Venus in the 12th house of a woman in marriage. Indian horoscope - vedic astrology, jyotish online

: These people enjoy luxury and sex excessively. They may be misled by members of the opposite sex; may survive the sudden loss of a marriage partner or lose their social position. They have an interest in charity, but are not stable in their religious principles. They love the mysterious and what is under a secret, sometimes they are inclined to lie; but they believe in the next life and create good karma for the sake of their future births. (Tom Hopke)

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Venus in the twelfth house: Bad place for Venus. The money goes in an inexplicable way. Venus here brings failed romances, extramarital affairs, bad habits, secret relationships. A person may not suffer much if she is in her sign or in exaltation. A person can get success, wealth away from his native place. Such a person likes to travel to distant lands, is in isolation and meditates. In a male chart, this may mean that he will find a wife far from his land. In general, this is a bad place for marriage as 12th house = 6th from 7th house. A person himself can fall head over heels in love and take care of his partner, but he can find a partner from whom it is impossible to receive mutual love. The 12th house is sleep and bed. The bedroom for such people is the whole world. They carefully select interior items for the bedroom and love to lie in their bed. Often they enjoy beautiful dreams. They have creative abilities. But instead of realizing themselves and applying their abilities, they think, dream and fantasize more. Venus here gives diseases of the eyes - especially when aspected by malefics. (Mahesh Darmadasa)

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Venus (Shukra) in 12th house

Loss of wealth, self-indulgence, many extramarital affairs, deceitfulness, possible loss of a marriage partner or loss of social status. Such people are inclined to charity, but are not stable in their religious views. (Indubala)

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: poor eyesight, strong emotional and sexual impulses, artistic inclinations. Immorality, excess of bed pleasures, passion for secrets, long life, peaceful death. If he marries early, there may be problems in marriage. This position promises wealth if Venus is not in the signs of Capricorn or Aquarius. Venus in the 12th house in any signs other than Saturnian (Capricorn, Aquarius) gives positive results. Venus in the 12th house aspected by Jupiter, or the same position of Jupiter aspected by Venus, promises wealth. (Sri Govind Swarup Agarwal)

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Bhrigu-sutra 6.65-68

With Venus in the 12th house of the horoscope, a personface extreme poverty. When Venus is conjoined with maleficplanet, the owner of the horoscope will become prone to indulgenceto your sexual desires. If Venus is conjuncta favorable planet, the owner of the horoscope will be very rich,get all the sexual pleasures and go to heaven afterof death. He will go to the lower worlds if Venus is in conjunctionwith a bad planet.


The 12th house is the house of loss and deceit, and Venus, as a kalatra karaka, being in this house, can indicate the sudden death of a marriage partner, as well as deceit by members of the opposite sex. Being the significator of the 12th house and being in it, Venus gives the desire for excessive enjoyment of sex and luxury, extravagance, extravagance and deceit. If Venus is negatively influenced, the owner of the horoscope may face loss of reputation, scandal, shame or dishonor.

Venus will show its positive qualities in the desire for charity, in making donations, in interest in occult, mystical knowledge and spiritual practices. This position of Venus does not give stability in religious beliefs. The Vedic tradition says that with charity, positive karma is accumulated, and with a donation to a temple or church, karma is burned. This explains the words of Bhrigu Muni about "heaven after death" in the case of a successful placement of Venus in the 12th house.

Other Opinions Regarding Venus in the 12th House:

"Brihat-jataka" - wealth.

"Phaladipika" - wealth and many sexual relations.

"Saravali" - the owner of the horoscope will be lazy and self-satisfied. He will show a predisposition to fullness. His character will be low, vile and dishonest. He will become proficient in sex, and women will have great power over him.

"Chamatkar-chintamani" - a person whose Venus is located in the 12th house of the horoscope will become rich. He will destroy his reputation and lose his good qualities, will be hostile to his friends and other people.

Note: Except Saravali, all sources express the opinion that Venus in the 12th house will bring wealth to the owner of the horoscope. According to the Bhrigu Sutra, a person with this position of Venus in the horoscope will face extreme poverty, but will be very rich if Venus is associated with a benefic planet. Our practical experience confirms the opinion of the sutras. As an indicator of finances, being in the most unfavorable house, which, moreover, is her own, Venus will not be able to show good qualities without the support received by conjunction with a benefic planet. In addition, the position in the Dusthana will also cause the manifestation of the negative characteristics of the houses, whose mistress will be Venus.

Bhrigu-sutra with commentary by Indubala

Venus in the eighth house. Venus in the ninth house. Venus in the tenth house. Venus in the eleventh house. When many planets gather in one house. Venus in the twelfth house. What indicates the chastity or promiscuity of a person in a horoscope? Recitation of the Shukracharya mantra for healing. Venus conjunct strong Mercury. What questions should you ask an astrologer? Stationary position of the planet. Proper teaching of astrology. On the pride of the counselor.

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Venus in the eighth house

00:00:00 [Pozdeeva I.] - Venus, being in the house of longevity, as a kind planet will certainly give long life. In addition, she can talk about a peaceful death. Such, you know, sweet death. Why? Because Venus is a planet that is considered one of the best planets of the horoscope. The 7th house is the house of inheritance, so...

00:00:39 [Presenter] - Eighth. Eighth or seventh?
[Pozdeeva I.] - Excuse me, please, yes, the eighth house is the house of inheritance. Therefore, certainly Venus in the eighth house will give a person an inheritance. And houses, perhaps, or cars.

00:01:02 The eighth house is the evil dustkhana, the most evil dustkhana. Therefore, Venus, as a kalatra-karaka, can suffer here. That is, it can be the loss of a partner, it can be some kind of crisis with him or incidents, accidents. Why? Because the eighth house is the house of surprises. Also, people with Venus in the eighth house may simply marry late. Or the partner will be some very unusual, extraordinary person ... with whom it will be very difficult to live. Or just people can have more than one marriage. And all this will be a consequence of the placement of Venus in the eighth house.

00:02:01 From the eighth house, Venus affects the second house - the house of speech, and Venus is the karaka of speech, and therefore she can give eloquence or a beautiful voice. But of course, here you need to watch the entire horoscope. But since Venus is in the most evil dusthana, she can also bring disappointment to some hopes in art. A person may have a beautiful voice, but a singer's career may not be very successful. Or, say, in other areas of art. And all this because the eighth house is considered one of the worst houses of the horoscope.

00:02:51 However, the eighth house gives interest in some, say, transcendental things, in yoga. Therefore, Venus in the eighth house will be interested in such a development, in the development of her soul and in the development of some ... She will be interested in all kinds of occult knowledge. The eighth house is also the house of occult knowledge. And also finding a planet, a good planet there, will speak of some inclinations from a past life. Let me remind you that astrology is also written behind the eighth house. Therefore, these people will be interested in astrology, and, perhaps, will somehow strive to study it. Farther...

Venus in the ninth house

00:03:48 Venus in the 9th house. Let me remind you that the 9th house is the house of the triad, i.e. home of Lakshmi. This is one of the very good houses of the horoscope. This is the house of the spiritual master, the grace of God, and the house of fortune. Of course, Venus, being located in the house of Lakshmi, will say that the person will be successful, very lucky. In addition, it is possible, because The 9th house is the house of the father, and here is the benefic planet Venus, this may indicate that a person will be born in some status family, rich or famous family. The 9th house is associated with travel. And Venus, as a planet showing means of transportation, of course, will give a person a lot of travel in life and the joy of these travels, give pleasure and enjoyment from these travels.

00:04:58 In addition, Venus personifies jewelry, in particular diamonds, diamonds. And therefore, the presence of Venus in the house of good luck may indicate that a person will have diamonds or some other very precious things that may be inherited from his family. It can also be said that as a kalatra-karaka, as an indicator of a marriage partner, Venus in the ninth house can give a marriage partner from distant lands. It can be abroad, or maybe just partners from afar. Our country is so large that the distances in it, say, from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg, are also considered to be very, very large.

00:06:07 And, of course, in the ninth house, and the ninth house is the fifth from the fifth, and it is also associated with creativity, so Venus in the ninth house can certainly speak of a person's creative abilities and a penchant for the arts. From the ninth house, Venus affects the third house, which is associated with literary creativity, and with painting, graphics, sculpture, etc. Or a person will simply have good taste, he will understand a lot about art. But, nevertheless, it will be a very artistic person.

Venus in tenth house

00:06:51 So, Venus is in the tenth house. And this is the house of the quadrant, and besides, it is the house of upachaya - the house of income, profit, growth. The unconditionally good planet Venus, placed in the quadrant, in the strongest house, will give very good results. From the tenth house, it will influence the fourth house of the family, so we can also talk about a good origin. What is meant by this? Not only a rich and famous family, but, in principle, a family that has high moral foundations, where every member of the family feels a sense of duty and passes it on to their child. Those. if Venus is either in the fourth or in the tenth house, this is necessarily somehow connected with the good karma of the family and its support.

00:08:01 Also, being in the house of professional activity, Venus can say that a person will be a person of art. Many famous singers have Venus in the 10th house, famous actors have Venus in the 10th house. Of the professions, Venus represents not only artists, musicians, artists, but also cinema and theater. Those. it can be theater artists and any film or theater figures, everyone who is connected in one way or another with the art of cinema, theater, television - everyone has a fairly strong Venus. This is especially evident in the musicians, say, yes? As a rule, if we talk about appearance, then Venus shows hair. And, as a rule, musicians have, even male musicians, they have beautiful hair: curly, thick, long. They love artistic hairstyles like this. It is immediately evident that a person has a very good, strong Venus.

00:09:21 So, besides, of course, Venus in the 10th house promises excellent brands of cars, maybe even more than one car, just like Venus in the 4th house. She influences from the 10th to the 4th house, and also speaks of compassion, that a person will be kind, strive to help others. And, in principle, speaks of talent. The 10th house is the house of karma, activity. Of course, Venus in the 10th house will also give a good financial position, wealth, prosperity, the grace of Lakshmi. And will bring fame, because the 10th house is associated with fame. And Venus, as a good planet, can certainly give it if there are no other defeats of the 10th house.

Venus in the eleventh house

00:10:21 The next house is Venus in the eleventh house. The 11th house is considered the house of joy. This is labha-bhava. This is the house of kama, desires. And the strongest house is upachai, profit, income. Therefore, the planet Venus, being there, of course, will give a person happiness, give him the fulfillment of desires (this is also a characteristic of the 11th house), give him wealth without much effort. Those. whatever a person undertakes, everything will turn out well for him. And even more so if his activity is directed to the sphere of art. Or the rest of the horoscope will support this, then, of course, we can talk about some kind of good career, a person’s income.

00:11:25 From the 11th house, Venus influences the 5th, the house of children, so she will certainly give beautiful children, but not only beautiful, but also good ones. Those. she will bring happiness from children. This is certainly a very good position of Venus. In general, the 11th house is a wonderful house of the horoscope. It is good for both good planets and evil planets. No wonder the demon Ravana (the demon that Rama fought, Ramachandra), Ravana conquered all three worlds and defeated all the gods of the planets, and when he was waiting for the birth of his son, he drove all the planets of all the gods into the 11th house of his horoscope, so that his son got as much happiness and joy as possible in life. And here Venus is in the 11th house, she reminded me of that.

00:12:29 In addition, a person with Venus in the 11th house will be friendly, sociable, will be able to make friends: the 11th house is connected with friends, he will help them, he will be open, responsive. In addition, he will travel a lot, because Venus will give him these opportunities, being in the house of upachi, in the house of growth. And over the course of life, these opportunities for a person will increase.

When many planets gather in one house

00:13:04 [Presenter] - And here, Irina, about bringing all the planets into one house, in this case in the 11th house, you know, I heard the opinion that it’s not good when all the planets are in one are standing at home. It is as if they cannot divide their power for this territory, i.e. they act in one area, and because of this they are not friends with each other.

00:13:28 [Pozdeeva I.] - Yes, of course. Perhaps Ravana did not know about this.
[Presenter] - Did not take into account.
[Pozdeeva I.] - Did not take into account. And he did not take into account that there is, for example, Shani, who is obedient only to Deveshwar. Deveshwar is the lord of the Gods. It is one of the names of Bhagavan, the Supreme God. This is the name of Krishna. And therefore, Shani, he is always to us... We said when we talked about Saturn that Shani will always find an opportunity to teach us a lesson. And then Shani from this 11th house managed to put his foot in the 12th house. Yes, and therefore the son of Ravana was also waiting for the same, say, not the best, end, like his father.

00:14:30 Well, you said absolutely right that many planets in one house create problems for a person. Why? Because they really accentuate the home. And besides, they begin with each other, say, to sort things out in this house. We know that planets are primarily gods, and gods are personalities. And they have their own personal relationship. It is not for nothing that more than three planets in one house stand out in special types of yoga, which are called so. And we, in my opinion, have already talked about this. For example, four planets in a house is already considered a lot. This is a special Chatur-graha yoga - four planets. Then there is Pancha-graha - five planets in one house, Shat-graha - six planets in one house, and a very rare Sapta-graha yoga - seven planets in one house. And these four yogas stand out in a special group, which immediately converts, i.e. when you see this combination in a horoscope, you should immediately pay attention, close attention, to this horoscope. Why? Because here, depending, of course, in which house they are formed, but nevertheless, this already makes the horoscope extraordinary, such extraordinary combinations of planets.

00:16:07 [Presenter] - Well, now I think that we will hear about the 12th house, where Saturn still sticks its foot out.
[Pozdeeva I.] - It worked.
[Presenter] - Yes. What is this 12th house?

Venus in the twelfth house

00:16:17 [Pozdeeva I.] - The twelfth house is house of loss. This is the house of losses, it is called Vyaya-bhava, which is translated as the house of losses. Therefore, Venus, which is in this house, she says that a person will have many losses in life. What kind of? Of course, as an indicator of a marriage partner, Venus can give a loss, and a sudden loss of a marriage partner. Or it could be a loss of wealth, just as sudden. Or it could be a loss of position, status. Venus is somehow connected with the status of a person. But, besides these, say, negative moments, there are also positive moments in this standing.

00:17:11 The 12th house is the house of the future life, and the presence of the favorable planet Venus there indicates that a person can hope that his next life will not be as difficult as it is now. And he will be good, happy, where he will no longer lose his wealth, marriage partner and everything else.

00:17:42 In addition, the 12th house speaks of charity. Therefore, people with Venus in the 12th house, despite their losses, they will understand what a loss is, they will understand how hard it is to lose: to lose your loved ones, how hard it is to lose something else that you are attached to. Therefore, they will understand this with their hearts and try to help those who are going through the same difficulties. Therefore, they will be inclined towards charity. They will be inclined to some kind of disinterested activity. And this is what will be the key to their happy next life. The 12th house is the house of the next life. This is...

00:18:34 But, probably, I would also like to add that the 12th house is the house of moksha. And he speaks of something hidden, secret, mystical. Therefore, people, they will be prone to this, but depending on other defeats, say, Mercury, perhaps this standing will speak of a tendency to deceive. If two karakas of speech are afflicted, then truthfulness suffers. Yes. And Venus in the 12th house can give such a desire to hide something. Because the 12th house has this inner potency to hide something. Do something secret.

00:19:28 And besides, the 12th house, we said that its symbol is a bed, so it speaks of sexual pleasures, pleasures. And Venus in the 12th house, she will make this area of ​​​​life important for a person. He will seek pleasure, he will be attached to it, and he will strive for luxury. But, of course, of course, as a result of this, he may have some problems, disappointments in partnerships, partners can also deceive him, and from this he will suffer losses, etc.

00:20:14 And here we see how even the standing of one planet shows us once again that it is our consciousness, our attitude towards others, towards ourselves, towards the world, that forms our being, forms our destiny.
[Presenter] - Okay, thanks.
[Pozdeeva I.] - That's all for today. Please if you have any questions.
[Presenter] - Yes, we briefly went through the houses in which Venus is located, of course there are questions. And you can send more. This is my message to the audience. As usual, they are accepted by our mailbox. [email protected] or skype, call or write. Ayurvedaradio is our skype login.

Answers on questions

What indicates chastity or promiscuity of a person in a horoscope

00:21:12 [Pozdeeva I.] - You probably can't get by with houses alone. Because always a horoscope is first of all a synthesis. And here you need to take into account the position of the planets in signs. And in general, the qualification of an astrologer, it lies in being able to make a synthesis from individual positions: from the characteristics of a planet in a sign, from the characteristics of a planet in a house, while you need to be able to take into account others that cancel or, conversely, enhance these characteristics of this position in the horoscope .

00:21:56 Therefore, to answer... Well, let's say, here we can say that... Yes, Venus in the signs of Saturn will give, say, control over one's desires or will give a person's desire to build strong, reliable, long-term relationships. Let me remind you that Saturn it shows time, duration. Therefore, Venus in Capricorn, Venus in Aquarius, sometimes it is Venus in Libra, because in Libra Venus is not only in its own sign, which strengthens it, but also in the sign of Saturn's exaltation, therefore people with Venus in Libra are also prone to long-term, long relationship. They are faithful, as a rule, partners, and do not put in the first place in the relationship exactly some lower aspect of the relationship, the carnal one.

00:23:15 If we talk about houses, then here, probably, we can say about the good positions of Venus, such as: Venus in the 5th house, the house of good karma, past life... You can, again, depending on from the horoscope, it may be Venus in the 6th house, this is also a good standing. Why? Because the 6th house is not only the dustthana but also the house of the upachai. Good standing I mean in the context in which the question was asked. Further, it could also be Venus in the 2nd house, the house of family. Here, perhaps, so.

Recitation of Shukracharya mantra for healing

00:24:11 [Presenter] - Okay, and, perhaps, let's move on to the next question. We have a question about the mantra that sounded today. Is it possible to read the Shukracharya mantra for the healing of a person whom you have never seen and do not personally know?
[Pozdeeva I.] - Yes, of course. Because the mantra is first of all, it is very important, it must be understood that the mantra is not a spell. Mantra is a prayer first of all. A mantra is not some magic words that I now conjure for you, like old Khattabych. No. A mantra is primarily a prayer. And prayer is a sincere appeal to God, so if you sincerely turn to God in your heart and ask for another person, even whom you have not seen, do not know him, then certainly, the Lord, we have a chance, there is hope for His mercy that he will hear our prayers.

Venus conjunct strong Mercury

00:25:14 [Presenter] - Okay, thank you. Let's move on to the next question, and it came from Anna. When Venus conjuncts Mercury in Gemini in the 11th house, does this mean that she becomes as strong as Mercury at this conjunction, since is he the owner of the mark? There are no aspects to Venus and Mercury, but the 12th house is nearby, and Mars and the Sun are there, which can affect Venus and Mercury. For some reason, Anna decided.
[Pozdeeva I.] - Wonderful. I really like Olesya, I really feel what progress you are making with astrology. Yes, you are already saying: “For some reason I decided. It's like there are no aspects.

00:25:28 Wonderful. So if Venus is conjunct Mercury in the 11th house. This means that... in the sign of Gemini, this means that Venus will be the lord of the 10th house and the 3rd house, and being in the 11th house... Generally these are two good planets. We know that Mercury is a planet that has a changeable, Danish nature, so if it stands with an evil planet it becomes an evil planet, than it stands with a good planet it becomes a good planet. Therefore, here is a wonderful standing in the house of income, and even the owner of the house of income is here. Of course, this speaks of a person's income, the possibility of obtaining, gaining wealth. Mercury will not only be the lord of the 11th house, but he will still be in this position the lord of the 2nd house, the house of money. And this, of course, forms Dhana yoga, the yoga of wealth. This will be the first characteristic of such a position.

00:27:18 Venus will not be as strong. Venus will remain Venus regardless of what, with whom she joined, etc. And as the lord of the 10th house, being located in the 11th house, of course, she can give income from professional activities related to art. And she will talk about success in her professional life. And besides, she will talk about the creative abilities of a person. Here is the answer.
[Presenter] - Thank you for this answer. Next, we have a question that does not concern Venus, but in general the entire horoscope. Such a question came from Alexei.

What questions should you ask an astrologer?

00:28:02 I'm going to visit a Vedic astrologer, - writes Alexey. - And in this regard, I ask you for advice. Please tell me what questions are best to ask an astrologer so that they are as practical and applicable to life as possible. For example, what karmic tasks do I have for this life or what areas of life should I pay special attention to, what negative subconscious programs are there? Are these questions correct? Alexey wants to consult with you.
[Pozdeeva I.] - Well, I think these questions are absolutely correct. Why not? If you have them, then you can ask them to the astrologer, and he will answer you based on your chart, based on your horoscope.

00:28:51 What are the right questions to ask? There is probably no single recipe here. Why? Because when you turn to an astrologer, then one way or another you accept him as a spiritual mentor. And this imposes a great responsibility on the astrologer. Why? Because the astrologer is a brahminical profession and the brahmins are the teachers of the society. And if an astrologer himself cannot be, does not possess such qualities, if he himself cannot be a spiritual person, then, of course, if he is driven only by material goals, commercial goals, then there is already a violation of professional ethics. But, as for turning to an astrologer, here, probably, I would remember the words of Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita, "Find a spiritual master, inquire humbly and serve him." And ideally, an astrologer, he appears in this role, where the client humbly asks. Those. he asks, but at the same time he does not try to test the astrologer for his knowledge, for ... "Tell me, for example. - What happened to me in such and such a year." This is the wrong question for an astrologer. An astrologer is not a fakir, and an astrologer should not demonstrate to you, prove his abilities. You either accept it, then your questions are humble. Either you do not accept it, and, in principle, then there is no point in consulting.

00:30:53 i.e. it is impossible, it is considered, it will not be very favorable if you test an astrologer. Well, tell me what happened, or to check how qualified you are. Or, for example, the wrong time is said specifically to see how the astrologer will act, right? This is also not very good, i.e. this is a completely wrong position. But if your questions are sincere and you don't want to show something, how knowledgeable you are in astrology or something else, then, of course, the consultation will be beneficial if the astrologer takes on this role and acts as a spiritual guide. But this does not mean that the astrologer should consider himself a guru. In no case. An astrologer always, he takes this role, but at the same time he himself is a guide, he himself is a disciple of his guru. And he can only act in this role. If an astrologer begins to behave in such a way, let's say that "I am a star, worship me, humbly question me and serve me," then this, of course, already means that he does not have these qualities. Clear?

The stationary position of the planet

00:32:35 [Presenter] - I see. Okay, let's learn. Here is another general question. If possible, tell us about the stationary position of the planet. What does it mean when the planets are neither direct nor retrograde.

00:32:51 [Pozdeeva I.] - This is also a special situation. And, as I said today about special yogas, this should also be paid attention to. If the planet when it becomes stationary. It is clear that the planet cannot but move in space, it never stops. This is for us from the point of view of the Earth ... and the planet also cannot go backwards, but from the point of view of the Earth, astrology is a geocentric system where a person on Earth is in the center: we observe the sky, we observe the movement of planets across the sky. And due to the movement of our planet, we can sometimes see that the planets go in the other direction. Stationary motion is when the planet turns around for us. And at this moment she takes, this is usually one day - a position that is assessed as immovable. In astrology, this indicates that, according to the karaka of this planet, a person will not know how to act correctly, it will be difficult for him to manifest the best qualities of this planet.

00:34:27 And, of course, the recommendation here is always the same - you need to turn to dharma. Dharma is the concept of moral duty and the concept of our duty in the highest sense of the word. And also dharma means the highest law. And if a person has a standing planet, for example, Venus, this means that it will be very difficult for him to build harmonious relationships. But if he will look for how to build life, if he will be interested, if he will look for his duty, like, say, a husband or wife, and follow him, the most important thing is to follow, then, of course, everything in his life will change.

00:35:24 Thank you, reassuring. We also have a call. So Julia wanted to talk to you, gave a signal that she wants to get on the air. And now I'm calling her back so that we can hear her, and she can ask her question directly with her voice on the air. We don't have much time left until the end of the broadcast. Right now we will take this call and, perhaps, we will have time to sort out one or two questions. Hello Julia, hello.
[Listener] - Hello, hello, Olesya and Irina.
[Pozdeeva I.] - Hello, Julia.
[Presenter] - What is your question?

Proper teaching of astrology. On the Pride of the Counselor

00:36:03 [Listener] - I have a question like this, I even have two questions. [Interference] Please tell me if I'm trying to learn astrology on my own, right? But I feel that I, of course, lack the knowledge that I
[Presenter] - A little louder, Yulia, please.
[Listener] - Yes, is it possible, the question is directly to Irina, how can I get lessons in Vedic astrology from her?

00:36:51 [Pozdeeva I.] - Thank you, Julia, for calling.
[Listener] - Oh, sorry, I wanted to ask another question.
- Yes, I'm listening.
- Here's how else to deal with such a moment when you begin to realize at some moments in the horoscope that you feel how pride appears. Those. like a moment, as if you know something that the other person does not know. And it somehow spoils the impression. I no longer want to help, because I feel that some kind of self-interest, that this is unclean, so to speak. And somehow you have to fight this too, because you want to help, but you feel that pride spoils everything. Thanks a lot.
- Julia, sorry, when you say "pride", you are talking about yourself or about the one who advises, here is the moment.
- About myself. Those. what I advise. Well, I do, but... if I feel like it... Yes, I'm sorry. Yes, about myself.
- I understand. Thanks for the question.

00:37:53 Good question. I'll tell you right away. But let's start as we go. First, about education. Of course, learning astrology on your own is very difficult. Almost impossible. Why? Because astrology is not the amount of knowledge gained... Now there is a lot of information. Many different books, on the Internet, forums. This does not make a person an astrologer - the amount of knowledge. Why? Because astrology is not only a material science. It is Vedanga, it is one of the parts of the Vedas, an auxiliary science, practical, but nevertheless it is a part of the Vedas. That's why...

00:38:53 [Presenter] - Yulia, Yulia, I hear a child crying there. Let's do this: you, Yulechka, please listen to Ayurveda radio, and I'll disconnect you from the conversation on Skype. We will now be on the air all together listening to Irina, and Yulia will receive an answer by listening to the radio. Yes, we can continue.

00:39:14 [Pozdeeva I.] - So, I said that astrology is a Vedic science. And, as Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita: "The purpose of all the Vedas is to know Me." Therefore, in its highest understanding, astrology is the path to God. And this is one of the sciences of spiritual perfection. Dr. Rao very nicely calls Jyotish a super science. Because, in addition to the material, applied aspect, it also has this higher component. And, of course, if the astrologer does not have spiritual guidance, and this is primarily a spiritual teacher. Even this is not a formal moment, it is not necessarily the acceptance of initiation or something like that ... it can all be formal: many, many initiations will not say that you are a person walking the path, walking the path to God. It is not necessary at all, these are external things. I'm talking about inner initiation, the one that takes place in the heart, about your sincerity. If you take the instructions of the spiritual master and go to Godhead, then pride actually decreases. Because the further you get closer to God, the more you understand your own position.

00:40:54 Great Saints. Here I belong to the tradition of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, if we read the prayers of the Saints, then they say that these are the Saints - the greatest Saints, enlightened, liberated souls, etc. They talk about "I feel lower than the grass" and so on. They talk about their very such... They understand, as soon as you understand the greatness of the Lord, you understand your position as a particle of God. So if there is spiritual guidance, correct, true spiritual guidance, what is it? A spiritual teacher helps us see our ego, helps us get rid of it. And if it is, then pride does not increase, but, on the contrary, as you move after the teacher or to the teacher, pride decreases. And a person simply realizes that he is only an insignificant particle of the Lord. And it is. Without spiritual guidance, unfortunately, knowledge, yes, they lead to pride. These are very important points.

00:42:25 If we have time, literally 3-5 minutes, I would like to develop this topic, because I think it is very important. Olesya, I'm asking you.
[Presenter] - Yes, of course. If it is important, of course we will give it time and attention.
[Pozdeeva I.] - Okay, thank you. So, we said that astrology is not only material knowledge. When I took Jyotish initiation, it was in 1993 with a professor at Benares University, an astrologer, he then told me words that I did not understand then. He said that "You must get spiritual guidance." It was strange for me, I say: "I'm interested in astrology, not sadhana." Sadhana is a spiritual practice. He said, "Yes, but otherwise you won't have a proper understanding of Jyotish." And when I found my spiritual teacher, I realized the truth of these words. But, of course, enough time has passed to realize how difficult this path of an astrologer is. Why? Because we have already said today that astrology is written behind the eighth house. Our Western colleagues, Western astrologers call the eighth house "Gate to Hell". Opposite the eighth house is the second house - the house of knowledge and money. Therefore, here you are always on a balancing act. Between what? Meanwhile, the eighth house itself is the house of siddhis - forces, mystical perfections. You understand that if you... Knowledge, it can give pride, siddhis, i.e. mystical perfection, and the astrologer somehow acquires, if he has ... if he is an astrologer, then he acquires these abilities: behind the squares and planets written to see something more. And all this, of course, can contribute to the development of pride. And then it will be the "gates to hell."

00:45:01 But if you realize yourself as a servant, if you perceive that you are not a great astrologer, and you are just a servant of your teacher, a servant of God, that this is your calling with a capital Z, and not with the first letter, that you are not called, but that you are obliged. You take it as a duty. And then you feel that you are just a conductor. And then already both knowledge and siddhis, they may not interfere so much in the spiritual advancement of an astrologer. Here, perhaps, it is appropriate to recall the saying: "many knowledge - many sorrows." This absolutely applies to astrology if you study it without proper spiritual guidance. Here is my answer.

00:46:08 [Presenter] - Thank you. Thanks for these clarifications. I see that our broadcast time is up. Even we were delayed. But since it started too late, it means that it ended later. The broadcast was interesting today, as well as all the other broadcasts. And I will say that we will still have the next broadcast exactly in a week, this will be the first of March. On the first of March, there will be another audio lesson on astrology, and after that, we will have a break in live broadcasts throughout March. Well, this is how it works. So for now, Irina, we are waiting for you in a week. Thank you for this next lesson.
[Pozdeeva I.] - Thank you for your attention and for broadcasting, Olesya. All the best. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

The 12th house contains information about the secrets of a person, about what he wants to hide from prying eyes, which is dictated by fears, or rather fear of an aggressive reaction or loss of social position. This may be his sexual interests, preferences, contacts, and maybe concealment of kinship (for political reasons).

But in general, the 12th house of the birth horoscope presents the following information:

  1. The hidden side of life. What a person hides from prying eyes, from strangers. These are his hidden sexual contacts, hidden love, friendship (due to the fact that such relationships in one way or another contradict accepted cultural dogmas and orders). But in any case, it is characteristic that there is a factor of the need to hide something.
  2. Secrets and mysteries to face. Attempts and ways to resolve them, the search for truth. Encounter with mysticism. Resorts, beaches, places where you can relax, recuperate, not work for a while.
  3. Holidays, periods of rest. Sanatoriums, dispensaries, resorts, beaches, places where you can relax, recuperate, not work for some time.
  4. Periods of unemployment and inactivity.
  5. A tendency or not a tendency to voluntary isolation, solitude for the purpose of immersion in creativity or recreation. Other ways of voluntary isolation or unwillingness to isolate and attempts to avoid solitude.
  6. Possible loss of social processes. Including, for example, and because of living in a small remote village.
  7. Forced isolation. Restriction or loss of freedom, independence. Places of isolation: hospital bed, disability, psychiatric hospital, prison, monastery, captivity. The positions of the elements of the 12th house answer the burning question: whether or not a person is threatened with imprisonment, loss of independence.
  8. Any factors and situations one way or another imposing restrictions on a person's life and his actions.
  9. Secret enemies. Suffering and loss from enemies. The power or weakness of enemies, their intransigence or the conclusion of peace. Victory over enemies or loss to them.
  10. Risk of crime. Degree of insurance against violence.

In this case, everything depends on the nature of the planets determined in the 12th house and their configurations, as well as the configurations of the planets to its cusp.

Planets in the 12th house

Sun in 12th house or in square with its cusp, warns of dangerous and influential enemies that can cause a lot of evil. At the same time, the conjunction of the Sun with Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto portends numerous trials and a difficult fate. And the square, opposition, floor or one and a half square of the Sun to Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto directly means restriction or imprisonment: imprisonment, a monastery, a psychiatric hospital, as well as violence and coercion. On the New Moon, the square or opposition of the Sun (from the 12th house or in square with its cusp) to Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto portends captivity.

Moon in 12th house or in a configuration with its cusp, indicates a desire for voluntary isolation, impracticality, ineptitude and ineptitude in everyday matters. With conjunction, quadrature, opposition, sex or one and a half square with Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, hospital isolation, long-term illnesses, and mental disorders threaten.

Mercury in 12th house, warns of numerous enemies, threatening intrigues, betrayal. But with a configuration with Venus, Jupiter or Chiron, the enemies will turn out to be harmless and will not be able to cause harm, they will be able to defeat them and restore their honor. Success in defeating enemies.

Venus in 12th house or in configuration with its cusp, keeps from troubles and misfortunes. It saves from enemies, and in the absence of quadratures and oppositions, it directly indicates their absence. In this position in the Natal chart, Venus removes misfortunes and misfortunes from a person, allowing him to safely avoid dangers. However, by occupying this house, Venus directly and directly testifies to a hidden sex life or the impossibility of being with a loved one.

Mars in the 12th house of the horoscope or in square with its cusp, already in itself means violence and coercion, which one will inevitably have to face. Often indicates a physically weak body. And when conjunct, quadrature, opposition, semi or one and a half square with the Sun, Moon or Mercury - to ridicule and mockery. Conjunction, quadrature, opposition, half or one and a half square of Mars to Saturn indicates a physical disability, disability, threatening loneliness, lifelong isolation in a medical institution; and with the position of Mars or Saturn in exile or fall, or additionally in square or opposition with the Sun or Moon - to commit a crime, imprisonment.

Conjunction, quadrature, opposition, half or one and a half square of Mars with Neptune means deceit, betrayal, accident, even serious injury with loss of organs, disability; threatens imprisonment, violence and bullying in the army or places of deprivation of liberty; there is a tendency to commit crimes. Conjunction, quadrature, opposition, half or one and a half square with Uranus or Pluto indicate criminal inclinations, a life full of violence. Square or opposition with Jupiter leads to poverty, difficult financial situation, falling out of social processes due to moving to a remote village.

Jupiter in 12th house or in configuration with its cusp, protects against all the bad things that can happen. A person with such Jupiter in the Horoscope of birth unexpectedly successfully extricates himself from difficult situations, he manages to avoid dangers. Fate keeps him. Life will be calm, without shocks. With a conjunction, sextile, trine with the Sun, Mercury, Venus or Chiron, secret help from friends, from communication with secret groups. Square or opposition with Mars or Saturn - prolonged illness or disability, lack of luck, gray life.

Saturn in 12th house or in quadrature with its cusp, already in itself portends a difficult and unhappy fate. With this position of Saturn, a talent is manifested to make enemies and ill-wishers, moreover, evil and stubborn enemies, capable of causing a lot of evil. Even with a harmonious position of Saturn, loneliness threatens. And any square or opposition to such Saturn portends the loss of freedom and independence, violence and coercion, prison, hospital or psychiatric hospital, or life as a hermit. Conjunction, quadrature, opposition, half or one and a half square with the Sun indicates a long prison term, other forced isolation, pain, long suffering. Connection, quadrature, opposition, half or one and a half square of Saturn with the Moon or Neptune brings to a madhouse. The conjunction, quadrature, opposition, semi or one and a half square of Saturn with Uranus indicates impending disgrace, loss of honor, humiliation, the fate of an outcast. The square, opposition, semi or one and a half square of Saturn with Mars or Pluto brings violence and coercion into a person's life, enemies among criminal elements. The square or opposition of Saturn with Mercury is an eternal victim of theft and robbery.

Uranus in 12th house or in square with its cusp, already in itself brings enemies closer, full of activity and desire to harm. Danger from gossip and intrigue. Unexpected fatal cases, blows of fate in the form of loss of freedom and independence, injuries, disability, imprisonment. The square, opposition, half or one and a half square with the Sun threatens powerful enemies who will mock a person, portends a lot of anxiety and unrest, sudden changes for the worse. The square, opposition, half or one and a half square of Uranus with Mars indicates enemies in criminal structures, portends violence and coercion, reprisal by enemies, public humiliation. The conjunction, quadrature, opposition, half or one and a half square of Uranus with Saturn is the worst sign: it predetermines long-term or lifelong isolation, complete lack of rights, violence from enemies and complete dependence on them.

Neptune or Pluto in the 12th house, portend a collision with paranormal phenomena, secrets, riddles. Their position in the Natal Chart refines the nervous system, activates the "sleeping" parts of the brain, opens up the hidden possibilities of the brain, the psyche: extrasensory abilities, premonitions, hypnosis, telepathy.

Chiron in 12th house, directs to the search for the secrets of being, philosophizing, research, analysis and knowledge of the laws of Nature. Brings victory over enemies. In the absence of quadratures and oppositions, with the exception of its constellation in Gemini or Scorpio, it is generally a guarantee that enemies and ill-wishers will lose their strength and even want friendship. Chiron in the 12th house is an indicator of a double life (for example, when a public figure hides his personal life from everyone; acting, spying; life for two families).

The house of the location of the ruler of the 12th house indicates the sphere, the side of life in which there are enemies.

The 12th house has an associative correspondence with the Pisces sign. And again there is a stupor: is it possible that Jupiter, with his beneficent essential nature, as the ruler of Pisces, was the dispositor of the fatal XII field? Indeed, in fact, the 12th house is a kind of window for the most destructive, fatal and unfortunate cosmic flows. What is the logic?

Jupiter is definitely the dispositor over the 12th house. The deepest law of the Universe is the law of balance and the law of dependence of everything on everything. According to this law, in the Universe such concepts as Good and Evil are not absolute, but relative definitions. Relative to each other: Good exists only because there is Evil, the antipode of Good, the other pole, the possibility of comparison arises. And this tandem Evil - Good must be in eternal balance, otherwise the concepts themselves will cease to exist as such. Therefore, when one thing becomes in excess, its antipode inevitably begins to emerge in it. Yin-Yang emblem. According to the law of balance, the beneficent Jupiter balances the negative of the 12th house.

On the other hand, in fact, in fact, not all events that come to life through the 12th house are destructive and negative! The fact of the need to hide friendship or love relationships from the public or just outsiders (due to the fact that they contradict accepted cultural dogmas) is a strong proof of the seriousness of relationships, strong feelings. Which, of course, is a very positive factor in life. And that is what happens in most of these cases. Which is understandable: otherwise, what is the point of expending effort? And secret help in various life situations, such as conflicts, is always significant and always useful.

In general, it should be noted that hidden friends become in situations where people really like each other, a strong spiritual attraction and a desire to participate arise between them, but due to social reasons (job duties, other activities) they cannot afford direct regular communication, but they also value mutual relations with each other - that's how mutual assistance in difficult situations is obtained. Secret connections also become connections, contacts with influential people who can also help in difficult life situations.

Thus, in the 12th house, the task of Jupiter is fully realized - to protect. That is, the more developed nobility, devotion, reliability, willingness to help (favorable qualities laid down by Jupiter) in a person’s character, the more chances he has to receive protection and support. Jupiter is harmonious and strong, without quadratures and oppositions, in the configuration with the Ascendant or Meridian indicates a noble person, very respected by friends, and having hidden well-wishers, previously conquered by the nobility and friendliness of his nature.

And the flawed Jupiter, when it is in the fall or exile, in square, opposition, semi- and one and a half square to Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto, indicates the nature of an arrogant, boastful, self-centered, self-willed and frankly narrow-minded mind - as a result of which it is capable of killing with its selfish behavior any warm feelings and sympathy for one's person, foreshadowing in the end the complete absence of loved ones and the fact that there will be nowhere to wait for help.

And more about support. The 12th house is accented in people who receive social benefits for a long time (for unemployment, disability). This kind of help is also associated with the protective function of Jupiter.

This evidence categorically testifies to the correctness of the judgment about the disposition of Jupiter over the 12th house. As a dispositor of the 12th house, Jupiter allows a person to escape from everyday tasks, from the need to solve some everyday issues. Jupiter is able to free a person from solving everyday problems, giving him opportunities for philosophical search, creativity, spiritual growth, and scientific activity.

Neptune, the second dispositor of the 12th house, is already directly related to his immediate situations of loss of freedom and independence, restrictions, falling out of social processes (unemployment, alcoholism, drugs, mental disorders). Prosperous events that occur during the dynamic deployment of the Horoscope of birth in time (by the method of directions and progressions), as well as those caused by transits of elements - related to the 12th house - these are periods of rest, interesting and exciting trips to resorts, beaches, excursions to other countries.



With Venus in the 12th house of the horoscope, a person will face extreme poverty. When Venus is conjoined with a malefic planet, the horoscope holder will become prone to indulging his sexual desires. If Venus is connected with a benefic planet, the lord of the horoscope will be very rich, will receive all sexual pleasures and go to heaven after death. He will go to the lower worlds if Venus is in conjunction with a malefic planet.


The 12th house is the house of loss and deceit, and Venus, as a kalatra karaka, being in this house, can indicate the sudden death of a marriage partner, as well as deceit by members of the opposite sex.

Being the significator of the 12th house and being in it, Venus gives the desire for excessive enjoyment of sex and luxury, extravagance, extravagance and deceit. If Venus is negatively influenced, the owner of the horoscope may face loss of reputation, scandal, shame or dishonor.

Venus will show its positive qualities in the desire for charity, in making donations, in interest in occult, mystical knowledge and spiritual practices. This position of Venus does not give stability in religious beliefs. The Vedic tradition says that with charity, positive karma is accumulated, and with a donation to a temple or church, karma is burned. This explains the words of Bhrigu Muni about "heaven after death" in the case of a successful placement of Venus in the 12th house.

Other opinions:

Brihat Jataka- wealth.

"Phaladeepika"- Wealth and many sexual relationships.

"Saravali"- the owner of the horoscope will be lazy and self-satisfied. He will show a predisposition to fullness. His character will be low, vile and dishonest. He will become proficient in sex, and women will have great power over him.

"Chamatkar-chintamani"- a person whose Venus is located in the 12th house of the horoscope will become rich. He will destroy his reputation and lose his good qualities, will be hostile to his friends and other people.


Except "Saravali", all sources express the opinion that Venus in the 12th house will bring wealth to the owner of the horoscope. According to the Bhrigu Sutra, a person with this position of Venus in the horoscope will face extreme poverty, but will be very rich if Venus is associated with a benefic planet. Our practical experience confirms the opinion of the sutras. As an indicator of finances, being in the most unfavorable house, which, moreover, is her own, Venus will not be able to show good qualities without the support received by conjunction with a benefic planet. In addition, the position in the Dusthana will also cause the manifestation of the negative characteristics of the houses, whose mistress will be Venus.

In almost every book on astrology you will read that anyplanet in 12th houseoverwhelmed, unable to express themselves and act freely. After all, the last sector of the map is often associated with blocks, restrictions and secrets. But what if you have almost all the planets in the 12th house? How to deal with this difficult situation? We will analyze in detail in this article.

Why have you forgotten yourself?

symbolically, that is hidden from the eyes of a person, for any kind of restrictions, ranging from prison to internal vices, destructive programs that do not allow the native to live freely.

However, this interpretation is only the tip of the iceberg. The twelfth house is closely associated with wildlife, forests, solitude, the world of the unconscious, images and dreams.

Back in the 20th century, Carl Gustav Jung wrote that the global problem of today's man is a radical separation from nature, his own nature. We have almost completely lost touch with our instincts, the inner world, replacing it with consciousness, logos. Today we know very little about ourselves. And the society does not lag behind, ramming the personality with common faceless stamps and templates from the series: the right way, the right way.

How to bring a planet in the 12th house to a high level?

Therefore, for a person who does not hear himself, lives in someone else's opinion, afraid to once again express his opinion, the last sector of the map will be a big pest.

Today we are afraid to once again express our opinion, but for some reason we are not afraid to live someone else's life. We do not trust ourselves, but we really believe in TV, the advice of friends.

Planet in 12th housemay appear on one of the following levels:

  • Charity, faith, intuition;
  • Mysticism, esotericism;
  • Subtle world, dreams, images;
  • Migration;
  • Illusion, deception;
  • Secrets, secrets, secrecy;
  • Unconscious;
  • Isolation, restriction, loneliness;
  • Wildlife, instincts;
  • Self-destruction, vices, losses.

Any planet in 12th housewill definitely show up at one of these levels. For example, Mercury in XII - they gossip around you, deceive, hide information from you. On high - you write about fantasy, esotericism, subtle matters.

Find out how to correct

Now let's take a closer look at the meaning of each planet in the 12th house.

Sun (I + mystery)

It is difficult to express and show my self. Psychologically a loner. It's hard to open up, show your inner world. It is well implemented wherever you need to help, do charity work. For example, caring for sick people, helping homeless, abandoned animals.

By in the 12th house the native cannot show himself. The advice is to create an alias or image through which you interact with the world.

Mercury (my words + mystery, fantasy)

As soon as the native begins to openly express his thoughts, says what he thinks, the words begin to turn against the person. There are gossips and envious people. The standard method is to hide your thoughts, manipulate and embellish reality. A high option is to write and speak on the topic of fantasy, esotericism, subtle energies.

Venus (beauty, eros + mystery, secrets)

On a low manifestation: problems in love, secrets, betrayals, loneliness. Difficulty getting what you like. As if space does not allow you to enjoy life. If the native is engaged in drawing, photography, keeps his relationship in secret, does not tell anyone anything about the personal front, then Venus will not give a negative, but, on the contrary, will make the relationship deep and rich.

Mars (action, activity + stealth, bluff)

It is difficult to act, especially in groups, together with someone. Anger and aggression may not manifest itself in any way outside, but they can destroy the personality from the inside, creating obsessive states. Working out: act covertly, do not tell anyone about your plans. Or vice versa, create a super Martian image, as Arnold Schwarzenegger did.

Jupiter (expansion + dream world, unconscious)

Mystical events and phenomena can constantly occur around a person. One of the instructions for migration. It is realized through travel, psychoanalysis, work with the subconscious, the study of magical techniques.

Saturn (limitation, order + loneliness, internal programs)

A difficult situation, which often says that the native has a strong psychological trauma received either before birth (during the mother's pregnancy), or in the first years of life. It can create oppressive loneliness, a feeling of total isolation. It is worked out through psychoanalysis, analysis of internal programs, meditation in the forest or in nature.

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