Find out if there is an evil eye or damage. How to check yourself for the presence of the evil eye: an easy way to find out

If luck has completely turned away from you, only negative events, illnesses haunt you, then it's time to think that someone has put a spell on you or the evil eye. It is believed that damage can only be done intentionally, but the evil eye can also be attached by accident. However, if a person has a negative impact, then it is best to get rid of it. We will talk about how to determine damage or the evil eye on a person in this article.

Black magic can be determined by various methods: having wondered if you have a bad influence, damage or evil eye, you need to act. For this, there are special rituals and signs that allow you to determine the behavior of damage and the evil eye.

However, before performing rituals and rituals, it is necessary to understand what damage is and what the evil eye is.

What is spoilage

The main difference between this type of black magic is its intentionality. It is impossible to accidentally pick up damage. It is deliberately induced by a person who wants to harm the victim. It is done in various areas of life: love, relationships, work, health, luck, home and even death. The last damage is the most dangerous and can lead to the death of a person, if you do not know that someone brought it and do not remove it.

What is the evil eye

In the people there is such a phrase "eye-eyed person." This is what they say about a person who can cause trouble to another with just a glance. As a rule, you can jinx someone if you strongly envy or praise him. Often the evil eye can come even from close people.

For example, when the mother strongly praises the child for success at school in front of others, and the next day the child brings bad marks. That is why, many say that it is impossible to be very happy or upset for any reason, so as not to attract negativity into life. In addition, you should be extremely careful with small children. They are considered the most defenseless and before baptism they should not be shown to anyone at all, and after that they should be very careful and use protective techniques.

As you can see, the evil eye and damage are quite dangerous effects, the consequences of which can be very deplorable. That is why, if it seems that you have been damaged or jinxed, then it is best to find out and fix it.

Methods of determination

It is not difficult to find out that a person has an evil eye or damage. For these purposes, there are special methods:

signs of negative impact.
You can find out if something bad has been brought to you by observing behavior and analyzing events in life. There are a number of signs that will be evidence that a person has been jinxed or damaged.

rites and rituals.
Simple magical events with an egg or wax will help you find out the answer to the exciting question of whether you have been jinxed or not, whether you have been subjected to black interference or not.

Below we will look at the main signs that you have been jinxed or you have become a victim of black interference. However, remember that those who have been jinxed will have milder symptoms.

As for those on whom someone brought black magic, their signs will be most pronounced.

  • deterioration in general well-being, exacerbation of chronic diseases, a sharp emergence of new health problems;
  • depressive moods, fear and fear of others, negative thoughts, suicidal tendencies, lack of desire to live;
  • the appearance of addictions: from cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and if they already existed, then exacerbation;
  • scandals and quarrels with relatives and friends, a possible divorce, parting with a loved one;
  • deterioration of the financial situation, theft, dismissal, demotion, loss;
  • constant troubles and failures even in things that have always gone well;
  • a feeling of emptiness, loneliness, fear of one's own reflection in the mirror and its rejection;
  • a sharp change in weight, which can result in both a large set and a sharp weight loss.

The above signs are the main ones that help determine black exposure. If someone brought dark magic to the victim in a certain area, then the most severe problems will be in it. In addition, you can recognize this trouble also by the fact that the spoiled one often denies the fact that his life is collapsing and magic is taking place. That is why a person may need the help and support of loved ones, who will have to study the signs and perform rituals.

Magic rituals

In order to determine for sure if there is a negative impact on a person, simple rituals can be performed.

Egg Ritual

To determine damage or the evil eye, you can perform a ritual with an egg. To complete it, you will need one chicken egg at room temperature and a bowl of clean water. A corrupted person must hold an egg between his chin and chest and hold it there for five to seven minutes.

After that, the egg is driven into the water, carefully and carefully, and studied. Whole yolk and light protein - everything is fine, there is no negative impact. If the protein is cloudy, the yolk is interspersed or stained, then there is a black effect. And the more unnatural the broken egg, the stronger the magic.

Rite with wax

To determine spoilage or the evil eye with this method, you will need melted beeswax and a bowl of water. Whether or not there is damage and the evil eye is recognized in the following way: a vessel with melted wax should be driven over the head of the spoiled one for a couple of minutes, and then slowly pour the wax into a bowl of cold water.

Next, you need to leave the vessel with water and wax for a few minutes, and after that, examine the hardened wax. Evidence that someone has brought black magic will be a lot of swelling and bumps. A large outgrowth will testify to a generic curse, and bitten and torn edges will speak of a black impact on fate. If the wax figure is even and smooth, then everything is fine. Small undulations are also a great sign.

Using these two rituals, you can accurately determine the damage or the evil eye and find out if someone has had a negative impact on you or not. It is important to follow all the rules for performing rituals exactly, and then the result will be correct.

If you wondered how to determine damage or the evil eye, then it's time to act. In order to find out that you have been jinxed, you need to analyze the behavior and events in life. You can also do a simple ceremony with an egg or wax, which will give a one hundred percent answer. It is not worth delaying this process: every day it can get worse if someone has brought strong black magic.

Many people are sure that the sudden onset of health problems, in relationships and affairs is the result of extraneous negative influences. The evil eye, and in more complex cases, damage, affects adults with a weakened own energy, as well as children. Negative influence can be produced not only by ill-wishers, but also unconsciously from loved ones. There are many ways to find out if there is damage on a person. Some of them are quite feasible at home, without outside help.

The most common signs of spoilage are causeless headaches, a sharp deterioration in well-being and mood, groundless conflicts with others, and frequent failures.

In critical cases, bad habits are aggravated in a spoiled person, illnesses are aggravated, relationships are crumbling and interest in life is extinguished. In order to avoid bitter consequences, one should diagnose the energy impact with malicious intent in time and seek help from the relevant practitioners.

Signs and symptoms of spoilage on a person

Most often, spoilage is suspected if a healthy person's health deteriorates sharply, and these sudden changes cannot be logically connected with his lifestyle. In such cases, they remember whether the enemies had any reason to envy, whether the person provoked conflicts with unfriendly people, whether he had enemies. One hundred percent sign of damage is the presence in the house or at work of linings with earth, needles, hair, eggs and others. The relationship of bad relationships and the resulting malaise is one of the signs of evil magical influence. At the level of the physical body, damage is immediately manifested by the following symptoms:

  • malaise, weakness;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • lack of appetite;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • emergence of new diseases and injuries.

Habitual medical means do not eliminate such body signals, but require a special approach - non-traditional methods of treatment. The next stage of the action of damage is the deterioration of psychological and mental health. It is given out by such signs:

  • despondency, apathy, depression;
  • nausea and yawning in church;
  • feelings of loneliness, resentment, anxiety;
  • suicidal desires;
  • exacerbation of phobias;
  • exacerbation of addictions;
  • conflict.

Spoiled people, more often than usual, break and lose personal belongings. They are more exposed to hazards due to accidents, fires and accidents.

It is useful for everyone to know not only the signs of a negative magical effect, but home ways to determine whether a person has it. The methods of diagnosing spoilage and the evil eye, proven by more than one generation, help to find out about their presence in time and take appropriate measures.

The most popular is the use of candles, water and eggs for this purpose, but there are many others. The following describes simple and effective homemade ways to find out if there is damage on a person.

Diagnosis with candles

  1. A lit church candle is placed in a glass with grain or salt. Any personal item (purse, jewelry, etc.) is placed between the glass and the person. Watch the candle burn. If its flame is even, then everything is in order with the victim. Fire with sparks speaks of an imminent improvement in well-being and the state of affairs. But a weak tongue of flame indicates that a person has a weak evil eye or damage. If the candle smokes, this is a sign that damage has been directed at it.
  2. There is another way to diagnose someone else's negative impact with the help of a candle. Around themselves or the person being helped, they light a lit church candle. A steady burning of a candle is a good sign, but crackling, smoke and fading are alarming. Probably on the victim damage.

Determination of spoilage by wax

  1. An empty plate is held over the person's head, and melted natural wax is poured onto it. When it hardens, characterize the resulting image. Even figures are formed if a person is healthy and energetically strong. Pimples and lumps indicate the presence of the evil eye or damage. A strong negative interference is given out by wax, which has frozen in a slide, and a long-standing and outdated magical effect - pores and holes in the figure.
  2. A container with melted wax is briefly held over the head of the victim. Then it is poured in a thin stream into the water. According to the formed markets, they will find out if there are signs of damage on a person. If you get an even pancake, figures with rounded shapes, you can calm down. A crooked pattern, the presence of bubbles and bulges indicates the presence of deliberate malicious interference.

How to find out if there is spoilage with water and milk

  1. Man breathes into a glass of water. After that, it is hidden in a dark, cool place until the next day. Clear water in a glass means that everything is in order. Clouded or spoiled - there is an evil magical effect.
  2. A knife heated on fire is thrown into a bucket of milk and a conspiracy is read: “The demon itself and the spirit itself in the house sit in the yard and do not look. And if they are sitting, then I will let them out, I will frighten them out. As a knife enters the water, so the milk will all disappear. Amen". Milk is monitored for several hours. If it is curled up or sour, then damage has been done.

Two ways to diagnose spoilage with eggs

  1. A fresh chicken egg is broken into a glass of water. It is held for a short time on the crown, after which the contents are examined. If the egg is whole, the water is clear, then there is no effect. If bubbles appeared in the glass, and cobwebs tightened the egg, then there is an evil eye or spoilage. This also means bubbles, as if the egg is boiled. If the squirrel has risen in pillars, then done for personal and family life. If there are black dots in the egg, then diseases are induced.
  2. They break a fresh egg into a glass of holy water and put it by the bed. The next morning they check what has changed. If nothing, then everything is fine with the person. If the contents of the glass stink and darken, then there is spoilage.

Golden ring for quick identification

Since childhood, some have known that a mother or grandmother, if a child suddenly falls ill and is naughty, spends a wedding ring on his cheeks. This is one of the express ways to determine damage.

To do it yourself, simply wash your face and hands, then run the edge of the gold ring across your cheek or wrist. The remaining dark mark on the skin is a sign of damage.

Two ways to find spoilage with salt

  1. They sew a small bag of natural fabric and fill it with ordinary salt. This sachet is placed next to the bed for three days. If, after such a period, the salt remains the same as it was, then everything is fine with the person. If it crumpled, hardened or darkened, then there is an evil eye or damage.
  2. Pour three tablespoons of salt into a hot frying pan. They read a short plot: “Earth salt, road dust. Burn, damage, fire. Amen". In the presence of spoilage, the salt will darken.

Three match methods of diagnostics

There are several ways to identify spoilage symptoms using matches.

  1. They take two matches and put a glass of water in front of them. They mentally ask if the person has damage or the evil eye. Then, raising one match above the glass and repeating the question, they throw it into the water without looking. The same is repeated with the second. By the position of the matches in the glass, the presence of extraneous negative interference is determined:
  • If they lie separately, do not touch, then everything is in order.
  • If the matches somehow touch each other, then there is the evil eye.
  • Crossed matches indicate the presence of spoilage.
  1. They hold a glass of water in their hands. Then they put it in front of them. They light a match and, having sinched it as much as possible, throw it into the water. Everything is fine if the cinder does not sink. If he went to the bottom, then this indicates a damage done.
  2. They mentally ask if there is a negative effect on a person and throw an arbitrary number of matches into any container with water. By their position, they will find out the answer to the question asked:
  • If they do not intersect, they are free - there is no damage.
  • Touching, inclined to the bottom - there is an evil eye.
  • Drowned - damage has been inflicted.

Other methods

There are many other ways to diagnose spoilage at home. For example, with the help of a mirror, a cat, coffee, etc. If necessary, their descriptions can be found independently. To detect magical interference, one or more of the most convenient methods in a particular case should be used.

The occurrence of spontaneous illnesses and unreasonable failures in life can be the result of a negative magical effect - damage. It is worth conducting a quick diagnosis of the energy of the affected person if there are suspicions of influences of this kind.

Many ways to check if there is damage allow you to do it yourself at home, but if you have any difficulties, it is still recommended to contact the appropriate specialists.

Knowledge of the main symptoms and signs of intentionally inflicted harm ensures a quick response to the problem, and as a result, its timely solution.

The evil eye is an energy blow that, destroying a person's biofield, harms his life. Psychics claim that every person in his entire life becomes a victim of the evil eye dozens, or even hundreds of times.

In order to jinx it, it is not at all necessary to have magical abilities. To jinx a person, it is enough to wish him harm or think badly about him. If a bunch of negativity directed towards a person turns out to be powerful, then this will lead to the evil eye.

It turns out that you can jinx it anytime and anywhere. Your enemies, envious and ill-wishers can greatly harm you with the power of their thoughts and secret desires.

The evil eye appears immediately. It can be expressed both in the form of physical ailment, and in the form of troubles in life. A flattened person, as a rule, ceases to feel all the joys of life. He becomes withdrawn, unsure of himself, his mood is constantly changing, and his behavior becomes unpredictable. In addition, the evil eye causes headaches, insomnia, nightmares, and the occurrence of diseases. How? To do this, there are three effective methods.

How to know if there is an evil eye

Many of us do not believe in the evil eye and spoilage. A person often attributes all unexpected changes in his life to fatigue, simple bad luck, and reduced immunity. Then medications, consultations of psychologists and other ways to get rid of an unhealthy state are used. But without understanding the main reason for changes in life for the worse, we will not be able to get rid of all the failures that haunt us.

If troubles suddenly arise in your life, then you should think about whether you have been jinxed. You can determine the evil eye at home and without the help of specialists.

The first way to determine the evil eye. Before going to bed, wash your face with cold water, take a golden ring and read any prayer from the evil eye or “Our Father” over it. After that, swipe the ring on the left cheek. If a white streak remains on the skin, everything is fine with you. If a dark streak remains, then this is direct evidence that you have been jinxed, and all your failures in life are not accidental.

The second way to determine the evil eye. You can find out if there is an evil eye with the help of St. John's wort. This plant subtly feels negative energy and will help you determine its presence in the house. Place a sprig of St. John's wort in each room. If St. John's wort wilts earlier in your room, then you are a victim of the evil eye.

The third way to determine the evil eye. Take a glass of water and three coals. Throw embers into the water and watch them. If they drown, then the evil eye lies on you. If the coals remain on the surface, then everything is in order with you.

If you want to know who put the evil eye on you, then take a small container of holy water. Before going to bed, read "Our Father" and wash yourself with this water. Put this water at the head of your bed and go to bed. At night, you should have a dream in which you will see who put the evil eye on you and how it happened.

If you find that the evil eye lies on you, then you urgently need to remove it. You can remove the evil eye and damage yourself. The main thing is to diagnose the presence of negative energy in time and, without delay, take action. We wish you good luck and do not forget to press the buttons and

21.04.2014 16:22

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In human life there is always a place for mystical incidents and phenomena. It does not matter at all whether he believes in them or not! Such phenomena include, for example, damage and the evil eye, the signs of which are very similar. It is these negative energy influences that often become the causes of a variety of troubles. Today we propose to talk about defeats of an energy-informational nature! You will find information about what the evil eye is, how it manifests itself. Let's talk about how to determine who made the evil eye and how to protect yourself and your loved ones!

What is the evil eye

Experts in the field of clairvoyance, magic and esotericism call the evil eye the negative introduction into the aura and subtle bodies of a person of certain programs that are not only capable of violating the integrity of the whole organism, but also lead to serious consequences - depression or even suicide. Usually, the evil eye is an unintended effect, it is easy to apply it - it is enough to sharply express a spiritual impulse (it does not matter if it is positive or negative). The low-frequency energy that has settled in the biofield, according to psychics, leads to an imbalance. A person has a bad mood, his health worsens. As a result, problems in personal life, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased immunity.

Damage: definition, difference from the evil eye

Unlike the evil eye, which is an unintentional influence, damage is a conscious magical effect on a person. She is never random! The main task of damage is to cause maximum harm to the victim. There are many types of this impact. There are so-called damage to loneliness and illness, fear, longing and even death. The main difference between the evil eye and damage is that you can get rid of the evil eye yourself, but damage will require the intervention of specialists. In addition, it cannot simply be “scattered” in space, an important condition is that damage must find its addressee. Usually, experienced magicians simply return it to the one who sent it. But the duration of the evil eye is very short.

Quick diagnosis of the evil eye and damage by signs

There are a huge number of ways to determine if a person has damage or the evil eye. Let's talk about them in more detail!

Signs of the evil eye

The very first symptoms of the evil eye appear within a few minutes after exposure. They can be compared with the consequences of communicating with energy vampires. Of course, this is drowsiness, increased weakness and fatigue. Headache, apathy, passivity appear later. Often there is a fever, although the thermometer at the same time shows the usual temperature.

How to understand that you have been jinxed? One of the most striking signs is insomnia. People with such damage to the biofield cannot fall asleep for a long time at night, and in the morning it is difficult for them to get up and go about their business. The desire to do the most ordinary everyday things, for example, to go to the shower, may disappear. If you do not pay attention to the first symptoms, irritability, self-pity, problems with the skin and teeth, nails will appear. But still, serious consequences after the evil eye are rare. Another thing is damage.

Damage symptoms

What signs will help recognize the black spell? Here is just a partial list:

  • sleep problems appear, nightmares may occur;
  • one of the close people suddenly changes his attitude towards you;
  • diseases that cannot be diagnosed may occur, tests do not help to identify them, and treatment does not bring relief;
  • pets begin to behave strangely - they show fear and aggression, run away from a person who is under the influence of spoilage;
  • luck seems to leave a person, everything that he undertakes is initially doomed to failure;
  • difficulties appear at work, thefts are not uncommon, financial difficulties;
  • a person's self-esteem decreases - his own reflection in the mirror no longer pleases, his intonations irritate;
  • apathy, loss of strength and depression are common signs of spoilage;
  • a person subject to this negative influence often loses his pectoral cross;
  • touching with consecrated objects - water or icons - causes a strong burning sensation;
  • thoughts of suicide may appear.

Who can jinx

Absolutely anyone can jinx it. But, of course, potential carriers of the so-called "evil eye" are characterized by emotional and mental instability, prone to envy. Checking for the evil eye should be carried out after communicating with a person who “starts up” extremely quickly and cools down no less quickly. It is at the moment of a strong emotional outburst that a person splashes out all the accumulated negative energy, moreover, directs it to the biofield of a person who is nearby.

However, a very calm, balanced person is also capable of jinxing. True, in this case, the force of the energy impact will be several times stronger. The fact is that such people can not succumb to their emotions for a long time, accumulating a huge amount of negative energy.

self-evil eye

A close friend, relative, colleague can jinx it. But there is such a thing as self-evil eye. Sometimes it’s worth a person to brag about how everything is going well for him, as everything immediately starts to go awry. Therefore, even non-superstitious people often knock on wood three times or spit over their shoulders while talking about their successes - so as not to jinx themselves.

How to determine the evil eye, self-induced? Magicians say that the first sign is a terrible fatigue that occurs for no reason. Sleep does not bring rest, nightmares accompany every night. The mood changes dramatically for the worse, absent-mindedness, deterioration of attention and memory appear. Often, with self-evil eyes, loud sounds, bright lights, and pungent odors begin to irritate.

Evil eye in a child

Of course, young children are most susceptible to the evil eye. You can determine the negative impact on the biofield of the crumbs by the following symptoms:

  • poor appetite;
  • increased moodiness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • unexplained increase in body temperature;
  • excessive activity;
  • nervousness;
  • the appearance of temporary phobias - the child may refuse to remain alone in the room, does not allow the light to be turned off, does not let the parents go.

How does the evil eye manifest itself in adults

It is worth saying that the evil eye can affect all spheres of human life. It does not always affect the well-being, but always knocks out of the usual rhythm of life. The evil eye brings to life a series of troubles that stop personal development, “slow down” career advancement. In addition, he is able to shake the position in society. Often the blow is directed at a person's property or loved ones.

What is worth paying attention to if you guess that the whole load of misfortunes that suddenly fell on you for no reason is someone else's influence? How to understand that you have been jinxed? For example, family people should focus on the troubles and illnesses that occur in households. The second half suddenly cools down, loses interest in you. Often household appliances break down in the house, heating and water supply systems break down.

Careers are also changing.

  • the work intended for you is suddenly transferred to colleagues (often less qualified);
  • irritation makes it difficult to tune in to the working mood;
  • misunderstandings arise in relations with management and colleagues.

How to understand that you have been jinxed? If there is a desire to change the field of activity or quit work altogether, it is worth drawing the appropriate conclusions.

Practical diagnostics

There are many ways to determine if there is an evil eye. In some cases, you may need the help of an experienced magician, but usually you can handle this task yourself.

You can determine if a child has an evil eye in the following ways:

  1. The easiest option is to check on the doorstep. To conduct it, a woman must put on a nightgown, take consecrated water into her mouth, and take the baby in her arms. Then you need to stand on the threshold of the room where the child is usually located, and the adjacent room, turning towards the exit. Holding the child with your left hand, you need to draw some water from your mouth into your right hand, sprinkle the baby crosswise, mentally pronouncing the prayer “Our Father”. In conclusion, it is necessary to wipe the body of the child crosswise with the inside of the nightgown. Such manipulations are carried out three times, while the baby calms down and quickly falls asleep. The presence of the evil eye in this case confirms the strong long sleep of the child. It is usually accompanied by convulsive twitches, shortness of breath and mumbling. The main advantage of this method of diagnosing the evil eye is the simultaneous determination and removal of negative effects.
  2. The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos will help determine the presence of the evil eye. You need to take it in your hands, read "Our Father", and then put the icon under the child's pillow. After that, you should observe the baby's sleep. Restless sleep is a clear sign of the evil eye.

Adult check

How to understand that you were jinxed on your own? To do this, you can use objects that can respond to changes in human energy. For example, a church candle. You need to light it, then read one of three prayers to choose from - “The Most Holy Theotokos”, “Our Father”, “May God Arise”. While reading, you need to cross yourself three times and observe the behavior of the candle. Hissing, crackling, black soot or sparks are signs of the evil eye.

Often, pets become helpers - they avoid contact with a person who has been exposed to negative effects, hiss, hide. Another sign is the appearance of spiders and cockroaches, cobwebs in large quantities.

Getting rid of the evil eye

Removing the evil eye is a simple process. One of the most effective ways is washing with holy water. You can also use spring water instead. A great option is a trip to the bath. It will help to remove the negative effects of ordinary salt. It must be put in a small cloth bag and carried with you for several days, and then buried. Good protection will be talismans and amulets. Excellent protection from the evil eye red thread. Let's take a closer look at this amulet!

Red thread: which hand is tied and why

Why did people choose a red thread as a talisman? Most likely, everything began in Israel, when a long red thread was tied around the grave of Rachel. The fact is that Kabbalists believe that Rachel is the mother of the whole world, capable of protecting every person. Her burial place is an energy portal. Therefore, it is here that believers charge red threads, cut them into pieces and tie them on the wrists of loved ones.

Which hand is tied with a red thread? The receiving side of both the body and the soul is the left hand, and therefore, by tying a thread on it, a person establishes a connection with protective energy. It is important to properly tie the talisman - seven knots. Usually a loving person or a close relative ties the thread.

There are certain rules that are important to follow when tying a red thread from the evil eye. For example, you need to promise yourself to refrain from negative thoughts and actions. The laws of the spiritual world must be observed. In addition, you need to understand that this talisman needs the energy of goodness and purity that live in you!

Corruption is a powerful magical effect on a person, under which, alas, each of us can fall. There is also a high chance that you may be jinxed. The consequences of these magical influences are terrible. Damage and the evil eye can manifest itself in various ways. If you suddenly feel that your life is changing for the worse, there are problems in work, family, money and health, you should think: what if you were cursed or jinxed? There are many ways to check if there is damage or the evil eye. All of them are to identify someone else's negative energy that affects you and makes you weaker every day. Let's look at the most effective ways to recognize dark magical interference in your life.

In order to find out if you have damage, you need to take a transparent glass of water and a raw chicken egg. Crack the egg carefully and pour it into a glass. The yolk must be whole. Then lower your head so that your chin touches your chest. Place the glass on the crown of the head and hold it in this position for about three minutes. Try not to move during this time. After that, remove the glass and carefully look at what happened to the egg.

If the water is still clean and clear, and the yolk remains in the protein, and the protein looks like a bunch, then there is no spoilage on you. If the yolk is whole, and the protein has fallen apart into several parts, which are threads, then a slight damage has been imposed on you, which concerns your family life.

If the protein has broken up into several threads, on which bubbles are clearly visible, then you have severe damage, and this damage is induced by a professional. In this case, most likely, your envious person tried. As a rule, such damage has terrible consequences: serious illnesses that cannot be recognized and diagnosed.

If on the threads of the protein or on the yolk you see not only white bubbles, but also black dots, then this is a sign of powerful damage that was done using cemetery land. This damage to death. The one who sent it goes to the bitter end and will calm down only after your death.

There is another way to determine the presence of damage. To do this, take a glass of water and three matches. Light the matches and let them burn out completely. Then throw them one by one into the water and watch what happens. If all matches do not sink, then there is no damage and evil eye. If they stand upright in the water, this is a sign that a strong negative is directed in your direction, which, like damage, can harm you. If all the matches fell to the bottom, severe damage was imposed on you.

It happens that because of one family member who has been cursed, all his relatives who live with him under the same roof suffer. In order to find out exactly who was cursed, it is necessary to put in each room St. John's wort bouquet. In whose room St. John's wort withers the fastest, that person is spoiled.

Check for damage will help another old way. After sunset, take a consecrated church candle, light it and start reading any prayer in a whisper, cross yourself three times. If during prayer the fire begins to crackle and fluctuate strongly, then this is a clear sign that you have been jinxed or damaged.

If a black cat lives in your house, then she will be able to detect spoilage in you. It is good if the cat is affectionate and calm by nature. Pick her up and start petting her. If she meekly sits, then you are all right. If she's acting weird. It breaks out and begins to meow - this is a sign of damage.

Well, if you yourself felt that something was wrong with you. If damage is detected in the early stages, then it will be easier to remove it. In order to remove the damage, you need to contact a professional. If you removed the damage yourself, then you should protect yourself from repeated magical exposure. Know that you can protect yourself from any black curse! If this information was useful to you, click on and

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§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...