touches the surface of the mirror. Spell how to dream of a person you love:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface, I appear to my beloved in a dream. (Guy's name) rest and sleep, and see me in a dream. May it be so!"

After casting the spell 3 times, you need to put the mirror under the pillow so that its reflection is directed upwards. Rinse it under running water in the morning.

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Speak while looking at the moon:

The dream is about me, only for you, God's servant (guy's name). Amen.

In summer, you need to go to the meadow or the forest, pick fresh grass and dry it. Remove the longest blade of grass from the bundle and immediately put it under the bed. Burn the rest near the open window and cast the spell:

“Smoke-smoke, go to the guy’s name). So that the haze spun and swirled in the wind, so that I dreamed of my beloved at night. May it be so".

Or you can take three twigs from an old broom and set them on fire outside at night. At the same time, you need to blow on the smoke so that it flies towards the house of your target and in a whisper read the spell how to dream a person in a dream at a distance:

“I inflate the smoke - I evoke passion. I send ashes to help me - in the footsteps of the one who was covered up. (Guy's name) I wish to dream. Let him not know peace, in his dreams he only looks at me. Let it burn with the fire of love for me, the red girl (her name) So be it.

You will need 2 photos - the guy you want to dream about, and yours. They need to be wrapped together in a natural white fabric, and it should be solid, without seams.

Read a spell on how to dream about a guy who likes:

“I conjure you with the power of love, (name of the guy): see me in a dream. Please recognize me and come to me, love me and be faithful to me! May it be so".

Keep both photos under your pillow.

The stronger the rain, the faster the conspiracy will work.

During the rain, you need to put your palms under the drops and read the spell:

“Drip, drip, rain, sweet lull. Let him dream, let us see each other. Let him look at me, not look enough. Let him love me, do not fall in love. As you, rain, are mighty and strong, so is my word strong. May it be so."


If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

Effective conspiracies to come to a guy in a dream

The opinion that sleep is an expression of a person's subconscious thoughts and desires is partly reliable. However, there are methods that help to penetrate night visions. Using the magic of dreams and special conspiracies, you can dream of a guy in order to evoke the necessary emotions in him. The spell options that we offer below help build relationships and help your loved one take the first step.

Unlike love spells, conspiracies are considered safe methods to achieve what you want. Without exerting a strong influence on the beloved, the magic of dreams helps to maintain contact with him, arouse sympathy.

If you decide to use conspiracies, then first read the main points. Firstly, it is not recommended to use dream magic in relation to a person who is married or in love with another. Such situations when using energy methods of influence may not turn out in your favor. Secondly, convey only positive emotions to your loved one. Everything that you think about during the ceremony is transmitted to a person in a dream. The success of such rituals directly depends on your confidence and sincere faith.

Message through the mirror

This spell is pretty simple. To do this, you will need a small mirror and a marker / felt-tip pen. Having prepared the necessary items, you can begin to perform the ceremony.

You can read a plot to dream of a guy on any of the days of the lunar calendar. In the evening, before you go to bed, write the name of your beloved on the mirror. Then bring it to your lips so that the breath touches the surface as you cast the spell. Next, say the magic words:

“I am reflected in the mirror surface to appear in the dream of my beloved (his name). He should sleep peacefully, rest until morning, and see my image in a dream. Amen".

To dream of a person this night, put a mirror under your pillow. It should be placed with the mirror side up. Waking up in the morning, take out the charmed mirror. Rinse its surface under running water. Then dry and hide by wrapping in a piece of clean cloth. This mirror can be used again. If you need to "order" your loved one a dream with your participation, repeat the ritual.

We turn to the moon for help

Some of these plots involve extraterrestrial forces.

In order for the dream seen by your beloved to reflect your wish, you need to turn to the Moon. Going out into the courtyard in the evening, looking at the moon, read the text:

“A dream for the servant of God (name of the right person). Let your dream be about me. Amen".

At the same time, you need to baptize your mouth.

After the ceremony, return home. Be sure that what you ordered for the Moon will definitely come true.

Letter to the Moon

This conspiracy is more effective than the previous one. You need to read it with your eyes turned to the moon.

To perform the ceremony, you will need:

After waiting until the moon circle appears in the sky, begin the ritual. First, write a plot on a sheet. To dream of a loved one, transfer these words to paper:

"Mother Luna! Please help! Send my dear, the servant of God (his name), from the servant of God (his name) hello. So that he sees me in a dream, so that he remembers me, misses me and seeks meetings. I ask for help, I send my heartfelt gratitude.

If you want to dream of your sweetheart, then read the words from the sheet three times in a row. Then you will need to put the paper on a saucer and set it on fire. When the leaf burns out, take the ashes in your palm. After opening the window, blow on your palm to disperse the ashes. Then go to bed. Having carried out this ritual, you can be sure that the wish will come true.

Helps smoke

There are also stronger conspiracies. As a rule, they are read in smoke. With the help of smoke through a dream, you can inspire your loved one with the warmest thoughts about yourself. The magic of smoke in ancient times was famous for its effectiveness and results.

If you want to read a conspiracy in smoke to appear in a dream to your beloved guy, then prepare a bunch of straw in advance. It should be collected with your own hands to enhance the effect of the conspiracy. Going out into a field or meadow, collect flowering herbs. After drying them in the shade, proceed to the implementation of your plan.

Taking a dried bundle of straw, remove one stalk. You need to put it under your pillow. Place the remaining herbs in a fireproof container, set them on fire and open the window. While the smoke fumigates the room, think of your loved one. When the smoke begins to come out the window, say a conspiracy:

“Go to the servant of God (his name), smoke. As the haze will swirl in the wind, so at night let my dear dream. Amen".

After waiting for the entire beam to burn, collect the ashes. Having dispelled it in the wind, close the window. This plot provides a very strong and lasting effect.

Speak salt

This ceremony can be performed by those who have access to the house of a loved one. In order to dream of a person, pour spelled salt into his salt shaker. In this case, a very simple conspiracy is pronounced:

“How often the servant of God (name of the guy) eats salt, so often I appear in his dreams.”

This conspiracy to dream of a loved one will last a long time. While a person will use salt, while you will appear to him in dreams. If you want to prolong the effect of magic, then add salt again.

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