Extracurricular activities in literature. Extra-curricular event in literature dedicated to the year of literature Compositions and quizzes in literature

Presenter 1 There are unforgettable memorable dates in the history of every country. Years pass, generations change, new people enter the historical arena, but the memory of those events remains, without which there is no true history. 190 years separate us from the harsh cold day, when the best sons of Russia went to Senate Square to wake up serf Russia at the cost of their lives. "Senate Square" and "Chernigov Regiment" have become historical and cultural symbols. It is enough to pronounce these phrases and you experience mixed feelings: pride and sadness, the first for a conscious act for freedom, the second for the first tragic defeat.

Lead 2: The uprising on December 14, 1825 on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg was suppressed. By the verdict of the Supreme Criminal Court, five Decembrists (P. Pestel, K. Ryleev, S. Muravyov-Apostol, M. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, P. Kakhovsky) were hanged on the night of July 13, 1826. 25 people were exiled to eternal hard labor, dozens of Decembrists to hard labor for a period of 20 years. The price paid by the early revolutionaries for trying to transform Russia was very high. Gloomy and damp casemates of the Peter and Paul Fortress, penal servitude and many years of exile.

Presenter 1: And soon, one after another, along the same endless Siberian highway, the wives of the Decembrists headed

Presenter 1:verse

Lead 2:verse

Presenter 1 How young they were then, how charmingly feminine...

Slide 4 Song and video from the movie "Admirals" - "Love and separation"

Slide 5 Trubetskaya

Presenter1: The twenty-year-old daughter of Count Laval, Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya, was the first to leave for Siberia.

The scene of a conversation with the king (I agree, I agree ...)


Nicholas 1 . The wife, following her husband, becomes involved in his fate, loses her former titles, becomes the wife of a convict.

Princess Trubetskaya: agree

Nicholas1: children who take root in Siberia will become factory peasants.

Princess: agree

Nicholas 1: it is impossible to take any sums of money or things of great value with you

Princess: agree

Nikolai1: do not seek meetings with your husband, except twice a week, do not give your husband any things, money, papers, ink. Do not write to anyone, do not send, do not receive letters

Princess: agree

Nicholas1: meeting with her husband only in a prisoner's dress

Princess: agree

Nicholas1: if the criminals are criminals, terrible people, mired in vice, abuse you or kill you, the authorities are not responsible.

Princess: agree. I am ready to walk the seven hundred miles that separate me from my husband, step by step shoulder to shoulder with the convicts. Please send me today!

Trubetskaya: Your Excellency already knows my desire to share the fate of my unfortunate husband. I repeat to you that I renounce all earthly blessings and with a clear and calm conscience, I voluntarily surrender myself to humiliation, poverty and all the difficulties of a sad existence sent down.

Presenter 1:

Calm, durable and light

A marvelously well-coordinated carriage,

The count himself is the father more than once, not twice

Tried it first

Six horses harnessed to it,

The lantern inside was lit.

The count himself corrected the pillows,

I made a bear cavity in my legs

Making a prayer, scapular

Hung in the right corner

And sobbed...

Princess - daughter

Going somewhere tonight...

Farewell scene with father


Yes, we tear the heart in half

to each other, but, dear,

Tell me, what else can we do?

Can you help melancholy!

One who could help us

Now... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

Bless your own daughter

And let go in peace!

God knows, see you again

Alas, there is no hope!

Forgive and know your love

Your last testament

I will remember deeply

On the far side…

I don't cry, but it's not easy

To part with you!

Oh, God sees! But another duty

And higher and harder

Calls me ... Sorry, dear!

Do not use wasted words!

Far is my way, hard is my way,

My fate is terrible

But I dressed my chest with steel ...

Be proud - I'm your daughter

Presenter 1: Permission was granted two weeks later. In Krasnoyarsk, the carriage broke down, the escort fell ill. The princess continues on her way alone, in a tarantass. In Irkutsk, the governor intimidates her for a long time, demands once again a written renunciation of all rights.

The scene of the conversation with the governor

To Nerchinsk! Deposit quickly!

I have come to meet you.

Tell me to give me horses!

Please slow down. Our road is so bad

You need to rest...

Thank you! I am strong...

My path is far...

All the same it will be eight hundred miles,

And the main trouble: The road will go worse here,

Dangerous ride! .. Two words you need to say

On service, and besides

I had the fortune of the count to know

Served with him for seven years.

Your father is a rare man

By heart, by mind

Imprinted in the soul forever

Gratitude to him

At the service of his daughter

I'm ready... I'm all yours...

But I don't need anything!

(Opening the door to the hallway.)

Is the crew ready?

Until I say

It won't be served...

So order it! I ask...

But there is a clue here:

Sent with last mail

What is in it: Should I not return?

Yes, it would be better.

No... I dare not say...

But the way is still far...

So what a gift and chat!

Is my cart ready?

Not! I haven't ordered yet...

Princess! here I am the king!

Sit down! I already said.

What I knew the count of old,

And the count ... even though he let you go,

By your kindness

But your departure killed him...

Come back soon!

Not! once decided

I will complete it!

It's funny for me to tell you

How I love my father

How he loves. But another duty

And above and holy

Calls me. My tormentor!

Let's have horses!

Allow me, sir. I agree myself

What is precious every hour

But do you know well

What's in store for you?

Our side is barren

And she is even poorer,

In short, our spring is there,

Winter is even longer.

Yes, eight months of winter

There - did you know?

... Believe me, you will not be spared,

Nobody will take pity!

Let your husband - he is to blame ...

And you endure ... for what?

It will be terrible, I know

My husband's life.

Let it be mine

Not happier than him!

Be so! You will not be saved, alas! ..

But know that by taking this step,

You will lose everything!

"What else do I have to lose?

Leaping after her husband,

You renounce sign

Must from your rights!

Not! I don't value them

Take them quickly!

Where is the renunciation? I will sign!

And alive - horses! ..?

Sign this paper!

What are you?.. My God!

After all, it means to become a beggar

And a simple woman!

I have no right to let you go

Princess, horses! You will be led through the stages

With convoy...

Why not say it at the same time?

I would have gone a long time...

Tell the party to collect

I'm coming! I don't care!..

Sorry! yes, I tormented you,

But he himself suffered

But I had a strict order

Set barriers for you!

I can't, I don't want

To tyrannize more than you...

I'll take you there in three days...

(Opening the door, he screams.)

Hey! buckle up now!..

Host 2: Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya was the daughter of Count Ivan Stepanovich Laval. Ekaterina Ivanovna's mother owned a large copper smelter, a gold mine, and several estates. The Laval Palace on the Promenade des Anglais shone with exquisite beauty and luxury of decoration. Contemporaries were struck by the magnificence of the points that were given in this house. All Petersburg nobility visited them, Emperor Alexander I

Slide 6 cavalry guards

Slide 7 Siberia, mines ...

Trubetskaya: Arriving in Nerchinsk, I rented a small hut opposite the hard labor prison. The hut is so small that you lie with your head against the wall - your legs rest against the door, you wake up in the morning - your hair is frozen to the wall. I limited my food - soup and porridge for lunch, breakfasts and dinners were canceled altogether.

Presenter 1 13 years of life in prison casemates have passed. By that time, the family consisted of three daughters and a young son. In 1839, the term of hard labor for the Decembrists, who were convicted in the first category, ended. But the king did not let them out. The family settled in the small village of Oeke near Irkutsk. The hard years of exile undermined the health of the princess.

Take out the lamp

Lead 2 With the death of the princess, the Trubetskoy house stood as if dead. In 1856, Trubetskoy was allowed to leave for Russia. When he left, almost the entire city saw him off. In the Znamensky Monastery, where his wife and children were buried, the prince said goodbye to the expensive grave and left Siberia, but everywhere he was uncomfortable and, having lived only six years after the death of his wife, the prince died.

Slide 8 Volkonskaya

Presenter 1: Following Princess E.I. Trubetskoy, in the deep dark night, the young, still very young Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya left her native land.

Volkonskaya : “I found out about your arrest, dear friend. I do not allow myself to despair ... Whatever your fate, I will share it with you, I will follow you to Siberia, to the ends of the world, if necessary - do not doubt it for a minute, my beloved Serge.

Presenter2: Her husband was sentenced to eternal hard labor.

Volkonskaya : Sorry folks! My heart has long predicted my decision. And I firmly believe: it is from God! And regret speaks to you. Yes, if I have to decide the choice Between husband and son - no more, I'm going to where I'm needed more, I'm going to the one who is in captivity! I will leave my son in my own family, He will soon forget me. Let grandfather be a father to the little one, let his sister be his mother. He is so small! And when he grows up And learns a terrible secret, I believe: he will understand his mother's feeling And justify her in his heart!

I drove day and night. Having rushed to the Nerchinsk mines, without looking, I signed everything that was demanded of me, renounced everything and asked for only one thing - a speedy meeting with my husband.

The scene of the meeting with her husband (Song "Wives of the Decembrists") 1-2 verses

Volkonskaya's scene with her husband (you can under "Ave Maria") to quiet music

Volkonskaya (throwing a black scarf) : On a January afternoon in 1828, my little son Nikolai dies in St. Petersburg. My father asked Pushkin to write an epitaph for my son's tombstone. Soon Pushkin wrote:

In radiance, in joyful peace,

At the throne of the eternal creator,

With a smile he looks into earthly exile,

He blesses his mother and prays for his father.

The death of my son was a huge loss for me. Nothing could calm me down. My only consolation is my dear, my poor Sergei.

Soon a new grief befell me - my father is dying. Before his death, he still forgave me. Before his death, next to him was my portrait. Looking at him, the priest said: "This is the most amazing woman I knew." 1830 ... August ... My tiny daughter Sophia dies, not having lived even one day. But I find the strength to live in myself. Live for the one you love.

Host 2: Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya lived in hard labor and exile for 30 years. She died in 1963 when she was 53 years old.

Music "Ave Maria"

Slide 9 Muravyova

Presenter 1: Fontanka, 25. A sea of ​​light, music thunders, a ball. Among the dancers are Alexandra Muravyova, the wife of the author of the Constitution of the Northern Society - Nikita Muravyov.

Alexandra: From the first minute I saw Nikita, from the first date, from the first kiss, I kept in my heart a joyful feeling of not passing love.

Slide 10 Song-video “Do not promise a young maiden”

“Captain of the Guards General Staff Nikolai Muravyov, who is on vacation, should be arrested!” - the words of Nicholas I sounded angrily.

Alexandra . My good friend! My angel! Your letter was like a thunderbolt to me. You are a criminal! You are guilty! It doesn't fit in my head. You ask me for forgiveness, don't talk to me like that, you break my heart. I have nothing to forgive you. For almost three years that I was married, I did not live in this world, I was in paradise. Happiness cannot be eternal. Do not give in to despair, this is a weakness unworthy of you. Don't be afraid for me, I'll take it all. I am the happiest of women.

Alexandra: In February 1823, I married 27-year-old Guards Captain Nikita Mikhailovich Muravyov. I set off for Siberia at the beginning of January 1827, reached Irkutsk in 20 days, bought a small wooden house not far from the prison, and received permission to see my husband twice a week.

Lead 2 Alexandra Grigorievna Muravieva, Countess Chernysheva by her father, was a tender, young, beautiful woman. Many Decembrists in their memoirs speak heartfelt words about her kindness of soul and gentle nature, about her self-sacrifice. It was to her that A.S. Pushkin conveyed his message to Siberia “In the depths of Siberian ores ...”

Muraviev: When I got permission for the first meeting with my husband, he was very ill, he had a fever. Saying goodbye, I imperceptibly from the guards put a piece of paper in his hand. Already in the cell, having unfolded it, Nikita Muravyov saw a painfully familiar handwriting, it was impossible to make a mistake, it was a message from his loving friend A.S. Pushkin. The poet did not even suspect how much spiritual strength the Decembrists gained from his poem ..

Reading a poem (everyone reads in turn) quietly Ave Maria

In the depths of Siberian ores

Keep proud patience

Your mournful work will not be lost

And doom high aspiration.

Unfortunately faithful sister,

Hope in the dark dungeon

Wake up cheerfulness and fun,

The desired time will come:

Love and friendship up to you

They will reach through the gloomy gates,

Like in your hard labor holes

My free voice is coming.

Heavy chains will fall

The dungeons will collapse - and freedom

You will be gladly received at the entrance,

And the brothers will give you the sword.

Presenter 1: In 1829, a daughter, Sophia, was born. But "from the homeland" bitter news came: the mother died, the father fell into melancholy, the daughters left behind died (one was very young, the other went crazy). And yet, to the playful question of the Decembrist I.D. Yakushkina: “Who do you love more: God or Nikitushka?” (husband), she replied with a smile

Muravyova: The Lord will not be offended that I love Nikitushka more.

Presenter 1: And she was 27 years old at that time - she had six months to live. Even the last minutes of her life, Alexandra held on. She dictated farewell letters to her relatives, consoled and encouraged her husband. During these few hours of farewell to his wife, Nikita Muravyov turned gray. She became the first wife of the Decembrists to find her grave on Siberian soil; later, her husband Nikita Muravyov built a stone chapel at this place, where a lamp burned night and day. Until the end of his life, N. Muravyov did not part with the portrait of his wife.

Host 2: She died in Siberia at the age of 28.

Slide 11 Song - video "Your wedding outfit has not yet been sewn."

Presenter 1: Thus ended the life cycle of another couple of the Decembrists, who gave 30 years of life to Siberia. But the wives of the Decembrists, who shared the fate of their husbands, were much more.

Lead 2: "Glory and beauty of your sex! Glory to the country that raised you! Glory to the husbands who have been honored with such boundless love and such devotion, such sensitive, ideal wives! You have truly become a model of selflessness, courage, and firmness. May your names be unforgettable! - wrote the Decembrist A. Belyaev.

Presenter 1: Remember the names of the wives of the Decembrists, who by their example showed the heroic fortitude and boundless devotion of Russian women: Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya, Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, Alexandra Grigorievna Muravyova, Praskovya Egorovna Annenkova (Polina Gobl), Natalya Dmitrievna Fonvizina, Alexandra Ivanovna Davydova, Camilla Petrovna Naryshkina , Maria Kazimirovna Yushnevskaya, Anna Vasilievna Rosen, Alexandra Vasilievna Entaltseva, Varvara Mikhailovna Shakhovskaya.

silent scene

You loved, and the way you love -

No, nobody has succeeded yet!

Oh my God! .. and survive it ...

And my heart was not torn to shreds ...

Romance "Dedication to the wives of the Decembrists"

MOU Krasnoborskaya secondary school



HELD: teacher

Russian language and literature

Dorozhkina O.V.

Krasny Bor, 2012


1. To generalize students' knowledge of the Russian language and literature, to identify their literacy.

2.Develop logical thinking skills.

Equipment: cards with the "Smart Daisy" task, posters with statements by great writers about the Russian language and literature, blank sheets and pens, "minds" for rewarding participants, a multimedia projector, a computer.


    Tour: "Smart Daisy"


    Tour: Riddles, proverbs and puzzles.

    Tour: "Do you know ..?"

    Tour Games with words.

Event progress:

Opening speech.

Once V.I. Dal and the son of Melnikov-Pechersky took a walk on a hot summer day. After the walk, Vladimir Ivanovich treated him to wonderful homemade kvass and asked:

- "What is good kvass?".

Good, he said.

And what is good?

Delicious, cold, with erfix.

With what? Dahl was concerned.

With an erfix, - he repeated, already somewhat embarrassed by the stern expression on the face of the collector of the "living great language"?

What are you, a foreigner or something, or a Russian? How to say in Russian. He was silent, not knowing how to translate "Erfix" into Russian.

Oh, French, French! Go to your father and ask.

Sparkling! the young man blurted out after he went and asked his father.

An, you're lying! Dahl corrected. Vigorous kvass (fresh, invigorating, strong).

Do you love the Russian language, as Dal did?

Do you know Russian as Dal knew it? Today we will find out.

“Man most of all differs from other animals in word or language; therefore, the science of language is truly human and most important,” said N.M. Karamzin.

“I have the key to all sciences,

I am familiar with the entire universe.

It's because I own

Russian inclusive language!” -

wrote the Yakut poet S. Danilov.

Our today's quiz "The Weak Link" is dedicated to the knowledge of the Russian language and literature. They said correctly in antiquity: “First, az and beeches, and then other sciences”, “Learning to learn is always useful.”

The most daring have gathered here today and they will be able to earn money with their own mind. Only money is special. These are "minds". Remember, as they say: "one mind is good, but two is better." During the game you will be able to increase your mental state.

So, we begin the first round.

The task of this tour is called "Smart Daisy". Each of the participants receives a petal from a camomile, on the back of which two words are written. Your task is to remember the rules that characterize these words, that is, to give them a definition.

(Students take turns answering)

II. Tour: "A Million Questions"

Answer the questions. I will ask questions to each participant individually. The rest of the participants have no right to answer a question that is not their own. If the student does not answer the question, the player who first raised his hand gets the right to answer. You need to answer quickly, there is no time for reflection.

    Who wrote the poem "Borodino"? (Lermontov)

    What is in the word before the root? (console).

    What is the name of the building for crossing the river? (bridge).

    In which Pushkin's work is the word "there" repeated 14 times? (Ruslan and Ludmila)

    Which literary hero saved hares during the flood? (grandfather Mazai)

    How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)

    Are the words "underwater" and "driver" the same root? (No)

    Who was the third from whom the bun left? (hare)

    How many cases are there in Russian? (6)

    What question does the word in the genitive case answer? (who?, what?)

    A white drink, healthy for both children and adults? (milk)

    What is the name of the main character of the fairy tale "at the behest of the pike"? (Emelya).

    How many conjugations does a verb have? (2)

    How many years did the old man and the old woman fish by the blue sea? (33)

    What is the ending of nouns of the 1st declension? (f. and m.r. - IaI, - IaI)

    What genre does "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" belong to? (tale)

    What is the name of the monk's private room in the monastery? (cell)

    What, according to Dostoevsky, will save the world? (the beauty)

    How does day and night end? (soft sign)

    In which fairy tale is a girl taken into the forest, and she returns as a rich bride? ("Morozko")

    What are the main parts of a sentence called? (subject and predicate)

    Who printed the first book in Russia? (I. Fedorov)

    who invented the Russian alphabet? (Cyril, Methodius)

    I won't, I don't want, I don't know. Are these words spelled together or separately? (separately)

    The hero of which work believed that the door is an adjective, because it is attached to its place? "Undergrowth", "Inspector" or "Woe from Wit"

    What technique do writers use in the title of the work “Fathers and Sons”, “War and Peace? (Antithesis)

    Continue the catchphrase: “And Vaska listens ...” (yes, eat)

    How are such words called in Russian as: big, huge, gigantic? (synonyms)

    What questions do the words in Preposition answer? case? (About who about what?)

    What are the second person pronouns? (you you)

    What are the three types of literature? (epos, lyrics, drama)

    What is a strong wind with snow called? (blizzard, blizzard, snowstorm)

    What is the name of a special writing material made from reeds in ancient Egypt? (papyrus)

    What enemy is Ilya Muromets fighting? with Genghis Khan, with the Serpent Gorynych, the Nightingale the Robber.

    What was the name of the boy who was raised by the wolves in the jungle? (Mowgli)

    Which key can't open the lock? (violin)

    From which work are the lines: “the blanket ran away, the sheet flew away”? ("Moidodyr" Chukovsky)

    What does the old word "barber" mean? (the hairdresser)

    What literary device is used by Pushkin in the lines “she will howl like a beast, then she will cry like a child”? (comparison)

    What are words that are opposite in meaning called? (antonyms)

    Complete the proverb: “You will chase two hares .... ? (you won't catch one)

    Is oven a verb or a noun? (both)

    On what suffix does the spelling of the roots depend - -lag-, -lozh-mir - -mer-, -tir- -ter-, -bir- -ber-? (-â-)

    What does the expression: "beat the buckets" and "count the crows" mean? (sit back)

    How much -n- is written in the word silver? (one)

    Finish the proverb: “patience and work ...? (everything will be crushed)

    Which of the heroes of folk tales is like a ball? (kolobok)

    What gender are the words: coat, bureau, loto? (neuter gender)

    What vegetable could only be pulled out by 6 characters of the fairy tale? (turnip)

    Is it possible to determine the gender of the nouns slob, dormouse, crybaby, dirty man? (common gender)

    Emphasize: agreement or agreement?

    Does everyone take the owner of this thing at first sight for an excellent student? (glasses)

    What showed the way not only to Ivan - Tsarevich, but also to Theseus in the labyrinth? (tangle)

    How to list the five days of the week in order without naming either the number or the name of the day? With the help of what adverbs (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

III. round: Riddles, proverbs and puzzles.

“Charles V, the Roman emperor, used to say that it was proper to speak Spanish with God, French with friends, German with enemies, Italian with women. But if he were skilled in the Russian language, then, of course, he would add to that that it is decent to speak with all of them, for he would find in it the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian, moreover, rich and strong in images. brevity of the Greek and Latin languages. So said Lomonosov. It's hard to disagree with him. These qualities were especially clearly manifested in the works of U.N.T. Now we will check how you know proverbs and riddles and puzzles.

1st task.

I will make riddles, and you will solve them. The first person to raise their hand answers.


No matter how it winds, where it wanders -

Everything comes to the blue sea.

Let the road be far

But she won't get lost.(river)

Waddle along the path

To the water pillows and duvets.

They are excellent swimmers

On the paws are red flippers.(geese)

She speaks silently

It's understandable and not boring.

You talk more often with her -

You will become 100 times smarter.(book)

She puffs up her sides

Your four corners

And you as the night comes

It will still draw you in.(pillow)

Five steps - ladder,

On the steps - a song.(notes)

Guess it guys

What kind of figure is an acrobat?

If it gets on your head

Exactly three less will be. (nine)

I am stronger than ten horses.

Where in the fields I will pass in the spring,

In summer, bread will become a wall.(tractor)

Thirty-three native sisters -

written beauties,

Live on the same page

And they are famous everywhere!(letters)

Her appearance is like a comma,

Crocheted tail, and it's no secret:

She loves all lazy people

And her lazy ones - no.(deuce)

Two sisters next to each other

They run circle after circle.

Shorty - just once

The one above - every hour(clock hands)

annual bush

Dropping a leaf every day

A year will pass

The whole leaf will fall off.(calendar)

What kind of bird is flying?

Seven in each flock

They fly in a string,

They don't turn back.(days of the week)

The house is not big, but the door is big

It does not enter, but enter.(garage)

You walk - lies ahead

Look around - running home.(road)

What a beast: in winter it eats, in summer it sleeps, the body is warm, but there is no blood.

You sit on it, but you won’t be taken from your seat.(bake)

In the courtyard of a mountain

And in the hut with water.(snow)

I am a herbaceous plant

With a lilac flower

But change the emphasis

And I turn into candy.(iris)

She feeds everyone, but does not eat herself.(a spoon)

Who wears a hat on his leg?(mushroom)

He does not hear with his ear, does not breathe with his nose,

Where will visit - the tail will lose(needle and thread)

2nd task this round - continue the proverbs and explain their meaning.

Do not rush with your tongue, ... (hurry up with business).

New clothes are better ... (and friends are old).

When a friend asks, ... (there is no tomorrow).

Hands will overcome one, ... (knowledge - a thousand).

A rolling stone gathers no moss).

3rd task this tour - guess the puzzles

See the presentation for the event.

IV tour: "Do you know ..?"

Once a tiger caught a fox, she is cunning, turned her fluffy tail, raised her face up: - Don't you dare sit down on me! I was sent here to be the lord of the forest. The tiger looked at the fox and did not believe it.

You do not trust me? So come with me to the forest. Look how the animals are afraid of me. The tiger agreed. The forest walked importantly in front, and the tiger followed. What's up here! All the animals and birds, seeing the tiger, rushed into the thicket, climbed deeper into the holes. Well, are you convinced now? Who is not afraid of me? “Yes, you are indeed powerful,” the tiger replied. This tale was composed more than two thousand years ago. But even now there is a phraseological unit "cunning as a fox."

1st task of this tour: Do you know phraseological units? Now let's check. On the screen you will see phraseological units, your task is to guess and explain their meaning. Calls the one who first raised his hand.

Sit in a galosh.

Put a spoke in wheel.

Lead by the nose.

On the thief and the hat is on fire.

Eat a pood of salt together.

Crocodile tears.

Know by heart.

2nd task of this tour - to guess the winged glory from the works of Krylov. I call the beginning and you end.

And you, friends, don’t sit down .... (everyone is not good at musicians)

Did you all sing? This business …. (so go dance)

The tit did glory, .... (but did not light the sea)

The cuckoo praises the rooster ... (for the fact that he praises the cuckoo)

It's your fault that... (What do I want to eat)

Who is to blame, who is right, it is not for us to judge, but only for .... (and still there)

And the casket .... (just opened)

V round: Games with words.

The longest surname in the world is a resident of Istanbul. It has 43 letters and at the end of the last century in the US state of Wisconsin, the leader of one of the Indian tribes died. Not a single master could fit his name on a tombstone. It was 122 letters long. And the shortest surname on earth, according to scientists, consists of 1 letter - this is the French surname O. There is also the shortest geographical name in France - there is a village called I. What am I all for? Don't be afraid, I won't make you remember those words. We're just playing word games.

1 game: The word "republic" is written on the screen. You need to make the most words from these letters. Each letter can only be used once.

2nd game. Your task is to come up with the largest number of words in rhyme: garage, luggage.

(Luggage, dugout, landscape, crew, mirage, circulation, guard, massage, blackmail, installation, boarding, rigging, character, arbitration, drainage ...).

3rd task. They say you can't make an elephant out of a fly. But linguists have done it. Look at the poster (poster attached). This game was invented by Lewis Carroll. A word is written on a piece of paper. Below is written another word with the same number of letters. You need to try step by step to turn the top word into the bottom one. Only one letter can be changed at each attempt. Your task is to turn the word "poet" into the word "moon". To do this, you need to guess three intermediate words.





Summing up the game .

The Persian scholar vizier Sahib (10th century) was passionately fond of books. He had a library with about 117 thousand books. He always took his library with him when he traveled. 400 camels were employed to transport books. The camels always moved in alphabetical order, so that the caravaners could easily find any book the Vizier Sahib needed.


Final word.

The talented teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The word is the subtlest touch to the heart; it can become a tender, fragrant flower, and a sharp knife that has plucked the delicate tissue of the soul, and red-hot iron, and clods of dirt... revive, hurt and heal, ... create a smile - and cause tears, give birth to faith in a person - and instill mistrust.

Indeed, the word is a great power. Learn to handle the word correctly every day if you do not want to remain a weak link in the chain of great state accomplishments.

Purpose: to arouse interest in the artistic word.

  • introduce children to literary creativity;
  • to form a good relationship with students;
  • promote the development of thinking and cognitive activity, creative abilities;
  • develop imagination, ingenuity, thinking, speech of students.

During the classes

- Hello, dear friends! Today we will make an unusual journey into the world of fairy tale literature. We will meet with our favorite fairy tale characters, learn a lot of interesting and useful things. When adults go on a road trip, they always take a travel bag, backpack or suitcase. Adults add up for a long time and check if they have forgotten something. And we will take the “Literary Case” with us. It has 5 sections, and each has 5 pockets, you need to check the contents of each pocket. You will probably be curious to look into each section, into each pocket. Today we will look into the section “On the roads of a fairy tale”.

Literary briefcase
1. On the roads of a fairy tale 10 20 30 40 50
2. A treasure trove of folk wisdom 10 20 30 40 50
3. A.S. Pushkin 10 20 30 40 50
4. Fairy math magicians 10 20 30 40 50
5. all sorts of things 10 20 30 40 50

Section “On the roads of a fairy tale”.

Fairy tales are the oldest genre of oral folk art. They came to us from ancient times. I offer you 5 blocks of tasks related to folk and author's fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes, magical fairy-tale items. I hope that these tasks will replenish your knowledge about this genre.

So let's get started! You probably noticed the numbers from 10 to 50. This is the complexity of the issue. The more difficult the questions, the higher their score. We have 2 teams, you choose the answers together, discuss them together, but only one answers. (Team names are predetermined.)

Who starts the task selection? The one who guesses one tricky riddle.

- The duck is in the water, and the tail is on the mountain.
Duck in the sea, tail on the fence.


- They don’t drink from it, they don’t eat, they just look. (bucket of the Big Dipper.)

- What kind of animal?

Sleeps in summer, eats in winter.
The body is warm, but there is no blood.

10. Task “Solve the puzzle”.

The encrypted word is Little Red Riding Hood, the heroine of the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault.

20. Competition "Announcement Board".

From the text of the ad, you need to guess who wrote it. Teams give written answers. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. I offer the services of a governess. I will teach ill-mannered boys to read, count, write, as well as good manners. (Malvina.)
2. Lonely dreamer, height 13 m, weight 4 tons, will give fiery love to the three-headed girlfriend. (Dragon.)
3. All princes! For the next 100 years, do not disturb with your kisses - you really want to sleep. (Sleeping Beauty.)
4. An experienced carpenter from the material of the customer will plan the kids for you, and some boys . (Papa Carlo.)
5. I will write memoirs for you, I will teach you how to compose puffers, nozzles, grumblers, etc. (Winnie the Pooh.)
6. A private security bureau, headed by uncle Chernomor, will ensure the safety of you and your loved ones on vacation by the sea. (33 heroes.).

30. “Who lives here?”

According to the description, guess who owns the dwelling. For each correct answer, 1 point.

1.This dwelling is made of oak wood. And the red-haired sass kicked out the owner of the hut when her own melted. Name the owner - unfortunate. (Hare from "Hare Hut".)

2. One of them has a house made quickly from straw, the other is more durable - from branches and twigs, but the third has a stone house with a strong door. Name all three. (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

3. This building, on command, turns back to the forest, to the guest in front, and its mistress senses the “Russian spirit”. (Baba Yaga.)

4. In this dilapidated, dilapidated haven near the blue sea, they lived for 30 years and three years. (The old man and the old woman from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin.)

40. Basket with lost things.

I have a basket.
You can't count things in it.
Heavy and large, its weight is half a pood.
Guess quickly. What's in it and where does it come from?

Objects are laid out on the table, the guys must guess from which fairy tales G.Kh. Andersen they are collected. Hints are provided for each item.

1) In this subject, everything good and beautiful almost disappeared, but everything insignificant and disgusting was especially striking and became even uglier - mirror. ("The Snow Queen".)

2) What caused insomnia for the young heroine - pea. ("Princess on the Pea".)

3) Thanks to this item, the hero gives dreams to children - umbrella. (“Ole Lukoye”.)

4) This item served as a cradle for the heroine of a fairy tale, blue violets served as a mattress, and a rose petal served as a blanket - walnut shell. ("Thumbelina".)

5) A bush on which a single rose bloomed on it bloomed only once every 5 years - rose flower . ("Swineherd".)

50. Solve the crossword.(Game No. 4, task 4, the word “Fairy Tale”. Task: The names of 8 fairy-tale characters are hidden in the crossword puzzle, which you must find and describe them; you can move in any direction. Answer: genie, goblin, witch, sorcerer, fairy, water , mermaid, dwarf).

Useful information: - November 7, 2013 - 110 years since the birth of Millyar Georgy Frantsevich - our wonderful actor who played the role of Koshchei the Immortal in 1944, and also the role of Baba Yaga in the film "Frost".

Backfill questions.

1. Where does Kashchei the Deathless live? (In a palace.)
2. What vehicle does Baba Yaga have? (Mortar.)
3. Where can I find the death of Kashchei the Immortal? (At the tip of the needle.)
4. Who is Baba Yaga by education? (Witch.)
5. Whom does Kashchei the Immortal turn recalcitrant girls into? (In frogs.)
6. What words should be used to refer to the dwelling of Baba Yaga? (Hut, hut, turn to me in front, and back to the forest.)

Surprise in a flower box.

What is in it? You can ask leading questions.

invigorates the spirit
softens the heart
relieves fatigue
awakens the thought
does not allow laziness to settle.

Hints: 1. Georgians say you have to bow to him 50 times to get a real one...2. Most of all love the British, Canadians, Arabs, Americans. Least of all like in China, India and Pakistan. 3. In 1696, the Russian tsar sends Russian merchants to Beijing for him. They were brought on ships, camels, sleighs, carts. 4. It appeared in Russia in 1638: the Mongol Khan sent the Russian Tsar a gift - 60 kg ... in exchange for 100 sable skins. 5. Homeland ... is China. According to legend, the shepherds noticed that the sheep, after chewing ... (leaves), begin to frolic and jump. 6. … grows in China, India, Ceylon, Argentina, Georgia. 7. It comes in green, brick, tile, black, long leaf, Georgian, Chinese, Ceylon, Argentine, in pyramids ... and in bags. 8. In the fairy tale “Vanyushka and the Princess”, you can drink it with sugar in a bite or overlay.

Answer: tea.

Summing up: "Fairy-tale arithmetic" from Vasilisa the Wise.

Task: From the number of robbers who open the door with the words: “Sim-sim, open!” Subtract the amount of kids from the fairy tale and heroes living in a tower in the forest. Divide the resulting number by the number of months from the title of the book by a famous children's writer, adding to it the amount of money found in the field by the famous heroine of the fairy tale and add to the resulting figure the number of wishes usually fulfilled in Russian folk tales.

Find out if you get the grade that every student dreams of.

To simplify the task, participants are given the following cards:

(...) robbers - ((...) kids + (...) heroes) + (...) desires = ?

(...) months + (...) money

This is how many points the participants will receive if they solve the problem correctly, plus 1 point for the title of the fairy tales and their authors. (“Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”; “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”; A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the 7 Heroes”; S. Marshak “12”; K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotukha”)

- You all know the familiar expression: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!” Have you guys learned your lesson?

Application. Electronic presentation “Literary briefcase”.

Used sources:

  1. Gornostaeva A.M., Larina E.S.Learning by playing". A series of electronic educational products. Publishing house "Globus". Moscow.
  2. Yaroslav Express - Georgy Frantsevich Millyar (To remember): jaroslaff.net ›modules.php
  3. Georgy Millyar as Baba Yaga: http://pda.privet.ru/post/134953738
  4. Georgy Millyar as Koshchei the Immortal:

Students. An extracurricular event in Russian literature not only reveals the student's basic knowledge of the subject, but also helps him develop, socialize, and instills a sense of upbringing. The teacher of literature, leading the out-of-class educational process, improves the natural abilities of students to see in the world of books something more than just a text. An extra-curricular activity in literature instills in students an aesthetic taste, educates them with humanity and shows a model of moral ideals.

What you should pay attention to?

The development of an extracurricular activity in literature begins with the choice of methods and forms of its implementation. The teacher should always remember that most of today's children are reluctant to sit in the main lessons. To conduct a lesson, it is worth choosing a material that will arouse great interest among the children. It is better to conduct an extracurricular event on Russian literature in the form of a conversation. Quizzes are also great in which students can show their knowledge.

It is better to warn the children about the event in advance. You can pre-distribute assignments and inform that the most active students will be rewarded.

Scenario of extracurricular activities in literature. The work "In Bad Society"

Target focus of the event:

  1. An overview of the images of all the heroes, the principles of their formation.
  2. Teaching children expressive reading, the ability to analyze the read text, highlight the main thing in the content, distinguish between morality and values, instilling a sense of beauty.
  3. Formation of positive orientations in the knowledge of the significance of Russian literature.

Expected results:

  • knowledge of the text and its content;
  • perception and analysis of what is read;
  • the ability to highlight the topic, the idea of ​​the text;
  • identification of problematic and climactic aspects of the work;
  • the ability to evaluate the actions of the hero.

First step of the lesson

The teacher greets the students, talks about the goals, objectives, themes of the event. The teacher's speech may be as follows:

"Hello guys. Many people know that the world of literature is an ocean in which, diving, you can find something valuable. So every writer tries to bring something unique, but very important, to the history of literature. Today we will talk about such a great writer as Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, and his work “In Bad Society”.

The purpose of the lesson is to be able to recognize the greatest gift in a person's life - a sensitive heart capable of compassion. The main task is to understand the changes in the heart of the protagonist and learn moral lessons from the story.

The extra-curricular event in literature will not only be educational, but will also teach everyone to show mercy and kindness.

The theme of the event is "Communication between the son of the city judge Vasya and the common children Marusya and Valek." It will be possible to study the nuances of the behavior of children in various living conditions.

Second stage of the lesson

The teacher tests the knowledge of the text given for reading at home. To do this, all children should be divided into two teams. The teacher asks two simple questions.

For the first team:

  1. How did Valek appear before Vasya at the first meeting? (He was thin, in dirty clothes with curly hair).
  2. What are the similarities between Marusya and Sonya? (they are both the same age, small and beautiful, and their laughter was like the ringing of a bell).

For the second team:

  1. How does the author describe Marusya? (a four-year-old girl, with long blond hair, a dirty face and in an old dress, with kind, but frightened eyes).
  2. What did Vasya look like? (a boy with a perky character, affable, friendly, kind, well-dressed, sympathetic).

The guys choose the participants who will answer the questions.

Then the teacher: “The events that are displayed in the story took place many years ago. But the author seemed to look to us, to the future. Korolenko revealed such problems of the twenty-first century as the ability to make friends, honesty, responsiveness, trust, family relationships, compassion, devotion. The teacher must present the real events that took place at the time when the author wrote the work, based on the facts.

The third stage of the lesson

The main problems of the story are discussed.

The teacher asks the first student a question: “How did Vasya react to the fact that his new friend Valek was stealing?”

Student one: “The news that Valek is stealing food did not make the best impression on Vasya. He had a heavy residue on his heart, but he did not condemn his friend. After all, Vasya later found out that food was needed for the hungry Marusya.

Teacher: "Did the news about the theft affect the relationship between friends?"

Student two: “The news did not bring negative consequences in the friendship between the guys. Vasya, on the contrary, began to be kind to his friends, he had a feeling of compassion.

Teacher: “What did Vasya Marusa give so that the girl would at least cheer up a little during the period of illness?”

Third student: "Vasya gave the girl a doll of his sister, which she was very happy about."

Question from the teacher to the whole class: “Children, is it considered bad that Valek was stealing food?”

Every child who wants to can express their point of view.

The fourth stage of the lesson

The students draw a table with two columns on the board. In the first column, under the heading "Grey Stone," write all the feelings associated with the stone. In the second column, entitled "Sensual Heart," write as many qualities of a kind person as you can.

The guys in the first column can write such feelings as cruelty, hatred, anger, callousness, deceit. This also includes theft, betrayal, deceit and indifference.

The teacher praises the students for the correct answers and offers to fill in the second column of the table.

Children may come to the conclusion that in the column "Sensual Heart" you need to write such qualities of a person: modesty, honesty, tolerance, truthfulness, true friendship. Here you can add compassion, mercy, love, tenderness.

Filling in the tablet shows that the "Grey Stone" is the personification of the injustice and cruelty of the human world. And The Sensual Heart speaks of the deep moral feelings of mankind.

When the extracurricular activity in literature comes to an end, the teacher clarifies what each student learned from the lesson.

on literature

Teacher: “Today the story of the great Russian writer Vladimir Korolenko “In Bad Society” was considered. At the lesson, an analysis of the images of the characters and their behavior was carried out. Is it possible to say that the story is instructive and highly moral?

Student: "The story is really instructive, as it gives a clear understanding that the social position should not affect the inner core of a person in any way."

Another student: "The work taught me to appreciate friendship and recognize true friends."

Teacher: “Indeed, every child and adult should read this work in order to understand the true values ​​of life. Thank you all for your attention. The literature lesson is over."


The proposed scenario for an extracurricular activity in literature is indicative. Each teacher on the basis of it can draw up his own unique plan. Literature provides a lot of knowledge. Grade 5 is the time when children learn to express their opinion, to defend their position. A non-standard lesson is the best way to reveal students' knowledge.

The game is based on the novel by Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" for grades 5-6. They allow to reveal the degree of reading the work, to arouse the reader's interest. The material can be used both in the classroom (when analyzing the novel) and in extracurricular activities.

The game is built on the type of TV game "Own Game". 2-3 teams play at the same time. The teams take turns choosing a topic and the cost of the question, after which the moderator reads out the question. The time for discussion is 15 seconds, then the team must give an answer. In case of a correct answer, the team receives a number of points equal to the cost of the question. If there is no answer, the host will read out the correct option. After the game is over, the results are summed up: the team with the most points wins.

The game allows you to test your knowledge of literary works from the school curriculum in an interesting way. Questions are connected with the name of the hero, with the addressee of the lyrics, with the music that "sounds" in the book. You can play both in the classroom and during the class hour.

Target audience: for grade 11

This resource is a summary of an extracurricular event and a presentation for it. It is better to conduct this event after studying individual chapters of D. Defoe's novel "The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" in the classroom. The event will attract the attention of sixth graders to a more careful reading of this wonderful novel.

Rules of the game
Before you is a playing field, consisting of 8 reproductions of paintings by artists who recreated the image of Ilya Muromets. You are invited to guess the name of the artist and the title of the painting. By clicking on any of the reproductions, you can go to its page.
When you click on the reproduction, the picture opens in full screen. By clicking again, we return to the reproduction page. By double-clicking on the central figure, you can check if the artist's name was correctly identified.

Target audience: for grade 6

The game "Traveling the World" is based on the materials of ancient myths, legends and tales of different peoples and is intended for students in grades 5-8. A feature of this game is that through acquaintance with myths, tales and legends, children receive and / or consolidate knowledge in the field of geography and at the same time have the opportunity to change their understanding of the role of reading and its significance, as well as to see the relationship between humanitarian and natural science areas of knowledge, which corresponds to new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target audience: for grade 5

The resource is a summary and presentation to it. This can be used both as an extra-curricular activity based on the story of V. G. Rasputin "French Lessons", and as a final lesson on this work. The resource will be useful to teachers of the Russian language and literature.

Target audience: for grade 6

In this material, I offer a summary of the event and a presentation for it. The resource can be used both in extracurricular reading lessons and within the subject week. During the event, two fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm are considered: "The Bremen Town Musicians" and "The Brave Little Tailor".

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