What containers can be used for bulbous flowers. Planting tulips in autumn in open ground terms and rules for different regions

Tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and other bulbs plant not only in flower beds and mixborders, but also in containers. Then in the spring you can paint patios, terraces and verandas and even a porch in bright colors.

The pot must be chosen according to climatic conditions.

In the south of Russia, you can plant bulbs in any decorative container, including terracotta. In those areas where the soil freezes in winter, the pot will have to be dug into the ground for the winter after planting the bulbs, so it is better to use a large thick-walled plastic container.

In April, it is dug up, placed in a decorative container and put on public display. In a large pot with a diameter of about 30 cm will fit up to four various kinds bulbous plants.

For example, take the large-flowered 'Pickwick' crocus, the snow-white hyacinth 'Carnegie', the bright yellow tubular daffodil 'Golden Harvest' and the lilac triumph tulip 'Alibi'. The planting method, when the bulbs of different plants are planted in layers at different depths, is called the lasagna method - the recipe for preparing this dish and our mini-potted flower garden is very similar.

When buying, you should always inspect the bulbs for diseases.

In principle, substandard is also suitable, it is only important that there is no rot and mold, and the bulbs themselves are hard. After all, after flowering in such cramped conditions, they will go to waste - it makes no sense to transplant a dug up trifle into the garden.

1. Drainage hole (it must be in a pot, and even better a few) close with a shard.

2. Pour sand into the pot with a thickness of about 5 cm, and the same layer of soil. We seal.

3. Evenly space the hyacinth bulbs. We fill them with soil and compact them.

4. We have tulip bulbs. We pour the soil again and compact it.

5. Evenly arrange the narcissus bulbs. We pour the soil and compact.

6. The last are the smallest and most numerous crocus corms. We fill them with soil and compact them.

Important: as a result, the soil should not reach the edge of the pot by 1-2 cm.

7. We well shed the landings made.

8. We put markers so as not to forget what we put in it. And we are looking forward to spring.

Important: in most Russian regions, the pot should be dug into the ground to its full height, covered with an oak leaf and a film.

9. In the spring, a dug pot should be dug up early (when the bulbs start to grow, it's time to dig it out), put it in a sunny place and do not forget to water it.

10. In our case, the plants are selected so that flowering lasts for two months. In April, hyacinths, crocuses, and daffodils bloomed ...

Planting and growing bulbs in containers

Below are other entries on the topic "Cottage and garden - with your own hands"

  • : When to dig bulbousIn early July, they begin ...
  • : Planting bulbs in basketsVoracious voles...
  • The container allows you to place hyacinths or daffodils anywhere, for example, next to the path on a stand to better smell their aroma. Fading plants can be transferred together with the container to the far corner of the garden and let them complete the cycle of seasonal development, and plant annuals in the vacated place: petunia, ageratum, asters, etc.

    Benefits of growing bulbs in containers:

      Bulbs in containers are reliably protected from rodents.

      Containers with plants can be rearranged from place to place: after the loss of decorativeness, they are taken away from the front part of the garden to the household.

      Bulbs from the container after flowering can be easily "digged out" without fear of damage.

      Even the smallest bulbs in containers will never get lost.

      In the spring, you can decide how you will grow your plants: dig in plastic containers in the garden or put them outin a beautiful pot on the terrace or in the gazebo.

    Container selection and landing

    Bulbs are usually planted in plastic pots, which for the winter in the conditions of the Moscow region and middle lane Russia is being dug into the ground. In the spring, a plastic pot with bulbs is inserted into the comingin diameter, a decorative container and take it out to a conspicuous place.

    The capacity for planting bulbous plants should be no lower than two or three bulb heights, wide and have a sufficient number of holes for water drainage. If the container does not have them initially, you can always do it yourself in any quantity on the bottom and walls of a technical plastic pot. Put a layer of drainage (gravel, expanded clay) on the bottom of the pot, and then a substrate. Any garden soil will do, as long as it is moisture-absorbing and breathable. The most common substrate is a mixture of high-moor peat and sand in a ratio of 4:1. Fertilizers can not be used, all the future parts of the flower and leaves are already laid in the bulb itself.

    If you plant several bulbs in one container, make sure that they do not touch.

    winter storage

    The bulbs are either first planted in containers in the fall and the containers are immediately dropped into the soil, or the pots are first dug in, filled with soil, and then the bulbs are planted in them, in which case you do not have to carry heavy pots with soil in the fall. In the conditions of the middle zone and the Moscow region, it is better to dig a pot with bulbs into the ground to its full height, and cover it with lutrasil or spruce branches from above. In the spring, the pots are dug up, put in a sunny place and watering begins.

    If you want color atgrowing plants ahead of time, then just leave the pot with the planted bulbs on the street until the first frost . Then rearrange the bulb pots on z and movka in the cold dark room (suitable basement, unheated greenhouse, greenhouse or loggia). With "dry wintering" bulbs can be stimulated get earlier flowering.

    Caring for bulbs after flowering

    When the plant has faded, begin to gradually reduce watering. When the leaves turn completely yellow, dig up the bulb, remove the roots and old scales and leave it in a dry, well-ventilated room until autumn (at a temperature of about +25 ˚C).

    Bulb crops for containers

    hyacinths. The healthiest bulbs with a diameter of more than 5 cm are selected for planting. The bulbs are planted in pots with soil prepared from equal amount peat and sand or earth and sand.

    Crocuses. For planting, numerous varieties of spring crocus are usually used. Large-flowered (so-called Dutch) hybrids are very popular. Crocus corms are planted in a substrate of soddy and leafy soil, peat and sand (1:1:0.5:0.5).

    Daffodils. For planting, strong bulbs (more than 4 cm in diameter) of early and mid-early flowering periods are selected.

    Lilies. Lilies in containers grow very well, and almost all varieties. At the same time, lily bulbs, unlike most bulb crops, can be planted in containers both in autumn and in spring. In any case, they will delight you with their flowering: about 10-14 weeks pass from the moment of planting to flowering. Blooming lilies can be obtained by distillation at any time of the year.

    When choosing planting material, it is better to pay attention to medium-sized and undersized varieties of lilies. The optimal time for planting bulbs is the second half of August or the beginning of September. If you purchased material later, it is better to postpone planting until spring. The soil mixture suitable for lilies consists of turf and leaf soil, humus and coarse sand. You can add a long-playing full mineral fertilizer to the soil.

    In container planting, lily bulbs are best used once, after planting them in the garden.

    tulips. Young healthy bulbs with a diameter of 3-4 cm are suitable for planting, correct form. They are planted from early September to November.

    Bulbs are freed from dry covering scales (so they take root faster) and planted in pots filled with loose soil (half earth and half sand). The bulbs should “sit” in the soil tightly, but not touch one another, the thickness of the substrate under them should be at least 8-10 cm. In order for the plants to look the most decorative in the flowering state, the flat side of the bulb should be turned to the wall of the pot, and not inward. Then the first bottom sheet will be turned outward.

    This method of growing tulips is especially good for collectors: you can grow varieties in separate pots without fear of confusing the bulbs. In addition, tulips are planted denser in containers than in the ground: this allows you to achieve the maximum decorative effect of plants.

    Cannes. Cannes love spacious containers, as their rhizomes grow in breadth. However, it all depends on the type of plants: mini-cannes, having a height of 70-80 cm, will agree to pots with a diameter of 25-30 cm, undersized cannes up to 50-60 cm, they will feel good in containers with a diameter of 18-20 cm, dwarf cannes up to 40-50 cm will grow well and bloom in pots up to 20 cm in diameter. If you plant several plants in one container, it is better to use a larger container.

    Small-bulbous plants: galanthus (snowdrops), scillas, chionodoxes, muscari, blueberries and white flowers. Of particular interest are the various varieties muscari. They bloom for a long time, are unpretentious and are suitable for planting together with tulips, daffodils or hazel grouse. In containers, you can combine various bulbous crops, creating unusual long-flowering bright compositions. In addition, bulbs can be combined with other spring flowering crops such as daisies, primroses, pansies or forget-me-nots.

    Planting tulips in autumn is a very responsible task, because the quantity and quality of tender buds that bloom in early spring directly depend on how successfully you cope with it. The wrong time and violation of the basic rules for planting bulbs in the ground can lead to various undesirable consequences, which then will be almost impossible to correct.

    So, all bulbs can freeze or rot in the ground, or tulips will sprout very late and bloom poorly, and new bulbs will form small and of poor quality. As a result, all the efforts spent on caring for tulips will be in vain.

    Therefore, if you are determined to see wonderful blooming buds of impeccable shape and excellent quality in your flower garden in early spring, try to thoroughly understand how to plant tulips in the fall.

    Determine the ideal timing for planting tulips in the fall

    Beginning gardeners often ask the question: When to plant tulips - in autumn or early spring? Why is autumn planting of tulips considered more preferable than spring? The fact is that bulbs planted in spring

    they begin to bloom much later than those that were planted in the soil before the onset of winter. For rapid germination, tulips need a cooling period, then the substances necessary for the active development of the plant are formed in the bulbs. In nature, wild-growing tulips germinate immediately after the snowdrifts melt, which is why gardeners try to create the same conditions for cultivars in flower beds.

    Well, if in the fall, for some reason, you still can’t plant the bulbs, you can transfer this process to the spring, given features of spring planting. It is even allowed to plant bulbs under the snow in early December, in which case the flower bed is covered with spruce branches or dry foliage and snow from above so that the planting material does not freeze.

    Even experienced gardeners sometimes have annoying mistakes in determining the right period for planting bulbs. By choosing the wrong time in autumn, you can be late with planting, and then the bulbs will not have time to take root before frost (this is not too scary, but in spring the development and flowering of tulips will be greatly delayed), or plant tulips too early, as a result, they will sprout and freeze in autumn at the first frost. Early planting is also undesirable because during the warm autumn period the bed will have time to overgrow with weeds, which will immediately start growing in the spring, preventing the tulips from gaining strength.

    So, in order to correctly determine when to plant tulips in the fall, periodically measure the temperature of the soil at a depth of about 15 cm - if it keeps steadily at + 10 ° C, you can safely start planting bulbs. Calendar dates may vary from year to year depending on the vagaries of the weather, so roughly focus on the period from mid-September to the second decade of October (in warm regions).

    The ideal soil temperature at which the bulb takes root well and begins to develop the root system is about + 7 ° C, but do not forget that it takes from three weeks to a month to take root in the ground, and the weather in autumn can be quite unstable.

    How to plant tulips in autumn, taking into account all the subtleties of the process

    Before planting tulips, it is very important to select the largest and healthiest bulbs, as damaged or diseased

    specimens can infect their neighbors, from which not only the quality of flowering will suffer, but you may even lose flowers altogether. Before planting calibrated bulbs in a flower bed, it is recommended to treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to protect against diseases, or soak them for a while in a special antifungal preparation.

    Mandatory conditions for the autumn planting of tulips:

    Popular with amateur gardeners plastic baskets, sold in specialized stores. Tulip bulbs are placed in them and in this form they are buried in the ground. This helps the bulbs stay in one place in the soil and protects them from damage when dug up. In addition, this method eliminates the confusion of varieties and the presence of ugly faded tulips in the flower garden. As soon as the first signs of wilting have become noticeable, the basket with the tulip is taken out of the ground and added dropwise in another place. As a result, nutrients from the leaves go into the soil, and replacement bulbs form normally and imperceptibly.

    It is worth noting that some flower growers with great success used for growing tulips small bags of

    In autumn, the bag is placed at the bottom of the planting pit, bulbs and a label indicating the variety are placed on top. The next summer, simply find the edge of the bag and gently pull on it to pull all the bulbs into the air to dry. When you take out the bulbs, you will see that their roots have grown through the mesh, which prevents them from crumbling. The bulbs must be slightly cleaned of the ground and left on the bag along with the label until the fall. In the same form, they are very easy to process. fungicide.

    From when and how to plant tulips in the fall, their attractiveness, health and proper development during the spring period. If you responsibly treat the planting of bulbs, then tulips will surely thank you with beautiful flowering. Just don't forget to take care of your tulips throughout the growing season so that you'll have wonderful, high quality planting material by next fall.

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