Choosing a wifi router for your home What to look for when choosing a Wi-Fi router, the best models

Hello dear visitors! Decided to buy a new Wi-Fi router? Great idea! In this publication, we will tell you how to choose a WiFi router for your home, what to look for when choosing a router, and how not to be disappointed in your purchase. We have already told you what to look for and how not to make a mistake when choosing. We even wrote an article on how to get into the car correctly. It's time for a home Wi-Fi router.

It's no secret that today there are a lot of manufacturers of wireless routers and access points: ASUS, D-link, Huawei, Linksys, Mikrotik, NETGEAR, TP-LINK, TRENDnet, Ubiquiti, upvel, ZyXEL and others. And each manufacturer can have several dozen models of routers and Wi-Fi access points. Which router to choose for a home among all this diversity? Do I need to overpay for famous brands, modern innovations and progressive stuffing? Let's figure it out together!

What are the best options for choosing a router for your home?

In one of our articles, we have already told what the basic principle of its work is. We want to immediately clarify the difference between a Wi-Fi router and a Wi-Fi access point. And then in stores, routers can be called access points, and vice versa. The first difference between a router and an access point is the presence of network ports on the router. And this is not easy, since the task of a simple access point is to expand the network coverage area, and not to distribute the Internet to devices.

All WiFi access points are designed to increase the network coverage area. That is, it will not work to organize a full-fledged network using an access point (there are no necessary ports). A WiFi router (aka a router) is the same wireless access point, but with the ability to organize a network. Any router can act as a switch, since it has LAN ports for connecting a laptop or computer via a network cable (). What are these network ports, we will now show. Here's what a standard Wi-Fi router looks like from the back:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in it. First of all, you need to understand for which Internet connection you want to choose and buy a Wi-Fi router. After all, there are several connection technologies, and here you need to know exactly what type of Internet you have installed. Or what type you plan to use in the future. we have already talked about different types of Internet connections in our article. There are three main connection protocols: ethernet, ADSL and 3G/4G.

Advice! Many providers post recommended router models on their websites. It will not be superfluous to go in and check the compatibility of the router with your Internet connection.

First Protocol ethernet(the main three varieties of this protocol in Russia are PPPoE, L2TP or VPN) works over a network cable, if a cable from a provider is connected to the network card of your home computer or laptop, then your connection uses this communication protocol. The most popular providers providing ethernet access is Beeline (Beeline), Rostelecom (Online), (, netbynet, Akado, ByFly, TTC, Ukrtelecom and others. In fact, there are a great many of them, just many of the providers outbid the channel from larger ones. Here is what the RJ-45 connector looks like on the router:

The second common communication protocol is ADSL. In Russia, a provider works with him MGTS. This is what a WiFi router looks like for the ADSL protocol (the connector looks like a telephone one):

The third popular type of connection is 3G/4G. It works with such mobile operators as MTS, Beeline, Megaphone and skylink. On a router intended for distribution 3G/4G Internet has a special USB connector:

The first thing the buyer always pays attention to is the price. Why does one router cost a thousand rubles, and the other four to five thousand. In many ways, it's all about its characteristics. But before we look at them, a few words about the price and pricing market for routers.

Very often you can hear two opposite points of view. Some users of home WiFi routers argue that it makes no sense to overpay for expensive router models, while others say that cheap routers are flawed, break quickly, buggy and work unstably. As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle. The vast majority of routers are made in China, but this does not mean that they are all of poor quality or of the same quality. Here's what affects the price of a router:

  • What hardware stuffing is installed in the router (processor, flash-memory, etc.).
  • Router brand.
  • Hardware and software capabilities of a particular model.
Consider all three factors that affect the price. Of course, the build quality and good components that are present in more expensive router models affect the price. But if you understand the essence and look at specific models, then you can choose a WiFi router for your home for less money and not miscalculate with its filling.

For example, WiFi routers from one of the leading manufacturers Dlink, especially cheap models, are often released with raw firmware, and the hardware stuffing of cheap routers and access points from Dlink is not designed for high performance. Eminent Asus has a diverse lineup, which includes both expensive router models and relatively budget options. The latter may not be the best choice. Linksys- relatively expensive, but mostly reliable and high-quality routers. TP Link is a budget manufacturer of Wi-Fi routers, the quality of the products of this company is very controversial. You can run into a poor quality product. Zyxel- produces a number of models for the home, which are sufficiently proven and suitable for home use. True, the prices of this company are not the most democratic. Routers from NETGEAR and TRENDnet They are also of good quality and relatively cheap.

In general, you can run into a low-quality model from each manufacturer. But if you pay attention to reviews and specifications, then this probability can be greatly reduced. Hardware and software capabilities - that's what you need to know if you want to choose a decent wifi router for your home. In many ways, the price of a particular model depends on the capabilities that the router can provide. But are advanced features really needed in everyday home use of a WiFi router? Let's consider the question of how to choose a router for an apartment, in terms of its technical characteristics.

Main technical characteristics when choosing a Wi-Fi router

If you choose a home router for the price and do not pay attention to its characteristics, then you can miscalculate with the purchase. Some cheap wireless devices are not designed for high power and the network coverage area can be several meters. In addition, low-power routers do not allow the signal to reach through walls or other obstacles. If you have an apartment with concrete walls or a country house with brick walls, you should take a closer look at the chosen model.

There are a lot of negative reviews from owners of cheap routers who complain that their router cuts the incoming and outgoing Internet speed over WiFi. This is due to the cheap and low-quality iron filling of Wi-Fi routers. For example, if your provider gives access to a 10-megabit channel, and the measurement of the download speed of files is less than 1.25 megabytes, then it may not be a poor-quality service, but Wi-Fi.

In addition, cheap router models can freeze, fail, and simply turn off. Agree that constantly rebooting the router is a very nervous task. Sometimes a flashing saves the device from such behavior, that is, replacing the internal firmware with a newer one (the latest firmware can be found on the manufacturer's website). However, you may not be lucky with an expensive analogue, but the likelihood of such troubles is lower.

Now we will look at the main characteristics of routers that you need to pay attention to when using WiFi at home. If you are choosing a WiFi router for the first time, then most likely you do not understand the specific parameters. In fact, everything is not so difficult. We have already found out above that any router has a port for connecting a channel from a provider, LAN ports for connecting to a computer's network card, and the ability to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi wireless technology. Here are the characteristics that a modern router should have, if you don’t know which WiFi router to choose, then they will be enough:

  1. The ability to encrypt the channel with all available types of encryption - WEP, WPA, WPA2.
  2. Ability to work on all wireless standards 802.11b, 802.1g, 802.11n. N mode provides the fastest wireless connection speed. It is desirable that the router can work with mixed modes 802.11b/g and 802.11b/g/n . This will allow you to connect those devices that I can work on 802.11n and those older gadgets that only work on 802.11b or 802.1g. Some models support the standard 802.11ac, which theoretically allows you to work over a wireless gigabit channel. But in practice, a gigabit channel is not needed at home, and you need to look for a provider that can provide such bandwidth.
  3. The router must be able to work with protocols PPPoE, L2TP and VPN. The first one is usually included by default in all models, but not everyone has the second and third protocols. Even if you don't currently have a VPN or L2Tp connection at home, it's not certain that you won't need it in the future.
  4. It is desirable that the router has a removable antenna. This will allow you to increase the WIFI coverage area if it turns out to be insufficient.
  5. The number of external antennas - the more, the better. However, for a small apartment or a small country house, a Wi-Fi router with one antenna may well be enough. If the apartment or private house is large enough, then you may have to install a wifi router in the middle of the house or apartment, or buy an additional access point.
  6. Volume . It is advisable to buy a router with 64 megabytes of RAM. 32 megabytes of RAM may not be enough when using WiFi with a large number of devices.
  7. It is advisable to find a router with not the weakest. A powerful wifi router for the home is the key to the stability of its work in the future. The maximum data transfer rate over Wi-Fi and the stability of the signal during the operation of the device depend on the processor.
All modern routers have their own web interface, with which you can. There is no need to worry about the absence of such an interface. In addition, all modern models have a built-in DHCP-server that allows you to distribute IP addresses to a computer, laptop, phone, tablet or other gadget in automatic mode. Also, most routers have a built-in software firewall (FireWall), which will protect your home network from being hacked by an intruder. A more specific characteristic of the router can be called the function WPS. It serves to quickly connect devices that support it. For those who are interested in quickly setting up a WI-FI connection using WPS, we recommend reading our articles and setting up and. We also suggest that you read our articles on setting up a WiFi router:
  • - how to connect a Wi-Fi router using the example of a router trend net.
  • - even more detailed instructions for setting up and connecting a Wi-Fi router.
  • - what to do if WiFi still does not work.

Typically, home use does not require a router with a print server (with software that allows a group of users to share a printer by connecting it via USB). However, if this function is necessary, do not forget about it when choosing and buying your favorite model. In the next chapter, we have compiled a rating of home routers based on their characteristics, which, in our opinion, are the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio.

What is the best wifi router for home

So, if your eyes run wide and you just can’t decide which wifi router to choose, then here are some popular models that have all the necessary features for using them at home. For starters, routers cost up to 1000 rubles. We warn you that these devices have a weak filling and can cut the outgoing and incoming speed from the provider. Such routers are suitable for use with a slow channel in a small house or apartment:

730 rub. 1030 rub. 949 rub. 990 rub. 780 rub. 955 rub.

Here are some router models that you can buy within from 1000 to 2000 rubles:

1118 rub. 1540 rub. 1811 rub. 2150 rub. 1540 rub. 1310 rub.

Popular router models from 2000 to 5000 rubles. In addition to advanced functionality, such routers allow you to work over a channel from 600 Mbps to 900 Mbps, as well as use the free range of 2.4 / 5 GHz Wi-Fi devices (except for ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II).

We live in the age of the Internet, which has successfully replaced going to the movies and reading books. Today, communication with many people can take place without mail and long-distance calls, and social networks have revolutionized the way people communicate. Every owner of a modern gadget has access to the Internet, whether it be a smartphone, laptop, tablet or computer; you just need to simply connect your device to the network, and you can connect to the Internet via a telephone line - or via a special cable channel of the provider. But so that several devices can be connected from one Internet input, there are Wi-Fi routers that distribute it over the air. It is about how to choose a Wi-Fi router with the best price-quality ratio in 2018 that will be discussed in our article.

Choosing a router

In order for the selected Wi-Fi router to be ideal, you need to clearly imagine how you will use the Internet in the future. If visiting the network will be limited to browsing sites and communicating on social networks, then a budget router model with a minimum set of functions and low parameters will be enough, and if regular downloading of large files, playing online 3D games or watching streaming video in high resolution is expected, you you will need a completely different device with significantly higher performance, and therefore a price.

Varieties of Wi-Fi routers

All Wi-Fi routers sold today are divided into five groups according to the type of ports.

  • ADSL Wi-Fi router is a device with RJ11 telephone socket input.
  • Ethernet (FTTB) WiFi router - with Ethernet twisted-pair (FTTB) input for RJ45 connector.
  • CPON/CEPON/PON WiFi-router - a router with an input in the form of an SC connector for fiber optic cables.
  • 3G/4G/LTE WiFi router is a device with radio frequency input from a telephone operator for distributing Internet from cellular providers.
  • Universal Wi-Fi router - combines several types of connection.

Some aspects of choice

There are a wide variety of different Wi-Fi routers on the shelves of electronics stores today, and it is important to pay attention to some points when choosing a device, which will be discussed below.

  1. If the provider did not provide you with his device, you need to find out the type of WAN connector that he uses to distribute the Internet, as well as the connection protocol, and in the future look for a Wi-Fi router with the same parameters.
  2. If the provider's service package includes a data transfer rate of more than 100 Mbps, it is necessary to select a router with Gigabit Ethernet LAN connectors that support 1 Gbps. For Internet speeds less than this, you can get by with a device with Fast Ethernet ports operating at speeds up to 100 Mbps.
  3. If you intend to use multiple wireless gadgets, download large amounts of information, play online games and watch high-definition video streaming, you must choose a Wi-Fi router with two frequency bands and multiple antennas, operating on the IEEE 802.11 ac wireless LAN standard - and for working with documents, Internet surfing and communication in social networks. networks, a model with a single antenna supporting an 802.11 n class LAN is sufficient.

What else to pay attention to

  • Wi-Fi range in the instructions does not match the real one, since it is prescribed for ideal conditions. There are a lot of walls in any room, and the signal level drops significantly because of this, so the 100 meters of Wi-Fi coverage diameter indicated in the specifications may actually be no more than 20 meters. Do not buy a router with an antenna hidden inside the case - such devices distribute Wi-Fi weaker.
  • Number of antennas directly affects the speed of the local network devices. If the router has only one antenna, it is forced to divide its power between receiving and transmitting data, and two antennas already distribute information flows among themselves: one antenna works for transmission, and the second for reception. The maximum number of antennas in a Wi-Fi router is 6, respectively, the quality of Wi-Fi distribution in this model is very high. And yet, if the antennas of the router are removable, you can install more powerful or directional antennas instead.
  • USB ports in a Wi-Fi router, they make it possible to connect a flash drive, a hard drive, a printer and a 3G / 4G modem to it to secure the Internet - if this is provided for by the functionality of the model.
  • WEB interface in the router will allow you to quickly configure it thanks to a program that looks like a website.
  • Upgradability of WEB-firmware allows in each new version of the operating system of the Wi-Fi router to correct shortcomings, improving its performance, and it is good if these updates occur regularly.


The price of good Wi-Fi routers ranges from 1000 to 6000 rubles or more, for this money you can buy a model that matches the type of Internet use. The price of 1000-1500 rubles is enough to buy simple, but at the same time very good routers like: Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router 3, ASUS RT-AC53 or D-link DIR-615/T4 for those who spend most of their time in social networks. -networks, browsing the Internet and riding tanks in the WoT game. For 2000 rubles you can already buy a 2-band gigabit router like TP-LINK Archer C1200 with full coverage of the apartment, but the cost is above 2000 rubles for models with multiple antennas and wider functionality.

Before deciding to buy a router, you should consult your provider about the compatibility of models. Having information about the technical requirements of the provider that apply to them, you can make a more informed choice and avoid unpleasant situations in the future.

Rating of the best Wi-Fi routers of 2018

Well, I think we figured out the main nuances, now it’s worth moving on to choosing the Wi-Fi router itself, only before that you need to decide where it will stand in an apartment or a large private house. Therefore, we have collected only the best models of routers in 2017-2018, both powerful for the home and inexpensive for a one-room apartment.

The best Wi-Fi routers 2018 price-quality ratio

  • Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router 3 is the best buy
  • ASUS RT-AC53 is a great option for a small apartment
  • Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router 4 - New in 2018
  • D-link DIR-815/AC
  • ZYXEL Keenetic Air

Top 5 Asus Wi-Fi Routers

  • ASUS RT-AC53 - (perfect for both a large apartment and a house)
  • ASUS RT-AC51U - (just like the previous model, just a little weaker)
  • ASUS RT-AC66U - (worthy and stylish model for a 3-room apartment) I recommend
  • ASUS RT-AC58U - (good option for a small private house or 2-room apartment)
  • ASUS RT-AC1200G Plus - (the most powerful of the popular routers that incorporates all the best)

Best TP-Link Routers - Top 5

  • TP-LINK Archer C50(RU) - (one of the coolest Wi-Fi routers of 2018, it has collected all the best powerful signal and reasonable price)
  • TP-LINK Archer C59 - (a good choice for a one-room apartment, but it is advisable to immediately change the firmware to the latest one)
  • TP-LINK Archer C1200 - (a good choice for kopeck piece, but it is advisable to immediately change the firmware to the latest one)
  • TP-LINK Archer C7 - (new in 2018 recommend)
  • TP-LINK Archer C3200 - (one of the top models of this company, includes only the latest technology, but the price bites)

Best D-Link Wi-Fi Routers - Top 5

Now it has become a normal phenomenon when there are several computers and devices in the house at once, as well as smartphones and TVs that need to be connected to the World Wide Web. To provide all devices with a high-quality Internet connection, it is advisable to use a powerful WiFi router. But not all routers advertised by numerous manufacturers are able to fully satisfy the needs of the user. This article outlines all the criteria for choosing the right powerful and high-quality WiFi router for a large house or apartment.

How to make the best choice?

Most people who buy WiFi routers focus on the number of antennas on the supposedly best and most powerful WiFi router and its cost.

And in some ways they are right, because a powerful router usually has several antennas that serve to ensure a stable connection, but not only the number of antennas affects the power of the device. First you need to understand the differences between routers of different price segments. In addition to providing a good wireless signal at home, it is also desirable not to overpay for the extra functionality of the device.

Wi-Fi routers with a long range

Obviously, living in a large cottage or house, you have to pay attention to powerful devices with the maximum possible range. At the same time, you should think about purchasing a more powerful adapter for a PC or laptop. It is necessary to immediately draw the attention of such people to one unpleasant fact that already on the box of the router it is usually indicated that the device is functioning in full compliance with the international requirements of ISO IEEE 802.11. This means that the vast majority of routers have a maximum range of 0.15 km, and this is in the absence of any obstacles to the wireless signal, and in a house or apartment, this figure drops to fifty meters.

The main criteria for purchasing a router

We list the following main criteria that you need to focus on when buying a device:

  1. Antennas and broadcast area. The former are produced in 2 types of execution: 1) built into the device and 2) external. Of course, the outdoor ones have the best signal;
  2. Wireless signal standards and data rates. It is recommended to purchase a device of the 802.11n standard, and for the purpose of comfortable work on the Internet, it is necessary to opt for a router with a speed not less than that supplied to the user by the Internet provider;
  3. \*Brand of equipment. Despite the banality of the sound of the criterion, the brand plays an important role as a purchased router, because during subsequent operation, as a rule, problems with them are less likely to occur and, most importantly, devices from famous brands of manufacturers are easier to update software.*\ The current firmware provides a stable functionality of the device and avoids many failures.

List of the best equipment

Many people are not able to make the purchase of the most expensive router with a huge number of different chips, however, even in the low-cost lines of routers, there are high-quality models with an optimal set of functions and the strength of the transmitted wireless signal.

Affordable devices with optimal quality

Below is the main list of currently optimal devices in terms of their price, functionality, data transfer speed and quality of the filling.

Despite its simplicity, the device has good power and wide capabilities. Provides speed up to 150 Mbit / s, which is enough for active use at home or in an apartment.

The device operates in the most common data transfer protocols, supports dynamic and static IP. It has a firewall that protects against infection of the user's devices with malicious software. The device is equipped with an external antenna with a significant range.

It is also a representative of the Link brand, but is equipped with 2 antennas, which provides a Wi-Fi coverage area with a radius of at least 150 meters with line of sight.

Speed ​​- up to 300 Mbps. The available four LAN connectors will allow you to organize a network of several PCs at home.

This router has the ability to use 3G mobile Internet, and is also equipped with 1 additional USB connector.

Comes with two antennas. Supports IPTV interactive television.

Powerful mid-range devices

You will have to pay at least 4000 rubles for this router, but it is already equipped with 1 Gbit Internet ports and a powerful processor. Speed ​​up to 300 Mbps.

It has two antennas and a Wi-Fi coverage area with a radius of at least 150 meters with line of sight.

Despite the built-in antennas, the device has a good signal. It operates in two bands (2.4 and 5 Gh) and works in all popular protocols. But the cost is already somewhat higher and is at least 4500 rubles.

If the user is interested not only in functionality, but also in the appearance of the device, then the manufacturer offers this device in different colors. Like the previous one, the router successfully works in 2 bands. The speed can reach 1167 Mbit/s. The cost is about 3300 rubles.

The most powerful

When buying a router from this category, you will have to pay at least 6000 rubles.

Price from 7000 r. It has 3 antennas, which is guaranteed to cover the large housing of the owner with a high-quality signal. It can function in 2 frequency ranges. Speed ​​up to 0.9 Gbit/s. It is equipped with a huge number of different features, for example, it can organize a separate guest network, it is possible to control the traffic consumed, parental control, etc.

Among the home models of routers of this brand, it is rightfully called the "top", but its price starts from 15,000 rubles. Of all those present in our description, it is the most powerful home router. Equipped with 4 antennas.

The manufacturer claims a Wi-Fi coverage area of ​​up to 465 square meters. Speed ​​- up to 2.3 Gbit / s. Has a dual core processor. And absolutely all the chips indicated for the routers described above.

A little trick for the router user

You can increase the signal strength, even on a device of a low price category, through the control panel, where you need to specify the country “USA” in the router settings in the “Location” section. In this country, there are slightly different laws and requirements for Wi-Fi power, which already corresponds to a range of 0.25 km in the absence of any obstacles to the wireless signal, and in a house or apartment, this figure drops to only seventy-five meters. By adjusting the parameters in the control panel and restarting the device, the user immediately notices a significant increase in Wi-Fi coverage and power.

Note: A router that is too powerful and has extended range beyond legal limits may interfere with other networks. Therefore, representatives of the country's authorities have the right to confiscate such a device.

Briefly about the main

Let's say right away that each person chooses a router for himself that meets his requirements. Gamers will need a stable model that has a high data transfer rate. For office work, a device of the middle price segment is suitable. But so that you understand where to start choosing and what most people are guided by, we suggest reading our recommendations and looking at the results of the survey.

The best router for home

What can modern man not live without? Without water, food and ... the Internet. Having access to the World Wide Web, we search for the necessary information in it, work, relax, communicate, study, and open up new opportunities. And in order not to be tied to a specific place in the house or office where there is an Internet connection cable, you need to use a Wi-Fi router.

Manufacturers offer different models, including with design. But the router must be reliable! This is the only way to ensure uninterrupted and constant access to the Internet. Therefore, in order to simplify your life in the future, you need to choose the best Wi-Fi router available in stores today. And we will help you with this.

Top 10 Routers of 2018

NameWiFi frequencyWAN speedLAN Port SpeedLAN portsUSB portsPrice
a/b/g/n/ac (2.4/5 GHz)
1167 Mbps100 Mbps2 1 Check Price
300 MbpsCheck Price
(2.4/5 GHz)
300 Mbps1000 Mbps 4 2 Check Price
Budget models
300 Mbps100 Mbps 4 Check Price
802.11n150 Mbps100 Mbps 4 Check Price
300 Mbps100 Mbps4 Check Price
300 Mbps100 Mbps3 Check Price
(2.4 GHz)
150 Mbps100 Mbps4 Check Price

When choosing these models, we relied on various criteria:

  • recommendations of users in online stores, on review sites;
  • prices;
  • options;
  • functionality;
  • common sense (so that the purchase is really useful).

Why are there no expensive models on our list?

We do not consider this to be a luxury, since such routers have a wide range of functions. But the average user will not overpay for the appearance or options that they do not use.

How to choose?

To advise, you need to understand how an ordinary person answers the question: “How to choose a router?”. To do this, it is enough to read user reviews on the device that is installed in their home. That is exactly what we did.

Most of the users named the stability of the device as the main criterion. Regardless of the requirements or operating conditions, this characteristic was the main one. An equally important parameter is the data transfer rate. This is another criterion that was emphasized in the reviews.

We also believe that ease of equipment setup is also important. Especially for the fair sex, who often have to choose and operate equipment on their own. As a result, sometimes it turns out something like this 🙂

To confirm the results obtained, we conducted a small survey. It was attended by users of social networks and visitors to our site. In total, about 150 people were interviewed. They were asked one question: “The most important parameters of a Wi-Fi router” and several answers:

  • data transfer rate (36.6%);
  • stability (41.6%);
  • safety (9.2%);
  • transmitted frequency range (1.8%);
  • ease of setup (2.5%);
  • price (3.3%);
  • I do not pay attention to the criteria (5%).

As a result, as we expected, stability and data transfer speed are the main criteria when choosing a Wi-Fi router.


At the same time, there are a few more important characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing a Wi-Fi router.

Transfer rate

Not the most important parameter, because theoretically even budget options have a data transfer rate of up to 150 Mbps over a Wi-Fi channel. It all depends on what speed your provider provides. With an Internet of 20-50 Mbps, buying a router with information transfer rates at a speed of 300-1300 Mbps does not make sense.

The most common standard today is 2.4 GHz. But due to the fact that it is heavily overloaded, this negatively affects the quality of the Wi-Fi signal. The 5 GHz frequency standard is less popular, but not all models support it. Devices of the middle and high price segment simultaneously operate at frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz.

Number of antennas

There are models with internal and external antennas. The number of antennas does not increase the range of the Wi-Fi signal, but affects its stability. The best option today is routers with two external antennas.

Work stability

This indicator is affected by the software of the router and the number of antennas. The firmware of the device must be constantly updated, so it is better to buy devices from well-known and trusted manufacturers that provide technical support for the released equipment even after several years.

Wi-Fi network protection

Most models use the following safety standards:

  • WEP (minimum security);
  • WPA (encryption key length up to 128 bits - TKIP technology);
  • WPA2 (up to 256-bit encryption keys - AES technology) is the most secure standard.

The best models for the home

Important! Choosing a router for a house and an apartment is no different, because modern buildings have the same structural characteristics and are made from the same materials. Therefore, all the models presented in this list are perfect for use in the house and apartment.

The choice of a Wi-Fi router for the home is different in each case, because the user proceeds from his preferences, considerations and requirements. The devices that are presented below, in our opinion, are the best choice in terms of quality / stability / price.

Xiaomi Mi WiFi Mini

The best choice!

The best solution in terms of price / quality / performance ratio. A model that supports the 802.11a/b/g/n/ac data transfer standard at speeds up to 1167 Mbps, which is a nice addition. The manufacturer offers two firmware options: standard and for developers (it has a larger set of functions and access to the router console via ssh). But in both cases, it is presented in Chinese.

The USB port is used to connect an external hard drive. To manage it, a minimal set of options is intended. But the user, using the built-in utilities for the router, can autonomously download files to an external drive by clicking on the links to them.

If you have problems accessing the Internet, you can use the standard connection diagnostic utility.


  • design;
  • affordable cost;
  • WAN speed 1167 Mbps;
  • the ability to connect an external drive;
  • a large set of settings and features in the firmware.


  • instructions and interface in Chinese;
  • two LAN ports;
  • speed of LAN ports is 100 Mbps.


No less good acquisition will be the Tp-Link TL-WA901ND model. Its main feature is support for the PoE standard, with which the router can be powered via an Ethernet cable. To do this, a special adapter is supplied with the device.

The advantages of the device include three removable antennas, which increase the stability of the device with a signal propagation range in open areas - up to 270 meters.

The main drawback of the TP-LINK TL-WA901ND model is the lack of LAN ports for connecting computers and laptops. In addition, as users note, it periodically freezes, which is why the router has to be rebooted.


  • design;
  • three detachable antennas;
  • ease of setup;
  • the range of the Wi-Fi network;
  • PoE technology.


  • lack of LAN ports;
  • hangups.


At first glance, the model catches the eye, because it is made in the original case. At the same time, support for two frequency bands (2.4 and 5 GHz) allows it to work stably even in homes with a lot of interference in the absence of external antennas. The data transfer rate via LAN ports is up to 1 Gbps, which is very convenient in modern conditions.

The presence of two USB ports increases the functionality of the model, as they allow you to connect an external drive. But the data transfer rate on the HDD is at the level of 14-16 and 10-12 MB / s when reading and writing, so it will be problematic to use it to work with large files.

The lack of PoE technology limits the mobility of the device, but with such a large functionality, the router needs an uninterrupted and powerful power supply.


  • design;
  • LAN speed 1000 Mbps;
  • WAN speed 300 Mbps;
  • two USB ports;
  • ease of setup;
  • great functionality.


  • USB port speed 10-16 MB/s;
  • It is not recommended to use external drives with a capacity of more than 1 TB.

Top 5 Budget Routers

In this list, we presented budget segment routers, the cost of which will please any buyer, but they proved to be good in use, working stably, reliably and without any complaints from users.


Budget models of routers are devoid of any frills, so it is difficult to talk about their advantages and disadvantages. The main difference between the TP-LINK TL-WR841N model and other low-cost devices is the configuration interface. It is almost the same as the top models and has a clear structure. Therefore, setting up the gadget will not be difficult even for an inexperienced user.

But the limited speed of LAN ports (100 Mbps) and the low data transfer rate over the Wi-Fi network will not allow you to use it to the maximum under heavy loads. And, therefore, it is not suitable for installation in the office.


  • low cost;
  • simple setup;
  • clear interface;
  • compact dimensions.


  • low data transfer rate;
  • work instability;

D-link DIR-300/A/D1

What immediately catches your eye when examining this router is the speed of data transfer over a wireless network. This should alert any buyer, since today some users have access to the Internet at a speed of 1 Gb / s, for which this model is completely unsuitable. In addition, it has a small range.

But its main advantage is a stylish, modern, interesting design and a WPS button placed on the side, thanks to which it will be convenient and easy to connect any gadget. Therefore, the optimal place of use for this model is the house.


  • low cost;
  • stylish design


  • low data transfer rate;
  • limited scope.

Netis WF2419E

The best choice!

Despite the fact that the device is made in China and belongs to the budget price segment, its build quality is very good. In addition, the factory firmware provides a wide functionality of the device, which is not standard for low-cost models. Therefore, it is perfect for use both at home and in the office.

The router provides high speed data transfer over wired and wireless networks. Given its low cost, this is a huge advantage. In general, the model has proven itself well, as evidenced by a huge number of positive reviews.


  • low cost;
  • high data transfer rate;
  • simple setup;
  • stable work;
  • functionality.


  • the speed of LAN ports is 100 Mbps (although it is difficult to call this a disadvantage).

Tenda N301

The compact body of the Tenda N301 makes it easy to install almost anywhere in your home or office. If we add to this the ease of network setup, then the device is great for use at home even by inexperienced users.

The inability to wall-mount the model can become an obstacle to use in some cases. But this is not a critical issue. Otherwise, the router is no different from other representatives of the budget segment, operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and having a Wi-Fi data transfer rate of up to 300 Mbps.


  • low cost;
  • ease of setup;
  • compact body.


  • unstable work;
  • lack of wall mounting;
  • weak signal.

ZyXEL Keenetic Start

This model is the younger “brother” of the ZyXEL Keenetic and differs from it in a smaller set of available options. In addition, it is difficult to cope with a large number of connected devices, so it is not suitable for use in an office or home where there are a huge number of devices with a Wi-Fi adapter. This is affected by the weak processor used on the model.

Ease of setup will please any user. And the lack of heating and the fact that the router does not “cut” the speed distinguish it from many competitors in its segment. In addition, the affordable price makes ZyXEL Keenetic Start an excellent choice for a small house or one-room apartment.


  • low cost;
  • ease of setup;
  • does not overheat.


  • weak processor;
  • weak signal;
  • freezes when connecting a large number of devices.

Mobile routers

If you do not have access to wired Internet, you can use mobile Wi-Fi routers that have a slot for connecting a SIM card. It connects to the wireless Internet through a mobile connection, after which it is “distributed” to other devices. Check Price

It should be noted right away that the router only works in 2G / 3G networks, therefore it is limited in data transfer speed. In addition, there is no charger in the kit, but only a USB cable. But, on the other hand, this made it possible to reduce the cost of the model and make it more accessible to the user. In addition, sometimes the lack of an LCD display, which is equipped with the "older" model M5350, adds inconvenience.

The disadvantages also include the lack of a “modem” function when connected to a computer. But this is a router, so it should not work in this mode. Otherwise, the router has good technical characteristics, does not hang, and receives the network well. And if we take into account the compact size, high-quality and not easily soiled case, we can safely say that the device can be carried anywhere in your pocket.


  • compact dimensions;
  • stable work;
  • adapter for SIM-cards is supplied.


  • no power adapter;
  • works in 2G/3G networks;
  • no LCD display.


As a result, we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions. They will help you finally decide which router to choose.

Why buy a router?

For a modern person, a Wi-Fi router is an ordinary device that helps you access the Internet without being tied to a specific place. Given the fact that the mobile device market is growing, while the desktop PC market is shrinking, it will be difficult to do without this device at work or at home in the future.

Should I buy a cheap model?

Some users may say that buying a mid-range or high-end Wi-Fi router is a waste of money. But, having faced on my own experience with cheap models, I made two conclusions.

Firstly, when using them, spend a lot of effort and nerves to achieve stable work.

Secondly, after a while you may need to buy a new router, because the old one will simply stop working for no apparent reason.

Why should I buy exactly those routers that are described in the article?

We do not force you to buy them, but we recommend doing so, because all the models described have proven themselves well. And we repeat once again: each person chooses a Wi-Fi router based on their needs and capabilities.

We tried to take into account all the wishes, preferences and main points that buyers pay attention to. And already on this basis, they presented a list of models that best meet all the requirements.

Basic options for choosing a Wi-Fi router

Long gone are the days when at best one computer was at home for the whole family. In the modern world, we are surrounded by a variety of devices with which you can access the Internet. To organize general access to the World Wide Web for all this equipment, you can use one of your home computers - however, access to the Web will be as long as it is turned on. You can also install a server, but this requires certain knowledge to configure it, and the price is not always justified. Fortunately, there is another device that can solve this problem - a router, sometimes called a router.

So, the two main functions of the router are the integration of various equipment into a local network and the provision of general access to the Internet channel. Routers are sometimes confused with switches (switches) and Wi-Fi access points, this is due to the fact that they perform fairly similar tasks. But, unlike routers, these devices only allow you to create a local network, a switch - a wired one, an access point - a wireless one.

Routers can also be both wired and wireless, the difference in price between them is small, and the functions performed are almost the same. Wireless models will be discussed, although much of what has been said applies to wired counterparts.

Network organization scheme using a router

A fairly large number of manufacturers are engaged in the release of routers, but still there are not so many major players, you probably already heard about most of them. ASUS is one of the world's largest suppliers of not only network equipment, but also various computer components and finished products. Routers under this brand are distinguished by reliability and good equipment. D-Link once became popular thanks to inexpensive models of ADSL modems, at the moment it is one of the leaders in the production of routers, modems and network cards. But the TP-LINK company offers models of routers that, at a low price, have good equipment. Zyxel is one of the veterans in the field of network building components and has always been renowned for its reliability and quality. Linksys is a trademark of Cisco, one of the leaders in the production of industrial network equipment, whose advanced achievements are embodied in these models. offers a variety of devices that are distinguished primarily by their unusual design, thanks to which these models can become a noticeable part of the interior. At the same time, the equipment of these models remains at the proper level.

Some Belkin models: N750 DB, Double N+, N1 Vision

The router, as a rule, has one port for external connection, called the WAN port, and several for connecting computers inside the network - LAN ports. Wireless models may have one or more antennas, but in some cases they are hidden inside the case. Routers are fairly compact. For example, the common D-Link DIR-300 / NRU has dimensions of 14.7x11.32x3.15 cm - quite a bit for stationary use; if you often have to use the router while traveling and on business trips, you should take a closer look at compact devices, for example ASUS WL-530g, which has dimensions of only 12.9x4.4x2.9 cm.

Compact model ASUS WL-530g

Main characteristics

Let's take a look at what you need to pay attention to first of all when choosing a router, and start with the key characteristics. One of the important parameters is the type of WAN port used in the device - the most common today are ADSL and Ethernet. If you are not sure which one to choose, check with your ISP. In addition, there are routers that use the mobile Internet channel as an external connection or have a USB port for connecting a 3G modem, such as the D-Link DIR-412 model.

The second important characteristic is the supported external connection protocols. The most common are "static IP", "dynamic IP", PPPoE, L2TP and PPTP. We will not go into the details of each technology: you just need to check which one your provider uses and select a device that supports it. Fortunately, most well-known router manufacturers have provided good support for these protocols and adapted them to the specifics of the application in Russia. Also, some providers use the binding of the MAC address of the network card to the IP address of the computer. In such cases, simply connecting a router instead of a computer and setting it up right away will not work - you need to contact the provider's technical support service. But you can do it easier and use the function of copying the MAC address from the computer to the router, which is found in almost all modern models.

The third important characteristic when choosing a router is the number of ports and the speed of wired and wireless data transmission channels within the local network. All modern routers, except for some compact models, as a rule, have 4 wired Ethernet ports (LAN ports) with support for 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps. To date, the most common are 100-megabit networks, in most cases their speed is sufficient for data transfer. But gigabit equipment is becoming more and more popular, and in the near future its use will become standard in computer technology. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to models with support for a gigabit connection, and buying a 100-megabit device only if necessary will save a little on the cost.

If you are building a wireless network at home, there are some important nuances to consider. So, in real conditions, the connection speed will always be lower than stated in the standard and on the box with the device. This is due to the fact that part of the channel is used to encrypt the transmitted data, as well as maintaining the quality of the connection, which is very dependent on the barriers between the network equipment. Walls, other Wi-Fi networks, or, for example, a nearby microwave oven can create significant interference, forcing you to use part of the channel to restore information, thereby reducing the useful flow. In addition, the entire wireless network will operate at the speed of the slowest element connected to it. This leads to the fact that if at least one 802.11g device is connected to the 802.11n network, the transfer rate will be no more than 54 Mbps.

To build a home network, you should choose a router that supports the 802.11n standard with speeds up to 300 Mbps. You should be especially careful when choosing equipment if you are going to transmit video over a Wi-Fi network. In this case, it is worth, among other things, to choose a model with support for two frequency bands - 2.4 and 5 GHz. Due to the fact that the second range is used much less frequently than the first and has more free channels for transmission, the speed can be higher, and most importantly, more stable. It is only important that other devices on the network support this mode. In addition, some models can create two networks at the same time, one of which can be used to transmit speed-demanding traffic, and the second to connect all other equipment. Buying a model with support for 450 Mbps speed will be more of a reserve for the future, since there are still few devices that support this speed today. Unfortunately, high-speed routers are more expensive, sometimes significantly, than their slower counterparts. Therefore, in some cases it will be reasonable to look at 802.11n devices with support for 150 Mbps.

Additional features

In addition to their main purpose, some routers can perform a number of useful functions. Support for the print server option allows you to connect a printer to the router using a USB port and provide access to it from any computer on the network. Some models support connecting an external USB storage device, such as a hard drive or flash drive. After that, it becomes possible to access files on the disk, such as music or movies, from any device on the network - these are the functions of a network drive (NAS). And some routers support working as a torrent client, so you can download various files from the Internet using this popular protocol without using a computer.

If you need to organize Wi-Fi coverage in a fairly large area, such as in an educational institution, you should look at models that support WDS wireless distribution system technology. It allows you to combine multiple routers and access points into a common wireless network, thereby expanding the overall coverage area. Sometimes routers have to be installed in places without access to a power outlet. One solution to this problem can be to choose a device that supports Power over Ethernet (PoE), in this case, the router is powered directly via an Ethernet cable, as in the TP-Link TL-WR743 ND model.

Securing Your Wireless Network

If it is not so easy to intercept information in wired networks, then you can connect to an unsecured wireless network from any laptop, being a few tens of meters away. To prevent interception of data, various Wi-Fi traffic encryption standards are used, the most common of which are WEP, WPA and WPA2, which are supported by most wireless devices. The first of them does not provide a sufficient level of protection and can be easily hacked by intruders, so it is better not to use it. For protection, you should choose the more secure WPA or WPA2 protocols, these encryption methods provide a high level of protection, making it almost impossible to hack into the network and intercept data.

Also, among the additional features of any modern router, there are tools that allow you to configure security when computers are working on the network. Most often, this is a firewall, which is necessary to control passing traffic, as well as a DMZ - a "demilitarized zone", which allows you to configure a restriction on access to local network resources from the outside. In addition, in routers you can find the "parental control" function, with which you can configure the rules for users to access the Internet at different hours and days of the week, as well as restrict the ability to visit certain sites.


When using modern technology, including Wi-Fi equipment, many of us are concerned about the issue of electromagnetic radiation and its impact on health. It should be noted that the radiation power of home routers is limited to 100 mW, which is up to ten times less than that of mobile phones - today this level is considered completely safe for the human body. But even this power, many models can be reduced in the settings. In addition, you should choose a device with a button to turn off the wireless module or the entire router when it is not in use.

Of course, there are more than enough subtleties when choosing a router for home use, and it will not be possible to describe all of them within the framework of this article. When choosing a device, focus primarily on the functions that you expect from the router. If you just need general Internet access, choose an inexpensive model with a minimum set of features. If you need a device to perform specific tasks, pay attention to the availability of certain options.

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