Version android 4.4 2 update to 5.0. Android update

The article describes how to update Android.

If we take into account the statistics, then already in 2013, most of the smartphones purchased by consumers worked on the platform " Android". In addition, various manufacturers of such gadgets (except " Nokia" and " Apple"") by default install on their devices the operating system " Android».

Many factors, including being free and having many games/programs, have made this OS extremely popular. In this article, we will briefly talk about how to properly update " Android» to newer versions.

About Android

operating system " Android"in fact, it was not originally developed by the company" Google". The authors of the operating system for gadgets tried to distribute their creation through the company " Samsung”, which, in turn, refused this offer. But " Google» seen in « Android» great prospects and acquired the rights to this development.

The first gadgets on the platform " Android”, which went on sale a few years ago, have not yet made a splash on the market, the new operating system has so far been, so to speak, in its “raw” form. But after five years Android» gained immense popularity among consumers, pushing into the background « Windows Mobile" and " Symbian».

Now available to purchase Android 6.0”, although it is possible that tomorrow there will be newer versions of this OS with bug fixes. That's all well and good, especially when setting " Android from scratch or buy a gadget with a fresh version. But how can you be sure to update to new versions without any problems?

How to update "Android" to new versions?

First of all, you need to know:

  1. Before updating the operating system, the battery on your gadget must be charged up to 100%
  2. Before updating the operating system Android» all your programs, contacts, information, etc. must be stored in a separate location. Often, after updates, all information can simply be lost.

In total there are several options for updates " Android» to the latest versions:

  1. Auto
  2. Forced automatic
  3. Using a computer

Automatic update method is the most popular. Operating system " Android» itself looks for updates, and when they come out, the operating system « Android" prompts you to download and install them. The user is only required to give their consent.

By the way, updates weigh quite a lot, up to several hundred megabytes, so with your limited Internet traffic, it is better to use Wi-Fi, if available.

Forced-automatic method can be called semi-manual or semi-automatic. If the operating system Android» is not looking for updates on its own, then this role is assigned to us. To do this, go through your gadget to the Internet, open in your smartphone " Settings", then click on the item" About the system» and enable automatic search for updates. The menu should have a button System update". If updates have already been released, the smartphone will prompt you to download and install them.

It can be seen from these instructions that the update " Android' is a fairly simple process. But there are also problems. The system may refuse to download new updates. In this case, you need to reset the settings and try to download the updates again. In 90% of cases it helps users. If this does not work, then you will have to turn to another method of updates - through a computer.

Update using a computer happens using custom firmware. Custom firmware are unofficial updates. The fact is that any updates of any system can be both official (that is, created by the developers themselves) and unofficial - updates made by individual programmers. In custom firmware, as a rule, everything unnecessary is removed from the point of view of certain user groups and, accordingly, everything necessary is added according to the same criteria.

The whole point of updating the operating system " Android» on a gadget through a computer is as follows. You need to download the firmware from the Internet to a computer, and then from the computer using certain programs, download and install it on the gadget. But this is a relatively difficult process. It must be remembered that each model of a smartphone or tablet has its own procedure (selection of custom firmware, installation programs, etc.). You can learn more about this for your gadget model on the Internet.

Video: How to update an Android smartphone?

Google annually releases major Android OS updates to a new version. Users of the Nexus series devices (and now Pixel) receive the latest firmware releases in a timely and efficient manner, which can be installed without a computer. However, other manufacturers are in no hurry (and often do not have time) to quickly create OS builds adapted for their devices, and updates have to wait for months. Some firms do not worry about the release of fresh firmware at all, users of their devices become hostages of the old version of the operating system. However, most of these problems are easily solved with a little effort. Our material will tell you how to install a new version of Android.

How to update Android by regular means

The functionality of the Android OS provides the ability to receive updates from the manufacturer's server via the Internet. The item responsible for receiving updates is usually located in the settings menu, next to the information about the phone. Depending on the modification of the system, the appearance of this item may differ, but the functions are the same everywhere. This is how the update menu looks in pure Android 5.1 Lolipop (top item).

And the entrance to the update submenu has such an appearance in the MIUI8 OS from XIaomi (bottom of the screenshot).

After entering the submenu, the system will contact the manufacturer's server and check if a new firmware version has appeared. If it is, the phone will notify you and start downloading it. After that, the installation will take place (it is desirable to charge the battery to 50% or higher) and the device will reboot.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to update Android on a tablet or phone in this way. Even if the new firmware has already been released, manufacturers do not send out updates to everyone at once, as their servers may not be able to withstand the heavy load. Sometimes it takes days or even weeks to wait for an update to reach the end user. However, in this case, it is possible to outsmart the developers and avoid waiting.

How to update Android if there are no updates

Before updating Android, if there are no updates, forcibly, you need to make sure that only you do not have updates, and other owners of a smartphone or tablet of this model have already downloaded the firmware. To do this, you can visit the profile forum (XDA,, forum of fans of your brand, etc.) and see if there are any messages about updates. If they are, you need to find the update file for your smartphone. Make sure that the version matches: many devices are produced in several modifications, the firmware for which is incompatible! When the firmware file is found, you need to download the Android update and save it to the phone's memory or to a USB flash drive. After that, go to the above system update item and click the ellipsis icon. On stock Android 5.1, the advanced options menu looks like this.

Similarly, the menu interface for selecting update options over the air and on MIUI is implemented.

In the first case, the item "Local updates" allows you to update Android from a USB flash drive, in the second - "Select firmware file". Signatures may differ depending on the translator, but the general meaning of the title should be about the same. After selecting the firmware file, the system will check its integrity and compatibility with the smartphone, reboot the system and install the update. Again, this should be done with a charged battery, in order to avoid a sudden shutdown of the device.

How to install a new version of Android if there are no official updates at all

If the manufacturer "forgot" about the customers and does not release firmware updates for old devices, there is still a chance to get a fresh OS. There are many enthusiasts involved in the development of alternative builds of Android for many smartphones. The most famous is the CyanogenMod project, the OS assembly of which is installed on more than 15 million devices.

Also, quite often, alternative OS builds are made by small groups of enthusiasts or loners, using firmware from another similar model equipped with a more recent version of the OS as a basis. However, before you update Android on a tablet or smartphone to such an assembly, you need to consider that it may be unstable. The fact is that it is very difficult to assemble a 100% working firmware alone, because such assemblies often have bugs and shortcomings.

To update the version of Android to an unofficial assembly, you need to follow the instructions for flashing a specific smartphone model (for different phones, the flashing procedure is different). The easiest way is to install the update from the Recovery menu. First you need to download the Android update and save it to your memory card. To enter the recovery, you need to turn off the smartphone, hold down the volume up and power buttons at the same time, wait for the menu to enter. Sometimes, in addition to these two, you need to hold the home button under the screen (for Samsung smartphones). To update Android, you need to find an item in the menu that contains something like “Install from sdcard” (navigation is done with the volume rocker, the choice is made with a short press of the power button), find the firmware on the USB flash drive and install it.

Sometimes for flashing you first need to install an alternative recovery menu, for example, TWRP, since the native one may not support the installation of unofficial updates. After the Android update is installed, you need to select "Wipe data & cache" and reboot. Before updating in this way, carefully read the instructions so as not to break your phone or tablet.

Another way to install official and unofficial Android firmware updates is through a computer.

Owners of devices that run on the Android operating system can count on updating their software version. For this purpose, manufacturers install special programs that help to accomplish this. Before you update "Android", as a rule, you receive a notification that a new version of the software has been released and an update is available. The user himself decides whether to install a new package or not. But, as practice has shown, new improvements justify themselves. Developers are always trying to fix past shortcomings and offer to solve them with new system options.

Do not be afraid that the new version can greatly harm the device, as the companies that release updates value their reputation the most. The main thing is to install the application correctly and, just in case, copy the data that is important.

Is it worth upgrading?

Many users are skeptical about new software releases and think that if the device is already working fine, then why update it further. But this is true only for those who do not widely use the capabilities of the device. If the user frequently uses applications and downloads new programs for this, then the update will help maintain the latest versions of products. As a rule, all developers of additional programs follow the updates of operating systems and make their products for them.

Timely updating allows you to be sure that any program will start and work correctly on a smartphone or tablet.

Upgrade Benefits

To get more benefits in the operation of the device, you need to know how to update the system on Android. This will improve performance and eliminate errors. There may also be new features that the developers have integrated into the new version. In addition, usability can be improved by optimizing older features to work more correctly.

It is also worth noting the update of the appearance, which can be changed according to the user's personal preferences. Along with the firmware, it is often possible to download new update packages for menus, desktops, and other frequently used functions.

Preparing for the upgrade

Before updating Android, you need to download the necessary data package from the official supplier. Please note that during the installation of the update, most device functions will be unavailable for at least 30 minutes. This is warned by the application that installs the software. Also, before installation, you can read the model of the device for which the package was made, and make sure that it is really suitable for the user.

Sometimes a new firmware is already available for download, but the notification does not arrive on the device. In this case, you can download the new version to your computer and copy it to your device.


So, how to update the Android firmware? Before you need to download the update from the official website or use the built-in program. Next, you need to run the file and wait until all the steps have passed. In order not to lose personal data, you need to save it to another device before the update process.

If an unlicensed version is used as the operating system, then you need to find an update for this particular variant, otherwise it may fail. As a rule, such firmware should be searched on the official websites of the manufacturers of the device that needs a system update.

Together with the update, the subscriber receives full support for all modern programs and functions that are used in devices. He will also have access to all the fixes in the code that the developers have made. Since programmers are always trying to maximize performance, you can count on faster operation of the device as a whole after the update.

With the release of each new version of the Android operating system, many users immediately begin to look for information on how to update Android on their phone. The fact is that very rarely, immediately after the release of a new version of the OS, it becomes available for download and installation.

At first, it comes only to a limited number of people, and then to everyone else, but, again, not immediately, but gradually. For some, the notification of the new version does not come at all. Then you have to resort to an independent, manual installation of a new version of the operating system. Let's analyze some of the most working and, accordingly, popular ways to perform this process.

Automatic update

As we know, the system can update automatically. At least when a new version is released, the user will see a notification about this and the possibility of installing it. All this is done, by the way, for free.

So, to enable this feature, you need to do the following:

  • Connect Wi-Fi so that later the update is not downloaded using the mobile Internet, and the operator does not charge extra money for this.
  • Go to the settings and find the item “About smartphone” (or “About tablet”) there.
  • Find the item "System Update" in there.

Clue: The names of the items may differ depending on the version of the operating system already installed. But by the meaning it will still be possible to guess which item is responsible for what. In the latest versions of the OS, by the way, these items are called "About the device" and "Download updates manually."

  • After that, there will be a check for updates and, if any, an offer to install them. In the future, when a new version is released, the user will see corresponding notifications on their screen.

The secret of this method is that the system in forced mode starts looking for system updates. Even if your phone has not yet been included in the list of "favorites" that received a notification, you will add yourself there. All this, as mentioned above, is done absolutely free.

Additional Applications

There are also a number of Android apps that help you check if your system is up to date and update it if possible. Let's analyze the most popular of them.

"Android Update" by Womboid Systems

A very unusual application that just allows you to check the system and update it if necessary. In this case, the user will be able to see information about what hardware is installed on his phone.

To use this application, you must do the following:

  1. Download (here is the link) and install "Android Update" from Womboid Systems.
  2. In the main window of the program, click on the "Check your Hardware" button. After that, the system will be checked, and you will be able to see the real data about it (it happens that the real information differs from that indicated by the seller).
  3. Further, in the “Upgrade to” block, a complete list of operating system versions that are available for updating on your device will be shown.
  4. After selecting, either the update will automatically start, or you will need to swipe three more texts shown below. In the second case, after each test, the result will be displayed, and if the test is passed, the message will say “You can upgrade”.
  5. Next, in the main menu, you need to click on the "View android firmware" button to see the available system updates. There you just have to click on the selected version of the OS to start its installation.

It was not possible to find other really working programs for the phone that could update the system. Therefore, we advise you to update the system in the standard way (described above) or through a computer.

Using a computer

Android Update Manager

As they say on the Internet, this is not a very reliable program, but it works well. Another drawback is the fact that Android Update Manager does not support all modern smartphone models.

To use Android Update Manager to update the system through a computer, you need to do the following:

  • Download and open the program. Select the device model from the list. This is done by pressing the select button and choosing among the proposed options.
  • View the list of available firmware for the selected device.

  • Click on the correct version. After that, you will be redirected to the page with its description. You don't have to read all of this. It remains only to click on the download button.
  • After the download is complete, you need to reset the resulting file to your phone and install it like any other program.


This is a much more proven way. You can download the program here.

After downloading and installing, do the following:

  • Connect your device to your computer with a USB cable. After that, you will need to wait a bit so that the program can recognize the connected phone. It will also check if an operating system update is available for this device. If it is available, then the user will see the corresponding notification, shown in Figure 5. There you need to click on the "Update" button.

  • The user will then see a large warning text. It is advisable to read it, put a tick in front of the inscription "I have read (s) ...", as well as in front of the inscription "Allow saving". Then you can click on the "Start Update" button at the bottom of the window.

  • Then you will need to wait a certain time until the program downloads the necessary files and installs them. At the end, a window will appear where you need to click on the "Confirm" button.

This process can be clearly seen in the video below.

Android is an operating system with many versions. A user who keeps up with the times undoubtedly wants to try new versions. To do this, you can buy a gadget with the latest version already installed or upgrade Android to that. But not everyone knows how to update Android. How to install a new version of Android, we will tell in this article.

We offer step-by-step and detailed instructions for updating Android. In order to understand how to update Android on your device, you need an Internet connection (preferably Wi-Fi, so as not to empty your mobile account).

Android update is individual for each smartphone or tablet. Therefore, there is no universal software or PC program to implement "update Android". The update method common to all device models is the Android version update over the air.

How to improve the version of Android on your phone

Do some simple steps:

  • go to " Settings» system of your Android device and connect to the internet using Wi-Fi
  • if you have a new Google account, go back to " Settings"and go to the section" About smartphone (tablet)»

  • Allow automatic updates of the operating system. When a new firmware version is released, you will see a corresponding message on the tablet

  • click " Restart and Install". This way you will start the update and within half an hour your device will be updated to the latest version of Android

The Android update process is individual for each individual brand and device model.

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