All school essays on literature. Images and characters of Gogol's comedy "Inspector General" (characteristics, groups of characters) Female images in Gogol's comedy the auditor

In Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector", Anna Andreevna is the wife of the mayor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky. Anna Andreevna is not a very smart woman and she doesn’t care how the revision goes, the main thing that interests her is how she and her husband look. She does not understand how important it is for Anton Antonovich that the revision goes well, because he could lose everything and go to trial.

Anna Andreevna Skvoznik-Dmukhanovskaya devotes a lot of time to her appearance, it is very important for her to look good, and it doesn’t matter at all that she sometimes says out of place and all sorts of nonsense, the main thing is her appearance. Anna Andreevna spends most of her time in her maiden room and does not particularly delve into the affairs of her husband.

Not quite young, but not yet old, a woman can be unrestrained and fussy, just as Anna Andreevna is very curious. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovskaya is a vain and rude woman, she looks down on everyone and sometimes even humiliates and mocks her loved ones. So, for example, Anna Andreevna sometimes begins to control her husband and tell him what to do and how to act. She also humiliated her daughter by making her wear a dress that Marya Antonovna did not want to wear at all.

Anna Andreevna misbehaved with such a guest as an auditor, bad manners did not at all suit Gorodnichev's wife. The false auditor manages to fool Anna Andreevna and her daughter Marya Antonovna, because for them men represent only a purse and a high status in society. Anna Andreevna even tries to compete with her daughter for the attention of the auditor and considers this more than normal. At some point, she doubts and tells him that she is married, but still accepts compliments addressed to her. If her husband had entered the room at the wrong time, Anna Andreevna would have succumbed to the persuasion of the auditor.

Anna Andreevna is not an entirely honest woman, she deceives a lot and treats her husband and daughter with disdain. She has a misconception about high society, but she believes that she is a high society lady and needs to associate with her own kind. Sometimes she is vulgar because of the words used, which she inserts in the wrong place.

Nikolai Vasilyevich described the image of a woman who, apart from herself, does not notice anyone in this world. She is only concerned with herself and dreams of moving to St. Petersburg and attends social evenings, for which she is completely uninteresting and uneducated.

Option 2

A humorous work written by N.V. Gogol the Inspector, allow you to think about the behavior of almost all the characters in this work. We often meet similar people in our daily life. The greater the heights a person reaches, the more arrogant he becomes, especially this can be seen in a secular society. Consider this behavior on the example of the heroine of the same name.

We see that the mayor's wife and Maria's mother, Anna Andreevna Skvoznik - Dmukhanovskaya - is a stupid, impatient and arrogant woman, occupies not the last place in society precisely for this reason she behaves arrogantly. At the beginning of the work, it becomes obvious to us that for this person at the moment of her life, only what the auditor looks like is important. And it is absolutely indifferent to her what fate will befall her husband, because he could fall under the court.

Anna Andreevna believes that the most important thing in life is to take care of yourself only. she is a very selfish person. In her opinion, if a person is handsome and well-groomed, he may well solve all his problems. At the same time, she says nonsense, not even thinking about the consequences of her words. She is not at all interested in her husband's affairs, because this is not in her interests. In addition to beautiful outfits and money, the heroine has no other interests. Unless power over her husband also enters into her interests, and then it is expressed in ridicule and reprimands.

The mayor's wife has a pronounced trait, this is a pathological, not healthy curiosity. In her opinion, she should always be aware of the latest news and is very keenly interested in the auditor. Due to the fact that Anna Andreevna has a developed sense of superiority, she always looks at people, despising, gives free rein to her thoughts and tries to humiliate other people, even those who are close to her. It is also noticeable that she has a negative attitude towards her own husband, trying to control him. The attitude towards her own child is absolutely not maternal, trying to educate her, she humiliates Mary. The heroine, as it were, makes it clear to the people around her that she is better than them, and that she absolutely does not care what will happen to those around her.

As for a vain and arrogant person, for Anna Andreevna the main thing is money and the reputation of a man, and she teaches her daughter the same way. This behavior of the heroine played a cruel joke on her, the deceitful auditor deftly tricked both the mayor's wife and his daughter. In some cases, Anna Andreevna behaves inappropriately for a secular lady. She tries to attract the attention of a young man, despite the fact that she is married.

This work shows us that people in whom there is little human, living without thinking about their actions, without understanding those close to them, very often suffer from themselves.

Essay about Anna Andreevna

Comedy play by N.V. Gogol's The Inspector General was written in the first half of the nineteenth century. For a long time, the play was not allowed to be staged because of its content. It was seen as a mockery of the socio-political system existing in Russia.

The plot of the play describes a comedic situation. Ivan Andreevich Khlestakov, passing through a certain small provincial town, is mistaken for an auditor. There is a commotion in a provincial town. Gorodnichiy A.A. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, along with the rest of the city authorities, is mired in corruption. Bribes and embezzlement flourished here in a violent color. Therefore, the news that the auditor was secretly arriving in the city plunged everyone into a real shock.

Not knowing how to find out more about the auditor and the purpose of his visit to the city, Anton Antonovich gives him a bribe. Seeing that the matter was not moving forward, he decided to get Khlestakov drunk and thus find out from him everything that disturbed the mayor. So Khlestakov finds himself in the house of Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, where he is received as the dearest guest.

In the house of the mayor, Khlestakov meets his wife, Anna Andreevna. The mayor's wife is a middle-aged woman. She is not involved in anything at least somewhat significant and is practically not interested in anything. All her curiosity could be satisfied with idle gossip. Life in the provinces is boring and monotonous. Therefore, the arrival of the capital's "auditor" excited her imagination. Anna Andreevna wanted to know more news from a visiting person. And at the same time show yourself.

And since the wife of the mayor was not burdened with intelligence, there was nothing to show, in general, except for outfits. Anna Andreyevna did not know how to carry on a conversation. In addition to empty and meaningless exclamations for the most part, it was impossible to hear from her at least something intelligible, having a specific meaning. The lack of mental abilities more than compensated for the desire to please others and flirt with men. Khlestakov was no exception. Her attempts to charm the visiting "auditor" look funny and sad at the same time.

Female types in The Inspector General occupy a very small corner, being completely episodic figures. But as a great artist, Gogol managed in passing, with one or two brush strokes, to give a complete portrait of these random characters in his comedy. All women of comedy are spiritually no different from their husbands and fathers. They only complete the picture of vulgarity painted by Gogol, being a worthy addition to the male half of society.

« Anna Andreevna- a provincial coquette, not yet quite old, brought up half on novels and albums, half on chores in her pantry and girl's. This is a very frivolous woman. Knowing about the arrival of the auditor, she runs after her husband: “What, have you arrived? Auditor? with a mustache? with what mustache? The excited mayor is not up to her: “After, after mother!” And she, not understanding what a critical moment has come for her husband, gets angry: “After? Here's the news after! I don't want to after... I only have one word: what is he, Colonel? BUT? (with disdain) left! I will remember this for you!" A new face has arrived, a male - there is something to get excited about. For the county Cleopatra, this is a foretaste of a new flirtation ... The husband left. “In two hours we will know everything,” says the daughter, but for the mother it is an eternity; "In two hours! thank you very much. Here’s a loaned answer’” Anna Andreevna sends her Avdotya: “Run and ask where you’ve gone; Yes, ask carefully: what kind of newcomer, what is he like - do you hear? Peep through the crack and find out everything, and what kind of eyes: black or not! .. Hurry, Hurry, Hurry, Hurry…”. Khlestakov writes to Tryapichkin: “I didn’t decide which one to start with, I think first with my mother, because it seems that she is now ready for all services.” And he has every reason to believe so.

Maria Antonovna still allows himself to doubt the veracity of Khlestakov’s words when he pretends to be the author of Yuri Miloslavsky, and Anna Andreevna herself slips this lie on him with her question: “So, is Yuri Miloslavsky your work?” And when the drunken Khlestakov explains that there are two novels under this title, she, without a single doubt, remarks: “Well, it’s true, I read yours. How well written! “Oh, how pleasant! she exclaims when Khlestakov is taken to bed. “But what a subtle treatment! Receptions and all that ... Oh, how good! I love these young people! I'm just out of memory...". And all this is about a drunken And empty-headed St. Petersburg boy. Then there is a dispute between mother and daughter about who he looked at more and who he liked more ... “Listen, Osip, which eyes do your master like best?” they ask the footman. After a short time, Anna Andreevna herself comes to Khlestakov's room. The latter asks for her hand. Anna Andreevna weakly objects: "But let me tell you: I'm in a way ... I'm married." It's "in a way" - great.

Flirting is what fills Anna Andreevna's spiritual life. No wonder she guesses on the cards: all her thoughts lie in the field of jacks of all stripes. Flirting, and, of course, toilets. “She changes into different dresses four times throughout the play,” says Gogol. And the action continues for a day and a half ... These main traits of Anna Andreevna's character determine her whole life, all facets of her life.

Frivolous Anna Andreevna and as a wife. She is not at all interested in her husband's affairs. She lives only for her little interests. She is the same as her mother. She does not at all hide from her daughter all her weaknesses. She disputes Marya Antonovna's caretakers, and even her fiancé. She would like her daughter to dress inappropriately, so that none of the men would look at her daughter. Characteristic in this regard is the scene of mother and daughter consulting about the toilet, so that they would not be ridiculed by some “metropolitan thing”.

“This scene and this argument,” says Belinsky, “definitively and sharply outline the essence, characters and mutual relations of mother and daughter ... In this short, as if slightly and carelessly thrown scene, you see the past, present and future, the whole story of two women meanwhile, it all consists of a dispute about a dress, and all of it, as if in passing and inadvertently, escaped from the poet's pen. Like all coquettes, and not young at that, Anna Andreevna has a very high opinion of herself, considers herself an aristocrat, looks down on all the ladies. The mayor, in anticipation of the coming generalship, good-naturedly promises to provide patronage in St. Petersburg to Korobkin's son: "I am ready for my part, ready to try." But Anna Andreevna stops him: “After all, it’s not for every small fry to patronize” ...

Marya Antonovna is a cocoon from which, over time, the same moth as Anna Andreevna should develop. She is no longer so curious, she would have been able to wait two hours, she would not have sent a servant to peep through the crack, what kind of eyes the auditor has. She is younger, and therefore more inexperienced, more restrained, and perhaps even purer than her mother. But she herself comes to the young man's room, which pushes him to take a decisive step ...

In literature, women play a special role. Most of the time they are attractive and beautiful. The female images in The Inspector General are shown in a completely different way. They do not have female modesty and inner charm, they are empty, stupid and cutesy.

Anna Andreevna

The mayor's wife does not play any important role in the play, she flickers to the side. Anna Andreevna is a curious lady "not quite old yet." She was brought up on love novels and on fashion albums. The woman constantly changes clothes, changing outfits. A woman wants to know everything and everyone. She offers to look through the crack, consider the color of the eyes, clothes. Genuine interest does not change anything, I found out, but did not calm down, I want new data in order to be the first to spread rumors among the wives of county officials. About the mayor's wife, Khlestakov says that she is "appetizing, very good-looking." In the words of the deceiver - the auditor there are also vulgar epithets: "... mother is such that one could still ...". The daughter compares Anna Andreevna with a lady of red cards: light eyes and blond hair. In the speech of the mayor, there is only stupidity, she incessantly sputters about trifles. The woman dreams of moving to the capital, hoping to become a famous lady in St. Petersburg. The room must have such "... such an ambre that it was impossible to enter."

The arrogance of the mayor goes beyond, at some moments she becomes a "pig" who does not respect others, neither close nor far.

Maria Antonovna

The mayor's daughter does not look her 18 years old. She is already a well-formed county lady, flirting with men. The daughter is “not bad” by herself, but is more often busy looking at her reflection in the mirror. The girl pays more attention to the postmaster. Marya Antonovna builds her eyes and coaxes Khlestakov. She likes the windy auditor: "... the master is pretty!", "... your master has a pretty little nose!". In a comical scene of courting immediately after his mother and daughter, Khlestakov asks for the hand of Marya Antonovna, but runs away from the city, leaving the girl with nothing. The role of those who want to marry favorably is the main one in the image of a daughter.

Non-commissioned officer's widow

The female image is comical and tragic. A widow was flogged in the market because of a fight between women. The police were late for the women's showdown and grabbed those who were at the scene of the fight. The widow was "reported" in such a way that "she could not sit for two days." The outrage and arbitrariness of the policemen is trying to be attributed to the unfortunate woman. He says she "whacked herself."

Sarcasm is heard, Gogol laughs. The tragedy of the scene is also in the fact that a woman demands a fine for humiliation and pain, she is only interested in money.

Greed, vindictiveness and callousness of comedy women causes only grins.

The main image of the comedy is the image of a county town. Gogol called it "prefabricated" and "soulful", apparently meaning that it contains all types of the urban population, shows their character traits and social behavior ("prefabricated city"), draws attention to the sins and weaknesses of people ("soulful city ").

The comedy's character system reflects the social structure of the city. It is headed by the mayor - Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky. He is endowed with all powers of authority and is responsible for everything that happens in the city. Hence the three characteristics that outline this image: power (status), guilt (irresponsibility), fear (expectation of punishment). The following are four images of officials representing the management of the city: the judiciary in the person of judge Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, postal and telegraph communications - the postmaster Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, education is in charge of the superintendent of schools Luka Lukich Khlopov, social services are headed by the trustee of charitable institutions Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika . Three officials, with the exception of Shpekin, are shown together with the departments they manage. So, Lyapkin-Tyapkin is presented with an eternally tipsy assessor, watchmen and visitors to the court. The education system is also depicted in detail: Khlopov, teachers, students. The charitable establishments are characterized by the order prevailing in the hospital, the image of Strawberry and the sinister figure of the doctor Gibner. To show the continuity and inviolability of the criminal bureaucratic power in the city, Gogol introduces characters who do not take part in the action - retired officials Lyulyukov, Rastakovsky and Korobkin. The support and protection of the authorities are police officers Svistunov, Pugovitsyn and Derzhimorda, headed by a private bailiff Ukhovertov.

Other segments of the city's population are represented primarily by urban landowners Petr Ivanovich Bobchinsky and Petr Ivanovich Dobchinsky. And by matching names, and by the same behavior, you can immediately understand that we have traditional “paired characters” who, in the plot of a comedy, will perform a common function for two. The absurdity of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky is already indicated in their status: landlords who live in the city and turn into gossips from idleness.

The images of merchants are not outlined as clearly as the images of officials. The merchant Abdulin, the obvious leader and author of a note to Khlestakov, is partly distinguished. This note exhaustively characterizes the social essence of the merchants: “To His Highness, the Master of Finances from the merchant Abdulin...” This appeal has two features: Abdulin does not know what rank or title to use, therefore, just in case, he mixes them all. And the expression "master of finance" reflects the hierarchy of values ​​of the merchant - in his eyes, at the very top of the social ladder is the one who is in charge of finance.

The merchants are followed by another category of the population - the bourgeoisie, represented by the locksmith Poshlepkina and the wife of a non-commissioned officer. In these images, two sins are personified: anger and money-grubbing. The locksmith is rightly indignant that the mayor gave her husband out of the line to the soldiers, but she curses the innocent relatives of the mayor. The wife of a non-commissioned officer is not worried about the insult inflicted on her, the humiliation of female dignity, but about what benefit she can derive from the “happiness” that has befallen her.

The images of servants complete the gallery of characters. It may seem that they are the same and do not deserve special attention, but this is not so. The comedy depicts three social categories of servants: the city tavern servant - impudent and somewhat cheeky; a servant in the mayor's house - Mishka, helpful, but knowing his own worth; and Khlestakov’s personal servant, Osip, a type of lord’s servant, a sharp-witted peasant, but already corrupted by the life of the capital, a lackey, repeating the master in everything.

Separately, there are images of the mayor's wife Anna Andreevna and daughter Marya Antonovna. The caustic and accurate portraits of a provincial lady and young lady show a sad picture of the vain limitations of their lives, the poverty of ideas, and moral narrowness. The plot role of these heroines is also great, because due to the absence of a real love conflict in the comedy, these images serve to create a parody - in the scenes of Khlestakov's alternating courtship of either his daughter or his mother. However, the mayor's family is still at the top of the social position in the city. Ladies of lower rank, such as Khlopov's wife or Korobkin's wife, are forced to be envious and gossiping.

The image of Khlestakov, of course, stands apart in comedy due to its plot and ideological role. Khlestakov is a pivotal figure in the plot, since without him the “mirage” situation would have been impossible. In addition, he not only passively takes the position of an imaginary auditor, but with incredible success plays along with the delusion of the townspeople, which, due to his stupidity, he does not even suspect. In ideological terms, Khlestakov serves as a kind of temptation for the city, because the most ridiculous ideas of the townspeople about St. Petersburg in the person of Khlestakov are fully confirmed. Therefore, the townspeople, primarily officials, behave openly and sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire of lawlessness and malevolence. Khlestakov does not deliberately deceive anyone, he is not at all capable of any deliberate action, because, in his own words, he has “unusual lightness in thoughts”, that is, emptiness. Khlestakov has nothing of his own, so he behaves like this and does what is expected of him. This is the reason for his inspired lies in the mayor's house. He was a kind of "scourge" for the townspeople, with which they whipped themselves.

Finally, the most important image of the comedy The Inspector General is the auditor himself, who unites the entire play. From the first phrase of the comedy, it appears as an assumption, an expectation, a certain idea, and must appear incognito. Then, instead of a real auditor, a deceit, a mirage, a "inspector" penetrates the city. At the beginning of the fifth act, the inspector seemingly disappears to appear in the last line of the comedy as a harsh reality, like the truth that struck the officials in a silent scene. In parallel with the image of the auditor, the image of St. Petersburg develops in the comedy. Petersburg first causes fear and absurd conjectures in officials, then it manifests itself as a mirage through the image of Khlestakov, and after Khlestakov's courtship to the mayor's daughter, it becomes unreasonably close to the residents of city N. At the end of the play, after the announcement of the arrival of a real auditor, the image of St. Petersburg becomes hostile and discouraging.

Let us listen to the remark of Gogol himself about another character in the comedy The Inspector General: “It is strange: I am sorry that no one noticed the honest face that was in my play. Yes, there was one honest, noble face that acted in it throughout its entire duration. That honest, noble face was laughter. There are no positive characters in comedy, laughter does not appear on the stage between the characters, it exists in the very atmosphere of comedy - laughter is born in the heart of the viewer and awakens noble indignation in him.

An essay on the theme “Female Images” in the works of N.V. Gogol

Creativity N.V. Gogol occupies a special place in Russian literature. No one else could describe in such a lively and humorous manner the widest panorama of Russian life. Of course, first of all, the artist is interested in shortcomings, he does not feel sorry for his homeland, but shows all its injuries, everything bad that exists in everyday life. The satirist's pen serves to denounce officials and landowners, and mocks their vices. In his works, Gogol does not pay much attention to female images. The writer does not consider it necessary to depict separately the shortcomings of men and women, he only gives a general picture of the desolation that reigns in the cities and villages of Russia. However, on the other hand, they prompt the reader to think deeper about the reasons for desolation, add color to the description and dynamics to the actions.

One of the most famous works of Gogol is the play "The Government Inspector". This work seems to be a kind of prologue to the monumental poem "Dead Souls", the work of the whole life of the writer. In The Inspector General, the sting of satire is directed against the life and customs of a remote town, against the greed and arbitrariness of county officials.

"Dead Souls" is a work of a much larger scale. In it, all of Russia appeared before the readers' court. Gogol does not feel sorry for her, but caustically sneers at her shortcomings, believing that this treatment will be beneficial, that in the future the motherland will definitely get rid of dirt and vulgarity. The idea of ​​"Dead Souls" is a continuation of "The Government Inspector". It does not just show the life and customs of the officials of the county town. Now Gogol is exposing both the landlords and the officials, and he is scourge of flagrant shortcomings on a much larger scale. The "dead" souls of all Russia pass before the eyes of readers.

One of the main functions performed by female images in both works is the formation of ideas about certain social and socio-psychological types. The most striking example of this is the image of the landowner Korobochka. She is described by Gogol as a terrible person for her stinginess and stupidity, who looks more like a machine than a person. Her characteristic feature is the desire to get as much money as possible, and she is not interested in whether the buyer needs the product or not. The box is stingy and thrifty, nothing will be lost in its economy, which, in general, is commendable. But the main feature of her character is hidden in her "speaking" surname: this is an impenetrable, limited and stupid old woman. If some idea came to her mind, then it is impossible to convince her, all reasonable arguments "bounce off her like a rubber ball off the wall." Even the imperturbable Chichikov becomes furious, trying to prove to her the undoubted benefits of selling the peasants. But she firmly took it into her head that Chichikov wanted to cheat her, and cracking this nut, this box is extremely difficult even for the hardened businessman Chichikov. In Korobochka, Gogol embodied all the limited thinking of Russian landowners, she became a symbol of the abyss in which the Russian landed nobility finds itself, which has completely lost the ability to think sensibly.

In order to show a picture of life and the depth of the decline of morals in the provincial town of N., the author introduces images of urban gossips. Their exaggerated and fictitious stories about Chichikov's adventures, mixed with discussions about fashion, do not arouse in the reader anything but a feeling of disgust. Vivid images of a simply pleasant lady and a lady who is pleasant in all respects characterize the city and the province from a very unfavorable side, emphasizing the plane of their thinking.

Because of the gossip spread by these ladies, the shortcomings of dishonest officials were revealed. And this is not the only example of how female images help Gogol to show the real picture of life, the real situation.

Outwardly, there is nothing interesting in Anna Andreevna, the wife of the mayor in the Inspector General: a fussy, curious chatterbox, the reader immediately gets the impression that she has a wind in her head. However, it is worth taking a look at it. After all, the author in his "Remarks for Messrs. Actors" characterizes her as a woman intelligent in her own way and even having some power over her husband. This is an interesting representative of the provincial society. Thanks to her, the image of the mayor becomes more prominent, acquires additional meaning, and the reader gets a clear idea of ​​the lifestyle and problems of county ladies.

Not very different from mother and Marya Antonovna. She is very similar to her, but much less active, this is not a double of an energetic official, but only her shadow. Marya Antonovna wants with all her might to seem significant, but her behavior betrays her: outfits occupy the most space in a girl’s heart, she pays attention primarily to Khlestakov’s “suit”, and not to its owner. The image of Marya Antonovna characterizes the city from a bad side, because if young people are busy only with themselves and "suits", then society has no future.

The images of the mayor's wife and daughter brilliantly reveal the author's intention, illustrate his idea: the bureaucracy and society of the county town are thoroughly rotten. Women's images help to reveal the author's intention in "Dead Souls". Deadness is also manifested in Korobochka, who is always painstakingly collecting a pretty penny and is afraid to make a mistake when making a deal, and in the wives of landowners.

In addition, the wives of Manilov and Sobakevich help the author to reveal the male images in more detail and to emphasize any character traits. Each of them is, as it were, a copy of their spouse. For example, Sobakevich's wife, having entered the room, sat down and did not even think to start a conversation, which confirms the rudeness and ignorance of the owner. Manilova is more interesting. Her manners and habits exactly repeat the manners and habits of her husband, we recognize the same cloying expression in her face, she, like Manilov himself, has not yet left the world of dreams. But at the same time there are hints of her independence; Gogol reminisces about her studies at the boarding school, about her playing the piano. Thus, Manilova separates from her husband, acquires her own features, the author hints that her fate could have turned out differently if she had not met Manilov. However, the images of the wives of the landlords are not independent, they only enrich the images of the landowners themselves.

The image of the governor's daughter is extremely important in this aspect. Although she does not utter a single word in the entire poem, with her help the reader discovers Chichikov's amazing character traits. A meeting with a charming girl awakens tender feelings in Chichikov's soul, this rogue suddenly begins to think about love and marriage, about the future of youth. Despite the fact that this obsession will soon subside like a haze, this moment is very important, here the reader meets a vague hint of a possible spiritual rebirth of the hero. Compared to the image of the mayor's daughter in The Government Inspector, the image of the governor's daughter carries a fundamentally different semantic load.

In principle, the female images of The Inspector General do not play an important role in understanding the main idea of ​​the work. But their importance is also great. After all, women are not officials, which means that Gogol's satire is not directed directly at them, their function is to emphasize the general degradation of the county town. Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna set off the shortcomings of officials. Their stupidity and overly high self-conceit bring under the blinding light of satire the same shortcomings of officials, hidden under the mask of integrity and diligence.

In "Dead Souls" female images, on the contrary, are versatile. They are much more complex, more developed than in the "Auditor". None of them can be unequivocally characterized. But one thing is certain: female images allow the reader to understand the work more deeply, their presence enlivens the narrative, and often makes the reader smile.

In general, Gogol's female images, not being the main ones, characterize in detail and accurately the mores of the bureaucracy. they show the life of the landlords in an interesting and versatile way, more fully and deeply reveal the most important image in the writer's work - the image of the motherland, Russia. Through the description of such women, Gogol leads the reader to think about her fate, about the fate of his compatriots, and proves that Russia's shortcomings are not her fault, but a misfortune. And behind all this lies the great love of the author, the hope for her moral revival.

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