Why is an exclamation point needed? Who invented the exclamation mark and why?

Exclamation, surprise, joy are associations subconsciously evoked by the exclamation mark. It is one of the respected punctuation marks. Information about its use in grammar is found from the sixteenth century. At the time, the exclamation point was called awesome. According to one version, it comes from the Latin word "Io", meaning joy. To simplify writing in the future, the letter I was placed above o, which eventually gave the sign "!".

The first rules for its use in writing were determined by M.V. Lomonosov in the eighteenth century.

Surprisingly, until the 70s of the last century, the exclamation mark was absent on ordinary typewriters. In order to display it on paper, they first printed a dot and only after that - a superscript comma (the so-called apostrophe), having previously returned to the place of the dot.

Main application in Russian

There are certain spelling rules that apply to this sign:

  1. An exclamation point ends exclamatory sentences.
  2. It is used at the end of declarative, motivating, interrogative sentences of an exclamatory nature. Helps to show the emotional formulas of speech etiquette, denoting a greeting, farewell, address, gratitude, etc.
  3. Placed at the end of "rhetorical" sentences containing a question. These sentences may imply a more emotional narrative.
  4. Can be used in sentences instead of a comma for emotional appeal.
  5. After the words "yes" and "no", an exclamation mark is used to express strong feelings.
  6. It is used in situations where the sentence is both exclamatory and interrogative, which is indicated in writing by two signs - ?! (but not vice versa).

Another use of the exclamation mark

This punctuation mark is widely used in mathematics and computer science. For example, it is used as part of symbols to denote factorials or subfactorials, and in the programming language, the sign "!" means some operations of logical negation. Especially often we see it as an attraction on the monitor while working at the computer.

In 2009, a new sign for motorists was introduced - a yellow exclamation mark. Drivers with less than 2 years of driving experience are required to mount a badge with a black exclamation mark on a yellow background on their car. This is done to warn other road users. At the same time, the right to drive for a novice driver is not limited.

This amazing symbol plays an important role, attracting attention when an exclamation mark is lit on the dashboard in a car, signaling a malfunction in the car.

The reason may be the following:

Not enough brake fluid;

Break in the indicator circuit;

Violation of tightness in the vacuum brake booster;

Applying the parking brake.

In any case, when an exclamation point is used, we always feel an increase in attention. After all, this symbol really means the importance of what is happening in this situation.

When did the exclamation mark first appear?

The punctuation system of European languages ​​appeared in the 2nd - 1st centuries. BC e. Its appearance is associated with the names of Aristophanes of Byzantium, Aristarchus and Dionysius of Thrace. This system received its modern look thanks to the research of Alda Manutius.
The need for punctuation began to be acutely felt in connection with the emergence and development of printing (XV-XVI centuries). In the middle of the 15th century, the Italian typographers Manutius invented punctuation for European writing, which was accepted in general terms by most European countries and still exists.
Punctuation marks did not come to the Russian language all at once and not all at once. The dot is the oldest sign, followed by a comma and all other signs.
As for the exclamation mark, I have not been able to find out when it was first used in a written text. But as for the rules for setting this sign in Russian, they were first determined by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov in the Russian Grammar (1755). However, the exclamation mark was known before - this is also a fact. So, Melety Smotrytsky (1619) and V. E. Adodurov (1731) mention him in their grammars, where it is written that the EXCLAMATION POINT IS MARKED TO EXPRESS EXCLAMATION (SURPRISING).

An exclamation mark (!) is a punctuation mark that is placed at the end of a sentence to express amazement, a call for a strong feeling, excitement, etc. It can be doubled and tripled to express greater expression, combined with a question mark for a question-exclamation (according to the rules of Russian punctuation, a question mark is written first) and with an ellipsis (in Russian typography, an ellipsis after an exclamation point has not three, but two points).

The so-called satirical exclamation mark, enclosed in brackets and placed after a word or statement, indicates the absurdity or inaccuracy of what was said.
Today we use the Rules of Spelling and Punctuation, adopted in 1956.

Oleg Tkachev

Until the end of the 15th century, texts in Russian were written either without spaces between words, or were divided into undivided segments. Around the 1480s, a period appeared, in the 1520s, a comma. The semicolon, which appeared later, was also initially used in the meaning of the question mark. The next punctuation marks were question and exclamation marks.
In the Grammar of Literature by Melenty Smotrytsky (1619), the first paired punctuation mark appeared - parentheses.
By the end of the 18th century, a dash was used (Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was the first to use it), quotation marks and ellipsis.

The terminator is a dot and the exclamation mark is...continue


An exclamation mark (!) is a punctuation mark that performs intonational-expressive and separating functions, which is placed at the end of a sentence to express amazement, appeal, strong feelings, excitement, and the like. Also, an exclamation mark can be placed when addressing: “Comrades! All for the defense of the Motherland! ” or after an interjection: “Ah! Don't talk to me about him!" . It can be combined with a question mark to indicate a question - an exclamation (according to the rules of Russian punctuation, a question mark is written first: “Where are you going?!”) and with an ellipsis (in Russian typography, an ellipsis after an exclamation point has not three, but two points: “We drowning!..").

In relation to Church Slavonic and old Russian writing, the exclamation mark is called amazing.

The so-called satirical exclamation mark, enclosed in brackets and placed after a word or statement, indicates the absurdity or inaccuracy of what was said. In professional practice, an exclamation mark in brackets, on the contrary, is used to confirm an extremely unusual statement, as an indication of its intentional, and not erroneous nature (for example, in medicine when prescribing a dosage that exceeds the maximum allowable).

Some languages ​​(most notably Spanish) also use an inverted exclamation mark (¡ - U+00A1) which is placed at the beginning of an exclamatory sentence in addition to the normal exclamation point at the end.

American typography in the 1960s and 1970s used a punctuation-glyph of exclamation and interrogative called interrobang (‽ - U+203B).
The exclamation point comes from the expression "note of admiration" (a mark of amazement). According to one theory of its origin, it was the Latin word for joy (Io), written with an "I" above the "o".

The exclamation mark was introduced into English typography in the 15th century and was called "sign of admiration or exclamation" or "note of admiration" until the middle of the 17th century. In German orthography, this sign first appeared in the September Bible in 1797.

The sign was not found on conventional manual typewriters until the 1970s. Instead, they typed a period, rolled back one character, and then printed an apostrophe.

The exclamation mark first appeared in the Catechism of Edward VI, printed in London in 1553.
In programming languages
In C and some other programming languages, the symbol "!" the operation of logical negation is indicated, and the combination "! =" - the comparison operation "is not equal to". Some languages ​​also use "!==" and other compound characters.
In some dialects of BASIC, an exclamation mark placed immediately after a variable name means that this variable is a floating point variable of normal precision.

What does it mean when there is a red exclamation mark next to a message on VKontakte?

These messages with an exclamation point are not sent. Is this like a new VKontakte feature? Censorship or what?

Ekaterina Mutalapova

This sign means that your message did not reach the recipient.

It happens to me if the Internet suddenly cuts off, or because it’s just a bad signal, it catches it, then it doesn’t. In this case, you can simply click on the message and select the "resend" command.

But there may be a reason that the addressee has added you to the black list, then you will not be able to send him a message.

In general, if you see such an icon in a contact next to your message - check the Internet connection, restore it if it is lost, in this case the message should be sent again, if not sent, resend yourself.

About the black list - if the user with whom you are communicating has added you to the black list, then when sending a message it will be indicated below that the user has blocked you.

Help to

I got a red exclamation mark when I didn't pay my internet bill on time and my ISP cut my internet speed. It turns out that if the connection speed is insufficient, the message may not be sent. So it turns out that it is possible to receive SMS, but not to send.

You need to figure out the connection speed and then everything will be fine. Or just reload the page - it also helps.


Very strange. But, when I typed a VKontakte message and wrote nonsense, such red exclamation marks did not appear. But when he began to print a message mentioning the word war and NATO, then I really got the impression that the site, as it were, warns me that you should not write such words in messages.

Everything turned out to be simple. It's just that at the moment when I sent messages, I had problems with the Internet connection. And it just so happened that the problems arose precisely when sending messages with the mention of these words. It just happened. And I already cheated myself, got scared, thought another page would be banned.

This means that the message did not reach where you sent it. There are several reasons:

  • the file is very large and the program cannot transfer it or there is a limit ...
  • network failure during file transfer, also most likely due to weight...
  • crash your browser, also during transfer...
  • you can't send a message anywhere you want, congratulations - you've been blacklisted...


This happens not only in Vkontakte, but also in Odnoklassniki and other social networks. When a user types a message and sends it, and at that time he had problems connecting to the Internet, he may notice that a red exclamation mark has appeared - a warning that the addressee did not receive the message.


I had this once, a red exclamation mark next to my VKontakte message. This means that the message did not go away, some problems with the Internet. You need to restart the browser, see if the Internet has fallen off. If it's on the Internet, try restarting your computer, modem, or calling support.

The red exclamation mark can have several occurrences:

1) If you are in VK from a mobile phone, then it means that the message was not sent due to poor Internet.

Master key 111

In any case, a red exclamation mark means that the message did not go through, or it attracts attention, try to rephrase the message and just check the contact where you are sending it, maybe it is already blocked and therefore unavailable, or maybe censorship has really been introduced.

This means that the message has not been sent, your Internet has fallen off) click on the message and select "send again". If the connection is restored, the message will be sent and the exclamation mark will disappear.


Of course, there is censorship on VKontakte, but not at such an advanced level: no one reads your messages until it is necessary. Censorship works where there is an audience, in particular, these are various communities, groups.

Therefore, if an error occurred when sending a personal letter, either blame the bad Internet, or think about why the addressee could blacklist you, because in this case you cannot enter his access zone, including sending private messages.

A punctuation mark that is placed: 1) at the end of an exclamatory sentence. It means expressiveness at the end of a sentence (exclamation): How vast are these squares, How booming and steep bridges! or when addressing: Lord!

Why do you need an exclamation mark

Each punctuation mark in Russian has its own history of creation. The exclamation point comes from the Latin exclamation "Io", which expressed joy. Such a letter combination was written at the end of a sentence as an ordinary interjection. 1. The exclamation point is used at the end of all exclamatory sentences - narrative, interrogative and incentive.

The exclamation mark is used when addressing someone (“Comrades!”, “Gentlemen!”), As well as to indicate an imperative mood or giving a command (“Stop!”, “Danger!”). Placed at the end of a sentence instead of a period to express a question, when the question should be emphasized emotionally. 2. After the signs "?", "!", "?!", "!!!", "!.." always put a space. If a satirical exclamation mark ends a phrase, a punctuation mark is placed after it.

2. Motorists can also see an exclamation mark on the instrument panel if they do something wrong. For example, the doors will not be closed or the car will not be filled on time.

Shuksh.); - Need more?! - Elizar slammed his fist on the table [Shuksh.].

Exclamation point in mathematics

An exclamation mark means an exclamation, and if it meant a cry, it would be called a noisy sign.2. I invented some of my own, special rules of the Russian language, which I keep in my head, and my interlocutor (s) is not to blame for the fact that he (they) does not know them.3. Yes, when reading, I automatically perceive this use of punctuation marks as shouting - this is based on "well-read" and not on knowing the rules, and therefore I can be wrong. If you want to show that it touches you, you put an exclamation point. Therefore, I would also take the text of your interlocutor as a kind of emotional outburst.

What does an exclamation point mean in email?

I put 3 exclamation marks after the name of the person I was addressing and in the last message I wrote: Well, as always, do not get through. Resurrection a sign has always been a sign of special attention, and a cry is just like that. It was he who should have apologized for the unanswered questions, and not be offended. Well, as always you can’t get through, so the offender is outraged that there is no emoticon near this phrase ... Well, you compared positive emotions and incontinence with the demand for an answer: ’Well, as always, don’t get through’)) but we are talking about exclamation marks.

A punctuation mark (!), placed at the end (and in some languages, for example, in Spanish, and at the beginning, upside down) of an exclamation sentence, sometimes an appeal, etc. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Exclamation point- (Astonisher) punctuation mark [period, comma, colon, dash, ellipsis, etc.], expressing an exclamation, increased intonation. It is placed at the end of a sentence, and in some languages ​​(for example, in Spanish) also at the beginning of a sentence in ... ... Font terminology

Exclamation point

Exclamation point- An exclamation mark is placed at the end of an exclamatory sentence (including the word of a sentence), for example: He loves me, loves me so much! (Chekhov); Rather an overcoat and a hat! (A. N. Tolstoy); Right! Right! (Vs. Ivanov). Note 1. In… … Spelling and Style Guide

A punctuation mark (!), placed at the end (and in some languages, for example, in Spanish, and at the beginning, inverted) of an exclamatory sentence, sometimes an appeal, etc. * * * EXCLAMATION POINT EXCLAMATION POINT, punctuation mark (!), … … encyclopedic Dictionary

A punctuation mark that is placed: 1) at the end of an exclamatory sentence. Oh, if I could rise to the sky at least once! (Bitter); 2) optional in exclamatory sentences with homogeneous members after each homogeneous member to indicate ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

A punctuation mark that is placed after expressions containing surprise or invocation ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Punctuation mark. It means expressiveness at the end of a sentence (exclamation): How vast are these squares, How booming and steep bridges! or when addressing: Lord! I am negligent, your stingy slave (A. Akhmatova. “How vast these areas ...”; “You gave me ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

See punctuation... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Decoration set "Happy Holidays!", 11 letters and an exclamation mark , . The set includes 11 letters and an exclamation mark on 2 sheets of A 1 and a holiday script for decorating a class, group, foyer, hall of an educational organization for the celebration of Cosmonautics Day and ...
  • Exclamation point. Poems 1911 - 1915 , Tsvetaeva M.I .. ...

Exclamation mark required!

You see how easy it is with the help of one little squiggle, one punctuation mark to express your attitude to the subject of discussion! The exclamation point is one of the ten punctuation marks used in Russian writing. It can symbolize a wide range of emotions - from surprise to an order. The very history of the origin of this sign is interesting. It is claimed that the mark of amazement was used earlier - the Latin word for joy lo, where l was written over o. A kind of exclamation mark. Later, they came to the conclusion that it was necessary to introduce a spelling mark. By the way, in the old Russian writing it was called only amazing. Funny, right?

I also want to remind you that it is used not only in writing. For example, in mathematics, an exclamation mark denotes a factorial, and in programming languages ​​they use it as a function of logical negation. Yes, and we can recall more than one example of its use in everyday life.

Inveterate motorists will remember a black exclamation mark on a yellow background, indicating danger, housewives will say that in case of some kind of malfunction, the electronic displays of modern, air grills and bread machines flash furiously with the same sign. Since childhood, we have been accustomed in notes, if something is very important, to mark with one or even three exclamation points. And when we see it somewhere!, we immediately become alert, almost instinctively, stop, think. After all, I think, for almost everyone - it is a symbol of danger, anxiety, a symbol of "Stop!". And the notorious: "Do not enter - he will kill!"?

Do you remember the Christmas story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: “The devil knows what ... - he thought. - Tomorrow I have to get up by morning, but I can’t get this devilish thing out of my head ... Ugh! But ... when is it put? Here's your habit! Here's your hand! Not a single exclamation point in forty years! BUT?"

Perekladin crossed himself and closed his eyes, but immediately opened them; there was still a large sign against a dark background…" about a terrible dream of a collegiate secretary.

And the venerable exclamation mark continues to fulfill its original tasks - to draw attention, to warn, to surprise, finding more and more new applications. After all, with its help you can order something: "Execute immediately!" !"... And much more!

The exclamation point is a wonderful tool in the hands of many poets, writers, and journalists. With its help, you can accurately and accurately convey your state, attitude to what was said. It looks like a small brush with which to draw details, make small strokes, paint a picture. Therefore, the exclamation mark makes our language richer, stronger and more varied. I - for his need!

It is like a map for the driver, which helps him to orientate in the performance of the vehicle and helps to notice any deviations from the norm in time.

All indicators that are displayed on the control panel are designed to promptly alert the driver about malfunctions in the vehicle. That is why every owner of the car must understand the designations of such signaling devices.

Each panel is loaded with a large number of icons and it is necessary for someone who gets behind the wheel to understand them, otherwise you can miss the notification and face a situation where a breakdown occurs at the most inopportune moment. An important message is an exclamation mark on the instrument panel in a circle. What does it mean and why does it occur?

Reasons for the indication

At the moment of braking, the brake cylinders make the maximum forward movement, acting on the pads. The cylinders themselves are filled with liquid, which leads to a drop in its level in the tank. A message with an exclamation mark is exactly what it says - a drop in the liquid level to a minimum value.

In addition to the above reason, the following situations cause the message to appear:

  1. Malfunction of the brake fluid level sensor. In order to make sure that it is in good condition, it is necessary to remove the float from the tank with the engine running and change its position in the tank. If the indication on the panel has not changed, then this is precisely the reason for its occurrence.
  2. Brake fluid leak. Visual inspection of cylinders on wheels for traces of fluid. Most often, leaks occur on the rear drums.
  3. Broken or cracked brake hose. On examination, it is not difficult to find such damage. Most often, failures occur at bends.
  4. Damage to the master brake cylinder. The most common place where a rupture occurs is the sealing gum near the vacuum booster. On visual inspection, it can be seen that fluid is leaking onto the gearbox housing and shield located on the left side.

Important! If any of the above malfunctions, you must immediately contact the repair shop, since the operation of the car with such damage is impossible and unsafe. In the absence of brake fluid, movement is prohibited!

Other Common Cases

In addition, the exclamation mark may have a different interpretation of the designation, which means not only malfunctions in the brake system. So, for example, a yellow indicator with this sign in brackets indicates that the electric drive is faulty in a car with a hybrid engine. It is impossible to solve the problem by dropping the terminal - it is necessary to undergo diagnostics.

It is worth noting that when traveling towards the workshop with such malfunctions, you must be prepared that you will have to press the brake pedal harder for braking, and you also need to take into account that the free play of the pedal increases, which means that the braking distance also increases.

If the exclamation mark indicator on the instrument panel illuminates in conjunction with the ABS indicator, the rear wheels may lock up prematurely during braking. If the system is working properly and no malfunctions are detected, then it can be assumed that there is damage in the opening system.

In any case, the indication is important and requires increased attention.

What to do?

Basic tips for detecting a burning indicator with an exclamation mark:

  1. Check brake fluid level and hoses for damage.
  2. Reboot the on-board computer, if available.
  3. Check the integrity of the wheel chambers.
  4. Disconnect the terminals from the battery.
  5. Check brake pads and ABS connections.

If all the manipulations performed did not help to detect a malfunction or did not contribute to solving the problem at all, the only correct solution is to move towards the auto repair shop.

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