Yuri Ivanovich A slave from our time. The Dead Sea

The series was founded in 2005

Series development S. Shikina

© Ivanovich Yu., 2017

© Design. LLC "Publishing House" E ", 2017

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The rare event in the world of the Binders, when they met five or more, happened about once a century. Bright individuals, and most likely rabid misanthropes, they denied any pressure on themselves, especially pressure from their own kind. They did not take advice from colleagues, they were extremely reluctant to enter into alliances and partnerships with them. Well, except that in rare cases they tried to coordinate their actions against another similar group or tried to somehow influence those who they especially did not like.

Even more rarely, such alliances set themselves the goal of destroying one of the Binders. Oddly enough, the assassination attempts were successful, those who fell into the trap died, although by default they could be considered immortal, but in fact - the strongest magicians among the rational.

The reasons for such attempts are different, but sometimes so insignificant that the conspirators, after many centuries, completely forgot them. More often, the unions themselves broke up, never having reached their goals. But still! Yet they continued to exist at this time. And some participants gathered to discuss their future plans, discuss strategy, and just sit among equals, exchange a word or two with their own immortal essence.

There are five of them today. Only five out of ten who once set out to reshape the universes at their discretion. More precisely, to change the development of numerous civilizations, directing this development in a clearly fixed direction. Moreover, initially everything looked like a harmonious experiment, worthy of all kinds of moral support and in accordance with all ethical standards. All ten members of the union wanted the best for their brothers in mind. As if…

But pretty soon it became clear that any cardinal change in the controlled cluster met with fierce resistance from the control programs. That is, the artificial intelligences that oversee the Mounds of each of the worlds are doing everything possible to level the unauthorized interference of the Binders.

From that moment on, discord began in the union. It came to mutual hatred and desire to destroy the opponent. A minority of four people declared that such interference was prohibited, stopped the experiments and reconsidered their actions. At the same time, they tried as much as possible to implement the new recommendations of the Skull Stones. Unfortunately, even among them, the changes in some places have become irreversible and have assumed the character of catastrophes. But all the same, the four conservatives believed that the unity of the entire bunch would, little by little, cope with the distortions that had occurred and correct everything.

Most of the innovators in the amount of six people felt that they were on the right track. And change must continue, no matter what. And in order to once again prove their case, they tried to kill the conservatives from the world. They say that transformations must be done immediately in ten universes, then the result will be positive. Who disagrees with us? So let's get them out of the way. Further, new colleagues will come to an empty place, and they can easily be persuaded to their side.

As a result of dastardly adventures, poison and open battles, two conservatives and one innovator died. Moreover, for the vacant positions, the Iskins of the Clusters not only selected unknown candidates, but it’s also not a fact that they acquired Binders at all. For almost immediately they closed access to their worlds to outsiders. And what was going on there now, one could not even guess approximately. It couldn't have happened at all, but still...

But the five Conservatives gathered at this hour had no time for other people's fiefdoms. It was necessary to immediately deal with their sheep.

Presiding, if I may say so, was Mort. Once this man enjoyed great respect, was considered one of the main leaders of the union. And now he was simply allowed to sum up and summarize opinions, because: two of those gathered were frankly too lazy to conduct a meeting, another one had long lost all authority, and the last in the company was an old lax aunt. In general, no one would have listened to her, if not for one mention: it was at the hands of this ancient slut named Tsortasha that both conservatives died in their time. She did not look very good, but she knew how to conjure with such structures that ... In general, it was better not to anger her.

She was not pissed off. They just endured it like a necessary evil. And implicitly respected and feared.

“As you can see, an avalanche-like catastrophe continues in the bunch of our friend Tamikhan,” Mort stated. “More than half of the worlds there have closed access to their inner spaces. Completely closed, tight. AND…

“And only one freak is to blame!” - fat man Tamikhan could not resist the final chord of his just finished report-weeping. "It's Bakcarthrie Petronius!" And this apostate must be killed immediately, throwing all our combined forces at him!

He also pounded on the table with his fist to reinforce what was said. Then he froze and fell silent. All four of them gave him too eloquent looks, derogatory and contemptuous. Perhaps the old sorceress expressed a general idea in a few words:

You said we heard. And now - shut up!

Tamihan fell silent in resentment, then frowned and even made a defiant attempt to get up and leave the high assembly. Still, he was a person, next to which any emperors, kinglets and dictators, taken together, faded. After all, despite his current quarrelsomeness, lack of restraint, extreme lack of solidity, once upon a time, he was nevertheless chosen by the system in the Binders. In some way he stood out from the billions of other intelligent ones, in some unique way he approached the role of a living coordinator, a litmus test and a comparative reference point for majestic ancient structures that have no analogues in all universes covered by portals.

But to get up, he got up, but did not move further, again pretending to remember something important. He sat back down, opened the folder he had brought with him, and immersed himself in reading it, muttering:

“And here, somewhere, I had…

He could leave. But going back - no. No one would have called him, and no one would have opened admission here to a shrew who had already left the meeting. Yes, and he bothered his former associates worse than a bitter radish.

Why the former? And this became clear from further discussions. And Tamikhan began them with his last word, as if there was no pause in the meeting:

– …And therefore it is urgently necessary to change our impact on reality. From now on, everything must be done so that the terrogral phases of rhythm and logical choice go along the channel of self-recovery. In other words, the time has come to recognize the complete failure of our innovative ideas, their disastrous direction for us. Let's face it: the conservatives were right. At this moment it is necessary to take a closer look at the activities of the same Petronius and do as he did. Or does anyone have other suggestions?

There were no radically different proposals. So, small clarifications, advice and coordination of upcoming approvals in the course of the planned changes. A turnover that might seem boring if it did not concern the fate of entire civilizations.

None of the four Binders had beaten their chests to prove their point in the past. They did not tear the hair on their heads, confessing to the mistakes of the current ones. Understood. Recognized. Changed policy. Gathered to act differently and already acted.

Between us, boys, speaking about the beauties of dancers with divine body shapes, I also did not say a word. He dragged in their place some two favorite concubines of the Lord, who allegedly suggested to us the idea of ​​​​healing the supreme ruler. I was not going to confess to copulation, even if it happened not of my will, even under torture. Unless a memory of Baron Belykh flashed by. The old man by this time could recover, restore his memory and tell the princesses all the details of our cruise on Sodruelli. And from then on, Mashka would later be slandered.

He only calmed himself with the thought: since the master of history has not yet returned to Morreidy, it means that the “roof” has not returned to his place. It's a pity, of course, but such is fate. Although when I return to Gercheri I will definitely try to cure the baron, I promise myself!

But in any case, it was now necessary to arrange a showdown in the Holy Mound. And tomorrow morning, right before the opening, I set out to arrive at the local shrine.

Here I was dumbfounded: everyone present decided to go with me!

The father argued that he had worked hard and had a day off tomorrow in honor of the arrival of his son and daughter-in-law. My mother said that she was the only one of my relatives who heard breakdowns in the sound of the music. Well, it was clear with Mashka, she just looked at me, and I realized that it was better for me not to inquire about the reason.

- Without my knowledge of local laws, you, Bor, can easily end up in prison.

"But it hasn't turned up yet!" I defiantly replied.

- Do not renounce prison and the bag! Grandpa reminded me of an old Russian proverb. - Well, to everything, I also have a day off tomorrow. But upon arrival, I did not really manage to admire the wonders of the local shrine. So let's all go together.

The Lighthouse security chief only snorted when they tried to leave him at home:

“I need to protect you, and then Blachi will cope with the Second.

Fyodor Kvartsev surprised me with the desire to take a closer look at the beginning, and then go through the Hypna rite, while gaining skills in trade. To be honest, this was news to me. I thought that Hypna helps artists grow up, especially artists. It turned out that a gigantic, inter-world artifact also indulges merchants in their strengthening and development.

Feofan Tsvetogor simply reminded that he had already gone through Hypna, and, for perfection in painting, it would not hurt him to improve his skills by repeated initiation.

- Or did you put me in charge until the day you died? added with resentment. - As I remember, the agreement was only for the first period of formation of production.

I didn't remember that, to be honest, but I didn't argue. But he stared at Emma in silence, not even trying to guess the reason on her part. She was very respectful.

- It is necessary to receive a blessing for the child from the Kurgan. This is done by all women who have the opportunity to get to Rushatron. I live here and still haven't done it.

Then I tried to dissuade fellow travelers in a different way:

“I don’t want to draw attention to our big company. Can you imagine what will happen around and in the Sacred Mound itself if the people recognize us? And if the news spreads that the Empress Gercheri has decided on a pilgrimage? Yes, they will accidentally trample us! Wouldn't it be better to go separately, each on his own and dressed in completely different ways?

“You're right, we're going there incognito,” my father agreed. But Emma reminded everyone of the obvious:

“But our Chi is a unique, all-knowing excellence. So let him cover us with some kind of averting spell, and no one will recognize us. Or change everyone's appearance with false phantoms. I know Excellence can do everything.

Relatives and friends supported me, unanimously pounced on me with similar advice. Because everyone has heard or read about such miracles. And I sadly looked at the princess, trying to suppress my anger: “After all, she is an ulcer! Now he’s going to sleep, and I don’t know how much I will have to train with the creation of these spruce phantoms! And after all, you can’t take revenge on her, pregnant ... with a bump on her forehead! Little…”

Chapter Seven
Threats - employer privileges

So for half the night I really had to try, experiment and learn. But studying without a mentor is a thankless task, if not stupid. You can also fill bumps, pounding into the wall of ignorance with your forehead.

And the second one didn't help me much. Well, he gave me some kind of memory table with a bunch of incomprehensible notations and a graph of a foggy configuration. Nu stated that these were all ideal calculations for creating complex, long-lived ergi's, thanks to which you can cover anything and anyone you want. And from the outside, this “whoever you want” will look like you yourself project from your own memory. In other words, ergi's is part of my personal energy and is simply obliged to take any peaceful form without exploding and without spoiling the cover object.

I understood the theory, but how to use combat magic that kills, at best, lulls to sleep, on a person? Who would you like to experiment on? And how is it to "project"? Who would tell me?! It's hard without a mentor...

Masha was waiting for me, waiting in bed, but she didn’t notice how she fell asleep. And I kept turning the figs under my nose (figuratively speaking) and trying to put a wolf, a goat and a cabbage in one boat. Or, if in a different way, put together a tortoise and a quivering doe.

My Ergi's are too mobile. Yes, and they rejected everything extraneous from their structures. So I studied for a long time. The first step is to prevent the bundle of energy from flying towards the target, but slowly approaching it and gently enveloping it. The second step is to give the desired image from my memory. I had enough of them for all occasions, but it turned out to be much more interesting, more exciting, to work with “photos” of monsters from the Bottom. Baibuki and terveli turned out to be too huge and scary. And they didn’t “glue” to ergi’s well. But the lizard-like zervs, a little over two meters high, turned out to be ideal in every sense. And they invigorate with their appearance, drive away sleep, increase adrenaline, and are suitable in size.

With the zerv, I got my first phantom snag. A clot of energy spread along the wall, and the monster froze, as if ready to attack. Then it got easier, and soon all the walls of the bedroom were staring at me intimidatingly with evil eyes and threatening with sharp fangs.

And then I was struck by a new skill, which I was taught by Freyny the Hawk, the patriarch, the abbot of the monastery. But before I had full-fledged illusions did not work. So, a pathetic parody, quickly fading away and not far away. And, looking closely at her, even an ordinary person could notice the deception. But, coupled with ergi’s, the illusion turned out to be just a feast for the eyes! And she could scare, and shout, and swing a virtual sword.

That's just the illusion did not want to stay on a living person. It turned out that this is a completely different section of magical transformations. So I tossed the illusions aside as unnecessary and refocused on the phantom tricks.

Part 1.

Any secret is carefully hidden from the uninitiated. But among the mysteries there are those that are so dangerous to know that it is worth thinking seven times before embarking on a campaign for the truth. Boris Ivlaev was lucky. He not only learns about the existence of another world, he gets into it and at the same time remains alive, despite the deadly traps. But here's the bad luck: the number of secrets is multiplying here at a crazy speed, however, the number of dangers awaiting Boris is growing at no less speed. And the cannibals, into whose clutches our traveler falls, are not the worst thing that threatens him in the new world.

Part 2.

The World of Three Shields, the dangers of which Boris Ivlaev managed to avoid with such difficulty during his last visit there, again presents unexpected "gifts" to the discoverer of the road between the worlds. This time, the girlfriends of our traveler, who followed in his footsteps to the other world, are crying out for help. And so, taking with him two faithful comrades, Boris hurries to save his friends in trouble. But the laws of transition are unpredictable, friends find themselves far from each other, and in order to fulfill their mission, they are forced not to part with their weapons, making their way among hordes of bloodthirsty monsters.

Part 3

In order to wrest his girlfriends out of the crucible of the war with the cannibals, Boris Ivlaev is forced to make an unprecedented raid through the rear of the Zroaks, while destroying dozens of both the cannibals themselves and the krechs, their flying minions. The former master of circus art Leonid Naydenov helps him in this. Friends who have taken new names for themselves are successful, only the whole misfortune is that the dugouts they are looking for do not stay in one place for a long time, but heroically fight with asps of the human race. Therefore, it is difficult to find them, but it is also impossible to abandon the search ...

Part 8

Boris Ivlaev returns home to his native world and hurries to hide in the remote village of Lapovka. Yes, but he is not destined to sit out in peace and safety, solving problems that have come up. The old house on the outskirts is filled with strangers, and native people are in captivity. We have to act extremely harshly, clearing all traces, then taking our own, and already all together go to Rushatron, the capital of the world of the Three Shields...

Part 9

The legendary "Slave from our time" Boris Ivlaev finally found his girlfriends in the expanses of the world of Three Shields. But how to appear to them in the form that he acquired as a result of his gloomy adventures? How could this bald, scarred man be their old friend and lover! So Boris decided to start looking around. Moreover, the war with the Zroacs continues, and it cannot be said that the valiant troops of Empress Maria Ivlaeva-Gercheri are winning brilliant victories over them...

Part 11

New adventures of the legendary "slave from our time" Boris Ivlaev and his friend Leonid Naydenov! Not bad settled Leonid in the world of Nabatnaya Love. Still would! Great artist. Local women are crazy about him. Even if the two main mistresses, Echidna and Gorgon, do not take their eyes off him, Leonid always manages to show signs of attention to some sexy beauty. The problem is, he's tired of it all. Increasingly, Leonid is worried about his friend Boris Ivlaev, who remained in the world of Three Shields. How is he there? Why didn't he come back for his friend Naydenov, as he promised? It turned out that Leonid was not worried in vain. But there was no need to rush headlong in search of Boris ...

Part 12

Continuation of the adventures of Boris Ivlaev and Leonid Naydenov in Delivery Worlds!

The Creators of the Worlds have become quite insolent, throwing two bosom friends from one World to another, not allowing them to come to their senses. Now they have thrown them to the intelligent tyrannosaurs, which, although they have grown wiser, have not become less dangerous. Boris would be very happy to find out what is here and why. With his magical skills, this is not difficult to do. The problem is that Boris gave his word to his comrade-in-arms Boar Swanh that he would bring his adored nephews home safe and sound. He gave his word, but it was not so easy to keep it ...

Part 13

Continuation of the adventures of Boris Ivlaev! Boris and his friends Lenya, Bagdran, Eulesta and Tsilkhi are captured by a tribe of baby dolls. They would have had a very hard time if it were not for the acquaintance with the mysterious savage woman, whom they call among themselves the Witch Doctor. Boris immediately falls in love with a beauty, for whom, according to the laws of healers, he is only one of many men. Involuntarily, one has to look for ways of salvation from a hostile world ...

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