Increasingly, the failure of traditional views on diseases and their treatment is revealed. Test work on the novel I

1. To whom was I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” dedicated?

a) N.G. Chernyshevsky

b) N.A. Nekrasov

c) N.A. Dobrolyubov

d) V.G. Belinsky

2. The inconsistency of Bazarov's views is revealed:

a) in the ideological disputes between Bazarov and P. P. Kirsanov

b) in a love conflict with Odintsova

c) in dialogues with Arkady Kirsanov

d) in relations with Sitnikov and Kukshina

3. What class did Bazarov belong to?

4. How did the duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov end?

a) the death of Bazarov b) the death of Kirsanov c) Kirsanov was wounded

d) the heroes refused this way of resolving disputes

5. I. S. Turgenev is deservedly called “the master of the Russian landscape. What is the nature of the landscape in final scene(at the grave of Bazarov)?

a) romantic b) social

c) psychological d) philosophical

6. Indicate what type of COMPOSITION the author used in the novel "Fathers and Sons".

a) circular or cyclic

b) consistent

c) parallel

7. What does I. S. Turgenev mean by “nihilism”?

a) complete denial of the knowledge accumulated by mankind

b) revolutionary-democratic worldview

c) denial political system, state system

d) natural science theories

8. Which hero of the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" is essentially the spokesman for the author's point of view?

a) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

b) Evgeny Bazarov

c) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

d) Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

9. Identify the hero by the portrait.

She impressed him with the dignity of her posture. Her naked hands lay beautifully along a slender figure, beautifully fell from shiny hair light fuchsia branches on sloping shoulders; calmly and intelligently, precisely calmly, and not thoughtfully, the bright eyes looked out from under a slightly hanging white forehead, and the lips smiled with a barely perceptible smile. Some gentle and soft power emanated from her face.

a) Fenechka b) Evdoksia Kukshina c) Katya Lapteva d) Anna Sergeevna Odintsova 10. Why didn't A.S. Odintsova reciprocate Bazarov's feelings?

a) she did not feel love for Bazarov

b) she despised Bazarov, since he was of low birth

c) she was afraid of Bazarov's love and decided that<спокойствие все-таки лучше всего на свете»

d) Bazarov was just curious about her

11. What critic does the following statement about Bazarov belong to?

« To die the way Bazarov died is the same as doing a great feat.

a) V. G. Belinsky b) N. G. Chernyshevsky

c) M. A. Antonovich d) D. I. Pisarev

12. What is the fate of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov after the duel and the death of Bazarov?

a) continues to live on the estate with his brother

b) go abroad

c) returned to St. Petersburg I lead a secular lifestyle

d) engaged in housekeeping and landscaping of the estate and became a good owner

13. In the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", an important role for characterizing the hero is played by an object-household detail. Find a correspondence between the household item and the hero of the novel.

a) a silver ashtray in the shape of a bast shoe

b) a volume of poems by A. S. Pushkin

c) checkered hoodie with tassels

d) a monogram of hair in a black frame and a diploma under glass

A) Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov

B) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

C) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

D) Evgeny Bazarov

14. What literary direction does the work of I. S. Turgenev belong to?

a) classicism b) sentimentalism

c) romanticism d) realism

15. What was the name of the family estate of I. S. Turgenev?

a) Karabiha

b) Yasnaya Polyana

c) Spasskoye-Lutovinovo

d) Muranovo

16. By origin, I. S. Turgenev was:

a) nobleman

b) a tradesman

c) rogue

17. The basis of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is the conflict:

a) father and son Kirsanov (generational conflict)

b) landowners and serfs (social conflict)

c) raznochintsev-democrats and liberal nobles (ideological conflict)

d) Bazarov and Odintsova (love conflict)

18. In what year does Fathers and Sons begin?

a) January 1840

b) March 1849

c) May 1859

d) September 1861

19. In disputes, Bazarov denied art, love, nature. Which of the characters in the novel was Bazarov's main opponent on aesthetic issues?

a) Arkady Kirsanov

b) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

c) Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

d) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov

20. Which of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Sons" D. I. Pisarev called "little Pechorin"?

a) E. V. Bazarova

b) P. P. Kirsanova

c) Arkady Kirsanov

d) N. P. Kirsanova

21. Arkady Kirsanov tells E. Bazarov the life story of his uncle, P.P. Kirsanov, in order to:

a) satisfy Bazarov's curiosity

b) entertain a bored friend

c) arrange Bazarov in favor of his uncle

d) to justify the sybarism of P. P. Kirsanov

22. What word in the lexicon of E. Bazarov refers to abusive?

a) progress

b) liberalism

c) romanticism

d) "principles"

23. What role do female images play in the works of I. S. Turgenev?

a) introduced to develop the plot

b) with their help, the personal qualities of the hero are checked

c) they inspire male heroes to action

d) they are opposed to the main character

24. Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov are opposed to each other by their way of life, thoughts, and appearance. Are there similarities in the characters of these characters? Point out the similarities between these characters.

a) "satanic pride" b) low birth

c) cynicism d) pragmatism

25. Why did I. S. Turgenev put the democrat Bazarov next to one of the best representatives of the nobility, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov?

a) in order to show the inconsistency of Bazarov's views

b) in order to show the failure of the noble class and the moral superiority of a democrat over an aristocrat

c) in order to humiliate the democrat Bazarov

d) in order to emphasize the aristocracy of P.P. Kirsanov

a) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov were useless

b) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov are premature, ahead of their time

c) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov would not bring anything to Russia but harm

d) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov are unique, not typical for Russia

27. What class did Bazarov belong to?

a) the nobility b) the bourgeoisie c) commoners d) the peasantry

a) the hero is despicable

b) the hero is sympathetic

c) the hero is described ironically

29. What is the function of the following landscape in Fathers and Sons?

The places they passed through could not be called picturesque. Fields, all fields stretched right up to the sky ... There were also rivers with steep banks, and tiny ponds with thin dams, and villages with low huts under dark, often half-swept roofs ... As if on purpose, the peasants met all shabby, on bad nags; like beggars in rags stood roadside willows with peeled bark and broken branches...

a) aesthetic

b) social

c) philosophical

d) psychological

Test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

    a- b b- c c-d d- a

In the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" reveals the inconsistency and inconsistency of the theory of nihilism, the adherent of which is the protagonist Evgeny Bazarov.

Firstly, it is impossible to name a single true follower of the theory, except for Bazarov.

So, Arkady Kirsanov respects Yevgeny for his intelligence and loyalty to ideals, but cannot share his views.

Arkady admires nature, accepts art and feelings, and in his soul he is soft, sentimental and generous, outwardly hiding behind a mask of nihilism. In addition, at the end of the novel, Arkady became an economic landowner.

Another "follower" - Viktor Sitnikov, who was embarrassed by his merchant origin, called himself a liberal and nihilists, imitating Bazarov. He liked to express contempt, especially for women, which explained his views. Sitnikov didn't think about ideas, he was too stupid for that. But, despite his "principles", he married and "groveled before his wife, a nee princess."

And finally, Evdoksia Kukshina is an untidy, vulgar and stupid “emancipe” woman who is always harsh in her assessments and irreconcilable in her views.

She is interested in the position of women in society and the natural sciences. Kukshina has an unfortunate fate: her husband left her, she is ugly and is not popular with men. External interest in nihilism is determined by the desire to be part of the "important cause."

Secondly, Bazarov's worldview is gradually collapsing. Love for Anna Odintsova broke one of the principles of Eugene, which was the reason for the loosening and fall of the rest. He could not control his feeling, for a long time not realizing that love is not subject to man.

Thirdly, before his death, Bazarov understood and accepted love, thought about whether the world needed him.

Thus, showing the "followers" of the protagonist and leading Eugene through the test of love, I.S. Turgenev proves the inconsistency of the theory of nihilism.

Updated: 2017-09-29

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Useful material on the topic


The relevance of the topic is obvious given the transition of Russia to market methods of economy, the most important of which is the presence of a modern and efficient banking system. Since the 1930s in Russia, legal relations related to the insolvency of enterprises were practically not regulated. The official doctrine did not recognize the institution of bankruptcy, since there is no place for insolvency in a planned socialist economy. Early 1960s. bankruptcy rules were generally excluded from the legislation of the USSR.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, the institution of bankruptcy received legal recognition in 1992 in the Law of the Russian Federation of November 19, 1992 No. 3929-1 "On the insolvency (bankruptcy) of enterprises."

Thus, the main reasons for the need to reform bankruptcy legislation were the lack of experience in its application and the inappropriateness of borrowing practices from other, more economically and politically developed countries without taking into account Russian reality. As a result, the Russian insolvency legal system was created. Federal Law of January 8, 1998 No. No. 6-FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)" was more aimed at protecting the interests of creditors. As a result, it turned from a means of improving the economy into a source of conflicts and led to the ruin of many solvent enterprises. Quite often, creditors were interested not in the implementation of measures for the financial rehabilitation of enterprises, but in their bankruptcy and taking possession of their property.

These and many other circumstances necessitated the development and adoption of a new Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" of 2002.

The purpose of this work is to consider issues of insolvency of credit institutions.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. Study the Russian legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy) of credit institutions;

2. Consider the concept, criteria and signs of insolvency (bankruptcy).

The difference between the concepts of "insolvency" and "bankruptcy"

According to a common tradition, insolvency is understood as the poor financial condition of an enterprise, characterized by its inability to pay its obligations. Often in domestic studies, when studying this phenomenon, it is overlooked that the insolvency of an economic entity for its obligations is only an external form of its internal problems, or rather, the result of production inefficiency. The economic assessment of the enterprise's activities also comes down to a statement of fact: whether or not the enterprise is able to fulfill its obligations to counterparties. In the Russian practice of applying the insolvency mechanism, a decision on the bankruptcy of an enterprise is made only on the basis of studying its external features. In conditions of stable market systems, when the insolvency of any economic entity is an exception and is caused primarily by internal inefficiency of production, such a simplified approach to understanding insolvency is acceptable. But the massive insolvency of domestic enterprises requires a different definition of this economic category.

A thorough study of any economic phenomenon involves the study of both its external form and internal content. The external form of insolvency of an enterprise is insolvency, that is, its inability to pay its financial obligations in a timely manner (according to Russian law, to counterparties for monetary obligations and for tax and other obligatory payments to the state).

The internal content of insolvency in a normal market economy is the degree of business efficiency below a certain level.

There are 6 stages of business before the final financial collapse:

1. Profitable activity - the business is so efficient that it generates cash flow in an amount sufficient to reimburse current expenses (including tax deductions, which can also be attributed to current expenses), as well as to receive net profit.

2. Break-even activity - the cash flow generated by the business covers only current expenses, and no net profit is generated.

3. Unprofitable activity without signs of insolvency - the cash flow generated by the business is insufficient to cover current expenses, however, due to the liquid assets accumulated over previous periods, all current expenses are covered.

4. Temporary insolvency - the efficiency of cash flow generation by the business is weak to such an extent that both previously accumulated liquid assets and the generated cash flow are not enough to cover current expenses. At the same time, there are illiquid assets sufficient to satisfy the claims of all creditors. But some time is needed for their transformation into a liquid form and satisfaction of creditors' claims.

5. Intermediate insolvency - the insufficiency of the cash flow generated by the business, as well as the lack of liquid assets of the enterprise, can only be overcome by a qualitative change in the business. In this case, of course, it will take more time than when transforming illiquid assets into a liquid form.

6. Absolute insolvency - the generation of cash flow by the business is so weak that even with a qualitative change in the business, the cash will not be enough to make current payments (obviously unprofitable activity).

This classification is based on the assumption that all sales proceeds generate cash flow.

Thus, the internal content of insolvency, as a complex economic phenomenon, is the inefficiency of the business, and the external form is its insolvency. Any change in the external form (business insolvency) is derived from changes in the internal content (business efficiency).

Insolvency, which is an external form of insolvency, does not appear immediately, but only in the last three stages of business inefficiency. Accordingly, 3 types of insolvency of the enterprise can be distinguished:

1. temporary insolvency;

2. intermediate insolvency;

3. absolute insolvency.

In foreign countries, bankruptcy procedures are applied only in case of absolute insolvency. The basis of the current Russian insolvency legislation is not the criterion of absolute insolvency, but the concept of insolvency in general.

Unfortunately, until now, in many domestic economic studies on insolvency, there is no definition that reveals the content of this economic category. Researchers, at best, limit themselves to bringing the legal definition given in the Russian insolvency law and revealing its legal side, and at worst, do not disclose this concept at all. But it must be taken into account that the legal category of insolvency is completely derived from the economic category of insolvency (in a broader sense, the legal superstructure of society is derived from its economic basis).

The 2003 Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) provides the following definition of insolvency: insolvency (bankruptcy) is the inability of the debtor recognized by the arbitration court or declared by the debtor to fully satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) fulfill obligation to make mandatory payments. Such a simplified approach to insolvency in the form of an inability to fulfill its obligations in a timely manner leads to the substitution of the content of the insolvency of an economic entity by its external form.

On the basis of the above judgments, the concept of insolvency can be defined as follows.

Insolvency is such a degree of inefficiency of entrepreneurial activity (business), in which the volume of generated funds, as well as liquid assets accumulated over the entire period of the business’s existence, are not sufficient to meet all external requirements associated with such activity (before counterparties, employees, tax authorities).

Both in economic research and in legal practice, no distinction is made between the concepts of "insolvency" and "bankruptcy". Russian insolvency legislation also does not separate the concepts of "insolvency" and "bankruptcy" and uses these terms as synonyms. Whereas in many countries a distinction is made between the two. In some countries, only the term "insolvency" is used, and the term "bankruptcy" is not used at all. In the US, only the term "bankruptcy" is used. In the neighboring Republic of Belarus, there is a clear distinction between the concepts of "bankruptcy" and "insolvency". Obviously, both in legal norms and in economics, it is necessary to make a distinction between these similar, but having different economic and legal meanings, concepts. Many lawyers propose to legally distinguish between the concepts of "insolvency" and "bankruptcy" and apply the concept of "bankruptcy" only in cases of misbehavior of the debtor, causing damage to creditors. There is even such a point of view that insolvency is an insolvent state of the debtor, and bankruptcy is the actions of the debtor (mostly illegal), which led him to such a state.

In our opinion, insolvency is a qualitative characteristic of business inefficiency, the external side of which is insolvency in the form of the debtor's inability to fulfill its obligations and satisfy creditors' claims on a certain date. And bankruptcy, in turn, is the result of insolvency and represents the cessation of the existence of a business within a given organizational, economic, production and technical system due to its inconsistency with the requirements. The insolvent position of the enterprise can end both with bankruptcy and its recovery (sanation). If bankruptcy is a negative result of business failure, then financial recovery is positive. Therefore, depending on the future prospects of the economic entity, 2 types of insolvent position of the enterprise can be distinguished:

1. with a possible improvement in the financial condition and exit from the crisis;

2. without a real possibility of improving the financial condition (bankruptcy).

In different eras of the history of society, various social views, social ideas, political, aesthetic, and philosophical theories dominated. What is the reason for the social change of ideas, views, theories?

Idealists seek answers to these questions in the ideas themselves, in their change and development. They consider the development of social consciousness as a self-contained process, independent of the conditions of the material life of society. Some idealists, like Hegel, for example, see the reasons for the development of social consciousness in the development of the "absolute idea", the "world spirit". But the "absolute idea" or "world spirit" is nothing more than a fiction, a fiction of the idealists. Hegel separates the consciousness of people, their spiritual activity from the people themselves, from the basis of life - from the conditions of the material life of society, and thereby mystifies social ideas.

Other idealists look for the source of the development of social consciousness in the mysterious eternal properties of the "national spirit" or race. But in reality, in public life, there have not been and do not exist any immutable properties of the “folk spirit” or race. History proves that the ideas and views of people change depending on the changing conditions of their lives. In the same era, different social classes belonging to the same race and nation are supporters of completely opposite social ideas, political views and social theories. No properties of race, "national spirit" can explain this opposition of ideas, views, theories. History shows that even one and the same social class, for example, the bourgeoisie in the person of its ideologists, at different periods of its development can adhere to completely different views on nature, on the state system, on democracy, on the freedom and national sovereignty of peoples, etc. It is not for nothing that they say that if Lincoln or Jefferson appeared in modern America, the US government would accuse them of un-American activities, would find their way of thinking “un-American”, and they would have to appear before the US Congress Commission on Un-American Activities.

It goes without saying that the reasons for this metamorphosis of the political views of the bourgeoisie lie not in the sphere of the "national spirit", not in spiritual life, but in the changed conditions of the material life of bourgeois society, in the transformation of the bourgeoisie from a progressive class into a reactionary class.

Friedrich Engels, criticizing the idealistic views of bourgeois ideologists, wrote that all of them, in explaining the ideological process, proceed from false, illusory reasons. The true driving forces that determine the development of social thought remain unknown to them. Speaking about the ideological process, the idealist sociologist “deduces both its content and its form from pure thinking - either from his own, or from the thinking of his predecessors. He deals exclusively with mental material; without further elaboration, he considers that this material is generated by thinking, and does not investigate any other, more remote and independent source from thinking. Such an approach to business seems to him self-evident, since for him every human action seems to be based in the last analysis on thinking, because it is carried out through thinking. (K. Marx and F. Engels, Selected Letters, 1947, p. 462). “... The appearance of an independent history of forms of government, legal systems, ideological ideas in any area, first of all, blinds most people.” (Ibid., p. 463).

The deepest reason for such a false, idealistic idea of ​​the development of social consciousness, social ideas, political and philosophical views and theories is the separation of mental labor from physical labor, the monopolization of mental labor by the exploiting classes and their ideologists. Only under these conditions could the idea of ​​the development of ideology, forms of social consciousness, as a self-contained process, independent of the conditions of the material life of society, arise and be strengthened.

Class interests impel the ideologists of the bourgeoisie to distort the real connection between the phenomena of social life, to tear off the spiritual process from the conditions of the material life of society. What such an idealistic view of the origin of ideas leads to in practice can be judged from the book by the American historian McGovern "From Luther to Hitler" (Boston). McGovern is looking for the origins of the reactionary ideology of German fascism in the teachings of Machiavelli, Luther, Hegel, Hobbes, J. Chamberlain. He consciously or instinctively does not touch the real basis on which fascism and its ideology grow. This basis is monopoly capitalism, imperialism. It is understandable why bourgeois sociologists are afraid to touch upon this real root, the source of the fascist reactionary imperialist ideology: an indication of this cause would show the inner kinship of the entire reactionary ideology of the imperialist bourgeoisie with the fascist ideology.

With regard to these words, we must say that the difference between the teaching on royal power, set forth in the comments of the author of the critical review, and the teaching on the same "Russian Ideology" is so great that it is not necessary to speak of these remarks as an addition to our book.

We have already pointed out a number of our fundamental differences on questions of the divine establishment of royal power, its foundation on the Holy. Scripture and its dogmatization, more precisely, the dogmatization of the doctrine of royal power.

In addition, we consider it necessary to note other significant differences between the teachings of the author of criticism and the teachings of the "Russian Ideology".

According to the view of the latter, we declare that the power of the anointed king, in its great significance, is a value in itself. The author of a critical article ascribes a relative value to this power.

According to the teachings of the Russian Ideology, the personality of God's anointed tsar is sacred to us, i.e. subject of special reverent attention. The author of the critical review says that the subject of our attention should not be the personality of the king and his power, but his attitude towards God and his royal power.

We affirm that the doctrine of royal power, as based on the words and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and His holy apostles, is a divinely revealed doctrine, therefore this issue is in its essence clearly, positively and definitely resolved in Divine Revelation. The author of the critical article rejects this and says that the doctrine of royal power is a problem, i.e., that this question has not yet been finally resolved and therefore is subject to rationalistic research.

There is a great difference between his and our interpretation of the biblical text about the origin of kingship (1 Sam. 8-12); in the interpretation of the words of Christ: “... My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36); “... who appointed me to judge ... you” (Luke 12:14); the gospel passage, which speaks of the desire of the Jewish people to proclaim Jesus Christ the earthly king (John 6:15), and other places of the Holy. Scriptures; in the interpretation of the words of St. Theodore Studite and the words of Metropolitan Filaret.

This difference points to the opposite of the very direction of the monarchist worldview of the author of criticism in comparison with ours. Our direction, as we said in our time, is determined by the basic idea of ​​the God-established royal power, more precisely, the Orthodox faith in the divinely revealed truth about the Divine origin of this power and its foundation on the Holy. Scripture. And the direction of the author of the critical review is determined by his main rationalistic thought, which denies this faith, due to which he looks at the doctrine of royal power at its core not as a divinely revealed truth, but as a problem.

It all boils down to the fact that our doctrine of royal power is based on the clear and positive teaching of Divine Revelation and the Orthodox faith in it, while in the author of criticism it, as a problem, is the subject of rationalistic research. Hence our monarchical worldview, as coming from God-revealed truth and the Orthodox faith in it, is true, ecclesiastical; and the monarchist worldview of the author of the critical article, as rationalistic, we cannot call true and ecclesiastical.

Therefore, it can in no way be an addition to our book "Russian Ideology". Due to the above differences and opposites, and especially due to its basic negative rationalistic thought, the monarchist teaching of the author of criticism is the destruction of the true monarchist worldview.

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