Vesta Romanova: “Fatty bastard, look at yourself in the mirror! The project "Weighted People" has changed the lives of the participants after its completion. Weighted People is the winner of the vest.

Just yesterday, this smiling, stylish girl with an unusual name could not tie her shoelaces on her sneakers without feeling dizzy, did not want to leave the house without special need, and lived on the principle of “food-work-food-home-food”. Today, only memories remain of that sad life. The finalist of the first season of the reality show STS "" Vesta Romanova managed to lose 50 kilograms and find happiness in her personal life.

Last year, Vesta took part in the reality show "Weighted People" (the second season of which has already started on STS) and reached the very final, losing a cash prize of 3 million rubles to 30-year-old Pyotr Vasiliev. However, the girl, in spite of everything, considers herself the winner. Today Vesta looks great and successfully combines work and family.

Having been in the hands of professionals, the former "weighted" now willingly shares her acquired knowledge with those who need it. Romanova develops nutrition programs, helps to find the right motivation and simply charges her fans with a good mood. Although the project made a star out of the blonde, she still remains a simple, modest person who has no secrets from anyone. And if you really share your story, then without embellishment and cuts. Vesta told the portal why she once weighed almost 130 kilograms, why all women need to take pictures of themselves naked in the mirror, is it possible to lose weight at the click of a finger, and how wonderful life turned out to be “light”.

About being overweight

- As my psychologist says, everything happened because of his personal life. And not because of her absence, but on the contrary: I tried to protect myself from relationships that, as a rule, did not end in anything good. I ate and gained weight in order to completely protect myself from communication with men, not to attract their attention. Which, by the way, I did not succeed. Even when I weighed 123 kilograms, I was in great demand among the representatives of the stronger sex.

When I was in school, we didn’t have the concept of “fat” at all. My classmates and I were very active: we didn’t sit at computers or TVs, but, on the contrary, spent all our time outside. I was an ordinary girl in the body, but not a fat one. I played a lot of sports, so I didn’t gain weight. The problems started when I broke up with a young man after seven years of relationship.

I felt great, having a weight of 110 kilograms. Only at the moment when the scales showed the number 120, she began to experience discomfort. It was hard for me to walk, turn, bend down. The worst thing is that I was lazy and I didn’t want to do anything at all. Probably, the brain also swims with fat.

I would come to work and just sit there all day. Constantly ate and hung out on the Internet. Then she returned home, ate again and went to bed. The state of an amoeba... Or a frog that sits in its swamp, croaks, and it doesn't need anything else in this life.

About the turning point

“At some point, it became completely unbearable. I bent down to tie my shoelaces and my blood pressure suddenly rose. My face was filled with blood, my head was spinning, I could not get up ... Then I realized that I needed to pull myself together and do something. A couple of days later, I accidentally stumbled upon an ad for a casting in a new reality show about weight loss. I sent my application and forgot about it, because I was sure that only their own people are taken to such projects. Surprisingly, I was invited to come to the casting, where I talked with a psychologist. After that, there was a silence that lasted for more than a month. Just before the start of the filming process, I was informed that I was in the project.

About trying to get fit

- From time to time, like any normal woman, a desire to lose weight rolled over me. And I immediately went for the “miracle pills”, mistakenly believing that this would help me lose weight, and quickly. Probably, I have tried on myself all possible diets and pills. Now I understand that miracles do not happen. Regrettably, you always get rid of extra pounds very slowly. It is a pity that many do not believe and continue to stubbornly look for quick ways to part with hated fat.

About motivation

— The main motivation for me is a mirror! In general, as it turned out, many overweight people do not look at themselves in the mirror, they are afraid to be photographed and post their pictures on social networks. You know, such a good principle of protection: "I don't see it, so it doesn't exist." That is why a sober look at yourself from the outside can help you lose weight, and even better - a photo of yourself naked in the mirror. After all, every woman wants to be beautiful.

About the results of the first season of the show "Weighted People"

- I defeated myself! Money cannot measure my achievement. On the project, I was able to lose 40 kilograms, after the end of the show another 12. The main thing is that I managed to overpower myself, give up bad habits and tune in to a new life. And money... You can always earn it - if you have a desire. At the moment I weigh 70 kilograms, and this is my ideal weight, I feel very comfortable in it. Soon I plan to do a light drying, so that the body finally acquires a relief. After all, it used to be quite problematic. Now I also began to observe the sleep schedule: I go to bed and wake up at the same time. By the way, I also eat by the hour. In general, I have become more disciplined, I am not late for meetings, as I used to be. I also gave up alcohol completely.

About keeping fit

- The morning starts with breakfast. Then, if I have time, I go to the gym for strength training. In the evening, according to the cardio schedule - cycling or running.

My approximate diet is as follows:
Breakfast: buckwheat with milk
Snack:“Caprese” for the poor is my anti-crisis recipe (smiles). Tomatoes, cottage cheese (instead of Mozzarella), herbs, spices, half a teaspoon of olive oil.
Dinner: bean soup (beans, potatoes, onions, carrots, chicken breast), chicken with millet (baked chicken, boiled millet).
Snack: fresh cabbage and carrot salad.
Dinner: stewed chicken with vegetables (chicken breast, white cabbage, onion).
Everything is simple, tasty and low-calorie. I also follow the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

About changes in personal life

- I got married. Matvey, my husband, is a man who really knows what he wants. He is an interesting conversationalist, very intelligent and well-read. I was attracted to him by the fact that he never gives up, if he takes on any business. Everything is brought to an end. I am probably one of the most difficult projects for him (laughs), because Matvey sought my favor for a long time. My husband is my motivation to get better. After all, it was he who drew me into the world of cycling, introduced me to his circle of friends, introduced me to new people. For his sake, every day I try to become a little better, because next to me is the right, principled and a little stubborn man. Before Matthew, my life was incomplete. Previously, I actively stuffed tattoos into which I laid a special meaning. Thus, I tried to attract into my life everything that I lacked so much: happiness, health, material well-being, peace of mind, love. And all the time I was “swinging” like a pendulum from side to side, although I wanted stability and calmness. Matvey became my weight on the second scale. He is the one who always finds the right words. Even my outbursts of anger (and I am a rather emotional person) my husband “extinguishes”, without doing anything special for this. His energy is powerful. By the way, I survived the betrayal of Petya Vasiliev only thanks to Matvey. He was there all the time, helping me not to give up, not to break under the yoke of gossip that crawled when everything opened up. Now, of course, I regret that I put my relationship on display. But then my husband came into my life. So, it was not all in vain.

About future plans

- My most important project for today is a sanatorium in Sochi for those who want to lose weight. We opened it together with Vlad Ushakov, a participant in the first season of the show "Weighted People". We have selected an excellent team of specialists - nutritionists, psychologists, trainers. I lead the project as a trainer-administrator. Our program includes 21 days of rest, sports, needlework, excursions and, of course, the fight against excess weight. I'm sure it will be fun! Yes, I'm not a professional, but I have a lot of experience. I have experienced various types of diets, workouts and I know what can be more effective. Therefore, I willingly share with everyone the knowledge that I received on the “Weighted People” project. I like to help people. It's nice to know that someone can benefit from your advice.

- Work on yourself. Look in the mirror more often. Do not be afraid to criticize yourself, soberly evaluate your figure. Indulgence will not lead to anything good. In order to become slimmer, you need to act: do not miss workouts, eat right, keep a sleep schedule.

Always strive for the best and never give up! Even if you are in physical pain or have lost only one hundred grams in a week, do not stop! And most importantly - a varied diet. If you sit on the same chicken with buckwheat, breakdowns are inevitable. So indulge in delicious treats. Sometimes it is possible to cheer up!

The finalist of the show "Weighted People" Vesta Romanova found her prince, having lost 50 kilograms in four months

A year ago, the Petersburger Vesta weighed 130 kg. She did not fasten her favorite boots, and the studs broke under her weight. When the girl could not reach her shoes to tie her laces, she realized that it was time to change something in her life. Better yet, life itself.

Loved in the body, fell out of love because of the body

Now Vesta, who took third place in the TV show of the STS channel "Weighted People", has more than three thousand subscribers. They call her a personal motivator, they ask for autographs, they are ready to come from another city to a master class. And once she herself searched the Internet for all kinds of diets in order to lose weight at least a little. However, the lost kilograms, as a rule, returned.

- I can not say that I was very worried about being overweight. Then I had a young man who liked curvy girls, and that suited me, - Vesta admits. - But we parted. It was he who was the initiator, and the reason was precisely my excess weight.

Even this did not push the girl to start getting rid of extra kilos. Everything was decided by chance. One day she just couldn't reach the laces. Blood rushed to my head, the world began to spin, my heart began to beat a frantic rhythm.

I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes opened. I realized that I am a fat brute who rolls around on the couch and constantly eats something - does not spare epithets about himself, fat West. It was at that moment that she came across an advertisement for a casting on the show. The Petersburger did not know that it had been filmed for a long time in America, in Ukraine and was terribly popular. Only one thing was important to her - if she passes the casting, she will be able to lose weight.

The days of training and the transition to proper nutrition began. First, the participants were fed, allowed to eat 2,500 calories per day. However, no sweets, alcohol and mayonnaise. Cereals, vegetables, fruits. There was so much food that people simply could not eat it all. Gradually reduce calories. A month later, they were allowed to eat 700-600 calories, by the end of the project - 500. All this was accompanied by cardio and strength training.

- When you start to lose weight, strength training should be minimal. They are needed for muscle development. The emphasis should be on cardio. It used to be that I walked 30 kilometers on the track a day. She just went. With a lot of weight, running on the track is suicide. It’s easy to calculate your cardio zone even without a heart rate monitor: if you walk and can breathe, but it’s hard for you to speak, you lose your breath, then you found it, Vesta advises. - And strength exercises need to develop the largest muscle groups. Any trainer in any gym will tell you 3-5 of these exercises.

According to the girl, many obese people are simply too lazy to do it. Or they justify themselves by saying that they do not have money for a cool fitness club. She is sure: nothing depends on the price. And you can practice both at home and on the street. Jogging, walking, exercises with dumbbells - the main thing is not to lie on the couch, feeling sorry for yourself and eating sad thoughts with cakes.

Lost weight, found a relationship

Those who followed the project watched with interest not only how the participants of the show parted with extra pounds, but also the love story that unexpectedly unfolded on the screen. For how the relationship between Vesta and Peter grew stronger. Someone accused the couple of pretense.

- I say once and absolutely seriously: I do not know how to play love. I liked Peter immediately. At first we hid this relationship, but then everyone found out anyway. The producers suggested that we bring this into the project. We agreed,” she recalls. - Now I regret that I showed my relationship to the whole country.

The novel developed rapidly. Young people supported each other in competitions, cheered at the weekly summing up, when the participant who lost the least kilo left the project. Together they reached the final. The viewers brushed away tears when Peter, shortly before the end of the project, on his birthday, proposed to Vesta. It happened on the Ferris wheel. And then the show ended. Vesta took third place, dropping almost 50 kilograms in four months. She lost weight from 130 to 82 kilos. And then an active discussion began on social networks - the future newlyweds dispersed. Vesta sparingly confirmed, but did not comment. She made an exception for the readers of MK in St. Petersburg.

- We went to different cities. For about a month, they actively communicated with Peter, corresponded, called up, made wedding plans. And then his attitude changed dramatically. My intuition works well, I realized that he had a girlfriend, but I was waiting for him to say it himself. Angry. I just couldn’t understand what it was like for that girl to meet with an almost married man, the finalist of the show admits. “And then we talked. Well, what to do ... Advice to them and love.

While Peter was building a relationship with a new lover, Vesta was building her life. She found a new job, started updating her wardrobe - of everything that was on the shelves, only very old jeans sat normally on her thinner body. She made plans for training and nutrition.

Fat gone, energy increased

- I used to wake up, drink coffee, smoke a couple of cigarettes, go to work, eat, then eat some more and surf the Internet, come home, have dinner and go to bed. Now I wake up with the thought: “What would be interesting to come up with?” I go to a budget gym three times a week - in the morning I do strength exercises, in the evening - cardio. In the summer I run, ride a bike, - a girl tells about her daily routine, who, thanks to her own willpower and desire to lose weight, has turned from a fat woman into a slender beauty. — I often do not find time to go to social networks to reply to all subscribers, but I always find it to ride a bike or meet friends. Life became blissful. Now many people ask me: "Help me find motivation." Easily. Fat bastard, look at yourself in the mirror! Is what you see not enough to motivate you? Girls, more activity. When you have not the 9th, but the third breast size and you can sleep on your stomach, this is a thrill. When you can buy beautiful underwear, when you put on what you like, and not what you fit into, wear high-heeled shoes, and it doesn’t break under you, it’s a thrill. And there is so much energy that there is simply nowhere to put it.

Updated Vesta just beams with happiness. And it's not just about good health and natural charisma. The girl confesses: she found her love.

“I met a young man, and he is beautiful,” Vesta smiles. But I won't show my personal life anymore. He is not a public person. He is active, athletic, taught me to ride bicycles. He is my support. We are on the same wavelength with him, and the degree of insanity is the same for us.

Now Vesta, together with her lover, is preparing for a mass master class, where the finalist of the show will talk about how to eat right and exercise. At first they thought to gather all those interested in the open air, but when it became clear that more than 300 people wanted to come to the meeting, they realized that they needed to look for a room. And more. Among other things, Vesta will try to convey a very valuable idea - you need to motivate yourself on your own and not wait for someone to do something for you.

Now people think that everyone owes them something. I was exactly the same. The state owes something, in the gym the coach is obliged to lose weight for you, and the nutritionist, apparently, spoon-feed you. People ask me on social networks: “How can I lose weight?” Yes, while you are looking for me on the Internet, adding me as a friend and waiting for an answer, it will not even take an hour or two. During this time, you can find “proper nutrition” in the search engine, Vesta gives advice on where to start losing weight. Why are 90% of people still fat? Because they are too lazy to start doing something on their own. And you find, read, try. Nobody owes you anything. And understand: to live in a healthy body, with a normal metabolism and without sausages at the waist is a thrill.

By the way, Vesta did not stop at the achievements of the project. Now she weighs 74 kilograms and feels great. About 56 kilos of fat, which she wore for many years, only photos remind. But they are also an incentive to live actively. Vesta does not intend to turn from a princess back into a frog.

Tips from Vesta

For those who want to lose weight or just eat healthy:

Give up sugar and sweets. Generally.

Bread is better to eat rye, bran and whole grain. And dried in the oven. It loses unwanted moisture. 25-30 grams per day is enough.

Vegetables, fruits, celery, leafy salads are your friends.

Soups can be prepared with a second broth or no meat broth at all.

You can and should eat any meat, but little by little - 100 grams per day. Once every two weeks you can treat yourself to red fish. If funds allow, more often.

Use unrefined oil - it is healthier. Or better yet, olive oil. A liter of oil, despite the fact that it takes a teaspoon to fry, is enough for six months. If cooking for one person, screw on the spray and just spray the pan.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner are the main meals, there should be snacks between them. The time interval between meals is 2.5-3 hours. If breakfast and lunch are dense, then the snack should be light - nuts, vegetables, fruits.

Incorporate “pleasures” into your diet. For example, a couple of oatmeal cookies once a week. But then spend an extra hour in training. The main thing is that you don't have to limit yourself.

Use websites that help you calculate how many calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins you need to eat per day, and plan your meals for three days in advance. This will help you not get frustrated. (Vesta herself is used for this by the website, which calculates this data and helps find suitable recipes.)


Petr Vasilyev became the winner of the show "Weighted People" on the STS TV channel.

3 heroes reached the final - Petr Vasiliev from the Kaliningrad region, Vesta Romanova from St. Petersburg and Maxim Nekrylov from Nizhny Novgorod.
According to the results of the final weigh-in, Petr Vasilyev became the winner of the show and the cash prize of 2,500,000 rubles.

In total, the young man lost 57.9 kg or 37.35%.

It's been a year since filming ended. Peter turned out to be worthy of the title of winner - after the project, he did not return to old habits, and training and healthy eating became part of his new life. In addition, with another participant in the show, Maxim Nekrylov, they organized the group "I can do everything."

Peter Vasilyev spoke about his life after the project, popularity and plans for the future in an interview with the STS television channel. Anyone could ask their question to Peter inofficial group of the reality show "Weighted People".

— Petya, did the project push you to do something else in your life, did it give you more confidence?

“In fact, I didn’t even expect so many new interests to appear. Of course, before participating in the show, I understood: if I manage to lose weight, my horizons will expand. But I did not realize how colossally everything would change! I have competed in CrossFit several times. At home in Kaliningrad, out of fifteen participants, he showed the eighth result. And I don't want to stop there. I plan to graduate from a specialized institution where I can get a medical education in order to become a coach.

- Are there any difficulties in communicating with people now?

— No difficulties. First, there is nothing wrong with people recognizing me. Secondly, this is not a finger pointing: "Look what a fat and ugly person is walking." And, on the contrary: "Look how much he has achieved and how great he looks." I am pleased to be an example for others. For example, one mother wrote that she could not force her son to take a walk on the street and work out with the guys on the sports ground. After showing the program, she could not drive the child home! Now the boy has an active mobile life.

When I have time, I always answer. Everyone who is for a healthy lifestyle is on the same wavelength with me, these are my like-minded people. Before, I didn’t realize how important it is to share information with people. I would like to hold a meeting in Kaliningrad to talk live.

- Would you like to meet again with the participants of the show "Weighted People"?

- I have a huge number of emotions associated with them, which are divided into positive and negative. We have overcome difficulties together, and, of course, I am in favor of seeing each other.

- Do you keep in touch with someone after the project?

- I communicate with a good half of the participants on social networks and by phone. We constantly keep in touch with Maxim and Vesta. We are united by common interests — various sports projects. I communicate with Mitya Kudryavtsev, sometimes online with Anya Grivkova, Vlad and others.

- Do you have a dream?

- Maxim and I created the group "I can do anything." I would like this movement to grow into an annual sports festival where everyone can take part. Including people with disabilities. We want to show that any person, to the best of his physical abilities, can develop and become better.

— What did you do in your free time on the project?

We were completely limited: we didn't even have a TV. And to be honest, I belong to a small category of participants who could not afford to rest. Those who allowed themselves this did not reach the end. For all the time on the project there were several walks around the territory of the house, which, by the way, has a large area. And yet it was a movement.

— Did you at the beginning of the project have a desire to quit everything and not change?

The first two weeks were the hardest for me. But I was always guided by the thought: if I give up now, it means that fate made a mistake on my account. Several thousand came to the casting, and only eighteen lucky ones were given a chance. I couldn't afford to feel sorry for myself because it might never happen again. And he understood that he had to go through this path from beginning to end.

- What is the most valuable advice you received from the coaches on the project?

- Everything that Denis and Ira said is mega professional recommendations. But most of all I remember this: if you want to feel sorry for yourself in training, then this is a signal - you need to double the load.

- How much do you weigh now?

- 104 kilograms. Everyone knows that muscle weighs much more than fat. (At the final, Peter weighed 97.1 kg - approx. ed.) These are completely different criteria - now I evaluate myself not by weight, but by appearance, endurance, amount of muscle mass, by the time for which I do the training complex. Now I feel great!

How did you deal with the problem of sagging skin?

- When you lose weight extremely, it is immediately visible, especially in the areas of the abdomen and arms. I encountered this problem only after the project. Returning home, I went to the procedures, where I was given body wraps and massages. After reinforcing the effect in the gym.

— Do you have friends who are overweight, to whom you showed by your example that everything is possible, motivated them to go in for sports?

- During the time that I am outside the project, several people from my environment have achieved good results. The most minimal effect is 12 kg, and the maximum is 20. For example, one of my friends lost weight from 86 to 68 kg. Everything happened evenly: proper nutrition, sports three times a week, swimming pool, plus my recommendations. I am not an expert, but I can advise something. It all depends on the desire! For example, Olesya Smirnova did not stay long on the project, but we see that after that she achieved her goal. And this is a completely different Olesya.

- How do you eat now?

- I was afraid that I would return, and it would be difficult to resist the sweet. But soon I realized that there is no predilection. To avoid fat deposits, I completely excluded sweets, preservatives and products with chemical additives. I try to follow all the advice that I received on the project. My morning begins with a hearty breakfast: porridge or yeast-free bread, oven-baked chicken, or sandwiches or a light salad. Everything that we ate in the show, only in different proportions. I eat about 1800-2200 calories per day: I eat small portions four to five times a day.

- Advice for those who are losing weight from Peter: how to cope with temptations during feasts, holidays, corporate parties?

“It's a matter of choice. If you want to be beautiful and slim, you must understand: if you have a predisposition to be overweight, you need to limit yourself. Nobody says you can't eat anything. You can choose what suits you best: light salads or low-fat foods.

- If you were on the other side of the screen, who would you root for?

- I have thought about this and analyzed it many times, because I know all the participants well, I know who they really are. Most likely, for those with whom he reached the final: for Mitya, Maxim, Vesta, Vlad, Anya and Oksana.

— What is the most valuable lesson you learned on the project?

- They took me away for 120 days, thus, as if they crossed out my entire biography and completely rebooted my brain. I came back a completely different person, as if reborn.

The main thing I would like to convey to people is that you need to move and spend as much energy and calories as you consume. Before the project, I did not have such an understanding. Now I know why weight is gaining, why people feel sorry for themselves, why they don’t realize that they have gained 20-30 kg. And most importantly, they not only explained to us how this happened, but also helped us fix the problem.

— Have your relationships with family, friends and colleagues changed after the project?

- Relatives also remained close people. But their attitude to food has changed: I no longer see fried potatoes, sausages, sausages on the table. Now everything is baked in the oven. A very revealing moment: when my mother first visited me, she weighed 115 kg, but in the final - already 103. After my return home, her weight dropped over 90 kg.

With a friend, I have more common interests. He is an athlete, he swings, and now I do crossfit. And now we are constantly exchanging experience.

— What advice can you give to the participants of the second season of the “Weighted People” project?

“I want them to understand that this is a one-way road. It doesn't matter who wins. If you have embarked on this path, you need to go through it. The person who reaches the end will change his life. After that, many things will become available: you can safely buy clothes in stores, drive a car. There will be a huge amount of entertainment in life, and thousands of pleasures will become possible.

How are your relationships with the opposite sex now?

— During the project, I had a warm relationship with Vesta. Many believe that everything was for the sake of ratings. In fact, when a man and a woman find themselves in a closed space, this can happen. After the end of "Weighted People" we decided to remain friends. Now we have common interests related to sports. And soon after returning home, I met a beautiful girl. I didn’t even think that everything would turn out so wonderfully. Now we live together, and we have joint plans for life. I understand that, apart from her, I do not need anyone.

- Did life become easier after the project?

- This is a completely new life, its different awareness and understanding. Such a thrill! Previously, everything was a burden: a bad mood, poor physical condition, constant depression. Now I enjoy everything, and for this I am grateful to the creators of the show "Weighted People" and those people who worked with me.

Julia Kovalchuk about Peter's victory on the project "Weighted People":

- I think that many viewers, coaches and everyone who was involved in this project understood that in the end the main battle was between Peter and Maxim. Exactly as much as they were rivals, they also helped each other in the struggle. Until the last moment of weighing, no one, including me, knew that Petya would win. I understood that the result could differ by some hundredths of a gram, so I, just like the participants, stood on the stage with bated breath and waited for who would be the winner. And the fact that Petya became him is fair and deserved. I perfectly saw how he broke himself, gave all his strength to the Weighted People project and his victory. I don’t know what was primary in his urges - the desire to win, lose weight or earn money, but, in any case, he did it with dignity!

The problem of obesity is close to many, which is why reality shows about weight loss are so popular. Russian viewers have been following the success of the participants in the "Weighted People" project for 4 seasons and are undoubtedly worried about how the fate of the heroes turned out and how they look now.

The show is aimed at helping people with critical overweight. Any adult weighing more than 100 kg can take part. The one who will be able to reduce body weight the most relative to its initial state will win. On the way to victory, the participants will not only have training, diets and team tests, but also temptations that must be resisted. The main prize is a large sum and a chance for a happy life in a new body.

Peter got into the first season of the project with a weight of 155 kg. In his youth, he did not suffer from obesity, he participated in competitions. Leaving the sport, the man began to gradually gain weight. He drew attention to this when difficulties arose in his personal life and career.

Peter came to the show not only to lose weight, but also to prove that everyone can change their lives. During numerous tests of the project, he demonstrated determination and confidently went to victory. Peter deservedly took 1st place, dropping almost 58 kg.

After filming, the man was unable to maintain weight and began to recover, despite regular exercise and a healthy diet. Now he weighs 125 kg, but he really wants to return to normal shape.

But in the personal life of the winner, everything is fine. He had a beloved woman and a son, Matvey, was born.

The girl came to the project with a weight of 123 kg. Vesta began to recover rapidly at the age of 23, when she fell into a protracted depression caused by the betrayal of her beloved man. She stopped monitoring weight and nutrition, and all the problems and troubles just stuck. The girl tried to lose weight on her own, but she lacked endurance and patience. Before the project, she was sure that thyroid problems were the cause of weight gain, but numerous analyzes refuted this.

On the project, Vesta was remembered for her energy and positive attitude: she did not give in to difficulties and encouraged other participants. The girl reached the final of season 1 with a weight of 83 kg and took 3rd place.

After filming ended, Vesta continued to lose weight and now feels great at a weight of 70 kg. She maintains a personal blog in which she gives advice to overweight people.

A lawyer from Kazan came to the second season of the show "Weighted People" with 148 kg. Relatives of Timur always had high hopes for him, but due to excess weight, the young man could not achieve his goals. He decided to come to the project and lose weight so that his family would be proud of him.

Among the participants, Timur has established himself as a natural leader and a strong man. He became the captain of his team, all members of which respected his opinion and listened to his advice. Having dropped almost 54 kg in the end, Timur became the winner of the season.

After the show, Timur's life changed dramatically. The man lost weight to 80 kg, but later decided that his ideal weight was 87 kg, and recovered. Leaving the practice of law, Timur became a fitness trainer. Now he helps people with similar problems.

The 32-year-old from Izhevsk began his journey in the second season of the project with 168 kg. Overweight, due to problems with the stomach, he had throughout his life. However, in the last 10 years, the man has added 10 kg per year. Improper diet and sedentary work contributed to obesity and health problems (permanent shortness of breath, sore legs and back). Jacob's family was very worried about him, so his wife signed up the man for the casting of the show.

On the project, Yakov confidently walked towards his goal under the guidance of experienced trainers and nutritionists. It was then that he was able for the first time to overcome his laziness and become responsible. Jacob dropped out of the show early enough, dropping 27 kg.

After the “departure” from the project, the man practically lived in the gym and continued to adhere to the recommendations received from nutritionists. He won a massive cash prize in a competition between the eliminated contestants, as he was able to lose the most weight at home. Now Yakov weighs 90 kg, works as a fitness trainer and helps overweight people.

A resident of Khimki appeared in the third season of the show with a weight of 154 kg. As a child, he was overweight, and for the first time he thought about losing weight and sports only in his youth, when he began to be interested in the opposite sex. Boris studied at the cadet corps and graduated from the Institute of Physical Education. The man began to rapidly gain weight after a difficult divorce and loss of work. Boris spent a lot of time playing computer games and eating fast food. I decided to participate in the project when I realized that I could not lose weight on my own.

Boris showed the best result in losing weight not only in season 3, but in the entire history of the project. He took 1st place, dropping 62 kg.

After the end of the program, Boris abandoned social networks and does not brag about new successes. Judging by the photo from the account of another project participant, the winner failed to keep his form. It is known that Boris planned to invest the winnings in his business project related to a healthy lifestyle.

A resident of Vyksa came to the fourth season of the project with a weight of 183 kg. The woman was never particularly full, but after a difficult pregnancy she gained a lot of weight. Then the problems started. Almost any habitual action was given to her with difficulty - because of her huge belly, Elena could not even fasten her boots without outside help.

While participating in the show, it was hard for Elena, but perseverance and determination helped her adequately pass the tests on a par with other participants. As a result, the mother of many children managed to get rid of 74 kg.

The project for Irina began back in May 2017 with a letter from the casting director of the show, who invited the lush beauty to apply for participation.

The selection was very difficult: we need beautiful faces, interesting stories. In addition, the characters should be different in character, in the type of activity. They were interested in our aspirations and dreams, relationships within the family. First of all, this is a show, and the audience should be interested in watching the participants, - Irina recalls. At the beginning of the project, the girl's weight was 148 kg. Now she weighs half a centner less.

Irina admitted that the filming process was the most difficult:

This is a completely different mode, schedule of life. All together it caused a lot of inconvenience. It didn't feel like you were in control of your life. Someone else decides when you will eat, when there will be training. It applied to absolutely everything! We did not know what to prepare for, what awaits us tomorrow. For me personally, this was the hardest part of the entire project.

- What is it like to talk about your problems and complexes to the whole country?

I guessed that I would hear both criticism and approval in my address. There are those who like curvy girls, but there were also those who condemned me, saying: “Lose weight! What are you doing to yourself!"

We were cut off from the world, we were in a closed space, without the support of loved ones. Emotions ran high, we cried. But as a result, support was found in the face of those who are nearby: we became a small family.

- What was the most valuable thing they took out of there, not counting the lost kilograms?

I closed the story with the comments that poured in my address after winning the beauty contest. Then they broke me very much, I closed myself off from the world, stopped trusting people. She won over herself. Now I take everything that happens in life easier. People are sometimes angry, without hesitation, they hurt. But do not forbid yourself to feel and enjoy life because of this. Another plus is that I have real friends. I hope that we will continue to communicate for a long, long time.

Only one training session was shown on the air, something unusual. It was filmed specifically for the show. In fact, the workouts were daily - from an hour to four. Sometimes we had to train at night, because there was no gym in the complex where we lived, we had to go there. Everything depended on the filming process. The menu was developed by an excellent nutritionist Yulia Olegovna. The number of calories is minimal. Four meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and one snack. We did not drink diet pills, but we took vitamins.

- It's hard to believe that a person can consistently lose 3-4 kg of weight for several months.

On the project it is real. You need to understand that there we faced only one task - to lose weight, there were simply no other things to do. You shouldn't do this at home. It is difficult both physically and mentally, and the body falters. And in my head only thoughts about kilograms.

- Many viewers expressed the opinion that the voting, and, consequently, the elimination of the participants, was orchestrated and prescribed in advance. Is it so?

No, we voted ourselves. There were many factors involved, each time it was hard, because we came to the project with problems. Everyone understood that each of us still needs to lose weight, there is something to strive for, something to learn, something to experience. But we were placed in such conditions that everyone could not stay, and every week someone had to leave. Everyone has their own motives for voting, but for sure - there was no script.

How has your life changed since the project?

Now I want to move more, I like it. I used to have shortness of breath after climbing to the second floor. Recently in Moscow I walked 20 kilometers in a day, and only corns on my legs forced me to stop. Sweating has decreased: it's no secret that overweight people sweat a lot. In addition, there are big problems with the choice of clothes. I had to dress in some old woman's things that added age to me. I was called "woman", and now they began to address me again as "girl". It's much more enjoyable, especially when you're only 23 years old.

The girl came to the project with a weight of 148 kg, lost 33 kg in two and a half months, and approached the final, which was filmed a little later, with a weight of 99 kg.

Reference. Weighted and Happy People (formerly Weighted People) is a Russian television reality show, a version of the popular American project The Biggest Loser. Participants of the program, suffering from excess weight, compete among themselves in losing weight and fight for the main prize - 3 million rubles. Leading Anfisa Chekhova, rapper Seryoga, actor and titled athlete Sergey Badyuk and Miss Olympia, champion of Russia, Europe and the world in fitness bikini Natalia Lugovskikh helped to get rid of extra kilos to “weighted people”. The final of the show took place on June 2.

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