Congress of Vienna and its decisions. Congress of Vienna

The Congress of Vienna was the last world performance, apparently ending a big, long and extraordinarily noisy season.

Mark Aldanov,Saint Helena, small island

A few words about the results of the Congress of Vienna, which completed its work in early June 1815. The rapid return of Napoleon from the island of Elba and the restoration of the French empire hastened the resolution of controversial issues that had been troubling the minds of the participants in the meeting for several months. On May 3, treatises were signed between Russia, Austria and Prussia, which determined the fate of the Duchy of Warsaw, as well as between Prussia and Saxony.

Congress of Vienna
book illustration

The Russian Sovereign left the congress two weeks before its end, having previously signed a manifesto About the raising of arms against the thief of the French throne by all powers that keep the law of piety and truth. He went to the location of his army, which, under the leadership of Field Marshal Barclay de Tolly, was advancing towards the Rhine.

On June 8, an act of the German Union was adopted, and the next day, June 9, the Final General Act of the Congress of Vienna, consisting of 121 articles, fixed the new borders of states established as a result of the redivision of Europe. In addition to the articles, the Final Act included 17 annexes, including the treaty on the division of Poland, the declaration on the abolition of the trade in blacks, the rules for navigation on border and international rivers, the regulation on diplomatic agents, the act on the constitution of the German Union and others.

So, according to the decision of the Vienna Congress, Poland was divided. Most of the Duchy of Warsaw under the name of the Kingdom of Poland became part of the Russian Empire. Alexander I received the title of Tsar of Poland. From now on, thanks to the fact that in 1809, according to the Peace of Friedrichsgam, Finland went under the scepter of the Russian emperor, moving Swedish possessions from the Russian borders to the Arctic Circle and the Gulf of Bothnia, and in 1812 - Bessarabia, with powerful water barriers in the form of the Prut and Dniester rivers, in the west an empire was created of sorts safety belt, excluding the direct invasion of the enemy into the territory of Russia.

Duchy of Warsaw 1807-1814.
The borders of Poland according to the decisions of the Congress of Vienna in 1815: salad color - the Kingdom of Poland as part of Russia, blue - part that went to Prussia, red - the free city of Krakow

The western lands of Greater Poland with Poznan and the Polish Pomerania returned to Prussia. And Austria received the southern part of Lesser Poland and most of Chervonnaya Rus. Krakow became a free city. The Congress of Vienna declared the granting of autonomy to the Polish lands in all its parts, but in fact this was carried out only in Russia, where, by the will of Emperor Alexander I, known for his liberal aspirations, the Kingdom of Poland was granted a constitution.

In addition to part of the Duchy of Warsaw Prussia, North Saxony, a significant territory of Westphalia and the Rhineland, Swedish Pomerania and the island of Rügen got. The north of Italy returned under the control of Austria: Lombardy and the Venetian region (Lombardo-Venetian kingdom), the duchies of Tuscany and Parma, as well as Tyrol with Salzburg.

Map of the German Confederation, 1815

In addition to the Polish, the German question was a stumbling block in the negotiations in Vienna. The victorious powers were afraid of the formation of a monolithic German state in the very heart of Europe, but were not against the creation of a kind of confederation that served as an outpost at the borders of unpredictable France. After long disputes within the boundaries of the former Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, the German Confederation was created - a confederation of different-sized German states: kingdoms, duchies, electors and principalities, as well as four city-republics (Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck). Four countries - Austria, Prussia, Denmark and the Netherlands - belonged to the union only part of their possessions. There were no strong economic ties, no common legislation, no common finances, no diplomatic services between these sovereign states. The only central body of power was the Federal Diet, which met in Frankfurt am Main and consisted of representatives of the governments of the states that were part of the German Confederation. The Austrian Emperor presided over the Diet. The goal of the Union was also quite modest: Preservation of external and internal security of Germany, independence and inviolability of individual German states.

England in Europe received Gibraltar, Malta, the Ionian Islands, and with them a dominant position in the Mediterranean; in the North Sea - the Helgoland archipelago. In addition, she secured part of the conquered French and Dutch colonies: the Lucayan Islands and Tobago in the West Indies, Mauritius east of Madagascar, the cotton districts of the Netherlands Guinea, which further strengthened the maritime power of the British crown.

Belgium was incorporated into the Kingdom of the Netherlands under the auspices of William I of Orange-Nassau. An ally of France, Denmark, lost Norway, which was transferred to Sweden, but received German Schleswig and Holstein. Switzerland, which included Vallis, Geneva and Neuchâtel, expanded its lands and acquired strategically important Alpine passes. It constituted a confederation of free, independent and neutral cantons. Spain and Portugal remained within their former borders and returned their ruling royal dynasties (Spanish Bourbons and Braganzas respectively).

Map of Italy in 1815

And, finally, Italy, which, according to Prince Metternich’s aptly caustic expression, after the decisions of the Vienna Congress is nothing more than a geographical concept. Its territory was divided into eight small states: in the north, two kingdoms - Sardinia (Piedmont) and Lombardo-Venetian, as well as four duchies - Parma, Modena, Tuscany and Lucca; in the center is the Papal States with Rome as its capital, and in the south is the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (Naples-Sicilian). Thus, the power of the Pope over the Vatican and the Papal States was restored in Italy, the Kingdom of Naples (Kingdom of the Two Sicilies), after bloody battles and the flight of King Joachim Murat, was returned to the Bourbons, and Savoy, Nice and Genoa were returned to the restored Kingdom of Sardinia.

Map of Europe after the Congress of Vienna

As the Russian historian Lieutenant General Nikolai Karlovich Schilder summarized: Russia has increased its territory by a space of about 2100 sq. miles with a population of more than three million people; Austria purchased 2300 sq. miles with ten million people, and Prussia 2217 sq. miles with 5,362,000 people. Thus, Russia, which bore the brunt of the three-year war with Napoleon on its shoulders and made the greatest sacrifices for the triumph of European interests, received the least reward. Regarding the most significant territorial acquisitions of the Austrian Empire, Schilder is echoed in the Petersburg letters by the French politician and diplomat Joseph-Marie de Maistre: she (Austria) managed to get a huge prize in the lottery, for which she did not buy tickets ...

So, hitherto unprecedented neither in the number of crowned participants, nor in the duration of diplomatic disputes, nor in the abundance of intrigues, nor in the number of celebrations and holidays, nor in the size and brilliance of diamonds at balls, the pan-European summit drew the final line under the twenty-year era of the Napoleonic wars.

The Vienna Congress is an international congress of 1814-1815, which took place after the victory of the union of European states over Napoleonic France.

Prerequisites for the convocation of the Congress of Vienna

The fierce and long struggle of European states against Napoleon's empire ended with the defeat of France. Naturally, the winners saw the main goal in the destruction of all the changes made by Napoleon to the world map, but did not forget about themselves, seeking to preserve their interests. It was planned that all the conquests of France would be eliminated and it would remain within the borders of the state that it was before January 1, 1792.

Progress of the Congress of Vienna

The initiators of this event were the victorious states (the Russian Empire, Prussia, Austria and Great Britain), and they led the leadership of the congress.

The main actors at the Congress of Vienna were the Russian Emperor Alexander I, the Austrian Emperor Franz I and the Austrian Chancellor Metternich, the British Foreign Minister Lord Castlereagh, and the Prussian Foreign Minister Hardenberg. The French Foreign Minister de Talleyrand-Périgord also took an equally active part in the congress. All participants in the congress constantly argued, bargained, but determined the main decisions.

The unity of the participants was determined by the main goal: all the changes and transformations that have appeared in Europe over the past twenty years must be eliminated. The congress participants also sought the restoration of the rights of the former monarchs, who had suffered as a result of the past revolutionary transformations and wars.

The task was to form stable guarantees that would not allow the revival of Bonapartism in France, as well as further attempts to reshape Europe.

Equally important was the provision of the territorial requirements of the winners. And here it was necessary to make changes to the map of Europe and cut the existing colonies.

The work of the congress was not interrupted even during Napoleon's brief return to power. The famous "Hundred Days" of Napoleon, his victorious entry into Paris did not stop the discussions taking place in Vienna. But the victory of the Allied forces at Waterloo practically brought the Congress to an end.

Decisions of the Congress of Vienna

The victorious powers were able to achieve a certain compromise, and on June 9, 1815, the General Act of the Congress of Vienna was signed.

As a result, the following decisions were made:

The Kingdom of Poland was part of the Russian Empire.

Holland and Belgium united and formed the United Kingdom of the Netherlands with the addition of Luxembourg.

In northern Italy, Lombardy and Venice united to form the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom, which was ruled by Austria.

The British returned the previously lost colonies and confirmed their right to own Malta.

France remained within the borders of 1792, and occupying troops were stationed on its territory, the Bourbon dynasty was restored to the French throne.

The Pope again restored power over the Vatican and the Papal States.

The German Confederation was formed.

Denmark, which was an ally of France, lost Norway, which was transferred to Sweden.

Significance of the Congress of Vienna

For the first time, world powers sat down at the negotiating table to resolve contentious issues, which became a prerequisite for the creation of modern diplomacy.

All participants considered that they had created a solid foundation for peace in Europe. But only 15 years have passed, and the so-called Belgian revolution took place on the territory of the Netherlands, as a result of which the Belgian kingdom arose. In 1830, the Poles raised an uprising against Russian tsarism, which was brutally suppressed. In 1848 revolutionary fermentation took place throughout Europe. They affected Italy, France, Austria and Germany and caused significant damage to the foundations of the monarchical system. But the Crimean War of 1853-1855 dealt the main blow to the adopted agreements.

The French bourgeois revolution of the late 18th century and the Napoleonic wars led to a complete redistribution of European borders and the destruction of the old feudal-. That is why, after the fall of the Napoleonic Empire, European diplomats decided to hold a special congress at which special treaties would be developed that would restore borders and old monarchical regimes. The Vienna Congress of 1814-1815 and its results have not lost their relevance to this day.

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Reasons for convening congressmen

The main reason for the convening of representatives of the great powers was the need to reconsider European borders, reshaped by the Napoleonic wars, and consolidate monarchical orders, restoring the rights of the old European dynasties. The victorious countries (allies) also wanted to strengthen their political positions.

Decided to hold a congress Russia, Germany, England and Austria. Its main goal is restore the french monarchy and secure new frontiers within Europe.

Time spending

The beginning of the work of the Congress of Vienna - October 1814. The events ended in July 1815. The leader of the Austrian diplomacy of that time presided - Count Metternich.

Important! The entire congress was held in the conditions of secret and open rivalry of countries, conspiracies and intrigues, but, despite this, it was Vienna that created what is called modern diplomacy.

Before starting work, two coalitions formed:

  • Russia and Prussia(claiming most of the territories of Poland and strenuously promoting their terms of peace);
  • Austria, England and France(their goal is to prevent such a redistribution of Poland and the maximum strengthening of the Russian Empire).

The start of the work of the Congress of Vienna was postponed for a long time, there were reasons for this: intricate intrigues and political confrontation. By November 1, finally, it was possible to develop an appropriate declaration.

Since the negotiations had been in full swing for a long time, the official no opening ceremony.

France, whose interests were represented by an experienced diplomat Talleyrand, immediately managed to influence the decisions of other great powers, taking advantage of the differences among the former members of the coalition.


All European powers took part in the negotiations. except for the Ottoman Empire. Who represented Russia at the congress? The composition of the participants was as follows (table):

Major Decisions

Let us briefly dwell on the agreements reached. The main decisions taken during the negotiations were set out in the Final Act. Russia played a leading role at the congress, largely due to the active work of Alexander I, who secured status of "Savior of Europe".

Territorial decisions

Each country received part of the land or restored to its original. In the form of a table, this can be represented as follows:

Country Territories
Kingdom of the Netherlands (new) Holland + Austrian Netherlands + Luxembourg (accession to the throne of the representatives of the House of Orange)
Austria (restoration of the borders and empire of the Austrian Habsburgs) Austria + returned territories of Italy + Tyrol, Salzburg, Dalmatia.
Prussia (adding territories by reducing French territory) Prussia + part of Polish lands (Western Poland and Polish Pomerania)
Denmark Lost Norwegian territories (due to being an ally of Napoleonic France), but the return of Holstein (Germany)
Sweden Sweden + Norwegian territories
France The loss of part of the Austrian and German lands, the transfer of Italian territories in favor of the Sardinian kingdom and the Lombardo-Venetian kingdom.
Austria Acquired a large number of Polish territories (Chervonnaya Rus + Lesser Poland)
Britannia Protectorate over Malta and the Ionian Islands; the annexation of Hanover when it was raised to the rank of a kingdom under the protectorate of the British Crown.
Russian empire The Duchy of Warsaw (Kingdom of Poland) was annexed to the territory of the empire

With the territorial redistribution of European lands, most of all Poland suffered. This is sometimes referred to in history as the "Fourth Repartition of Poland".

Attention! Political contradictions and territorial disagreements that manifested themselves at the beginning of the Congress of Vienna quickly ended after Napoleon returned to France (The Hundred Days). Even before the Battle of Waterloo, all agreements were signed, according to which Russia and Prussia renounced part of their claims in order to preserve the anti-French military alliance.

Map of Europe after the Congress of Vienna.

Political issues

Other decisions taken at the Congress of Vienna include the following:

  • restoration in Austrian dynastic rights Habsburg and French Bourbon, spanish Bourbon and Portuguese Bragantsev;
  • the creation of the German Confederation (a political association of independent German states and free cities);
  • return Pope of Rome's authority over the Vatican;
  • recognition of the political neutrality of Switzerland (Alexander I played a special role in the recognition of Swiss neutrality, it is believed that this is a consequence of his special disposition towards the first Swiss president La Harpe, who was once his teacher);
  • creation of the Holy Alliance;
  • creation system of international relations.

Attention! German diplomats were especially in favor of the political unification of the German lands, which, in the end, did not happen. Disunited Germany was beneficial to both Russia and Prussia and Austria.

Particularly important decisions are considered just the creation of an alliance and new system of diplomatic relations between countries.

Division of European lands.

Vienna diplomatic system

The system of international relations or the System of the European Concert, which was formed in Europe after the Congress of Vienna in 1814-1815, fixed:

  • system of diplomatic ranks;
  • system consular offices;
  • a system of forming coalitions within the framework of the European Concentration and Equilibrium;
  • concept diplomatic immunity.

The rules and principles of international diplomacy, formed at the Congress of Vienna and in the 1920s and 1930s, formed the basis of modern geopolitical system. It can be said that it was at this time that the classical diplomacy.

The end of the congress in Vienna meant the beginning of a new era in the life of European countries.

Holy Union

The Holy Alliance was not a fully formed European diplomatic organization, but regularly performed its main function - maintenance of conservative-monarchist orders in the new, post-Napoleonic Europe and the suppression of all national-liberal movements. In 1815, three states entered the Union: Russian Empire, Austria and Prussia, but later almost all European states joined it, except for Vatican, Britain and the Ottoman Empire.

Attention! The initiator of the creation of the Union was Emperor Alexander Pavlovich. On the one hand, he was driven by the idea of ​​becoming a peacemaker in Europe and preventing the emergence of new military conflicts. On the other hand, he wanted to strengthen monarchical regimes and his own power, preventing the spread of the ideas of liberalism, of which he himself had been an adherent for a long time (he even “bestowed” a constitution on the Kingdom of Poland).

The Holy Union did not last long, until the beginning (1853).

Congress of Vienna 1814-1815

Vienna System of International Relations

Distribution of forces in Europe

The Vienna Congress of 1814-1815 marked a new alignment of forces in post-Napoleonic Europe, defining the leading role in international politics of such powers as Russian Empire, Austria, Prussia and Britain. This congress formed new system of diplomatic relations between countries, and the Holy Alliance for a long time became the strongest European diplomatic union.

To the question Fill in the table in your notebook "territorial changes by decision of the Congress of Vienna, given by the author Neurosis the best answer is I don't have a table, so I'll write it like this:

Answer from CRAZY[newbie]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Isolate[newbie]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.
Like Complain

Answer from Bulat Gusamov[active]

Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Simply[newbie]
pity Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Email Zubik[newbie]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Denis Zaripov[newbie]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.
Like Complain

Answer from KV -2[active]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Anton Krivich[newbie]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Gravity Boy[newbie]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Polina Bastrygina[newbie]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Vlad osminin[active]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Inna Ryzhikova[newbie]
lol when all the answers are the same

Answer from Yoemyon Shermenev[newbie]
Russia - received the eastern part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Kingdom of Poland.
Prussia - received the western part of the Duchy of Warsaw, called the Duchy of Poznań, the northern half of Saxony (the southern half remained an independent kingdom), the Rhine Province, Westphalia and part of Pomerania.
Austria - received some southern territories of the Duchy of Warsaw, the Tarnopol district, Venice and Lombardy.
Belgium and Holland were united to form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Swiss Confederation was formed from 19 Swiss cantons.
In the northwest of Italy, the Sardinian kingdom was restored.
In the Papal States, the secular power of the Pope was restored.
England - received about. Malta, oh Ceylon and the Cape Colony (in southern Africa).
Sweden - received Norway (on the basis of a personal union), taken from Denmark.
From the German states and part of the possessions of the Austrian Empire, a "German Confederation" was created under the leadership of Austria.

Answer from Alexey Morozov[newbie]
Dear students. Don't use stupid answers. Use the textbook, everything is there.
For those who don't know, I'll explain. The Kingdom of Poland is in Polish, and you are doing an assignment, yet in a Russian school. More precisely, the Poles called this part of the Russian empire Krolestwo Kongresowe, that is, the Congress Kingdom.
The correct designation as part of the Russian Empire is the Kingdom of Poland, and it should be entered in the table indicated as the former Duchy of Warsaw.
For the authors of "stupid" answers (may they forgive me). If you don’t know how to use a textbook, then at least take a look at your favorite Wikipedia.
“Until the 1860s, the name “Kingdom of Poland” was more often used in legislation, rarely “Poland”. In the 1860s, these names began to be replaced by the phrases “provinces of the Kingdom of Poland” and “provinces of the Privislensky”. March 5, 1870, by order of Alexander II it was intended to call Russian Poland "provinces of the Kingdom of Poland", however, in a number of articles of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, the name "Kingdom of Poland" was preserved. in January 1897, Nicholas II issued an order by which the use of the names "Kingdom of Poland" and "province of the Kingdom of Poland" was limited to cases of extreme necessity, although these names were never removed from the Code of Laws. The Poles called the Kingdom of Poland "Kongresu? Vka" ( Polish Kongresowka, from Krolestwo Kongresowe)."
The Kingdom of Poland is an error when completing a task, for which the mark may decrease

Answer from Vadim Kadkin[newbie]
Russia: most of the Duchy of Warsaw under the name of the Kingdom of Poland
Prussia: rich and economically developed Rhineland and Westphalia, western Polish lands.
Austria: Italian regions of Lombardy and Venice
Sweden: Norway
Great Britain: the island of Malta and the former Dutch colonies - the island of Ceylon and the Cape in southern Africa

The Vienna Congress worked from September 1814 to June 1815. It was the most significant and representative diplomatic congress of all that had ever been convened before. Representatives of all the states of Europe, excluding Turkey, took part in it, but Russia, England, Austria and Prussia, the recent winners of Napoleon, played a real role. The official purpose of the congress was precisely the settlement of European problems and the conclusion of peace after the end of the Napoleonic wars.
Indeed, the Congress of Vienna was going to take measures against the possibility of manifestations of French aggressiveness in the future and sign peace agreements. But that was not his main task. The leading European states sought to solve two problems through diplomacy: to exterminate revolutionary thought and republicanism, and at the same time not to allow any victor of France to strengthen so much as to become the same unambiguously greatest power on the continent as imperial France was.
The decisions of the Congress of Vienna clearly show how both these plans were realized, and how the policy of restricting competitors interfered with the policy of unification against the revolution. None of Napoleon's victors got what they wanted in full. At the same time, the contradictions between them (cleverly exploited by the diplomatic genius of the French representative at the Talleyrand congress) helped to preserve France as a great power and enabled her to return to the politics of conquest in the not too distant future.
Russia claimed the lands of Poland and demanded that Finland and Bessarabia, which had previously been annexed, be secured. England wanted to avoid competition on the continent for the products of her industry, which means that she was very interested in weakening France and preventing the strengthening of Prussia. In addition, she sought to retain the French, Dutch and Spanish colonies captured during the war. Austria intended to restore its influence in Italy. Prussia intended to get Saxony. Both German powers also claimed part of the Polish lands. France tried to prevent the strengthening of Prussia. Napoleon's victors could not come to a consensus. England and Austria even entered into a secret alliance with France in order to put pressure on Russia and Prussia.
What happened as a result? The General Final Act of the Congress of Vienna contained many provisions for the redistribution of possessions and the division of spheres of influence, but all of them had restrictions with the express purpose of not allowing any special advantages for one of the victors in the war. The decisions of the Congress of Vienna did not take into account the interests of small or stateless peoples, they were supposed to prevent the great powers from strengthening at the expense of each other.
Russia confirmed the acquisition of Finland and Bessarabia, but failed to get all the Polish lands, some of them went to Prussia and Austria. Austria received Northern Italy; Representatives of the Austrian ruling house were placed on the thrones of the small Italian principalities. But she failed to prevent the territorial growth of Russia and Prussia. England secured colonies for itself (including such valuable ones as Ceylon and the Cape Colony in South Africa), but failed to withdraw France from the ranks of the great powers and prevent the growth of the Prussian economic potential. Prussia did not get the entire territory of rich, highly developed Saxony, but Westphalia and the Rhine Province went to it.
The diplomats at the Congress of Vienna shuffled the peoples of Europe as they saw fit under the pretext of "alliance" with Napoleon. It was for this "reason" that Saxony suffered, and Norway was taken from Denmark and ... given to Sweden. In the same way, the division of Italy and the fourth division of Poland were fixed. On the contrary, Belgium and Holland were merged into one state, and the Belgians found themselves in an unequal position.
The Congress of Vienna paid considerable attention to the question of the military limitation of France. Neutral or openly hostile states (Switzerland, the Kingdom of Sardinia) were purposefully created near its borders, which were supposed to serve as "buffers" in case the French tried to return to the policy of conquest. A special role in this anti-French system was assigned to Prussia and its new possessions - the Rhineland and Westphalia.
The return of France to the borders of 1792 (even a little less) was also explained by the restriction of French appetites for conquest, but in reality the question was put differently here. Worried about their territorial gains and foreign policy interests, the monarchs of Europe did not forget about the problem of revolutionism. In 1792, France was proclaimed a republic. In 1815, the Congress of Vienna returned the country to the borders that were before the republic, and at the same time returned the Bourbon dynasty to the French throne. These decisions were to show that all the gains of the revolution had been destroyed.
The mass restorations of the old dynasties in the small duchies of Italy and in the German principalities were subordinated to the same goal. The Bourbons returned not only the French throne, but also the Kingdom of Naples. The territory of the Republic of Genoa was given to the Kingdom of Sardinia. The monarchy in Europe was supposed to look eternal and invincible.
The most vivid illustration of the anti-revolutionary essence of the Congress of Vienna was the decision to create the so-called Holy Alliance to protect the foundations of the Christian religion and monarchical principles. It was initiated by Russia. In 1815, in Paris, the document was signed by almost all European monarchs, except for the cautious English Prince Regent. Turkey's opinion was not asked either - after all, it was not inclined to defend the foundations of Christianity, and Tsar Alexander I had certain plans for some Turkish possessions. However, the leaders of the Union, Russia and Austria, turned into the "gendarmes of Europe" for a long time.
The Quadruple Alliance (Russia, Austria, Prussia and England), created immediately after the end of the Congress of Vienna in November 1815, can also be considered anti-revolutionary. The aim of the union was to prevent the restoration of the Bonaparte dynasty on the throne of France. But Bonaparte, at the same time, in all seriousness was revered as a republican!
The Vienna system and the policy of the Holy Alliance dominated Europe until 1848. Further, the wave of revolutions of the “spring of peoples” destroyed it, clearly proving that monarchs and diplomats are not very good at fighting republican sentiments.

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