In the process of labor activity, a person. Labor activity

The social behavior of each person includes such an element as labor activity. This process is strictly fixed, and includes a number of functions that a person must perform. These functions are his responsibilities and are regulated by a particular organization.

Labor activity and its essence

Specialists in the field of employment and personnel management deal with such tasks as:

  • creation of means of social life support)
  • development of ideas in the field of science, as well as the formation of new values)
  • development of each individual employee as an employee and as an individual.

In addition, labor and work activities have a number of specific properties. First of all, it contains a number of specific labor operations. In each enterprise, they can be different, peculiar only to this company. In addition, all enterprises differ in the material and technical conditions for the sale of products or the provision of services. This also applies to temporal and spatial boundaries.

The concept of labor activity includes two main parameters:

  • The first determines the psychophysical state of the employee, in other words, his ability to perform physical and mental work, despite any circumstances.
  • The second parameter determines the conditions in which this employee carries out his labor activity.

The loads during the execution of the work depend on these parameters. The physical ones are due to the technological equipment of the enterprise, and the mental ones are due to the volume of information being processed. It is necessary to take into account the risks that arise in the case of performing monotonous work, as well as the relationships that develop between employees.

Now many functions have been transferred to automation. Thus, the main task of a certain category of workers is to control equipment and reprogram it if necessary. As a result, the amount of expenditure of physical strength is decreasing, and more and more people prefer intellectual work. Another benefit of automating some processes is moving workers away from an area where they may be exposed to environmental hazards or other risks.

There is also a negative side of the automation of production processes - a decrease in motor activity, which as a result leads to physical inactivity. Due to the large nervous stress, an emergency situation may occur, and the employee becomes more susceptible to neuropsychiatric disorders. Also, the speed of data processing is growing too actively thanks to the latest equipment, and as a result, a person does not have time to make the necessary decisions.

Today, one of the main problems that arises during labor activity must be solved, namely, the optimization of the interaction between man and technology. At the same time, the mental and physical characteristics of workers should be taken into account, and a number of standards have been developed.

Features and functions of labor activity

Labor activity provides for some features, in particular, concerning such processes as productive and reproductive. In this case, the first type of processes dominates over the second.

The essence of the reproductive process is to change one type of energy into another. At the same time, part of the energy is spent on the task. Thus, each person tries to use his strength as little as possible and at the same time obtain a satisfactory result.

The productive process is fundamentally different from the reproductive one. Thanks to this process, the transformation of energy from the outside world into the result of creative work is carried out. At the same time, a person practically does not spend his energy, or quickly replenishes it.

Among the functions performed by labor activity, the following should be highlighted.


The essence of the socio-economic function lies in the fact that the subject of labor, which is the worker, affects the resources of the environment. The result of this activity is material goods, the task of which is to satisfy the needs of all members of society.


The controlling function that a person's labor activity performs is to create a complex system of relations between members of the labor collective, which are regulated by norms of behavior, sanctions, and standards. This includes labor legislation, various regulations, charters, instructions and other documentation, the purpose of which is to control social ties in the team.


Thanks to the socializing function, the list of social roles is continuously enriched and expanded. Behavior patterns, norms and values ​​of employees are being improved. Thus, each individual member of the staff feels like a full-fledged participant in the life of society. As a result, employees receive not only some kind of status, but are also able to feel a social identity.


It is manifested in the fact that each employee is able to gain experience, on the basis of which skills are improved. This is possible thanks to the creative essence of each person, which is developed to one degree or another. Therefore, from time to time, the requirements for the level of knowledge and skills of the members of the labor collective are increased in order to improve the results of labor activity.


The productive function is aimed at the realization of the employees' creative abilities, as well as self-expression. As a result of this function, new technologies appear.


The task of the stratification function, which is also included in the features of labor activity, is to evaluate the results of labor by consumers, as well as to reward them for the work done. At the same time, all types of labor activity are divided into more and less prestigious. This leads to the formation of a certain system of values ​​and the creation of a ladder of prestige for professions and a stratification pyramid.

The essence of the elements of labor activity

Any labor activity is divided into separate elements relating to different areas.

Labour Organization

One of these elements is the organization of work. This is a series of measures necessary to ensure the rational use of the workforce in order to improve production results.

Division of labor

The success of all production processes depends on the members of the staff, each of whom must be in his place during working hours. All employees have their own labor functions, which they perform according to the contract, and for which they receive a salary. At the same time, there is a division of labor: each individual employee performs the tasks assigned to him, which are part of the overall goal towards which the company's activities are directed.

There are several types of division of labor:

  • the substantive provides for the assignment to certain jobs of employees who perform tasks with the help of the provided tools)
  • functional distribution depends on the specific functions that are assigned to each of the employees.


Each individual branch or workshop can independently choose the personnel who will perform certain tasks. Elements of labor activity include another concept - cooperation of labor. According to this principle, the more the work is divided into different parts, the more employees need to be combined to complete the tasks. Cooperation includes such a concept as the specialization of production, that is, the concentration of the release of a particular type of product in a given unit.

Workplace maintenance

Since the efficiency and effectiveness of workers depends on the efficiency of the equipment, employees are hired to service the devices used for production purposes.

  1. First, planning is carried out, that is, placing the place in the room in such a way as to provide the employee with comfort, as well as to effectively use the usable area.
  2. The equipment consists in the acquisition of the necessary equipment with which the employee will perform the assigned tasks.
  3. Maintenance involves the subsequent repair of installed equipment and its modernization to improve performance.

Norm of time

This element controls the amount of time it takes to complete a job. This indicator is not constant: a person can perform more than the norm for a certain period of time. Even if an employee works according to a certain norm for a long time, he can at any time improve the efficiency of his activities and cope with tasks much faster.


One of the most important elements and deterrents in the workplace is wages. If the employee copes with his tasks better than required, he can be promoted or given financial incentives. Thus, the desire to earn becomes the reason for increasing the productivity of the worker.

Ways to improve work efficiency

The result of the enterprise's activity depends not only on the increase in the number of employees and the improvement of the material and technical base, but also on the improvement of the skills of existing employees. This is achieved through on-site training. Such training, in fact, is the adaptation of the body to new psychophysiological functions that the employee must perform in the future.

To achieve the goal of labor activity, the worker needs rest. One of the most effective ways to improve the quality of the result of the work of the staff is to optimize the mode of work and rest. As a rule, the change of work and rest must be observed at certain intervals of time, namely during:

  • work shift (break)
  • days (standard working day)
  • weeks (weekends))
  • year (holiday).

The specific time allocated for rest depends on the conditions in which the employee works, as well as on the terms of the employment contract. This applies to both short-term breaks (during the working day) and long breaks (during the year). So, for most professions, the norm of short-term rest is 5-10 minutes. In one hour. Thanks to this break, you can restore the psychophysiological functions of the body, as well as relieve stress.

Motivation of labor activity

In addition to the main motivation in the form of material remuneration, an employee may have other motives that are due to certain circumstances and reasons. For example, one of the main motives is the need to be in the team, and not outside it. This factor affects another motive - the desire to assert itself, which in most cases is characteristic of highly qualified specialists seeking to get a managerial position.

Among other equally important motives, one should name the desire to acquire something new, to compete, to stability. A person can have several motives combined into one motivational whole, which determines labor activity. As a rule, there are three types of nucleus, which are characterized by the desire for:

  • ensuring
  • recognition
  • prestige.

The first group is associated with the desire to obtain stable well-being, the second consists in trying to realize oneself as a successful employee, the essence of the third is to show one's importance and demonstrate social leadership by taking an active part in social activities.

Having decided on the motives, the employee can achieve certain successes, as well as satisfy his needs by fulfilling the tasks set by the management. Thus, it is recommended to carefully study the motivation of employees, and on its basis to develop a system of incentives that will increase the efficiency of the workforce.

The incentive system will operate more efficiently if the employer takes an integrated approach in its development. Incentives should be based on the traditions established in the company, taking into account the general direction of the enterprise. At the same time, it is desirable that the employees of the enterprise also participate in the development of the incentive system.

Features of individual activity

The situation is quite different with regard to individual labor activity. The legislation of the Russian Federation allows, in addition to the creation of an enterprise as a legal entity, the conduct of individual activities. As an example - private teaching of subjects, preparation of children for school, tutoring. However, such an individual activity has its advantages and disadvantages, which is why many do not dare to take up tutoring.

Such a teacher is not required to issue a license that would give him the right to carry out teaching activities. It is also much easier to keep your own accounting records. However, there are some nuances in which the tutor is obliged to pay a higher percentage of tax in comparison with organizations.

Individual pedagogical labor activity can be classified as intellectual labor. Like any other work, this type of activity is aimed at obtaining a certain income, and therefore must be registered.

Individual labor pedagogical activity can be associated not only with conducting classes according to an extracurricular program. It also includes the sale of goods related to the educational sphere, namely: textbooks, pens, notebooks, etc. In addition, any individual entrepreneur can develop methods and training programs.

Registration must take place in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The process is regulated by the Civil Code and a number of other documents. When registering, you must submit a photo, an identity document, as well as a certificate confirming the payment of the registration fee.

The concept of labor activity

Labor activity a person is a kind of his social behavior. Labor activity is a rational series of operations and functions, rigidly fixed in time and space, performed by people united in labor organizations. The labor activity of employees provides a solution to a number of tasks:

    the creation of material wealth as a means of life support for a person and society as a whole;

    provision of services for various purposes;

    development of scientific ideas, values ​​and their applied analogues;

    accumulation, conservation, processing and analysis, transfer of information and its carriers;

    development of a person as an employee and as a person, etc.

Labor activity - regardless of the method, means and results - is characterized by a number of common properties:

    a certain functional and technological set of labor operations;

    a set of relevant qualities of labor subjects, recorded in professional, qualification and job characteristics;

    material and technical conditions and spatio-temporal framework of implementation;

    in a certain way, the organizational, technological and economic connection of labor subjects with the means, the conditions for their implementation;

    normative-algorithmic method of organization, through which the behavioral matrix of individuals included in the production process (organizational and managerial structure) is formed.

Each type of labor activity can be divided into two main characteristics: psychophysiological content (the work of the sense organs, muscles, thought processes, etc.); and the conditions under which work is carried out. The structure and level of physical and nervous loads in the course of labor activity are determined by these two characteristics: physical - depend on the level of automation of labor, its pace and rhythm, design and rationality of the placement of equipment, tools, equipment; nervous - due to the volume of processed information, the presence of industrial danger, the degree of responsibility and risk, the monotony of work, relationships in the team.

Thus, in general, we can talk about a reduction in motor components and an increase in the importance of the mental component of labor activity. In addition, the NTP creates technical prerequisites for the withdrawal of the employee from the zone of industrial hazards and hazards, allows you to improve the protection of the performer, free him from heavy and routine work.

However, an excessive decrease in motor activity turns into hypodynamia. The growth of nervous loads can lead to injuries, accidents, cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric disorders. An increase in the speed and power of equipment can lead to inconsistency in the parameters of its operation and the ability of a person to react and make decisions. New technologies often lead to the emergence of new production hazards and hazards, negative impact on the environment.

The problem is to "attach" technology to human capabilities, to take into account its psychophysiological characteristics at the stages of design, construction, operation of the "man-machine" system. All this determines the need to study the physiological and mental processes in human labor activity.

The role of labor in society

The history of the development of man and society testifies to the decisive role of labor in this process.

In the course of its evolution, labor became significantly more complicated: a person began to perform more complex and diverse operations, to use more and more organized means of labor, to set and achieve higher goals. Labor has become multifaceted, varied, perfect.

Under the conditions of using more advanced resources and means of labor, the organization of labor has an increasing impact on the environment, sometimes to the detriment of the environment. Therefore, the environmental aspect in labor activity acquires a new meaning.

The joint work of people is something more than the simple sum of their labor. Joint work is also considered as a progressive unity of the total results of labor. The interaction of a person with natural materials, means of labor, as well as the relationships that people enter into at the same time - all this is called production.

Features of modern labor:

    The increase in the intellectual potential of the labor process, which is manifested in the strengthening of the role of mental labor, the growth of a conscious and responsible attitude of the employee to the results of his activities;

    The increase in the share of materialized labor associated with the means of labor is due to the achievements of scientific and technological progress and, with limited physical capabilities of a person, serves as a decisive factor in the growth of productivity and labor efficiency;

    A growing aspect of the social process. Currently, the factors of growth in labor productivity are considered not only to improve the skills of an employee or increase the level of mechanization and automation of his work, but also the state of human health, his mood, relationships in the family, team and society as a whole. This social aspect of labor relations significantly complements the material aspects of labor and plays an important role in human life.

Relationship of the sociology of labor with the labor sciences

The system of labor sciences includes many diverse and relatively independent disciplines.

Sociology of labor studies "the behavior of employers and employees in response to the action of economic and social incentives to work", the relationship of social groups in the labor process, focuses on the demographic differences of people, on differences in their education and qualifications, on the peculiarities of upbringing and political views, religion and social position.

The variety of labor sciences is due to the specifics of those labor problems that are the object of study of each of them.

Subject labor economics is a system of socio-economic relations that develop in the process of labor activity between the employer, employee and the state regarding the organization of labor. Labor economics studies the socio-economic problems of labor, the problems of ensuring the efficiency and productivity of labor on the basis of its scientific organization.

Physiology of labor how science studies the influence and mechanism of the impact of the labor process on the physiological characteristics of a person, is the scientific basis for the development of labor standards, work and rest regimes, workplace planning, and ensuring favorable working conditions.

Labor psychology studies the psychological characteristics of a person in the labor process, the attitude of a person to his work activity, it is the basis of professional training, the development of systems for motivating and stimulating the work of workers, and is a tool for managing labor conflicts.

Ergonomics is the basis for the rationalization of labor processes, since it studies human activity in its connection with technology, machines, means of production. Ergonomics optimizes human interaction with machine systems.

Occupational health, industrial sanitation and safety ensure the creation of healthy and safe working conditions at the workplace.

Demography This is the science of population, it studies the processes of reproduction of the population, its sex and age structure, the resettlement of the population in the regions of the country, which allows you to effectively meet the needs of enterprises in the necessary labor resources.

Personnel Management makes it possible to realize the labor potential (by selecting, training and fair remuneration of the personnel of the organization of employees), and allows you to effectively manage the organization's personnel (provided by choosing the optimal management style, developing a personnel policy, conducting personnel marketing).

Sociology of professions studies the social division of labor, the prestige of various types of labor activity, the professional suitability of a person, etc.

Labour Organization studies the formation of an orderly system of interaction between workers, their groups and divisions to achieve their goals, which makes it possible to ensure the effective connection of the labor force with the means of production in specific conditions, the realization of the labor potential of workers and satisfies the needs of all subjects of social and labor relations.

labor law is the legal basis of labor relations. It establishes the legal norms of labor, regulates the rights and obligations of the subjects of social and labor relations, determines the differentiation in wages, and serves as the basis for social policy and social protection of workers.

labor statistics makes it possible to analyze labor efficiency on the basis of quantitative indicators of labor productivity, the number and dynamics of personnel, payroll, etc.

What tasks does the discipline solve

"Economics and sociology of labor"?

The main objectives of the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor" are determined by its purpose, which provides for the study of scientific foundations, theoretical, methodological provisions and practical experience in the field of human resource management - the formation and rational use of the labor potential of each person and society as a whole in the event of new social and labor relations in a market economy.

Home set- study of the essence and mechanisms of economic and social processes in the sphere of labor in the context of human life and society. Its solution is based on the study of the methodological provisions of the economic food theory, which reveals the fundamental role of labor in the life of a person and society, as well as the economic and social characteristics of labor in specific historical conditions.

Another task- studying the factors and reserves of effective employment, the formation and rational use of labor potential, increasing the efficiency and productivity of labor. The determining prerequisites for solving this problem are, firstly, the mechanism for the implementation of Russian laws and socio-economic policy in the regulation of social and labor relations, and secondly, the study of patterns, objective and subjective factors affecting economic and social processes, the attitude of a person to work, his behavior in the team.

Another task- identification of the relationship of social and labor relations with economic relations and processes occurring in the national market-type economy, focused on social development, as well as the relationship of the labor market with the markets of raw materials, capital, stock markets. As a result, the study of the process of the cost of labor, as well as the formation of labor costs at all stages of the reproduction cycle, is of particular importance. The expansion and deepening of knowledge in this area requires the study of foreign as well as domestic experience in various regions of the country and at various enterprises, the study of the state of internal labor markets, familiarity with the methodological methods of economic analysis, audit, and sociological research.

Social engineering is a management activity aimed at changing social systems and social institutions in accordance with a given goal using science-intensive technologies and an engineering approach. In domestic science and management practice, this term was first used at the beginning of the 20th century by the director of the Central Institute of Labor A. Gastev. In his understanding, a social engineer is the leader of a work collective, on whose activity the success of the functioning of the entire social engineering machine depends. The idea of ​​social engineering was to closely combine human complexes with the organization of machine complexes. These machine-human complexes are based on the unity of biology and engineering sciences. Soviet party and statesman, a prominent specialist in the problems of labor organization and management P.M. Kerzhentsev limited the problems of social engineering to the management of people and teams, regardless of the field of activity. He formulated a number of general principles of management - this is the establishment of the goals and objectives of the organization and management activities; development of a plan, working methods and management methods; setting up accounting and control. According to P.M. Kerzhentsev, under socialism, the main attention in management activities should have been given to the planned conduct of production and labor activities. But the leader, having real power, significantly affects the workforce and the effectiveness of its activities, therefore, the selection of leaders should be based on the compliance of his personal qualities with the requirements of the specific position for which he applies.

Domestic social engineering of the 20-30s of the XX century was based on psychotechnics and sociological research, the traditions of which were continued after a thirty-year break by factory sociology of the 60-80s. In the theory and practice of social planning, which were further developed during the years of the Khrushchev thaw, along with the data of sociological surveys, ideological attitudes and socio-cultural standards were used. In domestic social engineering, the following principles were formulated: the principle of direct participation in solving social problems, since urgent pressing problems are being solved; the principle of continuous social engineering support and social design; the principle of technologization, that is, the provision of optimal methods of influence.

In Western sociology, socioengineering activity was considered in detail by K. Popper in his works The Poverty of Historicism (1945) and Open Society (1945). He considered social engineering as a set of applied sociological approaches aimed at rationally changing social systems based on fundamental knowledge about society and predicting the possible results of transformations.

The modern socioengineering approach makes it possible to change the social reality based on the methods of planning, programming, foresight and forecasting. Social engineering activities include the following procedures:

Assessment of the state of the object of social engineering activities;

Forecasting the most probable options for the development of the internal and external environment of the forecast object;

Modeling the future state of the research object using mathematical, cybernetic, predictive and other methods;

Development of a social project for a new state of the object under study;

Social planning in accordance with the social project;

Implementation of the project with the help of innovative social technologies.

Modern domestic social engineering is developing in the following blocks (directions):

Societal block - the construction of social institutions: state building, the creation of a modernized system of education, health care, etc.;

Regional block - formation of regional communities;

Municipal bloc - formation of local communities;

Organizational block - construction of organizations;

Block of group engineering - formation of target groups and teams.

social engineering today is a complex of practically oriented knowledge in the field of managing social structures and processes, developing in the following areas:

    Construction of social institutions, for example, state building, reorganization of the higher education system, etc. ("societal" block);

    Regional construction (regional block);

    Formation of local communities (municipal block);

    Building organizations or "organizational engineering" (organization block);

    Formation of target groups and teams ("group" engineering). Electoral technologies and other ways to promote leaders or their teams are an integral part of all blocks of social engineering activities.

In educational practice, the ideas of social engineering are implemented through the use of modern educational technologies and active teaching methods, as well as through the “saturation” of the educational process with disciplines of the social engineering and organizational cycle, including:

    theory and methods of social engineering;

    diagnostics of organizations;

    forecasting and modeling of the development of organizations;

    organizational design and programming;

    social planning;

    introduction of social innovations in organizations, etc.;

    workshop on social technologies;

    conflict resolution methods.

The formation and development of social engineering was significantly influenced by psychology, applied anthropology, management sciences, and now synergetics and social synergetics - the science of self-organization of society, which determines the conditions and factors for the sustainable development of society. From the standpoint of social synergy in society, thanks to communication links, a synthesis of material and non-material structures takes place, and evolutionary development based on the exchange of information determines the natural selection of energetically more profitable methods of social management. This process ensures the transition of society to a qualitatively new level. From the point of view of synergetics, management is considered as an open system, which is based on interaction with the object, and not on the impact on it. The control mechanism is carried out in two directions. First, a socio-technological corridor is set that is acceptable from the point of view of the development and functioning of the social system. Within this corridor, the social system can implement various trajectories of self-development, and innovation processes are directed in a socially constructive direction. Secondly, for sustainable social development and the rise to a new level of self-organization, local influence is carried out at the bifurcation points at the right time and in the right place.

One of the options for the practical application of the synergistic approach to management is the theory of a self-learning organization that is able to create, acquire and exchange knowledge and change its behavior in accordance with new knowledge and intuition. The sources of learning are employees of the organization, external consultants, business coaches, own business, external environment and lessons learned from own practical experience. A self-learning organization in modern conditions is the most competitive, synergetics is a universal methodology of the modern information society, its structures and a socio-engineering approach to managing society. This approach places high demands on managers, as they must have modern socio-technological knowledge.

Many researchers come to the conclusion that the social engineering approach to management produces the third factor, in which contradictions in the relations between the object and the subject of management are resolved. The object of social engineering ceases to be only a means of implementing social programs developed by experts, and becomes a subject itself. A trinitarian approach is being formed - management - co-management - self-government. The social engineering approach turns management into an interactive process, and the task of social engineers is to create conditions for unlocking the internal potential of the social system.

Unfortunately, in domestic management science and practice, some wary attitude towards social engineering remains, since sometimes manufacturability is perceived as experimentation and manipulation of people. This fact is largely due to the low demand for social design of program-targeted management by subjects of management.

A systematic approach to managing the innovative development of industrial enterprises

The system approach to management of innovative development of the industrial enterprises


In the 21st century, the world community is facing innovative challenges associated with the development of high technologies, informatization, changes in the content of labor and the quality of the workforce. At the same time, the process of globalization generates both new forms of international cooperation and interstate relations, and new contradictions, requiring new approaches to solving political, economic and social problems at all levels of their manifestation. Coordinated development, harmonization of norms and standards of social and labor relations, exchange of accumulated experience can contribute to the construction of a highly organized, economically and environmentally efficient production. The result of efforts to stabilize production and improve the social climate within the country largely depends on the development of industrial enterprises, which are the primary cell of any economic system and can become the driving force for the innovative development of the national economy.

Theoretical approaches to substantiation of innovative development of industrial enterprises

In economic science, there are various approaches to determining the essence, meaning, foundations of the functioning and development of an enterprise:

    the resource approach, according to which enterprises (organizations) survive to the extent that they acquire and maintain their resources, and the possibility of accumulating organizational-specific resources by an enterprise is the main rationale for its existence;

    the systematic approach considers an enterprise as a highly complex open socio-economic system connected by specific relations with its external and internal environment, the main and most active element of which is a person;

    the evolutionary approach is meaningfully and metamorphically connected with the evolutionary worldview on the process of constant and causal change in the activities of an enterprise, while the mechanism of change is associated with variability, inheritance and selection, where special attention is paid to the innovation process: the emergence, consolidation and dissemination of innovations, the study of competition as a process selection, problem solving information, uncertainty and time;

    the neo-institutional approach analyzes the activity of an enterprise under the conditions of restrictions caused by the institutional structure of society, where enterprises, as economic agents, operate in a world of high transaction costs, under conditions of uncertainty and risk, which gives rise to limited rationality and opportunistic behavior; within the framework of neo-institutional theory, a transactional approach is singled out, which explores the reasons for the existence of a company and the features of their internal structure, focusing on the need for a company to avoid transaction costs for concluding transactions in the market and using the advantages of cooperation to obtain the maximum result of its activities.

    the process approach is one of the basic in strategic management studies and considers the enterprise in terms of processes associated with entrepreneurial activity, organizational renewal and growth, as well as the development and application of a strategy that directs organizational actions, based on the logic of cause-and-effect explanation , linking independent variables, on the types of concepts or variables that reflect the actions of enterprises or individuals, on the sequence of events that describe the change in phenomena over time.

    the behavioral approach explores the real behavior of enterprises as economic entities, in whose activities not rational, but conventional behavior (that is, subject to accepted rules and conventions) dominates, the analysis of which allows us to build a generalized decision-making model;

    the knowledge-based approach focuses on the movement of knowledge and its impact on the efficiency and competitive advantages of enterprises, viewing knowledge as subjective information, inseparable from the individual's beliefs and purposeful action, giving great importance to firms that create and develop routines, acting as knowledge repositories .

    the synthetic approach means that the models of the theory of firms must take into account "technological" and "social" factors, arguing that the structure of social relations has a constant impact on the organizational dynamics of the enterprise.

An analysis of the theories of the firm makes it possible to substantiate the mechanism for managing the innovative development of industrial enterprises in the conditions of economic clustering and to determine the main elements that ensure the interaction and cooperation of participants in the innovation process at different stages (Table 1).

Innovative development is considered as a purposeful continuous process of innovation in the scientific, industrial, economic, commercial, financial, marketing, management activities of an enterprise, aimed at the fullest possible satisfaction of social needs based on the implementation of scientific achievements in the production process to obtain the maximum economic, social and environmental effect, expressed in absolute and relative change (increment) of economic indicators.

1.1 The concept of production activity and its main elements

The main characteristic of any business entity operating in a market economy is the implementation of its production activities. At the same time, production activities are carried out in various forms, in different sectors of the economy by individuals and legal entities. This is an activity for the production of not only material goods, but also intangible ones (in education, healthcare, culture, science, etc.), including the provision of various services in all areas, as defined in the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP), approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated August 6, 1993 No. 17.

Summarizing all aspects and forms of manifestation, production activity can be defined as a set of actions of workers using the means of labor necessary to turn resources into finished products, including the production and processing of various types of raw materials, construction, and the provision of various types of services.

From the standpoint of microeconomics, production activity can be defined as a purposeful activity, the result of which is the transformation of individual components into a useful product or a change in the properties, shape of the product.

The purpose of the production activity of the enterprise is the release of a product, its sale and profit.

The production activity of the organization consists of production processes, which consist of business operations: supply and procurement, direct production, financial and marketing and organizational activities. To implement the entire set of production processes and carry out production activities, an enterprise forms a production system consisting of a set of interrelated and interdependent components, which are usually understood as the various resources necessary for production and the result of production. The product as the goal of the creation and operation of the production system appears in the manufacturing process in different forms in relation to its source material and readiness. The production of a product is a certain technology, in accordance with which the transformation of costs into products is completed.

The composition of production elements is determined by technological schemes. The simplest system is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. – The relationship of the elements of the production system of the enterprise

Each element of the considered production system acts in production as an independent system consisting of simpler components. Systems differ in their goals, have specific characteristics and factors, and obey the objective laws of the economy.

The production activity management system is a set of interrelated functions and structural elements that ensure the implementation of production tasks and goals by the enterprise.

Management of production activities, first of all, is carried out through a set of functions. They are diverse and may relate to various objects, activities, tasks, etc. In this regard, management functions can be classified according to the following criteria:

On the basis of a managed object: enterprise, workshop, site, team, unit (worker);

On the basis of activity: economic, organizational, social;

On the basis of homogeneity: general, special;

By the nature of the tasks performed: planning, organization, regulation, control, accounting and analysis, stimulation.

Management functions characterize the division, specialization of labor in the field of management and determine the main stages of the implementation of the impact on people's relations in the production process. The main functions of production management include: organization, regulation, planning, coordination, motivation, accounting, control, analysis and regulation.

The function of the organization is related to the management system, characterizing its inherent properties, structure, composition, relationship and the process of interaction of these elements. In addition, this function is related to the organization of system management and the organization of work on the implementation of each management function. With regard to the production unit of an enterprise or a separate workshop, the function of the organization primarily reflects the structure of the managed and control systems that ensure the production process and the targeted impact on the team of people implementing this process.

At an existing enterprise, the improvement of the organization of production is accompanied by the improvement of the management system and, conversely, the need to improve the management system causes the priority work to improve the organization of the production process. If you do not adhere to this condition, there may be a disproportion between the levels of organization of the production process and the management system.

Management organization is a set of techniques and methods for rational combination of elements and links of the control system, and its relationship with the controlled object and other control systems in time and space. In this sense, the organization of management ensures the creation of the most favorable conditions for achieving the set goals in a specified period of time at the minimum cost of production resources.

The rationing function should be viewed as a process of developing scientifically based calculated values ​​that establish a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the various elements used in the production and management process. This function has an impact on the behavior of the object, disciplines the development and implementation of production tasks with clear and strict norms, ensures a uniform and rhythmic course of production, and its high efficiency. Calculated according to this function, calendar and planning standards (production cycles, batch sizes, backlogs of parts, etc.) serve as the basis for planning, determine the duration and order of movement of objects of labor in the production process.

At the same time, at enterprises and workshops, standards are created and are in effect that determine the technical level of products (standards and specifications), as well as regulatory documents that characterize the rights and obligations of various levels of management, form the rules for the behavior of the system as a whole (instructions, methods), etc. In this sense, they refer to the function of organizing the system.

Consequently, the functions of organization and regulation are of a dual nature. So, the function of the organization characterizes the creation (improvement) of the management system, and at the stage of organizing work it is realized with direct production management. The rationing function is implemented with the help of regulatory documents, instructions when creating a system, and the developed calendar and planning standards are used when planning production activities.

The planning function occupies a central place among all management functions, as it is designed to strictly regulate the behavior of an object in the process of implementing its goals. It provides for the definition of specific tasks for each unit for various planning periods and the development of production programs.

The programs for the production of parts and products, developed on the basis of calendar and planning standards, provide for the fullest use of advanced equipment and technology, the production capacity of the enterprise, and material and moral incentives to increase labor productivity.

Planning has a direct impact on the level of activation of the management and management apparatus. The high quality of the developed programs, especially with the help of computers and economic and mathematical methods, their strict coordination across all departments of the enterprise and workshops, consistency with the available material, financial and labor resources allows the most efficient production management.

The coordination function allows you to achieve coordinated and well-coordinated work of the production and functional divisions of the enterprise and workshops involved in the process of fulfilling the planned targets. This function is implemented in the form of influence on the team of people employed in the production process by line managers and functional services of the enterprise and workshops, which regularly and promptly coordinate their activities.

The function of motivation has an impact on the workshop team in the form of incentives for efficient work, social impact, collective and personal incentives, etc. These forms of influence activate the work of management bodies, increase the efficiency of the entire production management system.

The control function manifests itself in the form of influencing a team of people by identifying, summarizing, analyzing the results of the production activities of each workshop and bringing them to the heads of departments and management services in order to prepare management decisions. This function is implemented on the basis of information on the progress of the implementation of planned targets (operational, statistical, accounting data), identification of deviations from the established performance indicators (monitoring the execution of tasks) and analysis of the causes of deviations.

The regulation function is directly connected with the functions of coordination and control. During production, the developed programs are exposed to the influence of the internal and external environment, resulting in violations in the process of performing tasks. The regulatory function affects the collective of people involved in production by taking prompt measures to prevent and, if this fails, then to eliminate the identified deviations and interruptions in the course of production. At the same time, the current work of the interconnected links of production is being coordinated to maintain its rhythm.

The functions of control and regulation in the process of production management act as flexible tools, with the help of which the progress of production is continuously (in real time for each production unit) introduced into the strict framework provided for by the plan.

The production management system manifests itself through certain elements. These include: the management process, the goals of the system, the object of management, the subject of management, the control loop, etc.

Production is the main content of the production activity of the enterprise. The management of this process is organized on an enterprise scale, in each of the main workshops. The meaningful and most responsible work in production management is the planning of the production of products, that is, the formation of production programs for workshops, sections and the creation of the necessary conditions for their implementation. This work, in accordance with the established planning periods, is regularly repeated, carried out by functional services and line managers of production units.

The managerial staff of departments (bureaus) of the enterprise and shops, participating in this process, regulates the entire set of the above functions, forms and methods of management, uses the necessary leverage to maintain the sustainability of production and stimulate the work of the team of each unit in order to implement the program and achieve the greatest efficiency production. These procedures (non-material elements), considered in unity and interconnection, are a mechanism by which management personnel influence the collective of production departments and the enterprise as a whole.

The development of production programs and the performance of other production management functions are based on the use by management personnel of targeted information on the progress of production, as well as computer technology for its processing. Here, personnel, information, computer technology act as material elements used in the management process. There are certain connections and control relations between these elements. In conjunction with intangible elements, they form a production management system.

The production management system has its own structure. The structure of production management is understood as an ordered set of interrelated elements that are in stable relations with each other, ensuring their functioning and development as a whole. The production activities of the enterprise and its divisions should be directed and coordinated by the appropriate manager or a special body. The deeper the division of labor in the enterprise and, accordingly, the more types of activities and divisions, the more complex the entire structure of management bodies turns out to be, the more levels of hierarchy it has. So, for example, already for two objects, a common managing body is needed, which is usually not able to manage more than ten objects. If in practice there are more such objects, they have to be combined into two groups, and then there is a need to coordinate activities with the help of a new governing body that has a higher rank than them. The structure becomes two-level. With further expansion of the scale of the enterprise, the number of levels of the hierarchy grows accordingly.

Management bodies always refer to specific departments or their groups, so their structure must match the overall organizational structure of the enterprise. Accordingly, it is legitimate to single out the following organizational structures for managing production activities: linear, functional, linear-functional, matrix, etc. The task of the manager is to choose the structure that best suits the goals and objectives of the organization, as well as the internal and external factors affecting it. A specific organizational structure for managing production activities is determined by groups of indicators, parameters, factors and characteristics.

The guidelines for the activities of any enterprise are its plans: production plan, product sales plan, development plan, etc. The production program is one of such plans, which reflects the main directions and tasks of development in the planning period, production and economic relations with other enterprises, the profile and degree of specialization of production.

The production program is the main section of the annual and long-term business plan for the development of an enterprise. It determines the volume of production of products by nomenclature, assortment and quality in physical and cost terms.

The production program includes the following main sections:

· Plan for the production of the company's products.

· The plan of release of production for export.

· Plan to improve product quality.

· Sales plan.

When forming a production program, it is necessary to focus on the potential and actual capabilities of the enterprise for the production of products, i.e. for production capacity.

The preparation of the production program is the answer to the key questions of production management:

What types of products and in what quantities to produce?

How long does it take for the product to be ready for shipment to the customer?

· What quality should be products in the planning period?

· How many products can the company produce additionally in case of urgent orders, what type and quality?

· What is the lower limit of the volume of output at which it is necessary to switch to the mode of its conservation or stop for modernization?

· What should be the volume of resources consumed for the production of products and the possibilities for their satisfaction?

When developing a production program, it is necessary to be based on the needs of the regional and world markets, the general market situation, the state of competing enterprises and industries.

The following are used as initial data in the development of the production program:

statutory activities of the enterprise for the production and sale of products;

· the results of the actual implementation of the production program for previous periods;

Civil purpose), and not transferring their value to the finished product. The variety of fixed assets and their components, the different nature of participation in the production and economic activities of the enterprise makes it necessary to analyze not only the total amount of fixed assets, but also to consider their composition, structure and dynamics. When analyzing fixed assets, special attention should be ...

4 Analysis of the financial results of the enterprise 4.1 Profit analysis Profit indicators are used in the analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise. The factors that form the balance sheet profit of the enterprise, we will consider in table 11. Table 11. Profit analysis No. pp Indicator Unit. rev. Formula designation Plan Report Deviations absolute % 1. Product output ...

Any industrial enterprise is a combination of various subsystems, the purpose of which interaction is to obtain finished products. Management and control, finance and market research, storage and transportation - all of these are equally important. However, the basis of the functioning of any enterprise is production activity. It is she who determines the most important parameters of the system - output volumes, technology, quality and cost.

Organization of production activities

The manufacture of products is always based on a complex of stages that are performed by the personnel of the system by means of labor or using natural processes. As a result, products with a change in linear dimensions and technical (organizational) state are obtained from objects of labor.

Production activities include:

  • labor costs of people as the basis of the labor process;
  • objects of labor, which are the initial components (raw materials, blanks), which people turn into finished products;
  • means of labor, such as technological equipment, devices for performing the transformation process at production stages.

Multi-vector property

Production activity is multi-stage and consists of direct (main) processes for the manufacture of final products and additional ones, the purpose of which is to ensure the fulfillment of the target function of the enterprise (refurbishment of equipment, repair of tools, supply of electricity, water supply and sanitation, transport operations, etc.) As we can see, the processes transformations of initial products into finished products or services occur at all levels of the system, which makes it possible to present any enterprise as a complex organizational model of interconnected subsystems.

What are the manufacturing processes?

By purpose, characteristic features and localization, production processes correspond to the main divisions, auxiliary and secondary.

  • In the shops of the first line, direct changes are implemented in order to obtain products with specified parameters, which are the final products for the enterprise (assembly structures, road transport, sheet metal).
  • Additional (auxiliary) processes provide for the creation of products for the normal functioning of the main ones and for providing the infrastructure of the enterprise with energy carriers, the movement of material assets, storage operations, etc.
  • Non-core products are manufactured in secondary subdivisions. For example, if the enterprise has an excess of waste materials, then certain sections specialize in the production of consumer goods.

Depending on the stages of production, preparatory, processing and final processes are distinguished.

  • Preparatory processes are based on the performance of certain operations for the preparation of production elements (products, semi-finished products, blanks, workers, equipment and tools) for the subsequent technological process.
  • Processing processes involve the performance of operations to transform objects of labor according to a given algorithm into finished products (that is, the actual technological process of manufacturing, repairing or providing services).
  • The final processes are fixed on the preparation of the results of processing into final products for subsequent use by the consumer (assembly of components, testing for performance and functionality, quality control).

According to the production complexity, the processes of the initial level (simple) and the second level (complex) are distinguished.

  • The entry-level process algorithm is a sequence of operations to obtain a new design (product). This part of the production process is carried out in constant spatio-temporal conditions (the immutability of the workplace and the operator of the process).
  • The processes of the second level are made up of the sum of simple ones.

An important production task is the rational division of complex processes into simple operations and their subsequent synthesis into a single set of works to control various production parameters.

In the types of production activities, horizontal and vertical production processes are also distinguished. The horizontal ones express themselves during the development of the stages of each process, for example "disassembly-welding-assembly-painting". Vertical (hierarchical) ones show the relationship of different levels of the general production system - "enterprise - machine shop - turning and milling section - milling machine workplace". Analysis of horizontal and vertical links allows you to effectively design new or upgrade existing processes of production and economic activity of the enterprise.

Enterprise funds

In production and financial activities, fixed (main) and variable (circulating) funds of the enterprise are distinguished.

The first are the basis of the enterprise. These include industrial buildings (workshops, sites, warehouses) and the technological equipment installed in them, structures (water towers, overpasses, technological tunnels), transport, measuring instruments, laboratory equipment, etc. They are characterized by a long period of operation and high capital intensity.

Variables are consumable items that are used for a short period of production and require constant restoration. Elements of work in progress, raw materials, materials and spare parts, fuel and energy resources, tools, storage containers - this is not a complete list of elements of the company's working capital.

The production cycle

Ensuring optimal interaction in the production structures of the enterprise is achieved by the formation of a special processing scheme - the production cycle for the release of products, the duration of which is largely related to the synchronization of individual stages of production.

The production cycle is the basis of time planning. The calculations take into account the duration from the initial to the final elements of the production process (this does not take into account the number of products and the scheme of their joint processing). They also operate with nested cycles - technological and operational, associated with the time spent at the corresponding stages of production.

Time optimization mechanisms

In engineering production, the analysis of time costs in production cycles is of paramount importance for increasing production efficiency, rational planning and control. Cycles are standards for the development of operational plans and in the calculations of work in progress. The duration of the processes affect the turnover of the enterprise's funds through gross output. Reducing production time directly contributes to increased profitability.

Changes in the duration of cycles are possible through the introduction of technical and organizational measures. The former reduce the processing time through the use of new advanced technologies, equipment and tooling. Organizational steps are aimed at the rational choice of the type of production process, the differentiation of transfer batches, and the reduction of interoperational intervals. These approaches can significantly improve the use of fixed assets and indicators of product removal from a piece of equipment. As you can see, production activity is a complex set of techniques based on a detailed study of the internal processes of production.

Types of production processes in time

There are three types of production processes in the organization of production cycles:

  • consistent;
  • parallel;
  • series-parallel or combined.

Each of these types of organization differs in the order in which products are transferred from one operation to another, the organization of labor in the workplace, and the duration of the production cycle.

Analysis of the financial activity of the enterprise

To ensure the efficiency of the production activity of the enterprise, constant monitoring of processes is necessary, which is based on research of the production system. An example list is:

  • Calculation of technical and economic indicators of work (wage fund, average cost of production, labor productivity, net profit, etc.).
  • Development and implementation of plans to improve the economic efficiency of production.
  • Production volume planning.
  • Planning the resources needed for production.
  • Assessment of production risks.
  • Planning of the production process (jobs, equipment, buildings, etc.).
  • Planning of the general expenses of the enterprise (expenses for equipment, management, commercial expenses).

Analysis of production activities makes it possible to structure production relationships and exercise rational control over system parameters.

Companies should be focused on achieving maximum effect with minimum losses. With planned maintenance on the basis of appropriate calculations, it requires the physical movement of various goods inside and outside the enterprise. Let us consider further how the organization of production activities is carried out.

general characteristics

Production and financial activities are presented in the form of a complex and multifaceted structure. It is in a state of continuous development and change. In this regard, the initial analysis of the firm's production activities should be based on the overall performance of the plan. Management at the enterprise is based on the principle of unity of command. The rights that belong to the company are exercised by its director. In the circumstances provided for by law, management is carried out jointly with the trade union committee.


Production activity is a process that covers technology, equipment, specifics of operations implemented in the enterprise. Controls established by management are used to evaluate the company's performance. The functioning of the company is accompanied by various costs of varying significance. Cost accounting is carried out in accordance with the accepted chart of accounts. This task can be accomplished in two ways. The first is considered traditional for the Russian economic sphere. It provides for the calculation of the cost of products by grouping costs into indirect and direct. The latter are directly related to the original price of the product. distributed by type of products in accordance with the methodology adopted at the enterprise.

Additional tasks

Production activity is a sphere within which not only the direct release of goods is carried out. It also includes payment for new items of labor, raw materials, materials and other things. Due to these processes, continuous production activities are ensured. This, in turn, has a direct impact on the company's profits. Payment for raw materials and other necessary items is possible subject to the availability of appropriate working capital. They consist of money, funds in settlement transactions and products.

Interactions within the enterprise

Production activity is a job that requires serious and stable support. The functioning and performance of tasks by company officials is regulated by relevant regulatory documents. Among them, in particular, various instructions and recommendations. management - control over the process of processing materials into products - are closely related to other administrative tasks. At an industrial enterprise, quite complex relationships are established between departments of different levels.

Guide Features

Management and activities are carried out by the chief. It is in charge of the relevant dispatching department. The tasks of this division include:

  • Development of production plans.
  • Control over the execution of assigned tasks.
  • Timely provision of workshops with materials.

Production units that carry out certain operations are led by chiefs, who, in turn, are subordinate to engineering and technical personnel. The director of the entire enterprise controls the work through the chief engineer. The shops, technical and other subdivisions directly involved in the production of products are subordinate to it.

Main goals

Within the framework of production activities, several important functions are performed. Among them:

  1. Marketing.
  2. Sales.
  3. Financial security.
  4. Output.
  5. Logistics.
  6. Control.
  7. Personnel and innovation support.

Of all these tasks, production is considered the main one. Sales are next in importance.

Planning and forecasting

These activities are related to the assessment and anticipation of upcoming actions. Forecasting helps to determine trends and directions for the development of processes, the possible date of occurrence of certain events. For example, it can be the calculation of task execution time. With the help of planning, a dynamic, purposeful and proportional development of the company's production work is established and ensured.

Possible mistakes

In practice, there are cases when the results of production activities were extremely low. This is due to various reasons. The main mistakes of leadership include:

  • Incorrect application of the system of planning and organization of the production process.
  • Insufficiently clear formation of the wage fund.

As a result, the development of capacities is extremely slow at the enterprise, the number of defective products increases, the cost price and labor intensity of products are overestimated. In some cases, those forms of organization of the system of wages, labor and production that are characteristic of mass-flow or automated and instrumental processes are, in fact, groundlessly transferred to enterprises engaged in serial production of products. There are also reverse situations in practice.

Ongoing planning and evaluation

They consist in studying the possibilities of selling products, evaluating existing capacities, identifying suppliers, and determining the conditions under which an enterprise can consistently receive the resources it needs. The potential and current state of the company are assessed on the basis of a qualified audit, a thorough inventory of funds, a qualification check of employees, and so on.

Results of the work

Evaluation of the results of the company's activities allows you to establish the compliance of manufactured products with the requirements and standards in force on the market. The obtained indicators make it possible to explore the relationship between competitors' products and their own products manufactured at the enterprise, in terms of prices and quality characteristics. is inextricably linked with the requirements and conditions that exist outside the company. The interaction of the enterprise with external factors is embodied at the input in the form of costs and at the output in the form of products transferred to consumers. The financial results of the work are expressed in net profit. It is presented as the difference between revenue and expenses for the manufacture of products and their subsequent sale. As part of the financial result, a key place is occupied by such types of savings as turnover tax and profit.

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