Virtual life and human communication on the Internet. Life in the virtual world or about addiction to social networks

The real world is represented by the material component in human life. Yes, the man himself first of all, it is material, because it is born only with the needs of the body. Although this statement can be doubted, because. emotional experiences - an invisible virtual entity, inherent in the baby.

Virtual life is the possibility of wireless contact, it is the issuance of one's opinion, one's thoughts, one's experiences, one's dreams into the boundless space.

Now the virtual world is associated mainly with activities on the Internet. But the inner morality of a person, and his mental and emotional life, also have a virtual essence.

It is from this varying degree - the inharmoniousness of development - that the skew of the interests of a person and his behavior begins.

They evoke sympathy for both.

Virtual life on the Internet and filled the funnel of emptiness, for those people who live a rich mental and emotional life, because the overcrowding of their consciousness requires a way out. Understanding is required both for those people who have conceived a business project, and for the humanities - people of art and philosophy, and people involved in science, and people who have fallen into a psychological hitch - everyone who has left the psychological comfort zone of their own or not of their own free will.

Virtual communication even increased the sensitivity of the human nervous system. Many can feel the energy of a virtual interlocutor. And this is also a significant step in the development of the person himself.

The Internet absorbed all thoughts, feelings, spiritual impulses, scattered them around the planet and helped to establish new connections, acquaintances, business contacts, and then set in motion the material basis of a person’s life - his movement, the movement of financial flows, trade parties, etc. significant, versatile and numerous. This indicates how long and strong the grip of the real world was, where not much attention was paid to the virtual invisible life of a person. This suggests that the possibilities of a person in terms of self-realization have now grown significantly.

Yes, it is impossible to say what is primary - matter or consciousness. They are so interconnected.

Of course, virtuality - feelings, for example, are also inherent in a plant, and even more so in an animal. But, even if a person descended from a monkey, then he still must develop in the direction of the priority invisible life of the mind and heart.

In general, life, both in the real and in the virtual world, is exciting, endless in knowledge and full of miracles. Future discoveries of man will still give us amazing opportunities and joys of life. You should definitely take part in them!

Check out a selection of interesting articles on the topic, as well as to deepen your question.

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Humanity today has gone so deep into high technologies and virtual reality that the first assumptions appeared (not from ordinary people, but from famous physicists and cosmologists) that our Universe is not a reality, but just a giant simulation of reality. Should we seriously think about this, or should we take such messages as another plot of a science fiction film?

You are real? What about me?

Once upon a time, these were questions of a purely philosophical nature. Scientists were just trying to figure out how the world works. But now the requests from inquisitive minds have gone to a different plane. A number of physicists, cosmologists and technologists console themselves with the idea that we all live inside a giant computer model, being nothing more than part of a matrix. It turns out that we exist in a virtual world, which we mistakenly consider real.

Our instincts, of course, rebel. This is all too real to be a simulation. The weight of the cup in my hand, the aroma of the coffee, the sounds around me - how can such a wealth of experience be faked?

But at the same time, there has been extraordinary progress in the field of computer science and information technology over the past few decades. Computers have given us games of supernatural realism, with autonomous characters that react to our actions. And we involuntarily plunge into virtual reality - a kind of simulator with great persuasive power.

This is enough to make a person paranoid.

Life is like a movie

The idea of ​​the virtual world as a human habitat was brought to us with unprecedented clarity by the Hollywood blockbuster The Matrix. In this story, people are so locked into the virtual world that they perceive it as reality. The sci-fi nightmare - the prospect of being trapped in a universe born in our minds - can be traced further, for example, in David Cronenberg's Videodrome (1983) and Terry Gilliam's Brazil (1985).

All these anti-utopias gave rise to a number of questions: what is true here, and what is fiction? Do we live in a delusion, or is delusion a virtual Universe, the idea of ​​which is being imposed by the paranoid of science?

In June 2016, high-tech entrepreneur Elon Musk said the odds were "billion to one" against us living in "basic reality".

Following him, artificial intelligence guru Ray Kurzweil suggested that "maybe our entire universe is a scientific experiment of some young high school student from another universe."

By the way, some physicists are ready to consider such a possibility. In April 2016, the issue was discussed at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Proof of?

Adherents of the idea of ​​the virtual universe give at least two arguments in favor of the fact that we cannot live in the real world. So, cosmologist Alan Guth suggests that our universe may be real, but so far something like a laboratory experiment. The idea is that it was created by some kind of superintelligence, like how biologists grow colonies of microorganisms.

In principle, there is nothing that excludes the possibility of "manufacturing" the universe with an artificial Big Bang, says Gut. At the same time, the Universe in which the new one was born was not destroyed. A new "bubble" of space-time was simply created, which could be pinched off the mother universe and lose contact with it. This scenario could have some variations. For example, the universe could have been born in some equivalent of a test tube.

However, there is a second scenario that can nullify all our ideas about reality.

It lies in the fact that we are completely simulated creatures. We may be nothing more than strings of information being manipulated by a giant computer program, like characters in a video game. Even our brains mimic and respond to simulated sensory inputs.

From this point of view, there is no "flight from" matrix. This is where we live and this is our only chance to "live" at all.

But why believe in such a possibility?

The argument is quite simple: we have already done the simulation. We carry out computer simulation not only in games, but also in scientific research. Scientists are trying to model aspects of the world at different levels - from the subatomic to entire societies or galaxies.

For example, computer simulation of animals can tell how they develop, what forms of behavior they have. Other simulations help us understand how planets, stars, and galaxies form.

We can also mimic human society with fairly simple "agents" who make choices according to certain rules. It gives us insight into how people and companies collaborate, how cities develop, how traffic laws and economies function, and much more.

These models are becoming more and more complex. Who's to say we can't create virtual beings that show signs of consciousness? Advances in the understanding of brain function, as well as extensive quantum computing, make this prospect more and more likely.

If we ever reach this level, we will have a huge number of models working for us. There will be many more of them than the inhabitants of the "real" world around us.

And why can't it be assumed that some other intelligence in the universe has already reached this point?

The idea of ​​a multiverse

No one denies the existence of many universes formed in the same way of the Big Bang. However, parallel universes are a rather speculative idea, suggesting that our universe is just a model whose parameters have been fine-tuned to give interesting results such as stars, galaxies, and people.

And so we got to the heart of the matter. If reality is just information, then we can't be "real" either, information is all we can be. And is there any difference whether this information was programmed by nature or a super-smart creator? Apparently, in any case, our authors can, in principle, interfere with the simulation results or even "turn off" the process. How should we treat this?

Let's get back to our reality

Of course, we like the joke of the cosmologist Kurzweil about that brilliant teenager from another universe who programmed our world. Yes, and most adherents of the idea of ​​​​virtual reality proceed from the fact that now is the 21st century, we are making computer games, and it’s not a fact that someone doesn’t make superbeings.

There is no doubt that many proponents of "universal modeling" are avid fans of sci-fi films. But we know deep down that the concept of reality is what we experience, not some hypothetical world.

as old as the world

Today is the age of high technology. However, philosophers have wrestled with questions of reality and unreality for centuries.

Plato wondered: what if what we perceive as reality are just shadows projected onto the walls of a cave? Immanuel Kant argued that the world around can be some kind of “thing in itself”, which underlies the appearances we perceive. Rene Descartes, with his famous phrase "I think, therefore I am," proved that the ability to think is the only meaningful criterion of existence that we can attest to.

The concept of a "modeled world" takes this ancient philosophical idea as its basis. There is no harm in the latest technologies and hypotheses. Like many philosophical puzzles, they encourage us to reconsider our assumptions and biases.

But while no one can prove that we exist only virtually, no new ideas change our understanding of reality to a significant extent.

In the early 1700s, the philosopher George Berkeley argued that the world was just an illusion. In response to this, the English writer Samuel Johnson exclaimed: "I refute it like this!" and kicked a stone.

Currently, there are a large number of people who, without the Internet or “sitting” on the social network and monitoring the comments on their blog post, cannot imagine life. Modern applications in mobile phones only actively contribute to the development of such dependence ...

Moscow narcologists note that the contingent of their patients has now transformed from alcohol/drug addicts to Internet addicts and makes up from 50 to 70% of the total number of patients, and the patient registration log is scheduled for a year in advance.

Child psychologists are also sounding the alarm. According to the results of the experiment, in which children from 12 to 18 years old participated, only three out of seventy children "survived" to the end.

They were asked to refrain from using all kinds of gadgets, computer, TV, radio, music for 8 hours. At this time, they could occupy themselves with anything: from drawing and collecting puzzles to walking or sleeping.

However, the enthusiasm of the children disappeared immediately at the beginning of the second or third hour. Many observed aggression, fuss of movements, thoughts, speech; fear of loneliness and anxiety. On the physical plane, this was expressed in the form of nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, fever, causeless pain or a feeling of apparent pain throughout the body. Psychologists have compared this to the withdrawal effect.

Many children, without waiting for the end of the experiment, turned on their phones and called their parents, friends, classmates. The rest plunged into the virtual world or turned on loud music.

The two boys who successfully completed the task were gluing various models of sailboats all this time. The third girl occupied herself with needlework with a break for lunch and a walk in the park.

Of course, each person is able to answer the question for himself: whether he is dependent on various kinds of Internet entertainment or not. This article contains only some suggestions for getting out of addiction if a person sees that he or a child has it.

For adults:

Do not limit yourself to gatherings and conversations on social networks or hobbies for computer games. The restriction further activates desire and generates aggression towards oneself: “Why am I such a weak person? I can't do anything."

The only effective means of getting rid of Internet addiction is conscious observation of oneself, for example, in moments of virtual communication and analysis of the value of the exchanged information. Appreciating the importance of this information and the amount of time spent on it is a direct path to getting rid of addiction. A person will simply gradually begin to understand whether he needs such communication, how much he needs it - this will help to freely get out of addiction, without stress for the body and psyche. This does not mean that a person will not use the same social networks. He will simply be free from the illusion of the importance of what is happening in the virtual world.

For children:

Here it is somewhat more complicated, since what was said in a commanding form: “Stop surfing the Internet, it’s time to do your homework!” most often it does not have any power to influence what is happening, but only exacerbates the situation.

Based on the results of the experiment, the ban does not give any results if the children are not explained in an accessible way why this or that is impossible. At the same time, the essence of the experiment was not quite correctly formulated - it was aimed at the abilities and capabilities of the child. They took him “weakly”, without offering any other game in return: “Can you stay for 8 hours without computer games or communication in social networks?” If each child were offered a collective game alternative to the same computer game, he would not even remember his hardships.

It is also worth considering here: what attracts a child so much in the virtual world? Of course, many will answer: free communication - on the Internet you can create any image of yourself that you want. The motives for difficulties in live communication may be different, but their basis is often the same: the child feels the individuality of his inner world, but does not see how it can be applied in interaction with others. Perhaps he once tried to do this, but his manifestations were rejected or not understood by other children. Therefore, it is easier to go into the world of illusions - there you can create any image of yourself or be yourself, and the choice of interlocutors is much greater, as well as the likelihood of finding like-minded people.

Advice to parents in this situation: watch your child. Perhaps the inner world of the child just needs to be directed in the right direction. After all, the virtual world is a game. Create another game for the child that would be interesting and useful to him, and perhaps the addiction will disappear by itself. Start with him, for example, to learn English - be a child's friend and partner in life.

Psychologists also remind about the healing power of dialogue: the more often parents communicate with children and not just actively nod their heads, but conduct a sincere dialogue with an absolutely mature person on an equal footing, the less understatement and difficulties arise in relationships.

In order for the child to listen to your opinion, psychologists also advise to remove the scheme: owner - property. This happens because almost all parents consider their children THEIR - they obviously have an image of an unadapted person who needs constant training and care. Modern parents actively form the child's dependence on them, then suffering from the fact that a person in the future cannot make a decision on his own. However, in fact, modern children differ significantly from the previous generation in their high level of awareness and the presence of their own point of view regarding what is happening.

For example, if a mother in an imperative form says what the child needs to do, she automatically blocks the freedom of choice for both herself and her child, knowingly believing that her position is the only correct one. At this point, the dialogue disappears as only one person is speaking. At the same time, the mother deprives the child of the opportunity to become a person in the future and be responsible for his own actions, hindering her development with her authority.

Therefore, in this situation, it is preferable to focus on your feelings and emotions, for example: "Masha, I'm watching you spend a lot of time on the Internet - this makes me worried." Do not say anything else - leave room for the child to respond. Perhaps you will hear a reasoned answer in favor of using the Internet in just such a quantity - do not rush to conclusions. You may not get an answer. But if you say this really sincerely, then the child will definitely think about his actions - in fact, any person loves his parents very much, even if there is a cool relationship and he does not want to upset his loved ones. At this moment, in a child, you bring up the skills of awareness of your actions and taking responsibility for your actions.

It is also worth considering that the child does not need to say the same thing all the time - next time only a glance will be enough. It also happens that the results are not immediately visible, but, you see, every person needs time to realize himself in a new perspective. No need to put pressure on a person - be patient, and the result will not be long in coming.

hello everyone ^-^

Today I will tell you why real life is better than anime! :V:

Then there will be part 2: "Why anime is better than real life."

:fire: Let's get started! :fire:

After the massive spread of the Internet, many people lost touch with real life and plunged headlong into online.

There are many examples of dependence on the World Wide Web, which has become a serious problem for mankind. But there are also positive aspects, because some people have achieved serious success in the virtual world.

Virtual or real life, which is better? A person can live without access to the Internet, even if he is addicted.

You can't live without real life.

At a minimum, you won’t get enough food from pictures on the Internet. Although there is another opinion - through the Internet you can order your own food, which partly makes virtual life acceptable.

Why is real life better?

Whatever the arguments are, but real life is much better and there are many reasons for that. At least, sitting in front of the monitor, it will not be possible to continue one's family, and this is one of the needs of a normal person.

There are many other reasons to spend most of the time in real life:

Everything is not real - the people with whom you communicate, information, relationships, and so on. Perhaps our lives are brightened up by some moments and even remote communication brings emotions, but they are far from real. networks, start watching entertainment videos or play online. Even an ordinary meeting with real friends would be more useful. No censorship - what pleases some and is considered unacceptable to others. This is not only about pornography, but also about false information. It is easy to find some fabricated compromising information on the net or stumble upon scammers. Health - sitting in front of a monitor for hours, few people think about health problems. You come across such thoughts when there is no way back and you have to go to the doctors.

In general, it is better to live in reality, it is much more interesting. If you don’t think so, then you probably haven’t discovered all the charms yet.

When you ski down a mountainside of 1500 meters, you will be tied to a bun and launched into the water or lifted to a bird's eye view with a parachute, your opinion will definitely change.

:blush: ~Thanks for reading~ :blush:

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