The Great Patriotic War in fiction. Start in science Work dedicated to the Second World War

Efremova Evgeniya




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THE THEME OF WAR IN THE RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE XX CENTURY VII Scientific and practical conference Prepared by Evgenia Efremova, student of class 11 "A" of the secondary school No. 69

War - there is no crueler word, War - there is no sadder word, War - there is no holier word. In the anguish and glory of these years, And on our lips there can be no other. /BUT. Tvardovsky/

War is the misfortune of not one person, not one family, and not even one city. This is the problem of the whole country. And just such a misfortune happened to our country when, in 1941, the fascists declared war on us without warning. I must say that in the history of Russia there were many wars. But perhaps the most terrible, cruel and merciless was the Great Patriotic War. ... The Great Patriotic War has long died down. Generations have already grown up who know about it from the stories of veterans, books, and films. The pain of loss subsided over the years, the wounds healed. It has long been rebuilt and restored destroyed by the war. But why did our writers and poets turn and turn to those ancient days? Maybe the memory of the heart haunts them...

The first to respond to this war were poets who published many wonderful poems, and already in late 1941 - early 1942, such works about the war as A. Korlichuk's "Front" and Alexander Beck's "Volokolamsk Highway" appeared. And, I think, we are simply obliged to remember these masterpieces, because there is nothing more valuable than those works about the war, the authors of which themselves went through it. And it was not in vain that Alexander Tvardovsky wrote in 1941 such lines that reveal the real character of the Russian writer-soldier: “I accept my share like a soldier, because if death were to be chosen by us, friends, then it would be better than death for our native land, and you can’t choose …” I would like to note that the main character of military prose is an ordinary participant in the war, its inconspicuous worker. This hero was young, did not like to talk about heroism, but honestly performed his military duties and turned out to be capable of a feat not in words, but in deeds. And the purpose of my essay is to get acquainted with the heroes of the war presented in the works of Russian writers and to consider different views on the war. I will try to take a closer look at the military prose of Viktor Nekrasov, Konstantin Vorobyov and Yuri Bondarev, because I think it is very important to understand the war not superficially, but from the inside, having been in the place of a simple soldier who fought desperately for the Motherland...

A MAN AT WAR Chapter 1. “The fate of the country is in my hands” (based on the story “In the trenches of Stalingrad” by Viktor Nekrasov)

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 opened a new page in the history of modern literature. Along with it, the theme of patriotism enters the works of writers, literature inspires to fight the enemy, the government often helps to keep the front, ordinary people to survive. Perhaps one of the most interesting and most significant works about the war is the story of Viktor Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad", which is a diary entry of a young soldier. Descriptions of battles and military life alternate with the hero's reflections during the rest, before the battle, with memories of pre-war life.

Before us looms the difficult path of a man in the war, the path from a yellow-mouthed graduate of the institute to an experienced battalion commander. But more important, perhaps, is how, through the fate of individual people, the writer reveals to us the tragedy of the war, which brought grief to our entire vast country. Viktor Nekrasov spoke for the first time about this tragedy in truthful, frank words. And I recall the words of one of the heroes of the story, an engineer who believed that one should not be deceived by arguments about patriotism: "Heroism is heroism, and tanks are tanks." But still, heroism remains heroism... According to Russian customs, only conflagrations Scattered behind us on Russian soil, Comrades are dying before our eyes, In Russian, tearing their shirt on their chests. Bullets with you still have mercy on us, But, having believed three times that life is all, I was still proud of the sweetest, For the bitter land where I was born ... (Konstantin Simonov)

Chapter 2

Books may or may not be liked. But there are those among them who do not fall into any of these categories, but represent something more, which are engraved in memory, become an event in a person's life. Such an event for me was the book by Konstantin Vorobyov “Killed near Moscow”. It was as if I heard that voice: ... We should not wear our military orders. You - all this, the living, We - one joy: That it was not in vain that We fought for the Motherland. Let our voice not be heard - You must know it. These lines are taken by the author as an epigraph from Tvardovsky's poem “I was killed near Rzhev”, which, in terms of title, mood, and thoughts, echoes Konstantin Vorobyov's story. The author of the story himself went through the war ... And this is felt, because it is impossible to write like that from other people's words or from imagination - only an eyewitness, participant could write like that.

Konstantin Vorobyov is a writer-psychologist. Even the details “speak” in his works. Here the cadets bury their dead comrades. Time has stopped for the dead man, and on his hand the clock keeps ticking and ticking. Time goes on, life goes on, and the war goes on, which will take away more and more lives as inevitably as this clock is ticking. Both life and death are described with terrifying simplicity, but how much pain sounds in this stingy and compressed style! Devastated by terrible losses, the human mind begins to painfully notice the details: here is a hut burned down, and a child walks on the ashes and collects nails; here Alexei, going on the attack, sees a torn off leg in a boot. “And he understood everything except the main thing for him at that moment: why is the boot worth it?” From the very beginning, the story is tragic: the cadets are still marching in formation, the war has not yet really begun for them, and over them, like a shadow, is already hanging: “Killed! Killed!” Near Moscow, near Rzhev ... ”And in this whole world Until the end of his days Neither hothouses, nor stripes From my tunic. My heart contracts at the thought that they were only a little older than me, that they were killed, and I am alive, and immediately it is filled with inexpressible gratitude that I did not have to experience what they experienced, for the precious gift of freedom and life. To us - from them.

MAN AND WAR Chapter 1. "One for all ..." (based on the story of Vyacheslav Kondratiev "Sasha")

The story "Sasha" was immediately noticed and appreciated. Readers and critics have placed it among the greatest successes of our military literature. This story, which made up the name of Vyacheslav Kondratiev, and now, when we already have a whole volume of his prose, is undoubtedly the best of all that he wrote. The difficult period of the war is depicted by Kondratiev - we are learning to fight, this study costs us dearly, science has been paid with many lives. A constant motive for Kondratiev: to be able to fight is not only, having overcome fear, to go under bullets, not only not to lose self-control in moments of mortal danger. That's half the battle - don't be a coward. It is more difficult to learn something else: to think in battle and to ensure that losses - they are, of course, inevitable in war - are still smaller, so as not to put your head in vain, and not to put people down. We had a very strong army against us - well-armed, confident in its invincibility. An army distinguished by extraordinary cruelty and inhumanity, not recognizing any moral barriers in dealing with the enemy. How did our army treat the enemy? Sasha, whatever it is, will not be able to deal with the unarmed. For him, this would mean, among other things, losing the feeling of unconditional rightness, absolute moral superiority over the fascists.

When Sasha is asked how he decided not to follow the order - he didn’t shoot the prisoner, didn’t he understand what it threatened him with, he simply answers: “We are people, not fascists.” In this he is unshakable. And his simple words are filled with the deepest meaning: they speak of the invincibility of humanity. A whole life has been lived, and four years - whatever they may be - is still only four years. infinitely long and could be your last, much longer than in the rest of your life. And when you read Kondratiev's military prose, you constantly feel it, although it didn't occur to his heroes at that time, it couldn't come to mind that nothing is more important in their fate, there will be no more and higher than these very difficult, to overflowing clogged with ordinary soldier worries and anxieties. days.

Chapter 2

Yes, no one likes war... But for thousands of years people have suffered and died, killed others, burned and broken. To conquer, to seize, to exterminate, to take over - all this was born in greedy minds both in the mists of time and in our days. One force collided with another. Some attacked and robbed, others defended and tried to save. And during this confrontation, everyone had to show everything they are capable of. . But there are no superheroes in war. All heroes. Everyone performs his own feat: someone rushes into battle, under bullets, others, outwardly invisible, establish communications, supply, work in factories to exhaustion, save the wounded. Therefore, it is the fate of an individual person that is especially important for writers and poets. Mikhail Sholokhov told us about a wonderful man. The hero experienced a lot and proved what power a Russian person can possess.

Much difficult, terrible was the fate of Sokolov. He lost loved ones. But it was important not to break down, but to endure and remain a soldier and a man to the end: “That’s why you are a man, that’s why you are a soldier, to endure everything, to demolish everything ...” And Sokolov’s main feat is that he did not become stale soul, did not get angry at the whole world, but remained able to love. And Sokolov found himself a “son”, the very person to whom he would give all his fate, life, love, strength. He will be with him in joy and in sorrow. But nothing will erase this horror of war from Sokolov’s memory, he will be carried with them by “eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such inescapable mortal longing that it is difficult to look into them.” Sokolov lived not for himself, not for fame and honors, but for the lives of other people. Great is his feat! A feat in the name of life!


Our everything! We were not cunning We were in a severe struggle, Having given everything, we left Nothing with us ... Among Yuri Bondarev's books about the war, "Hot Snow" occupies a special place, opening up new approaches to solving the moral and psychological tasks posed in his first stories - "Battalions ask of fire" and "Last volleys". These three books about the war are an integral and developing world, which in "Hot Snow" has reached its greatest completeness and figurative power. The novel "Hot Snow" expresses the understanding of death as a violation of higher justice and harmony. Recall how Kuznetsov looks at the murdered Kasymov: "now there was a shell box under Kasymov's head, and his youthful, beardless face, recently alive, swarthy, turned deathly white, thinned by the terrible beauty of death, looked in surprise with moist cherry half-open eyes at his chest , on a torn to shreds, excised quilted jacket, as if even after death he did not comprehend how it killed him and why he could not get up to the sight. the calm mystery of death, into which the burning pain of the fragments overturned him when he tried to rise to the sight.

In "Hot Snow", with all the intensity of events, everything human in people, their characters are not revealed separately from the war, but interconnected with it, under its fire, when, it seems, one cannot even raise one's head. Usually the chronicle of battles can be retold separately from the individuality of its participants - the battle in "Hot Snow" cannot be retold except through the fate and characters of people. The ethical, philosophical thought of the novel, as well as its emotional intensity, reaches its highest height in the finale, when Bessonov and Kuznetsov suddenly approach each other. This is a rapprochement without close proximity: Bessonov rewarded his officer on an equal basis with others and moved on. For him, Kuznetsov is just one of those who stood to death at the turn of the Myshkov River. Their closeness turns out to be more sublime: it is the closeness of thought, spirit, outlook on life. Divided by the disproportion of duties, Lieutenant Kuznetsov and the army commander, General Bessonov, are moving towards the same goal - not only military, but also spiritual. Unaware of each other's thoughts, they think about the same thing and seek the truth in the same direction. Both of them demandingly ask themselves about the purpose of life and about the correspondence of their actions and aspirations to it. They are separated by age and have in common, like father and son, and even like brother and brother, love for the Motherland and belonging to the people and to humanity in the highest sense of these words. And all the places where the German passed, Where he entered the inevitable misfortune, With rows of enemies and their own graves We marked on our native land. (Alexander Tvardovsky)

CONCLUSION More than sixty years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. But no matter how many years pass, the feat accomplished by our people will not fade, will not be erased in the memory of grateful humanity. The fight against fascism was not easy. But even in the most difficult days of the war, in its most critical moments, the confidence in victory did not leave the Soviet man. Both today and our future are largely determined by May 1945. The salute of the Great Victory instilled in millions of people faith in the possibility of peace on earth. Without experiencing the same that the fighters experienced, the fighting people experienced, it was impossible to speak truthfully and passionately about this ...

The issue of war is still relevant today. It cannot be said with certainty that the war of 1941-1945 was the last. This can happen anywhere, anytime and with anyone. I hope that all those great works written about the war will warn people against such mistakes, and that such a large-scale and merciless war will not happen again. Ah, is it my own, someone else's, All in flowers or in snow ... I bequeath to you to live, - What can I do more? (Alexander Tvardovsky)

Even during the First World War, such important topics as anti-militarism and the struggle against the humiliation of one people by another were raised in literature. For example, the outstanding Czech writer Yaroslav Hasek, covering the image of the good soldier Schweik, sharply criticized the then imperial policy of the Austrian authorities and warned that the war destroys not only the bodies of the dead, but also the souls of those who remain alive.

And the tragedy of the Second World War, including the Great Patriotic War, which is very close to our people, a war that engulfed almost the entire world, forced creative people to rethink the military theme and reflect it differently in their works and poetry. In the second half of the 20th century, many works about the events of the Second World War appeared abroad, which reflected them from the most unexpected points of view. The problems of war are touched upon by the works of such writers as Ernest Hemingway, Heinrich Belle and many others, in whose work there is an anti-war pathos, but there is almost no description of the events of the war itself. But, for example, in the work of V. Grossman, on the contrary, it is mainly about the events that take place on the German front, in German and Russian concentration camps and in the military rear of Germany and the Soviet Union.

But no matter how great the acquisition of the works of foreign writers on the theme of the war and on the anti-war theme, no nation in the world has such a number of truthful works about the Great Patriotic War as in Russian and Ukrainian literature. For example, war and man are the main theme of most of the works of the famous Belarusian writer Vasil Bykov. First of all, he is not interested in remarkable events during the war, but in the moral foundations of human behavior in extreme conditions. In his works, the author resorts to a deep psychological analysis, reveals the inner world of his characters, the causes and consequences of their actions. Most of these heroes are ordinary Soviet people who do not stand out from their compatriots in any way. From the first pages of their works, they do not impress readers with either strength or courage. But getting to know them better, it becomes clear that it is impossible to break the strength of their spirit.

The war without embellishment appears from the pages of the works of such famous writers of the Soviet period as V. Nekrasov, Ya. Ivashkevich, K Vorobyov, G. Baklanov and many others. These authors portray the war as it is in reality - these are hard military everyday life, suffering, blood and death - everything that contradicts the aspirations of a real person.

Do not disregard the anti-war theme and modern writers. Today, they find much in common in the actions of the warring armies and the position of their ordinary soldiers. And this is quite natural, since the totalitarian regime, whether it be Soviet or German, neglects man. He is completely indifferent to the fate of his people, to their aspirations and aspirations. But, even despite the fact that such a regime severely punishes dissidents, right and wrong, guilty and innocent, for a real person, the concepts of duty and Motherland in any conditions should remain important. And the striving for life in peace and harmony with other people, in harmony with other peoples, is the first spiritual duty of every fighter against war.

Have you heard the expression? "When the cannons rumble, the muses are silent." During the Great Patriotic War, the muses were not just not silent - they shouted, sang, called, inspired, stood up to their full height.

The years 1941-1945 are probably one of the most terrible in the history of the "Russian state". Tears, blood, pain and fear - these are the main "symbols" of that time. And despite this - courage, joy, pride in yourself and your loved ones. People supported each other, fought for the right to life, for peace on earth - and art helped them in this.

Suffice it to recall the words spoken by two German soldiers many years after the end of the war: “Then, on August 9, 1942, we realized that we would lose the war. We felt your strength, capable of overcoming hunger, fear and even death ... "And on August 9, in the Leningrad Philharmonic, the orchestra performed the seventh symphony of D. D. Shostakovich ...

Not only music helped people to survive. It was during the war years that amazingly good films were shot, for example, “The Wedding” or “Hearts of Four”. It was during these years that beautiful, immortal songs were sung, like "The Blue Handkerchief".

And yet a huge role, perhaps the main one, was played by literature.

Writers and poets, writers, critics, artists knew firsthand what war is. They saw it with their own eyes. Just read: K. Simonov, B. Okudzhava, B. Slutsky, A. Tvardovsky, M. Jalil, V. Astafiev, V. Grossman ... It is not surprising that their books, their work became a kind of chronicle of those tragic events - a beautiful and terrible chronicle .

One of the most famous poems about the war is the short student four lines of Yulia Drunina - the lines of a frightened, excited front-line girl:

I've only seen melee once,
Once upon a time. And a thousand - in a dream.
Who says that war is not scary,
He knows nothing about the war.

Forever the theme of the Great Patriotic War will remain in her work.

Perhaps one of the most terrible poems will be the work "Barbarity", which was written by the poet Musa Jalil. So much atrocity that the invaders showed, it seems, is not found in all wild animals in the world. Only man is capable of such unspeakable cruelty:

My land, tell me what's wrong with you?
You often saw human grief,
You bloomed for us for millions of years,
But have you ever experienced
Such a shame and barbarism?

Many more tears were shed, many bitter words were said about betrayal, cowardice and meanness, and even more about nobility, selflessness and humanity, when, it would seem, nothing human could remain in the souls.

Let's remember Mikhail Sholokhov and his story "The Fate of Man". It was written after the war, in the mid-1950s, but its realism strikes the imagination of even the modern reader. This is a short and, perhaps, not unique story of a soldier who lost everything he had in terrible years. And despite this, the main character, Andrei Sokolov, did not get embittered. Fate dealt him blows one after another, but he coped - he carried his cross, continued to live.

Other writers and poets dedicated their works to the years of the Great Patriotic War. Some helped the soldiers survive in battle - for example, Konstantin Simonov and his immortal "Wait for me" or Alexander Tvardovsky with "Vasily Terkin". These works went beyond the boundaries of poetry. They were copied, cut out of newspapers, reprinted, sent to relatives and friends ... And all because the Word - the strongest weapon of the world - instilled in people the hope that a person is stronger than war. He knows how to cope with any difficulties.

Other works told the bitter truth about the war - for example, Vasil Bykov and his story "Sotnikov".

Almost all the literature of the 20th century is somehow connected with the theme of wartime. From books - huge novels, stories and short stories, we, a generation that has not experienced years of horror and fear, can learn about the greatest events in our history. Find out - and pay tribute to the Heroes, thanks to whom the peaceful sky turns blue over our heads.


on the topic: "Reflection of the Great Patriotic War in literature"

Literature about the Great Patriotic War went through several stages in its development. In 1941-1945. it was created by writers who went to war in order to support the patriotic spirit of the people with their works, unite them in the fight against a common enemy, and reveal the feat of a soldier. The motto of the time is "Kill him!" (enemy) permeated this literature - a response to the tragic events in the life of a country that had not yet raised questions about the causes of the war and could not connect 1937 and 1941 into one plot, could not know the terrible prices, paid by the people for the victory in this war. The most successful, which entered the treasury of Russian literature, was the "Book about a fighter" - A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin". A. Fadeev's "Young Guard" about the feat and death of young Krasnodon residents touches the soul with the moral purity of the heroes, but it is bewildering with the popular description of the life of young people before the war and the methods of creating images of the Nazis. The literature of the first stage in its spirit was descriptive, unanalytical.

The second stage in the development of the military theme in literature falls on 1945-1950. These are novels, stories, poems about victory and meetings, about salutes and kisses - too jubilant and triumphant (for example, S. Babaevsky's novel "The Cavalier of the Golden Star"). They did not agree on a terrible truth about war. In general, M. Sholokhov's excellent story "The Fate of a Man" (1957) concealed the truth about where former prisoners of war ended up after returning home. Tvardovsky will later say about this:

And to the end, having experienced alive

That way of the cross, half alive -

From captivity to captivity - under the thunder of victory

Follow with a double mark.

real truth about the war was written in the 60-80s, when those who themselves fought, sat in the trenches, commanded a battery, fought for a "span of land", was captured. The literature of this period was called "the literature of lieutenants" (Yu. Bondarev, G. Baklanov, V. Bykov, K. Vorobyov, B. Vasiliev, V. Bogomolov). They were beaten hard. They were beaten because they "narrowed" the scale of the image of the war to the size of "a span of land", a battery, a trench, a fishing line ... They were not published for a long time for "deheroization" of events. And they, knowing the price of everyday feat, saw him on a weekday work soldier. Lieutenant writers wrote not about victories at the fronts, but about defeats, encirclement, the retreat of the army, about stupid command and confusion at the top. The writers of this generation took as a model Tolstoy the principle of depicting war is “not in the correct, beautiful and brilliant formation, with music ... with waving banners and prancing generals, but ... in blood, in suffering, in death.” The analytical spirit of the "Sevastopol Tales" entered the domestic literature on the war of the 20th century.

In 1965, the Novy Mir magazine published V. Bykov's story Kruglyansky Bridge, which made a hole in popular literature about the war. ... The operational group of the partisan detachment is given the task of setting fire to the Kruglyansky bridge, which connects the two banks: on one side - the Germans, on the other - the bloodless partisans. The bridge is guarded day and night by German sentries. Major Britwin noticed that every morning a wagon with cans of milk for the Germans, driven by a little boy, drove over the bridge. An ingenious idea dawned on the major: to pour milk secretly from the boy, fill the can with explosives and, when the wagon was in the middle of the bridge, set fire to the fuse fuse ... Explosion. No bridge, no horse, no little boy... Mission accomplished, but at what cost? “War is an occasion to talk about a good and a bad person” - these words of Vasil Bykov express the essence of the new tasks solved by the literature about the war - to give a ruthless, sober analysis of time and human material. “The war forced many to open their eyes in amazement ... involuntarily and unexpectedly, very often we were witnesses of the fact that the war tore off the lush veils ... A lover of loud and correct phrases sometimes turned out to be a coward. An undisciplined fighter accomplished a feat ”(V. Bykov). The writer is convinced that historians should deal with war in the narrow sense, while the writer’s interest should be focused exclusively on moral problems: “who is a citizen in military and civilian life, and who is a self-seeker?”, “the dead do not have shame, but the survivors before dead?" and others.

The "Literature of Lieutenants" made the picture of the war all-encompassing: the front line, captivity, the partisan region, the victorious days of 1945, the rear - this is what K. Vorobyov, V. Bykov, E. Nosov, A. Tvardovsky resurrected in high and low manifestations.

The story of K. D. Vorobyov (1919-1975) “Killed near Moscow”. It was printed in Russia only in the 80s. - afraid of the truth. The title of the story, like a blow of a hammer, is precise, brief, immediately raising a question: by whom? The military leader and historian A. Gulyga wrote: “In this war, we lacked everything: cars, fuel, shells, rifles ... The only thing we did not regret was people.” The German General Golwitzer was amazed: "You do not spare your soldiers, you might think that you command a foreign legion, and not your compatriots." Two statements pose an important problem killings their own. But what K. Vorobyov managed to show in the story is much deeper and more tragic, because the whole horror betrayals of their boys can only be depicted in a work of art.

The first and second chapters - exposition. The Germans are pushing the army to Moscow, and the Kremlin cadets are sent to the front line, "boyishly loud and almost joyful" reacting to the flying junkers, in love with Captain Ryumin - with his "arrogantly ironic" smile, a tightened and slender figure, with a stack of twigs in his hand, with a cap slightly shifted to the right temple. Alyosha Yastrebov, like everyone else, "carried in himself an irrepressible, lurking happiness", "the joy of a flexible young body." The landscape also corresponds to the description of youth, freshness in the guys: “...Snow is light, dry, blue. He gave off the smell of Antonov apples ... something cheerful and cheerful was communicated to his feet, as if with music. They ate biscuits, laughed, dug trenches and rushed into battle. And they had no idea about the impending disaster. “Some kind of soul-searching smile” on the lips of the NKVD major, the lieutenant colonel’s warning that 240 cadets would not receive a single machine gun alerted Alexei, who knew Stalin’s speech by heart that “we will beat the enemy on his territory.” He figured out the deception. “There was no place in his soul where the incredible reality of war would lie down,” but the reader guessed that the cadet boys would become hostages of the war. outstretched the plot is the appearance of reconnaissance aircraft. Sashka's whitened nose, an inexorable feeling of fear not from the fact that cowards, but from the fact that the Nazis do not expect mercy.

Ryumin already knew that “the front has been broken in our direction,” a wounded soldier told about the true situation there: “Although the darkness has perished there, there are still more alive! Now we're wandering." “Like a blow, Alexei suddenly felt an agonizing feeling of kinship, pity and closeness to everything that was around and nearby, ashamed of the painfully welling tears,” this is how Vorobyov describes the psychological state of the protagonist.

The appearance of political instructor Anisimov gave rise to hope. He "called on the Kremlin to perseverance and said that communications were being pulled here from the rear and neighbors were coming." But it was another deception. A mortar attack began, shown by Vorobyov in naturalistic detail, in the suffering of Anisimov wounded in the stomach: “Cut off ... Well, please, cut off ...”, he begged Alexei. An "unnecessary tearful cry" accumulated in Alexei's soul. A man of "rapid action", Captain Ryumin understood: nobody needs them, they are cannon fodder to divert the attention of the enemy. "Only forward!" - Ryumin decides to himself, leading the cadets into the night battle. They didn't yell "Hurrah! For Stalin!" (like in the movies), something "wordless and hard" was torn from their chests. Alexey no longer "shouted, but howled." The patriotism of the cadets was expressed not in a slogan, not in a phrase, but in deed. And after the victory, the first in their lives, the young, ringing joy of these Russian boys: “... They smashed it to smithereens! Understand? Rip!”

But the German air attack began. The artist K. Vorobyov amazingly depicted the hell of war with some new images: “trembling of the earth”, “dense carousel of aircraft”, “rising and falling fountains of explosions”, “waterfall fusion of sounds”. The author’s words seem to reproduce Ryumin’s passionate internal monologue: “But only night could lead the company to this line of final victory, and not this bashful little baby of the sky - day! Oh, if Ryumin could drive him into the dark gates of the night!..”

climax takes place after the attack of tanks, when Yastrebov, who was running from them, saw a young cadet clinging to a hole in the ground. “A coward, a traitor,” Aleksey suddenly and terribly guessed, still not connecting himself with the cadet in any way. He suggested that Alexei report upstairs that he, Yastrebov, had shot down the cadets. “Shkurnik,” Alexey thinks of him, threatening to be sent to the NKVD after their argument about what to do next. In each of them fought fear before the NKVD and conscience. And Aleksey realized that “death has many faces”: you can kill a comrade, thinking that he is a traitor, you can kill yourself in a fit of despair, you can throw yourself under a tank not for the sake of a heroic deed, but simply because instinct dictates it. K. Vorobyov-analyst explores this diversity of death in war and shows how it happens without false pathos. The story strikes with laconism, chastity of description tragic.

denouement comes unexpectedly. Alexei crawled out from under cover and soon found himself on a field with stacks and saw his own people, led by Ryumin. Before their eyes, a Soviet hawk was shot in the air. "Bastard! After all, all this was shown to us in Spain a long time ago! Ryumin whispered. “…We can never be forgiven for this!” Here is a portrait of Ryumin, who realized the great crime of the high command in front of the hawk, the boys, their gullibility and love for him, the captain: listening to something and trying to comprehend the thought eluding him ... "

The theme of the Great Patriotic War in literature: essay-reasoning. Works of the Great Patriotic War: "Vasily Terkin", "The Fate of a Man", "The Last Battle of Major Pugachev". Writers of the 20th century: Varlam Shalamov, Mikhail Sholokhov, Alexander Tvardovsky.

410 words, 4 paragraphs

The world war burst into the USSR unexpectedly for ordinary people. If the politicians could still know or guess, then the people certainly remained in the dark until the first bombing. The Soviets failed to prepare on a full scale, and our army, limited in resources and weapons, was forced to retreat in the first years of the war. Although I was not a participant in those events, I consider it my duty to know everything about them, so that later I can tell the children about everything. The world must never forget that monstrous struggle. Not only I think so, but also those writers and poets who told about the war to me and my peers.

First of all, I mean Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin". In this work, the author depicted a collective image of a Russian soldier. This is a cheerful and strong-willed guy who is always ready to go into battle. He rescues comrades, helps civilians, every day he has a silent feat in the name of saving the Motherland. But he does not build himself a hero, he has enough humor and modesty to keep himself simple and do his job without further ado. This is how I see my great-grandfather, who died in that war.

I also remember Sholokhov's story "The Fate of Man". Andrey Sokolov is also a typical Russian soldier, whose fate contained all the sorrows of the Russian people: he lost his family, was taken prisoner, and even after returning home, he almost ended up on trial. It would seem that a person cannot withstand such an assertive hail of blows, but the author emphasizes that not only Andrey stood - everyone stood to death for the sake of the Motherland. The strength of a hero lies in his unity with the people who shared his heavy burden. For Sokolov, all the victims of the war became family, so he takes the orphan Vanechka to him. I imagine my great-grandmother as kind and persistent, who did not live to see my birthday, but, being a nurse, hundreds of children came out who are teaching me today.

In addition, I remember Shalamov's story "The Last Battle of Major Pugachev." There, a soldier, innocently punished, escapes from prison, but, unable to achieve freedom, kills himself. I have always admired his sense of justice and the courage to stand up for it. He is a strong and worthy defender of the fatherland, and I feel sorry for his fate. But after all, those who today forget that unprecedented feat of selflessness of our ancestors are no better than the authorities that imprisoned Pugachev and doomed him to death. They are even worse. Therefore, today I would like to be like that major who was not afraid of death, just to defend the truth. Today, the truth about that war needs to be defended like never before... And I will not forget it thanks to Russian literature of the 20th century.

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