Victoria Rydos - biography, photo, personal life of a psychic. Victoria Rydos is now the St. Petersburg Witch Victoria Rydos

A film about Victoria Rydos, the winner of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics, will be shown on TNT soon. Spectators and fans of the project will see how the day of the priestess of the cult of the dead passes, and find out what mark "Battles" left in her life.

Victoria Rydos is considered to be unshakably self-confident, and sometimes even tough. And it is true. Anyone who has seen at least one series with her participation could be convinced of the truth of such an impression. This woman came for victory and will not miss her.

But, as it turned out, Victoria is different. As befits a woman, she has many faces and images, according to the roles, because she is a witch, a wife, and a mother. The film dedicated to Rydos tells about this, and her entire biography testifies to this.

Biography of Victoria Rydos

The personal life of Victoria Rydos and the backstage of the "Battle of Psychics" remained behind the scenes for a long time. We saw how hard it is for psychics to participate in the show, but the St. Petersburg witch held firm even in difficult trials. After all, she was not used to giving up or giving up.

Victoria was born under the Sign of Capricorn, and this leaves an imprint on her character: she is purposeful, strong-willed and ready to go to the end for the sake of victory. In the biography film, she will tell what life has made her like, because she had to go through a lot. We will learn about the criminal record, and about drug withdrawal, and about how her future was going downhill when the girl was only a little over twenty years old. It was then that Victoria's grandmother opened her eyes to her true destiny, and it was then that Victoria Rydos became who she is now.

Victoria Rydos is 33 years old today, she has a husband and a little daughter. Because of her, Victoria refused to take part in the last season of "Battle". Then Varya, the daughter of Victoria Rydos, was only 7 months old, and the witch realized that because of the project she would miss her daughter’s first word, her first steps, and many other moments that are priceless for every mother. And she made her choice.

Victoria is used to not mixing personal and work. As she herself admits, her husband means a lot to him, and she concedes to him the primacy in their relationship. According to Victoria, if he was against it, she would not have come to the project at all. Since the witch does not throw words into the wind, there is no reason to doubt her statement.

The film about the psychic Victoria Rydos, on the one hand, will show us one day in the life of the priestess of the cult of ancestors, and on the other hand, it will allow us to see her whole path, sometimes quite thorny, but eventually giving her fame and success. In her address from the best psychic, Victoria urged us to take care of our families, since it is our loved ones who lead us to success and new heights. Follow her wishes, appreciate your loved ones and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.01.2016 00:10

This time, the "Battle of Psychics" promises to be especially hot. The favorite of many fans of the project Sergey has left ...

The main participants of the 16th season of the "Battle of Psychics" were identified in difficult qualifying tests. The audience didn't stay...

Victoria Rydos is a popular clairvoyant, tarot reader and occultist, winner of the 16th season of the famous TV show about people with supernatural powers. Fans believe that she predicts the future, sees the past and much of what is hidden from the eyes of the average person.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Germanovna Raidos was born on December 27 (presumably) 1976 in St. Petersburg. The biography of Victoria Rydos has long remained unknown to the general public. All information about her was based only on the stories of the woman herself.

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Later it became known that Vika spent a lot of time in her childhood with her grandmother Zinaida, who worked as a design engineer. Paranormal abilities manifested in a girl at the age of 4, when she refused to take pills, which later poisoned all the children in her kindergarten group. In her youth, the girl was influenced by bad habits, but later she managed to get rid of them. Rydos did not graduate from the university.

extrasensory perception

Rydos claims to be an experienced tarot reader and occultist, a specialist in clairvoyance. The name of Victoria Rydos is mentioned among the hundreds of the best healers in Russia. In St. Petersburg, she conducts courses where she teaches those who wish to properly use and interpret the meaning of Tarot cards. Rydos fans call her Elf.

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Psychic Victoria Rydos

Victoria says that her grandmother helped her to comprehend the secrets of magic. She also passed on all her knowledge to her granddaughter, having taught divination on the Tarot. The girl allegedly made the first experiments of esoteric practices on herself, and only when she was convinced of her abilities, she began the practice on relatives and friends.

Rydos claims that she has a number of diplomas from esoteric schools. She is a practicing magician and healer. In addition, the medium is a member of a special clan of witches, the Northern Coven of Natalia Banteeva.

Victoria Rydos becomes famous after appearing on the project "Battle of Psychics - 16" on TNT. According to the psychic, she is able to call the spirits of the dead, see the past and can control energy flows.

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Victoria Rydos in the show "Battle of Psychics"

The audience immediately singled out Victoria Rydos as one of the strongest participants in the 16th season of the most popular project. The audience called her main rivals Marilyn Kerro, and the underground actor, who suddenly surprised everyone with his psychic abilities.

Victoria wins this season, gaining even more popularity with viewers, despite the fact that critics accuse the TV show and the participants of the "Battle" of bogus competitions and staged episodes using supernatural powers.

After winning the competition with psychics, Raidos continued to run a private practice and help people turning to supernatural powers. Today, a psychic is in demand in this area. According to the witch, she honestly tells those who asked for help their future. Victoria sympathizes with people in trouble, but does not hide the bitter truth from them.

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Victoria Rydos - winner of the show "Battle of Psychics"

In 2016, Rydos returned to television again. Victoria took part in a new program about people with supernatural abilities "Psychics are investigating." In this program, magicians and esotericists do not fight each other in staged tasks, but help people who find themselves in difficult life situations and who have lost close relatives. Rydos participated in the 6th season of the TV show, called "Battle of the Strongest". Victoria's partners in investigations were Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro.

Victoria Rydos did not stand aside after the sensational exposure of the Battle of Psychics program. The actor and former TV presenter of the project on the air of Our Radio called everything that happens on the program a lie. The psychic suggested that the artist decided to promote himself in this way, and added that many of the participants are in private practice and help people in practice.

In 2017, Victoria's debut book on spiritual practices, The Cult of Ancestors. The strength of our blood." On the pages of the publication, Rydos shares the secrets of psychic practices, talks about the power of blood and how the actions and lives of ancestors affect the fate of a person today.

Victoria Rydos at the presentation of her book

On April 16, 2017, Victoria and her husband appeared on the intellectual and humorous TV game “Where is the logic?”. This year, the psychic began to hide her family less from ill-wishers and even gave an interview to reporters, where she spoke about the daily life of a person with psychic abilities.

In the summer of 2017, Victoria gave a series of seminars on extrasensory perception. Rydos gave a short course on rites and rituals, talked about the cult of ancestors and held practical classes where she showed how to get rid of birth curses and neutralize energy vampires. The seminars were held on July 22 in Almaty, August 10 in Krasnoyarsk and August 13 in Novosibirsk. The witch also plans to release a modified Tarot deck.

Personal life

Very little was known about the personal life of Victoria Rydos for a long time. As a true witch, she reliably concealed the names and dates of birth of her relatives, "for fear of damage and the evil eye from competitors." At first, it was only known that Victoria was married and was raising a little daughter. Subsequently, the psychic became less wary of fans and their curiosity.

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This woman became the winner of the sixteenth season of the Battle of Psychics. Victoria Rydos is a witch, tarot reader and occultist. She has established herself as a powerful psychic. She won the show, but she was famous in her circles even before participating in the program. She is a student of the famous witch Banteeva. Victoria calls herself a "priestess of the ancestor cult."

Biography and personal life of Victoria Rydos, winner of the 16th season of the "Battle of Psychics"

Victoria carefully hides her exact date of birth, does not talk about him in interviews and social media. networks. She does not disclose the reasons for this act. Maybe, like most women, she is ashamed of her age, or maybe the exact date of birth will help to find out some secrets about her from the horoscope and natal chart.

Despite this, relatively recently, the estimated date of birth of Victoria Rydos appeared on the network - December 27, 1976. It is known that Victoria was born in St. Petersburg, where she now lives with her family. Has its own tarot school. Teaches those who wish to properly handle the deck and interpret the cards.

The witch was brought into the world of magic by her grandmother. Victoria does not say from what moment she became interested in the supernatural. It is only known that her grandmother began to teach from a very young age. And the teaching began with Tarot cards. Later, Raidos mastered the magic of the Major Arcana, learned and mastered the healing technique of Reiki, and was initiated into ritual magic. Now Victoria has several worthy students to whom she passes on the secrets of her gift.

Psychic family

  • As Victoria Rydos says, personal life should be personal. The witch does not like to talk about her either with journalists or with anyone else. Viewers of the TNT channel know that she is married to Vasily Boykov. At the time of participation in the show "Battle of Psychics" Victoria Rydos had one daughter - Barbara. When the witch was tested, the father looked after the two-year-old child. Victoria dedicated a successful test in the third issue to her husband.
  • It is known that the witch has Sphynx cats at home. In social networks, there are photos in which you can see the daughter, spouse and even pets of the witch. In one of the interviews, the witch said that a friend introduced her to her husband.
  • Vasily is 6 years younger than his wife, is a co-owner of the legal company Boykov and Evsey. Relations with her husband, according to Victoria herself, were not always smooth. There were difficulties, overcoming them together, the couple created a strong family.
  • The husband denied the abilities of his wife, did not believe in magic - this interfered with their relationship. Once he accepted Victoria for who she is and realized that magic would always be present in their lives, their relationship improved.
  • Victoria tries not to talk about her daughter. It is known that Varya is now five years old, she, like all children, goes to kindergarten and developmental classes, is fond of drawing and modeling.
  • In November 2017, Rydos stopped hiding her pregnancy. Victoria gave birth in St. Petersburg. On March 7, 2018, the son Zakhar was born, the weight of the child is 3800 g, height 53. About the name of the boy, Victoria only said that she did not name him after someone, she just liked the name.
  • Like most people, especially famous ones, Victoria has a small social circle, which includes only close relatives and a few friends. Rydos refers to his friends several of his colleagues and best students. In general, she believes that there is no one closer to her family.
  • The witch also does not particularly spread about close relatives. It is known that her mother's name is Claudia Grigoryevna, and her father's name is Herman. The secrets of Victoria's witchcraft were passed on by grandmother Zinaida.

Victoria Rydos is a student of Natalia Banteeva

  • Victoria says that she is a student (the winner of the 7th season of the "Battle of Psychics"). This is a well-known clairvoyant who has authority in her circles. In social networks, Natalia and Victoria are called friends. Together they traveled to many cities in Russia with seminars and lectures as part of the Wake Up project. The meaning of this movement lies in the fact that any person can develop psychic abilities in himself, you just have to want it.
  • The Wake Up project aims to create a new universe where each person will exist consciously. Natalya Banteeva believes that the life of society should be based on a close relationship between people and nature. Each person must awaken the forces of nature in himself and spread goodness.
  • In one of the series of the show, psychic Victoria Rydos denies her acquaintance with Natalya Banteeva and, moreover, her mentorship. The witch came to the casting without the support of Natalia, unlike. But there are many joint photos of these two witches on the Internet. And they work together, in one project.
  • Once Rydos said that she did not quarrel with Banteeva, but their paths diverged, and they no longer communicate. She did not deny that she had previously been friends and worked with Natalia. The close acquaintance of women can also be proved by the fact that in one of the tests, Victoria unmistakably found a photograph of Banteeva by her energy.
  • It is known that Victoria is on good terms with the black witch Elena Golunova. Rydos was rooting for Golunova and was waiting for her to win the "Battle of Psychics". Elena, in turn, came to support Victoria.

Photo of psychic Victoria Rydos.

magical practice

Victoria Rydos is a professional tarot reader. She can communicate with the world of the dead and sees them. Victoria is considered one of the top 100 psychics in the country. Rydos herself calls herself a priestess of the ancestor cult. Knows how to manage energies and their flows to achieve their goals. He uses sacrifice and "dead" land (cemetery) in his practices.

Also, one of the attributes of the priestess is the "book of the dead", Victoria writes it herself and forbids anyone to touch it. In one of the series of the project, the presenter asked what kind of book this was and what was written in it. Rydos replied that for an ordinary person, the pages of this book are clear, but they are not. According to the witch, someone's life is written on each sheet. And Victoria calls herself the chronicler of the world of the dead.

The priestess of the cult of ancestors is sure that everything in this world can be changed, but without harming others. Victoria is a clairvoyant, able to communicate with the souls of the dead, as well as heal other people from the ailments. Victoria began to practice magic on herself, after gaining sufficient experience, she began to help relatives and friends. After receiving diplomas from several esoteric schools, Rydos opened her own practice and quickly became a popular psychic.

Witch Secrets

  • Psychic Victoria Rydos has a biography containing a criminal record, she was serving a sentence of probation. She did not provide further details. But it is known that she had a good lawyer and patrons who helped to avoid a more severe punishment.
  • Victoria was still under investigation, there are suggestions that the witch was still behind bars, then she was helped and the real punishment was changed to a suspended one. For what Victoria Rydos was tried, we can only guess. Perhaps these problems were related to her first husband, but Victoria avoids talking about him.
  • Like many participants in the show "Battle of Psychics", Victoria Rydos was fond of gambling, it was from the age of 18 to 23. As Rydos herself admitted: “Witches are lucky in the casino.” So, for example, Banteeva Natalya is not allowed into these establishments at all, they are afraid that everything will win.
  • From the age of 22, the girl used drugs, the addiction lasted 4 years. The state of drug intoxication is familiar to psychics and is similar to a trance. Perhaps Victoria's probation had something to do with illegal substances or casinos.
  • After Rydos realized why she rushed to such extremes, she remembered her grandmother's instructions. Victoria realized that in this way she only destroys herself and everything around. All this helped Rydos find the strength to never get involved with illegal substances again.

Participation in the show "Battle of Psychics"

In the 16th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" Victoria Rydos came on her own. And, despite the fact that initially she did not have wide popularity, the witch immediately established herself as a strong psychic. Most of the viewers from the very first episodes predicted victory for Rydos. True, some people believed that Victoria was only able to reach the final thanks to the support of Benteeva.

The successful completion of one task after another showed how strong a psychic Victoria Rydos is. She was highly competitive with her rivals. She became one of the few psychics who were able to convince the skeptics of the Safronovs of her gift.

During the test "trunk", where psychics are looking for people hidden in the trunk of a car, an interesting incident occurred. Victoria triumphantly coped with the task, Georgy Mainovsky was supposed to work after her, he explained his failure by the fact that Rydos was playing an odd game. According to the man, Victoria blocked the information flows to all other participants. There is a possibility of truth in this, except that no one else has passed the test.

At the Mister X test, the witch impressed Vladimir Sychev. Victoria told everything about the man and even the facts that are known only to the closest. The main competitor of Raidos was an Estonian witch. Even Victoria herself admitted that Mary was the only worthy opponent in this battle. The priestess of the cult of ancestors recognized the strong qualities of the witch - to feel and quickly read the energy of a person. And it is a worthy quality to respect your opponent.

Victoria Rydos said that it was more difficult for her to get the coveted crystal hand than Marilyn Curro. After all, the Estonian witch was already popular and had a large number of fans. And, as we remember, in the final, the viewer decides who will be the best. Nevertheless, during the 16th season of the "Battle of the Psychics" Victoria was able to win the love of the audience. The witch gained a lot of fans, Rydos became no less popular than Marilyn and became the strongest psychic of the 16th season of the "battle".

Rydos on social networks

The official website is run by Victoria Rydos, on the main page of which there is a warning about scammers. Like many psychics, Victoria fell victim to fraud. At the very beginning of the “Battle of Psychics” season, fake pages under her name appeared on social networks. And many people suffered from the actions of these persons, hiding under the name "Victoria Rydos", the clients left negative reviews about the reception from scammers.

A lot of people want to turn to the real Victoria for help. This is used by scammers who conduct online consultations or simply take an advance payment and disappear. Such situations greatly spoil the reputation of the psychic. Victoria warns that she does not conduct online consultations, as well as by phone or correspondence.

On the official website, Rydos says that people should be patient. After all, there are a lot of applications and the site administration needs time to process them. It also says that Victoria never takes an advance payment.

While participating in the "Battle of Psychics" Victoria Rydos tried to explain to people that there is no need to be afraid of the dead. The witch is skeptical of the well-known opinion that the dead can appear in order to take them with them. According to the priestess, the souls of the dead come to us not to take us somewhere, but to warn or protect us from something bad.

During her participation in the program, the witch gave a lot of advice to viewers. Here is some of them:

  • Remember the dead relatives and do not forget to come to their graves;
  • You can't cry too much for the dead. Do not fill the path with tears for those who have left you. Release the soul of the deceased - do not torment.
  • If you are in a difficult situation and do not know what to do, ask for help from deceased relatives. You can just talk to them out loud. And help will be sure, perhaps they will come to you in a dream.


In 2017, Victoria published the book The Cult of Ancestors. The strength of our blood." It describes techniques for beginner psychics, as well as many different tips for ordinary people. Victoria reveals to readers the secret of how the life and sins of members of the family influence the fate of a person. Victoria Rydos is a worthy psychic who does not encourage people to go to her for help for the sake of profit. She really sincerely wants to help. And despite her gloomy appearance, she is a benevolent person.

Video "Victoria Rydos"

Victoria Rydos calls herself a priestess of the cult of ancestors and these are not just beautiful words. Victoria really directly communicates with the souls of dead people, which we all could see in the programs “Battle of Psychics” and “Psychics are Investigating”.

Strong and implacable are the two words that best convey the character of Victoria Rydos. She can be tough, but she can be kind, smiling, open.

Biography of Victoria Rydos

Victoria Germanovna was born on December 27, 1976 in St. Petersburg, but little is known about her childhood. Victoria does not like to talk about her family, but there is information that Victoria's grandmother, Zinaida, also had strong psychic abilities. It was she who became the first teacher of Victoria Rydos, the first person who opened the world of magic and extraordinary human abilities to little Vika.

Everything unusual always greatly fascinated Victoria and she studied healing, rituals and divination with interest.

The first professional teacher of Victoria was another strong St. Petersburg witch, Natalya Banteeva, who saw and was able to unleash the mighty potential of Rydos. Make her a really strong psychic.

Battle of Psychics Season 16

For the first time, Victoria turned to the “Battle of Psychics” in 2014, but then, having successfully passed the casting, she refuses to continue participating; her daughter Barbara was still too small.

In 2015, Victoria Rydos re-takes part in the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics. Then she was accompanied by Marilyn Kerro and Nicole Kuznetsova, two very strong and original psychics. Therefore, the struggle for leadership was unusually acute. Victoria received 6 white envelopes, against five from Kerro, and won, gaining 51% of the votes of viewers.

Throughout the battle, Victoria Rydos simply amazed with her ability to talk, communicate with the souls of the dead. One got the impression that she seemed to be in two worlds at once, real and ghostly. For her, there were no unsolvable tasks, unsolved mysteries. Victoria's black eyes seemed to burn through, piercing through the layers of reality.

From the first episodes of the Battle, Victoria Rydos has become famous, recognizable and very popular.

In the future, she repeatedly took part in the programs “Psychics are investigating” and “Battle of the strongest”.

Later career

Currently, Victoria Rydos lives and works in St. Petersburg. She is one of the five most powerful healers in Russia. Victoria constantly conducts training courses and seminars, she has an extensive private practice.

Victoria tries to help everyone, and calls herself a multi-level specialist. Indeed, the list of problems that Rydos is ready to help solve is simply amazing. This is karmic protection, an energy shield, the normalization of personal relationships and their protection, cleaning, tarot divination and much more.

The merits of Rydos are recognized even at the official level.

The army of thousands of fans of Victoria's talent is growing every year and among the reviews for Victoria's work there are no negative ones. Victoria can cope with any problem, no matter how difficult it is. The only thing that Victoria does not do is search for missing people and establish the causes of death.

At the same time, Victoria prepares amulets and special charmed candles, which anyone can purchase.

Personal life.

Victoria Rydos was married twice, from her second marriage she has two children, a daughter and a son. The eldest girl, Varvara, was born on August 6, 2013, the son was born on March 7, 2018. The boy was named Zakhar.

Victoria broke up with her first husband a long time ago and seems to have not retained warm feelings for her ex-husband.

Many believe that it was that person who was guilty of the fact that Rydos had a suspended sentence for some minor crime.

But then Victoria met a man whom she really fell in love with. It turned out to be Vasily Boikov, a lawyer by education. It was with him that Victoria found her true happiness. The couple travel a lot and often spend time together, of course, when work allows.

Victoria Germanovna Raidos. She was born on December 27, 1976 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian clairvoyant, psychic, magician, priestess of the cult of ancestors. Participant of the show "Battle of psychics." The winner of the show "The Battle of Psychics Season 16".

Mother - Claudia Grigoryevna Raidos.

Grandmother - Zinaida Nikitichna Lidovskaya, design engineer (died in 2011).

According to Victoria, she showed her extraordinary abilities at the age of 4 in kindergarten - then she did not take pills, after which all the other children from the group were taken away in an ambulance.

The first to notice her abilities was her grandmother, with whom they were very close.

After school, she entered the university, but quickly left the institute.

From the age of 18 to 22, Victoria Rydos played and won in the casino, from 22 to 26 she used substances that almost ruined her. Grandmother Zinaida Nikitichna did not like Victoria's hobbies, she believed that her granddaughter was drawn to destructive addictions because she was a witch. Baba Zina insisted that Vika be treated.

She later learned witchcraft and received the first book of the dead from her grandmother.

Victoria Rydos has a criminal record canceled in 2010 with a suspended sentence.

Victoria Rydos noted: she does not believe that she is engaged in magic. According to her, in fact, magic deals with it. The St. Petersburg witch spends a lot of time in cemeteries, filling the blank pages of her book with the memories of orphaned, forgotten dead spirits who want to be remembered and used by their services.

In her work, Victoria Rydos uses her own "Book of the Dead". Ordinary people see empty pages in it, but for Victoria, each page is a separate story of a person who has passed away. However, she admitted that she does not see everything and not always.

Victoria Rydos is a priestess of the ancestor cult. ancestral cult- this is an ancient religious ritual worship of the deceased ancestors, relatives, veneration, deification of the dead. From a biblical point of view, the cult of ancestors is clearly a bad thing: "... you should not have ... a caller of spirits, asking the dead; for everyone who does this is abominable before the Lord ..." (Deuteronomy, 18: 1-12 ). That is, the cult of ancestors is less dangerous than many religions, which, with sophisticated cunning, distract people from the Heavenly Father. Therefore, Jesus Christ did not denounce witches, but hypocritical religious authorities. Victoria Rydos is sure that it is not God and not angels that have a significant influence on the living, but the spirits of the family.

Victoria claims that she reads Tarot cards, sees and hears the spirits of the dead and can communicate with them.

According to Victoria, she has several diplomas from esoteric schools, is a practicing magician, clairvoyant and healer.

He teaches at the Tarot Academy in St. Petersburg.

Victoria said that she was a member of a special clan of witches "Northern coven of Natalya Banteeva" - the winner of the 9th season of the show "Battles of Psychics".

She gained wide popularity in 2015, becoming a participant in the 16th season of the show. "The fight of extrasensories" on TNT.

From the first release of the show “The Battle of Psychics. Season 16 "Victoria showed that she is one of the strongest participants of the season. Further, Victoria more and more amazed the presenters and the audience not only with her magical abilities, but also with her revelations.

On December 26, 2015, the award ceremony for the winner of the 16th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" took place on the TNT channel. The three best participants of the 16th season reached the final - Estonian witch, priestess of the cult of ancestors Victoria Raidos and clairvoyant. The winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Julia Wang (at the time of the award she was at a distance of 6666 kilometers from Moscow) transmitted an encrypted message through the skeptic Sergei Safronov. Rydos, according to her, heard the prediction of her victory in Wang's message. According to the results of the audience voting.

Despite the fact that the relationship between Marilyn and Victoria was tense throughout the "Battle", Victoria, after receiving the prize, hugged Marilyn Kerro. And Marilyn admitted that the cherished "Hand" went to Rydos by right.

In September 2016, Victoria took part in the show “Psychics are investigating. Season 6 ”, in which the strongest participants in the “Battle of Psychics” together tried to investigate crimes that the police had saved.

In 2017, Victoria Rydos presented her book "The cult of ancestors. The strength of our blood". In it, the priestess of the cult of ancestors tells how the actions of the ancestors affect the fate of people. She also answers a very important question that worries many: is it possible to change what is written in the genus.

In February 2018, a project was released on TNT “Psychics. Battle of the strongest", which Victoria Rydos also became a participant. In the first episode of the show, a serious test was shown. Victoria Rydos, about whom the fame has always been that it is practically impossible to scare her with aliens from the world of the dead, during the investigation that took place at the cemetery, she experienced panic and horror - the witch was unbalanced.

In 2019, she became a participant in the new season of the Psychics. The battle of the strongest”, where the most powerful clairvoyants help ordinary people deal with sometimes seemingly insoluble problems.

Height of Victoria Rydos: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Victoria Rydos:

Married. Husband - Vasily Boykov, works as a lawyer. According to Vasily, he did not immediately delve into the unusual qualities of his wife. The witch was afraid to scare him, called herself an esotericist and practiced magic behind the closed door of her office. Already on the third day after they met, she moved in with him and soon married him.

Then the couple had a daughter, Barbara. Victoria said that she was afraid that her grandmother would continue her life in the body of her daughter. In this connection, she had to make considerable efforts to give birth not on July 17 (on the day of the death of Baba Zina), but on August 6. After the suppression of labor pains on an unwanted day, the connection with the grandmother who stopped responding to the call of the dead ceased.

After the birth of her daughter Varya, Vika stopped doing magic at home, playing only the roles of wife and mother.

Rydos believes that a woman should yield to the head of the family in everything, so she herself unquestioningly obeys him, despite the fact that even the darkest forces recede before her gift. However, it is precisely this behavior of a woman, says Victoria, that is the key to the preservation of the family hearth.

She said about her daughter: “Varya goes to kindergarten and to a developing children's school. I miss her very much. I have a subtle connection with her. said that she is a typical child of a new vibration. By nature, of course, I want to say that she is all in me, but in reality there are more traits from my husband - for example, stubbornness, emotionality. She loves to read, sculpt and draw. "

Bibliography of Victoria Rydos:

2017 - Cult of ancestors. The strength of our blood

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