Volochkova at the beginning of her ballet career. Anastasia Volochkova, biography, news, photos

The name of Anastasia Volochkova is now well known not only to the domestic public, but also to foreign ones. A talented girl was born in St. Petersburg on January 20, 1976. She grew up in the family of an athlete-tennis player and an engineer of a design institute. Anastasia Volochkova in her youth dreamed of becoming a ballerina and did everything to make this dream come true. Parents supported their daughter in all her endeavors, while instilling in her diligence and perseverance.

Anastasia Volochkova in her youth - photo

From childhood, Nastya cherished the dream that she would grow up and be sure to perform on the ballet stage. After receiving secondary education, Volochkova went to enter the ballet academy, but almost failed the entrance exams. If not for Konstantin Sergeyev, the selection committee would have issued a disappointing verdict.

In her youth, Anastasia Volochkova was bullied by teachers, and her classmates were sympathetic. However, this did not prevent the future star from graduating with honors, and her final exam and debut performance took place on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater.

In the photo: Anastasia Volochkova in childhood

A talented and pretty girl immediately became a sought-after ballerina. However, this was not only positive for the young Anastasia Volochkova. Immediately a mass of ill-wishers appeared, weaving dirty intrigues. The girl was practically forced out of the performances and even wanted to be removed from work. Through the court, they tried to dismiss Anastasia from the theater for not meeting the parameters of a professional ballerina, but the case was high-profile, and representatives of the Western press intervened. The girl was very worried about the outcome of the process, since ballet occupied a very important place in her life. As a result, Volochkova won the trial, but she could not stay at the Bolshoi Theater after the incident.

In the photo: Young Anastasia Volochkova

The young and prominent Nastya aroused genuine interest among the representatives of the opposite sex. As you know, youth is famous for its maximalism, and therefore Volochkova dreamed of something sublime, beautiful. In the early 2000s, she had an affair with an oligarch and enjoyed their relationship for two years, but the scandal that thundered at the Bolshoi Theater and the dissatisfaction of the groom's relatives led to the fact that the couple broke up. After that, in the life of Anastasia Volochkova there were many more novels, official marriages and even the birth of a daughter. But the main love of her life is still ballet.

In the photo: Anastasia Volochkova in her youth

Recently, Volochkova has been giving fans gifts of a very dubious nature: either a photo without clothes, or defiant splits in a swimsuit, or a discussion of her tarnished reputation as a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, or high-profile scandals on TV shows related to divorce.

Where did that fragile and tender ballerina with an innocent look, whom everyone saw in the young Volochkova, go? Then she was considered charmingly beautiful. Volochkova's charms were so strong that people fell in love with her even dressed and with her legs brought together.

What do we see now? Public showings of the body.

Volochkova signed this photo with the words: “Today, in this font, I need to wash off from the shooting in which I took part today ... “Actually” on Channel One. Subject: Zaitsev sisters. Everything was fine until they got into a fight."

“Thank God, not with me, although they wanted to. Konstantin, a lawyer, was hit. And a glass of water was thrown in his face, which I presented to these sisters. It was thrash. There are no words. You will see everything on air. And water is my help! The question is, why participate in such programs in which one or two can get involved in dirty showdowns?

Anastasia Volochkova gives concerts even now, and receives flowers and kind words in gratitude for them. She is very pleased, which she herself talks about in the videos posted on her page.

If that were all it was, fans would still treat the ballerina the way they did in the past.

But no. With many of her actions, she herself provokes fans. And then he defends his honor, because it's a shame for the negative reaction. Here is such a vicious circle.

“I respond to any insults to nonentities, to any attacks against me and to any attempt to annoy me with work and the quality of the result! And always with a smile. And if something doesn’t work out, then I still overcome difficulties and achieve results! It happened that when falling... Piglet pointe in the radius is small. But I always get up and go forward again! While practicing the elements, I look for ways and exits. Staying on top", - Volochkova writes under her training video.

“And today, having seen my mother in St. Petersburg, at this late rehearsal I am dancing to the music of Tchaikovsky's “Russian”. And I am happy that professionalism always speaks for me. And the ability to do what many can not do " she adds.

They say that a happy person does not need to convince others of this. And here we are. Do you agree with this? Write in the comments.

Anastasia Volochkova is known not only for her work. Outrageousness, high-profile scandals, sensational novels and candid photo shoots accompany her name.

The love of art brought the girl to the stage. From the age of five she has been passionate about ballet, at the age of 18 she began to do it professionally at the famous Mariinsky Theater. Diligence and talent helped to get on the main stage of the country- to the Bolshoi Theatre. And here - an incredible success. The role of the Swan Princess in Swan Lake, the admiration of the audience, foreign tours, an engagement in Sleeping Beauty in London.

But a quiet creative life did not last long. Personnel changes and part-time work on the side (she carried out solo projects) created a conflict situation, but at the same time bring fame. The artist is offered to be the face of a fashionable jewelry house.

All this caused dissatisfaction with the administration and the subsequent dismissal. The court overturned the unlawful decision of the theater authorities, but there was no longer any desire to return to the team.

She manages herself. But for society, the ballerina Volochkova no longer exists. Now he is a scandalous person who either gets into a public skirmish with Ksenia Sobchak, or posts provocative photos, or arranges quarrels because of the attention of rich potential suitors.

Surprisingly, but the personal life of a woman is also just an idea. What was the cost of a chic wedding with a millionaire, which lasted three days, with the dressing of several luxurious wedding dresses, as it turned out later, without official registration. Of the whole show, only the daughter Ariadne turned out to be real.

With age, Nastya becomes not only more confident, but also more relaxed. She does not forget to remind her admirers and enemies of herself with nude photo shoots taken at expensive resorts.

Anastasia Volochkova is a famous ballerina, public figure and dancer. Volochkova started in her youth exclusively with ballet, but today the popularity of her personal life greatly outweighs her professional activities. What is the secret of the interest of thousands of people in this multifaceted personality?

Anastasia Volochkova fell in love with ballet in her youth, according to her - as early as 5 years old. As a child, she studied this art at the Academy of Russian Ballet. Vaganova. Father, Yuri Volochkov, a Soviet athlete, national table tennis champion and athletics coach at a sports school, supported his daughter's aspirations in everything. The professional career of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova began at the age of 18, and immediately - in one of the largest and most popular theaters - the Mariinsky. After working there for 4 years, she moves to the Bolshoi Theater, and from that moment on, the era of her fame, even among people who do not attend the theater, can be considered open. Her first role in the largest theater in Russia - and immediately the main one. She superbly performed the role of the Swan Princess in the production of Swan Lake. Later, she was entrusted with several more roles, which the ballerina also performed excellently.

Artists of the Bolshoi Theater often went on tour from other countries. At the beginning of 2000, Nastya Volochkova performed one of her parts in London, where she charmed not only the audience, but also professionals. So, she received an engagement to play a role in Sleeping Beauty. Already in March of the same year, Volochkova returned to the Bolshoi Theater.

A few months later, significant personnel changes take place at the Bolshoi Theater, and from that moment on, her life ceases to be calm. The series of conflicts is already becoming chronic. Warm up conflicts and her semi-professional activities on the side. Solo projects can be described as dance numbers with elements of ballet in a modern style. Her popularity, albeit scandalous, did her good.

However, these dances, which Volochkov decides to stage on his own, are not approved by the theater administration. The public is also ambivalent about them, but still buys tickets for her performances in order to see the scandalous ballerina. She also tries her hand at advertising. So, she became the face of the famous Chopard jewelry house. During the same period, she becomes a member of the United Russia party, from which she later left in 2011.

In 2004, the director considered that Volochkova did not fit into the ideas of how a classical ballerina should look like, and the Bolshoi Theater could well do without her. He simply fired the ballerina, but Volochkova was not from the timid. She filed a lawsuit, proving that her weight and height cannot be a reason for dismissal, because they do not impair physical capabilities. All this the ballerina warmed up with numerous interviews, where she spoke about the illegality of the director's decision. Volochkova won the process, and she was reinstated at work, but she did not want to stay in the theater.

The lawsuit hardened the artist. From that moment on, she becomes the main character of numerous articles in major magazines and newspapers. Scandalous ballerina from the Bolshoi Theater - what could be more tempting for the reader? At this time, few people perceive Volochkova as a ballerina, because on stage in pointe shoes you can see her much less often than in a nightclub. In addition to everything, the public also became aware of a quarrel with another scandalous famous person - Ksenia Sobchak. In those years, the girls said a lot of words to each other through the media, to the delight of the editors of the latter and readers. No ballerina has ever aroused such strong interest, and Anastasia's photos are flashed almost everywhere.

The family life of Anastasia Volochkova began with meeting her future husband on the plane. The ballerina played the wedding for three days, and the celebration was very luxurious. In an interview, the ballerina talked about what a wonderful husband she has, and how happy she is. Soon the daughter Ariadne is born. After the birth of her daughter, the ballerina's flattering words about her husband gradually fade away. Divorce and separation were not long in coming. By the way, later it turned out that Volochkova was never officially married.

Volochkova was left alone with her daughter, but not a shadow of sadness can be seen in her actions. On the contrary, she, as if to spite everyone, is resting in the most distant hot countries. One of the photo shoots on the beach, which can be described as "nude", caused the widest public dissonance. Photos in a topless swimsuit, where the ballerina covers her chest with her hands, became a real bomb. Society seemed to be divided into two camps, where the first group spoke about the inappropriateness of such behavior for a woman and mother, and the other, on the contrary, supported the ballerina in every possible way.

Later, photo shoots in a similar style continued. Anastasia posts provocative photos regularly. We can say that the photo of Volochkova in her youth and now are completely different elements. Today, this woman is quite self-confident, easily breaks stereotypes and, in spite of everyone, expands the boundaries of what is considered permissible. Famous names sometimes appear in personal life, but so far not a single romance has reached the wedding.

The name of Anastasia Yurievna Volochkova has long been known, many have heard about the merits of the ballerina and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Her career path began in 1994, and she is still famous for her performances. Anastasia Volochkova is a very multifaceted personality, in addition to ballet, she is engaged in music, acting and tries herself as a model.

The future ballerina grew up in the family of a table tennis coach. When she saw the Nutcracker at the age of 5, she decided to become a ballerina. At first, the girl was told that she had no data and talent, but the stubborn Nastya achieved her goal.

The most important stage in her career as a ballerina was her performance at the Mariinsky at the Bolshoi Theater. She was the main character in the production of "Swan Lake" in 1994, she performed the Swan Princess. Then Anastasia gradually began to play more than one major role ("Kosar", "Giselle", "Firebird", "Raymonda" 1998).

Already in 2000, Nastya received the title of the most talented ballerina in Europe and picked up the desired Golden Lion.

In 2001, Volochkova played the role of Carmen. Then, the famous ballerina performed repeatedly in London and received awards. In 2007-2009, Nastya participated in the Russian TV project "Ice Age". The achievement of 2011 is the opening of the Moscow Children's Creative Center by A.Yu.Volochkova.

Volochkova before and after plastic surgery

Anastasia gets prettier over the years, it seems that the celebrity does not age at all. Has the girl had plastic surgery? According to Nastya:

“I am against such procedures, they only do the opposite effect and spoil the face of a woman. And mesotherapy and botox harm not only health, but also life.”

Ballerina says:

“I pay a lot of attention to my appearance. Sport gives me youth and thanks to an active lifestyle, I am always on top.

But, comparing the old photos of Volochkova and the current ones, it is very noticeable that the chest has increased by three sizes.

Anastasia repeats with confidence that sports and hormones have done their job.

Another photo of young Anastasia in her youth before plastic surgery:

Personal life

According to rumors, a young ballerina fell in love with Suleiman Kerimov in 2000. The relationship lasted two years, and then ended in parting.

As Nastya says: "The dissatisfaction of relatives has borne fruit." After parting, the ballerina began to have big problems in the theater, according to rumors, this was the revenge of her former lover.

In 2005, Volochkova gave birth to Ariadne from Igor Vdovin. And in 2007 he became the husband of a spectacular girl. The couple did not live long, only a year. They broke up due to different religious views. And the ex-husband's yoga classes also interfered with the couple.

In 2011, the ballerina decided to take part in the Let's Get Married show, but nothing came of it.

After a two-year pause, the actress, in early 2013, met businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov. The romance was not long-term, only 9 months, and the couple broke off the relationship.

In 2013, scandalous photos of the star with Nikolai Baskov were released to the press.

There were rumors that the star couple had an affair, but Anastasia denied this information.

For this period of time, the celebrity hides his personal relationship. What can not be said about her frank,

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