Vocal Lessons for Beginners: Free Videos for Practice at Home. Vocal Courses Benefits of Private Lessons

Answers to popular questions

Why do you need vocal courses?

If you want to achieve any success in your creative activity, then you should definitely order vocal courses. Thanks to such courses, you will have the opportunity to gain basic knowledge in this discipline and begin to advance much faster as a person and vocalist. It is worth noting that each person takes a completely different time to prepare and learn. For this reason, you should not be upset if at first everything does not go as smoothly as you would like. It is quite possible that in a few days, you will notice quite significant progress. Believe in your strength and luck, in this case, you will definitely succeed, and you will achieve tremendous success. Try to always follow all the instructions of your teacher. Don't stop improving yourself. Always be inspired by the work of your teachers.

Where should an adult begin to learn to sing?

In order to learn how to sing beautifully and correctly, you need to use vocal courses for beginners. It is worth noting that thanks to experienced teachers, each person will have the opportunity to gain special knowledge that cannot be found on the Internet and studied independently. Only here you will have the opportunity to start your creative activity, while not investing a lot of money. With the help of reliable courses, even an inexperienced person will be able to significantly improve their singing abilities and become a more creative person. Do not miss the opportunity for self-development.

What are the main advantages of teaching vocals in your school?

Due to the fact that the "Si-La" school is ready to help teach everyone to sing, including adults, it is almost ideal for those who want to achieve creative success. Reliable vocal courses for adults will help you get the maximum amount of positive emotions, as well as make you a real media personality. Of course, in order to achieve certain success, it is necessary to constantly improve, as well as follow absolutely all the instructions of teachers. In addition, you can always choose a teacher yourself and cooperate with him. Good luck and creative success.

Is it possible for an adult to succeed in singing thanks to your courses?

Professional vocal courses for beginner adults will help you learn to sing quickly and efficiently. At the same time, it should be understood that the more time and effort you spend on training, the better the end result will be. Do not be upset if a beginner does not get any creative nuances. In order to achieve your goal, you need to pay much more attention to your mistakes and try to correct them as reliably as possible. If you have any questions, you should always ask your teachers, who will be happy to help prepare you properly. Contact us right now, here we are always happy to help every person who plans to do creative work. Do not forget that there is an opportunity to get additional opportunities that you need to know about before applying to our school of vocal mastery. Only here you can learn how to sing quite well in just a few months, even if you have practically no hearing. In our school, there are people who have been engaged in creativity for quite a long time. Do not forget that only with us, you can always achieve incredible success not only in classical singing, but also in some other genres. Turning to our school, everyone gets the opportunity to do everything possible to achieve their goals and objectives.

Vocal training in our school is conducted for both young and adults, both for beginners and for those with a certain vocal experience. Vocal lessons have no age restrictions. Each lesson includes: chanting, special exercises for voice, breathing; learning and working on a song; microphone work.

At the vocal lesson for beginners, you not only learn how to sing, but also comprehend the specifics of the correct handling of professional musical equipment.

Vocal lessons for beginners in our School will help:

  • Reveal your vocal abilities and professional capabilities;
  • Show your "real" voice, its timbre and registers;
  • Correct voice defects, if any;
  • Improve intonation, "hit" the notes.

Our vocal lessons for adults will help you learn to sing in a short time, reveal your natural voice. In addition, you comprehend musical theory, learn the basics of composing musical works. After completing the basic vocal course and elementary music theory, you will also be able to start studying solfeggio. At our singing courses you will meet wonderful teachers and no less wonderful students, with whom you will perform on the same stage at exams and final concerts in Moscow clubs.

The performing repertoire includes not only world famous rock music compositions, but also classical and folk vocal works, jazz and blues compositions.

What songs need to be performed to develop the talent of a vocalist?

In this matter, the most important thing is that the song "lies on the soul" and reflects your inner state. Only with such a repertoire can one begin to develop vocal abilities. If you give any specific recommendations, it is best to practice singing with drawling songs. The first thing a beginner vocalist needs is to learn how vowel sounds are sung. Therefore, many modern songs with a colloquial manner of performance (rap) are not suitable for this purpose. It is better to take any works from rock operas or musicals. Mastery will come with time.

Vocal lessons in our School, near Moscow's Sokolniki Park, will help you feel light, free and liberated. Thanks to these lessons, you will learn how to sing professionally and confidently and at ease on stage, without fear of public speaking.

The vocal training program includes:

  • Voice setting;
  • Setting the breath;
  • Development of the vocal and articulatory apparatus;
  • Development of vocal hearing (coordination of auditory and vocal apparatus);
  • Development and expansion of the range of your voice;
  • Psychological emancipation of the singer (removal of emotional and physiological clamps);
  • Mastering various vocal techniques - decorations and special "chips" - vibrato, subtone, yodel, sound thinning; extreme vocal techniques - growling, screaming, harsh, guttural, grunting, etc.
  • Work on stage with the public (in our school of pop vocals, students regularly perform on the stage of Moscow clubs);
  • Ensemble singing (singing in a vocal ensemble, teaching the skill of vocal arrangement and the ability to correctly build back vocals);
  • Improvisation (the possibility of free singing within the stylistic boundaries of a certain genre of music, for example: jazz, blues, rock; and scat improvisation in the styles of be-bop, Latino, etc.

How we differ from other schools:
Practical lessons with a teacher are individual. Lesson duration - 1 hour!

Why vocals should be taught in school
"Red Chemist"

We conduct vocal classes for adults in rooms specially equipped with modern technology - amplifying equipment, microphones and instruments.

Many of our graduates enter the vocal departments of music schools, institutes and conservatories in Moscow and other cities. Similar prospects and opportunities are equally open to you. As a result of lessons with a vocal teacher, an aspiring singer in the foreseeable future can become a sought-after professional vocalist, ready for both studio and concert work, or at least significantly strengthen and raise his performing and professional level and status.

Our School and its teachers have earned the high appraisal of the methodologists of the State Academy of Music. Gnesins. The cost of vocal training is 9,000 thousand rubles per month. For this amount you get 4 practical lessons in vocals and 4 theoretical lessons in solfeggio. Training is conducted in small groups of 2-4 people, the time for vocal lessons is 2.5 hours. Individual lessons (1 hour) cost the same.

First lesson price?

The first lesson is free.

Do I need to bring an instrument with me?

You can bring your own instrument to class or play ours.

What time do lessons start?

Lessons start at 11 am and end at 11 pm. We will select convenient days and hours for your classes.

Is a flexible learning schedule possible?

Yes, it is possible: the schedule adjusts to your capabilities. The time of visits is discussed at the first meeting.

How long is 1 lesson

Classes in the specialty (guitar, vocals, keyboards, drums) last 45 minutes. Theory and solfeggio classes - 1 hour.

How many people are in the group for practice sessions?

Practical lessons INDIVIDUAL! Theoretical - group (10 -12 people).

What is the age of the students?

The school is designed for young people aged 10-12 and older. There is no upper age limit. We train everyone.

If I get sick?

Missed classes are not lost. You will receive them on other days and hours. It is advisable to warn the teacher about missing classes in advance.

What to take with you

Notebook and pen. If we don't take it, we'll give it. All other props are available in the classes.

When will I start singing like Whitney Houston?

Whitney Houston is amazing! But you will be able to sing "I Will Always Love You" perfectly in a couple of months. For karaoke, this will be more than enough. For the show "Voice" you will have to study for a year or more. The main thing is desire and diligence, and we will help!


Want to try?

Yes I want to!

Our graduates

Answers to popular questions

Is it possible to receive vocal lessons at the age of 60+?

Undoubtedly. You should never despair. It is possible to start engaging in creativity and self-realization at any time and at any age. Here you can start singing even after 60 years old, while you can not only do what you love, but also constantly improve your performance. Even if you do not have a good and strong voice, professional employees are always ready to help you open up and achieve much more. Do not miss your chance for self-realization, especially at retirement age, when almost all roads are open to you. Try to start, and you will definitely succeed, the main thing is to believe in yourself and in your future. As for the very first lesson, here, first of all, you need to get acquainted with the teachers and test your abilities. You must show what level you are at so that teachers can create the most effective program for your classes. Reliable vocal lessons for beginners always help not only self-development, but also just have a good time in a warm and very friendly company. After a few lessons, the first progress will be noticeable, which will certainly become a reliable foundation for you in the future. Start your development, right now, in order to succeed in the future.

Is it possible to learn to sing as an adult, without special data?

As for this question, there can be only one answer - yes, it is possible! In order to learn how to sing beautifully, you need, first of all, patience and determination. Do not think that if you work out for a few days, then you will be able to start singing and delight everyone around you with your voice. The learning process is quite complex and responsible. It is mandatory to listen to and comply with all the requirements of teachers. Only in this case you will be able to get a quality result. Do not despair, because vocal lessons for adults will help you learn to sing, even for those people who do not know how to do it at all. Start right now.

How to start singing if you are just starting steps in creativity?

Thanks to the fact that there are vocal lessons for beginner adults, each person has the opportunity to start singing, and doing it quite well. Surely everyone thought about how to change their lives and start a creative career. However, doing it yourself is almost impossible. It is imperative to use the services of professionals who will teach you the basics of singing and try to make sure that all efforts are not in vain. After a few lessons, the first result will be visible, and after a few weeks, the voice becomes much more beautiful and correctly delivered. Don't miss your chance to start your singing career.

Is it possible to prepare for a specific date and learn how to sing more or less?

Due to the fact that there are vocal lessons, you can prepare to sing for a specific date, but this takes time. You must understand that you need to seek help in advance, preferably 3-4 months in advance, although it is possible to prepare a person in a much shorter time, it all depends on how prepared and gifted the person is. It is always possible to choose a specific genre, such as jazz. The main thing is the desire and diligence. You will definitely succeed, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your own strengths.

What are the main differences between vocal lessons from scratch?

Dear friends, you have a grand chance to start your creative work. The main difference between vocal lessons from scratch is that a person needs to start from the very beginning. Of course, in order to start singing from the very beginning, it will take a lot of time, each person should always be ready for this. If you have any questions, then there is always the opportunity to ask them to teachers who will be happy to help you solve absolutely any issue related to your creative activity. Among other things, it is necessary to constantly develop the vocal cords, even outside of class. Follow the instructions of the teachers and you will succeed.

Can I have private vocal lessons?

The company is ready to provide individual vocal lessons to everyone, on the most favorable terms. The highest level professionals work here, who are always ready to do everything necessary for you to develop as a person and a creative person. Thanks to an individual approach, the chance for fast and reliable development increases. Always follow all the instructions of your teacher in order to achieve maximum success. It is worth noting that dozens of people have already used these services and were satisfied with the result, do not miss your chance. After a few lessons, you will notice the first progress.

With the help of a private vocal tutor for adults and children, everyone can discover their talents and get rid of the fear of performing in front of an audience. An experienced professional is able to assess the potential of his student, as well as draw up a lesson plan in such a way as to take into account the individual characteristics of the future vocalist.

As for the training program, it includes:

  • Breathing exercises. When working with the voice, it is necessary to take care of proper breathing so that the student does not suffocate while singing;
  • Mastering the techniques. As a result, a technique will be selected that can reveal the abilities of the vocalist;
  • Microphone work. It is very important to learn to hear yourself into the microphone;
  • Voice setting. Another important point in order to learn to sing;
  • The study of the vocal apparatus. Only by realizing the abilities of his own voice, a person can learn to control it;
  • Development of melismas and vibrato.

During the lessons, there will be chants, which include the performance of various repertoires, including modern ones. In addition, you will be able to analyze your favorite compositions with a vocal teacher and try to sing them in a duet.

It has already been noted more than once that individual vocal training for children or adults gives a greater effect than training in a group. As a result of personal communication, the teacher manages to develop the student's voice in a short time, master many styles with him and teach him to master his own voice with high quality.

When is the best time to start exercising?

The teachers presented on our website are ready to work with any age group. At the same time, a special approach will be found for each age. For example, while working with children from 5 years old, the teacher builds a training program in such a way that the child becomes interested.

Adults are already able to independently voice their goals or wishes, therefore, in this case, the work of a vocal teacher is aimed at their implementation.

Who should use the services? Anyone who wants to learn how to sing beautifully can hire a private teacher on our website. It does not matter at all what level of preparation was before. You could already attend private vocal lessons for beginners a long time ago, or you could never hold a microphone in your hands - in any case, specialists will find the right approach and organize the learning process so that at the end of singing lessons you can become more confident and come out to the big stage.

How to choose a teacher?

When choosing a teacher, it is important to choose one who can cope with the task. The best vocal tutor for both a student and an adult should not only unlock the potential of the child, but also develop his voice so that in the future he can sing easily, freely and smoothly.

If the teacher is good, he will definitely be able to consider natural data and will do everything so that the student can use them as a result. Thus, when choosing a private vocal teacher, you should pay attention to:

  • The ability of the tutor to develop the ability to sing, while maintaining the individual characteristics of the student;
  • Teacher experience. On our website you can read the reviews of previous clients to evaluate the work of the teacher.

We recommend that you be careful when looking for a vocal tutor for children and read every resume. A successfully chosen tutor will not raise doubts about the techniques he will teach his ward. In addition, we provide all the necessary information so that you can decide what exactly you need. Each questionnaire includes information about:

  • Tutor education;
  • work experience;
  • Specializations. Some teachers work with a certain type of musical instrument, the sound of which is adjusted to singing;
  • The level of knowledge with which the tutor is ready to work. It can be vocal beginners as well as advanced singers who want to discover something new;
  • Age category. Tutors can organize lessons with both adults and children 4-5 years old. Conduct classes for schoolchildren or students;
  • The presence of professional awards and achievements.

Vocal lessons cost

The average cost of one lesson of individual vocal lessons with a private vocal tutor in Moscow does not exceed 1200 rubles. On our website you can find various rates, among which there may also be questionnaires, where the cost of services is 500 rubles per academic hour.

It should be noted right away that the variety of prices depends on several factors, including:

  • Teaching experience;
  • Teacher qualification;
  • Location of the classes;
  • The level of knowledge of the student.

Thus, the more expensive the vocal lessons are, the more experienced the specialist is ready to deal with the entry-level students.

If necessary, we are ready to help you in choosing the right vocal tutor who is ready to conduct private vocal lessons for adults or children. You will only need to leave your contact details, as well as voice your wishes or requirements for the teacher. As soon as the right candidate is found, we will call you back. Our company has been working quite a lot, and during this time we have been trusted by a huge number of students, whose reviews you can find on this site.

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