Notifications. "Zeal and vigilant labors"

Today, thanks to archives and chronicles, we can learn a lot about the history of the cities in which we live. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to say exactly when and for what reasons the city arose, to calculate the first buildings. Often it is not even possible to understand who was the first mayor and who made the most important decisions on the development of the city in one area or another. But Yekaterinburg is not one of them.

It is known for certain when, by whom and for what purpose Yekaterinburg was created. The monument to these two people, Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev and Vilim Ivanovich de Gennin, today pleases all residents of the capital of the Urals. Officially, the date of the appearance of Yekaterinburg is 1723. But its history, inextricably linked with the names of these people, began even before this date.

In the spring of 1720, V. N. Tatishchev came here with the aim of developing mining plants, of which there were quite a few in those years. A good half of the modern cities of the Sverdlovsk region was formed thanks to industry. Tatishchev first of all took up the Uktus plant. Soon after studying the area, it became clear that it was impossible to reform it, and it was necessary to build a new enterprise, and at the same time create an administrative center. A specific place was chosen on the banks of the Iset, but a conflict arose with the major industrialists of those times - the Demidovs. It turned out that they were the owners of these lands. The result of this story was the denunciation, trial and subsequent acquittal of Tatishchev.

Vasily Nikitich was able to start building the plant and developing the city only in 1723. By this time, V.I. de Gennin had joined him. Thanks to him, the city was named after Catherine. The monument to the founders Tatishchev and de Gennin is located in, not far from. It was opened for the 275th anniversary of the city.

Folk names, toponyms

  1. Beavis & Butthead- First of all, there are two of them. There are many paired sculptures, but only when you see this one do you remember Beavis and Butthead. And also one of the explanations of the word Bolvan is Cormorant

The monument to the founders of Yekaterinburg Vasily Tatishchev and Wilhelm de Gennin appeared in 1998, in honor of the 275th anniversary of the city. If Tatishchev and de Gennin knew that after almost three centuries they would stand side by side, they probably would not have believed it, and even laughed at the insolent person who could suggest this - their relationship was very aggravated. But on the monument they stand side by side, gazing at the Historical Square, where the city once began. We will not deny that both of them did a lot for its development.

A competition for a monument to the founders of Yekaterinburg was announced in 1997, on the eve of the 275th anniversary of the city. From the submitted works, the project of the sculptor Pyotr Chusovitin, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, was chosen. He was born in 1944 in the village of Shipelovo, Beloyarsky District, Sverdlovsk Region. He studied first at the Sverdlovsk Art School (mentors were Mosin and Brusilovsky), then graduated from the Stroganov Art School (Moscow).

The relationship of the founding fathers was far from friendly. And how could it be otherwise - Vasily Tatishchev was supposed to be the sole founder of the city and already in 1721 began the construction of the plant. But he had a conflict with the Demidovs - they accused Vasily Nikitich of financial fraud, bribery and embezzlement. Vasily Nikitich was even under investigation, but the charges were later dropped.

Peter I did not remove Tatishchev from his post, but sent de Gennin to the city under construction, instructing him to look after the construction. Therefore, of course, they did not like each other, to put it mildly. Although de Gennin, having understood the case, admitted that Tatishchev acted fairly in everything.

The monument, despite the critical attitude of many citizens, has become a symbolic place in the city - rallies and holidays are held here. This is where the youth gather. It has been vandalized several times. The monument is regularly cleaned from graffiti and inscriptions. Their abundance is associated with the fact that skateboarders have chosen this place. In July 2010, cardboard boxes with images of Beavis and Butt-head were placed on the heads of the Founding Fathers by unidentified individuals. How the pranksters managed to remain unnoticed is unclear, given that the boxes appeared in the morning, and the height of the monument is almost ten meters.

The monument was given many names invented by the townspeople. One of the most popular is "Beavis and Butt-head", in honor of the heroes of the animated series of the same name. Another nickname - "Two from the casket" - because of the same faces. Photo by Yana Belotserkovskaya.

founding fathers

Georg Wilhelm de Gennin was born in Lower Saxony in 1676. In 1697 he was invited to Russia. Participated in the Northern War. In Petrozavodsk, he managed the Petrovsky factories in 1713-1721. There is a memorial plaque for de Gennin. In 1721 he was appointed head of the construction of the Sestroretsk plant. But construction was ending without him - in April 1722, Peter sent him to the Urals. For twelve years of work, he built nine factories here, including the one that gave rise to Yekaterinburg. In Russia, de Gennin asked to be called Willim Ivanovich.

Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev was born in 1686 in the Pskov district. In 1720, he was entrusted with the development of the Urals - he was sent here to find out where it was possible to build factories and begin their construction. Initially, Tatishchev wanted to reorganize the already existing Uktus plant. However, he quickly realized that it needed to be moved to the Iset River. He also chose a place for the construction of a plant near the village of Egoshikha, thereby laying the foundation for Perm. Actively engaged in educational activities, opened schools. It was thanks to him that the famous

Today, the arbitration court will consider the claim of the sculptor Pyotr Chusovitin and the Association of Copyright Holders against the entrepreneur Marina Chebotaeva on the use of the image of the monument to Tatishchev and De Gennin. Prior to that, they had already collected money from the publishing house and the manufacturer of sweets. It turned out that the property rights to the monument were issued by the city administration, but the copyright belongs to the sculptor Pyotr Chusovitin, who now lives in Moscow.

Printing and publishing a photo of the monument has now become a dangerous business, but we still take the risk and in this non-commercial material we will tell about the history of the monument, about who and why protested against the monument and how the sculptors-performers were not paid for the work.

How De Gennin was paired with Tatishchev

In 1995, the mayor's office decided that a monument to the founding fathers of the city should appear in Yekaterinburg. This was already the second attempt to perpetuate Vasily Tatishchev and the first - Wilhelm De Gennin.

Tatishchev is the man who came up with the idea to build a plant on the Iset, around which Yekaterinburg subsequently grew. As the former chief architect of the city Sergei Lukanin recalled, in 1982 the chairman of the executive committee of the city council of people's deputies, in the modern mayor, Pavel Shamanov instructed the Chief Architecture to hold a competition for the placement of a monument to Tatishchev. It was won by the project of sculptor Andrey Antonov and architects Demidov and Neznansky. They wanted to erect a monument near the house of the Stalinist Empire style on Vojvodina Street in the Historical Square.

Our project was approved, and Antonov began to work, made a life-size sculpture in clay, all that was left was to make a mold, cast ... And then 1991 happened, this business was postponed. And when a new team of city authorities came, they decided to erect a monument to Tatishchev and De Gennin together, they were again looking for authors, although that project was almost ready. I remember that at that time in Vecherka (Evening Yekaterinburg. - Note. ed.) a note by Vitaly Volovich was published about why a new competition should be held when the project had already been adopted. But nonetheless.

They remembered the monument in 1995, and then it was decided to pair Tatishchev with Wilhelm De Gennin. In 1722, De Gennin, with the rank of major general, became the head of the mining administration in the Urals and played a decisive role in the emergence of Yekaterinburg. It was he who insisted that the ironworks be built, although the Ural industrialist Nikita Demidov opposed it. At the same time, Tatishchev and De Gennin did not like each other and could hardly have thought during their lifetime that they would stand side by side, cast in bronze.

Six sculptors entered the competition: Konstantin Grunberg (the author of the Zhukov monument and the Black Tulip memorial), Pyotr Chusovitin, Valentina Sokolova, Natalya Grineva, A. Bulygin and O. Bessonov. In the Museum of Architecture and Industrial Technology of the Urals, an exhibition of projects was organized, everyone could look at them.

The winner was determined by secret ballot by a jury of officials, architects and sculptors led by Mayor Arkady Chernetsky. In 1997, the results of the competition were summed up. Five members of the jury voted for the project of Petr Chusovitin (according to the documentation of the competition, the co-authors of the project were architects Ovechkin and Dubrovin), two for Sokolova's project, one for Grineva's project. At the same time, the jury voted for the location of the future monument. There was another version of the Geological Alley in the Historical Square, but the place at the water tower won.

According to the writer Dmitry Karasyuk, right in front of the place where the monument now stands, on the orders of Tatishchev, in 1738 they burned the Tatar Toygildy Zhulyakov at the stake because, having been forcibly baptized, he returned from Orthodoxy to Islam. A year later, the Bashkir Kisyabika Bairyasova was burned in the same place.

These were the last burnings in Russian history. And then at the place where, on the orders of Tatishchev, people were executed in this way, a monument was erected to him. But those who chose the place, most likely, did not know about it, - says Karasyuk.

In Chusovitin's winning project, Tatishchev and De Gennin did not have hats (this can be seen in the photo above). According to Dmitry Karasyuk, one of those who accepted the job asked: “How can you tell them apart?” And then they put a hat on De Gennin.

As a famous athlete, he jumped with a parachute during the day, and at night he did Tatishchev and De Gennin. And got no money

Petr Chusovitin, a native of the Sverdlovsk region, who by that time had long lived in Moscow, arrived in Yekaterinburg, and work began.

Alexander Petrov was then a ceramics artist at a creative production plant, who became a contractor for the creation of the monument. There was no work in the main direction, Petrov was offered to become a master on this project: to provide performers with clay, shingles, wood, metal, prepare scaffolding in the workshop (the height of the monument is 4.2 meters), monitor discipline (the time was difficult, he says, many drank, did not go to work) - in general, do everything so that the process does not stop.

He described the process of creating the monument as follows:

The author gives a sculpture in a small version, after that a life-size frame is made, clay is thrown over it, then the sculptors-performers work on clay: they form legs, a head, a hat, folds. The sculptor accepts their work, completes what he sees fit, and submits it to the commission.

One of the creators of the monument was the future four-time world champion in parachuting Valentin Prokopiev. His father's friend Anatoly Starygin called him to work as a sculptor-performer, before that they had already made ice towns several times. During the day, Valentin skydived, and at night he worked in the workshop. He slept on the plane after the jumps.

Anatoly Stepanovich and I did De Gennin, - he says. - Chusovitin gave us a model of 1.6 meters, by the way, she was without a hat. The hat was made later to highlight one of the figures. We made a life-size clay model by scaling ourselves. The Commission accepted it. After that, they began to mold, that is, to make exactly the same model, but from plaster. The work is painstaking and very interesting, it was very captivating, I spent all my free time there. The second team that made Tatishchev left, and we were asked to save the situation, help out and finish it in order to be on time. So Tatishchev from the waist up is also our molding and casting.

They worked all autumn, winter and spring, finished on May 15, 1998. Pyotr Chusovitin later said in an interview with Literaturnaya Rossiya:

When I made a monument to Tatishchev and De Gennin in Yekaterinburg, I told the bosses (the mayor of the city, governor Rossel) that it could, of course, be done in three days, but it would not be a monument to the founders of the city, but Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden.

Part of the money for the work of Prokopyev and Starygin, who is no longer alive, was never received. They sued for a long time, it turned out that the city administration paid off the plant that hired sculptors-performers, the author also received a fee, but not all of them reached the money intended for the performers.

For two, we received less than 64 million non-denominated rubles, - says Valentin Prokopiev. - Due to inexperience, we worked without a contract, but there was an outfit - a task. We lost three trials, we could not prove that the plant owes us.

This is not clear to me. On the contrary, we must be proud and show that this monument is the face of the city. When we were working on it, it was very pleasant to realize that we would no longer exist, and the monument would stand.

The author of the project, Pyotr Chusovitin, now lives in Moscow and communicates with journalists on this topic only through the Association of Copyright Holders for the Protection and Management of Copyrights in the Sphere of Art (UPRAVIS), which files lawsuits.

To say that the author forbids the publication of images is wrong. These works can be used by anyone with the permission of the copyright holder, and it costs a penny, - said the representative of the association. - Example: for publication on 1/8 page in a book or guide with a circulation of up to 3 thousand copies, the author's fee rate is 350 rubles one-time.

How granite was transported from Ukraine and the monument was covered with secret paint

In May, 19 plaster parts of the monument were given for casting to Uralmashzavod. In parallel, work was underway on the site and the pedestal of the monument. The Ural builders made the basis of 300 cubic meters of concrete.

The difficult terrain here prompted the creative team of architect Yevgeny Lugovoi to arrange the site so that it seemed to rise up with two short but wide flights of stairs and at the same time wide open, corresponding to the scale of everything that surrounds it, wrote in May 1998 " Evening Yekaterinburg.

Details of two antique lanterns were cast in Kasli. Gray granite for the pedestal was brought from the Siberian quarry. Three blocks of red granite for the pedestal and the base of the monument were processed in Dnepropetrovsk and brought to Yekaterinburg in finished form. In June, a team of stonemasons led by Nikolai Goloborodko came to install them, she also worked the stone during the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and made a pedestal for the monument to Princess Olga in Kyiv. Lead gaskets were laid between the granite slabs to protect the stones from shifts and precipitation.

The newspapers then wrote that fragments of the pedestal and granite would be covered with special paint, the recipe of which was kept secret. It is only known that it is based on beeswax.

How did they look for another place for the monument and argue who is more important - Tatishchev or De Gennin?

Not all architects liked the monument, the disputes did not subside, even when the Chusovitin project was already chosen and the installation site was determined.

A member of the Yekaterinburg Union of Artists, art historian Georgy Zaitsev wrote in January 1998 in Uralsky Rabochiy: “I don’t know who presented the mayor with a historical justification for the monument, but the paired solution to the sculpture was still initially pseudoscientific: De Gennin and Tatishchev were not comrades in work, neither like-minded, nor equal people in the foundation and construction of our city. You cannot put two of these figures on one pedestal. According to him, "De Gennin ordered, and Tatishchev carried out his orders."

Tamara Kurashova, a columnist for Uralsky Rabochy, replied that it was impossible to measure the contribution of these two people to the founding and development of Yekaterinburg, everyone has their own role. But nevertheless, she made some comparison, and it turned out to be in favor of Vasily Nikitich: “As Nina Petrovna Arkhipova, a well-known popular geographer who has been engaged in tatish studies for many years, considered, Tatishchev built Yekaterinburg during his first stay in the Urals for a total of almost 2.5 years. Gennin - only in his absence, that is, five months.

The sculptor Gevorkyan noticed that the proposed project was a free repetition of the monuments to Herzen and Ogarev, Minin and Pozharsky. Zaitsev asked: “Didn’t anyone notice that there was no artistic image in the monument?” However, he said, this also applies to all other projects that participated in the competition.

He also had complaints about the installation site, which, in his opinion, was the most unsuccessful of the proposed ones: “Not only will the sun illuminate the figures from behind for half a day, they will “hover” over the spillway of the Historical Square. But with their back part they will be facing the entrance to the chapel in the name of St. Catherine, which, you know, is not entirely successful.

Sculptor Vitaly Belyaev, for example, proposed to separate Tatishchev and De Gennin and place them at the very spillway along the edges.

But these words of Zaitsev today seem very familiar: “Somehow we forget that the historical center of the city is not someone’s courtyard where you can install something that was liked by two or three dozen, albeit respected people, and not by the population of the city. Monuments are erected for centuries, we will be ashamed before our descendants for our miscalculations.”

Talks did not subside even in April, just four months before the installation of the monument. Whether it is necessary to put it at all, and even more so in this place, was discussed by the society of local historians, the club of city connoisseurs, the department of DPI UGPPU.

The chief architect of the city Sergey Lukanin stood up to protect both the monument and the place:

"…BUT. Chernetsky in early 1995 announced an open competition for a monument to the founders of the city and its location. Three years have passed since that moment, and today people who call themselves patriots of the city have decided that everything that was done by sculptors and architects was done poorly, not at all the way it should be. But if you know how to, I think, participate in the competition, participate in the public discussion. After all, the question arises, where were all those who today bombard the mayor of the city with letters: “Maybe it’s too early to start construction, or maybe hold another competition?”

How a monument was erected and still fell in love

The conversations subsided, and on August 14, 1998, on the occasion of the 275th anniversary of Yekaterinburg, the monument to the founding fathers of the city was solemnly opened. The ceremony was attended by Governor Eduard Rossel and Mayor Arkady Chernetsky.

The inscription at the foot reads: “To the glorious sons of Russia, V.N. Tatishchev and V.I. De Genin, Ekaterinburg is grateful, 1998.” True, the figures are opposite: De Gennin is on the left, and Tatishchev is on the right. Although by and large this is not important, the townspeople perceive Tatishchev and De Gennin as one. They are called Beavis and Butt-head, they are carefully wrapped in scarves, rallies and pickets are held near them, and they simply arrange meetings next to them.

In 2015, Tatishcheva and De Gennina dressed up -

We thank the Museum of the History of Yekaterinburg and Evgeny Burdenkov for their help in preparing the material.

Several entrepreneurs are tried because of the main symbol of the city. Lawsuits for allegedly illegal use of the images of the monument were filed by an organization for the collective management of copyrights, which concluded an agreement on the transfer of authority with the sculptor Chusovitin as the sole author of the architectural object. However, the defendants were supported by the heirs of colleagues and the sculptor's colleagues themselves, who were directly involved in the work on the monument.

Monument of Discord

For a year now, legal proceedings have been dragging on in the Urals between the association of copyright holders for the protection and management of copyright in the field of art (UPRAVIS) and entrepreneurs who allegedly illegally used images of the monument to Tatishchev and de Gennin, placing them in various types of printed matter.

The association won its first case in May. Then the Sverdlovsk Arbitration Court ordered the defendant - the Fest Hand publishing house - to pay 10 thousand rubles for a photograph of the monument published in a paper guide to the sights of Yekaterinburg and nearby cities.

Further, one after another, other decisions, disappointing for the defendants, followed. A Perm businessman suffered for a set of postcards, one of which depicts the aforementioned object. Eurasia LLC was punished for printing bronze Tatishchev and De Gennin on a box of chocolates along with other city attractions. IP Marina Chebotaeva used a photo of the monument in the guide and also appeared before the court.

In September, the 17th Arbitration Court of Appeal decided to completely reconsider the claims of the Department of Justice against entrepreneurs. Not only the defendants filed complaints against the decisions of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region. The heirs of the co-authors of the monument joined the case: the daughter of German Dubrovin - Natalia Anfalova and the grandson of Alexei Ovechkin - Oleg Ovechkin.

The heirs decided that Pyotr Chusovitin did not have the right, without the consent of them and other co-authors of the monument, to conclude an agreement with the Department of Justice and declare himself the sole author. They also believe that you can freely use the images of the monument, which stands in a place open to the public, and oppose the fact that someone was charged money for this.

The position of the heirs of German Dubrovin and Alexei Ovechkin was supported by other members of the team that worked on the creation of the monument. Architects Evgeny Lugovoi and Yuri Sychev sent their comments to the Court of Appeal.

The correspondent of the site managed to talk with Yuri Sychev and learn interesting facts about how a monument to the founding fathers of the city appeared in Yekaterinburg.

Libra sign and red giant from Ukraine

The monument to Tatishchev and de Gennin was erected in August 1998. The monument has become a pearl that completes the architectural ensemble of Plotinka. The event was timed to coincide with the 275th anniversary of the founding of Yekaterinburg. A team of authors worked on the project, which included sculptor Pyotr Chusovitin and architects German Dubrovin, Evgeny Lugovoi, Alexei Ovechkin and Yuri Sychev.

The figures were cast from bronze in the foundry of the Uralmash plant and assembled from 19 parts.

Surprisingly, the authors managed not only to make completely dissimilar people almost twins, but also to “reconcile” them. After all, it is known that during their lifetime the founders of the city did not get along very well and would hardly have agreed to endure such a neighborhood for a long time.

Work on the creation of the monument was quite difficult, Yuri Grigorievich recalls. In those days, computer programs for architects and designers were rare, and computers were a luxury, so everything had to be drawn by hand and calculated in the head. (Today, the original drawings of Sychev are kept in a museum in the small homeland of the architect in the Kurgan region. - Approx. ed.)

Yuri Sychev, architect:

I painted everything on a huge scale of tracing paper. To understand how the monument would look not in the picture, but live, one had to fantasize. For example, we cut out copies of sculptures on cardboard and attached them to the handles of shovels. The workers kept these structures motionless while I calculated the desired height. The dimensions and shape of each slab were drawn and calculated by a separate specialist. Everything had to be clear, we could not afford to make a mistake.

Initially, they planned to use a single piece of marble for the pedestal. It was possible to find such a giant in Ukraine. However, during processing, something went wrong and a crack formed in the stone. I had to get out: saw a block into three parts and fasten it. Lead gaskets were placed between the plates to protect them from shifts.

The semicircular bench behind the monument also has an unusual story. There were many ideas for decorating the space, says Yuri Grigorievich, but the creative team did not approve any. Meanwhile, the deadlines were running out, it was necessary to come up with a solution. One day, before going to bed, Sychev appealed to heaven and to his deceased comrades with prayers to submit an idea. That night, the architect dreamed of a scale.

Yuri Sychev:

Once upon a time, the sign of Libra helped Yuri Sychev create a work of art. Now the scales that belong to the goddess of justice Themis will help restore justice in this story, the architect hopes.

Argument about nothing

Yuri Sychev:

Yury Grigorievich considers the claims of the Department of Justice against entrepreneurs unreasonable and is also going to advocate for the free use of the images of the monument.

Marina Ivanova, the lawyer of the Yusta Aura firm, who represents the interests of the heirs of the co-authors of the monument, said that the full composition of the authors of the monument has already been established and documented. Archival documents were submitted to all trials, from which it follows that four other people worked on the creation of the object in addition to Chusovitin, including Yuri Sychev.

Marina Ivanova, lawyer at Yusta Aura:

The sculptor Chusovitin did not have the right to single-handedly dispose of the general exclusive right to the monument. This right belongs to him along with other co-authors and their heirs. The agreement between UPRAVIS and Chusovitin, on the basis of which claims were filed against the defendants, violated the copyrights of third parties and is void.

IE Marina Chebotaeva and the Fest Hand publishing house filed counterclaims with the Sverdlovsk Arbitration Court and the 17th Arbitration Court of Appeal. The defendants demand that the transaction be declared invalid in terms of disposing of the joint exclusive right to the monument to Tatishchev and de Gennin.

If these counterclaims are satisfied, it will be impossible to satisfy the claims of the Administration against entrepreneurs, Marina Ivanova noted.

This means that the norm of paragraph 2 of Art. 1276 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It allows the free use of works of architecture, urban planning and gardening art, located in a place open to the public. This rule allows reproduction and distribution of manufactured copies, reporting them on the air or by cable, bringing them to the public in the form of an image, the lawyer explains.

Whether the city and entrepreneurs will be able to use the images of the monument to the founding fathers for free, will show the next court hearing. Let's wait until October 29th.

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