Cherry Orchard Stanislavsky. "The Cherry Orchard": performances of the play (Russian and foreign)

Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" became the most famous work of world drama of the 20th century, theatrical figures of the whole world turned to its comprehension, but most of the stage interpretations of Chekhov's comedy were created in the writer's homeland - in Russia.

As you know, the premiere of The Cherry Orchard took place on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater in 1904, the directors were K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Danchenko. In this famous performance, the images of Gaev and Ranevskaya came to the fore, in a brilliant performance Konstantin Stanislavsky and Olga Knipper-Chekhova, and thus in the center of the production was the line of noble impoverishment, impotence in the face of the impending collapse of life. Such an interpretation did not correspond to the author's intention. Chekhov wrote that the theater played "positively not what I wrote", that the theater "destroyed" the play. Recall that the playwright insisted that the central figure in the play is the role of Lopakhin. For a long time, the play was rehearsed at the Moscow Art Theater as a "heavy drama", despite detailed instructions and the personal presence of the author. However, over time, the performance went better and better, and many drama theaters were in a hurry to introduce the play into their repertoire. So, Vsevolod Meyerhold, who managed to feel the tone of Chekhov's play, staged The Cherry Orchard in Kharkov, about which he informed the author in a letter: “... We play The Cherry Orchard well ... Your play is abstract, like a Tchaikovsky symphony. And the director must catch it with his ear first of all.

The Cherry Orchard can be found in the repertoire of most Russian theaters, many of the performances have become classics of theatrical art. So, the production in 1975 became a legend of the Taganka Theater (Moscow). Anatoly Efros filled with tragedy, a powerful sense of the end of the world.

An absolutely new interpretation of Chekhov's play was proposed in 1984 by the director of the Moscow Academic Theater of Satire Valentin Pluchek, who tried to penetrate Chekhov's masterpiece without introducing his own interpretation. “Chekhov does not need to be completed,” the director thought. In the center of the performance of the Theater of Satire, there is the role of Lopakhin, which he brilliantly performed Andrey Mironov.

The main character in Chekhov's last masterpiece staged Galina Volchek(Moscow theater "Sovremennik") became the Cherry Orchard itself. Her 1997 production is a tragic story about ridiculous and funny people who have no future. material from the site

In 2009, The Cherry Orchard premiered on the stage of the Lenkom Theater in Moscow.

In December 2010, the world premiere took place at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard, which has gone through hundreds of stage productions in theaters of different countries in its history, is presented for the first time in the opera genre. The last Chekhov's play was transcribed to music by a French composer Philip Fenelon. “When I wrote music, I remembered Chekhov’s phrase that “Rus” is our Cherry Orchard.” Therefore, in my opera there are echoes of Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and, of course, Russian folklore,” the composer explains.

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Sharp disputes about the genre of The Cherry Orchard, disagreements between the author and the theater arose already during the preparation first performance at the Moscow Art Theater. The perception of the play by the theater alerted the author - as can be seen from the correspondence with O.L. Knipper, who noted, among other things, that Stanislavsky "roared all over" over the play. Stanislavsky, as follows from his letter to Chekhov dated October 22, 1903, insisted that "this is not a comedy, not a farce, as you wrote, this is a tragedy ...". Chekhov did not like the rehearsals that he attended in December 1903. Not only the genre shift of the play towards the “heavy drama of Russian life”, but also unbearable lengths irritate Chekhov. Nemirovich-Danchenko in his memoirs about the first production of The Cherry Orchard, which took place January 17, 1904, admitted that there was a "misunderstanding of Chekhov" - the delicate fabric of the work "the theater took with too rough hands."

The dissatisfaction of the author, his own dissatisfaction forced the theater to continue working on the play. According to Nemirovich, over time, the performance got rid of precisely those shortcomings that Chekhov pointed out, but still a complete transfer of the “author's worldview” did not happen. The growing success of the performance was evidenced by press reviews of the tour in St. Petersburg, as well as the growing popularity of the play with the provincial theater.

In 1928 Moscow Art Theater resumed The Cherry Orchard, wanting to prove that Chekhov is close to the new time. In accordance with the requirements of the moment, the satirical features in the image of Gaev were strengthened, but the desire to saturate the performance with historical optimism is evidence of this intention in the well-known lines from My Life in Art, where Stanislavsky wants to give Lopakhin "the scope of Chaliapin", and Anya - "temperament Yermolova" and shout to the whole world "Hello, new life!" - had no practical implementation. Meanwhile, the Moscow Art Theater tradition of elegiac performances of The Cherry Orchard was firmly established, and therefore could not but cause rejection at the height of Chekhov's "sociological reassessment" in the thirties.

The production of The Cherry Orchard by A.M. Lobanov at the Studio Theater under the direction of R.N. Simonov in 1934. The director said: "I am for Chekhov, but against the Moscow Art Theater." Lobanov did not see any fundamental difference between the characters of the play: everyone was absorbed by the vaudeville petty-bourgeois environment anyway, Trofimov in the performance forced to recall Gorky's characterization of a "cheesy student" who "speaks red": he recited to the gymnasiums in the bathhouse (this is how the remark "Sexual talk about decadents!"). Anya, first of all, according to Chekhov, the “child” turned into a girl who “condemned her mother and gossiped rather evilly about her”, the “attraction of the aging Ranevskaya to the young footman” was emphasized (Yasha turned out to be Ranevskaya’s lover, sang chansonnets and danced the cancan) . And Firs was dying, "performing some complex physical exercises." The performance, as one would expect, caused a heated controversy - critic Yu. Yuzovsky came out to defend the director, but he also recognized the influence of vulgar sociological concepts on the director.

The theme of the death of culture was seen in the play by A. V. Efros in a vivid interpretation of the play staged at the Taganka Theater in 1975. Set design by V.Ya. Leventhal, this reading was expressed in the transfer of the action to the cemetery. Everyone in the play yearned for beauty, and especially the unusual Lopakhin - V.S. Vysotsky, but they could not comprehend it to the end and save it. The actor, as it were, reminded the viewer of Chekhov’s words about an intelligent person, about Lopakhin’s “thin, like an artist’s fingers,” who painfully wants to join the inaccessible world of culture and cannot. The words at the end of Act III "Who bought?" - “I bought” at the performance sounded like: “Who killed?” - "I killed". In his "drunken dance" Lopakhin - Vysotsky sought to drown the feeling to the end and not conscious guilt.

Unusual for Theater of Satire, elegiac was "The Cherry Orchard" by V.N. Pluchek (1984) with unconventional, enlightened images of Gaev (A.D. Papanov) and Lopakhin (A.A. Mironov). The garden in the performance forked - ugly cherry trees fell to Lopakhin, but above the stage in the play of light there was an elusive ghost garden, a memory garden, a dream garden. Such readings were undoubtedly influenced by the emerging studies on the semantics of Chekhov's image of a garden. Tragic tonality prevailed in the production of I. V. Ilyinsky on the stage of the Maly Theater (1982). Productions by G.B. Volchek at the Sovremennik Theater(1976 and 1997) differed in tone - the latter raised the tone of the performance, made Chekhov "energetic". Ranevskaya M.M. became broken, nervous, suddenly turning from laughter to tears in the new production. Neelova.

In the post-war foreign theater "The Cherry Orchard" becomes one of Chekhov's most popular plays. Chekhov's director after Pitoev in France is Jean-Louis Barrault, who directed The Cherry Orchard, at the Odeon Theater translated by Jacques Neve in 1954. It is from this performance that the tradition of perceiving the play as a parable about the relationship between man and time originates. About his "motto" the director said: "About a man. Through a person. In the name of man." The performance became an event in the cultural life of France not only due to the excellent performance of Madeleine Renaud - Ranevskaya and other performers, but also due to the serious philosophical approach to the Russian author, who rejected abstract cliché ideas about "Slavic melancholy" and "Russian soul".

However, the most famous innovative interpretation of the play in modern Western theater was the production of Giorgio Strehler. at the Teatro Piccolo di Milano. The director concludes that the time has come to present The Cherry Orchard as "more universal, more symbolic, more open fantasy". Strehler put forward an original concept for the play, calling it "the problem of the three caskets". Three caskets, nested one inside the other, reflect the relationship of the three temporal dimensions of the play: real time - the life of Ranevskaya and Gaev, historical time, where events are seen as if from the outside, and philosophical time. The third box - the box of Life - gives the action a generalized symbolic sound. In Strehler's performance, the main character was the Cherry Orchard, solved conditionally and metaphorically, in the form of a dome hovering over the stage (the performance was designed by Josef Svoboda). Since then, the direction of the Chekhov theater has been extremely interested in the semantics of white color. The hagiographic plan of the production was also emphasized by separate mise-en-scenes and symbolic objects. So, Ranevskaya, according to Strehler, returns not just home, but to childhood - children's toys fell out of the "respected cabinets" here.

The theme of the loss of culture, seen in the loss of the cherry orchard, came to the fore in another well-known performance - staged by Peter Brook at the Bouffe du Nord Theater in Paris in 1980. Narrative, philosophical, lasting every minute of the stage life was "The Cherry Orchard" by Peter Stein, shown in Moscow in 1991. Criticism noted that for the director “nobody died. Everyone is alive - Chekhov, Stanislavsky, and centenary Firs."

Comedy in 4 acts

Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna, landowner. Anya, her daughter, 17 years old. Varya, her adopted daughter, aged 24. Gaev Leonid Andreevich, brother of Ranevskaya. Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich, merchant. Trofimov Petr Sergeevich, student. Simeonov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich, landowner. Charlotte Ivanovna, governess. Epikhodov Semyon Panteleevich, clerk. Dunyasha, maid. Firs, footman, old man 87 years old. Yasha, a young footman. Passerby. station master. Postal official. Guests, servants.

The action takes place in the estate of L. A. Ranevskaya.

Act one

The room, which is still called the nursery. One of the doors leads to Anna's room. Dawn, soon the sun will rise. It's already May, cherry trees are blooming, but it's cold in the garden, it's a matinee. The windows in the room are closed.

Enter Dunyasha with a candle and Lopakhin with a book in his hand.

Lopakhin. The train arrived, thank God. What time is it now? Dunyasha. Two soon. (Extinguishes the candle.) It's already light. Lopakhin. How late was the train? Two hours, at least. (Yawns and stretches.) I'm good, what a fool I made! I came here on purpose to meet me at the station, and suddenly I overslept... Sitting down, I fell asleep. Annoyance... If only you would wake me up. Dunyasha. I thought you left. (Listens.) It looks like they are already on their way. Lopakhin (listens). No ... Get luggage, then and there ...

Lyubov Andreevna lived abroad for five years, I don’t know what she has become now ... She is a good person. Easy, simple person. I remember when I was a boy of about fifteen, my late father - he then traded here in the village in a shop - hit me in the face with his fist, blood came from my nose ... Then we came together for some reason to the yard, and he was drunk. Lyubov Andreevna, as I remember now, still young, so thin, led me to the washstand, in this very room, in the nursery. “Don’t cry, he says, little man, he will heal before the wedding ...”

Little man ... My father, however, was a man, but here I am in a white waistcoat, yellow shoes. With a pig's snout in a row of kalash... Just now he's rich, there's a lot of money, but if you think and figure it out, then a peasant is a peasant ... (Flips through the book.) I read the book and didn't understand anything. Read and fell asleep.

Dunyasha. And the dogs did not sleep all night, they can smell that the owners are coming. Lopakhin. What are you, Dunyasha, such a ... Dunyasha. Hands are shaking. I will faint. Lopakhin. You are very gentle, Dunyasha. And you dress like a young lady, and your hair too. You can not do it this way. We must remember ourselves.

Epikhodov enters with a bouquet; he is in a jacket and in brightly polished boots that creak strongly; entering, he drops the bouquet.

Epikhodov (raises bouquet). Here the Gardener sent, he says, put it in the dining room. (Gives Dunyasha a bouquet.) Lopakhin. And bring me kvass. Dunyasha. I'm listening. (Exits.) Epikhodov. Now it's a matinee, the frost is three degrees, and the cherry is all in bloom. I can't approve of our climate. (Sighs) I can't. Our climate cannot help just right. Here, Ermolai Alekseich, allow me to add, I bought myself boots the day before, and I dare to assure you, they creak so that there is no possibility. What to grease? Lopakhin. Leave me alone. Tired. Epikhodov. Every day some misfortune happens to me. And I don’t grumble, I’m used to it and even smile.

Dunyasha enters, serves kvass to Lopakhin.

I will go. (Bumps into a chair, which falls over.) Here... (As if triumphant.) You see, pardon the expression, what a circumstance, by the way... It's just wonderful! (Exits.)

Dunyasha. And to me, Ermolai Alekseich, I confess, Epikhodov made an offer. Lopakhin. BUT! Dunyasha. I don’t know how ... He is a meek person, but only sometimes, as soon as he starts talking, you won’t understand anything. And good, and sensitive, just incomprehensible. I seem to like him. He loves me madly. He is an unhappy man, every day something. They tease him like that among us: twenty-two misfortunes ... Lopakhin (listens). Looks like they're on their way... Dunyasha. They're coming! What's the matter with me... I've gone cold all over. Lopakhin. They go, in fact. Let's go meet. Will she recognize me? Haven't seen each other for five years. Dunyasha (in agitation). I'm going to fall... Oh, I'm going to fall!

You can hear two carriages pulling up to the house. Lopakhin and Dunyasha leave quickly. The stage is empty. There is noise in the neighboring rooms. Through the stage, leaning on a stick, Firs hastily passes, who went to meet Lyubov Andreevna; he is in an ancient livery and a tall hat; something speaks to itself, but not a single word can be made out. The background noise gets louder and louder. Voice: "Let's go here..." Lyubov Andreevna, Anya and Charlotte Ivanovna with a dog on a chain, dressed in a travel way. Varya in a coat and scarf, Gaev, Simeonov-Pishchik, Lopakhin, Dunyasha with a bundle and an umbrella, servants with things - they all go across the room.

Anya. Let's go here. Do you remember what room this is? Lyubov Andreevna (joyfully, through tears). Children's!
Varya . How cold, my hands are numb. (Lyubov Andreevna.) Your rooms, white and purple, are the same, Mommy. Lyubov Andreevna. Children's, my dear, beautiful room ... I slept here when I was little ... (Crying.) And now I'm like a little ... (He kisses his brother, Varya, then again his brother.) And Varya is still the same, she looks like a nun. And I recognized Dunyasha... (Kisses Dunyasha.) Gaev. The train was two hours late. What is it? What are the orders? Charlotte (to Pischiku). My dog ​​eats nuts too. Pishchik (surprised). You think!

Everyone leaves except Anya and Dunyasha.

Dunyasha. We've been waiting... (Takes off Ani's coat and hat.) Anya. I didn't sleep on the road for four nights... now I'm very cold. Dunyasha. You left during Great Lent, then there was snow, there was frost, and now? My darling! (Laughs, kisses her.) I've been waiting for you, my joy, my little light... I'll tell you now, I can't stand one minute... Anya (weakly). Something again... Dunyasha. The clerk Epikhodov proposed to me after the Saint. Anya. You are all about the same... (Fixes her hair.) I lost all my pins... (She is very tired, even staggers.) Dunyasha. I don't know what to think. He loves me, he loves me so! Anya (looks at his door, tenderly). My room, my windows, like I never left. I'm home! Tomorrow morning I will get up and run to the garden... Oh, if only I could sleep! I did not sleep all the way, anxiety tormented me. Dunyasha. On the third day Pyotr Sergeyevich arrived. Anya (happily). Petya! Dunyasha. They sleep in the bathhouse, they live there. I'm afraid, they say, to embarrass. (Glancing at his pocket watch.) We ought to wake them up, but Varvara Mikhailovna didn't tell them to. You, he says, don't wake him up.

Varya enters, she has a bunch of keys on her belt.

Varya . Dunyasha, coffee as soon as possible... Mommy asks for coffee. Dunyasha. This minute. (Exits.) Varya . Well, thank God, they arrived. You are at home again. (Coursing.) My darling has arrived! Beauty has arrived! Anya. I suffered. Varya . I imagine! Anya. I left on Holy Week, when it was cold. Charlotte talks all the way, doing tricks. And why did you force Charlotte on me... Varya . You can't go alone, my dear. At seventeen! Anya. We arrive in Paris, it's cold there, it's snowing. I speak French terribly. Mom lives on the fifth floor, I come to her, she has some French, ladies, an old priest with a book, and it's smoky, uncomfortable. I suddenly felt sorry for my mother, so sorry, I hugged her head, squeezed her hands and could not let go. Mom then caressed everything, cried ... Varya (through tears). Don't talk, don't talk... Anya. She had already sold her dacha near Menton, she had nothing left, nothing. I didn't even have a penny left, we barely got there. And mom doesn't understand! We sit down at the station to dine, and she demands the most expensive thing and gives the lackeys a ruble for tea. Charlotte too. Yasha also demands a portion, it's just terrible. After all, my mother has a footman Yasha, we brought him here ... Varya . I saw a scoundrel. Anya. Well, how? Did you pay interest? Varya . Where exactly. Anya. My God, my God... Varya . The estate will be sold in August... Anya. My God... Lopakhin (looks in the door and hums). Me-ee... (Exit.) Varya (through tears). That's what I would give him... (Threatens with fist.) Anya (hugs Varya, quietly). Varya, did he propose? (Varya shakes her head negatively.) After all, he loves you ... Why don't you explain what you are waiting for? Varya . I don't think we can do anything. He has a lot to do, he is not up to me ... and does not pay attention. God bless him completely, it's hard for me to see him... Everyone talks about our wedding, everyone congratulates, but in reality there is nothing, everything is like a dream... (In a different tone.) Your brooch looks like a bee. Anya (sadly). Mom bought this. (Goes to his room, speaks cheerfully, like a child.) And in Paris I flew in a hot air balloon! Varya . My darling has arrived! Beauty has arrived!

Dunyasha has already returned with a coffee pot and is making coffee.

(Standing near the door.) I go, my dear, the whole day doing housework and dreaming all the time. If I had married you off as a rich man, then I would have been calmer, I would have gone to the desert, then to Kyiv ... to Moscow, and so I would have walked all over the holy places ... I would have walked and walked. Grace!..
Anya. The birds are singing in the garden. What time is it now? Varya . Must be the third. It's time for you to sleep, darling. (Entering Anna's room.) Grace!

Yasha enters with a blanket, a travel bag.

Yasha (walks across the stage, delicately). Can you go through here? Dunyasha. And you don't recognize you, Yasha. What did you become abroad. Yasha. Um... And who are you? Dunyasha. When you left here, I was like... (Points from the floor.) Dunyasha, Fyodor Kozoedov's daughter. You do not remember! Yasha. Hm... Cucumber! (He looks around and hugs her; she screams and drops her saucer. Yasha quickly leaves.) Varya (at the door, in an unhappy voice). What else is there? Dunyasha (through tears). Broke the saucer... Varya . This is good. Anya (leaving her room). You should warn your mother: Petya is here ... Varya . I ordered him not to wake up. Anya (thoughtfully.) Six years ago my father died, a month later my brother Grisha, a pretty seven-year-old boy, drowned in the river. Mom couldn’t bear it, she left, left, without looking back ... (Starts.) How I understand her, if only she knew!

And Petya Trofimov was Grisha's teacher, he can remind ...

Enter Firs; he is wearing a jacket and a white vest.

Firs (goes to the coffee pot, anxiously). The lady will eat here ... (Puts on white gloves.) Ready for coffee? (Strictly Dunyasha.) You! What about cream? Dunyasha. Oh, my God... (Quickly leaves.) Firs (bustles around the coffee pot). Oh you fool... (Mumbling to himself.) They came from Paris ... And the master once went to Paris ... on horseback ... (Laughs.) Varya . Firs, what are you talking about? Firs. What would you like? (Joyfully.) My mistress has arrived! Waited! Now even die... (Crying for joy.)

Enter Lyubov Andreevna, Gaev, Lopakhin and Simeonov-Pishchik; Simeonov-Pishchik in a fine cloth coat and trousers. Gaev, entering, makes movements with his arms and torso, as if playing billiards.

Lyubov Andreevna. Like this? Let me remember... Yellow in the corner! Doublet in the middle!
Gaev. I'm cutting into the corner! Once upon a time, you and I, sister, slept in this very room, and now I am already fifty-one years old, oddly enough ... Lopakhin. Yes, time is ticking. Gaev. Whom? Lopakhin. Time, I say, is running out. Gaev. And it smells like patchouli in here. Anya. I'll go to sleep. Good night, Mom. (Kisses mother.) Lyubov Andreevna. My beloved child. (Kisses her hands.) Are you glad you're home? I won't come to my senses.
Anya. Farewell, uncle. Gaev (kisses her face and hands). The Lord is with you. How you look like your mother! (To her sister.) You, Lyuba, were exactly like that at her age.

Anya offers her hand to Lopakhin and Pishchik, goes out and shuts the door behind her.

Lyubov Andreevna. She was very tired.
Pishchik. The road is a long one. Varya (Lopakhin and Pishchik). Well, gentlemen? The third hour, it's time and honor to know. Lyubov Andreevna(laughs). You are still the same, Varya. (He draws her to him and kisses her.) I'll drink coffee, then we'll all leave.

Firs puts a pillow under her feet.

Thank you dear. I'm used to coffee. I drink it day and night. Thanks my old man. (Kisses Firs.)

Varya . See if all the things have been brought... (Exits.) Lyubov Andreevna. Is this me sitting? (Laughs.) I want to jump, wave my arms. (He covers his face with his hands.) And suddenly I'm sleeping! God knows, I love my homeland, I love dearly, I could not look out of the car, I kept crying. (Through tears.) However, you must drink coffee. Thank you, Firs, thank you, my old man. I'm so glad you're still alive.
Firs. The day before yesterday. Gaev. He is hard of hearing. Lopakhin. I now, at five o'clock in the morning, go to Kharkov. Such an annoyance! I wanted to look at you, talk ... You are still the same magnificent. Pishchik (breathing heavily). Even prettier ... Dressed in Parisian style ... my cart, all four wheels ... Lopakhin. Your brother, that's Leonid Andreevich, says about me that I'm a boor, I'm a kulak, but it makes absolutely no difference to me. Let him speak. I only wish that you believed me as before, that your amazing, touching eyes looked at me as before. Merciful God! My father was a serf to your grandfather and father, but you, in fact, you once did so much for me that I forgot everything and love you like my own ... more than my own. Lyubov Andreevna. I can't sit, I can't... (Jumps up and walks around in great agitation.) I won't survive this joy... Laugh at me, I'm stupid... My closet... (Kisses the closet.) My table. Gaev. And without you here the nanny died. Lyubov Andreevna (sits down and drinks coffee). Yes, the kingdom of heaven. They wrote to me. Gaev. And Anastasius died. Petrushka Kosoy left me and now lives in the city with the bailiff. (Takes a candy box out of his pocket and sucks.) Pishchik. My daughter, Dashenka... bows to you... Lopakhin. I want to tell you something very pleasant, cheerful. (Glancing at the clock.) I’m leaving now, there’s no time to talk ... well, yes, I’ll say it in two or three words. You already know that your cherry orchard is being sold for debts, auctions are scheduled for August 22, but don't worry, my dear, sleep well, there is a way out ... Here is my project. Attention please! Your estate is only twenty versts from the city, there is a railway nearby, and if the cherry orchard and the land along the river are divided into summer cottages and then leased out for summer cottages, then you will have at least twenty-five thousand a year income. Gaev. Sorry, what nonsense! Lyubov Andreevna. I don't quite understand you, Yermolai Alekseich. Lopakhin. You will charge the dacha owners at the very least twenty-five rubles a year for a tithe, and if you announce it now, I will guarantee anything, you will not have a single free patch left until the autumn, everything will be sorted out. In a word, congratulations, you are saved. The location is wonderful, the river is deep. Only, of course, you need to clean it up, clean it up ... for example, let's say, demolish all the old buildings, this house, which is no longer good for anything, cut down the old cherry orchard ... Lyubov Andreevna. Cut down? My dear, I'm sorry, you do not understand anything. If there is anything interesting, even remarkable, in the whole province, it is only our cherry orchard. Lopakhin. The only remarkable thing about this garden is that it is very large. Cherry is born every two years, and even that has nowhere to go, no one buys. Gaev. And the Encyclopedic Dictionary mentions this garden. Lopakhin (looking at the clock). If we don’t think of anything and come to nothing, then on the twenty-second of August both the cherry orchard and the whole estate will be auctioned off. Make up your mind! There is no other way, I swear to you. No and no. Firs. In the old days, forty or fifty years ago, cherries were dried, soaked, pickled, jam was cooked, and it happened ... Gaev. Shut up, Firs. Firs. And, it used to be, dried cherries were sent by carts to Moscow and Kharkov. There was money! And then dried cherries were soft, juicy, sweet, fragrant... Then they knew the way... Lyubov Andreevna. Where is this method now? Firs. Forgot. Nobody remembers. Pishchik (Lyubov Andreevna). What's in Paris? How? Did you eat frogs? Lyubov Andreevna. Ate crocodiles. Pishchik. You think... Lopakhin. Until now, there were only gentlemen and peasants in the village, but now there are more summer residents. All towns, even the smallest ones, are now surrounded by dachas. And we can say that in twenty years the summer resident will multiply to extraordinary. Now he only drinks tea on the balcony, but it may happen that on his one tithe he will take care of the household, and then your cherry orchard will become happy, rich, luxurious ... GAYEV (indignant). What nonsense!

Varya and Yasha enter.

Varya . Here, mommy, two telegrams for you. (Selects a key and clangs open an antique cupboard.) Here they are. Lyubov Andreevna. This is from Paris. (Tears telegrams without reading.) Paris is over... Gaev. Do you know, Lyuba, how old is this closet? A week ago, I pulled out the bottom drawer, and I looked, and the numbers were burned there. The wardrobe was made exactly one hundred years ago. What is it? BUT? We could celebrate an anniversary. An inanimate object, but still, after all, a bookcase. Pishchik (surprised). One hundred years ... Just think! .. Gaev. Yes... It's a thing... (Feeling the closet.) Dear, respected closet! I salute your existence, which for more than a hundred years has been directed towards the bright ideals of goodness and justice; your silent call for fruitful work has not weakened for a hundred years, maintaining (through tears) in the generations of our kind cheerfulness, faith in a better future and educating in us the ideals of goodness and social self-consciousness. Lopakhin. Yes... Lyubov Andreevna. You're still the same, Lepya. Gaev (a little confused). From the ball to the right into the corner! I cut in the middle! Lopakhin (looking at the clock). Well, I have to go. Yasha (gives Lyubov Andreevna medicine). Maybe take some pills now... Pishchik. There is no need to take medicines, my dear ... they do no harm or good ... Give it here ... dear. (He takes pills, pours them into his palm, blows on them, puts them in his mouth, and drinks kvass.) Here! Lyubov Andreevna(scared). Yes, you are crazy! Pishchik. I took all the pills. Lopakhin. What an abyss.

Everyone laughs.

Firs. They were with us at Svyatoy, they ate half a bucket of cucumbers ... (Mumblings.) Lyubov Andreevna. What is it about? Varya. She's been muttering like that for three years now. We are used to. Yasha. Advanced age.

Charlotte Ivanovna in a white dress, very thin, tight, with a lorgnette on her belt, passes through the stage.

Lopakhin. Excuse me, Charlotte Ivanovna, I haven't had time to say hello to you yet. (Tries to kiss her hand.) Charlotte (withdrawing her hand). If you let me kiss your hand, then you will later wish on the elbow, then on the shoulder ... Lopakhin. I'm not lucky today.

Everyone laughs.

Charlotte Ivanovna, show me the trick!

Lyubov Andreevna. Charlotte, show me the trick!
Charlotte. No need. I wish to sleep. (Exits.) Lopakhin. See you in three weeks. (Kisses Lyubov Andreevna's hand.) For now, goodbye. It's time. (to Gaev) Goodbye. (Kissing Pishchik.) Goodbye. (Gives her hand to Varya, then to Firs and Yasha.) Don't want to leave. (Lyubov Andreevna.) If you think about dachas and decide, then let me know, I'll get fifty thousand on loan. Think seriously. Varya (angrily). Yes, finally leave! Lopakhin. I'm leaving, I'm leaving... (Leaves.) Gaev. Ham. However, sorry ... Varya is marrying him, this is Varya's fiance. Varya . Don't talk too much, uncle. Lyubov Andreevna. Well, Varya, I will be very glad. He is a good man. Pishchik. A man, you have to tell the truth... worthy... And my Dashenka... also says that... he says different words. (Snores, but wakes up immediately.) But still, dear, lend me... two hundred and forty rubles on loan... to pay the interest on the mortgage tomorrow... Varya (frightened). No, no! Lyubov Andreevna. I really don't have anything. Pishchik. There will be. (Laughs.) I never lose hope. So, I think, everything is gone, perished, but lo and behold, the railway passed through my land, and ... they paid me. And there, look, something else will happen not today or tomorrow ... Dashenka will win two hundred thousand ... she has a ticket. Lyubov Andreevna. Coffee is drunk, you can rest. Firs (brushes Gaev, instructively). Again, they put on the wrong trousers. And what am I to do with you! Varya (quietly). Anya is sleeping. (Quietly opens the window.) The sun is up, it's not cold. Look, mommy: what wonderful trees! My God, air! The starlings sing! Gaev (opens another window). The garden is all white. Have you forgotten, Luba? This long avenue runs straight, like a stretched out belt, it glitters on moonlit nights. Do you remember? Didn't forget? Lyubov Andreevna (looks out the window at the garden). Oh, my childhood, my purity! I slept in this nursery, looked from here at the garden, happiness woke up with me every morning, and then it was exactly like that, nothing has changed. (Laughs with joy.) All, all white! Oh my garden! After a dark, rainy autumn and a cold winter, you are young again, full of happiness, the angels of heaven have not abandoned you ... If only I could remove a heavy stone from my chest and shoulders, if I could forget my past! Gaev. Yes, and the garden will be sold for debts, oddly enough ... Lyubov Andreevna. Look, the dead mother is walking through the garden... in a white dress! (Laughs with joy.) That's her. Gaev. Where? Varya . The Lord is with you, mommy. Lyubov Andreevna. Nobody, I thought. To the right, at the turn to the gazebo, a white tree leaned over like a woman...

Enter Trofimov, in a worn student uniform, with glasses.

What an amazing garden! White masses of flowers, blue sky...

Trofimov. Lyubov Andreevna!

She looked back at him.

I will only bow to you and leave immediately. (He kisses his hand warmly.) I was ordered to wait until morning, but I did not have the patience...

Lyubov Andreevna looks on in bewilderment.

Varya (through tears). This is Petya Trofimov... Trofimov. Petya Trofimov, former teacher of your Grisha... Have I really changed so much?

Lyubov Andreyevna embraces him and weeps softly.

GAYEV (embarrassed). Full, full, Lyuba. Varya (crying). She said, Petya, to wait until tomorrow. Lyubov Andreevna. My Grisha... my boy... Grisha... son... Varya . What to do, mommy. God's will. Trofimov (softly, through tears). Will be, will be... Lyubov Andreevna(weeping softly). The boy died, drowned... For what? For what, my friend? (Hush.) Anya is sleeping there, and I'm talking loudly ... making a fuss ... Well, Petya? Why are you so mad? Why are you getting old? Trofimov. In the carriage, one woman called me this: shabby gentleman. Lyubov Andreevna. You were then just a boy, a sweet student, and now your hair is not thick, glasses. Are you still a student? (Goes to the door.) Trofimov. I must be a perpetual student. Lyubov Andreevna (kisses brother, then Varya). Well, go to sleep... You've grown old too, Leonid. PISCHIK (goes after her). So, now to sleep... Oh, my gout. I'll stay with you... I would, Lyubov Andreevna, my soul, tomorrow morning... two hundred and forty rubles... Gaev. And this one is all mine. Pishchik. Two hundred and forty rubles... to pay the interest on the mortgage. Lyubov Andreevna. I have no money, my dear. Pishchik. I'll give it back, dear ... The amount is trifling ... Lyubov Andreevna. Well, all right, Leonid will give it... You give it, Leonid. Gaev. I'll give it to him, keep your pocket. Lyubov Andreevna. What to do, give... He needs... He will give.

Lyubov Andreevna, Trofimov, Pishchik and Firs leave. Gaev, Varya and Yasha remain.

Gaev. My sister has not lost the habit of wasting money. (To Yasha.) Move away, my dear, you smell like chicken. Yasha (with a smile). And you, Leonid Andreevich, are still the same as you were. Gaev. Whom? (to Varya) What did he say? Varya (Yashe). Your mother came from the village, she has been sitting in the servants' room since yesterday, she wants to see... Yasha. God bless her! Varya . Ah, shameless! Yasha. Very necessary. I could come tomorrow. (Exits.) Varya . Mom is the same as she was, she has not changed at all. If she had the will, she would give everything away. Gaev. Yes...

If a lot of remedies are offered against any disease, it means that the disease is incurable. I think, I strain my brains, I have a lot of funds, a lot, and, therefore, in essence, not a single one. It would be nice to receive an inheritance from someone, it would be nice to pass off our Anya as a very rich person, it would be nice to go to Yaroslavl and try your luck with the aunt countess. My aunt is very, very rich.

Varya (crying). If only God could help. Gaev. Do not Cry. My aunt is very rich, but she does not like us. My sister, firstly, married a barrister, not a nobleman ...

Anya appears at the door.

She married a non-nobleman and behaved, one might say, very virtuously. She is good, kind, nice, I love her very much, but no matter how you think of mitigating circumstances, nevertheless, I must admit, she is vicious. It is felt in her slightest movement.

Varya (in a whisper). Anya is at the door. Gaev. Whom?

Surprisingly, something got into my right eye ... I began to see badly. And on Thursday, when I was in the county court...

Anya enters.

Varya . Why aren't you sleeping, Anya? Anya. Can't sleep. I can not. Gaev. My baby. (Kisses Anya's face and hands.) My child... (Through tears.) You are not my niece, you are my angel, you are everything to me. Believe me, believe... Anya. I believe you, uncle. Everyone loves you, respects you... but, dear uncle, you need to be silent, just be silent. What did you just say about my mother, about your sister? Why did you say this? Gaev. Yes Yes... (She covers her face with her hand.) In fact, it's terrible! My God! God save me! And today I gave a speech in front of the closet... so stupid! And only when I finished, I realized that it was stupid. Varya . Really, uncle, you should be silent. Be silent, that's all. Anya. If you remain silent, then you yourself will be calmer. Gaev. I am silent. (Kisses Anna and Varya's hands.) I am silent. Only here about business. On Thursday I was in the district court, well, the company agreed, a conversation began about this and that, the fifth or tenth, and it seems that it will be possible to arrange a loan against bills to pay interest to the bank. Varya . If the Lord would help! Gaev. I'll go on Tuesday and talk again. (Vara.) Don't cry. (But not.) Your mother will talk to Lopakhin; he, of course, will not refuse her ... And when you get some rest, you will go to Yaroslavl to the countess, your grandmother. This is how we will act from three ends and our business is in the bag. We'll pay the interest, I'm sure... (Puts a lollipop in his mouth.) By my honor, whatever you want, I swear, the estate will not be sold! (Excitedly.) I swear by my happiness! Here's my hand, then call me a lousy, dishonorable person if I let you go to the auction! I swear with all my being! Anya (calm mood returned to her, she is happy). How good you are, uncle, how smart! (Hugging uncle.) I'm calm now! I am calm! I'm happy!

Enter Firs.

Firs (reproachfully). Leonid Andreich, you are not afraid of God! When to sleep? Gaev. Now. You go, Firs. I'm going to undress myself. Well, kids, bye-bye... Details tomorrow, now go to sleep. (Kisses Anya and Varya.) I am a man of the eighties... They do not praise this time, but still I can say that for my convictions I got a lot in my life. No wonder the man loves me. The man needs to know! You need to know what... Anya. You again, uncle! Varya . You, uncle, shut up. Firs (angrily). Leonid Andreich! Gaev. I'm coming, I'm coming... Lie down. From two sides to the middle! I put clean... (He leaves, Firs trotting after him.) Anya. I am now calm. I don’t want to go to Yaroslavl, I don’t love my grandmother, but still I am calm. Thanks uncle. (Sits down.) Varya . Need sleep. I'll go. And here without you there was dissatisfaction. As you know, only old servants live in the old servants' quarters: Yefimyushka, Polya, Yevstigney, and, well, Karp. They began to let in some rogues to spend the night, I kept silent. Only now, I hear, they spread a rumor that I ordered them to be fed only peas. From stinginess, you see... And that's all Yevstigney... Well, I think. If so, I think, then wait. I call Yevstigney ... (Yawns.) He comes ... How are you, I say, Yevstigney ... you are such a fool ... (Looking at Anya.) Anechka!..

I fell asleep!.. (Takes Anna by the arm.) Let's go to bed... Let's go!... (He leads her.) My darling has fallen asleep! Let's go to...

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On January 17, 1904, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard was staged for the first time at the Moscow Art Theater. It was this play that was destined to become a symbol of Russian dramaturgy of the 20th century.

The Cherry Orchard is Chekhov's last play and the pinnacle of his dramatic work. By the time this play was written in 1903, Chekhov was already a recognized ruler of thoughts and the author of four plays, each of which became an event - Ivanov, The Seagull, Uncle Vanya, Three Sisters.

The main dramatic feature of The Cherry Orchard is symbolism. The main character-symbol of the play is not this or that character, but the cherry orchard itself. This garden was not grown for profit, but to please the eyes of its noble owners. But the economic realities of the beginning of the 20th century inexorably dictate their own laws, and the garden will be cut down, as the noble nests will fall apart, and with them the noble Russia of the 19th century will go down in history, and it will be replaced by Russia of the 20th century with its revolutions, the first of which not far off anymore.

Chekhov already worked closely with the Moscow Art Theatre. While working on the play, he often discussed it with Stanislavsky, and the main role of Ranevskaya was originally intended for the actress Olga Knipper-Chekhova, who became the writer's wife in 1901.

The premiere of The Cherry Orchard was a great success and became the main event in Moscow at the beginning of 1904, helped by the skill and fame of Chekhov, the reputation of the Moscow Art Theater, Stanislavsky's directing talent and the brilliant performance of the Moscow Art Theater actors. In addition to Olga Knipper-Chekhova, Konstantin Stanislavsky himself (who played the role of Gaev), Leonid Leonidov (who played the role of Lopakhin), Vasily Kachalov (who played Trofimov), Vladimir Gribunin (the role of Simeonov-Pishchik), Ivan Moskvin (played Epikhodov) played in the premiere performance , and Alexander Artem delighted the audience in the role of Firs, which Chekhov wrote especially for this favorite actor.

In the same 1904, Chekhov, whose tuberculosis worsened, went to Germany for treatment, where he died in July.

And "The Cherry Orchard" began a triumphal procession on the theater stages of Russia and the world, which continues to this day. Only in 1904, this play by Chekhov was staged at the Kharkov Theater Dyukova (simultaneously with the production at the Moscow Art Theater, premiered on January 17, 1904), by the New Drama Partnership in Kherson (director and performer of the role of Trofimov - Vsevolod Meyerhold), at the Kiev Solovtsov Theater and in Vilna theatre. And in 1905, the audience in St. Petersburg also saw The Cherry Orchard - Yuri Ozerovsky staged a play by Chekhov on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, and Konstantin Korovin acted as a theater designer.

Scene from the second act of the play "The Cherry Orchard" based on the play by A.P. Chekhov. Moscow Art Theater, 1904. Photo from the almanac "Album" The Sun of Russia ", No. 7. Moscow Art Theatre. Plays by A.P. Chekhov

Poster for the production of The Cherry Orchard at the Kiev Theatre. 1904.

“If there is a theater that we must save and preserve from the past at all costs, this, of course, is the Art Theater,” Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. And so we go to the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky, "Doroninsky", the very best, founded by Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. I will say right away that I want to see the entire repertoire in this theater! But to get to the Moscow Art Theater for the first time to see Chekhov, the theater’s program performance and my favorite The Cherry Orchard, is some kind of special magic for me. I don't know how to correctly name what is happening on the stage. For me, this is a classic, a classic that you can’t find everywhere in the theater now. Somewhere she was replaced by talented modernity, and somewhere by gray mediocrity. But the pure and bright style of Chekhov is best heard in this way, slowly, measuredly, sonorously and evenly - every word falls into the soul, each from the distant past pierces us modern like an arrow, ache at the heart with sadness, and at the same time for me there is no such a Chekhov of hopelessness. Much can be written and said about this performance, but is it possible to express in words what is needed, what is simply necessary to see? I advise everyone, strongly recommend, I beg you - watch the classics in the most classic of theaters! And I want to finish with the words of TV Doronina, artistic director of the theater, “The traditions of the Russian theater are realism, truth and a word for the glory of man. Spiritual improvement, the desire to return what is called "conscience", because it is conscience that is the measure of human decency, kindness and selflessness. This is the main thing for which I come to the theater, and I am happy when I find and respond with all my heart, with all my soul to the acting of actors, and I become at least a little better! ..

Olga Bragina, January 21, 2019

The play "The Cherry Orchard" at the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky is quite difficult to call a comedy, because. it reveals the whole tragedy of the process of death and degeneration of the Russian nobility. And this topic is very close to Chekhov, because we all know that he experienced very similar feelings with Ranevskaya, when the writer's father was forced to sell the family nest for debts. In this production, the “puzzle of images and actions” was completely formed for me - the perfect selection of the cast played a big role in this. The director (S.V. Danchenko) managed to create an imperceptibly touching, sometimes sad, sometimes cheerful atmosphere, and thanks to the magnificent ensemble of actors, the unique Chekhov intonation was preserved! Everyone is waiting for the arrival from Paris of the mistress of the estate - Ranevskaya (L.L. Matasova). Lyubov Andreeva enters with her daughter, and gradually everyone learns that they are in danger of ruin. Neither her brother Gaev (A.I. Titorenko) nor Ranevskaya are able to prevent it. And what can they do? Just waste money and think, not wanting to change anything in your life! Ranevskaya herself experienced many troubles in this garden, but she is happy to return here again and fills the house with her warmth, remembers her native lands, and is nostalgic. She is not at all worried about debts, the sale of the estate and the inheritance of her daughter. She is happy with forgotten and re-experienced impressions. A former serf, and now a merchant Lopakhin (V.V. Klementiev) proposes a rescue plan: to cut down cherries and build dachas, but the proud owners do not agree with him. Ranevskaya arrogantly rejects help and continues to do nothing in the bliss of her own memories. Gaev and Lopakhin constantly quarrel. While the old owners of the garden are having a ball, as if nothing had happened, bidding is going on: the culmination of the action is coming - Lopakhin acquires the estate. Ranevskaya decides to return to Paris to squander the rest of her savings. After her departure, everyone disperses, in all directions, and only the old servant Firs remains in the packed house. An open finale, a closed curtain, and only a dull knock on wood…

Oksana Gromova, January 18, 2019

I have long wanted to visit the Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky, and now, finally, I had such an opportunity. I watched The Cherry Orchard. I consciously chose the classic work. Something recently I got a little tired of modern experimental productions, which sometimes you don’t know how to understand. Therefore, I watched the classic "The Cherry Orchard" with pleasure. From the first minutes we plunged into the atmosphere of an old estate. The scenery is beyond praise. The interior of the rooms is masterfully conveyed in the spirit of that era. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. I liked the acting. Ranevskaya, that's how I imagined myself. Lopakhin is quite a bookish Lopakhin... The scene with Firs, who was forgotten in the house, was very touching. And Firs himself really liked it. The theater hosts an exhibition of scenery sketches for performances by the People's Artist of the Russian Federation V.G. Serebrovsky. Very interesting! In general, I liked the theater. I was there a long time ago, as a child I went with a class to the Blue Bird and I don’t remember anything at all. Everything here is done on a grand scale. Lots of space to walk around and see. In addition to traditional photographs on the walls, you can also see the costumes of the actors of the play "The Inspector General". I had a very good evening. Which is what I wish for you all. If there is a desire to watch the classics, then the Moscow Art Theater named after M. Gorky is exactly the theater where you need to watch this very classic.


Oh, how I love theater. It's as if you are rebooting - this magnificent acting, this atmosphere, these stories that they tell us from the stage, these feelings that you experience with the actors, give a direct feeling of a fairy tale. I forget this everyday fuss, at the time of viewing there are not even superfluous thoughts. I hope that I will review all the performances. It was as if I read the work again, but at the time when we were going through The Cherry Orchard at school, it was quite difficult to understand, then after reading it, as an adult, I realized that this is a classic that will live for centuries. And after watching the performance, it will remain in my soul. And for the second time, with pleasure, I will review with my baby.


Today all day like Savraska, and in the evening I went to the play "The Cherry Orchard" in my beloved Moscow Art Theater. M. Gorky. Famous plot. Lots of "why" questions... and lots of favorite actors on stage! I recommend everyone to watch. Great performance!

Hope S.

Moscow Art Theater M. Gorky. "The Cherry Orchard". Well, if you go, then the classics, we thought, and went. Academic performance. We have become unaccustomed to the slow, measured course of events. There was not enough drive, it seemed delayed. But! You need to know what you are going for and what to expect from the theater. Classic Chekhov. Classic staging. The actors are great. Scenery romance. The lights go out and you are transported to another era. You just need to slow down your rhythm a little and immerse yourself in the piece. Forget that you are always in a hurry somewhere. Enjoy the moment and don't be disappointed. But the main ideas have not changed, have not lost their relevance. Although my reading of Chekhov and watching the performance differ in impressions. If after reading the thoughts were about a new world that could be built instead of the old one, which Anechka was interested in, then after the performance there was a residue that the cherry orchard was destroyed in the name of revenge on the past, for the oppressed ancestors. Two different emotions, two different ways of building the future. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich Classic is forever.

Lucine A.

Of course, one of the best gifts for me is a performance that I have long wanted to see! We really liked the Moscow Art Theatre. M. Gorky! We watched the famous "Cherry Orchard" and both I and Stas were delighted with this performance!!! I highly recommend to all lovers of Russian classical literature! Scenery, costumes, atmosphere, and most importantly the acting!

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