Pronounced 8th house. Strong 8th house of the horoscope

The main word is Transition


Life and death.

Transformation, change.

Disasters, losses.

Resources of other people: someone else's energy, someone else's money.

Collective money, joint property.


Magic, the occult, the underworld.


Life and death. In traditional astrology, this is the house of death, however, at present, it is very difficult to determine the exact moment of the end of life, too many factors cannot be taken into account. But sometimes the 8th house allows you to judge the nature of death. The sign on the cusp, the planets, the ruler of the house and the sign are analyzed.

Union- the experience of living together. Joint property. Inheritance. Transformation. The quality of a home is value. It is the value found in interaction. The Plutonic nature requires the abandonment of individuality in order to gain new value. Something must die in order for something new to be born.

Transformation.“The eighth house is not for the cowardly. It requires the power of oak and the flexibility of willow to work it out, as it is about change. And not just about a change of form that happens many times, but about a real, without deception, a fundamental modification of the personality.

Not leaving life, but going beyond yourself. Learn to "die while staying alive." The experience of ego death.

Each of us many times during our lives is given the opportunity to change ourselves - but not everyone takes it.

energy exchange. The return of energy. Mental crises, suffering, trials, extreme situations. The ability to give: if you do not give, then they will take away. Risk with danger to life.

Focused Intuition- non-rational knowledge, especially in the field of interpersonal relations. 3 intuitive houses. The inexplicable magnetic influence that a person has on other people is often explained by planets in the eighth house.

Sex.Close energy interaction with a partner. Type of sexual relations, inclinations and abilities. High level of sexual creativity - loss of consciousness during orgasm. The 8th house is one of the three sexual houses (2nd - pure sensuality, 5 - play, flirting).

Joint property.Money received from partners, from family members, parents - through inheritance. other people's resources. Partner funds, bank loans, insurance or inheritance.

Figuratively, the 8th house is presented as a line separating it from another, a kind of membrane, a window, a door, an exit, a transition - into the abyss. There is the unconscious, there is a higher consciousness - there is that which is outside of consciousness. There is multidimensionality, there is neither depth nor width, because there is no bottom or top, no beginning or end - immensity, multidimensionality, other-dimensionality.

All signs of the Zodiac can be divided, on this side or on the other side they are. Aries easily walks back and forth. Taurus is here and only here. The twins look beyond the edge with curiosity. Cancer is here, but if there, then for a long time. The lion plays with both life and death, he is not afraid of anything. Virgo - here, by earthly means, she tries to calculate the multidimensionality of what is "on the other side." Scales are here. Scorpio - there, he lives there, he comes here sometimes, he is bored here. Sagittarius walks wide and far and looks, walks “on the other side” as well as “on this side”. Capricorn is here. Aquarius is everywhere, like Pisces, they are universal.

Zodiac signs in the 8th house

Aries. Sharp, sometimes sudden changes in life. A lot of strength, can calculate how far he is able to go (including in debt obligations). Danger from diseases with high fever. Can work in a bank, with other people's money and energies.

Taurus. Changes in life are difficult, changes drag on for a long time, complexes, fixation on certain states. Too fond of life. Borrow carefully. Good luck with money. Profit through business, partners, marriage. Owner in love. Lives long, dies quietly.

Twins. Difficult transitional situations are overcome quickly and relatively easily, soberly, reasonably. But they don't get to the heart of the problem, and they don't feel the need to. Effortlessness in making decisions concerning borrowed funds. Danger of becoming entangled in debt. Large capital is well managed. Cunning, dexterity, to fraud. Death is relatively mild and associated with the lungs (eg asthma).

Crayfish. Sensitive attitude towards one's own death: it is important that only good things be remembered about him. Careful attitude to the graves of relatives. Caution and honesty in borrowing processes and investments, trying for the family, the possibility of receiving an inheritance. In sex, he is conservative, sensitive, does not like to talk about these topics, complexes are possible. Strong intuition. Danger from water, from cancer, from diseases of the breast.

a lion. Tendency to control all money. Good luck in insurance, banking. Willingness to be generous. Sexually active, loves to play these games. Long life. Danger from cardiovascular diseases and from negligence.

Virgo. The need for a fulcrum in life because of the feeling of its fragility. Petty in calculations. He treats issues of life and death rationally, evaluates everything with his head. Sex is not the most important thing for her, only a means of procreation. Doesn't like secrets. Leads a healthy lifestyle. Weaknesses - the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Accurately conducts money affairs, successful in thoughtful investments.

Scales. Welfare through partners or cooperation. Find new sources of income. Benefit from wills and insurances. The attitude to death is calm, as to inevitability. In a relationship idealists. You can work with money. Death in old age from renal insufficiency or blood diseases. The funeral should be arranged beautifully.

Scorpion. Deep interest in matters of life and death. Mysticism, magical abilities. The mystery of personality. Active use of borrowed and collective funds, conflicts are possible. Ability to handle money. Multiple personal transformation, difficult transitional periods with subsequent clarification. Wills, inheritance. Income through the death of someone. High sexuality. Jealous, vengeful. Communication with other worlds. Danger to life. Death can be violent or in a catastrophe, complications during an abortion, with an unsuccessful operation. Surgery. detective tendencies. Death work. Striving for power.

They lose and therefore they gain. They die - and therefore even more alive.

Sagittarius. Success by raising borrowed funds, putting money into circulation, a good flair for hidden financial opportunities, wills. Profitable to engage in banking, notarial affairs. He is optimistic about life and death issues, sex is like a sport. Law-abiding, engaged in self-improvement. The possibility of receiving an inheritance in the second half of life. Life is long, death is calm.

Capricorn. He takes matters of life and death seriously. As well as to sex, but without fiction. He is successful in money matters, firmly defends his share in the inheritance, seeks to insure everything and guarantee himself a prosperous life. Economical, banker. Thoughtfully engaged in the occult. Death at old age. Osteoporosis, hip fracture.

Aquarius. He is interested in the problems of the other world, but as an outside observer, he studies them using non-traditional methods, astrology, for example. In sex, he is active, looking for new partners, does not tolerate addiction, strives for novelty. Non-traditional sexual orientation is possible - a sign of universal experiments. Involvement in financial affairs of funds, public organizations. Death is quick, danger from vehicles, from electricity, from flying, mental illness.

Fish. The dangers associated with borrowed funds can lose everything. uncontrollable debts. Inheritance problems. Painful attitude to the thought of death. Strong intuition, magical abilities. Mediumship. Psychic abilities. Danger of drugs and alcohol. Mental disorders. Death as a result of a long chronic debilitating disease, stroke, paralysis.

Aries - head

Taurus - neck, respiratory organs

Gemini - arms, lungs

Cancer - chest, abdomen

Leo - heart

Virgo - intestines, nerves, healthy lifestyle

Libra - hips, urogenital area, kidneys

Scorpio - secretory organs, sexual sphere, surgery

Sagittarius - legs from hip to knee, liver

Capricorn - knees, spleen

Aquarius - shins, ankles

Pisces - feet, psyche.

Planets in the 8th house

Sun. Interest in the occult, magic, the hidden content of life. Feels good partner, including sexual. Interaction with other people's energies, other people's money.

An energetic and creative person, there are many crises and changes in his life. Intuition, interest in occult things. High resilience, long life span.

The theme of personal evaluation through partnerships is central to life. Feels good partner. Strong sexuality, through sensory experience, doors open to another world, to higher spirituality.

Financial situation and reaction to money directly affect the implementation of a life goal. Can work with money. It is possible to receive an inheritance.

“You have power that you didn't ask for, or you are in need of power, a desperate desire to get it. In any case, the power of the shared resources will eventually be yours. You need to understand how many people are exposed to you. The task is to own this power and use it consciously.”

Affected Sun: Heart disease, death from hereditary diseases, extravagance, poor recovery.

Moon. Subconscious desire for death, but also the fear of death. Emotional sensitivity to borderline states. A penchant for mystery. Sexual satisfaction plays a big role. There may be a desire to solve financial matters through marriage, it is possible to receive money by inheritance, through the female line. Vulnerability, sensitivity, sensuality, violent experiences. Clairvoyance, prophetic dreams.

Passive attitude to fate, unwillingness to change anything.

Affected Moon - loss of loved ones, death from drowning (from water).

Mercury. Mastering the space of the 8th house through the intellect. Multilateral interest in mysticism and its practical use.

Transformation concerns first of all thinking. intellectual intuition.

Love of secrets, penchant for intrigue. Good detective.

Interest in public money, actively working with them. Insurance, funeral business, probate agent, taxes, NGO property. Lots of contacts.

Good financial position of the partner.

To sex, the attitude is light and reasonable. But a sexual conversation can turn you on more than physical contact itself. Inappropriate jokes during the act can ruin everything.

It is vital to work on strengthening the respiratory and nervous systems.

Affected: Trouble over money, over sex, over magic. With a severely afflicted Mercury, attraction to brothers or sisters is possible.

Venus. Creativity as an experience, satisfaction from acute emotional situations, a state of inner knowledge. General optimism. Attractiveness. The person is young at heart. Great importance is attached to love and sexual relations, unusual experiences are possible.

Money comes through a partner, a high probability of receiving an inheritance.

Affected: early widowhood, divorce, separation from spouse, problems due to inheritance, venereal disease.

Mars. Gives activity and aggressiveness in the development of the space of the 8th house. Risk appetite. Strong will, but also conflict. In general, intolerance can become one of the main causes of life's troubles. Sharp transformations. Powerful sexual attraction. Professions can be associated with risk, with death (military, surgery). occult abilities. Active interaction with other people's money, an increase in wealth through an inheritance or a marriage partner, but also conflicts over money.

Mars afflicted: financial conflicts, loss of inheritance. Underdeveloped people have criminal inclinations. Danger to life: injuries, operations, unexpected inflammatory diseases, accidents, death in war, suicide.

Jupiter. The search for the meaning of life, the desire to understand death, the desire for self-development. Increased interest in spiritual matters.

Skillful handling of money, a person will never be poor. Welfare through a profitable marriage, successful business partnership, influential patrons. The importance of a good education.

Attitude towards sex - with a healthy curiosity.

Affected: selfishness, early loss of loved ones, litigation.

Saturn. Saturn puts up walls, Jupiter opens doors.

Deep search for the meaning of life, soul-searching. Good endurance, long period of vital activity. Loneliness, fixation on the issues of death. Pessimism, depression, but stability before the blows of fate. Possibly low self-esteem. A strong desire for reliability, which requires money. They have to be achieved by hard work (suitable for the service sector, insurance organizations, socially useful work, administrator). May be responsible for someone else's property (tax authorities, notaries). Strong sense of responsibility in intimate relationships, restraint.

Slow death from chronic diseases is possible.

Affected: professional difficulties, legal disputes over money, obstacles to the realization of life plans, fear of death, problems with potency.

Uranus. Occultism, the ability to telepathy, clairvoyance. Desire to unravel the mysteries of life, powerful intuition.

Unexpected deep crises, when a person completely changes, abrupt changes, strong passions, in general, easily succumbs to desires. Getting money in an unexpected way. Strong sexual desires, varied, intimate relationships as a peak experience.

Death is often sudden, from an accident, surgery, improper treatment.

Affected: non-traditional and perverted forms of sex, difficulties due to inheritance, financial losses through big business for reasons beyond one's control.

Neptune. Occultism, astral travel abilities, hypnotism, premonitions in general and death in particular. The desire to forget about the earthly. Emotional instability, detachment from reality, mediumship.

In union, a person "loses himself." He dreams of some kind of high merging of souls that is not possible on earth. Makes unnecessary expenses: money, energy. He does not feel money, does not understand it as a law, does not work for it, money comes to him and leaves him by itself.

Affected: alcoholism, drug addiction, strange fantasies, fruitless dreams, psychological complexes, dependence on stronger ones.

Pluto. The individual has a great responsibility. Global changes are taking place in his teams, and in life too, there is a feeling that this does not depend on him. Enormous power and strength, difficulties with its awareness and use. Man of extremes: all or nothing. Serious about life. Tends to dominate in sex and money. Intuitive understanding of internal processes. Enormous occult powers. Using the power of the masses for personal purposes: deep unity with the team, with the egregor.

The talent to find money. Somehow connected with the collective money, for example, is at the head of the party and disposes of its funds.

Struck: problems with corporate money, with health, severe death, passes the “death point” several times, clinical death.

Black Moon. The strongest position of the conditional planet. Money, magic, sex - all these are “past negative experiences”: I was a magician, I dealt with death.

Crises are beneficial, they turn a person, change and give great strength. If a person copes, a powerful channel of forces, intuition opens, communication with the subtle world goes directly.

Ascending lunar node. Difficult position, but promising.

A person experiences a powerful internal struggle, in the very depths of the soul. The extreme possessiveness of past incarnations has to be overcome. Downward path. Fate can turn to dust his acquisitions, or he will not be satisfied with what he has: insatiable desires. Problems with inheritance. In a past life, I did not really understand the values ​​of other people.

Attitudes towards money can change many times, from neglect to exaggeration, from stinginess to extravagance. But when he works for the benefit of others or with the help of others, fate will be favorable. Suitable to work in a bank, with money, to be a financier. Fate favors in various creative endeavors, in occult studies. The theme of death will pass through life distinctly, "a disastrous situation." For example, the destruction of the entire system of values. This can be an impetus for a reorientation to the upward path. But there will still be many fluctuations in different directions - the swing is pronounced. Fate will not let you pass by the topic of sex.

8th house in Aries

self-change style

impulsive and sudden even for the person himself and occurs as a result of some serious or traumatic event.

punishment for mistakes

arises spontaneously, occurs quickly, often in the form of a physical impact, when a person is completely unprepared, and he has to figure out what's what for a long time.

crisis situations

are formed suddenly, without any visible connection with the events of life, against the background of extreme situations, unmotivated anger and aggression. The danger comes from the love of risk, from extreme extreme situations - catastrophes, fires, fractures, injuries, burns, fire, diseases with a high temperature.


fast, unconscious as a result of an accident, an inflammatory process. A person is interested in death not out of fear, but out of a willingness to explore this phenomenon. You can save yourself from death only by decisive, quick actions.

ruler of the 8th house in Aries

good ability to control energy flows, but there is a danger of losing control due to impulsiveness and ardor. A person quickly orients himself in the crowd, does not give in to the herd feeling, imposing his own style of behavior and survival. Willingly takes the initiative in his own hands, radiates energy around him. In all types of interchange, he is honest, tries to return equally. In sex, he is initiative and passionate, demands recognition of his sexual merits. Often changes sexual partners. Interested in the occult sciences.

ruler of the 8th house in the 1st house

appearance, behavior have a great influence on the topics of the eighth house - a person can attract extreme situations with his choice. The ability to take great risks and overcome any dangers on the path of development. The need to demonstrate to the whole world their attitude to the problems of death, transformation and rebirth, sex.

danger of destruction of personality, indicator of suicide, sexual excesses.

8th house in Taurus

self-change style

slow, almost imperceptible both for the person himself and for the external environment.

punishment for mistakes

hits in one place for a long time, most often on the wallet, completely exhausting the person.

crisis situations

heavy and lengthy. A negative fixation on certain circumstances is possible, which is difficult to get rid of. There is a danger of being covered with earth, stones or freezing. Danger from gluttony and laziness.


usually calm and not painful.

Ruler of the 8th house in Taurus

in all types of interchange is selfish, trying to take a little more, and give a little less. In sex, he is conservative, cautious, but caring, sensual and affectionate. Sex is treated like food - you need a lot and constantly. A person values ​​his physical life and seeks to arrange it comfortably in the most adverse circumstances. He has very developed possessive instincts and expressed a desire to accumulate material values ​​as a reliable protection against possible crises. Avoids risk and untested, unfamiliar situations. He has stable ideas about the purpose of existence and about the secrets of life and death, whether they are true or not true - this is the tenth thing. There are abilities for energy massage, acupuncture, good energy contact with objects of the material world.

ruler of the 8th house in the 2nd house

incomes are associated with extreme, crisis, turning point, catastrophic situations. Good luck in banking, insurance business, politics and usury. Often sexual activity becomes a source of income.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

thoughtless hoarding, greed, sluggishness in solving financial issues, financial crises.

8th house in Gemini

self-change style

quite mobile and flexible, but shallow.

punishment for mistakes

has an annoying and not very painful character, most often it concerns the breaking of established ties and the distortion of information.

crisis situations

usually pass quickly, but are accompanied by a mass of small, side problems, are subtly changeable. Danger from gossip and slander, air travel, hurricanes, whirlwinds, falls from a height.


as a rule, it is quite easy and instant. Death on a trip, in the home of relatives, from damage to the respiratory or nervous system, due to haste or mistake.

ruler of the 8th house in Gemini

in all kinds of interchange feels like a fish in water, but always strive for some benefit. An asexual sign, chasing quantity rather than quality. In sex, he is interested in the mental rather than the sexual side, but he constantly talks about it, because he knows many stories on this topic. At critical moments, he acts quickly and efficiently. It is possible to receive information from other worlds. Inclinations to mental modeling, fine work with the word - hypnosis, suggestion, auto-training. Be wary of all pathological tendencies.

ruler of the 8th house in the 3rd house

a person is able to adapt to any difficult situation, well anticipates the danger and easily changes his behavior. Able to receive information about imminent danger in advance and can prepare for it, or avoid it.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

misfortunes with relatives, danger of premature death of a brother or sister, trouble on short trips, in contact with brothers and sisters, gossip, rumors, anonymous letters, slander.

8th house in Cancer

self-change style

has an internal secretive nature of the flow, manifests itself suddenly, being the result of emotional overstrain.

punishment for mistakes

has a very painful, painful character, occurs unexpectedly and hits the closest people.

crisis situations

manifest themselves quite rapidly, are experienced deeply and emotionally, but a person is not inclined to advertise them. Intuitive premonition of danger from water, drugs, acids.


most likely due to disease of vital internal organs. There is a danger of drowning.

ruler of the 8th house in Cancer

in all types of interchange, a person, first of all, pursues the goal of his own security, therefore he decides on some kind of interaction with great difficulty. Very sensitive to criticism regarding the sphere of sex. Attentive to the question of his own death - it is important that he be remembered, and the work continued. Carefully takes care of the graves of relatives. It can be a conductor of occult information, knows how to penetrate secrets, receive spiritual heritage. Ability to mediumistic practices, mysticism, meditation.

ruler of the 8th house in the 4th house

one of the parents plays a big role in shaping attitudes towards sex. Life-critical situations can arise through the fault of parents, ancestors, most often when they fulfill the destructive moral and ethical guidelines given by them. legacy indicator.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

destruction and catastrophes in the house, an attempt on the property and life of loved ones is possible, leaving the house or the early death of parents, death within the walls of one's own house, a sign of a "birth curse".

8th house in Leo

self-change style

protracted, occurs with great difficulty and long periods of depression, but the result can exceed all expectations.

punishment for mistakes

has a long-term character and, above all, "buries" respect for a person, significantly reducing his prestige in society.

crisis situations

strong and stable. During such periods, a person is inclined to flaunt his feelings and experiences. Danger from risky actions, sharp extreme situations - disasters, fires, fractures, injuries, burns, fire.


occurs brightly, noticeably - "on the world" and usually comes from heart failure, a heart attack.

ruler of the 8th house in Leo

in all types of interchange, he tries to be honest and equal, never trifles, however, he does not seek to limit himself. Sex is one of the ways of self-expression, therefore a person strives for diversity in this area, in relations with a partner it requires mutual bestowal. He loves all kinds of love game, is a real master of flirting. Empathy and emotional intimacy with a partner is little understood and almost never achieved. Tendencies to energy magic, hypnosis, suggestion.

ruler of the 8th house in the 5th house

uses sex in the field of creativity and art. Many movie beauties have this situation in their horoscopes. Love life is full of intrigue, risk and drama. personal magnetism. Children can play an important role in spiritual growth and transformation - more so than parents, partners, or careers. A person is able to grasp the meaning of life at the moment of their birth, and can use this to completely transform their views.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

misfortunes with children, fatal love, fatal losses, the victim of the crowd during spectacular enterprises, diseases as a result of a sloppy sex life.

8th house in Virgo

self-change style

has a changeable character, accompanied by constant introspection.

punishment for mistakes

happens as if fleetingly, a person "burns" on some trifle, but this insignificant detail can destroy the entire structure he created.

crisis situations

are accompanied by a fixation on certain details, facts, events. Their cause is most often household and industrial trifles. There is a danger of being covered with earth, stones, freezing.


most likely from intestinal infection and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

ruler of the 8th house in Virgo

in all types of interchange is very picky, tries to be moderate and uniform. Problems on the sexual plane arise primarily from the fact that he is too critical of his partner and makes too great demands on him. Critically approaches the topics of life and death, relying solely on real facts and rejecting that which cannot be verified by experience. There are abilities for astrology, for treatment with oriental types of massage.

ruler of the 8th house in the 6th house

able to put a lot of work into managing the household and managing the property of other people. An orderly sex life is very important for physical tone. There is the ability to withstand superhuman trials and adapt to incredibly difficult conditions.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

severe trials associated with the place of service or employment, hard labor, industrial injuries, disasters at work, an indicator of possible death at work, a life-threatening disease, disruption of the digestive system, a banal cut of the finger can provoke blood poisoning, negligence of doctors, danger from pets.

8th house in Libra

self-change style

has a clear, visible character, occurs decisively and is the result of a sensitive reaction to the internal state of the partner.

punishment for mistakes

has a very fast, unexpected character and, above all, concerns the partnership of a person and his marriage.

crisis situations

often associated with the loss of internal support, a point of balance. Danger from gossip and slander, air travel, hurricanes, whirlwinds, falls from a height.


ruler of the 8th house in Libra

in all types of interchange, he tries to be scrupulous and honest, he can give more than he receives in return. Sex is considered as a kind of artistic self-expression, idealizes it, tries to arrange it as beautifully as possible and draws vigor and health from it. As a rule, one connection and one experience is not enough. Wants to try all possibilities, which often results in few meaningful and deep love relationships. He hates problem situations and tries to avoid them in every possible way. Calmly relates to death, tries not to think about it. Inclinations, rather to magic than to mysticism and mediumship.

ruler of the 8th house in the 7th house

marriage and business cooperation affect the ability to work with other people's finances, the sexual life of a person. The ability to win difficult processes, to get out of hopeless cases.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

danger to a marriage partner, death at the hands of an enemy, danger from judicial or investigative measures, notoriety.

8th house in scorpio

self-change style

slow, secretive, appears violently and discouragingly and is the result of inner work.

punishment for mistakes

has a viscous, long character and concerns, first of all, the destruction of the inner world of a person and a change in his personality.

crisis situations

deep, extended, although externally little noticeable. The impact of negative situations is strong and stable. Danger from water, drugs, acids, firearms and bladed weapons.


painful, as a result of fever, an aggravated inflammatory process, or from interaction with water. May be the result of unforeseen circumstances, radiation, or murder.

Ruler of the 8th House in Scorpio

in all types of interchange tries to be honest. He considers sex as a source of creativity and internal stability, gives himself to him with self-forgetfulness, can assert himself through sex. There is the ability to ascend on the instincts of the crowd, especially in troubled times, feeling at home in it. Wanting to change himself, he can expose himself to all sorts of dangers. Strong emotional reaction in stressful situations, biased assessment of events and excellent preservation of fortitude. The attitude to death is interested and responsible, requiring study. There is an opportunity to be a conductor of occult information, penetration into secrets, receiving a spiritual heritage. Strong inclinations towards the occult, magic, mysticism.

ruler of the 8th house in the 8th house

predisposition to esoteric practices, love of risky and dangerous situations. An aspect of a sex symbol, stuntman or magician. /+/ Aspect of wealth, success in working with other people's large finances.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

difficult circumstances and turning points in life, catastrophic events occur around a person, the likelihood of violent death, difficulties in relations with the tax office, dangerous surgical operations.

8th house in Sagittarius

self-change style

has a stably changeable character and occurs as a result of the development of one's own spiritual concept.

punishment for mistakes

"arrives" at once, has a "slippery" character and, above all, strikes at the freedom of self-manifestation and the possibility of human education.

crisis situations

they come quickly and pass just as quickly, they are distinguished by the presence of an ideological element - Article 58, denunciation, persecution of those in power. Danger from the love of risk, from sharp extreme situations - disasters, fires, fractures, injuries, burns, fire.


death, most often, comes from abuse of all kinds of joys of life and is of a rapid nature.

ruler of the 8th house in Sagittarius

in all types of interchange he is generous, tries to give more than he receives, never trifles and does not count. Great interest in sex - I want to try everything and compare. When making love, he takes time to prolong the pleasure, he loves very much to be flattered at this moment. He fights crises energetically, but law-abidingly, without violating generally accepted norms of behavior. He is optimistic about the issues of life and death - "God will not give out - the pig will not eat." He believes in life after death and in the immortality of the soul, and works diligently on self-improvement. Tendencies towards energy and natural magic.

ruler of the 8th house in the 9th house

intellectual abilities can play an important role in self-transformation. The restructuring of the worldview under the influence of long-distance roads, emigration. Financial relations abroad.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

problems with higher education, dangers or shocks away from home, disasters on long journeys, suffering in exile, death away from home, on a trip or travel, book publishing, teaching, public politics are dangerous due to ideological differences.

8th house in Capricorn

self-change style

has a radical character and is the result of the idea of ​​perfection, as the person himself imagines it.

punishment for mistakes

happens quickly, arises suddenly and, above all, hits the ambitious plans of a person and his career.

crisis situations

deep, heavy. Prolonged depression and self-isolation are possible. Danger of being covered with earth, stones, freezing.


from old age, hypothermia, severe chronic illness. Life is generally long, death is almost never unexpected.

ruler of the 8th house in Capricorn

in all types of interchange, he is rational, dosed, he will never give or take too much. With seeming coldness, it is actually highly sexual. Often prefers older intimate partners. With reasonable behavior in dangerous situations, he inspires calmness in others and often becomes a leader. Leads an economical life, stocking up with the necessary funds in case of a crisis. Makes a will in advance to provide for his loved ones in the event of his death. The crowd on the street irritates, weakens, so he cannot stay in the crowd for a very long time. Persistently and persistently studies the occult, striving through it to comprehend the secrets of life and death. There are inclinations towards the magical path, the possibility of achieving a lot in this direction.

ruler of the 8th house in the 10th house

career, personal goal affect the ability to work with other people's finances, the ability to self-change, the sexual life of a person. The ability to use extreme circumstances for his nomination. Achieving goals through the ability to take risks in a moment of danger. Innate sexuality can be successfully used in career matters. Working with other people's finances depends on the administrative power of a person. Death in some public place.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

fatal circumstances, difficult trials hinder the achievement of the goal, the collapse of a career, loss of reputation, sexual life can become an object of public attention, and it can come to a scandal, the premature death of one of the parents or leaders.

8th house in Aquarius

self-change style

has a sudden, extravagant character, persists for a long time and, most often, is the result of some insight.

punishment for mistakes

is of a protracted nature and concerns, first of all, friendship and the desire for independence.

crisis situations

have an extremely sharp, absolutely unpredictable character, and last quite a long time. All plans and undertakings of a person are destroyed. There is a danger from the general opinion of the group, air travel, hurricanes, whirlwinds, falls from a height.


likely violent, or due to extreme events, accident, explosion, catastrophe, lightning strike, electrical discharge or vehicle. Natural death occurs as a result of severe chronic diseases. The root cause of fatal diseases is often neuropsychiatric disorders.

ruler of the 8th house in Aquarius

in all types of interchange, he is sincere, friendly, able to give everything without demanding anything in return. Sex can be perceived as enslavement, trying to explore all phases in a somewhat reserved or unconventional way. Attracts eccentric, intelligent partners, often with an unusual sexual orientation. Detached cold attitude towards death, pretends that it worries him the least. Tendencies towards the mental side of the occult, descriptive models. Interested in the phenomena of insight, inspiration and clairvoyance. There is a danger of "going crazy" in the course of superficial and inept experimentation with one's psyche.

ruler of the 8th house in the 11th house

friends, group activities affect the ability to work with other people's finances, the ability to self-change, the sexual life of a person.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

fear of change, sudden collapse of plans and projects, shock associated with friends, perhaps the death of a friend or death in a circle of friends, attempts to unite people end in shame and prison.

8th house in Pisces

self-change style

has a constantly changing and secretive character, is the result of accumulated suffering.

punishment for mistakes

has a changeable and elusive character and concerns mainly the deprivation of peace of mind.

crisis situations

difficult to diagnose and unstable. A constant change of emotional states and self-deception is possible. Danger from water, drugs, acids, radiation.


alone, in sleep, under anesthesia. Lethargic or imaginary death, from water, chemicals, drug or drug overdose. Most often, death is likely from stroke, paralysis, and fluid metabolism disorders in the body. The circumstances of death are shrouded in a thick fog of mystery or mysticism. The type of death itself cannot be determined. There is no clear information whether the person died or not.

ruler of the 8th house in Pisces

in all types of interchange he is merciful, but irresponsible, he can rob and underpay, sincerely assuring that everything is done in justice. Great sexuality, disinterestedness and sacrifice in sex. A person can forget about both time and space during this period. In a critical situation, he trusts only his own instinct. A mystical, idealistic approach to the mysteries of life and death. A tendency to meditation, mediumship, spiritualism.

ruler of the 8th house in the 12th house

death in the hospital, the secret nature of sexual relations. Relations with the world undergo significant changes as a result of the transformations that take place in critical situations. The transformation and rebirth of a person takes place in complete solitude. Powerful occult abilities.

is under the influence of difficult aspects

pressure of the underworld, domestic vices, death in isolation.

Source: Marion March, Joan McEvers. The best way to learn astrology. 6 volumes. Moscow. CAI 1996; Obye K. Astrological Dictionary / Per. from French by I. Nazarov. - M.: KRON-PRESS, 1996

In the texts marked "Olga Ivanets" there are phrases and sentences from the translation of the entry from the blog Michelle AstroFix, made by foi

The keywords for the eighth house are usually considered to be the words "sex", "death" and "personal transformation". This can be explained by the fact that here there is the influence of Scorpio, which in mythology, as well as in astrology, corresponds to three symbols: the lowest type is the scorpion, which personifies certain human passions (sex); the next type is the eagle, which represents something that flies away and leaves the earth (death), and the highest type is the phoenix, a magical bird reborn from its own ashes, a symbol of transfiguration.

It is clear that sex can appear in several guises: as pure passion, as a force aimed at procreation, or as an expression of a deep feeling of love. Death also has several meanings, and is not limited to the death of a particular human being. It can act as a symbol of some idea, thought, deed, and even illness, which disappear as a result of transformation. For example, surgery is included in the circle of concepts associated with this house, because a surgical operation is usually able to end (death) some dangerous disease.

Since the eighth house is the second to the seventh, it means support of a financial, moral, spiritual or physical nature that you can receive from your partner or from other people. It also deals with inheritance, wills, guardianship, taxes and insurance, as well as everything related to the occult, dreams and serious scientific research. This house is one of the subsequent (fixed) houses. Its symbolic ruler is Pluto and its co-ruler is Mars.

Olga Ivanets: The ruler of the 8th house in the horoscope speaks of intense experiences and events that have a tinge of final changes, after which a return to the previous system becomes impossible: completion, ending, transformation. The ruler of the 8th house describes the conditions under which the individual will meet life-transforming changes and his death as a transition to a different state of mind.

Ruler of the 8th house in the sign:

  • Aries: acute critical situations, which are usually resolved quite quickly and vigorously. Fearless attitude towards death.
  • Corpuscle: calm and sober attitude towards death as part of the Life-Death-Life cycle.
  • Twins: dangerous inconsistency. Indifference to death.
  • Crayfish: the family hearth and traditions of the family may lose their former significance in life. Tendency to unfulfilled dreams. Very sensitive attitude to death, concern for the impending death.
  • A lion: disregard for danger and death.
  • Virgo: an exaggerated effort to protect oneself from death and deprivation.
  • Scales: serious critical situations in relationships. Reflections on death, the value is "to die beautifully."
  • Scorpion: perversion, attraction to the other world, occultism, deep interest in marginal states.
  • Sagittarius: critical conditions during long-distance travel. Fear of death or philosophical attitude towards it.
  • Capricorn: crises affecting honor, reputation, career. Excessive attention to material goods.
  • Aquarius: the source of risk is the attributes of modern life, advanced achievements of science and technology. Disbelief that a person is mortal, indifference to death.
  • Fish: fear of death and marginal fortunes, heightened by a rich imagination. Mystical attitude towards death. The pleasure of imagining pictures of death.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 1st house. Changes and crises play an important role in the development of the individual.

You feel a strong need to show the world your feelings in connection with the crisis situations of your life, inheritance, property of other people. If you have occult abilities, then you may want to demonstrate your skills, as did Uri Geller, a transcendental psychokinetic miracle who from childhood could bend spoons and repair broken watches without touching them with his hands. He has Taurus in the eighth house, and the ruler, Venus, is in Scorpio in the first house. Many people with this constellation in the horoscope have an innate sex appeal. Perhaps it is not entirely clear to you what it is, but still there is some kind of magnetic charm that irresistibly affects people. If the aspects of the ruler are disharmonious, and especially if there are many of them, then even with your wonderful sexuality you will end up devastated. The actress Marilyn Monroe constantly found herself in difficult situations throughout her short life - in her horoscope, Pisces is at the top of the eighth house, and the ruler Neptune is in the first house in opposition to Jupiter and the Moon and in square with Saturn. This inaccurate T-square caused difficulties for most of her short life. Such people often talk about death, and sometimes call it. They are not afraid of death, but they are very interested in it. The writer Ernest Hemingway devoted many pages of his books to death and how people die, and ended his life by suicide. Three of our listeners with such a constellation in their horoscopes attended seminars by Elizabeth Kubler Ross under the general title “To Die With Honor”, ​​but the matter was not limited to this - we all then had to listen to their rantings on this topic for a long time. All three had the ruler of the eighth house in the first.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitude to life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire to dig deeper serve the development of the personality: the creation of one's image of "I", the correction of behavior and appearance. To the question: “What are my most intimate experiences connected with? Where can I seek help and support from other people? - answer: “My most intimate experiences are connected with my ideas about myself, with my ideas about how to live. Help and support from other people come to me spontaneously, just because I am who I am. I need to improve myself, develop my personality in order to get out of a marginal situation, to overcome the crisis.” Tendency to extremes in life, striving for the depth and intensity of experiences, sexuality - the first thing that catches the eye of other people when they get to know you. Your material and spiritual accumulations and reserves have a decisive influence on your image of "I". Your well-being, demeanor, appearance, image is determined by whether or not you have debts. The image of "I", which you show to the world, people perceive as the image of a person burdened with a solid load of emotional baggage. Your interest in common resources - spiritual and financial, is read in your manners and manifestations of personality at a glance. Interest in the occult, matters of life and death, and sex people see in you at the first meeting. Your sexual satisfaction affects your self-image and behavior, your appearance and how you perceive the world. Sexual partners are forced to take into account the peculiarities of your personality, take into account your main vital interests, especially your attitude, adapt to your manners and behavior or try to change them. Sex partners may seek to transform your appearance and image, they have a powerful influence on your attitude towards life. The experience of strong emotional experiences, stress, irretrievable losses, the struggle between life and death shapes your approach to life. You use your ability to conduct deep investigations to satisfy your personal interests and realize your approach to life. Detective activity, activity of a scientist-researcher, occultist, magician, healer, surgeon develops your personal qualities and influences your personal interests and ideas about the world.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 2nd house. Rich inheritance, benefits associated with death.

If the ruler is well placed in the horoscope, then you will enjoy the support of other people who help you not only in words, but also in money. In the presence of severe aspects, sexual excesses, occult practices, psychology and deep research; participation in situations associated with crises and marginal states, emphasizing the spiritual world to the detriment of the needs of the material world can cost you quite a lot, and not only in terms of financial costs and loss of personal property, but also in terms of health and events in your life. So you should think about it and reconsider your system of values ​​and priorities before these excesses and priorities do not affect your health and wallet.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire to dig deeper lead you to the need to reconsider your value system and your self-esteem. Transformation affects your self-respect and self-esteem. An extreme emotional experience gives you a sense of material security. Crisis situations, profound changes in life, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, an accident, surgery, a comprehensive change in living conditions (I quit everything and started life over again in completely different conditions) serve to strengthen financial stability or lead to financial collapse (depending on positions of the ruler of the 2nd and 8th houses). Because of these situations, it becomes necessary to determine personal values, to change the attitude to the way of earning and spending money, to the accumulation of property. Difficult emotional situations and crises help you define your values.

Your attitude towards life and death affects what you need in the first place in order to live. You crave to own the secrets of life and death, occult knowledge. You use your powers of deep research, your powers of occultism and healing to earn a living. Your ability to understand other people's motivations and connect deeply emotionally with others helps you make a living. Your interest in the occult may help you pay your bills. If the rulers of the 2nd and 8th houses are in a weak position and with tense aspects, if the planets in the 8th and 8th houses are disharmonious and weak, if Venus is in a weak position and tense aspects, and Pluto has tense aspects with personal planets, psychology, occultism , work in intelligence or scientific research will cause financial losses and blows to self-esteem. With this position in the horoscope, a person will always be dissatisfied with the state of his financial affairs and his health as a resource.

The quality of your sex life, the degree of satisfaction of sexual needs determines your value system, your self-esteem, and also affects your ability to independently earn a living and manage your money independently. Sex is necessary for you to survive. Sex affects how you spend and earn money. You regard your sexual partners as property. Sex for money. You enter into a sexual relationship for the sake of seeking financial security.
Inheritance or money that came through your interaction with other people, or from other people as a help, affects your personal wealth. Inheritance or other people's support affects your basic survival needs. Shared resources add to your wealth or take it away (depending on the indicators of the rulers of the 8th and 2nd houses and the quality of the aspects of the position in the sign and the arc planets in these houses). Inheritance can become the basis for personal earnings, significantly improve personal financial situation. You can get rich by getting an inheritance, or in connection with your partner. But if the ruler is weak and defeated, you will lose the material stability associated with partnerships, immediately after the relationship is terminated, financial collapse and a spiritual crisis await you. With such aspects, you are unlikely to be able to harmoniously manage the inheritance received, especially if Venus is in a bad position, and Pluto has intense aspects to personal planets. You can get rich because you are lucky, for example, with some kind of debt, especially if Jupiter and Saturn are involved in the configuration, and the rulers of the second and eighth houses are well placed and harmoniously aspected. If Jupiter and Saturn do not have a connection with the personal planets of the radix and at the same time are struck by tense aspects from higher planets, it is highly likely that you will not be able to profitably manage your luck. Many people with this constellation, provided that the ruler of the 8th house is well placed and aspected, are protected even after they get divorced, because they receive good alimony or keep their joint work with a former partner.

Spend money carefully so as not to get bogged down in debt. Debt affects your self-esteem and self-esteem. If the ruler of the 8th house is well placed, if there is a harmonious aspect between the rulers of the 8th and 2nd houses, or between the ruler of the 8th house and a planet in the 2nd house, then borrowed money will help you find financial stability. If there are no such indicators in the map, it is better not to borrow, debts will worsen the financial situation, deplete health as a resource for independent earnings and reduce the ability to independently provide oneself with money and material property.

You can solve your financial problems by recycling, restoring material objects, reconstructing other people's things.
If the rulers of the 8th and 2nd houses are well located and other indicators of the horoscope indicate a good financial situation, and you can barely make ends meet, reconsider your attitude to private property, your life positions. In a society with socio-centric positions, if you share these positions, you will be as poor as the people who represent your environment and who are not bosses are poor.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 3rd house. Crisis situations or cases related to death make it necessary to think, communicate, move.

When the ruler of the eighth house is in the first house, the person seeks self-expression in connection with what belongs to the sphere of the eighth house, and in this case, he also wants to speak, write, draw or sing on these topics. For example, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross has tried to educate people around the world about her experience with death and the process of dying, as well as the human right to die with dignity. She has written a book, as well as a large number of articles on the topic of euthanasia, a noble death, where she presented strong evidence in favor of an afterlife. Her Libra is in the eighth house, and the ruler Venus is in the third. You can be the soul of society, as you are good at telling all sorts of sensitive stories and conveying intriguing rumors. You may have a husky voice that is constantly filled with sexual desire and is sometimes referred to as the “voice from the bedroom.” There are other ways to express sexuality, as was the case with Frank Sinatra, who expressed the sexual theme of the eighth house through the performance of his songs. He has Scorpio at the top of the eighth house, and Pluto in Cancer in the third in a sextile with Mars in Leo in the fifth house, the house of creativity and romance.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitude to life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire for immersion serve to satisfy your need for communication, communication, information gathering and everyday interaction. Emotional difficulties, crises, transformation affect the way you think and communicate. Your ability to see other people's motivations gives you something to think about, write about, and talk about. Conversations with the dead are a common occurrence for you. Extreme mental states and intense emotional experiences turn your mind on. Deep emotional interactions with others are part of your daily practices.
You can exercise your ability to deeply understand people through writing detective stories. You use your deep research and investigative abilities in your daily life and in your writing, teaching, and learning. You probably write creepy or occult stories. You can write about your own experience of deep emotional experiences and overcoming the crisis, the struggle for life. You talk about the occult, mysteries, crises, sex every day, in passing, in the order of things.

Sexual activity stimulates your thought process, helps you establish connections in your daily life, influences what you study for practical purposes, what you write about, talk about, with whom you communicate. You can keep a blog, a magazine on the topics of sex and psychology. Your sexuality and emotional baggage lead you to take part in the lives of your siblings, neighbors, acquaintances, random fellow travelers, students. The degree of satisfaction of sexual needs affects your daily communication. Sexual partners become part of your daily routine. They need to adapt to your everyday relationships with other people, to the way you communicate, to your connections and vain everyday affairs.

Issues of inheritance and common material resources affect your relationships with brothers / sisters, neighbors, acquaintances. Debts or resources of other people, help from other people, ability to accumulate and manage inherited property determines your ability to learn, make small movements, have access to information, think, solve practical everyday problems, get along with people from your immediate environment.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 4th house. The death of loved ones or the collapse of the family circle, or deep transformations in the sphere of the family, homeland, fundamental life positions.

One of your parents will play a major role in shaping your relationship with sex. If we are talking about a man's horoscope, where the fourth house represents the mother, whom you may have constantly idealized, then you will expect even more from your wife, which is sometimes called the “sacrificed mother complex”. In the female horoscope, this situation often happens with very strong women who believe that they do not need a man at all. Such women are able to prove that they can be completely independent in any new area. So it was in the case of Robin Smith Astaire, a woman who became a professional jockey. Many people with this constellation in the horoscope successfully sell real estate on their own initiative or do it professionally in some organization. They can deal with other people's property (eighth house), land, houses, and anything else that falls within the scope of the fourth house. One of our listeners, in whom Capricorn is at the top of the eighth house, and Saturn in Virgo in the fourth, received an inheritance and immediately bought a small farm. Since the 8th house indicates your death and the 4th house indicates the end of life, people with this situation can be safely predicted to die at home.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire for immersion serve to satisfy the need for emotional security, building the foundation of life positions, family relationships, roots and heritage. Sexual problems, attitudes towards other people's resources, the accumulation of material values, the occult, the mysteries of life and death are part of your cultural heritage. An intensive exchange of energies takes place in your family. Sexual tension, psychoanalysis, questions of transfiguration and irreversible transformation pervade your home life. Sexual partners help you feel your deep life positions. Sexual partners become part of your family circle. You need sex for emotional security. Sexual partners adapt to your cultural heritage.
You use your abilities as a research scientist and detective to study your fundamental life positions, family history, family history, national history, national psychology. Your interest in the occult, in the mysteries of life and death, will positively or negatively influence your family life. Understanding the motivations of other people helps you understand your family and roots, the problems of the people and the nation. Your ability to connect deeply with people is best expressed with people you treat like family members. The voice of the Motherland sounds in your heart, causing you to suffer deeply or experience unearthly pleasure. Peak experiences occur in your personal life at your home.
Shared resources add a sense of emotional security to you. You are probably drawn into questions representing the common debts of the family, clan, clan, homeland. A legacy helps or hurts your family. Transformation affects the deep foundations of your worldview.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 5th house. Marginal situations and sex bring pleasure, serve as entertainment, a hobby. Foundation for creativity.

This is an example of people who use sex romantically or in the realm of creativity and art. Many movie beauties have this situation in their horoscopes. Such, for example, are Marlene Dietrich and Zaza Gabor. In the same category are Richard Chamberlain with his Venus in Aquarius in the fifth house ruling his eighth house, and Hugh Heifer. Jim Jones of the People's Temple used sex and religion, persuasion and personal magnetism to drag 900 people into collective suicide with him. His eighth house was ruled by the Sun and was in Taurus in the fifth house square Mars in Leo in the eighth house. In this tragic case, many of the victims were children (fifth house). Children can play an important role in your spiritual growth and transformation—more so than parents, partners, or careers. You are able to grasp the meaning of life at the moment of their birth, and you can use this to completely transform your views.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitude to life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire to dig deeper lead to situations of risk, flirting, falling in love. They stimulate creativity, become a hobby, passion, cause the development of romance and interaction with children. A sense of the urgency of life or a sense of death makes a romantic relationship intense, vibrant, outstanding. Peak emotional states come in fun situations, during flirting, games, risks, communication with children. Emotional difficulties force you to take risks. Sexual activity serves as an incentive for risky behavior. Working with other people's resources forces you to take risks. Stockbrokers and private detectives are born with this constellation. You are using your ability to explore and investigate to pursue what is your hobby, your pastime. You must adjust your sexual inclinations to the needs of your children. The legacy and resources of other people determine your ability to engage in creative projects. The occult may be your hobby. In your creative projects, you use your experience of experiencing marginal situations. For example, you make performances in the theater on the occult theme. Your attitude to life and death affects your attitude to risk, children, your sense of the joy of life. You probe other people for your own amusement. The desire to experience strong deep emotions makes you take risks. For example, passion for extreme types of entertainment: bungee jumping, diving, etc.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 6th house. Exhausting labor or illness that makes activity impossible.

You are able to put a lot of work into housekeeping and managing the property of your partner or other people. In many cases, you work with your partner at the same job or are busy with some other business partner, and this is not necessarily a relationship that concerns only the two of you. Since the ruler creates a lot of tension, and you have not learned how to manage the aspects, you may have a disrupted digestive system or some other health problems. An orderly sex life is very important for your physical tone, and if the position of the ruler is strong, your work will give you the opportunity to satisfy all your needs.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, sex, other people's resources, sex, and the desire to dig deeper serve to satisfy the need to put things in order. For example, the experienced crisis makes us change everyday habits, life, take care of our health in a new way, change work and activities, and interact with animals in a new way. Other people's things or money can be your daily routine, service, work. For example, you work as a taxman, estate planner, tax worker, accountant, garbage collector, or worker in a recycling, second-hand, dry-cleaning, restoration, repair shop, or mortuary business. Death is part of your everyday work environment. You can work as a surgeon, psychoanalyst, homicide investigator, medical examiner, prosthetist. Sex is connected with your daily employment. For example, the work of a sexologist, a venereologist. You have deep emotional experiences in relation to animals. You can work as an animal rescuer, participate in environmental practices. Resource allocation is your daily habit. Sex as an everyday habit, sex for health. You can use your inheritance, accumulated funds or funds received from other people for public health, animal protection. You conduct scientific research in the field of health, nutrition, fitness.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 7th house. Marriage or union as a consequence of someone's death.

Your attitude towards sex may be within the limits of moral norms, and you may be a modest person, be faithful to your marriage partner. Scorpio, eagle and phoenix are the stages of development and transformation. With the considered constellation in the horoscope, you may one day discover that which one you will be on will depend very much on the qualities of your partner. The founder of one of the satanic cults, Charles Manson, created a "family" and was "married" to many female members of this family just to satisfy his sexual needs. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and fulfillment, was in his seventh house in Scorpio and ruled his eighth house, the house of death. He forced his accomplices to kill people for him. This is a defiant example of the destructive use of planetary energies. Many people with such a constellation in their horoscopes, one way or another, begin to take care of their partner's property. They often become financial leaders, then the partner takes care of the relevant sides of the common cause. We have a sufficient number of clients who work as lawyers and specialize in industrial property law. It's certainly much nicer than being famous lawyers for murderers who are shown on television.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire for immersion serve your need for relationships with other significant people. Serves cooperation, conflicts, alliances, contracts, marriage partnerships or open hostility. Your need for deep, intimate interaction with people can help or hurt your marriage and partnership. Peak experiences and emotional burden make you a diplomat, make you consciously build relationships, make compromises. Your debts, bankruptcy or tragic events may be the reason for your marriage or the reason for the breakup of your marriage. Shared resources lead to business relationships. You experience emotional experiences and difficulties, and this becomes the reason for the need to sort things out with your open enemies, to participate in the trial.

You look at sexual partners as potential marriage partners. You enter into a sexual relationship to find a significant partner. Sex causes problems in marriage. The degree of satisfaction of your sexual need determines the quality of your marriage.
You use your research, detective, occult, healing abilities in your business relationships, in relationships with clients and partners. You use your powers of deep understanding to negotiate treaties and form alliances. Inheritance affects the state of affairs in the field of your marriage and business partnership.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 8th house. A life full of difficult and tragic situations.

Many people who are the sexual symbols of our time may have such a constellation in their horoscopes. Such, for example, is the film actress Eva Gardner (Aquarius in the eighth. Uranus in Pisces - also in the eighth and in conjunction with Mars) and the gypsy striptease actress Rose Lee (Cancer on top of the eighth. Moon in Leo in the eighth house). But such people can also get carried away with the occult. Or like the film director Roman Polanski, who, before taking up cinema, was immersed in the occult and sex. Polanski's entire life is full of strange events, such as the murder of his wife Sharon Tate by the Manson gang, or the way he escaped the Auschwitz gas chamber when he was a child. Because of sexual relations with minors, he, in fact, was expelled from the United States. He has Cancer at the top of the eighth house in his horoscope, and the Moon is also in the eighth in exact conjunction with Pluto, and both planets are in a T-square with Mars and Uranus. The same situation can manifest itself in an absolutely opposite way if the ruler has, for example, a lot of quicons. Then you may get tired of adapting to all the sexual desires of a partner, or you will consider that sex and everything connected with it is an excess, that you can completely do without all this. If the aspects of the ruler are disharmonious, one must be especially careful when filling out forms related to taxes. It may turn out that because of some trifle you will have trouble with the tax office.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitude to life and death, other people's resources, sex are needed by themselves. You tend to get deeply, intimately involved in relationships with people. All your relationships cause you to experience intense experiences and lead to irreversible changes in your life. For example, the experience of orgasm has a transformative effect on you, it is perceived as death. An orgasm allows you to feel a deep connection with another person. You use your ability to deeply investigate and investigate to understand the ethics and values ​​of others. You can deal with death, other people's resources, their material debts. For example, you may be a tax collector. Your debts and savings affect your sexual relationships.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 9th house. Critical situations force one to turn to the sphere of law, to philosophy, religion, to master a large course of study or to make long trips and travels.

Everything connected with the eighth house gives you a certain optimism, and you have some abstract ideas about these subjects. The usual mystical and occult inclinations in this case must be multiplied by the religious and philosophical scope. Pope John Paul II can serve as an example of a person with such a constellation in the horoscope. This also includes the writer Christopher Isherwood. He has Capricorn at the top of the eighth house in his horoscope, and the ruler Saturn is in Aquarius in the ninth. He became famous for his book "Berlin Tales", and it happened quite early. Later, this book was remade into a musical, and then into a film called Cabaret. Then he wrote other books, but all of them are united by the theme of the search for truth, and his book "My Guru and His Disciple" tells about the years he spent at the Vedic Center in Hollywood, where he was a supporter of the interpretation of the Vedas given by Ramakrishna and Vivekananda . Intellectual abilities can play an important role in your transformation, as was the case with the soothsayer Edgar Cayce, in whose horoscope Pisces was in the eighth and Neptune in Taurus in the ninth house. If there are difficult aspects, it may turn out that you are not able to fully complete your academic education, which may be due to a lack of financial support or an overly optimistic assessment of your capabilities. What can prevent you from using your original capabilities, which could be used in managing the property affairs of other people. Among our clients there are several people with such a constellation in the horoscope. Some of them did not reach the top of the financial management, but remained simple accountants or bank employees. Many of them go back to school at a later age, which often depends on some additional aspects of Pluto, Uranus or Saturn to the ruler of the eighth house.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex, and the ability to dig deep serve to satisfy your need to expand your horizons. They are the source of ideas to travel, explore foreign cultures, take up philosophies, get higher education. Emotional difficulties, deep feelings, crisis situations, irreversible changes, irretrievable losses help you expand your horizons. Study and research, an interest in the occult or a sexual attraction guides you on your journey. You explore and study other cultures, religions and belief systems. You apply your investigative instincts to journalism. You can write and publish books about your research. You can teach in higher education institutions.
You can probably use the funds received as a result of inheritance or other people's help for travel, education, legal issues, publishing, writing and publishing scientific papers.

Your attitude towards life and death affects your ability to get along with people with different beliefs. Your ability to understand other people's motivations helps you connect with people from other cultures and religions.

Sexual partners or the search for the perfect sex encourages you to travel. You are looking for sexual relations with foreigners or with representatives of other cultures, religions, philosophies. Your sex life must fit in with your religious beliefs and cultural traditions.
You evade debt and taxes by escaping to another country or by manipulating the laws.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 10th house. Marginal situations as a way to achieve goals, careers, honors.

Such a constellation can be considered classic for a successful politician who seeks or receives the support of other people in order to achieve his goals, including those related to his career. Presidents Roosevelt, Carter, and Kennedy, and Queen Beatrice of Holland, are good examples. This also includes a large number of public figures, whose names we will not give due to lack of space. The same is the case with numerous actors and actresses who have achieved the support of the public. Sometimes your sex life can become the object of public attention, and if you fail to properly use any unfavorable aspect of the ruler, then it can even come to a public scandal. But it could also turn out the way actress Liv Ullman did, who described her private life in detail, including a long intimate relationship with director Ingmar Bergman and the birth of their illegitimate child. In her horoscope, Uranus was in the tenth house and ruled the eighth house, being in opposition to Pluto. This constellation often indicates that your death, when the time comes, must take place in some public place. Here again, as an example, President Kennedy and his brother Robert can be mentioned, in which Jupiter, the ruler of the eighth house, was in Capricorn in the tenth house in conjunction with the Moon, in opposition to Pluto in the third house, and in quincunx with Neptune in the fifth. There is a possibility that you will choose some profession associated with the eighth house, such as embalming, funeral services, surgery, prostitution or become the owner of a sex shop, etc.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, sex, other people's resources and the desire to dig deeper serve to satisfy your need to achieve high social status. They help or hinder social advancement, career, reputation, honor, recognition for achievement, and the pursuit of a calling. Emotional difficulties help you find your true calling. Extreme emotional experience, interest in life and death stimulate the search for a calling. Your attitude to life and death determines your choice of profession. Your ability to deeply interact with people gives you the opportunity to become a public person. You can make a career out of understanding other people's motivations. In your career you use your abilities for deep research, investigation, your magical influence on the public.

Sexual partners are involved in your professional life. Sexual activity builds your reputation. Your sexuality can be applied in your profession, it can bring you wide public recognition. Sexual partners can improve or worsen your social status. Sexual partners can help you gain recognition and rewards, or, conversely, become an obstacle to recognition and rewards in society. Sex will help you climb the career ladder or fall off it. You enter into sexual relations for the sake of social status.

Shared resources with other people, inheritance, help from other people affect your social status and career. The public will know about your debts.
Your studies in occultism, esotericism, healing, magic, scientific research can become your profession.
Your research in the field of recycling, recycling, restoration, transformation can make you famous.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 11th house. Crisis situations as a reason for the loss of friends and like-minded people. Finding new friends and teams as a result of trials and crises, as a result of the transformation of the value system.

Your friends can provide you with significant support in a crisis situation for you. Here are two pertinent examples on this topic from our dossiers. The first case concerns a woman who is now about eighty years old and has never worked a single day in her life, but nevertheless lives like a princess. She has a small annual income inherited from her husband. But this income is really small, because in the forty years after the death of her husband, he greatly depreciated due to devaluation. She receives additional funds from friends who provide her with housing and food, pay for transportation costs, please in every possible way, but there can be no question of her exploiting them. She has a stellium in Cancer in the eighth house, including the Sun, and the Moon in Libra in the eleventh house. Another example is related to a man who is engaged in investments. He was lucky to discover an oil field, and he attracted the money of those who wanted to organize a small company. In any case, he used not only his own money, but also the money of his friends and acquaintances at work. After some time, he tripled the total capital. In his horoscope, Sagittarius is at the top of the eighth house. Jupiter in Aries is in the eleventh, trine with Saturn in Leo in the fourth house.

Many of the feelings associated with your eighth house are directed towards some abstract goal. If you study astrology, then you do it not for entertainment, but in order, on the one hand, to understand your deep, intimate problems, and on the other, because you see the role of astrology in the development of society, its humanistic orientation, the ability to lead humanity on the path of progressive reforms. The same applies to the occult sphere, which becomes the object of your research. You can do research in other areas as well. Usually you need it to achieve some far-reaching goals and solve your problems in other areas of life, for example, to satisfy your vanity. If not now, then perhaps in the future - but it can inspire you so much that you completely immerse yourself in the work and enjoy it. Your views on sex may depend on how much you think you are loved. This is typical of the eleventh house - if you are not loved, then sex does not make sense for you. We add that this does not mean that you should love another, it is only important that you feel needed and desired. Of great importance here is the position of the Moon, Venus and Saturn.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitudes towards life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire to dig deeper serve to connect with like-minded people, social reforms, long-term projects, dreams and gaining friends and fans. Difficult emotional situations, crises, irretrievable losses, irreversible changes, interest in everything mysterious and forbidden stimulate you to search for friends and like-minded people. Your ability to understand other people's motivations determines your relationship with your friends. You bring your need for deep interactions into your friendships. If the ruler is afflicted, you will have very traumatic psychological or even physical relationships with friends. You need to realize your magical abilities at a very high level, not trying to put them at the service of your ego, but focusing only on establishing world harmony. Most likely, you will have many admirers, but few intimate friends and true like-minded people due to the fact that you are too intense in relationships, capable of hurting the most intimate strings of the soul. You need to belong to like-minded groups that can share your intensity.
Most of all, your sexuality, magical abilities, the qualities of a deep researcher and detective are manifested in a circle of friends, in groups, in a team. You can express your achievements in the study of issues of life and death, the result of experiments and occult knowledge, by taking part in the life of the groups in which you are a member, through activity in groups of like-minded people, clubs. You are trying to get your friends interested in the occult. Your interest in the occult adds fans to you.

You initiate friends into your sex life, intimate experiences. If the ruler of the 8th house is afflicted, it can harm you and ruin your far-reaching plans. You must be careful in your relationships with friends. You need to harmoniously correlate personal ethics with the ethics of the team with which you interact, and take into account the ethics of your friend.

You need to somehow deal with your debts in order to fulfill your long-term plans and goals. If the ruler of the 8th house is struck, you cannot have debts and take loans - it will be extremely difficult for you to repay them, this will change your plans for the future, and become an obstacle to the implementation of long-term projects. The same goes for help from other people. If the ruler is overwhelmed, the help of other people can harm your plans, destroy your dreams and friendships.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 12th house. A life marked by loss, trials, suffering and loneliness.

It is difficult for you to show your true nature in sex, which may be due to fear of misunderstanding or increased vulnerability. However, under certain circumstances, the opposite will be true, and you will find yourself involved in a large number of love affairs, although most of them will be secret. If the aspects of the ruler are difficult, you may pay too much attention to sex, and then in connection with this you will have problems that will affect relationships with other people. Your feelings are deep, but not always clear, especially if the Moon, Sun, Mars and Pluto are related to this. They are an integral part of you, but their manifestations may be invisible for a long time. It is very likely that you will die in the hospital. Often this situation entails a fear of death, the cause of which may not be clear to you. With favorable aspects, you will often have the opportunity to dispose of the property of others, but either you will not be aware of this, or you will hide it from others. Oil billionaire Paul Getty did not want to know the extent of his wealth, where the money comes from and the like. In his horoscope, Leo was at the top of the eighth house, and the Sun was in Sagittarius in the twelfth house. From the point of view of the situation under consideration, the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky is interesting, whose famous ballet The Firebird is based on the legend of the Phoenix. In his horoscope, Aries was at the top of the eighth house, and the ruler Mars in Leo in the 12th house square with Neptune and Saturn in Taurus in the ninth house. At one time he was forced to leave his homeland, and in his new homeland, in the USA, he was considered almost a hermit. However, this did not prevent him from composing even better music, but completely different from the one he created in Russia.

Olga Ivanets: Transformation, attitude to life and death, other people's resources, sex and the desire to dig deeper make it possible to get rid of sadness and grief, to remain alone, to realize one's ignorant self-destruction. Emotional difficulties bring you into a state of meditation where you can understand how to get rid of grief and grief. Your ability to deeply interact with other people can be the way you get away from everyday responsibility. Your understanding of other people's motivations leads you to a state of loneliness.

Sex helps to get rid of grief, grief, overcome secret fears. Sex can be self-destructive. Sex as a way to evade responsibility, "hide the ends in the water", weave intrigues, secretly quarrel. You investigate the sexual activity of prisoners and lunatics.

You have a deep interest in closed institutions and everything that is taboo. You explore the psychology of a person in extreme situations, explore the borderline states of the psyche. You can explore the effects of various stimulants and psychotropic substances on the psyche.

Your interest in matters of life and death, the instinct of the researcher leads you to investigate hidden things, the study of the paranormal, the history of the distant past, mysticism, psychology, art, music. You research and interpret dreams. Your interest in the occult, mysticism, psychology, scientific research can be self-destructive.
Inheritance, debt, tax evasion can be the cause of self-destruction.

March 27, 2011

Let's study what the strong VIII house of the horoscope can influence. If a person has a strong VIII house in the horoscope, his life will be accompanied by all the metamorphoses of death, starting from the first days of life. Death is like a mystery, like a magnet, like fear, like a question, like a riddle. A person can relate to these problems of the 8th house in different ways, depending on his spiritual level and position on the evolutionary ladder.

1. You can look into the eyes of Death and, having overcome the duality of the 8th house, die and be reborn in this life in a new capacity. In other words, to experience their own symbolic death.

2. A person with an accentuated VIII house gravitates towards the collective management of energies. In the highest manifestation, a person transmits the energy of the subtle world through himself, therefore the VIII house gives birth to occultists, astrologers, healers and high-class psychologists. Occult practice is associated with the 8th house.

This is magic and all the ways of controlling and transforming energies. This includes yoga, which aims to master the energies beyond the material life.

Magic is the ability to use certain powers. Here again there is duality, since magic can be white and black. Here the choice is between Good and Evil. The conscious use of forces for the purpose of black magic leads to a terrible fall into sin. The Black Moon is always related to this, especially if it is strongly expressed or is in the 8th house, the house of its exaltation.

Such a situation can give rise to a terrible black magician, a sorcerer, a person who destroys the visible world. It would seem that he has the upper gates open, but he closes them himself, despite the fact that he knows what he is doing.

3. The third way is despite the pessimism that a strong 8th house gives, to find beauty in risk and extreme situations. And then it can become a stimulus to life. This is how people of the 8th house act, choosing for themselves professions related to situations "on the verge" - pilots, climbers, mine rescuers, stuntmen, surgeons.

It can be athletes, as intensive training gives a transformation like yoga. These can be research scientists in the sciences that are associated with the decomposition of elements into parts - physicists, chemists, surgeons, pathologists.

Thanks to Pluto, people of the VIII house have strong magnetism (which they do not always know about), they very subtly feel other people's influences, they themselves can be subject to them. But, nevertheless, they have the ability to influence other people, capturing them emotionally or energetically.

Therefore, the VIII house gives birth to great directors and great artists who strive with their art and talent to influence the ethical values ​​of people. These are the most profound dramatic and tragic actors and directors. Their performances and the roles played are rated by people much higher than they expect.

4. You can replace the problem of Death with the problem of instincts, as they say, hit the sex. Sex is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Sex is also a certain metamorphosis of death, it is, as it were, the origins of life, love, birth. The relationship of Neptune and the exiled Venus determine the psycho-emotional cut of sexual experiences. Torturing a partner with his instincts, a person kills him and, as it were, takes over Death (Freud, De Sade).

5. Another way is to solve the problems of the 8th house through the 2nd house. The second house is physical strength, material values, money. The 8th house is also associated with money - inheritance, insurance, winnings. Each house is a mirror of the opposite house, only a crooked mirror.

The 2nd house is matter and form, the 8th house is the gate to another reality. But first, one must part with the material world and survive Death. The information of opposite houses penetrates each other. On the one hand, they are antagonistic, on the other hand, they complement each other.

But after all, each person is given the opportunity to combine extremes, the opportunity to combine opposites. How to connect, it would seem, unconnectable - the earthly world and the heavenly world? Only under the condition of duality, participating simultaneously in both, giving to Caesar - Caesar's, and to God - God's. Only in this way can one learn to live simultaneously in two worlds, knowing that they are dialectically interconnected.

From this point of view, the problems of the second house already look different. You need to work on his problems, especially if he is significant. To have a support, a starting point, you need to be able to earn money. Salt in how to consider this money - as an end in itself or as a means.

Strong 8th house of the horoscope. As a rule, great values ​​and material goods attract extreme situations. The more money a person has, the less protected he is, the more likely it is that they can be taken away, and from the VIII house.

I must say that a person with a strong VIII house has a great temptation to solve problems through the II house. An overfilled house with an empty opposite gives rise to an attraction to the unknown, to what is not. And it's natural - "I love what I don't have."

6. Well, if you go along VIII risking, then you can pick up someone's treasures. Therefore, people who are the lowest incarnation of the 8th house, the main task is the extraction of values. And they get it easily. The more they risk, the more they get, the more they take from life. But this does not bring them any benefit, since they exacerbate one extreme, forgetting about the other. Therefore, most often they themselves become victims of the 8th house.

Yes, money is needed, but it needs to be earned. Man must become the center uniting these two problems of life and death. On the one hand, one cannot be attracted to matter, knowing that it is not eternal and can collapse. On the other hand, to destroy, forcibly invading a harmonious world that a person did not create, he also has no right. If he kills and destroys, after death he will be met by the souls he has killed.

Pluto in astrology plays the role of the arbiter of fate and is the natural rulereighth house. He is responsible for death and rebirth, esoteric knowledge and transformation. The owner of the horoscope is constantly in suspense and waiting for the next trick from life. This habitual state leads to a craving for extreme situations that allow him to experience life in its full manifestation.

can be compared with the mythical phoenix bird, which dies in fire, and then comes to life again from the ashes, ready for a new life and trials. A person who finds himself in a crisis situation and survives feels strong changes in himself due to symbolic rebirth. When it seems to him that he is crushed and at an impasse, in fact, he is experiencing the end of a difficult period and the onset of a new life stage. The planet knows how to thank for endurance and willpower, and when it takes something, it sends a reward.

Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio, which is responsible for sexuality, power and magic. This position of the planet means that the owner of the horoscope is a magician who knows how to control people and subordinate them to his will. He knows how to foresee the future, but his expectations of trouble are confused with premonition and do not allow for correct predictions. The owner of such a position is always on the alert: he expects the worst, but hopes for the best. Not every human mind can withstand such a load, but Pluto in the eighth house is not capable of such “miracles”.

It is worth considering the aspects of other planets to the "arbiter of fate." All of them indicate the development of the spiritual sphere and are mandatory tests. All the events described by Pluto standing in the eighth house are inevitable, like death itself. Fate will be "merciless" until a person realizes what exactly he should extract from the events that have occurred. No matter how senseless the ongoing actions may seem, they carry meaning and draw hidden reserves to the surface. Difficulties are given by fate in order for a person to learn how to respond to them correctly. Only in this way will he rise higher spiritually, become stronger and wiser.

Jupiter, known as the benefic planet, is responsible for happiness in relationships. Luck, success and future prospects depend on it. Favorable degrees of Jupiter to any personal planet (Sun, Moon, Venus) is called the "happiness aspect". It has the best effect on relationships and softens many negative aspects.

The strongest manifestation of the connection of Jupiter with personal planets:
  1. Conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun. This aspect fills the relationship with optimism, happiness and hope. It promotes spiritual growth, helps to acquire and accumulate material wealth. Partners treat each other with kindness and nobility. The Jupiter man supports and protects the loved one, and the Sun man feels happy next to his beloved.
  2. Jupiter sextile the Sun. Helps family relationships to acquire mutual understanding, strength and harmony. Partners travel a lot, go in for sports and discover new joint hobbies.
  3. Jupiter trines the Sun. Aspect is the basis of mutual assistance and trust. The owner of Jupiter charges with optimism and cheers up a loved one.

A square (90°) indicates a lack of self-discipline or a mature relationship. Emphasizes the independence, folly and arrogance of each of the partners. The opposition provokes a divergence in views on life, indulgence in extremes and points to the selfishness of one of the partners.

Mars in Scorpio is a strong position of the planet in the natal chart. In harmonious aspects, it guarantees its owner a firm and decisive character. A person with this position has endurance, self-control, insight, honesty and magnetism. He is fearless and intuitive, but his courage is observant. A person does not rush to the "battlefield", but follows what is happening from the side. As if in the thick of things, but at a safe distance. He loves risk, often gets into crisis situations, but gets out of the water dry, however, he does not always draw the right conclusions.

A calm life does not suit this position of Mars, and its owner feels life, a kind of battlefield. The harder life circumstances, the stronger it becomes. After crisis situations, a person discovers in himself a reserve of forces that contribute to transformation, changes in character and outlook on life.

A person with Mars in Scorpio is vindictive and vindictive. He does not forget the offenses inflicted and is ready to harm himself for the sake of revenge, if only to get even with the enemy. His actions are clear and consistent, and it is impossible to defeat such an enemy. Better not to stand in his way or betray his friendship. After all, this is a good friend who will always help out and come to the rescue.

Negative aspects they incline a person to cruelty, sadism, alcoholism and push them onto the path of self-destruction. Mars afflicted in Scorpio gives rise to rebels and desperate warriors. These are scandalous, very vindictive and morbidly jealous people. They try to subdue their will by any means. Often they choose a criminal path and can become both a victim and a criminal.

Mars in Scorpio in the female horoscope

Women with Mars in Scorpio It is important to feel wanted and loved. She is very offended if she notices a lack of interest in herself on the part of her beloved man. In her opinion, if he does not show his feelings, then his love has cooled down. It will be difficult for her to live with a person who does not love her, and sooner or later, resentment will lead to a break in relations.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2019 falls under the influence of the Yellow Earth Pig. She will come to power on February 5, and the year under her rule will be remembered for pleasant events, changes and new acquaintances. Many people will stop worrying about the future or living in the past and learn to enjoy the present. Changes will occur due to the end of the twelve-year cycle, which closes the Pig.

Horoscope for 2019 for Aries

For representatives of this zodiac sign, the beginning of the year will be remembered for fateful meetings and unexpected twists of fate. In 2019, Aries will show themselves from the other side: they will avoid conflicts and demonstrative scandals. They will direct their warlike character to the struggle for career growth, skillfully showing their strengths and masking their shortcomings.

In the new year, the financial situation will improve and there will be a chance to meet your love. Married couples will feel a renewal of feelings and will once again be convinced of the right choice regarding the second half. Aries who are already in a relationship will delight each other with romantic surprises and gifts.

Many will have the opportunity to travel abroad and indulge in pleasant experiences. In the third decade of the year, health problems will appear, but if you notice the malaise in time, it will not turn into a protracted illness.

Horoscope for 2019 for Taurus

Taurus in the year of the Pig should not forget about loved ones and pay more attention to them. It is not worth traveling alone, as the stars do not guarantee protection, and a lonely traveling Taurus will have many difficulties along the way.

Lonely representatives of this earth sign will have a chance to meet a future spouse, and established couples will want to formalize their relationship. Lovers and spouses will face misunderstandings that will arise due to financial disagreements. And not because Taurus will feel financial instability, but for a reason that wants to save and increase profits, and not spend it on buying expensive things.

The stars are also not advised to lend money and conflict with partners or work colleagues. In 2019, Taurus need to watch their reputation and keep their outrages in check so that people don't get the wrong impression.

Planets in the seventh house of the horoscope:

Sun. The couple is prominent, beautiful and respected. Often spouses are engaged in one thing and run a joint business. The partner can be an influential, famous person. If the Sun is afflicted, the spouse is arrogant, selfish and capricious. It is difficult to compromise and requires increased attention. A harmonious luminary gives happiness and prosperity. If the Sun is in a fixed sign, the relationship is stable and harmonious. In mutable - everyone will "pull the blanket over themselves" and make excessive demands on the partner.

Moon. In a fixed sign, the night "luminary" creates favorable conditions for the development of relations. In mutable - inclines to divorce. With the Moon in the seventh house, relationships are filled with sensuality, intuition and tenderness. People strive for home coziness and comfort. They love to eat, sleep and tend to spend all their free time together. A woman expects devotion and protection from her husband. To be able to sympathize and guess her mood. A man is looking for a wife who looks like his mother. He needs an economic, caring and domestic wife who will warm and feed at the end of a hard day. Family life alternates with a calm and scandalous period, with tantrums, resentment and reconciliation.

Mercury. Both men and women need a partner who will become a friend, companion and comrade of interest. Everyone expects a light, cheerful and inquisitive character from a loved one. The depth of feelings is not important, since love is viewed from the side of affection, thanks to a common outlook on life and an easy attitude towards it. The partner is usually younger in age, has poor eyesight, a strict, intelligent appearance and a passion for books.

Venus. This is a happy marriage that is made for love and exists for a long time. The husband is handsome, romantic and charming. Non-conflict and economic. If the planet is afflicted, he will be moody or lazy. The owner of this position strives for an ideal relationship and has high demands on the appearance of a loved one.

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