Find out what nationality you are test. Free tests

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Nationality is a set of character traits that have developed over centuries of history, and external data that distinguish an individual from representatives of another nationality. It is noteworthy that people living in neighboring regions differ only slightly in terms of national characteristics, while representatives of different continents differ dramatically. Such differences between nationalities turn into racial ones. Before you determine the nationality of a person, you must know the main characteristics in appearance, by which representatives of different nationalities can be distinguished - hair and skin color, the shape and shape of the nose, as well as eyes. Representatives of different nationalities also have speech differences, but they will not always allow you to determine a specific nationality, since half the world speaks English, and not just the British.

National distinctions of Africans

The skin of Africans (or Negroes) is brown to black in color. Purebred Africans will never have blue or gray eyes - only black or brown. The shape of the eyes can be either round or almond-shaped. The nose is slightly flattened, with wide nostrils. Representatives of the African continent have dark, and, as a rule, curly hair, broad shoulders and long legs, they are tall.

National differences of Chechens

The skin of both the Chechens and the Ingush is fair. Eye color - brown or black, eyes small. Dark and thick hair, eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose are the hallmarks of the Chechens, who also have a smooth and large nose with a wide nose bridge. The growth of representatives of this nationality is approximately average. The figure is proportional.

National differences of Georgians

Very often belonging to a certain nationality can be determined by the surname. For example, among native Georgians, the surname ends in "dze". Therefore, how to determine nationality by last name is written in the relevant literature. In addition to the surname, Georgians can be distinguished by fair skin, almond-shaped brown or black eyes, an elongated hooked nose, and jet-black, thick hair. The representatives of this nationality have a figure of proportional build, Georgians are usually tall people in height, and not only men, but also women.

National distinctions of the Jews

Jews have light, often freckled skin, bulging and round eyes, gray or brown, they have a large nose with a lowered tip. As a rule, the edges of the nostrils are slightly raised in Jews. This nationality has either dark or red hair. If you need to identify a Jew from the male half of society, then take a closer look at his facial hair - it often differs in tone from that on the head. The Jews are a low nation, therefore, among them there are no people of high stature, and often men are characterized by growth below average. The figure of the Jews has a disproportionate structure - they have a wide pelvis and narrow shoulders.

National distinctions of Armenians

Before you determine the nationality by appearance, take a closer look at the eyes - perhaps an Armenian is standing in front of you, if the person’s eyes are almond-shaped, wide-set, brown in color. The skin of the Armenians is light, and the hair is thick and curly. Especially in men, dense vegetation is observed throughout the body. Armenians have an elongated, hooked nose, medium or high growth and a proportional physique.

National distinctions of the Chinese

In order to determine the nationality of a person, it is not necessary to see him personally, since you can determine the nationality from a photo. The Chinese nationality, the most numerous on our planet, is characterized by a small and narrow nose, slanting and wide-set eyes - they are black. The Chinese have a yellowish or brownish skin color and short stature. The physique of the representatives of this nationality is proportional. The hair of the Chinese is dark and coarse, straight, and there is practically no vegetation on the body of men.

National differences of the Tatars

Tatars have a yellowish skin tone, they have dark or red hair, and representatives of this nationality often begin to go bald at a young age. Their eyes are brown, narrow, as is the nose, which in profile practically does not protrude above the rest of the facial features. Therefore, the face of the Tatars often seems flat. A proportional physique and average or below average height are the national differences of this nation.

We hope that this information has helped you in deciding how to determine your nationality or the nationality of your friend or girlfriend.

With the help of DNA testing, there is a unique opportunity to determine the degree of relationship between two people. The main task is to find sections of chromosomes inherited from a common ancestor. The more such sites two people have, the fewer generations separate them from a common ancestor. We got 50% of our DNA from our father and another 50% from our mother, who in turn got it from our grandparents. Cousins ​​have a 12.5% ​​match with us. By agreeing to participate in the search for relatives, you can find relatives up to the 10th generation. 80% of our clients find at least one relative.

Ethnic composition

The vast majority of people are representatives of several peoples at once, often living very far from each other. Comparison of chromosome regions with DNA of typical representatives of various nationalities allows you to evaluate your ethnic composition. The DNA test will tell you how much you relate to each of the 87 populations (including the peoples of Russia and the CIS countries).

EuropeEastern Europe
41,2 %
Western Europe
18,7 %
South Caucasus
9,1 %
North Caucasus
4,5 %
11,7 %
Ashkenazi Jews
5,6 %
Near East
6,8 %
AfricaNorth Africa
2,4 %

Can I be related to Napoleon, Nicholas II and Genghis Khan?

We study 1,500 genetic markers on the Y-chromosome (which is passed down from father to son and can only be studied in men) and 600 genetic markers on mitochondrial DNA (which is passed down from mother to child), which allows us to track ancestral migration paths with high accuracy paternal (only for men) and maternal (for men and women) lines. Analysis of the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA allows you to estimate the time when you had the closest common ancestors with known people on the paternal and maternal lines.

Proportion of Neanderthal genes

Many thousands of years ago, the ancestors of modern humans lived on the same territory as an extinct group of ancient people, the Neanderthals. Living people have inherited up to 5% of Neanderthal genes. A genetic test will tell you how many genetic mutations you inherited from Neanderthals.

Have you ever wondered the origin of your last name? In fact, this is very interesting, because the surname makes it possible to find out the nationality, the roots of a person. To figure out what nationality this or that surname belongs to, you need to pay attention to suffixes and endings.

So, the most common suffix Ukrainian surnames- “-enko” (Bondarenko, Petrenko, Timoshenko, Ostapenko). Another group of suffixes is “-eyko”, “-ko”, “-point” (Belebeiko, Bobreiko, Grishko). The third suffix is ​​“-ovsky” (Berezovsky, Mogilevsky). Often among Ukrainian surnames one can find those that come from the names of professions (Koval, Gonchar), as well as from combinations of two words (Sinegub, Belogor).

Among Russians surnames the following suffixes are common: “-an”, “-yn”, -“in”, “-skikh”, “-ov”, “-ev”, “-skoy”, “-tskoy”, “-ih”, “ th”. It is easy to guess that the following can be considered examples of such surnames: Smirnov, Nikolaev, Donskoy, Sedykh.

Polish surnames most often they have the suffixes “-sk” and “-ck”, as well as the endings “-y”, “-aya” (Sushitsky, Kovalskaya, Vishnevsky). You can often meet Poles with surnames with an unchangeable form (Sienkiewicz, Wozniak, Mickiewicz).

English surnames often come from the name of the area where the person lives (Scott, Wales), from the names of professions (Smith - blacksmith), from characteristics (Armstrong - strong, Sweet - sweet).

Before many French surnames there is an insert “Le”, “Mont” or “De” (Le Germain, Le Pen).

German surnames most often formed from names (Peters, Jacobi, Vernet), from characteristics (Klein - small), from the type of activity (Schmidt - blacksmith, Muller - miller).

Tatar surnames come from Tatar words and such suffixes: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in” (Yuldashin, Safin).

Italian surnames are formed using the following suffixes: “-ini”, “-ino”, “-ello”, “-illo”, “-etti”, “-etto”, “-ito” (Moretti, Benedetto).

Majority Spanish and Portuguese surnames come from characteristics (Alegre - joyful, Bravo - brave). Among the endings most often found: “-ez”, “-es”, “-az” (Gomez, Lopez).

Norwegian surnames are formed using the suffix “en” (Larsen, Hansen). Surnames without a suffix (Per, Morgen) are also popular. Surnames are often formed from the names of natural phenomena or animals (Blizzard - blizzard, Svane - swan).

Swedish surnames most often end in “-sson”, “-berg”, “-steady”, “-strom” (Forsberg, Bosstrom).

At Estonians by surname you will not be able to tell whether a person is male or female (Simson, Nahk).

At Jewish surnames there are two common roots - Levy and Cohen. Most surnames are formed from male names (Solomon, Samuel). There are also surnames that are formed with the help of suffixes (Abramson, Jacobson).

Belarusian surnames end in “-ich”, “-chik”, “-ka”, “-ko”, “-onak”, “-yonak”, “-uk”, -ik”, “-ski” (Radkevich, Kukharchik ).

Turkish surnames have the ending “-oglu”, “-ji”, “-zade” (Mustafaoglu, Ekindzhi).

Almost all Bulgarian surnames formed from names with the help of suffixes “-ov”, “-ev” (Konstantinov, Georgiev).

Men's Latvian surnames end in “-s”, “-is”, and female - in “-e”, “-a” (Shurins - Brother-in-law).

And men's Lithuanian surnames end with “-onis”, “-unas”, “-utis”, “-aitis”, “-ena” (Norvidaitis). Feminine ones end in “-en”, “-yuven”, “-uven” (Grinuven). The surnames of unmarried girls contain a part of the father's surname and the suffixes "-ut", "-polyut", "-ayt", as well as the ending "-e" (Orbakas - Orbakaite).

Majority Armenian surnames end with the suffix “-yan”, “-yants”, “-uni” (Hakopyan, Galustyan).

Georgian surnames end in “-shvili”, “-dze”, “-uri”, “-ava”, “-a”, “-ua”, “-ia”, “-ni” (Mikadze, Gvishian).

Greek surnames the endings “-idis”, “-kos”, - “pulos” (Angelopoulos, Nikolaidis) are inherent.

Chinese and Korean surnames consist of one, sometimes two syllables (Tang Liu, Qiao, Mao).

Japanese surnames are formed using one or two words (Kitamura - north and village).

Feature of women's Czech surnames is the obligatory ending “-ova” (Valdrova, Andersonova).

It is amazing how many differences there are between the surnames of different nationalities and peoples!

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In the modern world, the question is quite acute: "Is nationality a political, social or biological concept?" Before talking about nationality, you should familiarize yourself with the accompanying terms.

People. Ethnos. Nation

The people - a "new kind", "born kind" of people united by one common territory - is a fundamental concept in our topic. From the definition it is clear that this is an exclusively biological term - people who are closely related.

An ethnos is a people, that is, over time, a group of people formed from close peoples who have the same language (they belong to the same and have a common origin, roots, but are not territorially connected.

A nation is a people with its own common development history, culture, and customs. If one nation creates its own, it will be called a nation. Thus, this is already a more aggressive, political concept. A nation may include several closely related national groups.

Nationality is...

Nationality refers to any nation on biological grounds. It has no connection with a country or a specific territory. For example, Germans, Kazakhs or Englishmen who live permanently in Russia - their nationality remains the same with a change of residence, state. Without nationality (characteristic of kinship between people) there will be no development of the people, it will not become a nation.

Now almost all states are multinational, although there are also separate national republics.

It is important not to confuse citizenship and nationality. The first concept is social, which means the society of which country an individual belongs to. The second, as can be seen from the definition, is biological and shows who a person is by birth, origin.

Although in some countries the word "nationality" is still a definition of the nationality of an individual.

Folk nationality

The people is the smallest unit in today's discussion, you can literally take this word as a clan, a family. In the course of their development, families (tribes) grew, divided, and united with their neighbors. But since they had common roots, and life took place in interaction with each other, territorial proximity, common, similar features gradually formed, so strong genetically that they were (are) transmitted to descendants regardless of time and distance - the nationality of peoples or folk nationality.

So, if you look at the Germans, for example: non-Jesa-Saxon Germans, Franconians, Saxons, Swabians, Bavarians - that's how many sub-ethnoi (peoples) belong to one nationality of people.

The Russians have about thirty throughout Russia and beyond. And there are only two dialects - North Russian (Okaya) and South Russian (Akaya).

How to determine nationality

It would seem, what is easier. He lives in Germany, dad is German, mom is German, he is also German! But the path of mankind on Earth is already quite long. Everything is mixed up - peoples, ethnic groups, nations ... It is very difficult to determine a person's belonging to a particular nationality. Especially when dad's family is Poles and Jews, and mom's are Spaniards and Finns, and everyone lives in Australia.

There are still several ways:

  1. The child receives nationality from the father. The father is from his father, and thus a fairly clear family (national) line is built. This happens almost all over the world, except for a few nations. Among the Jews, for example, the child assumes the nationality of the mother.
  2. Some folk groups have very bright, similar external signs. Body structure or character traits. On such grounds, a person is classified as a particular nationality.
  3. People who do not have the opportunity to find out the nationality of their ancestors (orphans, for example), take or accept in the process of upbringing, growing up, the features of the national group with which they interact the most (foster parents or orphanage workers).
  4. The most basic way has two interrelated processes of definition - subjective and objective. The first is what nationality a person refers to: what traditions he observes, what features of appearance and character he has, what language he is a native speaker. The second is how his relatives perceive him. That is, whether people of the chosen national group identify this person with themselves. Thus, nationality is a personal consciousness and surrounding agreement that a person belongs (is related) to some group of people (peoples, ethnic groups).
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