A conspiracy for a good job: for yourself, your husband, son or daughter. How to attract money work

It is difficult to imagine prosperity and financial well-being without a stable income. That is why more than one hundred people are constantly thinking about how to attract a good job. At the same time, it would be extremely unreasonable to expect that a string of employers will line up from the very door of the apartment, who will begin to swear and fight in the hope of getting a worthy employee. It's also not an ideal companion.

A person must himself show a desire to build his own career, and not naively rely on the gifts of fortune.

At the same time, it is extremely necessary not only to regularly buy up all the newspapers and browse various sites with advertisements for offered vacancies. It is equally important to correctly adjust your worldview and direct your way of thinking in the right direction.

How to attract a job with dreams

Many psychologists insist that this approach alone will allow you to find your dream job in a very short time.

The materiality of thoughts is the main engine of this process.

At the same time, experts are sure that you need to be able to dream correctly. In your fantasies, you need to imagine all the details of the office and your own office. It is worth thinking and seeing what colleagues will be like, their age, clothing style, conversations. We should not forget about the leadership.

In your dreams, you should present in detail and as plausibly as possible the style of relationships with superiors. Moreover, psychologists say that you even need to imagine what kind of organizer will be on the table and what color the folders on the shelves will be. Roughly speaking, you need to dream about your place of work as if it were not some very illusory prospect of the future, but a very specific and accomplished event. Only such a process of fantasizing allows a person to completely merge with reality and find inner harmony.

The next step in attracting a good job is to write a dream letter.

Simply put, you need to take a sheet of white paper and a pen to write down all your fantasies, even the wildest ones. Moreover, the format of the text must be in the present tense. That is, it will look something like this: I am an assistant to the head of an advertising company. My monthly income is 150 thousand rubles. My working day starts at 9:30. By this time I am alert, happy and cheerful. Further, the description of the workplace may refer to relationships with colleagues and other pleasant bonuses of a good job. Here the dreams of each person are individual and unique.

Psychologists recommend at the very end of the text to put not only your own signature, but also the number from which work began in this company. Then the note must be packed in a red envelope and put in a secluded place where none of the household, and even more so strangers, can look. It is believed that it is the red color that is a magnet for attracting good luck, success and positive emotions.

However, this is an intimate matter, and it is not necessary for everyone to know about it.

How to materialize thoughts about a good job

At the same time, it is not necessary for others to complain about the current or former place of work. It is worth under any circumstances to try to be as open and positive a person as possible. It is this attitude that will allow you to find harmony with the world and convey your aspirations and hopes. In addition, when discussing how to attract a good job, you should not forget about your sincere belief that everything will come true.

Since work is an integral part of any independent and adult person, it becomes not only a method of earning financial resources. This is a means of self-expression, which should bring a plus to everything and moral satisfaction. That is why, drawing it in your imagination, you need to imagine how pleasant the very process of creativity and doing things will be. You should not draw only money in your dreams, with which you can then buy fur coats, shoes, visit beauty studios and a solarium, travel and have fun. Dreams should draw and enjoy the process itself. At the same time, constant, every minute retention of the image in your own thoughts will allow you to attract reality.

Roughly speaking, you need to get hung up on a good job, make it your own fixed idea, and then everything will definitely start to work out, and in the future it will completely acquire the features that you once dreamed about for so long.

The law of attraction, known to everyone from the school physics course, works.

It has long been proven by scientists that any person can generate reality. However, when looking for a new job, you should not use old, banal, hackneyed ideas. All of them have long been tested, and are hardly relevant today.

How to attract work through rituals

However, not all people trust solely their own power of thought. A separate category of inhabitants relies more on the miraculous power of conspiracies.

A ritual that focuses on attracting good work is an interesting application of practical magic. Such rituals promise to radically change a person's life, directing it into a profitable and soul-pleasing direction. It is believed that the correct conduct of such a ritual will bring a stable financial position, respect in society and a high social status. Probably, the power of magical conspiracies is explained by the fact that the person who carries them out sincerely and very strongly believes in the positive outcome and effectiveness of the event.

One of the classic ones, promising to attract a good workplace, suggests using a coin and a new scarf for the ritual. Moreover, the ceremony is recommended to be carried out in the afternoon, when the sun has already gone beyond the horizon. The coin must be placed in the middle of the scarf so that the top is tails.

In this case, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy itself. They sound like this: “The moon is always with the stars. So let success be associated with me. My luck will help me find a good place. I am a glorious worker, serviceable for any business. In work, I will be useful to everyone, because I will get used to everything. As soon as the sun rises in the morning, my luck and work will come to me. Everything will work out for me, and money will make friends with me.

At the same time, those people who have been practicing magic for a long time are advised to resort to this rite only in extreme cases. Equally important, when uttering the words of a conspiracy, you definitely need to know exactly what position and in what company you are talking about. If there is no firm conviction that this particular work is needed, it is better not to carry out the ritual at all.

After the last words are spoken, you need to wrap the coin in a cloth and tie it. The thing must be hidden so that it does not come across to anyone. It is believed that the very next day you can find a good and profitable job with a stable income. However, you still need to know.

Why are some people lucky with work, they always have money, while others complain all their lives about lack of money, injustice of their bosses, lack of career prospects? The exact causes of life's failures can be found with the help of a good psychologist or a real psychic. But a person may well help himself - you just need to choose a way to attract good luck in your work.

Change the energy frequency

Before you get down to practical work to change the situation, you need to understand: money loves those who love it, and does not go into the hands of dull pessimists.

So success depends on several factors:

  • intention to get a good job (or change its conditions);
  • self-confidence, that is, that it will be possible to deal with the problem, and that the chosen method works;
  • rejection of negative attitudes and their replacement with positive statements.

The fact is that when a person lives on a positive wave, the frequency of his energy vibrations is fundamentally different from that which is typical for a negatively thinking person.

In other words, it radiates positive energy into space, thereby attracting even more good luck. And vice versa. This is the law of the universe, which our ancestors knew about. It is no coincidence that so many sayings are connected with the theme of trouble (" Trouble has come - open the gate», « Trouble invites trouble" and etc.).

Choosing a way to attract good luck in work

Seriously concerned about how to attract work and money, you need to choose your own way to negotiate with the Universe. There are several methods that work differently for different people. Someone perceives the world through sight, someone through hearing, and for someone touches and the material side of life in general are important.

That's why there are several ways to attract work and money:

  • visualization;
  • Feng Shui;
  • conspiracies and mantras;
  • rituals and symbolic actions.

Any of these methods is quite working, but without the appropriate attitude, it is unlikely to work.

Imaging method

This method is based on the fact that our subconscious mind is able to perceive bright clear images and affirmative thought forms. That is, in order to change something in your life, you need to create a specific image of what you want in the material world, constantly have it in front of your eyes or with you, and behave as if you already have what you want.

For example, if you dream of working in a large insurance company, for example, in

Rosgosstrakh, in a high position with a good salary, you can do the following:

  • analyze which areas of work attract you to Rosgosstrakh and what advantages the position will give you;
  • write a resume as if you received a preliminary invitation;
  • think over the smallest nuances of future work, write them into the employment contract, indicating, for example, not only the amount of wages, but also the volume of the social package, the amount of bonuses, etc .;
  • imagine that luck has smiled, you have been accepted for this job, try to feel what you are experiencing (joy, satisfaction, peace, happiness). You need to try so that the body also reacts to your feelings, for example, with warmth spilled over the chest, or with pleasant sensations in the abdomen, heart.

It remains to sign the contract, roll it up and carry it with you all the time (a pocket, a bag will do) or keep it in a conspicuous place. The visualization method is one of the most effective. It really helps to understand how to attract good work and money, and therefore it is worth it to spend time on the written part of the work.

Additionally, you can create a wish card by sticking your photo, pictures, an image of money and even small objects symbolizing the desired place of work on a piece of paper. It remains to hang the map and examine it more often. The rest will be done by the subconscious together with the positive energy of the Universe.

How to make work more profitable

Suppose a person already has a job, it is quite satisfactory. But here's the money...

I would like to receive more. Do not think about where the bosses will find money to raise salaries. It's not your problem.

Do not convince the boss that pregnant women can be involved in work and pay decent remuneration for it. Just act.

Feng Shui

The Eastern doctrine of harmonizing the space of a home or public place is considered one of the most powerful ways to attract money, health, and good luck into your life.

Here's what you can do:

  • arrange in the northern sector of the apartment objects symbolizing success, career, money. As a rule, this is a turtle (heavenly protection, wisdom, support), a toad holding coins in its mouth, mirror surfaces, crystal spheres;
  • reinforce the positive energy of metal or glass figures. You can, for example, put a glass pyramid on your desktop, and put money under it - with one bill or coin. Important: the shape of objects should be round, without rough, sharp edges, so as not to frighten off luck;
  • water is considered a powerful symbol of monetary well-being, as it is associated with an endless stream of money. Therefore, you can strengthen the career sector with a fountain, an aquarium with a goldfish, or simply hang pictures of the water element there.

How to attract success at work if you respond best to sounds? If conditions allow, then wind chimes can be used in the zone of fame and career. It will attract positive energy and good luck. Another option is to listen to mantras.

Conspiracies and mantras

Speech formulas are one of the most understandable ways for a person to transmit and perceive information. When we clearly formulate a thought, our subconscious perceives it as a direct guide to action, a mood for good luck. That is why faith in the power of popular conspiracies is so strong. They actually work, and today any interested person can use this knowledge.

How to attract a good job and money in this way? It's simple: take any source of information (books, specialized Internet resources, etc.), find the desired plot, recite it daily for several days in a row. As a rule, changes begin immediately: money comes in, job offers come in.

Similarly, you can work with mantras - that is, phrases taken from sacred Hindu texts. It is believed that the set of sounds in the mantra is an appeal to a specific deity. Mantras Krishna Gayatri, Lakshmi Gayatri are needed to attract money. You don't have to read them yourself. Today, you can easily find recordings of mantras, and then listen to them 3-4 times a day.

Rituals and symbolic actions

A clear ritual done at the right time is also an effective way to work with the subconscious. How to attract good money work, luck, success in this way, psychics know very well. It is necessary to activate the vital energy of a person, clear the surrounding space of negative information, and create a new model of behavior.

The scoop is a good symbol for career and growth, and should be in the upward direction.

My method is quite simple, I did it twice and it worked out, once I asked for a new job, the second time I got a salary, try it, when everything came true, it was so amazing, but nevertheless ... It didn’t work for relationships, though, so far, I hope.

On a sheet of paper from the bottom up we write: "I want ..........."
We carry what we write in our wallet, that's it!

The first time I wrote that I want a new job that my family and I would like ... "I added a few details. A month or two later, I don't remember, I was offered another job, it suits me absolutely everything (An ordinary piece of paper is about a quarter of a notebook sheet. I wrote from the bottom to the top, for example6 "I want a new job that my family and I will like," and then you write everything like that. What do you want from this work. Salary, satisfaction and much more ...)

Spell to find a job
Buy a handkerchief for the full moon, spread it in front of you and read the plot seven times:
“It will be for me, the servant of God (name), prosperity on the road-road. Wherever I go, I find a job, I won’t get a refusal.”
Fold a handkerchief and have it with you when you go to get a job. With this handkerchief, you can discreetly wipe the door handle to the office or put a handkerchief to your palm and open the door. Good luck to everyone!



Ritual of getting a job

Take a beautiful box, write the word "Favorite work" on it, then put your photo in the box. Thus, you settle down inside the box! (wear out for your favorite job)

You need to take a piece of paper and write: The work stuck to me, there were no worries. The work was just a raspberry calling to itself and beckoning. on 27 and it will become good at all. The work is super, just relish! And I said it will be so! I transfer it to materialization, and throw it into the sewer. And flush this leaf down the toilet.

This affirmation helped me: "The best job is looking for me, now is the moment when we met!" I read at night. And after 2 weeks I was called to work, which I programmed for myself. Even the faces of my friends were like from my fantasies.

We take the potatoes and set them to boil in their uniforms. Take a pinch of salt in the palm of your hand and say: “I breathe magic into the salt and attract work!” With all my might, blow on the salt and pour it into the pan. Take a spoon and knock on the potatoes in boiling water, saying: “Potatoes in uniform, Ecumenical Admiral, give me a job for the benefit of me and you! Peel and eat boiled potatoes, and flush the cleanings down the toilet with words of gratitude.

Why is the toilet often used in rituals, why is it assigned such a large and honorable role? Do you think by chance? Not at all! There is a perfectly logical explanation for this. After all, the toilet is also called a “push”, which means “stimulus”, an incentive to act. Synonyms are not just words. Every word contains energy - this has been proven by scientists around the world. They calculated the weight of the word, studied the vibrations generated by each word in the surrounding world and concluded that the addition of synonyms gives a powerful push-resonance in the energy of the surrounding world. And this means that the push, or the toilet, gives you a stimulus increased tenfold. Imagine what power lies in this modest faience item! Every day we start with communication with him, with a push, with a stimulus. It is only necessary in the morning, sitting on it, to tune in and absorb the energy with your whole skin, your whole ass. Let the water flow and, listening to its melodious noise, imagine that it is pure energy flowing, which must be absorbed into oneself. Just think about the fact that the toilet solves all our morning problems, takes away everything superfluous and unnecessary. Just imagine for a moment: you wake up, but he is gone! Where to run, what to do? Terrible, isn't it? But he is here, our humble precious friend. So why not give him the rest of our problems? He will wash them all away with a decisive and powerful jet! What a great start to the day: we give problems to the toilet, we get a good incentive from him, we thank him for his help with a kiss (even if it’s air), and - forward to a new day with a relieved soul!

The toilet bowl is a universal means of transmitting information to the Universe!!!

In order for luck to accompany you in search of a high-paying job, you should resort to the power of white magic and use powerful, but at the same time safe conspiracies and rituals that will help you find the right job, increase wages and get promotions in the shortest possible time.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

It is quite difficult for people who do not have supernatural abilities, and even more so for beginners in magic, to achieve the desired results the first time. In order for conspiracies and rituals to get an interesting and highly paid job to be as effective as possible, you must follow simple rules.

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      Rules for conducting rituals

    1. 1. You should adhere to a strict fast for several days (at least three days) before the ceremony, i.e. completely exclude meat dishes and alcoholic beverages. On the day of the ritual itself, you should completely refrain from taking any food, and drink only water from drinks. This will help to concentrate and direct the flow of consciousness energy in the right direction.
    2. 2. In order to achieve a result, it is necessary to unconditionally believe in the magical power of the ceremony being performed. Skepticism about what is happening can hurt.
    3. 3. All conspiracies to find the desired job, career advancement, income growth must be carried out on the growing moon, unless otherwise specified in the rite itself. It is on the new moon that the powerful energy of creation and change for the better is activated.
    4. 4. In order to get a high position and build a career, rituals should be held on Saturday, and to increase wages and business profits - on Wednesday.
    5. 5. The ritual must be carried out in complete solitude. It is necessary to temporarily remove all animals from the room, turn off the TV, radio, sources of household noise so that nothing distracts from reading the plot.
    6. 6. The place of the ceremony must be carefully cleaned and energetically cleansed so that the flows of alien energy do not distort the result. You can check the energy of the room with an ordinary church candle. If she crackles and smokes, then something is wrong in the house. You can clean the room with holy water, which should be sprinkled in the corners of the room.
    7. 7. The words of the conspiracy must be memorized. Read calmly, measuredly, without raising your voice, without changing intonation, without showing unnecessary emotions, it is especially not recommended to laugh or shout.
    8. 8. Accompanying attributes must be used new, and it is better to acquire them before the rite itself. Do not use old, broken or other people's things. After the ceremony, they must be hidden where no one can touch them or use them for their own purposes.
    9. 9. After a successful outcome, no one can talk about how such a result was achieved. Magic is a sacrament, it does not tolerate unnecessary talk.
    • Effective and simple conspiracies for work

      There are a large number of simple conspiracies that help you find a new high-paying job and move up the career ladder, which you can do yourself at home. They create many opportunities and options that will suit a particular applicant and help him see and evaluate them.

      However, one should not rely only on the power of magic and assume that after the ritual the necessary work will turn up in 1 day, and even more so sit back. All chances should be used and available vacancies should be considered. It is necessary to regularly look through advertisements in various sources of information (press, Internet, etc.), send out resumes, go to interviews with potential employers.

      Rituals with a handkerchief that attract good luck

      On the new moon, you need to purchase your favorite scarf. You should not rush into buying, you may have to go around several stores before you like the right thing. Immediately after the acquisition, you must bring the handkerchief home and read a magic spell over it seven times: “It will be for me, the servant of God (his name), prosperity and good luck on the road. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and I won’t get a refusal.”

      From this day on, the charmed thing will become a talisman that will help in finding a new interesting job. It must always be carried in the inner pocket of clothing away from prying eyes.

      Another version of the ritual with a handkerchief:

      • wait for the growing moon;
      • purchase a new handkerchief, always white without ornaments, patterns, etc.;
      • on the same day, read a special plot over him three times;
      • Always carry a scarf with you.

      As a rule, within the next month, the applicant will receive an offer for the desired job. Sometimes it takes a little more time, so you should not rush to repeat the ceremony.

      There is another ritual with a handkerchief and a coin. It is held in the evening on the eve of the release of any newspaper with job advertisements. Necessary:

      • take an ordinary handkerchief and a large coin;
      • spread it on the table;
      • put a coin on it tails up;
      • read the spell.

      How to successfully pass an interview?

      There is a special conspiracy that will help you easily pass an interview with a future boss and like him. It is necessary to read the spoken words seven times on the way to the interview.

      This simple rite helps the applicant to become more self-confident, liberated. It eliminates the feeling of excitement, fear of difficult questions and inspires hope for getting the right position. It also helps the employer to see a real professional in a future employee.

      You can use another conspiracy, which should be read three times before going to the interview. After that, the director will definitely offer the desired position.

      Another simple thread plot will help you pass even the most difficult interview. Necessary:

      • Prepare a thread of any color.
      • Read the following conspiracy on it three times: “As this knot is tied very tightly, so the servant of God (his name) quickly and firmly worked out and was accepted for the desired job. Amen".
      • At the same time, each time tie the thread with a knot, there should be three of them in total.
      • Put it on the threshold of the house.
      • Going to an interview, you need to step over the threshold and close the door behind you.
      • before leaving the house, lightly touch the bread with your lips;
      • read a special plot;
      • immediately leave for an interview with the employer, without looking back.

      You can also use a slander on a coin, which is read before going to a potential employer: “No mercy! I'm on my way! Don't tangle your feet! Where I keep the path, there I will get help! Be my road to luck! Amen! »

      So that personnel officers do not find fault, when applying for a job, you can read the following slander. It will also help to bypass other contenders for the place. Say it before going to an interview.

      The following conspiracy will help reveal all your talents in an interview. They read it immediately after waking up on the day when the conversation with the employer is to take place.

      How to get a promotion?

      If the field of activity suits you, but you are tired of the monotony, the routine that is inevitable when working in low positions, and you want to move up the career ladder, you can perform the following ritual, which is done on the waning month at 12 at night and always on Sunday:

    1. 1. purchase a new handkerchief you like in advance;
    2. 2. pour several coins of a large denomination into it;
    3. 3. at the same time, say magic words: “I don’t put coins, but I give a ransom! »;
    4. 4. tie a handkerchief into a tight knot right along with the coins;
    5. 5. go to the forest (park, nearest square) and find a birch there;
    6. 6. bury coins deep under a tree and say a special spell seven times.

    It is important to conduct this ceremony without witnesses. Already in the first weeks of the month after this simple ritual, the boss will definitely pay attention to a talented employee, appreciate his merits and certainly offer a long-awaited promotion.

    For salary increase and money position

    If the work suits you, but the income received from it leaves much to be desired, you can use the following conspiracy: “Belun-father, scatter coins in front of me from your bag. Let me serve and earn. I’m not asking for gifts, I’m asking for a well-deserved one, help me find a job on my shoulder and money.”

    To get a highly paid position, you can use the slander on bread:

    • in the early morning, read a plot on a fresh loaf of bread;
    • cut it lengthwise into two parts;
    • feed one of them to the birds;
    • eat another at dinner.

    Another conspiracy that can attract money. Necessary:

    • plant any plant (bush, flower, tree, etc.) in a pot or in the ground;
    • during landing, without stopping, pronounce magic words;
    • then it is necessary to constantly look after the plant while it lives, the work will bring a good income;
    • if the plant has died or looks weak and sick, it is necessary to plant a new one and repeat the whole ritual again.

    How can you help your loved ones find work?

    There are difficult life situations when relatives, despite the actions taken, cannot get a good position. To help them, you can use a simple food slander for a son, daughter or husband, which is pronounced during cooking or immediately before serving food.

    After this simple ritual, loved ones will definitely get the desired job. But it is important to make sure that they eat the whole dish offered. In addition, it is not recommended to tell them about the conduct of this ceremony.

    Conspiracies to get the job you want

    If there is a good place in mind, but the applicant is not sure that he will be accepted there, you can perform a ritual with a candle. For him it is necessary:

    • light a candle at noon;
    • look at the flame without taking your eyes off;
    • at the same time, speak the magic text aloud, without interrupting or straying, until the whole candle burns out to the end;
    • after this rite, the applicant will definitely receive the position he likes.

    For the same purposes, a rite with chocolate candy is also used. Leaving the employer, you need to whisper magic words over her three times. After that, eat candy.

    For high paying jobs for women

    It is usually more difficult for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to find a decent job than for men. Especially for women, there are very simple and proven conspiracies:

    1. 1. This slander can be read at any time: “I will go dressed up, without knocking on the door, accept as a dear guest, offer the best place. I am a noble bird, a master of all trades. I will take for work inexpensively, only my own.
    2. 2. Another easy conspiracy for women: “Ever-Virgin Mary, for me, the servant of God (name), intercede, for me, the servant of God (name), pray that I have the job that I want, so that I do not regret it - do not grieve. Till the end of time. Amen".
    3. 3. At dawn, say the following magic words: “Work, work, be me, the servant of God (name), in the hunt. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for every harvest. Till the end of time. Amen".
    4. 4. This slander can be read at any convenient time: “Lord Jesus Christ, who turned water into wine, turn mine, servants of God (name), empty chores into golden chores. Let me find a good job. Amen".
    5. 5. For the next ritual, you need a small pebble with sharp edges. It must be put on the table, crossed and thrown over the left shoulder to any corner of the room. At the same time, say such magic words: “A pebble is in a corner, a devil in the forehead, and to me, a servant of God (name), for noble wealth, for a good job. Till the end of time. Amen". After that, do not touch the stone for a month.

    Strong rituals to help you get a good position and protect yourself from the intrigues of competitors

    If simple conspiracies do not help, then you need to turn to more powerful rituals. Their action creates not only a lot of opportunities for the applicant to find a suitable place, but also contribute to increasing his professionalism and improving personal qualities in the eyes of the employer.

    They allow you to find a job in the shortest possible time, even for those who are constantly denied. They will also help protect your business from the machinations of ill-wishers and competitors.

    Strong plot with a plate and coins

    This powerful ritual should be performed on the first lunar day. Need:

    1. 1. read the plot once under natural light, for example, during the day on the street or in moonlight;
    2. 2. the next day, cook at the mercy of a plate and a trifle;
    3. 3. take them to the forest to a deserted place;
    4. 4. break a plate on a stone;
    5. 5. sprinkle the fragments with coins;
    6. 6. leave without looking back.

    There is another powerful conspiracy to get a good job. You can read it before an interview for the desired position or use it when looking for a new job.

    Hex on icons

    This ritual, which helps in finding work, must be carried out at night before going to bed. Need:

    • purchase in advance in the church icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and Christ the Savior, as well as two thick church candles;
    • collect holy water there;
    • before going to bed, place the images on the table;
    • put candles in front of them and light them;
    • place a clay or ceramic cup filled with holy water between the candles;
    • cross her three times and say a slander: “Batiushka-father, mother gave birth, bless us for good work”;
    • take three sips of holy water;
    • wash with the remaining liquid;
    • Go to bed.

    This ceremony must be performed three days in a row. Its results are sure to pleasantly surprise the applicant in the near future.

    Powerful ritual with incense and a candle

    This rite will allow you to get the desired position as soon as possible. Should:

    • buy incense and a candle in the church;
    • at about midnight, take out a sheet of white paper;
    • put a piece of incense on it;
    • light a candle nearby;
    • read the plot;
    • then wrap the incense with paper;
    • wear this amulet with you for nine days;
    • then burn it so that the smoke goes out the open window.

    Conspiracy on a church candle

    For this powerful ritual you need:

    1. 1. light a church candle at exactly midnight;
    2. 2. cast a magic spell on her;
    3. 3. perform the ceremony for three nights in a row;
    4. 4. write out the words of the prayer on a piece of paper and always carry it with you.

    Strong protective prayer

    This conspiracy will protect your business or work from the intrigues of competitors and envious people. It is necessary to read such words: “Help me, Lord, the Holy Spirit, in my work, so that my enemies, my enemies, do not dare to ruin my work. Lord, do not forbid the Holy Spirit to interrupt (briefly state the essence of your case). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    To protect yourself and your business from the envy of ill-wishers, you can also make a charm that will help you overcome any difficulties and contribute to successful work. You can talk about any small thing: a handkerchief, a coin, jewelry, etc.

    Conspiracies from specialists in the field of white magic are very effective. They have been tested by more than one generation and have proven their effectiveness many times.

    At the same time, such rituals are distinguished by accessibility and safety. Even a beginner in magical affairs can easily conduct them right at home or at the workplace.

    From Vanga

    The great seer often gave actionable advice that helped solve various problems. To be lucky with the work, you must follow simple recommendations:

    1. 1. Write on a regular sheet of paper what position and with what salary you want to get. Then cut this leaf into small pieces and mix them with chopped bay leaf. Put in a dish and set on fire. When the ashes have cooled, wrap it in a banknote and carry it with you as a talisman.
    2. 2. So that luck always accompanies work, you need to find a leaf of ordinary oxalis or a four-leaf clover. Dry the plant under pressure, for example, in a book and put under glass on the desktop.
    3. 3. It's very easy to be successful in your field. It is enough to drink tea at the workplace from a mug with a picture of a ladybug.
    4. 4. For a successful interview, you should put a nickel under the heel.
    5. 5. You can not talk and think too often about your boss, so as not to incur his disfavor.
    6. 6. If the director calls to his office in order to chastise for something, you should put a small mirror in your pocket with a reflective surface in his direction. The boss's anger will quickly subside.

    If you need to get a job as soon as possible, you can use the water ritual from Vanga. For him it is necessary:

    From the Onega healer

    To get good job offers, you need to:

    • purchase three handkerchiefs in advance;
    • on the full moon, tie a knot on each of them;
    • place the handkerchiefs in a crystal glass so that the knots are at the bottom, and the edges hang down on the sides;
    • bend over the glass and whisper the magic words;
    • put a glass with handkerchiefs on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by moonlight;
    • Go to bed;
    • in the morning, carefully fold the handkerchiefs without untying the knots;
    • leave one at home, put the second in the bag, the third - in the pocket of your outerwear;
    • for an interview, take one of the handkerchiefs and touch it with the handle from the door of the boss's office.

    Another conspiracy to get a place you like can be read on a pen, which you must first hold in your hands. After that, you need to fill out a questionnaire or job application for her and before leaving home, "accidentally" forget her at the office. The charmed little thing will surely attract the applicant to himself, and he will receive the desired position.

    From the Siberian healer

    Natalya Stepanova is a well-known witch in Siberia. She has a lot of effective spells that you can use to get a new job and not lose your position.

    In order not to be fired from work, you must:

    • put a container of water at your feet for three days;
    • bring her to work;
    • wash yourself with water so that no one sees;
    • at the same time read the conspiracy words: “I was here, I will be here, I went here and I will go. Amen".

    In order not to be refused when applying for a job, you can use the following conspiracy, which is pronounced three times before leaving the house on an important matter. You can also read it when solving any difficult issues.

Would you like to do what you get great pleasure from, while revealing your abilities and talents, and even get a decent salary for it? Would you like to feel the fullness of life, to be free and self-confident thanks to your work? There are few who would answer these questions in the negative. But on the other hand, there are many who are interested in how to attract the job of their dreams, even if it’s not easy to find a good job today.

Removing mental barriers

If you really think so, then the virtual garden of your subconscious mind needs to be weeded from the weeds - limiting beliefs. When do we get real pleasure and enjoyment?

When we are engaged in creativity, our favorite thing, because it cannot even be called work. Wise nature endowed all her children, without exception, with the necessary tools: abilities, talents, qualities necessary for a happy life. In addition, it provides everyone and everyone with a personal niche where this happiness is located.

The barriers we set for ourselves are our own insecurities and limitations. The main thing to be sure of is that

  • any age,
  • with any experience
  • with any education
  • with or without money
  • with any skill
success will come to you, the necessary knowledge, the necessary circumstances, the road to the chosen goal will open, you will be able to attract work that you will like into your life. After all, only we create reality around us, we attract certain events. It does not depend on the crisis and the government, on relatives and extraneous circumstances. Your world depends on your thoughts, feelings and desires.

This is exactly what the entrepreneur and head of large Internet projects Sergey Borodin, the author of the well-known book The Phoenix Code, realized. When he decided to leave his job to start his own project, he was unexpectedly invited to the top management of a well-known Russian company.

Having gone through all the stages of a multi-stage interview, after being approved for a very prestigious and highly paid position, he refused it. And although Sergey received, as he himself puts it, “a previously unfamiliar burden” - responsibility for his project and for those who worked with him, it was then that he was visited by real happiness.

Even if you don't like your current job, don't hate it with every fiber of your being. Such a negative emotion as hatred has a devastating effect on all areas of life, and especially on health. Be grateful for this work because it brings funds to support you and your family. These positive emotions will surely lead to positive changes. The next step is to find what you love.

We have everything according to plan

Once you've overcome your mental blocks, you can clear the road to success with the following plan:
  1. We make a list of our abilities and talents.
  2. We decide what would be most interesting for you to do in accordance with the first paragraph.
  3. Thinking about how you can benefit people by doing what interests you.
  4. We are compiling a list of enterprises, positions, areas of activity where you could apply your abilities.
  5. We create in the mind a clear image of the future workplace and ourselves on it, we give the task to the subconscious mind to bring this picture to life.
  6. We undertake an active search, trying to find our job, constantly checking our inner voice.
  7. We determine what knowledge, skills and abilities you lack, how you can get them.
Most often, a reassessment of values ​​occurs at the age of 33-35 years. It was then that many people change, it would seem, a money profession for a specialty from a completely different sphere of life. You don't need to be afraid of it. Your world cares about you, and it has already done its best to support you.

The main thing is to understand where is the fork in which everything should go differently. It is possible that a huge number of health problems that arise at the age of forty are due precisely to the fact that people did not see this opportunity.

Plan Hints

Let's take a closer look at the points of the plan for attracting your dream job. Point one - how to realize your abilities? This is very important, because if you do what you are talented in, then you can succeed more than others, and it will be easier to do it than others.

Point one is a cheat sheet for identifying talents and abilities:
  • You learned to read early, you still love reading, you like to share information - your field is journalism and linguistics, literature.
  • You think quickly, at school they loved mathematics, they like to understand drawings and diagrams - your field is engineering, economics, programming.
  • You like to draw, take pictures, memorize people's clothes, interior details - your sphere is modeling business, design specialties.
  • You like movement, you are strong and hardy - your sphere of physical education and choreography.
  • If you like manual labor, tools and mechanisms, crafts and repairs - devote your life to professions related to manual work.
  • You communicate easily, have eloquence, sing, read poetry, express your thoughts clearly - you are dear to public professions such as a lecturer, artist, teacher.
  • You like to take care of someone, you are friendly, interested in people's experiences, you can give good advice - let professions related to helping people into your life (medicine, psychology, pedagogy, service).
Point two - decide what you will enjoy doing. If the work is unloved, then, even if you devote your whole life to it, you will never succeed in it, and chronic stress will lead to the fact that life will not be a joy.

The third point is about the benefit to other people. Think about how you can benefit from your work. When doing work that other people need, it is worth thinking about their needs, about what they are willing to pay for. If you are sincerely ready to offer only a good product to others, then your talent will sparkle with bright edges.

Item four is a list of likely places to work. Analyze the opportunities in the field of activity that you have chosen, in the place where you live. What kind of work do people with the same inclinations as you do. Maybe you should move to another area?

Point five - we create an image of the workplace. By directing your power of thought to drawing your future work, you will receive it. There are examples of how even the smallest details matched, right down to the color of the furniture and the view from the window.

Point six - active search for the desired job. Now, when the direction is set, intuition will give you hints, and the subconscious mind will lead you in the right direction. And no one has canceled the proverb about the “lying stone”, act yourself too - collect data on vacancies, business opportunities, private practice. That's when the puzzle will form into a coherent picture.

The seventh point is about replenishing the stock of knowledge and skills. Perhaps you don't need it. But if there is such a need, then do not give up, but look for the necessary courses, training programs, literature, master classes, video lessons. If you're heading in the right direction, these opportunities will keep coming your way.

In order to find a job that brings you joy and material satisfaction, look into yourself. A job you love, combined with the benefit it brings to others, is the formula for success.

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