In a bad society, retelling by chapter. In a bad society, a brief retelling of the chapters

The childhood of the hero took place in the small town of Knyazhye-Veno in the Southwestern Territory. Vasya - that was the name of the boy - was the son of a city judge. The child grew up: the mother died when the son was only six years old, and the father, absorbed in his grief, paid little attention to the boy. Vasya wandered around the city for days on end, and the pictures of city life left a deep imprint in his soul.

The city was surrounded by ponds. In the middle of one of them on the island stood an ancient castle that once belonged to a count's family. There were legends that the island was filled with captured Turks, and the castle was standing. The owners left this gloomy dwelling a long time ago, and it gradually collapsed. Its inhabitants were urban beggars who had no other shelter. But there was a split among the poor. Old Janusz, one of the count's former servants, was given some sort of right to decide who could live in the castle and who could not. He left there only: Catholics and the former count's servants. The exiles found refuge in a dungeon under an old crypt near an abandoned Uniate chapel that stood on a mountain. However, no one knew their whereabouts.

Old Janusz, meeting Vasya, invites him to enter the castle, because there now. But the boy prefers the exiles from the castle: Vasya takes pity on them.

Many members are well known in the city. This is a half-mad old man who always mutters something quietly and sadly; the ferocious and pugnacious bayonet Junker Zausailov; drunken retired official Lavrovsky, who tells everyone incredible tragic stories about his life. And calling himself General Turkevich is famous for the fact that respectable citizens (the police officer, the secretary of the county court and others) are right under their windows. He does this in order to get vodka, and achieves his goal: they rush to pay him off.

The head of the entire community is Tyburtsy Drab. Its origin and past are unknown to anyone. Others suggest in him an aristocrat, but his appearance is common people. He is known for his extraordinary learning. At fairs, Tyburtius entertains the public with lengthy speeches from ancient authors. He is considered a sorcerer.

One day, Vasya and three friends come to the old chapel: he wants to look in there. Friends help Vasya get inside through a high window. But when they see that there is still someone in the chapel, the friends run away in horror, leaving Vasya to the mercy of fate. It turns out that the children of Tyburtsy are there: nine-year-old Valek and four-year-old Marusya. Vasya often comes to the mountain to his new friends, bringing them apples from his garden. But he walks only when Tyburtius cannot catch him. Vasya does not tell anyone about this acquaintance. He tells his cowardly friends that he saw devils.

Vasya has a sister, four-year-old Sonya. She, like her brother, is a cheerful and frisky child. Brother and sister love each other very much, but Sonya's nanny prevents their noisy games: she considers Vasya a bad, spoiled boy.

The childhood of the hero took place in the small town of Knyazhye-Veno in the Southwestern Territory. Vasya - that was the name of the boy - was the son of a city judge. The child grew up “like a wild tree in the field”: the mother died when the son was only six years old, and the father, absorbed in his grief, paid little attention to the boy. Vasya wandered around the city for days on end, and the pictures of city life left a deep imprint in his soul.

The city was surrounded by ponds. In the middle of one of them on the island stood an ancient castle that once belonged to a count's family. There were legends that the island was filled with captured Turks, and the castle stands "on human bones." The owners left this gloomy dwelling a long time ago, and it gradually collapsed. Its inhabitants were urban beggars who had no other shelter. But there was a split among the poor. Old Janusz, one of the count's former servants, was given some sort of right to decide who could live in the castle and who could not. He left there only "aristocrats": Catholics and the former count's servants. The exiles found refuge in a dungeon under an old crypt near an abandoned Uniate chapel that stood on a mountain. However, no one knew their whereabouts.

Old Janusz, meeting Vasya, invites him to enter the castle, because there is now a “decent society”. But the boy prefers the "bad company" of the exiles from the castle: Vasya takes pity on them.

Many members of the "bad society" are well known in the city. This is a semi-mad elderly "professor" who always mutters something quietly and sadly; the ferocious and pugnacious bayonet Junker Zausailov; drunken retired official Lavrovsky, who tells everyone incredible tragic stories about his life. And calling himself General Turkevich is famous for the fact that he "denounces" respectable citizens (the police officer, the secretary of the county court and others) right under their windows. He does this in order to get vodka, and achieves his goal: the "convicted" rush to pay him off.

The leader of the entire community of "dark personalities" is Tyburtsy Drab. Its origin and past are unknown to anyone. Others suggest in him an aristocrat, but his appearance is of the common people. He is known for his extraordinary learning. At fairs, Tyburtius entertains the public with lengthy speeches from ancient authors. He is considered a sorcerer.

One day, Vasya and three friends come to the old chapel: he wants to look in there. Friends help Vasya get inside through a high window. But when they see that there is still someone in the chapel, the friends run away in horror, leaving Vasya to the mercy of fate. It turns out that the children of Tyburtsy are there: nine-year-old Valek and four-year-old Marusya. Vasya often comes to the mountain to his new friends, bringing them apples from his garden. But he walks only when Tyburtius cannot catch him. Vasya does not tell anyone about this acquaintance. He tells his cowardly friends that he saw devils.

Vasya has a sister, four-year-old Sonya. She, like her brother, is a cheerful and frisky child. Brother and sister love each other very much, but Sonya's nanny prevents their noisy games: she considers Vasya a bad, spoiled boy. The father is of the same opinion. He does not find in his soul a place for love for the boy. The father loves Sonya more because she looks like her late mother.

Once in a conversation, Valek and Marusya tell Vasya that Tyburtsy loves them very much. Vasya speaks of his father with resentment. But suddenly he learns from Valek that the judge is a very fair and honest person. Valek is a very serious and intelligent boy. Marusya, on the other hand, is not at all like the frisky Sonya, she is weak, thoughtful, "cheerless." Valek says that "the gray stone sucked the life out of her."

Vasya learns that Valek is stealing food for his hungry sister. This discovery makes a heavy impression on Vasya, but still he does not condemn his friend.

Valek shows Vasya the dungeon where all the members of the "bad society" live. In the absence of adults, Vasya comes there, plays with his friends. During the game of hide and seek, Tyburtsy unexpectedly appears. The children are frightened - after all, they are friends without the knowledge of the formidable head of the "bad society". But Tyburtsiy allows Vasya to come, taking from him a promise not to tell anyone where they all live. Tyburtsy brings food, prepares dinner - according to him, Vasya understands that the food is stolen. This, of course, confuses the boy, but he sees that Marusya is so happy with the food ... Now Vasya comes to the mountain without hindrance, and the adult members of the "bad society" also get used to the boy, love him.

Autumn comes, and Marusya falls ill. In order to somehow entertain the sick girl, Vasya decides to ask Sonya for a while for a big beautiful doll, a gift from her late mother. Sonya agrees. Marusya is delighted with the doll, and she even gets better.

Old Janusz comes to the judge several times with denunciations of members of the "bad society". He says that Vasya communicates with them. The nanny notices the absence of the doll. Vasya is not allowed out of the house, and a few days later he runs away secretly.

Marcus is getting worse. The inhabitants of the dungeon decide that the doll must be returned, but the girl will not notice this. But seeing that they want to take the doll, Marusya cries bitterly ... Vasya leaves the doll to her.

And again Vasya is not allowed out of the house. The father is trying to get his son to confess where he went and where the doll went. Vasya admits that he took the doll, but says nothing more. The father is angry... And at the most critical moment, Tyburtsy appears. He is carrying a doll.

Tyburtsy tells the judge about Vasya's friendship with his children. He is amazed. The father feels guilty before Vasya. It was as if a wall had collapsed that had separated father and son for a long time, and they felt like close people. Tyburtsy says that Marusya is dead. The father lets Vasya say goodbye to her, while he sends through Vasya money for Tyburtsy and a warning: it is better for the head of the "bad society" to hide from the city.

Soon, almost all the "dark personalities" disappear somewhere. Only the old "professor" and Turkevich remain, to whom the judge sometimes gives work. Marusya is buried in the old cemetery near the collapsed chapel. Vasya and his sister take care of her grave. Sometimes they come to the cemetery with their father. When the time comes for Vasya and Sonya to leave their native city, they pronounce their vows over this grave.

To the question Help! Brief retelling of chapters 2 and 5: "In bad company." URGENTLY!!! given by the author Ksenia Bobrova the best answer is The main character of the story is Vasya. He has a father
holding the post of city judge, and a small
sister Sonya.
The hero's mom died, and the dad spent more time
with Sonya.
And so it happened that Vasya was left to himself.
They have a real old castle in the town.
Beggars live in that castle, but not all.
Once old Janusz, a former servant of the owner, drove out of the castle
most of them, allowing only "aristocrats" to remain.
And so it happened that the castle was settled by unpleasant old people.
and old women.
The rest of the beggars settled near the old chapel,
where, according to rumors, there was a whole network of dungeons.
The reputation of these homeless people is not good, and all the inhabitants of the city
knew that when they approached, they had to hide their wallets.
Their chief was a certain Tyburtsy Drab - either impoverished
an aristocrat, or a former servant of some rich student,
picked up knowledge instead of the owner.
He often read from memory in taverns passages of ancient
philosophical treatises and Latin, for which he received a drink
and coppers.
Tyburtius has a son and a daughter.
The first one is seven years old, tall, and the girl, the same age as Sonya,
small and weak.
With the children of the king of beggars from the dungeon and met
Vasya treated them to apples, from which their friendship began
and communication.
Vasya often complains about his father, who does not pay at all
attention to him, but Valek praises him, since everyone in the city
know about the justice of the judge.
In the course of the story, Tyburtsy himself learns about the friendship of children.
He gets angry but lets them deal with the condition
maintaining the secrets of the dungeon.
Meanwhile, Vasya begins to understand a lot ...
Beggars have a good dinner only in one case:
manages to steal something.
The boy is sure that stealing is bad, but also small,
he is so sorry for the sickly Marusya ...
One day, Vasily told Sonya about her and the girl,
pitying Marusya, she allowed her peer to bring
own doll, beautiful and valuable.
For a while. Marusya liked the temporary gift:
she even began to smile, blushed.
However, Sonya's nanny found out about the disappearance of the doll.
She began to ask her where the doll had gone.
The father of the children found out about this.
Vasya confessed.
The father began to reprimand him for a misdemeanor, because this
a gift to a dead mother.
He asked where the toy had gone. But Vasily was silent.
The boy decided with Valek that the toy should be returned home,
but, seeing Marusya's tears, each time he does not dare to take the doll.
But ... one day Tyburtius appears and returns the doll to the judge.
He talks all about the friendship of children, and the judge understands
that he unjustly accused his son of stealing.
He asks Vasya for forgiveness ...
Sad news. Marusya is dead.
Father released Vasily to say goodbye to Marusya and
handed over the money to Tyburtsiy.
The beggars from the dungeons disappeared, and Vasya never again
did not meet Valek and Tyburtsy.
The boy often visits Marusya's grave with his father and Sonya,
where they communicate, read.
After their visits, flowers remain on the grave, which
Marusya loved to play so much ...

Chapter 1. Ruins.
The first chapter tells the story of the ruins of an old castle and a chapel on an island near Knyazh-gorodok, where the main character, a boy named Vasya, lived. His mother died when the boy was only six years old. The father, heartbroken, did not pay any attention to his son. He only occasionally caressed his younger sister Vasya, because she looked like a mother. And Vasya was left to himself. He spent most of his time outdoors. The ruins of the old castle beckoned him with their mystery, as scary stories were told about him.

This castle belonged to a wealthy Polish landowner. But the family became impoverished, and the castle fell into disrepair. Time has destroyed it. They said about the castle that it stands on the bones of the captured Turks who built it. Not far from the castle was an abandoned Uniate chapel. Once upon a time, townspeople and residents of neighboring villages gathered in it for prayer. Now the chapel was falling apart like the castle. For a long time, the ruins of the castle served as a haven for poor people who came there in search of a roof over their heads, because it was possible to live here for free. The phrase "Lives in a castle!" denoted the extreme need of an impoverished person.

But the time has come, and changes have begun in the castle. Janusz, who long ago served the old count, the owner of the castle, somehow managed to get himself a so-called sovereign charter. He began to manage the ruins and made changes there. That is, old men and old women, Catholics, remained in the castle, they expelled everyone who was not a “good Christian”. Screams and shrieks of driven people were carried around the island. Vasya, who watched these changes, was deeply struck by human cruelty. Since then, the ruins have lost their appeal to him. Once Janusz led him to the ruins by the hand. But Vasya broke free and burst into tears and ran away.

Chapter 2. Problematic natures.
For several nights after the beggars were expelled from the castle, the city was very restless. Homeless people roamed the streets of the city in the rain. And when spring fully came into its own, these people disappeared somewhere. At night there were no more barking dogs, and there was no more banging on the fences. Life has taken its toll. The inhabitants of the castle again began to go from house to house for alms, as the locals believed that someone should receive alms on Saturdays.

But the beggars expelled from the castle did not find sympathy among the townspeople. They stopped wandering around the city at night. In the evening, these dark figures disappeared at the ruins of the chapel, and in the morning they crawled out from the same side. It was said in the city that there were dungeons in the chapel. It was there that the exiles settled. Appearing in the city, they aroused indignation and hostility among the locals, as they differed in their behavior from the inhabitants of the castle. They did not ask for alms, but preferred to take what they needed themselves. For this, they were severely persecuted if they were weak, or they themselves made the townspeople suffer if they were strong. They treated the inhabitants with contempt and wariness.

Among these people were remarkable personalities. For example, "professor". He suffered from idiocy. He was nicknamed "Professor" because, as they said, he was once a tutor. He was harmless and meek, walked the streets and constantly muttered something. The townsfolk used this habit of his for entertainment. Having stopped the "professor" with some question, they amused themselves by the fact that he could talk for hours without a break. The inhabitant could fall asleep under this muttering, wake up, and the "professor" just stood over him. And for some unknown reason, the "professor" was terribly afraid of any piercing and cutting objects. When the layman got tired of muttering, he shouted: “Knives, scissors, needles, pins!” The “professor” clutched at his chest, scratched it and said that they hooked a hook to the heart, to the very heart. And hurried away.

The beggars expelled from the castle always stood up for each other. When the bullying of the “professor” began, Pan Turkevich or the junker bayonet Zausailov flew into the crowd of townsfolk. The latter was of enormous stature, with a blue-purple nose and bulging eyes. Zausailov has long been openly at war with the inhabitants of the town. If he found himself next to the pursued "professor", then his cries were heard through the streets for a long time, because he rushed around the town, destroying everything that came to hand. The Jews especially got it. Junker bayonet organized Jewish pogroms.

The townsfolk also often had fun over the drunken former official Lavrovsky. Everyone still remembered the time when Lavrovsky was addressed as "pan clerk." And now he presented a rather pitiful sight. The fall of Lavrovsky began after an escape with a dragoon officer, the daughter of the innkeeper Anna, with whom the official was in love. Gradually he drank himself, and he could often be seen somewhere under a fence or in a puddle. He made himself comfortable, stretched out his legs and poured out his grief to the old fence or birch, that is, he talked about his youth, which was completely ruined.

Vasya and his comrades often witnessed the revelations of Lavrovsky, who accused himself of various crimes. He said that he killed his father, killed his mother and sisters and brothers. The children believed his words, and were only surprised that Lavrovsky had several fathers, since he pierced the heart of one with a sword, poisoned another with poison, drowned the third in the abyss. Adults denied these words, saying that the official's parents died of starvation and disease.

Thus, muttering, Lavrovsky fell asleep. Very often it was wet with rain, covered with dust. Several times he almost froze under the snow. But he was always pulled out by the cheerful pan Turkevich, who took care of the drunken official as best he could. Unlike the "professor" and Lavrovsky, Turkevich was not an unrequited victim of the townspeople. On the contrary, he called himself a general, and forced everyone around him to call himself that with his fists. Therefore, he always walked importantly, his eyebrows were sternly frowning, and his fists were ready for a fight. The general was always drunk.

If there was no money for vodka, then Turkevich went to local officials. First of all, he approached the house of the secretary of the county court and, in front of a crowd of onlookers, played a whole performance on some well-known case in the town, portraying both the plaintiff and the defendant. He knew court proceedings very well, so soon the cook came out of the house and gave the general money. This happened at every house where Turkevich came with his retinue. He ended his campaign at the house of the mayor Kots, whom he often called his father and benefactor. Here he was presented with a gift, or the butar Mikita was called, who quickly dealt with the general, carrying him on his shoulder to the jail.

In addition to these people, many different dark personalities huddled in the chapel, hunting for petty theft. They were united, and they were led by a certain Tyburtsy Drab. Who he was and where he came from, no one knew. He was a tall, round-shouldered man with large and expressive features. With a low forehead and protruding lower jaw, he resembled a monkey. But Tyburtius's eyes were extraordinary: they sparkled from under overhanging eyebrows, shone with extraordinary intelligence and insight.

Everyone was struck by the erudition of Pan Tyburtsiy. He could read Cicero, Xenophon, Virgil by heart for hours. There were various rumors about the origin of Tyburtius and his education. But this remained a mystery. Another mystery was the appearance of children in Drab, a boy of about seven and a girl of three. Valek (that was the name of the boy) sometimes wandered around the city idle, and the girl was seen only once, and no one knew where she was.

Chapter 3. Me and my father.
This chapter deals with the relationship between father and son. Old Janusz often told Vasya that he was in bad company, since he could be seen either in the retinue of General Turkevich, or among Drab's listeners. Since Vasya's mother died, and his father stopped paying attention to him, the boy was almost never at home. He avoided meeting his father, because his face was always stern. Therefore, early in the morning he went to the city, climbing out the window, and returned late in the evening, again through the window. If the little sister Sonya was still awake, then the boy would sneak into her room and play with her.

Early in the morning Vasya left the city. He loved to watch the awakening of nature, wandered in a suburban grove, near the city prison. When the sun rose, he went home, as hunger made itself felt. Everyone called the boy a tramp, a worthless boy. My father believed in this. He tried to raise his son, but all his attempts ended in failure. Seeing the stern face of his father with traces of great grief from the loss, Vasya became shy, lowered his eyes and closed himself. If the father had caressed the boy, then everything would have been completely different. But the man was looking at him with misty eyes.

Sometimes the father asked if Vasya remembered his mother. Yes, he remembered her. How he clung to her arms at night, how she sat sick. And now he often woke up at night with a smile of happiness on his lips from the love that crowded in the child's chest. He stretched out his hands to accept the caresses of his mother, but remembered that she was no more, and wept bitterly from pain and grief. But the boy could not tell his father all this because of his constant sullenness. And he just cringed even more.

The gap between father and son grew wider. The father decided that Vasya was completely spoiled and that he had a selfish heart. One day the boy saw his father in the garden. He walked along the alleys, and there was such an agony on his face that Vasya wanted to throw herself on his neck. But the father met his son severely and coldly, asking only what he needed. From the age of six, Vasya learned the whole "horror of loneliness." He loved his sister very much, and she answered the same. But as soon as they started playing, the old nanny would take Sonya away and take her to her room. And Vasya began to play less often with his sister. He became a vagabond.

For days on end, he wandered around the city, watching the life of the townspeople. Sometimes some pictures of life made him stop with a painful fright. Impressions fell on his soul like bright spots. When there were no unexplored places left in the city, and the ruins of the castle lost their attractiveness for Vasya after the beggars were expelled from there, he often began to walk around the chapel, trying to detect a human presence there. The idea came to him to inspect the chapel from the inside.

Chapter 4. I make a new acquaintance.
This chapter tells how Vasya met the children of Tyburtsy Drab. Gathering a team of three tomboys, he went to the chapel. The sun was setting. There was no one around. Silence. The boys were scared. The chapel door was boarded up. Vasya hoped to climb with the help of his comrades through the window, which was high above the ground. First he looked inside, hanging on the window frame. He felt like there was a deep hole in front of him. There was no sign of human presence. The second boy, who was tired of standing below, also hung on the window frame and looked into the chapel. Vasya suggested that he go down to the room on his belt. But he refused. Then Vasya himself went down there, tying two belts together and hooking them to the window frame.

He was terrified. When there was a roar of crumbling plaster and the sound of the wings of an awakened owl, and in a dark corner some object disappeared under the throne, Vasya's friends ran headlong, leaving him alone. Vasya's feelings are impossible to describe, it seemed to him that he had landed in the next world. Until he heard a quiet conversation between two children: one very small and the other Vasya's age. Soon a figure appeared from under the throne.

It was a dark-haired boy of about nine, thin in a dirty shirt, with dark curly hair. At the sight of the boy, Vasya cheered up. He became even more calm when he saw a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, who was also trying to get out of the hatch in the floor of the chapel. The boys were ready to fight, but the girl, having got out, went up to the dark-haired man and clung to him. It decided everything. The children got to know each other. Vasya learned that the boy's name was Valek, and the girl's name was Marusya. They are brother and sister. Vasya pulled apples out of his pocket and treated his new acquaintances.

Valek helped Vasya to get back through the window, and he went out with Marusya in a different way. They saw off the uninvited guest, and Marusya asked if he would come again. Vasya promised to come. Valek allowed him to come only when the adults were not in the chapel. He also took a promise from Vasya not to tell anyone about a new acquaintance.

Chapter 5. Acquaintance continues.
This chapter tells how Vasya became more and more attached to his new acquaintances, visiting them every day. He wandered the streets of the city with only one purpose - to see if the adults had left the chapel. As soon as he saw them in the city, he immediately went to the mountain. Valek met the boy with restraint. But Marusya happily clasped her hands at the sight of the gifts that Vasya brought for her. Marusya was very pale, small for her age. She walked badly, staggering like a blade of grass. Thin, thin, she sometimes looked very sad, not childish. Vasya Marusya reminded her mother in the last days of her illness.

The boy compared Marusya with his sister Sonya. They were the same age. But Sonya was a plump, very lively girl, always dressed in beautiful dresses. But Marusya almost never frolicked, she also laughed very rarely and quietly, like a silver bell ringing. Her dress was dirty and old, and her hair was never braided. But the hair was more luxurious than Sonya's.

At first, Vasya tried to stir up Marusya, started noisy games, involving Valek and Marusya in them. But the girl was afraid of such games and was ready to burst into tears. Her favorite pastime was to sit on the grass and sort through the flowers that Vasya and Valek picked for her. When Vasya asked why Marusya was like that, Valek replied that it was from a gray stone that sucked life out of her. So Tyburtius told them. Vasya did not understand anything, but, looking at Marusya, he realized that Tyburtsy was right.

He became quieter around the children, and they could lie on the grass for hours and talk. Vasya learned from Valek that Tyburtsy was their father and that he loved them. Talking with Valek, he began to look at his father differently, because he learned that he was respected by everyone in the city for his crystal-clear honesty and justice. A filial pride woke up in the boy's soul, and at the same time bitterness from the realization that his father would never love him the way Tyburtius loves his children.

Chapter 6
In this chapter, Vasya learns that Valek and Marusya belong to "bad society", they are beggars. For several days he could not go to the mountain, because he did not see any of the adult inhabitants of the chapel in the city. He wandered around the city, looking for them and missing them. One day he met Valek. He asked why he didn't come anymore. Vasya said the reason. The boy was delighted, because he decided that he was already bored with the new society. he invited Vasya to his place, but he himself lagged behind a little.

Valek caught up with Vasya only on the mountain. In his hand he held a bun. He led the guest through the passage used by the inhabitants of the chapel, into the dungeon where these strange people lived. Vasya saw the "professor" and Marusya. The girl, in the light reflected from the old tombs, almost blended into the gray walls. Vasya remembered Valek's words about the stone sucking the life out of Marusya. He gave Marusa apples, and Valek broke off a piece of bread for her. Vasya was uncomfortable in the dungeon, and he suggested that Valek take Marusya out of there.

When the children went upstairs, a conversation took place between the boys, which greatly shocked Vasya. The boy found out that Valek did not buy the roll, as he thought, but stole it, because he did not have money to buy it. Vasya said that stealing is bad. But Valek objected that there were no adults, and Marusya wanted to eat. Vasya, who never knew what hunger was, looked at his friends in a new way. He said that Valek could tell him and he would bring the bun from home. But Valek objected that you can’t get enough of all the beggars. Struck to the core, Vasya left his friends because he could not play with them that day. The realization that his friends were beggars aroused in the boy's soul a regret that reached the point of heartache. At night he cried a lot.

Chapter 7 Pan Tyburtsy appears on the stage.
This chapter tells how Vasya meets Pan Tyburtsiy. When the next day he came to the ruins, Valek said that he no longer hoped to see him again. But Vasya resolutely replied that he would always come to them. The boys began to make a trap for sparrows. The thread was given to Marusa. She pulled it when a sparrow, attracted by the grain, flew into the trap. But soon the sky frowned, rain gathered, and the children went into the dungeon.

Here they began to play hide-and-seek. Vasya was blindfolded, and he pretended that he could not catch Marusya in any way, until he stumbled upon someone's wet figure. It was Tyburtsy, who lifted Vasya by the leg above his head and frightened him, terribly rolling his pupils. The boy tried to escape and demanded to let him go. Tyburtsy sternly asked Valek what it was. But he had nothing to say. Finally, the man recognized the son of the judge in the boy. He began to ask him how he got into the dungeon, how long he had been coming here, and to whom he had already told about them.

Vasya said that he had been going to them for six days already and had not told anyone about the dungeon and its inhabitants. Tyburstius praised him for this and allowed him to continue to come to his children. Then the father and son began to cook dinner from the products brought by Tyburtius. At the same time, Vasya drew attention to the fact that Pan Drab was very tired. This became another of the revelations of life, which the boy learned a lot by communicating with the children of the dungeon.

During dinner, Vasya noticed that Valek and Marusya were eating a meat dish with greed. The girl even licked her greasy fingers. Apparently, they did not see such luxury very often. From the conversation between Tyburtsy and the "professor" Vasya realized that the products were obtained dishonestly, that is, they were stolen. But hunger pushed these people to steal. Marusya confirmed her father's words that she was hungry, and meat is good.

Returning home, Vasya reflected on what he had learned about life. His friends are beggars, thieves who have no home. And with these words, the contemptuous attitude of others is always associated. But at the same time, he was very sorry for Valek and Marusya. Therefore, his affection for these poor children only increased as a result of the “mental process”. But the consciousness that stealing is not good also remained.

In the garden, Vasya stumbled upon his father, whom he had always been afraid of, and now that he had a secret, he was even more afraid. When asked by his father where he was, the boy lied for the first time in his life, answering that he was walking. Vasya was terrified by the thought that his father would find out about his connection with "bad company" and forbid him to meet with friends.

Chapter 8
This chapter says that with the approach of autumn, Marusya's illness worsened. Vasya could now freely come to the dungeon, without waiting for the adult inhabitants to leave. He soon became one of their own among them. All the inhabitants of the dungeon occupied one larger room, and Tyburtius with the children another smaller one. But in this room there was more sun and less dampness.

In a large room there was a workbench, on which the inhabitants made various crafts. On the floor there were shavings, scraps. Everywhere was dirt and disorder. Tyburtius sometimes forced the inhabitants to clean up everything. Vasya did not often go into this room, as there was musty air and the gloomy Lavrovsky lived there. One day the boy watched as a drunken Lavrovsky was brought into the dungeon. His head was dangling, his feet were pounding on the steps, and tears were streaming down his cheeks. If on the street Vasya would have been amused by such a spectacle, then here, "behind the scenes", the life of beggars without embellishment oppressed the boy.

In autumn, it became more difficult for Vasya to escape from the house. Coming to his friends, he noticed that Marusa was getting worse and worse. She was more in bed. The girl became dear to Vasya, like sister Sonya. Moreover, no one here grumbled at him, did not reproach him for his depravity, and Marusya was still happy about the appearance of the boy. Valek hugged him like a brother, even Tyburtsy sometimes looked at all three with strange eyes, in which a tear shone.

When good weather returned for a few days, Vasya and Valek carried Marusya upstairs every day. Here she seemed to come to life. But this did not last long. Clouds were also gathering over Vasya. One day he saw old Janusz talking to his father about something. From what Vasya heard, he realized that this concerned his friends from the dungeon, and maybe even himself. Tyburtsiy, to whom the boy told about what he had heard, said that pan judge is a very good person, he acts according to the law. Vasya, after the words of Pan Drab, saw his father as a formidable and strong hero. But this feeling was again mixed with bitterness from the realization that his father did not love him.

Chapter 9
This chapter tells how Vasya brought Marusa's sister's doll. The last good days are over. Marcus got worse. She no longer got out of bed, was indifferent. Vasya first brought her his toys. But they did not entertain her for long. Then he decided to ask his sister Sonya for help. She had a doll, a gift from her mother, with beautiful hair. The boy told Sonya about the sick girl and asked for the doll for a while for her. Sonya agreed.

The doll really had an amazing effect on Marusya. She seemed to come to life, hugging Vasya, laughing and talking to the doll. She got out of bed and led her little daughter around the room, sometimes even running around. But the doll gave Vasya a lot of anxiety. When he was carrying her up the mountain, he met with old Janusz. Then Sonya's nanny discovered the missing doll. The girl tried to appease her nanny, saying that the doll had gone for a walk and would return soon. Vasya expected that his deed would soon be revealed, and then his father would find out everything. He already suspected something. Janusz came to him again. Father forbade Vasya to leave the house.

On the fifth day, the boy managed to sneak away before his father woke up. He came to the dungeon and found out that Marusa became even worse. She didn't recognize anyone. Vasya told Valek about his fears and the boys decided to take the doll from Marusya and return it to Sonya. But as soon as the doll was taken from under the hand of the sick girl, she began to cry very quietly, and an expression of such grief appeared on her face that Vasya immediately put the doll back in its place. He realized that he wanted to deprive his little friend of the only joy in life.

At home, Vasya was met by his father, an angry nanny and tearful Sonya. The father again forbade the boy to leave the house. For four days he languished in anticipation of the inevitable retribution. And that day has come. He was called to his father's office. He was sitting in front of a portrait of his wife. Then he turned to his son and asked if he had taken the doll from his sister. Vasya admitted that he took it, that Sonya allowed it to be done. Then the father demanded to know where he took the doll. But the boy flatly refused to do so.

It is not known how all this would have ended, but then Tyburtsy appeared in the office. He brought the doll, then asked the judge to come out with him to tell him all about the incident. father was very surprised, but obeyed. They left, and Vasya was left alone in the office. When my father returned to the study, his face was bewildered. He put his hand on his son's shoulder. But now it was not the same heavy hand that had been gripping the boy's shoulder with force a few minutes ago. The father stroked his son's head.

Tyburtsy put Vasya on his knees and told him to come to the dungeon, that his father would allow him to do this, because Marusya had died. Pan Drab left, and Vasya was surprised to see the changes that had taken place with his father. his gaze expressed love and kindness. Vasya realized that now his father would always look at him with such eyes. Then he asked his father to let him go up the mountain to say goodbye to Marusya. The father immediately agreed. And he also gave Vasya money for Tyburtsy, but not from the judge, but on his behalf, Vasya.

After Marusya's funeral, Tyburtsy and Valek disappeared somewhere. The old chapel collapsed even more over time. And only one grave was still green every spring. It was the grave of Marusya. Vasya, his father and Sonya often visited her. Vasya and Sonya read together there, thought, shared their thoughts. Here they, leaving their native city, made their vows.

Korolenko's work In Bad Society dates back to 1885. Children get acquainted with this work thanks to the curriculum, and write down their thoughts and views in their reader's diary, where Korolenko also found his place with the work In Bad Society. For those who do not find time to get acquainted with Korolenko's story in its entirety, we suggest that you get acquainted with a brief retelling.

Korolenko in bad company

Chapter 1

Here is a castle that is located on an island near the Prince-town. It is in the Prince-Gorodok that Vasily lives, the nine-year-old character in the story Koroleva In Bad Society. The boy was raised by his father. The father very rarely communicates with his son, only sometimes he could take a fancy to his daughter, Vasya's sister, and then, because she reminded him of his wife. Vasya often left home and went to the castle, which attracted and beckoned him.

Beggars huddle in the castle, but over time, changes came and Janusz, the former servant of the count, who got the right to decide who will live in the castle and who will be driven away, drives away all the beggars.

Chapter 2

Exiled people roam and roam the city, and then disappear. But not from the city. People just found a place to live. They settled in the dungeon of the chapel. Tyburtsy, who had an adopted son and daughter, and their names were Marusya and Valek, became the head of the beggars.

Chapter 3

Here we learn about the relationship between father and son. And they were none. Vasya lives on his own, and because of the constant stern appearance of his father, he tried to avoid meeting with him, so he ran out into the street early in the morning and returned very late

The boy often remembers his mother, her tender hugs, and then cries bitterly, because at the age of six he already experienced a feeling of loneliness. Vasya has a sister and they love each other, but Sonya's nanny did not let Vasya play with her sister, so he began to wander.

If earlier Vasya was attracted to the castle, now that the beggars do not live there, he began to look for new places and now he is attracted to the chapel, which he wants to explore from the inside.

Chapter 4

Vasya and his friends go to the chapel. They help the boy get into the chapel through the window, only his friends, having heard incomprehensible sounds, left Vasya and ran away. Vasya met children in the chapel, those same named children of Tyburtsy. The children also invite Vasya to visit and ask not to inform about their acquaintance with them.

Chapter 5

Vasya is friends with Marusya and Valek. Vasya notices Marusya's weakness and pale appearance, while his sister is plump and neatly dressed. From conversations with children, Vasya learns that their father was Tyburtsy, who loved them very much. Vasya became bitter that he and his father did not have such a relationship. Meanwhile, Vasya developed pride in his father, because he learned that in the city his father is respected and considered a fair judge.

Chapter 6

Vasya cannot come to the chapel to the children, because he did not see the adults leaving it. Once Vasya meets Valek in the city, he calls to him. On the way, Valek steals a bun for his sister, who is hungry. Vasya at first said that it was bad, but did not condemn his friend. On the contrary, he felt sad for the impoverished lives of his friends.

Chapter 7

When Vasya again came to his friends, the boy ran into Tyburtsy, who recognized Vasya as the son of a judge. He allows him to continue to be friends with his children, only at the same time he asks not to tell anyone about them. Vasya lied to his father for the first time, saying that he was walking in the city. Vasya was afraid that his father would scold him for his connection with bad society.

Chapter 8

Korolenko's story In a bad society, chapter by chapter, continues with the fact that with the onset of autumn, the girl's illness only worsened. Every day her condition worsened. Vasya began to come now at any time. Once Vasya saw his father talking to Janusz. It was either about the beggars, or about Vasya, it was hard to understand. The overheard conversation Vasya told Tyburtsy, but he said that his father is fair and always acts within the law. Again, Vasya had pride in his father and at the same time sadness, because his father did not love his son.

Chapter 9

The girl is really bad. In order to somehow amuse Marusya, Vasya asks his sister for a doll and she agrees to temporarily lend Marusya. The girl was delighted with such a gift, she even cheered up. Vasya, on the contrary, started having problems because of the doll.

The father began to suspect something, he forbids his son to leave the house, but Vasya runs away. He went to Marusa, who again did not get up, she was very ill. Vasya wanted to take the doll, but the girl started crying. Vasya could not deprive Marusya of his only joy. Returning home, he ran into his father, who again locked him at home, and four days later called him to the office. Vasya was afraid to go, but there was nothing to do. He admitted that he took the doll from Sonya's permission, but he did not say where he took it, and it is not known what would have happened, but then Tyburtsy entered the door. He brought a doll. Tyburtsiy told the judge everything and he relented, moreover, warmth and love for his son appeared in his eyes. Now Vasya was sure that this look would always be the same. The father lets Vasya say goodbye to Marusya, who has died and gives money so that the boy, on his own behalf, gives them to Tyburtius Drag.


After burying their daughter, Tyburtsy and his son disappear in an unknown direction. The chapel collapsed even more and only the grave turned green in the spring. Vasya, Sonya and their father came here. Here the children loved to spend their free time, and when they grew up, they made their vows on this grave.

Korolenko In a bad society the main characters

In Korolenko's story In Bad Society, the main characters are Vasya, a boy from a prosperous family, the family of a city judge. This is a brave, kind, smart tomboy of nine years old, who lives with his father, since his mother died. Due to the lack of attention from his father, he constantly wandered. He befriends the children of the poor class and associates with members of a bad society.

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