What do I know best test. How to understand what I really want

You do not understand what you want from life and what you really want to do? In this article, you will learn about six steps that will make you understand yourself and be 100% sure of your desires.

A swamp of unlimited possibilities

Almost every person in life has a moment when he suddenly realizes with horror that he does not know what he really wants from life. He feels himself drowning in a strange swamp of desires, emotions, thoughts, actions and events. In an attempt to escape, a person actively kneads the cold and slippery liquid with his hands and feet, which, with every movement, draws him into himself.Through the darkness, he hears the cries of “act!”, “You don’t have much time!”, “You can do everything!”, “The main thing is not to stop and do not give up!”. Man instinctively responds to calls and climbs. But active movements do not take him out of the swamp.

No one can answer a question that torments a person, except himself. The fact that his consciousness does not give a clear answer does not mean that there is no answer at all. Just while it is hidden at a depth - in the subconscious. Under a thick layer of stereotypes of other people's attitudes, thoughts, lies the pearl of vocation. To clarify everything for yourself, you need to get this pearl from the depths.

The ways to dive into the subconscious and search for this pearl are quite simple - they have long been studied, described and tested. But for some reason, they are still not talked about in schools and universities. And millions of people themselves do not know what they want and live their whole lives in doubts, fears and do not receive the happiness that their vocation brings. People have been looking for the answer for years and never find it.

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Why is it important to understand what you want from life?

The modern economy requires people to do more and get less tired. And people themselves want to deal less with issues of survival, develop more and fill their lives with vivid emotions. Topics of personal effectiveness such as time management, self-motivation and self-discipline are gaining popularity.

Personal effectiveness is the setting of personal goals and their achievement. Many trainings, books on personal effectiveness begin with a call to set goals. Like, having a goal in itself makes you more effective than 90% of people. And it is true. But when a person does not have the habit of setting goals, he formulates it from the desire that first comes to mind. Very soon this desire disappears somewhere, but the goal remains and continues, as it were, to influence the person from the outside, like an overseer, generating dissatisfaction with oneself and driving his self-esteem under the plinth.

The 21st century provides a huge choice of ways of development and great opportunities for the realization of the most daring desires. Successful young people earn a lot of money, travel all over the world and do not deny themselves anything. The Internet is teeming with artists, designers, actors, directors, singers, businessmen, politicians, bloggers and writers. They live a bright and eventful life, change the world as they want and do not worry about finances.

A person has never had such a wide choice of options for self-realization until today. But this same endless choice of possibilities creates a chaos of desires and a person rushes from one possibility to another. Chaos knocks the ground out from under your feet and turns life into that same swamp of uncertainty. It is impossible to be efficient and competitive without defeating this chaos. You can’t take everything from life when you don’t know what exactly is included in this “everything”. You need to know exactly what you want, because high efficiency and a sense of freedom are based on this.

Create a Personal Charter

People who have not become highly effective on their own, before setting goals, need to understand themselves and create a foundation for goal setting - to adopt a fundamental document, a kind of Personal Charter. To set goals based on it, make plans and implement them. I suggest that you take a few simple steps, as a result of which you will create your Personal Charter. With it, you will gain confidence in your desires and plans.

The charter in organizations is where management and development begin. It prescribes the essence of the organization, the basic rules and ways to resolve disputes. Effective management of the life of a modern person is no less complicated than the management of an organization, so every person must have such a document.

Step 1 - Film the trailer of your life

Be creative about your life, like a director is about a movie. Ask yourself what kind of movie do you want to make? Blockbuster, melodrama, adventure, epic or thriller? What does it look like? What scale? Titanic, Terminator, Star Wars, Prisoner of the Caucasus or Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka?

Make a general storyboard - first of all, you need an image of your life. Take a sheet of paper, lay it horizontally, divide it into 9 equal cells. Draw in these cells 9 main frames of your life from birth to death. These shots should capture the most important moments. It's up to you to decide what these moments are - it can be world achievements - victories in the Olympic Games or in the presidential elections, receiving an Oscar for acting or Cannes Lions for the world's coolest commercial. Or maybe these are moments from a quiet and comfortable family life.

There are different ways to fit the whole life on one sheet. Here is one of them.

In nine frames, fit the main storyline, without going beyond this framework and realizing that those frames that are not included in this sheet are of secondary importance. You can redraw this storyboard several times in a row until you are sure that these frames are really the main ones and that they must be in your life. Now, in your imagination, add details and colors to these frames, set each frame in motion for a few seconds, and glue it all into your movie trailer with the right music. Revisit this trailer several times in your imagination. Well, how? Do you like the trailer of your life? 🙂

This is your vision. The main thing that you should have in order to understand what you really want from life. The sooner you have a vision, the better. What can prevent it from being created? Undeveloped imaginative thinking and doubts. Develop an artist in yourself - learn to draw, photograph, decorate, process photos, shoot and edit videos. The Internet is full of articles and video tutorials on this topic. Then go back to the trailer of your life and remake it periodically until you get the option that you are completely satisfied with. If you mount a simple cartoon or a slideshow of frames to music, this will be a victory.

Before you make your own trailer, you can look at the old Pirates of the Caribbean trailer as an example and for inspiration. 🙂

There is only one danger in the trailer venture - when you start making the movie of your life, you may lose interest in films and TV shows. Because the emotions that fictional characters and stories give you will lose their brightness against the background of your life, and the need for artificial emotions will decrease.

Step 2 – Start writing your memoir

If you have a vision, then half the work is already done. Now you need to describe in words your core values. The problem is that people do not build a hierarchy of their values, do not prioritize. In this form, values ​​randomly flash before our eyes, and a person situationally reacts to them. This is the swamp of chaos. From this chaos, the question “how to separate what I really want from what I don’t really want?” is born. It can only be answered if values ​​are organized into a system. And when a situation of choice arises, turn to this system. It is important that it be built and described by that time.

How to build and describe it? First you need to find the true values ​​in the general flow of life. There are several tools for this: a memoir, the ultimate “why?”, a personal mission statement, a million dollars and 100 dreams.

Every evening before going to bed, set aside 3-5 minutes to remember all the events of the day and write down one thing in your memoir diary - the most emotionally significant. It doesn't have to be the result of your actions, maybe it's a conversation with a friend or an insight found on someone's blog. An event can be either positive or negative. Next to each event, write down the value it is associated with. Example:

Event – ​​“I read a blog post about efficiency techniques.” The value is “self-development”. Event - "talked to my boyfriend about new memes on VKontakte." Value - "memasiki". 🙂

At the end of the week, remember all the events of the week and choose the most important of them. At the end of the month is the main event of the month. At the end of the year is the main event of the year. By devoting 5 minutes a day to studying your values, in a year you will have a list of your values ​​and understand their relative weight in your life. You will get the first results in a couple of weeks of such an attentive life or even earlier. But the longer you keep such an emotional-value account, the better you will understand what you want from life.

Step 3 - Get to the Ultimate Why?

This is an important exercise that primarily relates to managing your free time. If you understand what you spend your working time on, because it most often depends on the authorities, then in your free time you are your own boss. At the same time, most people waste their free time senselessly, not asking the question “why am I doing this?”.

It may surprise you, but usually a person has only a few hours of free time per week. The rest of the time is occupied by work, household chores, hygiene, transport, etc. These few hours people invest in development, recreation, entertainment, hobbies or degradation. Many people do not think why they do exactly what they do in their free time and do not realize how it affects their future.

The Ultimate Why? is a simple exercise to figure out what you do with your free time. When you plan what you will do in your free time, ask yourself why you are doing exactly what you are doing. For example, you are going to watch funny pictures on a social network or YouTube videos for an hour. What for? To relax, unload the brain, relieve stress. Is this the best way to relax or are there better options?

Or you have decided to take a course in time management. What for? To be more successful at your job. What is this for? To get promoted and earn more. What is this for? To go on holiday to Bali and provide education for your child. Ask the question why as often as possible and to the limit. When you reach the ultimate values, you can sort them out and build them into a hierarchy. Again, they need to be recorded and included in your charter.

Step 4 - Write Your Personal Mission

You are a free person and your greatest freedom is to decide what you will dedicate your life to. A short answer to the question "why did you come into this world?" – this is your mission. If you still do not have this answer, then try to figure it out as soon as possible. This short sentence concentrates your values. This is the meaning of your life, your main motivator, your goals should be based on it. But the mission can be quite difficult to find and formulate.

To get closer to understanding the meaning of your life, you need to get closer to its opposite, that is, to your death. To do this, it is not necessary to put yourself at real risk - again, imagination comes to the rescue. Try to imagine what will happen if you are not? What will change in the world? Who will suffer from this? What will the world not know or gain if you do not continue the main work of your life?

The most powerful way to understand your mission is to write an obituary - a newspaper article about your own death. What would you like to see her?

"… was born in … . He reached outstanding heights in ... He was especially loved ... and ... for his unsurpassed ... Such ... as he was not before him and it is unlikely that we will see them in our lifetime.

A personal mission is the core on which the pyramid of your values ​​\u200b\u200bis strung. Without this pivot, the system will not be stable.

At the moment, I see my mission as launching irreversible positive changes in the development of Russia through media, educational, cultural activities. I'm trying to make sure that the blog you're currently reading and this particular article is working towards that mission.

Step 5 - Spend 5 million euros

Here's an easier and more enjoyable task for you. Imagine that you have no financial restrictions. From a great-grandmother who lived all her life in France and recently died, you inherited 5 million euros. What will you spend them on? What is the need behind each purchase? Write down all the purchases in one list, and in the column next to it, answer the question “why?” These are your values ​​for today. Try to divide them into your "native" and imposed from outside. Get rid of the limitations in your head more often and your imagination will tell you new possibilities.

I know it's not euro 🙂

Step 6 - Start Dreaming Purposefully

The last task is perhaps the most pleasant, although not the easiest. Remember, find and write down a hundred of your dreams that you have not yet realized, but which you want to realize during your life. Assign each dream a "weight" from one to ten, and rank the dreams by weight from highest to lowest. It is not necessary to write all one hundred in one evening. Just start writing this list, reread it from time to time and add to it. When a new dream comes up, be sure to write it down on this list so you don't forget it.


Let's sum up and decide what exactly needs to be done in order to have a convincing answer to the question "what do I really want from life?".

  1. Describe the vision of your life as a filmmaker. Decide what kind of movie you want to shoot, make a storyboard of life from six frames on one sheet. Imagine a "trailer" of your life, but rather blind it from drawings or processed photographs. Create your life like a movie.
  2. Start keeping a diary. Write down the most emotionally significant events of the day, week, year and the values ​​that these events are associated with. Arrange these values ​​on a separate sheet according to their weight in your life.
  3. Ask yourself the question “Why?” more often until you get the ultimate answer. Write down your ultimate answers in a diary or notebook. Build a hierarchy out of them.
  4. Formulate your personal mission in one sentence. Give a short answer to the question why did you come into this world and what will you leave behind? Write an obituary about yourself.
  5. Make a shopping list worth 5 million euros. Write down the needs that these purchases satisfy.
  6. Write a list of 100 dreams. Dream regularly, embody and supplement dreams. Gather it all into one document. Call it the Charter of Ivan Ivanov (or whatever your name is). Print it out. Accept it, approve it with your painting. You can download the charter template here.
  7. Be sure to include points 1-6 in your plan. Set yourself the task of "Create a Personal Charter" with a deadline "by such and such a date." Until you have it at least in draft form, consider that your problem has not been solved.
  8. Review your Charter periodically so as not to forget what you really want, refer to it in moments of uncertainty. If necessary, amend it, publish new versions and accept again.

I took some of the ideas for this article from the book “Time Management. Full course." You can purchase its electronic version on Litres. I believe that personal effectiveness should begin with this book and precisely with the steps that I gave you in this article.

I am sure that if you have a Personal Charter based on these exercises, then you will know exactly what you want from life. With such a foundation, you can set the most ambitious goals and achieve amazing results. I will write about how to set goals correctly, plan plans and achieve results in one of the following articles in the same. Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss it

Many people go through their lives without even knowing what exactly they want to do. They go to jobs they hate, do projects they hate, and report to the person they hate with all their heart. And they don't even think that things could be different. After all, we have one life, and it is clearly not worth wasting it on disgusting work. Decided to change everything right now? This is excellent, but then you will face the problem of any person. What do you really want to do? It seems that yesterday you understood this very well, but today you are confused. If you can not decide, then we will help you find your destination. Just follow our advice and you will be able to find the best activity for you.

Think about yourself

Have a healthy selfishness. Do not try to help everyone at once, but take care of yourself. How do you decide what is interesting for you in life if you are constantly preoccupied with other people's problems? Forget about those around you for a while. Ask yourself: if you were now completely alone, without friends and family, without a job you hate, and you were not limited in your choice, then what exactly would you like to do. Don't be afraid to be selfish. If you do not put your interests above the public, then no one will.

Don't regret anything

Don't be ashamed to be selfish. This is your life. It is time for you to choose a path that will please you, and not your environment. Don't regret anything. If you constantly regret what you did or didn’t do in the past, then you are just standing still. Don't live in the past. Live for today. Live your future.

Think about what you need the most

We do not always understand what we really need in life. And it's extremely difficult to find out. Just sit down and think about it. What is important to you? A family? Freedom of expression? Financial well-being? You can make a priority list if that helps.

Determine what's bothering you

It is really sensible to decide what you want to do, you can only if nothing will hold you back. If you are upset about something or your head is full of things, then you will never be able to choose sensibly. Plus, find out what exactly annoys you at the moment. Needless to say, office work pisses you off. Think about what aspect of your work gives you concern. Are you annoyed by your boss? What is your schedule? Your position? Or all at once? Now think about how you can change that? Perhaps you are satisfied with the current situation, and changing only a couple of its aspects will make you the happiest person.

Now find out what makes you happy

Pleasure is the key to a happy life. If you enjoy life, then you are not just living your years, but filling them with meaning. Pick a couple of moments in your life when you were truly happy. What gave you pleasure? Travels? Communication with children? Campaign management? When you understand what really makes you happy, it will be easier for you to choose your future path.

Tell everyone around you about your dream

There is no need to hide from family and friends that you have decided to drop everything and go towards your dream. Tell your friends and family about everything. If you share your thoughts, then they will definitely support you in your endeavors and help you as much as possible. You will also get many interesting ideas. After all, one head is good, but two is better.

Get in a good mood

Life does not always go according to the script we have written. There is no need to fall into apathy if something did not work out for you. Instead of mourning and doing nothing, get up and continue with a vengeance. Not immediately, but success will come to you. This is just a small delay, not a complete failure. Do not give up. Just think positive and do what you have dreamed of all your life.

Just don't think that finding your destination is so easy. Many people have been looking for it all their lives. The main thing is not to stop and keep looking. One day, the muse will descend upon you and help you find your life's work. Until then, keep trying. Try it without feeling sorry for yourself. Try different professions and occupations. After all, if you don't try it, you'll never know if it's for you or not.

Do you think you have found the perfect job for you?

What makes you get up in the morning and start doing your tasks as soon as possible? What motivates you to overcome obstacles and? Why do you glow with happiness, and your eyes begin to shine? Many people can easily answer these and other similar questions and start a conversation about their goals, dreams, plans for life and what they want to achieve. But, at the same time, there are people who will think hard about the answer, but will not be able to say anything. The difference between these categories of people is that some are clearly aware of their purpose and have specific life goals, while others seem to strive for something, however, the meaning of their life and what they want to achieve look rather vague even for themselves.

Here we are not talking about such “goals” as earning money to provide yourself and your loved ones with everything you need, covering mandatory monthly expenses, new home appliances, etc. All of these are essential needs of almost every person; his so-called vital necessity; without which his life and everyday life will not satisfy even the most minimal requirements. Here we are talking about something more global; the fundamental direction of all actions performed in life; about what makes you grow, develop, work, work and achieve, regardless of any obstacles, and do it with pleasure, enthusiasm and inspiration. We are talking about specific life goals.

A little bit about the lack of a life goal

The desire to find one's destiny and life purpose is inherent, perhaps, in all people. But often, under the influence of various factors and circumstances, such as, for example, upbringing, the worldview of parents, the influence of the environment, imposed beliefs and ideals, the promotion of a certain lifestyle, way of thinking and everything that you need to have and want to have, lead to that people just lose themselves in all this. They seem to fall asleep, their whole life becomes unconscious and mechanical, and their thinking becomes stereotyped and standardized. As a result, all questions relating to the meaning of life lose their relevance, fade into the background, or are generally discarded as unnecessary.

If a person is still concerned about such topics, and he has not completely lost his individuality, selfhood and the feeling that you need to strive for something or at least look for it, the answers to the above questions are often difficult to find, which often noticeably overshadows the existence , creates a feeling of aimlessness of being, becomes the cause of apathetic or depressive states.

The lack of a life goal has an extremely negative effect on a person's life. This is the inability to fully reveal one's personal and creative potential, and the duality of thinking and behavior, and the loss of interest in activities and in life in general, and real happy moments can be counted on the fingers. This topic can be disassembled in parts endlessly, but this is not at all important, but what is needed, and most importantly, you can come to an understanding of your true purpose and the definition of specific life goals.

Why do you need to find your life purpose?

The question of finding a life goal, just like the previous one, is very voluminous and multifaceted. But, despite this, it is always considered exclusively in a positive way. When a person has a clear life goal, he lives with an understanding of what his time is invested in, that he is on the path to achieving what he wants, and this path is the right one. The goal fills his entire existence with meaning, which means that in life there is a place for harmony and happiness. Having a goal, a person specifically knows in which direction to move. It becomes easier to make any choice in everyday life, it becomes much easier to separate the important from the unimportant and discard the latter without regret. Always present, no need to force yourself to anything. And if efforts are made to correct one’s behavior, then this is a training that allows you to become stronger, and certainly not violence against yourself, as happens when you do everything with clenched teeth.

A life goal is something that fills both the person himself and his life. This is what allows a person to walk through life with a firm and confident gait with his head held high even in the most difficult moments. And this is what allows him to come to the meaning of his existence and see even the most familiar life in a completely new perspective, as well as change it.

But reasoning is reasoning. They are, of course, good, but they can remain only a theory. And this, unfortunately, is the worst thing that can happen to a person who is looking for his destiny. To avoid this, you should use several recommendations that not only contribute to the transition from thoughts to actions, but also greatly simplify the search for your destiny and goals to which you can safely devote your life.

How to realize your purpose and find life goals?

Without further ado, let's jump right into these recommendations.

  • Start by analyzing your interests and hobbies. Approach this issue consciously and seriously. Determine what interests you the most: what kind of literature do you prefer to read? Are you interested in documentaries, and if so, what kind? What do you like to learn more and more about? It is likely that the answers to these questions will be able to set the right direction for future searches. If you don't feel like you have any special interests, you'll have to work hard to find them. Your life's work is 90% related to your interests.
  • Analyze your free time activities: what do you do, what do you like to do, what do you want to do when you think about your free time? What would you do if there was more time? Surely your leisure time, if it is, of course, not “stupid” or idle chatter in social networks, can be associated with your subconscious aspirations, talents, predispositions and goals. If you managed to find something like that, then think about whether there is an opportunity to somehow develop it and derive practical benefits from this lesson?
  • Try to observe yourself, namely: observe what you notice around you. For example, you can often pay attention to other people's appearance or health, or you can pinpoint the cause of a car breakdown. Perhaps you are keenly aware of flaws in construction or repairs made in someone else's house. But what if you, without having the appropriate education, easily find various errors in the texts and know how to correctly write and express your thoughts, although you have never learned this? After observing yourself, most likely you will find something in which you, without having deep knowledge, can be a specialist. What is your activity now? Develop this idea further.
  • Make a list of 50 wishes. Include everything that comes to mind. Seems simple? Surprisingly, many people, after listings such as: house, apartment, car, renovation, vacation, wedding, child, salary increase, new phone, new furniture, and something like that, become confused. As a result, it turns out to write 20-25 wishes on the strength. If you have the same situation, do not despair and write further - this will activate your creativity and the work of the subconscious. If you easily wrote 50 wishes, increase the list to 100. It is the last and most “difficult” wishes that will reflect your global goals and life aspirations to a greater extent.
  • Watch your states. In everyday life, a person from time to time is “covered” by waves of seemingly causeless inspiration and enthusiasm. Track these moments in your life and try to understand the reasons for their occurrence: some thoughts, actions, people. In many spiritual practices, inspiration is considered a sign that you are on the right path. Look for such signs constantly - they will be able to lead you to the right "road".
  • Practice meditation. is one of the most powerful spiritual practices. During meditation, the chaotic running of thoughts calms down, there is a feeling of calmness, well-being and inner silence, which is the best suited for connecting with the subconscious. And, as you know, the subconscious knows and can do everything. During practice, ask yourself questions without trying to answer, using your rational mind. Answers can come even after meditation - it can be an insight, a thought or image that came from somewhere in your head, a sensation in your body, a meeting with some person, or a book that “accidentally” fell under your feet. Strive for self-knowledge.
  • your future. Choose a quiet and peaceful place where no one will disturb you for at least 30 minutes. Turn off phones, skype, ICQ, internet and so on. Sit down and take a comfortable position. Close your eyes, relax. Try not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts. And now start imagining your life in detail, for example, in 5 years: where are you, where do you live, what kind of people are next to you, what are you wearing, what surrounds you at this moment, what do you have? Strive to keep your thoughts flowing calmly. No need to impose something on yourself and think in patterns. Just surrender to the flow of your thoughts - where will it take you? The sharper and clearer the picture, the closer you will be to finding a way to achieve its materialization. Do this procedure at least once every two days and over time you will begin to understand what you want and what you really need.

What more can be said? In fact, I would very much like to continue to develop this topic and bring more and more new ways to find your purpose and life goals. One could write a whole book. But for obvious reasons, it is not possible to do this in this article. So it remains only to summarize: the process of finding a life purpose and your destiny is entirely up to you. To find answers to your questions, you must find yourself, and this is a difficult, lengthy process, but very interesting and exciting. As already mentioned, strive for self-knowledge, engage in spiritual practices, read and watch educational TV shows, be alone with yourself, listen to your inner voice, etc. You can combine all of these, or you can do them separately.

And always remember that our only real enemies are despair, laziness and unwillingness to see beyond our own noses. Believe in yourself and your strengths, and also that your life goals are already very close to you!

You can comprehensively study this issue, it is better to understand yourself and use the knowledge gained for the purposes of self-development on the course. Join now!

Many people go through their lives without even knowing what exactly they want to do. They go to jobs they hate, do projects they hate, and report to the person they hate with all their heart. And they don't even think that things could be different. After all, we have one life, and it is clearly not worth wasting it on disgusting work. Decided to change everything right now? This is excellent, but then you will face the problem of any person. What do you really want to do? It seems that yesterday you understood this very well, but today you are confused. If you can not decide, then we will help you find your destination. Just follow our advice and you will be able to find the best activity for you.

Think about yourself

Have a healthy selfishness. Do not try to help everyone at once, but take care of yourself. How do you decide what is interesting for you in life if you are constantly preoccupied with other people's problems? Forget about those around you for a while. Ask yourself: if you were now completely alone, without friends and family, without a job you hate, and you were not limited in your choice, then what exactly would you like to do. Don't be afraid to be selfish. If you do not put your interests above the public, then no one will.

Don't regret anything

Don't be ashamed to be selfish. This is your life. It is time for you to choose a path that will please you, and not your environment. Don't regret anything. If you constantly regret what you did or didn’t do in the past, then you are just standing still. Don't live in the past. Live for today. Live your future.

Think about what you need the most

We do not always understand what we really need in life. And it's extremely difficult to find out. Just sit down and think about it. What is important to you? A family? Freedom of expression? Financial well-being? You can make a priority list if that helps.

Determine what's bothering you

It is really sensible to decide what you want to do, you can only if nothing will hold you back. If you are upset about something or your head is full of things, then you will never be able to choose sensibly. Plus, find out what exactly annoys you at the moment. Needless to say, office work pisses you off. Think about what aspect of your work gives you concern. Are you annoyed by your boss? What is your schedule? Your position? Or all at once? Now think about how you can change that? Perhaps you are satisfied with the current situation, and changing only a couple of its aspects will make you the happiest person.

Now find out what makes you happy

Pleasure is the key to a happy life. If you enjoy life, then you are not just living your years, but filling them with meaning. Pick a couple of moments in your life when you were truly happy. What gave you pleasure? Travels? Communication with children? Campaign management? When you understand what really makes you happy, it will be easier for you to choose your future path.

Tell everyone around you about your dream

There is no need to hide from family and friends that you have decided to drop everything and go towards your dream. Tell your friends and family about everything. If you share your thoughts, then they will definitely support you in your endeavors and help you as much as possible. You will also get many interesting ideas. After all, one head is good, but two is better.

Get in a good mood

Life does not always go according to the script we have written. There is no need to fall into apathy if something did not work out for you. Instead of mourning and doing nothing, get up and continue with a vengeance. Not immediately, but success will come to you. This is just a small delay, not a complete failure. Do not give up. Just think positive and do what you have dreamed of all your life.

Just don't think that finding your destination is so easy. Many people have been looking for it all their lives. The main thing is not to stop and keep looking. One day, the muse will descend upon you and help you find your life's work. Until then, keep trying. Try it without feeling sorry for yourself. Try different professions and occupations. After all, if you don't try it, you'll never know if it's for you or not.

Do you think you have found the perfect job for you?


If time permits, go on vacation. Or sacrifice a couple of days off in your favor. Take a rest. Get enough sleep.

Take a notepad, laptop - whatever you like. Write down the title: "What do I need in this one?" Write whatever ideas come to mind. Perhaps at first they will not be at all, or they will seem unworthy of attention. Record it anyway. Don't rush anywhere. The question is serious. Write everything. Starting from looking after a phone during a trip to the store and ending with great achievements: learn a foreign language, get another one, get married or get married, build a house, achieve fame, etc. Don't limit yourself to 20-30 points. The more you write, the better.

Cross out insignificant, momentary desires. Check the ones that are most important to you. Make adjustments along the way. You should not try to become a TV star if you have never performed on stage and have not held a microphone in your hands, and you have big problems with diction.

Count how many points you got. Look at them. Determine which ones are really important to you and which you can hardly imagine without. Nobody is rushing you. If there are no meaningful ideas, take a break. Do not try to squeeze any solutions out of yourself. Pick one small item and take a small step in that direction.

Make as many daily life changes as you can. Change your style of clothing, go where you haven't been before. Try new foods, hobbies. Fill your life with new experiences. And the answer to the question will surely come.

Useful advice

If you still have not decided what you need from life, then you are simply on the wrong road. It's time to explore new paths. And on one of them you will definitely find the answer to your question.


  • how to understand you want me

“Love is blind” is not an old saying, but a bitter truth that for thousands of years has consoled those who are the last to know about betrayal. Wives, husbands, girlfriends and companions ask themselves - how could I not notice that he / she is cheating on me? Do we always know where to look? What to pay attention to? What actions should make us wary and stop being so in love, and therefore so naive?


Does your partner talk on the phone longer than usual? When he picks up his cell phone, does he always have things to do outside of the room where you are? He looks at the ringing phone, sees, but does not pick up the phone, but transfers to voice mail? Has he taken his cell phone with him everywhere, including the bathroom? If this behavior is repeated more and more often, you should “take off your rose-colored glasses” and take a closer look at your partner.

Pay attention to how your companion uses the Internet. Does it wait for you to lie down to sit, does the laptop blow the room, does it close the browser when you enter the room? Decide for yourself if you should check his email and website history or if you want to be "above it" even if he's hiding something from you.

Many argue that it will always make itself felt in the cooling of sexual relations. The person who has changed will allegedly avoid contacts of this kind. But here's the thing - deceivers who want to hide their "campaign to the left" are well aware of this popular "omen" and sometimes go to bed with you with redoubled ardor in order to avoid all sorts of suspicions and accusations. Also, do not discount the fact that in a new romance on the side, your partner may have new sexual appetites, habits and fantasies. Perhaps they can't wait to date their crush and therefore fulfill their desires with you?

Has your partner become more picky about his appearance? Men want to look more energetic, women start dressing sexier. Usually indifferent to issues of weight, appearance, hairstyles, fragrances, the partner suddenly began to pay a lot of attention to this? If he is not very interested in whether you like these changes, most likely this is done for someone else.

Pay attention to how your partner spends money. If he suddenly began to lose large sums somewhere, and he cannot explain to you what they are going for, maybe it makes sense to look into his finances? Pay attention to the checks in his pockets, if you have the opportunity, look at the printout from his bank card. Restaurant bills you didn't go to, flowers and jewelry you didn't get, sexy lingerie you didn't see her wearing - what more proof do you need to know you're being scammed?

If suddenly employees or friends of your partner begin to feel uncomfortable in your presence, look away, look at you with pity, in a conversation they clearly stumble and consider what has been said, does this mean that they know something about your life that they don’t know you?

Your partner suddenly became moody, his mood changes dramatically, he became more aggressive in conversation with you, often asks you questions in various forms - what do you think about non-monogamous marriages? Are you really sure that you can carry the love of one person through your whole life? Are you happy with him? Perhaps this is not exactly, but these are signals that something is seriously wrong in yours.

Your companion has new interests and tastes that seem completely out of character to you. Has he become interested in ballroom dancing? Is she interested in chess? He began to believe that you should not paint your lips? She says a self-respecting man should spend two hours every day at the gym? What do you think, why would it?

He's just picking on! Yesterday, he was satisfied with the way you dress, cook, kiss, what you think about the situation in Pakistan and what films you watch and books you read, but today you can’t please him. It may well be that your companion is simply looking for an excuse to break off relations with you so as not to feel guilty for cheating.

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Useful advice

Usually we feel great that we are being deceived, but we don’t want to believe it so much that we close our eyes to everything. If you are not a jealous person, if you have always trusted your partner completely, and now you have begun to feel some discomfort, then perhaps you should trust your intuition?


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Life is an exciting adventure that can be painted in different colors. Sometimes it is joyful, pleasant and memorable, sometimes sad and dull. But it is precisely these differences that make it interesting. And it's worth living for many things to make the space even more entertaining.

A person is not always able to live for himself. How often there are people who are ready to work only for the sake of others, to cook something tasty only for guests or loved ones, to do some deeds to win someone else's heart. Satisfying your needs is very simple, because a person needs a roof over his head, food and comfortable clothes. But if someone is nearby, then there are much more needs.

Life for loved ones

Almost all people are looking for a second half. And a couple is needed not only to be near, it carries the meaning of life, it fills every day with significance. When there is a person nearby, you want to please him, to make his world brighter and more exciting, and this pushes a person to work, to achieve, to act. It is not for nothing that men very often look for a muse, and women dream of having a baby. These people bring order into existence, give significance to what is happening.

Having someone around allows you to share what you have. And in the presence of a large number of people, also brag about what others do not have. Social games allow you to assert yourself, strive for more and fill life with meaning. After all, there would be no significance in an expensive car if it were not desirable for everyone. After all, it performs all the functions that a regular car does, but it is the presence of other people, their desire to get it, that makes it important, helps to achieve such purchases.

Life for impressions

There are people who choose life for adventure and emotion. They strive for more and more experiences, looking for new sensations. Their world seems boring to them, and the constant search for a new one makes them feel better. Having experienced something, they dream of strengthening this feeling, making it even brighter and more interesting. These are people, they enjoy the views, visit different countries. For them, emotions come first.

Extreme people live the same way. They constantly try to get as much adrenaline as possible, they are not even afraid of the possibility of dying. After all, the power of the moment is much more important. They jump with a parachute, raft down mountain rivers, master the bungee, and again and again subject themselves to overloads. Impressions can be found in different areas. Someone lives in search of new tastes, someone strives to try the maximum amount of physical sensations or even fears.

Life for goals

Life for purposes can also exist. A person comes up with a certain peak for himself, and then just goes to it. The meaning of existence is to achieve what you want, to get everything that is planned. This is a very exciting life, but here it is important that the goal is not final. If you achieve everything that was invented, it can become very sad. When achieved, there may be a loss of desire to exist.

Women are monogamous by nature, and understand treason men they can with great difficulty. This is a deep wound that does not heal to the end, and even after 10 years it will respond with acute pain in them. But, experienced women say, and family psychologists agree with them, that betrayal is not a reason for parting. Especially not a reason for divorce. But how to understand the traitor whom you believed, whom you loved, and he reciprocated, and then easily and brazenly destroyed everything that was best between you.

You will need

  • Patience, endurance, love for your man.


You learned about the change. There is a blank space in my head. Most importantly, try to think rationally. Don't hold onto this shock. Of course, you can't tell this to anyone. Even the closest friend does not want to. Then write all your thoughts on paper. Psychologists say it helps a lot with stress.

Unleash your emotions. Holding them back is as harmful as thoughts. This does not mean at all that it is necessary to attack your "traitor" with fists. Just let off steam. A Russian person will always find a way to do it.

Now you are ready for constructive solutions. Situations are different. Sometimes you have to continue to pretend that everything is in order. In any case, you have time to understand yourself and what happened. If you really love a person and do not want to end the relationship, you will have to understand and accept him. We are all just people with our weaknesses.

Try to understand the reasons for your man. Perhaps this is your fault too.
Strong love. It happens. Just on to another. And he cannot understand where he should move - to her, like a dream, or to you, a quiet and safe haven. Syndrome of habit. Long life together, dulling of all feelings, desire for new sensations.
The classic reason was that he was very drunk and did not think well. You can understand. Try to drink yourself to insensibility. Very loving. And you knew about it from the very beginning. So what do you want from him. Loyalty to the grave?
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