I do not know but the rumor goes. South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut

This is one of Stanley Kubrick's last films. A lot of time has passed since the release of the previous picture of the director "The Shining". Such is Kubrick. He never followed anyone's lead. No matter what. He did what attracted him. So it's time for his film about Vietnam (Full Metal Jacket). On the eve thundered "Platoon" by Oliver Stone. But it's Kubrick! And do not draw parallels, which came out earlier and the like nonsense. You must know how scrupulous the master is. After all, work on the picture began to be conducted from the very eightieth year.

You can compare this tape with the same "Platoon" and "Apocalypse Now". But in terms of filling. And again, this will not be easy to do. Because there is definitely no such movie about the war. It's guaranteed. First of all, Kubrick does not fly anywhere from his beloved England. But this does not hinder his creative potential. After all, there are decorations! That's what cinema is for. But I was very surprised when I found out that a film about Vietnam is not being shot at least in Thailand. Not even in the tropics. Not everyone can go for it.

And when I found out about this fact, I looked out for gaps with all my might. This is not just a blunder or other crap. Still, I want to observe natural conditions, if they are already declared. A picture about Vietnam can not be without the jungle. It is clear that the first part of the film rolled. There after all uchebka in States.

But it turns out that it is not necessary to show the jungle in the movie "Full Metal Jacket"! It is enough to put a couple of palm trees in the frame. And move the action to the urban environment. This is a completely new direction. A couple of times I sighed, realizing that it would be completely different. But I was wrong.

Urban battles turned out to be no less realistic and exciting than watering the Viet Cong with napalm. And it's really exciting. Hell, even very much. The city is no less scary than the jungle.

So with everything like that, Kubrick figured it out once or twice. And I still doubted. A greater pedant simply cannot be found in the world of cinema. Him put on all. He will bring his offspring to the ideal to the very end. And then just start doing another project.

I will not surprise anyone by saying that the film is divided into two parts. First of all, it's a tutorial. That is where the picture begins. It sounds like a popular tune. Even a little positive. And then Sergeant (something there) Hartman, played by Lee Ermey, comes into play. And this, I tell you, is not a joke at all. It is absolutely impossible to write such monologues on paper. It is also impossible to come up with such expressions, not the name of practical experience. You have to experience something like this.

The characters get to know each other. When I first saw it, I didn't know anyone. This is what the director was counting on. We need to show unknown guys. Everything worked out. But when I watched the film again, quite recently, I no longer fell for this bait. Of course, not everyone subsequently became famous actors. But Vincent D'Onofrio cannot be ignored.

I remember him from the role of Robert Howard. And now, looking at those wild eyes, I see Private Homer Kucha. Played very convincingly. And also gained weight. Already having an impressive mass. She didn't look that scary, though. Today he could have been given an Oscar. Or at least nominate, which would be accurate. Excellent performance.

When in the course of the plot it seemed that everything would be quite positive, the viewer is literally shot in the head. The same bullet, the name of which is in the title of the picture. The turn is terrible and unexpected.

Then the transition period begins. The first scenes in the city prepare the viewer for the second part of the tape. The joker quietly lives his hours, being bored. He admires the demonstration of martial arts, picks up whores. By the way, the sex scene with one of them was cut. And there is no director's cut that will show this spectacle. This is Kubrick. As long as he is alive, editing is under his control. If something is cut, then forget about this scene altogether. I wonder what kind of film Eyes Wide Shut could become if the director lived a couple of months after the release of the picture?

There is also no other scene. But she's really terrible. And more like for the second part of the film. When the gooks attack on the Buddhist New Year, the Joker starts scribbling with a machine gun. And then he goes to his friend Cowboy. From this moment the war begins. Adam Baldwin shines here. Animal. That's the name of his character.

When the situation is terribly critical, determination is needed. Many people lose control of themselves during an emergency. There are people who are made for such moments. And Baldwin's character is like that. When the situation becomes critical, he takes matters into his own hands. Alpha male and all.

After all the tension and explosions, the Joker sums it up. Yes, he's up to his ears in shit. But he's alive. And he is not afraid.

Poems of different years

Wherever you are belong to yourself

I always catch myself on this word.

And don't try to dictate to fate

Whatever the conditions.

Time is running out, milestones litter,

And we remain, no longer knowing

And how many of them, in truth,

There are days left to follow you.

Gloomy draws autumn outside the window

Their intricate doodles.

The rain poured down, as if upside down, -

And the windows, not covered, wept.

Nature also seeks meaning in the struggle -

We were convinced of this both in winter and in summer ...

Now I don't belong to myself

And I'm as happy as I can be.

Live. Take root. And dare

Like Schumann's butterflies.

And suddenly it turns out

That's how it's meant to be...

Time is fading fast

But always dressed up in something -

He laughs, he pretends

That promises that everything will be settled.

But suddenly adulthood comes,

And Fate is your companion.

And another generation

Learns from your mistakes.

Well, days are not a system, but a mess,

Only life is scribbled.

Even though sometimes life is not fun,

But let me tell you, I really want...


Momentary weakness.

Hourly readiness.

Daily check.

Weekly business trip.

Monthly salary.

Annual reporting.

Life imprisonment.

Secondary cardiac arrest.

And eternal bliss...

And somewhere - the first cry.

Second reality.

Third youth.

Fourth dimension.

Fifth Corner.

Sixth Sense.

Seventh heaven.

Last way.

And again - eternal bliss ...

Don't go back to old places

Where you are not expected, although they will be glad.

There life flowed, grand and simple,

everything was there - both falsehood and awards.

Or maybe it's just a mirage

For the past stupid nostalgia -

Now go try it prove it

That earlier times were different.

There is in the past days the uniqueness of sleep.

And yet, do not flatter yourself with this in vain.

And if life is cramped for you today -

Moreover, then, do not return.

The time has come to answer for everything -

For all the past years

For all the capriciously said "NO",

For all the playfully thrown "YES".

But still: as if from the shoulders of a mountain,

Pride is warmed by all deeds.

You feel that the time has come...

But the soul still does not believe in it.

I don't know what I want

I don't know where I'm going.

Maybe just like a beast, he sensed

Approaching disaster.

Maybe I overheard

Fate has a moment of revelation,

Maybe it's just an outlet

Or maybe it's all from books.

From that many years of reading

For the soul. To not be old.

But I don't think preferences

It's time for me to change.

I'm sorry, I can't fix it...

Even if I lose everything

But I will leave myself

Only what I love.

What he lived all the way,

He consoled his soul and lived ...

Maybe it doesn't make much sense.

In what I valued.

I just won't change

I am not a year, not a day ...

And so I know

You forgive me.

The words are silent. Ile, hiding behind each other,

Called to return to the past. It,

Today, frankly denoting

It looks like an old movie

Where the tapes are mixed up on the gluing -

Sheer absurdity, but the meaning is like a bad dream,

In which life is not worth a penny ...

But life, unfortunately, is no different.

Nor forgiveness of sins

Nor the dedication of verses,

Not a quiet fall

Nor the splendor of holy conduct,

No sense of struggle

And no struggle without meaning -

As a sign of destiny.

But why is it so sour

And learn useful lessons

Where the prophets are already buried.

Everything in the world is changing. Let it go

Will not stop in motion

And let it happen that just sadness

It becomes an incredible joy.

And life, whether it's bad or good,

It also shortens more slowly.

But the main thing: let the Soul from the body,

As long as possible here, do not turn away.

Many times my life is reread

Me from the very first line -

There is nothing deliberate about her.

Contrary to different opinions.

As if the past has shriveled,

Days are like prints of old clichés -

Something is gone, something about tzhilo,

Something stuck in my soul.

And whether to count on tomorrow,

Or save the memory of the past.

You can re-read life many times,

But you can't rewrite it.

Again November whispers sparingly -

The rain is pouring down and there is no end to it.

Someone would cheer, albeit stupidly,

Or splashed good wine

To get drunk and rush without looking back

Where there are no books or newspapers,

To pull the plug on the riots

Where there was no order.

And justify any temptation

Having entrusted everything to the calendar ...

And know that I'm related

To what I'm talking about today.

I made my own rules

And then he made exceptions.

And life quietly rules me

Read me morals

Taught the mind for a long time,

Hoping in my heart that I won't be afraid...

The only pity is that we could never

With her look into each other's soul.

Buzzing idle rumor:

The world is worthless. And we are insignificant.

But why so careful

Words born in anguish.

Do not blame. Nature's essence

Naive, if not rebellious.

I talk about it tenderly

And I continue the mortal path,

Where every day is ordinary

Far from the joys of peace.

But where, tell me, in the universe

There will be more like this…

And the letters disappear, as luck would have it, -

And the addressee is lost. On a long list

Who is unlucky with my letter,

A lot of dear people and relatives.

And letters disappear, as luck would have it.

And there is no explanation for this phenomenon:

Contributed, once, to the appearance

Two words only "I'm not sure - do not write" ...

And there is no explanation for this phenomenon.

I liked to argue with myself

And amuse yourself.

That was I myself in a quarrel,

He wanted to forgive himself.

But here it is, insight has come,

And the world opened from the beginning,

Breath new and vision

He knew - and immediately screamed.

Deaf blindness disappeared

became sensitive hearing and sharp eyes:

there for so many years without fading,

an unthinkable fire is burning ...

Here would be the end of that tale.

But, frankly,

After all, in vain I arranged dances

around that fire. Oh, in vain ...

What is left of that prophecy?

The taste of water? Or the color of fire?

Or the meaning of double loneliness

Making a nest inside of me?

I am its bearer and petitioner,

I am its keeper and spender.

Therefore, I ask: forgive me,

If something is wrong

In this life full of evil and brilliance.

So let it be rewarded in heaven -

In the form of a full measure or makeweight

On invisible righteous scales...

Anatoly Iosilevich, 1983-2013.

45th parallel, 2013.

Matt Stone
Pam Brady In the main
cast Composer Duration Budget Country Year IMDb South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (original title - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut)

"South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut"(English) South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut , literal translation "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut" listen)) is a 1999 American animated feature film based on the animated television series South Park.

The film opens with Stan's innocent song "Mountain Town" (a parody of "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast). He invites friends - Kenny, Kyle and Cartman - to the cinema for a film by Canadian comedians Terrence and Phillip. At the same time, Kenny's mother yells after her son that since he misses going to church, then after death he will have to answer to Satan. Kyle's mom forces him to take his younger brother, adopted Canadian Ike, with her. Meanwhile, an important message is being broadcast on TV:

Friends go to the cinema, on the poster - the name of the film, "Flaming Assholes." Boys are not being sold tickets because the film is rated R for swearing and minors can only watch it with a guardian present. Then the children pay the bum $10 to buy tickets for them.

It turns out that the film consists of outhouse humor and constant foul language. The song "Uncle" sounds (eng. Unclefucker). The spectators, not wanting to endure a stream of choice curses, leave the cinema; only the main characters remain - they are delighted. By the end of the film, they have mastered a lot of obscene expressions. Later at the skating rink, they impress the other students with their new knowledge, so now everyone wants to see this movie.

By the next day, all schoolchildren in the city had already watched the film. The friends argue in front of the teacher, Mr. Garrison, and are sent to the school psychologist, Mr. Mackie. He calls their parents, and Cartman says that the movie "Flaming Assholes" is to blame for their behavior.

At the school cafeteria, Stan asks the Chief "how to make a woman love you more than anyone else in the world." The boss says that for this you need to find the clitoris (Stan does not suspect what it is).

Meanwhile, "Flaming Assholes" takes first place in the collections, and the single "Uncle" - first place in the charts. The parents are outraged, the main activist being Kyle's mother, Sheila Broflovski. The children are sent to Mr. Mackey for re-education, he sings the song "It's Easy M'kay!" about how easy it is to do without swearing. After that, the children go back to watch the movie.

After the screening, Cartman argues with Kenny if it's okay to set your intestinal gases on fire like Terrence did in the movies. Kenny tries and succeeds - his clothes are on fire. Kenny is taken to the hospital, but the doctors mistakenly give him a baked potato instead of a heart, and he dies. Kenny's soul goes to hell to the song "Hell Isn't Good". Parents are very upset, because the children again watched the movie without permission. Sheila Broflovski organizes the Mothers Against Canada movement, the song "Blame Canada" sounds (Russian. Blame Canada). Sheila and her supporters take Terrence and Phillip into custody. At the UN, Canadians protest but are only laughed at because of their accent. For this, the Canadians strike at the Baldwin brothers' mansion. President Clinton declares war on Canada and orders the execution of "war criminals" Terrence and Phillip. Sheila Broflovski, appointed Minister of Attack, overhears Cartman singing "Kyle's Mom is a Bitch" Kyle's Mom Is a Bitch); as a result, Eric is taken to participate in research and a special “P-chip” is implanted in his brain. V-Chip), shocking him every time he tries to swear.

After all the credits, a small scene follows: Hayk, locked in the attic until the end of the war and forgotten there, catches and eats a mouse.


The original title of the film was South Park: All Hell Breaks Loose. South Park: Hell Gets Out of Control ), but the Motion Picture Association of America opposed the presence of the word "hell", hell In the title . The name was changed to a more innocuous, but ambiguous one (the characteristics "large, long and uncircumcised" allude to a penis). The entire process of making the film took about a year.

Not a single scene was cut from the film.


Disc cover for South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. Original Soundtrack.

Almost all of the songs from the film (sometimes with minor changes) were released on South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. Original Soundtrack". In addition to the songs themselves, the disc includes alternative versions of the songs, including "I Can Change" performed by the famous alternative band "Violent Femmes".

3 songs from the film were not included on the disc:

  • "Wendy's Song". A short theme played by Stan Marsh when he thinks of Wendy Testaburger.
  • Hell Isn't Good. The song plays after Kenny's death, when he goes to Hell. The song is sung by Metallica vocalist James Hetfield, however the musical accompaniment is provided by Matt Stone and Trey Parker's DVDA band. Paramount Pictures claimed that Trey Parker sang on the song, but in March 2000, Hatfield confirmed on Metallica.com that he sang on the song. Despite the collaboration, South Park's creators later satirized Metallica in episode 709 "Christian Hard Rock".
  • "The Mole's Reprise". Song sung by Mole and Kyle Broflovski during Mole's death.

The song "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch" was first heard in the South Park season 1 episode "Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo", but in D minor.

It should also be noted that in one of the trailers of the film, the song "The Breeders" "Cannonball" sounded.

Other facts



  • "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut" script
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