Internal sections of the organization. Analysis of the internal environment

Analysis of the environment in strategic management

1.1 Internal environment. Sections of the internal environment.

The internal environment of an organization is that part of the general environment that is within the organization. It has a permanent and most direct impact on the functioning of the organization.

The internal environment has several sections, each of which includes a set of key processes and elements of the organization, the state of which together determines the potential and the opportunities that the organization has.

The personnel profile of the internal environment covers such processes as: interaction between managers and workers; recruitment, training and promotion of personnel; evaluation of labor results and stimulation; creating and maintaining relationships between employees, etc. Organizational cut includes: communication processes; organizational structures; norms, rules, procedures; distribution of rights and responsibilities; dominance hierarchy. The production section includes the manufacture of the product, supply and storage management; technological park maintenance; implementation of research and development.

The marketing section of the internal environment of the organization covers all those processes that are associated with the sale of products. This is a product strategy, a pricing strategy; strategy for promoting the product on the market; choice of markets and distribution systems. The financial cut includes the processes associated with ensuring the effective use and movement of funds in the organization. In particular, this is maintaining liquidity and ensuring profitability, creating investment opportunities, etc.

The internal environment, as it were, is completely permeated with the organizational culture, which, like the above sections, should be subjected to the most serious study in the process of analyzing the internal environment of the organization.

Organizational culture can contribute to the fact that the organization acts as a strong, stable structure surviving in the competitive struggle. But it may also be that the organizational culture weakens the organization, preventing it from successfully developing even if it has a high technical, technological and financial potential. The particular importance of the analysis of the organizational structure for strategic management is that it not only determines the relationship between people in the organization, but also has a strong influence on how the organization builds its interaction with the external environment, how it treats its customers and what methods it chooses for conducting competition.

Understanding organizational culture is facilitated by studying whether the organization has stable commandments, unwritten norms of behavior, ritual events, legends, heroes, etc., how aware all employees of the organization are about this and how seriously they take all this. If employees are well aware of the organization's history, and take rules, rituals, and organizational symbols seriously and respectfully, then it can be assumed with a high degree of accuracy that the organization has a strong organizational culture. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. - 3rd ed. - M.: Economist, 2003. p. 196-198

strategic management competition environment

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The internal environment of an organization is that part of the overall environment that is within the organization. It has a permanent and most direct impact on the functioning of the organization...

Slices of the internal environment of the organization

The internal environment has a direct impact on the production and sale of products, and is better controlled by management. Therefore, the analysis of the internal environment should be carried out on a par with the analysis of the external environment and should be aimed at identifying opportunities, potential, as well as identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the organization compared to competitors in the market.

Note 1

The internal environment consists of several slices, which include a set of processes and elements that together determine the potential of the organization. Slices of the organization are divided into:

  • production;
  • organizational structure;
  • financial resources;
  • marketing;
  • personnel;
  • organizational culture.

Production cut includes production, supply, warehouse management, equipment maintenance, new developments.

Organizational structure includes the process of communication between employees, the overall organizational structure of the organization, the rules and regulations in the organization, the distribution of rights and responsibilities, the hierarchy.

Financial cut includes the processes that ensure the movement of cash flows in the organization.

Marketing cut includes a strategy for selling products, pricing, promotion of products on the market, the choice of a household market, a system for distributing products.

Frame cut includes the interaction of management and subordinates, hiring and training employees, promotion of employees, a system of incentives and motivation, the nature of relations between employees.

Organizational culture plays the role of either a limiter to the organization's capabilities, or becomes a support for survival in the competitive struggle. Culture shows how well employees will perform their duties, how they interact with each other and with management.

In addition to sections of the internal environment, which are the main components of the organization as a whole and are inherent in any organization, it is customary to single out a number of internal environment factors that are variables and depend on the nature of the activity, the market, the composition of the organization, etc.

Organization internal variables

Variables are part of the internal environment, but do not have strict characteristics, unlike cuts, which are mainly determined by the functional composition of the departments of the organization. But without internal variables, it is impossible to talk about the internal environment and analyze it.

1. Goals. This is the desired result that the organization seeks to achieve in the course of its activities. Goals are developed by management and then communicated to employees. Goals allow ordinary employees to see a picture of the work of the organization, give direction to activities. Common goals help strengthen ties in the team, give awareness to the actions of employees. There are several basic, global types of goals that depend on the specifics of the organization's activities:

  • Making a profit, increasing income, labor productivity, profitability (for commercial organizations);
  • Protection of human rights, development of science, support of culture in the regions, other socially significant goals (for non-profit organizations);
  • Support for regions, development of education, construction of hospitals, development of public catering, improvement of sanitary conditions in the region, other regionally significant goals (for state and municipal organizations).

2. Structure of the organization. In addition to being a constant slice of the internal environment, it is also variable, since the number of levels of hierarchy, departments can be different in different organizations. All departments are divided according to the functional areas that they affect in the process of work (marketing, production, finance, personnel). But at the same time, several departments (including production) can be marketing, as well as with personnel issues (hiring new employees can be done by agreement of the authorities of a particular department). Therefore, when analyzing the structure, it is important to look at exactly how functions are divided into departments and who controls them.

3. Tasks. They represent a certain type of work that must be performed in a certain way within a certain time frame. Each department performs its own type of tasks, each specialist does the same. The accomplishment of each task contributes to the achievement of the goals of the organization. There are three types of tasks in an organization:

  • work with people;
  • work with equipment, raw materials, tools;
  • work with information.

The more the organization is connected with the release of science-intensive products, the more specialized and narrow tasks each department and each specialist solves. Therefore, the importance of coordinating the execution of tasks is increasing.

4. Technology. Represents the order of organization of processes in the organization that contribute to the optimization of the use of resources (labor, time, money, material). Technology is transforming. For example, sales technology converts products into finance, information department converts data into information for managing the organization. In recent years, information technology has become an important element in achieving a competitive advantage.

5. People. This is the main factor in the management of the organization. This variable has three important aspects:

  • individual behavior;
  • their group behavior;
  • leadership style.

Note 2

Understanding the characteristics of the people who make up the organization is a difficult part of the management process, but it is it that largely ensures a stable position in the market. This variable determines the organizational culture, the personnel profile of the internal environment, and partly the organizational structure. It is influenced by leaders (formal and informal), groups within the organization, subcultures.

Internal environment of the organization is that part of the overall environment that is located within the organization. It has a permanent and most direct impact on the functioning of the organization.

An analysis of the internal environment reveals those opportunities, the potential that a company can count on in a competitive struggle in the process of achieving its goals. An analysis of the internal environment also makes it possible to better understand the goals of the organization, to more correctly formulate the mission, i.e. determine the meaning and direction of the company. It is extremely important to always remember that the organization not only produces products for the environment, but also provides an opportunity for its members to exist, giving them work, providing them with the opportunity to participate in profits, providing them with social guarantees, etc.

The internal environment is analyzed in the following areas:

Personnel of the company, their potential, qualifications, interests, etc.;

Management organization;

Production, including organizational, operational and technical and technological characteristics and research and development;

Firm finances;


Organizational culture.

The internal environment has several cuts :

Frame cut;

Organizational cut;

Production cut;

Marketing cut;

Financial cut.

Personnel cut of the internal environment covers processes such as:

Interaction between managers and workers;

Recruitment, training and promotion of personnel;

Evaluation of labor results and stimulation;

Creation and maintenance of relationships between employees, etc.

Organizational cut includes:

Communication processes;

Organizational structures;

Norms, rules, procedures;

Distribution of rights and responsibilities;

Hierarchy of subordination.

The production line includes:

Product manufacturing;

Supply and storage management;

Technological park maintenance;

Implementation of research and development.

Marketing cut The internal environment of the organization covers the following aspects that are associated with the sale of products:

Product strategy, pricing strategy;

Marketing strategy for the product;

Choice of markets and distribution systems.

Financial cut includes processes related to ensuring the effective use and movement of cash in the organization:

Maintaining an adequate level of liquidity and ensuring profitability;

Creation of investment opportunities, etc.

Conducting environmental analysis

Any organization is located and operates in the environment. The internal environment of an organization is the source of its lifeblood. It contains the potential that enables the organization to function, and therefore, to exist and survive in a certain period of time. But the internal environment can also be a source of problems and even the death of the organization if it does not provide the necessary functioning of the organization.

The study of the internal environment is aimed at understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the parties of the organization. Strengths serve as the basis on which the organization relies in the competitive struggle and which it should strive to expand and strengthen. Weaknesses are the subject of close attention from management, which must do everything possible to get rid of them.

To study the opportunities and threats, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the so-called SWOT analysis . SWOT- analysis involves first identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities, and then establishing chains of links between them, which can later be used to formulate the organization's strategy.

SWOT- by initial letters of English words:

strengths(strengths ),

weaknesses(weak sides ),

opportunities(capabilities ),


Thompson and Strickland have proposed the following rough set of characteristics, the conclusion of which should lead to a list of the organization's strengths and weaknesses.


Outstanding Competence;

Adequate financial resources;

High qualification;

Good reputation among buyers;

Renowned market leader;

Inventive strategist in the functional areas of the organization;

The possibility of obtaining savings from the growth of production volume;

Security (at least somewhere) from strong competitive pressure;

Suitable technology;

Cost advantages;

Advantages in the field of competition;

The presence of innovative abilities and the possibility of their implementation;

Proven management.

Weak sides:

There are no clear strategic directions;

Deteriorating competitive position;

outdated equipment;

Lower profitability because...;

Lack of managerial talent and depth of problem management;

Lack of certain types of key qualifications and competencies;

Poor tracking of the strategy execution process;

Anguish with internal production problems;

Vulnerability to competitive pressure;

Backlog in research and development;

Very narrow production line;

Poor understanding of the market;

Competitive disadvantages;

Below average marketing ability;

Failure to fund necessary changes in strategy.

Capabilities - these are positive trends and environmental phenomena that can lead to an increase in sales and profits.

Threats - these are negative trends and phenomena that, in the absence of an appropriate response from the company, can lead to a significant decrease in sales and profits.

Capabilities Threats
■ entering new markets or market segments; ■ expansion of the production line; ■ increasing diversity in related products; ■ adding related products; ■ the ability to move to a group with the best strategy; ■ vertical or horizontal integration; ■ accelerating market growth ■ possibility of emergence of new competitors; ■ growth in sales of a replacement product slowdown in market growth; ■ increase in tax rates; ■ increasing competitive pressure; ■ business cycle fading; increasing demands from buyers and suppliers; ■ changing needs and tastes of customers; ■ unfavorable demographic, economic, social, etc. changes.

Thus, in the structure of strategic management, the first block is the block of analysis of the environment - the totality of all factors influencing the activities of this company.

Environmental analysis provides the basis for: defining the mission and goals of the company, as well as to develop a strategy of behavior, enabling the firm to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals.

14. Execution of the strategy: making strategic changes, resistance to change

Feature of the strategy implementation process is that it is not a process of its implementation, but only creates a basis for implementing the strategy and achieving the company's goals. Very often there are cases when firms are unable to implement the chosen strategy. This happens because either the analysis was carried out incorrectly and incorrect conclusions were drawn, or because unforeseen changes in the external environment occurred. However, often the strategy is not implemented also because management cannot properly attract the potential of the firm to implement the strategy. This applies in particular to the use of human potential.

The main task of the strategy execution phase is to create the necessary prerequisites for the successful implementation of the strategy. Thus, the implementation of the strategy is the implementation of strategic changes in the organization, transferring it to a state in which the organization will be ready to implement the strategy.

Making strategic changes

The introduction of strategic management, the implementation of the chosen strategy are associated with the need to implement significant changes in the organization in its structure and culture. As experience shows, the results of numerous studies in the field of psychology and the science of human behavior in different situations, changes are resisted if they change the usual course of events or contain a potential threat to the established status quo in the organization.

Resistance refers to a complex behavioral phenomenon that causes unforeseen delays, problems, additional costs, and unsustainability in an organization's strategic change process.

People are the bearers of resistance. In an organization, these are, first of all, leaders of different hierarchical levels, managers and ordinary employees whose interests are affected by the planned changes. In the process of change, they often show resistance to them, which can have the following manifestations:

Direct sabotage of changes within the organization, associated with attempts to "bury" them in the flow of current affairs;

Delaying the beginning of changes (“morning is wiser than evening”);

The occurrence of unforeseen difficulties in the process of change, which lead to a slowdown in the process and an increase in costs compared to planned, etc.

Resistance can be individual or group. Individual resistance arises if a person feels in a dangerous position. This happens when the individual is unsure of the positive outcomes and consequences of change; fears that he will not cope with the new job and will be superfluous; unable or unwilling to retrain or adapt to a new organizational culture. Managers resist change when their positions in the management structure are in danger; there is a real threat of a decrease in remuneration for work, a weakening of control over organizational resources and, as a result, a decrease in prestige. An individual's response to change depends on the strength of beliefs, driving motives, and attitudes toward personality change.

Group resistance differs significantly from individual resistance in its manifestations. It is much stronger, more sustainable and requires much more effort to overcome it. This is explained by the fact that groups of managers or specialists with common responsibilities, tasks and interests develop the same views, norms of behavior that protect their position in the organization and determine the nature of their behavior as a whole.

Leaders of certain levels create a kind of coalition in the organization, which have great power and influence the entire management system. Therefore, the strength of group resistance is proportional to the scale of the threat to the position of the group, the rate of growth of changes that violate the values ​​and norms of behavior accepted in it.

The strength of resistance to change is determined by the degree of inconsistency of the organizational structure and culture with future changes, the duration of the period and the speed of the changes, the threat of loss of prestige and power for managers, the consequences of changes for the organization as a whole and the attitude of the majority of employees to the problem of its survival.

In order to successfully carry out strategic changes in the organization, it is necessary to overcome the resistance to them, to turn opponents of change into supporters. The main thing is to move from a simple reaction to resistance to a conscious impact on it, i.e. manage resistance. In this case, it is advisable to proceed according to the following scheme:

1 Determine, structure and analyze the nature of resistance to planned changes. Identify the main groups and individuals who are potential carriers of resistance.

2. Before starting the change process, try to minimize potential resistance by conducting preparatory work with various groups and individuals.

3. In the process of implementing changes, develop and implement a set of measures to eliminate residual resistance, develop an action program and allocate the necessary resources, including creating support groups from supporters of change.

4. Legitimize changes in the structure and culture of the organization, continue them to their logical conclusion.

Overcoming resistance should begin with a strategic analysis and forecasting of employee behavior, eliminating excessive resistance due to a lack of information about the nature of changes and their consequences for the organization as a whole. At the same time, “support groups” are created from among supporters who are actively involved in explanatory work and participation in the planning and implementation of changes. Measures to overcome resistance should be included in the change program.

When dealing with residual resistance in the process of implementing the strategy, it should be remembered that as changes are made, the positions of employees may change and this is ultimately the task of overcoming resistance. The success of overcoming resistance depends on how leaders will implement the change process. At the same time, the leaders of the organization must demonstrate a high level of competence, confidence in positive results and the need for change, and be consistent in their actions.

Resistance to change

Many organizations do not change at all over time and under the influence of external circumstances and thereby actually contribute to their own death. This happens even in organizations where the need for change is obvious even to outside observers. This makes one think that there is some psychological factor in the nature of organizations and individuals that makes such sharp turns difficult - resistance to change.

Often resistance to change comes from the need for people to break old habits and learn how to act in new ways. To do this, they need different norms and values. But in the process, they often find that their status and power in the organization are judged differently. These changes lead to the eternal conflict between the human desire for permanence and the search for the new. Resistance is the first reaction to change, as it takes time for people to assess the costs and benefits of change for themselves. For this reason, new leadership initiatives often cause conflicting reactions among subordinates.

The essence of strategic and tactical planning in management

Essence of strategic planning

Currently, there are many definitions of strategy, but all of them are united by the concept of strategy as a conscious and thoughtful set of norms and rules that underlie the development and adoption of strategic decisions that affect the future state of the enterprise, as a means of communication between the enterprise and the external environment.

A strategy is a general program of action that identifies the priorities of problems and resources to achieve the main goal. It formulates the main goals and the main ways to achieve them in such a way that the company receives a single direction of movement.

“Strategic management is the process of making and implementing strategic decisions, the central link of which is a strategic choice based on a comparison of the enterprise's own resource potential with the opportunities and threats of the external environment in which it operates. Strategy can be seen as the main link between what an organization wants to achieve with its goals and the course of action chosen to achieve those goals.

The strategy should become a "thread of time", linking the past and the future, at the same time marking the path to development" . In its most general form, a strategy can be defined as an effective business concept (business concept), complemented by a set of real actions that can lead this business concept to achieve a real competitive advantage that can be maintained for a long time. The development of a strategy should be based on a deep understanding of the market, an assessment of the company's position in the market, and awareness of its competitive advantages.

The essence of strategic planning is the answer to three critical questions.

1. What is the current state of the enterprise?

2. Where would it like to be in three, five, ten years?

3. How to reach the desired position?

To answer the first question, managers must have a good understanding of the current situation in which the enterprise finds itself before deciding where to go next. And this requires an information base that provides the process of making strategic decisions with relevant data for the analysis of past, present and future situations. The second question reflects such an important feature of strategic planning as its orientation to the future. To answer it, it is necessary to clearly define what to strive for, what goals to set. The third issue of strategic planning is related to the implementation of the chosen strategy, during which the two previous stages can be adjusted. The most important components or limitations of this stage are the available or available resources, the management system, the organizational structure and the personnel who will implement the chosen strategy.

In its substantive content, strategic planning refers only to the main, basic processes at the enterprise and beyond, paying attention not so much to available resources and processes as to the possibilities of increasing the strategic potential of the enterprise. Strategic decisions are at the heart of strategic planning.

Strategic decisions are management decisions that:

1) are future-oriented and lay the foundation for making operational management decisions;

2) are associated with significant uncertainty, since they take into account uncontrollable external factors affecting the enterprise;

3) are associated with the involvement of significant resources and can have extremely serious, long-term consequences for the enterprise.

Strategic decisions include:

Reconstruction of the enterprise;

Innovation (new products; new technologies);

Organizational changes (changes in the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, the structure of production and management, new forms of organization and remuneration, interaction with suppliers and consumers);

Entering new markets;

Acquisition, merger of enterprises, etc.

Strategic planning is a logical sequence of several stages, including a set of procedures.

By their nature, they can be combined into two groups: strategic analysis (analysis of the external environment, intra-company analysis, analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the company) and strategic design (defining the mission, determining the strategic position, setting goals, planning the implementation of the strategy). It should be noted that the sequence of individual procedures depends on the stage of the company's life cycle, on the availability of a previous strategic plan, but, ultimately, all of them together constitute a closed cycle of strategic planning.

tactical planning is inextricably linked with strategic planning, since where strategic planning is used, there is a need for tactical planning.

Tactical planning means refinement, correction, addition, in a word, concretization of strategy. Tactical planning is understood as the planning of actions that should represent the most effective ways to achieve strategic goals. In other words, tactics are one of the forms of expression of strategy. Strategy and tactics, in general terms, have related goals and their essence lies in determining the means by which the enterprise seeks to achieve its goals and objectives.

Tactical planning is the detailed planning, definition and development of issues within the technical lines. Tactics can be seen as certain steps, steps towards the top - the overall goal provided by the strategy.

There are certain differences between strategic and tactical planning:

§ in strategic planning, attention is focused on planning the general goals of the enterprise, and in tactical planning, detailed planning takes place.

§ in strategic planning, plans are characterized by long-term, and in tactical planning - by short-term.

§ in strategic planning, decisions are made by top management, in tactical planning - by numerous middle management specialists.

§ in strategic planning, rarely recurring problems and tasks are considered, and in tactical planning, homogeneous problems are solved.

§ in strategic planning, actions can be both regular and irregular in nature, and in tactical planning, a fixed schedule of actions is adopted.

§ in strategic planning there can be many alternatives, in tactical planning there are very few such alternatives.

The tactical planning process consists of two interrelated stages: plan preparation and adoption . The preparation of the plan includes the collection, systematization and clarification of various information in the activities of the enterprise, the analysis of the information received, the setting by the manager of tasks for individual structural divisions and employees to develop the plan, and the determination of the activities to be included in the plan. The adopted plan must be documented and approved by the head of the enterprise.

In addition to tactical planning, one should distinguish between current, or operational, planning.

Current, or operational, planning is what the manager of the enterprise does on a daily basis. It includes planning the work of the enterprise for a short period of time. It can be either a day or a month, a quarter, half a year or even a year. It depends on the strategic and tactical goals of the enterprise.

The process of current, or operational, planning consists of several stages:

Identification of the problem;

Identification of possible actions;

Pre-selection of one of certain possible actions;

Analysis of possible consequences;

final choice of action.

Moreover, the manager must be able to see not only the current moment, but also to anticipate the impact of the decision on the future time period. He must be able to make strategic plans, organize tactical planning and engage in ongoing planning.

An analysis of the internal environment reveals those opportunities, the potential that a company can count on in a competitive struggle in the process of achieving its goals. An analysis of the internal environment also makes it possible to better understand the goals of the organization, to more correctly formulate the mission, i.e. determine the meaning and direction of the company. It is extremely important to always remember that the organization not only produces products for the environment, but also provides an opportunity for its members to exist, giving them work, providing them with the opportunity to participate in profits, providing them with social guarantees, etc.

The internal environment is analyzed in the following areas: the company's personnel, their potential, qualifications, interests, etc.; management organization; production, including organizational, operational and technical and technological characteristics and research and development; company finances; marketing; organizational culture.

The study of the internal environment is aimed at understanding what strengths and weaknesses the organization has. Strengths serve as the basis on which the organization relies in the competitive struggle and which it should strive to expand and strengthen. Weaknesses are the subject of close attention from management, which must do everything possible to get rid of them.

The internal environment has several sections, each of which includes several key processes and elements of the organization, the state of which together determines the potential and the opportunities that the organization has. 1. A personnel profile of the internal environment covers such processes as the interaction of managers and workers; recruitment, training and promotion of personnel; evaluation of labor results and stimulation; creating and maintaining relationships between employees, etc. 2. Organizational cut includes communication processes; organizational structures; norms, rules, procedures; distribution of rights and responsibilities; dominance hierarchy. 3. The production section includes the manufacture of the product, the supply and storage management; technological park maintenance; implementation of research and development. 4. Marketing slice of the internal environment of the organization covers all those processes that are associated with the sale of products. This is a product strategy, a pricing strategy; strategy for promoting the product on the market; choice of markets and distribution systems. 5. The financial cut includes the processes associated with ensuring the effective use and movement of funds in the organization. In particular, this is maintaining liquidity and ensuring profitability, creating investment opportunities, etc.

The internal environment, as it were, is completely permeated with the organizational culture, which, like the above sections, is subjected to the most serious study in the process of analyzing the internal environment of the organization. Organizational culture can contribute to the fact that the organization acts as a strong, stable structure surviving in the competitive struggle. But it may also be that the organizational culture weakens the organization, preventing it from successfully developing even if it has a high technical, technological and financial potential. Of particular importance to the analysis of organizational culture is that it not only determines the relationship between people in the organization, but also has a strong influence on how the organization builds its interaction with the external environment, how it treats customers and what methods it chooses to compete. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the factors and phenomena that affect the enterprise. All factors are divided into four categories: strengths (strengths), weaknesses (weaknesses), opportunities (opportunities) and threats (threats). The method includes the definition of the goal of p / n and the identification of internal and external factors that contribute to its achievement or complicate it. The SWOT analysis methodology involves, firstly, identifying the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as external opportunities and threats, and, secondly, second, the establishment of links between them.

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Organizational environment variables

Analysis of the internal environment of the organization

Methods for analyzing the internal environment of an organization


List of used literature


Organization is the most important concept in management. Any organization is located and operates in the environment. Each action of all organizations without exception is possible only if the environment allows its implementation.

Modern organization is a complex organic system. Everything that is inside such a system is called the internal environment of the organization. The internal environment is the source of its vitality and contains the potential necessary for the functioning of the organization, but at the same time it can be a source of problems and even its death. The analysis of this environment should be systematic and multifactorial. In strategic analysis, the entire internal environment of the organization, as well as its individual subsystems and components, are essentially considered as a strategic resource of the organization. Thus, the strategic analysis of the internal environment of a given organization, depending on the specific situation, can be unique to one degree or another, but the main condition must be met - the completeness of the strategic analysis, its quality and ultimate effectiveness.

This test will consider the variables of the internal environment of the organization, as well as such an important element of strategic planning as the analysis of the internal environment. An analysis of the environment is needed to determine the strategy for the behavior of the enterprise and to implement this strategy. Thus, the purpose of this work is to study the internal environment of the organization for more effective management decision-making necessary for the successful operation of the company.

This topic is relevant, like the whole theory of management. In the new millennium, our country must learn to live in a market economy, and highly qualified managers are the most important condition for this. The ability to identify and analyze the elements of the organization and external factors is the key to the success of the company.

Organizational environment variables

The manager creates and changes, when necessary, the internal environment of the organization, which is an organic combination of its internal variables. But for this he must be able to distinguish and know them.

Internal variables are situational factors within the organization. Since organizations are systems created by people, internal variables are mainly the result of managerial decisions.

The main variables within the organization that require management attention are goals, structure, tasks, technology and people.

An organization, by definition, is at least 2 people with conscious common goals. Organization can be seen as a means to an end that enables people to do collectively what they could not do individually. Goals are specific end states or desired outcomes that a group seeks to achieve by working together. Experts say that the correct formulation of goals and setting tasks for 50% predetermine the success of the solution.

During the planning process, management develops goals and communicates them to the members of the organization. This process is a powerful coordination mechanism because it enables the members of the organization to know what they should be striving for.

An organization can have a variety of goals, especially for different types of organizations. Organizations that do business are focused primarily on the creation of certain goods or services within specific constraints - in terms of costs and profits. This task of theirs is reflected in such goals as profitability (profitability) and productivity. Government agencies, educational institutions and non-profit hospitals are not looking to make a profit. But they are concerned about costs. And this is reflected in a set of goals formulated as the provision of specific services within certain budgetary constraints.

The main purpose of most organizations is to make a profit. Profit is a key indicator of an organization. There are three main types of profit orientation of an organization:

Its maximization;

Receiving a “satisfactory” profit

Profit minimization. This option denotes maximizing the minimum expected income along with minimizing the maximum loss.

But not all organizations make profit is the main goal. This applies to non-profit organizations, such as churches, charitable foundations.

The structure of the organization reflects the allocation of individual divisions that has developed in the organization, the connections between these divisions and the unification of divisions into a single whole.

Organization structure- this is a logical relationship between levels of management and functional areas, built in such a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization.

One of the basic concepts related to structure is specialized division of labor. In most modern organizations, the division of labor does not mean a random division of work between available people. A characteristic feature is the specialized division of labor - the assignment of this work to specialists, i.e. those who are able to perform it best from the point of view of the organization as a whole. An example is the division of labor between experts in marketing, finance and production.

There is no perfect sphere of control. Many variables inside and outside an organization can influence it. In addition, neither the scope of control nor the “height” of the structure is an indicator of the size of the organization itself.

The need for coordination, which has always existed, becomes truly urgent when work is clearly divided both horizontally and vertically, as is the case in large modern organizations. If management does not put in place formal coordination mechanisms, people will not be able to do work together. Without appropriate formal coordination, different levels, functional areas and individuals can easily focus on their own interests, and not on the interests of the organization as a whole.

Another direction of the division of labor in the organization is the formulation of tasks. A task is a prescribed job, a series of jobs, or a piece of work that must be done in a predetermined manner within a predetermined timeframe. From a technical point of view, tasks are assigned not to the employee, but to his position. Based on the decision of management on the structure, each position includes a number of tasks that are considered as a necessary contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the organization. It is believed that if the task is completed in such a way and in such time as prescribed, the organization will operate successfully.

The tasks of the organization are traditionally divided into three categories. This is work with people, items, information.

Technology as a factor in the internal environment is much more important than many think. She means standardization and mechanization, that is, the use of standard parts can greatly facilitate the production and repair process. Nowadays, there are very few goods whose production process is not standardized.

Technology, as a factor that strongly affects organizational effectiveness, requires careful study and classification. There are several ways to classify, we will describe.

The classification of technology by Joan Woodward is the most famous. It distinguishes three categories of technologies:

1) Single, small-scale or individual production where only one product is produced at a time.

2) Mass or high volume production used in the manufacture of a large number of products that are identical to each other or very similar.

3) Continuous production uses automated equipment that runs around the clock to continuously produce the same product in high volumes. Examples are oil refining, the operation of power plants.

The sociologist and organizational theorist James Thompson proposes three other categories of technology that do not contradict the previous three:

1) multilink technologies, characterized by a series of independent tasks that must be performed sequentially. A typical example is mass production assembly lines.

2) Intermediary technologies are characterized by meetings of groups of people, such as clients or buyers, who are or want to be interdependent.

3) Intensive technology is characterized by the use of special techniques, skills or services in order to make certain changes in a particular material entering production.

Differences in these classifications are primarily caused by different areas of specialization of the authors. That is, Woodward was mainly engaged in the technologies of industrial enterprises, while Thompson embraced all types of organizations.

One type of technology cannot be called better than another. In one case, one type may be more acceptable, while in another, the opposite is more suitable. People determine the ultimate suitability of a given technology when they make their consumer choice. Within an organization, people are an important deciding factor in determining the relative suitability of a particular task and content of operations for the chosen technologies. No technology can be useful and no task can be accomplished without the cooperation of people, who are the fifth intrinsic variable.

People are the backbone of any organization. Without people, there is no organization. People in an organization create its product, they shape the culture of the organization, its internal climate, they determine what the organization is.

Because of this situation, people are the “number one thing” for the manager. The manager forms personnel, establishes a system of relations between them, includes them in the creative process of joint work, promotes their development, training and promotion at work.

People working in an organization differ greatly from each other in many ways: gender, age, education, nationality, marital status, abilities, etc. All of these differences can have a significant impact on both the performance and behavior of the individual employee and the actions and behavior of other members of the organization. In this regard, management should build its work with personnel in such a way as to contribute to the development of positive results of the behavior and activities of each individual and try to eliminate the negative consequences of his actions.

The internal life of an organization consists of a large number of different activities, sub-processes and processes. Depending on the type of organization, its size and type of activity, individual processes and activities may take a leading place in it, while some processes that are widely implemented in other organizations may either be absent or carried out in a very small amount. However, despite the huge variety of actions and processes, five groups of functional processes can be distinguished that cover the activities of any organization and which are the object of management by management. These functional groups of processes are production, marketing, finance, work with personnel, accounting (accounting and analysis of economic activity).

Relationship of internal variables

Previously, the main internal variables were considered. But it should be remembered that in management these variables should never be considered separately. No one will deny that the objectives of the organization influence the development of goals. Similarly, all other internal variables are interconnected and influence each other.

Rice. 1 - Relationship of internal variables

This figure is a model showing the relationship of internal variables: goals, structure, tasks, technology and people. But we must not forget that the organization is an open system. And therefore, this diagram cannot be an adequate complete model of the variables that affect the success of the organization's actions, because it shows only internal variables. It is more correct to consider this figure as a model of internal sociotechnical subsystems organizations. Internal variables are usually called sociotechnical subsystems because they have a social component (people) and a technical component (other internal variables).

Analysis of the internal environmentorganizations

In order to determine the strategy of the organization's behavior and implement this strategy, management must have an in-depth understanding of the internal environment of the organization, its potential and development trends, as well as the external environment, development trends and the place occupied by the organization in it. At the same time, the internal environment and the external environment are studied by strategic management in the first place in order to reveal those threats and opportunities that the organization must take into account when determining its goals in achieving them.

The internal environment of the organization has a constant and most direct impact on the functioning of the organization. It has several sections, each of which includes a set of key processes and elements of the organization, the state of which together determines the potential and the opportunities that the organization has.

personnel a slice of the internal environment covers such processes as: interaction between managers and workers; recruitment, training and promotion of personnel; evaluation of labor results and stimulation; creating and maintaining relationships between employees, etc.

AT industrial cut includes product manufacturing, supply and warehousing; technological park maintenance; implementation of research and development. Organizational cut includes: communication processes; organizational structures; norms, rules, procedures; distribution of rights and responsibilities; dominance hierarchy.

Marketing a slice of the internal environment of the organization covers all those processes that are associated with the sale of products. This is a product strategy, a pricing strategy; strategy for promoting the product on the market; choice of markets and distribution systems.

Financial the cut includes the processes associated with ensuring the effective use and movement of funds in the organization. In particular, this is maintaining liquidity and ensuring profitability, creating investment opportunities, etc.

Analysis of the use of labor resources

The labor resources include that part of the population that has the necessary physical data, knowledge and skills in the relevant industry. Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, and a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes and improving production efficiency. In particular, the volume and timeliness of all work, the efficiency of the use of equipment, machines, mechanisms and, as a result, the volume of production, its cost, profit and a number of other economic indicators depend on the availability of labor resources and the efficiency of their use.

If the actual average wage category of workers is lower than planned and lower than the average wage category of work, then this may lead to the release of lower quality products. If the average rank of workers is higher than the average wage rank of jobs, then the workers must be paid extra for employing them in less skilled jobs.

Administrative and managerial personnel must be checked for compliance with the actual level of education of each employee of the position held and to study issues related to the selection of personnel, their training and advanced training. The qualification level of employees largely depends on their age, work experience, education, etc. Therefore, in the process of analysis, changes in the composition of workers by age, length of service, and education are studied. Since they occur as a result of the movement of the labor force, much attention is paid to this issue in the analysis.

It is necessary to study the reasons for the dismissal of employees (of their own free will, staff reductions, violations of labor discipline, etc.).

The analysis of the provision of the enterprise with labor resources should be carried out in close connection with the study of the implementation of the social development plan of the enterprise: the construction of housing for workers, nurseries and kindergartens, dispensaries, sanatoriums, rest houses, etc.

The tension in providing the enterprise with labor resources can be somewhat relieved by a more complete use of the available labor force, an increase in the productivity of workers, the intensification of production, the comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, the introduction of new, more productive equipment, the improvement of technology and the organization of production. In the process of analysis, reserves should be identified to reduce the need for labor resources as a result of the above activities.

If an enterprise expands its activities, increases production capacity, creates new jobs, then it is necessary to determine the additional need for labor resources by category and profession and the sources of their attraction.

Analysis of production and sales of products

The main task of enterprises is to provide the population with high-quality products in the most complete way. The growth rate of production volume, improving its quality directly affect the amount of costs, profit and profitability of the enterprise.

Therefore, the analysis of the work of industrial enterprises begins with the study of output indicators. Its main tasks:

1. assessment of the degree of implementation of the plan and the dynamics of production and sales of products;

2. determination of the influence of factors on the change in the value of these indicators;

3. identification of on-farm reserves for increasing output and sales of products;

4. development of measures for the development of the identified reserves.

The volume of industrial production can be expressed in natural, conditionally natural and cost meters. Generalizing indicators of the volume of production are obtained with the help of valuation - in wholesale prices. The main indicators of the volume of production are commodity and gross output. Gross output - This is the value of all manufactured products and work performed, including work in progress. It is usually expressed in comparable prices.

Marketable products differs from the gross in that it does not include the remains of work in progress and on-farm turnover. It is expressed in wholesale prices in force in the reporting year. In its composition, at many enterprises, gross output coincides with commodity output, if there is no on-farm turnover and work in progress.

Volumeimplementation products is determined in current prices (wholesale, contractual). Includes the cost of goods sold, shipped and paid for by customers.

Important for assessing the implementation of the production program are natural indicators production volumes (pieces, meters, tons, etc.). They are used in the analysis of production volumes for certain types of homogeneous products.

Conditionally natural indicators, as well as cost ones, they are used to generalize the characteristics of production volumes, for example, at canning factories, such an indicator as thousands of conditional cans is used, at repair enterprises - the number of conditional repairs.

An important indicator of the activity of industrial enterprises is the quality of products. Its increase ensures savings not only in labor and material resources, but also makes it possible to more fully meet the needs of society. A high level of product quality contributes to an increase in demand for it and an increase in the amount of profit not only due to sales volume, but also due to higher prices.

Product quality - This is a concept that characterizes the parametric, operational, consumer, technological, design properties of the product, the level of its standardization and unification, reliability and durability. There are generalizing, individual and indirect indicators of product quality.

The first task of analysis - study the dynamics of the listed indicators, the implementation of the plan in terms of their level, the reasons for their change, and evaluate the implementation of the plan in terms of the level of product quality.

For a generalized assessment of the implementation of the plan for product quality, different methods are used. The essence of the scoring method is to determine the weighted average score of product quality and by comparing the actual and planned levels, they find the percentage of the plan in terms of quality.

For products whose quality is characterized by a variety or condition, the share of products of each variety (condition) in the total volume of production, the average grade factor, the weighted average price of the product in comparable conditions are calculated.

When evaluating the implementation of the plan according to the first indicator, the actual share of each variety in the total volume of production is compared with the planned one, and to study the dynamics of quality, with the data of past periods.

One of the most important factors in increasing the efficiency of production at industrial enterprises is the provision of their fixed assets in the required quantity and assortment and their more complete use.

The tasks of the analysis are to determine the security of the enterprise and its structural divisions with fixed assets and the level of their use according to general and particular indicators, as well as to establish the reasons for their change; calculate the impact of the use of fixed assets on the volume of production and other indicators; to study the degree of use of the production capacity of the enterprise and equipment; identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of fixed assets use.

Analysis usually begins with a study volume of fixed assets, their dynamics and structure. Enterprise funds are divided into industrial-production and non-industrial, as well as non-production funds. The production capacity of an enterprise is determined by industrial production assets. In addition, it is customary to single out the active part (working machines and equipment) and the passive part of the funds, as well as separate subgroups in accordance with their functional purpose (production buildings, warehouses, working and power machines, equipment, measuring instruments and devices, vehicles and etc.). Such detailing is necessary to identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of their use based on structure optimization.

The next stage of analysis - study of the security of the enterprise with basic production assets. The availability of certain types of machines, mechanisms, equipment, premises is established by comparing their actual availability with the planned demand necessary to fulfill the production plan. The generalizing indicators characterizing the level of provision of the enterprise with the main production assets are the capital-labor ratio and the technical equipment of labor. The indicator of the total capital-labor ratio is calculated by the ratio of the average annual cost of industrial production assets to the average number of workers on the largest shift (meaning that workers employed in other shifts use the same means of labor). The level of technical equipment of labor is determined by the ratio of the cost of production equipment to the average number of workers in the largest shift. Its growth rates are compared with the growth rates of labor productivity. It is desirable that the rate of growth in labor productivity outstrip the rate of growth in the technical equipment of labor.

Analysis of marketing activities

Purposeful implementation of the production and marketing activities of the enterprise on the basis of market research and adaptation of production to it is provided by an independent structural unit of the enterprise - the marketing service. Its activities are focused on solving four interrelated tasks: organizing the process of creating competitive products, pursuing a flexible pricing policy, organizing an effective sales system, and managing the promotion of goods on the market. In addition, in the quality system that meets the international standards of the ISO 9000-9004 series, marketing plays a leading role in determining the requirements for product quality and product life cycle.

A unified approach to solving marketing problems is provided by the coordinated target settings of the enterprise in the field of product sales, set by the most important economic indicators - sales volume, profit margin, profitability level, the size of the enterprise's market share, etc. To achieve them, a marketing policy is developed and implemented. It is based on the goals of the marketing activities of the enterprise.

It is advisable to start formulating marketing goals by clarifying the main priorities of the enterprise in the market for manufactured products. To do this, it is necessary to answer a number of particular questions that help to highlight the main guidelines for the production and economic activities of the enterprise in the current market conditions:

1. What changes have taken place in the market of manufactured products?

You can get an answer to this question on the basis of an audit of the process of selling products and marketing methods.

2. In what direction should the company develop?

The answer to this question must begin with the formulation of the general goals of the enterprise for the near future.

At the same time, as experience shows, the simultaneous use of several methods of differentiation can lead to an attempt to do "everything for everyone", that is, to switch to the path of unification and, thus, spoil the image that the company creates in the market. The most typical direction of using a differentiation strategy is to focus on one of the motives for purchasing products by consumers and developing their capabilities in order to more fully and qualitatively meet specific needs.

Market segmentation strategy

If the above competitive strategies are based on serving the entire market, then the segmentation strategy is aimed at providing advantages over competitors in a separate and often a single market segment, allocated on the basis of geographical, psychographic, behavioral or demographic principles. The main idea of ​​the strategy is that an enterprise can serve its narrow target market more efficiently than competitors who disperse their resources throughout the market. As a result, an advantage over competitors is created either by product differentiation based on better satisfaction of the needs of the target market, or by achieving lower costs in servicing the selected segment.

Therefore, without pursuing the goal of providing leadership in cost reduction and / or product differentiation in the entire market, the enterprise, based on market trends, achieves such results in the target segment. Having a low cost of production or offering a large selection of products for a specific, for example, geographically isolated segment, the enterprise protects itself from opposition from enterprises using other competitive strategies.

Innovation strategy

The modern world experience of competition irrefutably proves that the vast majority of monopolies that have formed recently have arisen on the basis of discoveries, inventions and other innovations that have made it possible to create a new, hitherto unknown market with broad opportunities and the prospect of accelerated growth. Modern leaders in the automotive, aviation, electrical and electronics industries emerged from small pioneer firms. The last decades have confirmed this pattern in the field of computer technology production, software development, and the creation of special types of weapons.

Enterprises that adhere to the innovation strategy do not bind themselves with the need to reduce the cost of their products, differentiate them or develop a specific market segment, but focus their efforts on finding fundamentally new, effective technologies, designing the necessary, but still unknown types of products, methods of organizing production, sales promotion techniques, etc. The main goal is to get ahead of competitors and single-handedly occupy a market niche where there is no competition or negligible. For obvious reasons, such a revolutionization of the market is a source of large sales volumes and super profits, but in most cases (8 out of 10) it ends in bankruptcy due to the market’s unwillingness to accept innovations, technical or technological underdevelopment of a new product, employment of distribution channels, lack of experience in replicating innovations, and others. reasons. The high risk of following this strategy, due to the high degree of uncertainty of its results, is comparable to venture risk, which deters many firms from specializing in this business.

Strategy for immediate response to market needs

The presence of effective demand for a particular type of product only in theory automatically creates its supply. In practice, most enterprises are not able to engage in activities that do not correspond to their profile.

In contrast to such enterprises, firms that implement a strategy of immediate response to market needs are aimed at the fastest possible satisfaction of emerging needs in various business sectors. The main principle of behavior is the selection and implementation of projects that are the most profitable in the current market conditions. Enterprises aimed at quick response are ready for an immediate reorientation of production, changing its scale in order to obtain maximum profit in a short period of time, despite high unit costs, determined by the absence of any specialization of their production.

Most modern companies with a wide range of products and / or various business areas simultaneously use several competitive strategies for different product groups, regions or periods of their development. The main criterion for choosing a strategy - adapting its capabilities to specific market conditions. In this sense, the presented approaches are the general economic basis on which practical marketing work is built.

Analysis of financial results

The financial results of the enterprise are characterized by the amount of profit received and the level of profitability. Enterprises receive profit mainly from the sale of products, as well as from other activities (renting fixed assets, commercial activities on stock and currency exchanges, etc.).

Profit is a part of the net income created in the process of production and realized in the sphere of circulation, which is directly received by enterprises. Only after the sale of products does net income take the form of profit. Quantitatively, it is the difference between revenue (after paying value added tax, excise tax and other deductions from revenue to budget and non-budget funds) and the full cost of sales. This means that the more an enterprise sells profitable products, the more profit it receives, the better its financial condition. Therefore, the financial performance should be studied in close connection with the use and sale of products.

The volume of sales and the amount of profit, the level of profitability depend on the production, supply, marketing and commercial activities of the enterprise, in other words, these indicators characterize all aspects of management.

The main objectives of the analysis of financial performance are:

Systematic control over the implementation of plans for the sale of products and profit;

Determination of the influence of both objective and subjective factors on the volume of sales of products and financial results;

Identification of reserves for increasing the volume of sales of products and the amount of profit;

Evaluation of the enterprise's work on the use of opportunities to increase the volume of sales, profits and profitability;

Development of measures for the use of identified reserves.

The main sources of information in the analysis of product sales and profits are invoices for the shipment of products, analytical accounting data on accounts 46, 47, 48 and 80, financial statements f.2 "Profit and Loss Statement", f.5-f "Summary report on financial results", as well as the corresponding tables of the economic and social development plan of the enterprise.

In the analysis of the composition and dynamics of balance sheet profit, the following are used: profit indicators: balance sheet profit, profit from the sale of products, works and services, profit from other sales, financial results from non-sales operations, taxable profit, net profit.

balance sheet profit includes financial results from the sale of products, works and services, from other sales, income and expenses from non-sales operations.

Taxable income is the difference between the balance sheet profit and the amount of real estate tax, profit taxable on income (from securities and from equity participation in joint ventures), profit received from the above-limit level of profitability, withdrawn in full to the budget, costs taken into account when calculating benefits for income tax (measures to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, environmental and fire prevention measures, maintenance of children's health camps, nursing homes, etc.).

Net profit - this is the profit that remains at the disposal of the enterprise after paying all taxes, economic sanctions and contributions to charitable funds.

In the process of analysis, it is necessary to study the composition of balance sheet profit, its structure, dynamics and the implementation of the plan for the reporting year. When studying the dynamics of profit, inflationary factors of changes in its amount should be taken into account. To do this, revenue is adjusted for the average weighted index of price growth for the company's products on average for the industry, and the costs of sales are reduced by their growth as a result of an increase in prices for consumed resources over the analyzed period.

Methods for analyzing the internal environment of an organization

The internal environment seems to be completely permeated organizational culture, which, like the above sections, should be subjected to the most serious study in the process of analyzing the internal environment of the organization.

Organizational culture can contribute to the fact that the organization acts as a strong, stable structure surviving in the competitive struggle. But it may also be that the organizational culture weakens the organization, preventing it from successfully developing even if it has a high technical, technological and financial potential. The particular importance of the analysis of the organizational structure for strategic management is that it not only determines the relationship between people in the organization, but also has a strong influence on how the organization builds its interaction with the external environment, how it treats its customers, what methods it chooses for conducting competition.

In order to successfully survive in the long term, an organization must be able to predict what difficulties may arise in its path in the future, and what new opportunities may open up for it.

Strong and weak sides of the internal environment of the organization determine the conditions for the successful existence of the organization. Therefore, when analyzing the internal environment, strategic management is interested in identifying exactly what strengths and weaknesses the individual components of the organization and the organization as a whole have.

The analysis of the environment, as it is carried out in strategic management, is aimed at identifying the threats and opportunities that may arise in the external environment in relation to the organization, as well as the strengths and weaknesses that the organization has. It is to solve this problem that certain methods of analyzing the environment have been developed, which are used in strategic management.

There are a large number of methods for analyzing the internal environment of an organization, consider some of them:

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats coming from its immediate environment (external environment).

Strengths (Strengths) - the advantages of the organization;

Weaknesses - shortcomings of the organization;

Opportunities - environmental factors, the use of which will create an advantage for the organization in the market;

Threats - factors that can potentially worsen the position of the organization in the market.

To carry out the analysis it is necessary:

Determine the main direction of development of the enterprise (its mission)

Weigh the forces and assess the market situation in order to understand whether it is possible to move in the indicated direction and how best to do it (SWOT analysis);

Set goals for the enterprise, taking into account its real capabilities (determination of the strategic goals of the enterprise)

Conducting a SWOT analysis comes down to filling out a SWOT analysis matrix. In the appropriate cells of the matrix, it is necessary to enter the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as market opportunities and threats.

The strengths of an enterprise are something that it excels in or some feature that provides additional opportunities. The strength may lie in the existing experience, access to unique resources, the availability of advanced technology and modern equipment, highly qualified personnel, high quality products, brand awareness, etc.

Weaknesses of an enterprise are the absence of something important for the functioning of the enterprise or something that is not yet possible in comparison with other companies and puts the enterprise in an unfavorable position. As an example of weaknesses, one can cite a too narrow range of manufactured goods, a bad reputation of the company in the market, lack of funding, low level of service, etc.

Market opportunities are favorable circumstances that a business can take advantage of. As an example of market opportunities, one can cite the deterioration of the positions of competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new production technologies, an increase in the level of income of the population, etc. It should be noted that the opportunities in terms of SWOT analysis are not all the opportunities that exist in the market, but only those that can be used.

Market threats are events, the occurrence of which may have an adverse impact on the enterprise. Examples of market threats: new competitors entering the market, tax increases, changing consumer tastes, declining birth rates, etc.

First, taking into account the specific situation in which the organization is located, a list of its weaknesses and strengths, as well as a list of threats and opportunities is compiled. Once a specific list of strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as threats and opportunities, comes the stage of establishing links between them. To establish these links, a SWOT matrix is ​​compiled, which has the following form (Table 1):

Table 1


1. Entering new markets or market segments.

2. Expansion of the production line.

1. The possibility of new competitors.

2. Increasing influence on the prices of buyers and suppliers.


1. More educated, dynamic, flexible and young middle management.

FIELD "Strength and opportunities"

Entering new markets - reputation, flexible pricing policy, active role of marketing, packaging. Expansion of production - an active role of marketing, educated leadership.

FIELD "Power and Threats"

The emergence of new competitors - a flexible pricing policy, the active role of marketing, reputation, packaging. Influence on prices by buyers and suppliers - flexible management, pricing policy.

Weak sides:

1. Old equipment, large volumes of waste.

2. Cramped production facilities, etc.

FIELD "Weakness and Opportunities"

Old equipment - extension of the production line. Close production premises - vertical integration. Low profitability, additional costs.

FIELD "Weakness and Threats"

Competitive pressure - old equipment, lower profits due to high costs.

internal environment organization technology

On the left, two sections are distinguished (strengths, weaknesses), in which, accordingly, all the strengths and weaknesses of the organization identified at the first stage of the analysis are entered. At the top of the matrix, there are also two sections (opportunities and threats), in which all identified opportunities and threats are entered.

At the intersection of sections, four fields are formed: the field “SIV” (strength and opportunities); field “SIS” (strength and threats); field “SLV” (weakness and opportunities); field “SLU” (weakness and threats). In each of these fields, the researcher must consider all possible pair combinations and highlight those that should be taken into account when developing an organization's behavior strategy.

In addition to the SWOT matrix, the analysis also uses opportunity matrix, in which the probabilities of opportunities for the organization are highlighted, and threat matrix, which is used for threat assessment.

The same factor can be both a threat and an opportunity for different enterprises. For example, for a store that sells expensive products, an increase in the income of the population may be an opportunity, as it will lead to an increase in the number of customers. At the same time, for a discount store, the same factor can become a threat, as its customers with rising salaries can move to competitors offering a higher level of service.

SNW analysis

SNW analysis is an advanced SWOT analysis (Strength (strength), Neutral (neutral side), Weakness (weak side)).

Unlike the SNW strengths and weaknesses analysis, the analysis also suggests an average market condition (N). The main reason for adding a neutral party is that "often, to win the competition, it may be sufficient to have a given organization relative to all its competitors in all but one of its key positions in state N, and only one in state S."

PEST analysis

PEST - analysis is a tool designed to identify political (Policy), economic (Economy), social (Society), technological (Technology) aspects of the external environment that may affect the company's strategy. Politics is studied because it regulates the power, which in turn determines the environment of the company and the receipt of key resources for its activities. The main reason for studying the economy is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is the most important condition for the activity of an enterprise. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST - Analysis. The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of her research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products.

PEST - Analysis is not common to all organizations, as each of them has its own specific set of key factors.

Weighting method for each factor

Another option for analyzing the external environment through compiling a list of external dangers and opportunities for an organization is the method of weighing each factor (to measure the significance of each factor for a particular organization).

The factor is weighted from +5 (very positive) through 0 (neutral) to -5 (very negative). The impact of the factor is from +50 (strong impact, possibility) through 0 (no impact, neutral) to -50 (strong impact, serious danger).

The most favorable opportunities are provided by the technological power of the organization, the greatest danger lies in competition from foreign firms.

After reviewing the list, management should assess the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. At the same time, it must have a complete understanding of the internal potential and shortcomings of the organization, as well as external problems.


Having considered and analyzed the internal environment of the organization, it is necessary to draw the main conclusions on this topic.

Internal variables are situational factors within an organization that are mostly controllable and adjustable. The main variables of the internal environment of the organization that require the attention of management are: goals, structure, tasks, technology and people. All internal variables are interconnected. In their totality, they are considered as sociotechnical subsystems. Changing one of them affects the others to some extent. Improvements in one variable, such as technology, may not necessarily lead to productivity improvements if those changes have a negative impact on another variable, such as people.

The internal environment of the organization has a constant and most direct impact on the functioning of the organization. It has several sections, each of which includes a set of key processes and elements of the organization, the state of which together determines the potential and the opportunities that the organization has. This is a personnel, production, marketing and financial section, the essence of which was disclosed earlier.

Environmental analysis is a very important and very complex process for developing an organization's strategy, requiring careful monitoring of the processes taking place in the environment, assessing factors and establishing a connection between the factors and those strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the opportunities and threats that are contained in the external environment. . Obviously, without knowing the environment, the organization will not be able to exist. However, it does not float around like a boat without a rudder, oars, or sail. The organization studies the environment in order to ensure its successful progress towards its goals, develops a strategy for interacting with elements of the external environment that provides it with the most comfortable coexistence.

Thus, the main thing that needs to be learned is that external factors, together with factors of the internal environment, have a decisive impact on the functioning of the organization. All variables are closely intertwined and affect each other. The manager must be able to analyze all these factors together, without losing sight of any, and make the right decision.


1. Volkogonova O.D., Zub A.T. Strategic Management: Textbook. - M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2004. - 256s. - (Series "Professional education").

2. Kruglova N.Yu., Kruglov M.I. Strategic management. Textbook for high schools. - M.: RDL Publishing House, 2003. - 464 p.

3. Markova V.D., Kuznetsova S.A. Strategic management: a course of lectures. - M.: INFRA - M; Novosibirsk: Siberian agreement, 2000. - 288s. - (Series "higher education").

4. Strategic management / Ed. Petrova A.N. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 496 p.: ill. - (Series "Textbook for universities").

5. Thompson A.A., Strickland A.J. Strategic management. The Art of Strategy Development and Implementation: A Textbook for High Schools / Per. from English. ed. L.G. Zaitseva, M.I. Sokolova. - M: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 1998. - 576s.


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