It's all rock and roll. Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington dies

Chester Bennington is a famous rock musician from the USA, who was a real idol for a million people. A huge number of faithful listeners came to the concerts of the vocalist of the Linkin Park group, thousands of people performed the best musical hits along with Chester in stadiums packed to capacity.


The man left our world early enough, his heart stopped beating at the age of 41. Loyal fans endured the loss with pain, this sad event was a great shock to the music community. The text of this article contains the most relevant information about Chester's biography, career and personal life.

Biography of Chester Bennington

The baby was born on 03/20/1976. He spent his childhood in the capital of the state of Arizona - Phoenix. The father of the child worked in the local police department, and the mother was an ordinary nurse. The guy became interested in music as a child, he listened with admiration to the best tracks of some American rock bands. The kid adored the work of Loverboy and Rush.

2. Life with father.

Mom and dad of the boy divorced after a while. The eleven-year-old teenager began to live with his father. It was during this period of time that Chester's creative path began. He not only learned to play the piano, but was also a member of a number of local musical groups. The young man quickly mastered the skills of playing several instruments, and also tried to prove himself as a vocalist.

3. A victim of violence.

Chester suffered from bullying on several occasions. The little boy had been the victim of sexual abuse by an older comrade for several years. He did not ask for help, as he was afraid of social pressure and unnecessary condemnation. The guy also had problems at school, he was very frail, wore glasses and did not know how to stand up for himself. He was often beaten, humiliated and even persecuted.

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4. Severe drug addiction.

The guy was constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Constant bullying affected his psyche, he thought about suicide and wanted to take revenge on his offenders. The young man tried to find solace in creativity, he played musical instruments and wrote high-quality poems. Chester also started taking drugs and drinking alcohol early. He often came home under the influence of marijuana, cocaine, meth and LSD.

5. Return to mother.

The future idol of millions moved to his mother's house at the age of seventeen. The woman was so struck by the appearance of her son that she forbade Chester to leave her room. The withdrawals were very strong, he was forced to run away from home. Bennington rented a small apartment on his own and also worked at the Burger King fast food restaurant. A man managed to cope a little with addiction only in adulthood.

Chester Bennington career

6. First creative attempts.

The guy always wanted to become famous as a famous musician. In 1993, the vocalist became a member of the Gray Daze collective. Members of this creative association had great success in Arizona, were frequent guests of small festivals. Promising Chester did not stay in this group for very long, as the rockers constantly quarreled over trifles.

7. Xero.

After some time, Bennington became a member of the rock band "Xero" (also known as "Hybrid Theory"). He was forced to undergo real tests. The recorded demo version of the song impressed the band members so much that the guys immediately invited Chester to Los Angeles for further listening. Soon the musicians recorded their new album and signed an agreement with a major record company, Warner Brothers Records.

8. Rename the group.

The guys could no longer perform under the old name, the British band "Hybrid" had the copyright to the phrase "Hybrid theory". The new name for the association was given by Chester. He decided to name the rock band "Lincoln park" because he often went to rehearsals through this park area. The name was changed a little soon, because the guys wanted to create their own site, and the web address was already in use.

9. First success.

An album titled Hybrid Theory was released in October 2000. The best compositions in it were the songs "In the End", as well as "Crawling". Many music experts consider this work to be the best among the debut albums. In total, several million copies of "Hybrid Theory" have been sold. Rock music lovers immediately fell in love with the unique style of the performers. A high-quality combination of elements of rock, rap and electronic music has become a real hallmark of Linkin Park.

10. Work in other musical projects.

In 2006, Bennington formed the band Dead by Sunrise. The members of the association were also keyboardist Amir Derak and guitarist Ryan Shak. The guys released an album in 2009 and continued to work on other projects in parallel. Also during the Stone Temple Pilots tour, Chester temporarily played the role of the lead singer who had previously left the group.

Personal life of Chester Bennington

11. Family, children.

The guy met his first wife Samantha in his youth, while working at Burger King. He was very poor and could not afford an expensive engagement ring. The newlyweds solved this problem very simply, they made a tattoo in the form of a ring on their fingers. After a while, a son, Draven, was born to a man and a woman. The relationship ended completely in 2005.

The second time the performer married his girlfriend Talinda Bentley in 2005. The girl worked as a model in her youth, she also has a diploma from the Institute of Technology. After some time, the family had a child, the baby was named Tyler. And in 2011, Bennington became the father of two twins.

More facts about Chester Bennington

12. Movie auditions.

Chester took part in the filming of several films at once. He appeared in episodes of the films Adrenaline, Adrenaline 2 and Artifact. In 2010, the vocalist played the role of a racist who died in a junkyard attack in Saw.

13. Fascination with tattoos.

Chester loved tattoos. On his body one could notice beautiful and colorful drawings (dragons, flames, fish, skull, flower and several inscriptions). He was also a co-owner of a specialized salon "Club Tattoo".

14. Short facts.

  • The singer was 177 centimeters tall and weighed 70 kilograms.
  • Chester was left-handed.
  • Also, the man was engaged in business in parallel with creativity.
  • In 2015, the Linkin Park tour was interrupted because Bennington broke his leg while playing basketball.

Death of Chester Bennington

15. Departure from life.

The guy passed away on July 20, 2017. He hanged himself in his own home in Los Angeles, not far from the body lay a bottle of alcohol. As a result of a medical examination, it became clear that on that ill-fated evening the musician was not under the influence of drugs. The last note was not found.

Many experts attribute Bennington's death to the death of his good friend vocalist Chris Cornell, who also hanged himself a couple of months before the incident. Chester put the noose around his neck on the birthday of his deceased friend. In his interviews, the Linkin Park vocalist has repeatedly stated that it will be very difficult for him to cope with this loss.

16. Last video.

The death of the vocalist came as a real surprise to the other members of Linkin Park. The guys were supposed to take part in a photo shoot the next day, and in a week they would go on a big tour. The concerts were never destined to take place, the cost of tickets was returned to buyers.

On the band's official YouTube channel that ill-fated night, a video for the song "Talking to Myself" was published. At the moment, video hosting users have watched the video a hundred million times, in the comments, loyal fans continue to write about universal grief. Right now you can see a huge number of sentences under the clip, which are written in different languages.

17. Testament.

Shortly before his death, Chester managed to write a will. The text of the document states that almost all property should go to his wife. Experts have estimated the rock star's net worth at $40 million. He also took care of his children, now the guys receive a fixed sum of money every month from a special family fund. In his will, the musician wrote that children should be brought up in a large family and a friendly atmosphere.

He was the idol of millions. He was imitated and looked up to even by people very far from the world of music. At one point, his name was heard by almost the whole world, however, it cannot be said that Bennington gained such popularity only after his death. He was known and loved during his lifetime. So who was he, the one whose unexpected death was a real shock to an entire army of fans, causing not only bitterness and grief, but also indignation, and sometimes contempt?

Chester Bennington was born in Arizona in 1976. His family had nothing to do with music or art in general. The parents of the future rock star divorced when the boy was only eleven years old.

Bennington began his work with the musicians of the future Linkin Park band back in 1999. Over the entire existence of the group, these guys have released five albums, and have also been repeatedly recognized as the best alternative music group in the USA.

By the way, the history of the creation of the name of the group is connected with Bennington's hometown. As a child, little Chester often had to walk in Lincoln Park. Actually, this is exactly how, being a novice musician, Bennington wanted to name his band - Linkoln Park. The problem arose when the young team decided to create their own website. It turned out that in the world network there is already a web page with the same name. And then the idea came up to call the group Linkin Park.

As for the musician's personal life, Bennington was officially married twice. Chester had a son from his first marriage. The rock idol entered into a second marriage with a model of the popular men's magazine Playboy. The couple had three children and adopted two more.

Death of Chester Bennington

20 July 2017 years, the entire Internet and all the media literally exploded from the stunning news: the lead singer of one of the most popular rock bands of our time was found dead in his own home in Los Angeles. The 41-year-old musician committed suicide on a very symbolic date. Bennington decided to take his own life on the 53rd birthday of his late colleague and friend, lead singer of Soundgarden, Chriss Cornell. The latter, quite shortly before this, had himself passed away of his own free will, it happened on the eighteenth of May.

An event such as the death of one of the most popular rock idols of the modern world, Chester Bennington, caused a huge outcry from the public. Numerous versions have been put forward regarding what the rock musician died from. We will try to analyze the most basic of them further.

Cause of death of Chester Bennington

Establishing the actual reason why Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington died was not difficult for forensic investigators. It was suicide by hanging. Of much greater interest to the press, the public, fans, friends, and in general everyone who at least once heard something about Bennington's work, were the musician's internal reasons that pushed him to this act.

There are many opinions and versions. Here are some of the most basic ones.

  • Death of a close friend. Indeed, the suicide of musician Criss Cornell came as a huge shock to Bennington. They were very close and Bennington's subtle emotional attachment to the deceased friend can be understood from his letter to the latter, which the musician published on one of the social networks shortly after the death of a colleague and comrade. In addition, the choice of a date for committing suicide, as it were, hints at some connection with Cornell.
  • Dependencies. It's no secret that rock musicians lead a very specific lifestyle. Bennington is no exception in this regard. Alcohol and drugs were an integral part of his life. Many condemn the musician for this, some forgive "bad habits", speaking of Bennington's great talent. Similarly, it's hard to tell whether it's true or not that these detrimental things caused the death of a rock star. Apart from Bennington himself, no one knows about this.
  • Depression. Many believe that the cause of Bennington's death was his severe psycho-mental state, namely, a protracted depression in which the singer and musician had been for many years. There may be several reasons for this condition. First, the burden of responsibility to the fans. On stage, Chester, along with his team, always tried to give all his best, but you will never be able to please all the fans, and Bennington was very worried about discontent.

Plus, as a child, Chester had to endure an act of sexual abuse by an adult man, which also left its mark on the psyche of the future idol of millions.

Which of these is the truth is the cause of the musician's death, and which is a lie, perhaps no one will ever know, but now these versions are just that.

Video on the topic: Death of Chester Bennington

Details of the death of Chester Bennington

As for some of the details of this tragic incident, the press learned that shortly before the incident, Bennington, along with his family, was vacationing in Arizona. However, the musician decided to go home to Los Angeles alone.

His dead body, along with an empty liquor bottle, was found by a housekeeper.

It is known that the next day the group Linkin Park was scheduled to premiere a new video.

Linkin Park react to lead singer Chester Bennington's death

Bennington's death came as a real shock to everyone, including fellow musicians, members of the Linkin Park band. In the first days after the incident, the guys refused to comment on anything. The band members declined to make an official statement about the death of their colleague, saying they would report it to the press as soon as they had it.

It is known that at the time of Bennington's death, the Linkin Park group intended another round in the field of development. The guys were preparing for the release of a new video, and the group was also going to have a joint photo shoot. This is one of the reasons why the act of the soloist was a real shock to other members of the team.

Also, many other celebrities took to social media to express their shock and surprise at Bennington's death. Many expressed words of grief and admitted that they were long-time fans of the work of Bennington and Linkin Park.

Fan reaction to Chester Bennington's death

As for Bennington's fans, their opinion about the musician's act was sharply divided. Of course, this act made an indelible impression on all of them. However, they expressed it differently. Some expressed words of regret and sorrow, admitted that they grew up and matured under the songs of Linkin Park, important stages of their life are connected with the work of the group, and they sincerely regret that such a talented person left this world.

Others, contrary to the opinion that “the dead are either good or nothing”, condemn and criticize the musician, not understanding how the person who inspired and encouraged millions could turn out to be so weak.

To accept or condemn such an act of Chester Bennington, let it remain a personal matter for everyone.

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41-year-old American rock musician, lead singer of Linkin Park Chester Bennington committed suicide.

Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington has died at the age of 41.

It is reported by TMZ.

Bennington was found dead at his home in Palos Verdes, California at around 9 a.m. local time. The musician, according to preliminary data, was found hanged.

It is known that the musician struggled with alcohol and drug addiction for several years. He previously stated that he wanted to commit suicide due to the fact that he was sexually abused by a man as a child.

Lately, Chester has been close friends with the Soundgarden frontman, who took his own life in May of this year. Apparently, Bennington did not accidentally hang himself on the birthday of his friend, Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell.

He rose to prominence as a member of the band Xero, which formed in 1996 and was named Linkin Park in 2000. Bennington also had a solo project called Dead By Sunrise.

Rock band Linkin Park has been named America's Best Alternative Band four times by the American Music Awards, and has topped the Billboard charts multiple times and is a Grammy winner. Over the years of the band's existence, more than 50 million copies of records have been sold.

Chester Charles Bennington Born March 20, 1976 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

His father was a local police detective, his mother was a nurse.

In 1987, Bennington's parents divorced. The mother took her older brother Brian and one of the sisters with her, leaving Chester and the second sister to her father.

As a child, Chester was raped by an acquaintance. The violence lasted from 7 to 13 years.

Chester's first musical instrument was the piano. In his youth, he participated in many musical groups and played various instruments, but in most cases he was a vocalist.

Thanks to his brother, Chester was influenced by bands such as Loverboy, Foreigner and Rush. He did not participate in major projects until 1992, in which he joined Gray Daze. The band disbanded in 1997 and Chester moved to Linkin Park.

Until the age of 16, he tried all possible types of alcohol and drugs. At the age of 17, he moved in with his mother, who was so shocked by his appearance of an exhausted drug addict that she forbade him to leave the house. He continued to "withdraw", he continued to drink. Soon, as he himself admits, he turned into "an absolutely chronic alcoholic." In subsequent years, alcoholism will still remind of itself.

From 1993 to 1997, Chester was the vocalist of the group Gray Daze, which was popular in the United States. Due to mutual disagreements with the band members, Chester decided to leave. With Gray Daze he recorded 2 albums: "Wake me" in 1994 and " sun today".

While working at Burger King, Chester met his future wife, Samantha. Chester worked part-time and was therefore able to work with Gray Daze in the evenings. At this time, he was so poor that he could not afford not only a car, but even a bicycle, and therefore, as a means of transportation, he used a skateboard.

In 1995, Bennington and former Gray Daze member Sean Dowdell founded Club Tattoo in Phoenix. Many celebrities, including Hoobastank, David Boston of the Arizona Cardinals, and Chester himself, have gotten tattoos here.

In 1997, Xero was looking for a new vocalist. A firm that knew Chester suggested to Xero that it could be Chester Bennington. They sent him a demo and asked him to sing it. Within three days, one of which was his birthday, he recorded a demo and played it to Xero over the phone; they were amazed and asked Chester to fly from Phoenix to Los Angeles for an audition. At the audition, some members left immediately after hearing Bennington's vocals. One auditioner told the group that they would make a big mistake if they didn't take Chester. After Xero changed their name to Hybrid Theory and recorded the Hybrid Theory EP, which included the songs "Carousel", "Technique (Short)", "Step up", "And One", "High Voltage" and "Part of Me". They attracted the attention of several record labels and eventually signed with Warner Brothers Records.

Since the copyright for the name Hybrid theory belonged to the British group Hybrid, they had to change the name of the group. Chester suggested Lincoln Park because his home was close to Lincoln Park in Santa Monica, and he often went to the studio through this park. Everyone liked the name, but due to the fact that the Internet domain was already taken, the group adopted the name Linkin Park.

They recorded their debut album Hybrid Theory during 1999-2000 which was released on October 24, 2000. It included such hits as "In the End" and "Crawling". More than 30 million copies of Hybrid Theory have been sold worldwide.

Linkin Park

In 2002, Linkin Park released the Reanimation remix album, which included remixes from the Hybrid Theory album. Chester and Linkin Park's next album was Meteora with hits "Somewhere I Belong" and "Numb". This was followed by the release of the live album Live In Texas and an album with Jay-Z Collision Course. His collaborator and band member Mike Shinoda wrote a song that, until recently, could not be written. The song "Breaking the Habit" brings back memories of the past, many of whose circumstances brought Bennington to tears.

There is a lot of speculation about the meaning of the song, including Chester's drug addiction and his childhood problems. It took Mike 6 years to write this song. It was completed in June 2003 and was included in the Meteora album. In 2007, the album Minutes To Midnight was released, produced by Rick Rubin, and in September 2010, Linkin Park's fourth studio album, A Thousand Suns, also produced by Rick Rubin, was released.

In 2012, the band recorded their fifth album, Living Things, which was also co-produced by Rick Rubin.

Linkin Park

On October 13, 2009, the album Out of Ashes by Bennington's solo project Dead By Sunrise was released, work on which began back in 2006. The musicians from the bands Orgy and Julien-K helped him to work on it.

Illness and death of Chester Bennington:

Early in his career with Linkin Park, Chester often suffered from health problems, being hospitalized several times. He also suffered from vision problems and was forced to wear glasses without which he could not see anything.

In 2004, he underwent an operation to correct the lens. For some time, due to problems with alcohol addiction, Chester traveled in a separate bus from the whole group.

In January 2015, Chester Bennington broke his ankle while on The Hunting Party's North American tour. The incident happened during a basketball game. The tour was not initially canceled, but at the insistence of the doctors, an urgent surgical intervention was necessary. As a result, the tour had to be cancelled.

Chester Bennington died on July 20, 2017, according to police, the cause of death was suicide.

Chester Bennington Personal Life:

He first married on October 31, 1996 to Samantha. On April 19, 2002, their first child was born, who was named Draven Sebastian. On April 29, 2005, Samantha filed for divorce. She took her son with her, but allowed Chester to see him. Were on friendly terms.

The second marriage - with Playboy model Talinda Bentley - took place on December 31, 2005, from which the second son, Tyler Lee, was born on March 16, 2006. They also adopted two more children: Jaime and Isaiah. On November 11, 2011, Talinda gave birth to two girls, who were named Lily and Lila.

Discography of Chester Bennington:

2000 - Hybrid Theory
2003 - Meteora
2007 - Minutes to Midnight
2010 - A Thousand Suns
2012 - Living Things
2014 - The Hunting Party
2017 - One More Light

Filmography of Chester Bennington :

2006 - Adrenaline (Crank) - a buyer in a pharmacy
2009 - Adrenaline 2: High Voltage (Crank: High Voltage) - a guy in a Hollywood park
2010 - Saw 3D (Saw 3D) - Evan
2012 - Artifact (Artifact) - cameo

Many are wondering Why did Chester Bennington die? (Linkin Park) and we will try to understand it together with you.

Today is a day of mourning for all fans and admirers of the Linkin Park group, and for all connoisseurs of rock - today, July 20, 2017, vocalist and leader of the group Chester Bennington died. He committed suicide at his home in Los Angeles. For everyone, this was unexpected bitter news, because with his work he inspired millions, and maybe billions. Blessed memory of this wonderful person and great musician.

1 Reason Why Chester Bennington Killed Himself (Leader Linkin Park)

Echoes of the past. During his youth and early life, Chester was quite asocial, abusing alcohol and drugs a lot due to his parents' divorce, which affected him greatly. His first musical projects did not work out and he decided to end his musical career, but he caught the eye of the famous producer Jeff Blue. At the age of 23, Bennington's life took a sharp turn and overnight he became very rich and famous. Apparently, old habits and addictions never let him go, and he has repeatedly stated that he conveys all his pain through songs, for example, in one of his interviews with Noisecreep magazine.

2 reasons why Chester Bennington died

The failure of the last album. If Chester coped with his problems for twenty years with the help of music and public recognition, then the criticism and very negative assessments of One More Lighte could knock him down. In addition, the death of a friend (suicide) Chris Cornell in May 2017 could finish him off. Chester couldn't take all the weight that was on his shoulders and it pushed him.

3 reason why committed suicide Chester Bennington

Conspiracy theory conspiracy. Immediately after the sad news, some began to put forward such ideas. Some attribute this to the inevitable commercial success of the new album, despite the criticism. This is how this world works and one of the brightest examples is Nirvana. Now the excellent band Linkin Park will inevitably be put on a par with The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and other great rock legends. Indirectly, this reason is also evidenced by the fact that Chester Bennington did not leave a suicide note. But who benefited from it?

There may be many reasons, but the main thing here is one thing - the world has lost one of the greatest musicians of our time and this cannot be changed. R.I.P. Chester Bennington.

There will be Chester commemorations all over the country over the weekend and if you want to join, look for your city or the nearest city in

Chester Charles Bennington (Chester Charles Bennington) - vocalist of the band Linkin Park, was born March 20, 1976 in Phoenix, Arizona. Now lives in Los Angeles. He studied at Greenway High School, but later moved to Washington and already there he began to study at Washington High School, from which he graduated in 1994. Chester says he was a complete jerk at school, used cocaine and was sexually assaulted. He has been married to Samantha since October 31, 1996, when he was 20 years old. Chester congratulated Samantha on their 4th wedding anniversary while performing at a show in Hollywood. They designed several pieces for Replicant Clothes, a company owned by Head (KoRn) and Ryan Shuck (Orgy). Has a son from her - Draven Sebastian who was born on April 19, 2002. Since 2005, has been divorced from Samantha and married to Talinda Bentley, who is pregnant by him. Chester has 2 dogs: an Australian Hound and a Rottweiler/Labrador mix. By nationality, Chester is an American, he has an older brother. Thanks to him (who is 13 years older than Chester), he was influenced by bands like Loverboy, Foreigner and Rush. Brother taught Chester to sing "Hot Blooded" when he was 2, taught him to speak and videotaped him doing it. This tape is still preserved, although Chester says it is lost. He told Draven about it because he couldn't find anything suitable to say in response and was surprised that everyone knew and asked about it. Chester has a lot of tattoos, only 14 pieces. The first one was made at the age of 18, the last one was inked in 2006. They cause a lot of pain. It keeps me simple, it reminds me that I'm vulnerable and that the pain is bearable Chester says. He has his own tattoo parlor, which he opened with Samantha. Chester's hair was dyed white, black, brown, red, pink, purple, etc. His hair style was also constantly changing. He was curly, spiked, he put horns on himself, a mohawk, shaved off his sides and shaved almost baldly. In 1991, he founded the rock band Gray Daze, in which he himself was the vocalist, it lasted until 1993. Chester was frustrated that while he was writing the lyrics, the rest of the band was taking out a bank loan. Their songs were played on local radio stations, they recorded 2 discs, but they never signed a single contract, and Chester left, now Gray Daze has a new vocalist (this time it's a girl), and they changed their name to Waterface. She gave him a big push on the way to a future career. As a child, Chester's idols were Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin) and Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots), Chaz does not miss a single Madonna album. He saw them for the first time when he was 14. When Chester was little, he constantly sang in the house, he sleepwalked and in his dreams he saw himself as the fifth member of Depeche Mode. Chester's favorite albums are Black Celebration, Purple, Zeppelin #4. From the age of 10 to 14, Chester liked both hip-hop and such representatives as Sugarhill Gang and Slick Rick, but at his core, as he says, he is a rocker. Chester's first instrument is the piano. Chester will never part with his guitar. He has his own views on religion, which he doesn't want to talk about. Chester smokes.
Once at the end of one of the shows, Chester got sick and threw up on himself and a few fans (fans didn't bathe for a year after that =)). Chester needs glasses but takes them off on stage. Without them, he sees almost nothing in front of him. Chester was once driving down a snowy road down a cliff and drove into a brick wall. Then he was given 47 stitches. For the first fee received from the concert, Chester made a pointless repair of his SUV, namely: polished it so that it shone brighter than the sun.
Chester has a couple of friends who committed suicide as soon as they grew up. Chester: "I also lost a friend in a skateboarding accident. He skateboarded down a small hill, hit a cobblestone, hit his head on the right, and it was over. It can happen to you a million times at a young age, you fall and you hit your head - he just hit the wrong place." The fan's strangest request for Chester was to give him (the fan) his clothes. Chester's most risky move was to join the Linkin Park Band. the band was not originally promised such a career. Chester is a big fan of good beer. If Chester could repeal one law, it would be the legalization of marijuana. If Chester wasn't a musician now, he would be, as he says, "An ordinary American doing ordinary American things."
At airports, Chester removes all metal, sharp things, bracelets, etc., and he has a small bag or something to store them in. They must be in a certain place every time. Chester's favorite movie is Fight Club. Chester loves to cook. Chester has read Anne Rice's "Vampire Chronicles" and "Hannibal", which he calls "an amazing book" and enjoys it a lot. Chester sticks out from the game "Tony Hawk 2". Chester is a fan of the Phoenix Cardinals football team. Mr. Bennington has made several radio ads for someone called CAPP who helps horny boys.
In 1994, Mike Shinoda sent Chester a demo tape and offered to record his vocals to the proposed music. Chester stopped drinking with the guests and began to record his ingenious vocals, which he had learned in the past. When he was done, he called Mike and put the receiver on the tape recorder. Mike, Brad, Joe and Rob were absolutely delighted with the recording. The next day, Chester flew to Los Angeles and became a member of the well-known band Linkin Park.
Chester is most proud of the singles "In The End" - Hybrid Theory, and from Meteora - "Breaking The Habit" and "Numb". Chester says that a real song is a song that can stand the test of time, you can listen to 20 years in a row, a song that your children's children will listen to. Chester's favorite musical memory is playing in Atlanta, there were 21,000 people, and when Chaz got on stage, all he saw was a sea of ​​heads. I don't like to tell everyone what my songs are about because it prevents people from finding their feelings in the song, he says When someone explains what their music is about, it frustrates me because I usually see it has a completely different meaning
Chester has his own line of clothing called "Vecel", in his fashionable and stylish clothes he has been performing since mid-2007.
Chester is currently working on his debut solo album, which was supposed to be released in early 2006 but was pushed back and is still going on...
Here's what Chester himself says about this: "We took 90s rock and 80s pop music like Depeche Mode, The Cure and Bauhaus and mixed them together. It turned out cool - killer beats and walls of a guitar sound."
Bennington's "Dead By Sunrise" project is being produced by Orgy band members Amir Derakh and Ryan Shuck. The titles of the album's songs are already known: "Morning After" and "Walking in Circles". "Morning After" was performed by Chester at the Linkin Park concerts in 2001-2002.

Chester is the most colorful type, the receptacle of an incredible number of vices and virtues, he is a real Madonna in rock. You might think that Bennington has no idea about PR. But, if you take a closer look, it seems that everything that happens to him is a pure accident, but an accident well arranged. Without a bit of hesitation, he gets used to the image of decent family men built by the group, at the same time, managing to be a little drunkard, and a caring father, and a daredevil, and a loving husband, and an intelligent businessman, and, if you like, a martyr with authority. All this causes invariably a crazy resonance in the media. On the question of what kind of inscription on the tombstone he would like, he replied --- "A loving father and husband are buried here."

In 2009 the first single and video "Crawl Back In" from the new album "Out of Ashes" was released.

Chester's Twitter

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