Within 4 hours. How to write correctly: during the day or during the day

In rich Russian, there are many punctuation marks, the use of which sometimes determines the meaning of a sentence. For example, the essence of the expression “You cannot be pardoned” is regulated by a single comma, which becomes the main focus of the statement.

But it's not just about punctuation: the semantics of specific words changes radically from one letter. Often, the question of the correct use of certain phrases is asked, in addition to schoolchildren and students, by journalists, copywriters and teachers.

So, for example, one of the popular spelling questions is formed around the spelling of the derivative preposition "during" and the noun "during". Specifically, in this case, the meaning and correctness of the use of the phrase depends on the spelling of the last letter. Although misspelling will not be a critical mistake, it is still better to follow a simple rule with a vivid example.

During (occasions, rules)

Before asking the question of spelling, it is necessary to answer the question: “What part of speech is a particular semantic unit?”

In this case, the semantic unit "during" is always a preposition that indicates the duration of the action. This preposition is always written with a letter "e" at the end, regardless of other factors.

For example: He will come within ten minutes. The bus will arrive within the hour.

Correct spelling: within an hour

For a clear example of this preposition, you can put the question of time: “For how much?”, “In how much?”

For example: The problem must be solved within two hours. The task must be completed within two hours.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to insert any other member of the sentence between "in" and "flow".

Remember: in the case of using the semantic unit "during" as a preposition indicating the duration of the action, the spelling will be unchanged with the letter "e" at the end, regardless of any factors!

During (cases of use, rules)

This semantic unit acts as a noun "flow" and a pretext for it - "in", and has certain nuances of writing the endings "e" and "i". In specific cases, this phrase is declined by cases, from which the ending changes. Therefore, the correct spelling does not depend on clearly established rules, but on the specific meaning of the statement.

To understand what part of speech the semantic unit "during" is, try inserting some adjective between "in" and "during". If this was done, then in this case this phrase will act as a noun.

For example: A ghost ship got lost in the (turbulent) course of the river.

In this case, we see that an adjective can be added to a noun.

Correct spelling: along the river

Consider two examples:

  1. We got (into what?) in the course of the sea, which had the opposite direction to the previous one.
  2. There was a sharp turn in the course (in what?) of the river.

As you can see, both sentences contain a noun. It, depending on the specific case, answers the questions: “In what?”, “In what?”. In this situation, both spellings are correct, since the noun tends to decline in cases, unlike the preposition.

In order to correctly write this semantic unit, which acts as a noun, it is necessary to determine the case of the word to which it is attached. In the first example, the adjective "sea" is in the accusative case (whom? what?). Accordingly, the noun "flow" is also written in the accusative case.

During the day or during the day - which is correct?

If everything is clear and understandable with the spelling of a preposition and a noun, then in the case of the expression “during the day / during the day”, questions arise.

In the case when we are talking about a time period, it will be correct to use the option “during the day”.

For example: You must submit a report within a day.

Spelling Rule "During" and "During"

However, there is an exception.

For example: In the fast flow of the day.

In this case, the spelling of the noun “flow” with the letter “and” at the end is the correct usage, since the semantic unit “during” in this case is not a preposition indicating the duration of time, but a bundle of a preposition and a noun.

For simple and easy memorization, you can learn one rule, which consists in two examples:

During the day - along the river

Explanation: if the meaning is to indicate the time, then we write the ending “e”, and if the essence is in the flow of water, rivers, etc. - then the ending will be on "and".

Sometimes everyone comes across a phrase on the way that makes you think about its spelling. If this stumbling block was the question - which is correct: during or during, then you have come to the right address.

In this paper, an explanation of the use of these combinations will be given and examples of use will be given.

Spelling rule "during"

To determine the ending of the word "flow", it is important to understand what part of speech it refers to.

One condition will help to find out this: does it apply to a time period? Can it answer how long the action takes? If yes, then congratulations, you have an excuse!

According to the large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S. A. Kuznetsov, you can find out that “during” is a preposition if it has a duration of action during something. There must be an "e" at the end. In addition, it is hardly possible to share it with a dependent word.

For example:

Sonya has been reading the book for a week.

We can clearly see the time period to which the ending "e" brings us.

In addition, we can replace it with the preposition "for" or omit it altogether. An example of this:

The student prepared a term paper during the year / month / week / day / hour / morning.

And if you replace it with "for":

The student has prepared a term paper for a year / month / week / day / hour / morning.

Or omit:

The student prepared a term paper for a whole year / month / week / day / hour / morning.

You can also replace it with: "during", "during", "in the course of" and so on.

This complex preposition is never written together, only separately, because it was formed from a prepositional case combination (as well as “in the course”, “in the number”, “as a result”).

There is also an option when “during” is a preposition with a noun in the accusative case (whom? what?) and “e” is written at the end. This is a fairly rare case, but he can get caught in life. An example of this:

During the bright acid poured water.

Here it is not determined by time, but has the meaning of the movement of something. To determine the ending, it is important to correctly recognize the case of the noun so as not to confuse it with the one described below.

Rule Usage Examples

A few more examples with "e":

  • The girl asked: “How long will the baguette for the picture be ready for?” The master answered her: "Within 10 days";
  • Swans are looking for a mate with whom they will be throughout their lives;
  • The oak has grown over the years and has become a real monument of the city;
  • Test results will be ready within an hour;
  • Mom wanted to return to her son during the whole working day.

Spelling rule "within"

This spelling is only used when "flow" would be a noun. You can recognize it when it means the movement of something, the direction of something and somewhere, and constitutes the subject.

This noun is declined in the instrumental case and the easiest way to see it is in the phrase: “during the river” - in what? where? Here the riverbed is indicated, the movement of water from the source to the mouth. You can also say: "the course of the river", "with the course of the river" and other cases.

The meaning will not change if a dilutional word is inserted between the preposition and the noun, such as:

  • In the wide course of the Nile, dozens of galleys rush by at the same time.
  • There are many bends and corners in the narrow course of the Uzkaya River;
  • We are unlikely to learn the secrets hidden in the slow flow of time.

It is important to understand here that "time" in this sentence is an abstract unit. It means the duration and malleability of the word, that it has that same flow. Similarly, we can write:

There were many inconsistencies in the plan throughout her day.

It tells about the flow of the day, about its generality as time. The word is a noun. But:

During the day, she was able to correct many inconsistencies.

Already in this sentence, it acts as a temporary preposition. Feel the difference?

Sometimes you can wonder how this phrase is spelled correctly - together or separately. And there is one correct answer: always separately!

Use cases

Let's look at the incorrect spellings that you can't write for anything and fix them:

Incorrect spelling Correct spelling Explanation
“How long is the chance of winning?” “The winner will be announced within two weeks.” "During how long is the chance of winning? - "The winner will be announced during two weeks."

Description of the time period - term, days, half a year, etc.

How many days should it rain? - "Precipitation will fall within 5 days." "During how many days should it rain? - "Precipitation will fall within 5 days."
For six months, the traveler tirelessly pursued his goal. During for half a year, the traveler tirelessly pursued his goal.
During the lava flow, there were many rock fragments. During lava flow was a lot of rock fragments.

Description of the flow, flow of the river, lava. Something is pouring and we are talking about it.

The small boat was lost in the course of the wide Amazon. The small boat was lost in the course of the wide Amazon.
Rivers from all over Europe can be found along the Danube. During Danube rivers can be found from all over Europe.


In this article, we examined the fidelity of writing such a simple topic. There are only two spellings, but "e" or "and" is the question. Isn't that what Shakespeare wrote? Of course not, but to confuse the ending would also be tantamount to death.

Therefore, be sure to remember these simple rules and conquer this rebellious "flow". Good luck!

The phrase "during" often causes great difficulties when writing it. Many do not know how to write correctly during or during. It is especially difficult for students in schools to find the right answer when in doubt. This combination can be found in the dictionary or try to write with different endings in the Word program, but such actions will not give the desired result. The thing is that you can write both “during” and “during”. The spelling depends on the semantic load of the phrase, its role in the sentence, status as a part of speech. You will need to learn how to distinguish the complex preposition "during" from a noun with the preposition "during", correctly determine the meaning of the expression in order to always write the ending in it without errors. Recommendations and explanations will help you not to confuse these phrases in the future, using them correctly.

We write "during" and "during" correctly
  1. First of all, you need to remember two features of the use and spelling of the phrase "during":
    • write "during" should always be separate, regardless of the end;
    • both spellings are correct: "during" and "during".
    Often you can find recommendations in which they point to one spelling as the most common, suggesting to remember it. This is the wrong approach, which can harm in the future. He will not give you the main thing - knowledge. If you independently understand the rules for using and writing this phrase, you will be guided in all the nuances, it will not be difficult for you to write it correctly.
  2. There are two phrases:
    • during: noun with a preposition;
    • during: derivative compound preposition.
    Now you see that the spelling directly depends on the part-of-speech belonging of the words included in this combination. In order to correctly write during or during, you will need to determine the features of the expression of both the noun and the compound preposition.
  3. Consider a noun with the preposition "during". The noun is declined, used in various cases. This noun is used both with prepositions and without them. With the preposition "in" this noun is used in the prepositional case and has the ending "and". How to distinguish a noun from a complex preposition, which you will learn more about below? It is important for you to pay attention to the semantic load of the phrase, its content. When you have a noun in front of you, we are talking about some phenomenon, an object that has the property of flowing. In this case, you can separate the preposition as a service part of speech. For example: "There is something mysterious about the flow of time." It's talking about time passing by. The noun flow can be designated as an object.

    If you are typing in Word, you should not be confused by the program's advice to replace the ending in a complex preposition, since you have a preposition with a noun.

  4. Consider the complex preposition "during". It cannot be divided by using its component parts separately. For example: "For five hours, during the conversation." Pay attention to the semantic content of the expression: it can be replaced by the words "throughout", "for". For example: "For five hours, during the conversation." In the compound preposition "during" the ending is always "e". This preposition is not part of the sentence.
  5. There is another way to distinguish the complex preposition "during" from the preposition with the noun "during". Try to separate the phrase by inserting some word that fits the meaning.
    • the complex preposition “during” is indivisible, it cannot be divided in other words: he worked during the day, and in the evening he already rested (that is, he worked all day);
    • a noun with a preposition can be divided: in the turbulent course of the river.
    When you try to divide a complex preposition in this way, the meaning will immediately be distorted.
Each time pay attention to the meaning of the expression, think about what part of speech it refers to, so that you always write “during” and “during” correctly.

One of the common cases where there is difficulty in choosing the correct spelling is "during" or "during". It is useful for everyone to know how to use such phrases in the text correctly, since even the Word program, most likely, will not help clarify the situation with the correct ending. The built-in spell checker will only be useful when typing "during" or "during" instead of "during".

During - together or separately? The answer to this question is unambiguous. In any case, it is correct to write separately. This is where a text editor with a built-in spell checker will help, highlighting the continuous spelling as erroneous. However, automatic fix is ​​not always available. Therefore, it is easier to remember this rather easy rule that will help out under any circumstances.

Which ending is correct: "e" or "i"? There is no definite answer here. Both options are correct, but are used in different cases, as they differ in meaning. At the same time, automatic spell checking is powerless, because the spelling of the phrase both with the ending "and" and with "e" is not erroneous.

So you can find out for sure which ending should be written only by examining the phrase in the sentence.

Spelling in cases where you can ask the question "in what?"

Correct: with the ending "and".

These are two parts of speech: the preposition "in" and the noun, which is in the prepositional case. That is, the phrase answers the question "what?". The noun following the preposition in such cases can have any of the following meanings (for example, "flow" or "development"):

Scientists years later noticed changes (in what?) in the course of the river.

Doctors managed to achieve improvement (in what?) During the disease.

In addition, a noun can have dependent words with it, that is, for the purpose of checking spelling, the combination is easily separated by inserting an adjective into it. For example:

In the (what?) rapid course of events, a regularity became noticeable.

Spelling when meaning "for some time" or "during"

Correct: with the ending "e".

This is a complex preposition, which is similar in meaning to the expressions "throughout", "in time" or "in time". Following the rules of the Russian language, the end of the combination with this meaning should always be written in the form of the letter "e":

During the lesson, the students studied the spelling of the adjective "tin" and made sentences with the word.

Over the past four years, they have vacationed at sea three times.

Two separate words form one part of speech (complex preposition), therefore, inserting something else between them without violating the meaning will not work. This feature can be used for verification purposes. So, for example, you cannot separate this stable combination by inserting an additional word in the following sentence:

He hadn't been able to catch the ever-elusive moment for a long time.

For comparison: between the preposition "in" and the noun "flow" you can insert the word "fast":

He once tried to capture a subtle moment (in what?) in the rapid passage of time.

Spelling in cases where you can ask the question "to what?"

Correct: with the ending "e".

Here, everything is in many ways similar to the case with the phrase with the ending "and". At the same time, the difference lies in the question to which the combination answers: “into what?” or "where?". These are the same two parts of speech: a preposition and a noun, but already in the accusative. Otherwise, there are no differences. The noun here can also be used in any sense (for example, "flow" or "stroke"):

The authorities became aware that industrial waste got into (into what?) along the river.

He noticed that (into what?) memories of the past conversation were constantly bursting into his thoughts.

In such cases, it is also possible for the noun to have dependent words. That is, to check the spelling, for example, an adjective is inserted in the middle of the combination, and the phrase will still make sense.


Regardless of the semantic load and ending (“e” or “and”), the phrase is written separately. At the same time, the choice of the last letter at the time of writing is influenced by the meaning in the sentence, that is, belonging to one or two parts of speech.

Should be spelled with the ending "and", if:

  • it answers the question "in what?", being a preposition and a noun;

The phrase must be written with the ending "e", if:

  • it is similar in meaning to the expressions “during”, “during”, “during the time”, being a stable combination that is used as a complex preposition;
  • it is impossible to put a word between the parts of the combination.
  • the phrase answers the question “what?”, being a preposition and a noun;
  • you can put a word between the parts of the combination.

In Russian, there are two possible variants of the use of words - “during” and “during”. To choose the right one, you need to determine what part of speech the word in the sentence is.


During- such a combination in a sentence is often a complex preposition, which is always written with the letter “e” at the end of the word. Used in constructions such as: within an hour, during the day, within two minutes, etc. Can be replaced by synonyms: during, for (for some time), during, in the course.
You must submit documents within two days
No one has lived in this house for three years.
Throughout the game, the referees followed us
We've been doing this for a very long time.
Money should arrive within an hour

During- very rarely such a construction in a sentence can act as a combination of a preposition with a noun in the form of an accusative case (into what?)
Engineers have made changes to the fluid flow
A dye was added during a clear liquid

During- the combination of the preposition “in” with the noun “current” in the form of a prepositional case answers the question “in what?”. The letter “i” is written at the end of the word. You can add a definition between a preposition and a noun without losing the meaning of the sentence.
Changes recorded in the course of the river – Changes were recorded in the studied course of the river
There can be many surprises in the flow of a mountain river - There can be many surprises in the fast flow of a mountain river
There were stones in the flow of the lava flow – There were stones in the slow flow of the lava flow
We wondered for a long time that it was floating in the course of the river
There's an unsolved mystery in the flow of time

Important! If the context of the sentence implies “the passage of time” as some abstract physical quantity that has the property of fluidity, then the combination of the preposition “in” and the noun “flow” (the prepositional case form) is used. Usually used with an explanatory word (adjective), which says that the word “flow” is a noun, and not a complex preposition.
In the inexorable course of the day, the hour of reckoning was getting closer
In the rapid course of life, he did not have time to do the main thing
In a crazy day, I forgot to call home

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