Repose of the soul of the deceased. Prayers for the repose of the souls of deceased relatives and loved ones

When a person's life is cut short, it is always hard for his relatives and relatives, they long, and sometimes all their lives, yearn for the departed and mourn.

However, every believing person knows and has always known (and now this fact is scientifically confirmed) that only the human body is subject to death. The soul - that is, the personality of a person, the ability to think, feel, his consciousness - remains to live. A person who has died in new, unnatural conditions for himself (death was not part of God's plans, it was the result of the fall), especially needs support and reassurance - a memorial prayer.

The long years of atheism in the Soviet era in our country, mass propaganda and persecution of the Church over the course of several generations fixed in the descendants of our predecessors several features in relation to spiritual life and many things connected with it.

Someone still does not believe in the Creator - not just in his omnipotence, but even in existence, someone alters spiritual realities to suit their understanding, someone believes only in the soul, but not in the rest, and some , knowing the truth, resisting it, and much more.

Of course, everyone is free to live as he wants and treat everything as he wants. But everyone should know - regardless of his beliefs, each deceased (translated from Old Slavonic it means "asleep") remains himself, losing only his material expression, his biological mechanism that allows him to interact in the world of dense matter.

A real breakthrough in different parts of the world over the past 40 years has been made by resuscitators and biologists, who have found irrefutable evidence of the existence of the soul outside the body without any discomfort in well-being.

Scientists and doctors who proved the life of the soul

The beginning in the evidence of the continuation of the life of the soul after death in the scientific world was laid by the works of such prominent representatives of science in the foreign world as:

This is a list of just some of the studies. It is easy to see that almost all of them were published with a difference of only a few years. This is already a result. At the same time, these scientists received the first evidence about the life of the soul, being still unfamiliar with each other. Their observations and results are almost completely identical.

Domestic scientists in the difficult Soviet times did not publish practically any books. They are just in 1969 in Leningrad at the Institute of the Brain. Bekhterev in high-frequency discharges filmed the exit of the soul from the human body. And they simply showed it in a popular science film on the main channels of the country, which cannot but cause pride in their own people.

If you still do not believe or have little faith in the life of the soul after the body, then turn to scientific facts and, even if you still do not believe, just help disembodied people in their difficult further path to God. To help the soul get used to the new situation, one should read prayers at home, and be sure to seek help from the Church.

In the temple, Christians read sacred books for the dead, commemorating each person by name. The Bible, the Psalter, the Gospel are not just books written by people, as suggested in Soviet times. These are divinely inspired books, the texts of which were dictated by the Lord himself, his Holy Spirit.

In the temple you can order the most powerful commemorations:

Mandatory activities for every deceased Christian:

  • funeral service;
  • memorial service;
  • (which is a memorial service, you can sing or read yourself at the cemetery);
  • magpies (experience shows that it is best to order immediately for a year - it will be a great help to the deceased).

Reading home prayer

Each person can help the soul of a person with his own strength. People still living on earth turn to the Lord in order to save the soul of the deceased from hell and incline Him to mercy. It should also be noted that prayer for the dead makes it possible for the living to be saved. After all, by prayer we do a good deed, we do a deed of love, and it is so pleasant to see our Heavenly Father. In addition, daily prayer allows you to escape from everyday fuss and protect yourself from evil.

About deceased parents

Prayer for the repose of the soul of a deceased parent makes it possible to accept what happened, come to terms with it and be consoled, but most importantly, it will make it easier for her to go through the ordeals after death.

One of the methods that allow you to show care for your deceased parents is reading the Psalms. One kathisma of prayer for the deceased should be read every day for up to 40 days, the text of which can be found on the web or simply bought. This prayer rule will provide for the souls of loved ones quick calm, support and an additional opportunity to receive liberation from eternal torment. Reading prayer texts is allowed at any time of the day.

About the dead mother

The loss of a mother is one of the most difficult and bitter trials for a person, regardless of age and often even relationships throughout life. In order to help the soul of a loved one and alleviate their own mental pain, it is necessary to turn to the Heavenly Father.

Prayer for deceased parents traditionally read the first 40 days after the date of completion of the earthly journey, still 40 days before the anniversary of his death. as well as on all memorial dates: on the day of death, birthday, on the day of the angel, etc. It is worth noting that this is a kind of rule - very conditional, this is the very indispensable minimum that must be made for parents.

Everything that is said about prayer for the soul of the mother applies equally to the soul of the father. The Psalter can also be read in order to ask the mercy of the Lord for the deceased father.

Of course, in addition to these texts, you can simply ask the Higher Powers in your own words. However, it is advisable to still resort to sacred texts. On unauthorized prayer, under the influence of emotional pain from loss, you can go into the wilds of condemnation, accusation and grumbling. Therefore, at first it is still worth turning to the prayers of the saints.

If, however, prayer support is not provided to the deceased at all, then it is difficult to imagine greater torture and betrayal on the part of a loved one. The transition to an incorporeal state is one of the most important and stressful in a person's life, equal in responsibility and significance to birth, and even more difficult.

If descendants, as the closest people, deprive their father of prayer support, it will be practically impossible for him to go through an insanely difficult and dangerous path, where spirits of malice stand on the way to the Kingdom of God, claiming every soul. labored to "appropriate" it for themselves. And they go out on the way to claim their own. We all have many sins. And everyone will need any support.

A prayer for the repose of the soul of a relative who has introduced himself should be read thoughtfully and from the bottom of his heart (but without tantrums). Prayer texts are easy to find in any prayer book or online.

Prayer of widowers for deceased spouses

A widow's prayer for her soul mate is especially strong and pleasing to God. A woman can pray with a special text. It can be combined with the reading of the Psalter. It can be left on each "Glory". This must be supplemented with an order for commemoration in monasteries and temples, with alms.

To help survive grief, it is advisable for a woman to turn to the Lord with a request to give her strength so that she can live on and bear her feat of a widow with dignity.

The Lord will certainly hear the prayer book and give her strength to cope with the disaster. It is important at this time to confess and take communion most often, talk with the priest about the grief that happened. In any case, a woman must understand that God unites us on Earth not in order to separate us in eternity. On the contrary, He builds everything in such a way that people who love each other can live forever together in the Kingdom of God - in the world of Love and Goodness. The same words about prayer and reunion apply to the widower.

About charity for the deceased

Many have a negative attitude to this word, believing that this is "another pumping of money." This is a stereotype that is instilled in people by opponents of the Church. It is important to understand that your money is not the only way to help. Alms can be done not only with money (it's just the easiest way). In the power of everyone:

The main thing is to do it with a pure heart, no matter what you choose. Perhaps you will come up with something of your own, for example, sing spiritual songs in the subway passage ... Anything. After all, prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased is the same almsgiving, only done within the walls of your home.


The hour is coming when the remains of the deceased are buried in the earth, where they will rest until the end of time and the general resurrection. But the love of the mother of the Church for her child, who has passed away from this life, does not dry out. On certain days, she prays for the deceased and brings a bloodless sacrifice for his repose. Special days of commemoration are the third, ninth and fortieth (while the day of death is considered the first). Commemoration these days is consecrated by an ancient church custom. It is consistent with the teaching of the Church about the state of the soul beyond the grave.

Third day. The commemoration of the deceased on the third day after death is performed in honor of the three-day resurrection of Jesus Christ and in the image of the Holy Trinity.

For the first two days, the soul of the deceased is still on earth, passing along with the Angel accompanying her to those places that attract her with memories of earthly joys and sorrows, evil and good deeds. The soul that loves the body sometimes wanders around the house where the body is laid, and thus spends two days like a bird looking for its nest. The virtuous soul, on the other hand, walks in those places where it used to do the right thing. On the third day, the Lord commands the soul to ascend to heaven to worship Him, the God of all. Therefore, the church commemoration of the soul, which appeared before the face of the Just, is very timely.

Ninth day. The commemoration of the deceased on this day is in honor of the nine orders of angels, who, as servants of the King of Heaven and intercessors to Him for us, intercede for mercy on the deceased.

After the third day, the soul, accompanied by an angel, enters the heavenly abodes and contemplates their inexpressible beauty. She remains in this state for six days. For this time, the soul forgets the sorrow that it felt while in the body and after leaving it. But if she is guilty of sins, then at the sight of the enjoyment of the saints, she begins to grieve and reproach herself: “Alas for me! How busy I am in this world! I spent most of my life in carelessness and did not serve God as I should, so that I too would be worthy of this grace and glory. Alas, poor me!" On the ninth day, the Lord commands the Angels to again present the soul to Him for worship. With fear and trembling the soul stands before the throne of the Most High. But even at this time, the holy Church again prays for the deceased, asking the merciful Judge to place the soul of her child with the saints.

Fortieth day. The forty-day period is very significant in the history and tradition of the Church as the time necessary for preparation, for the acceptance of the special Divine gift of the grace-filled help of the Heavenly Father. The prophet Moses was honored to talk with God on Mount Sinai and receive the tablets of the law from Him only after a forty-day fast. The Israelites reached the promised land after forty years of wandering. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself ascended into heaven on the fortieth day after His resurrection. Taking all this as a basis, the Church established a commemoration on the fortieth day after death, so that the soul of the deceased ascended the holy mountain of Heavenly Sinai, was rewarded with the sight of God, achieved the blessedness promised to her and settled in heavenly villages with the righteous.

After the second worship of the Lord, the angels take the soul to hell, and she contemplates the cruel torments of unrepentant sinners. On the fortieth day, the soul ascends for the third time to worship God, and then its fate is decided - in earthly affairs, it is assigned a place of residence until the Last Judgment. That is why church prayers and commemorations on this day are so timely. They blot out the sins of the deceased and ask his soul to be placed in paradise with the saints.

Anniversary. The Church commemorates the dead on the anniversary of their death. The basis for this establishment is obvious. It is known that the largest liturgical cycle is the annual circle, after which all fixed holidays are repeated again. The anniversary of the death of a loved one is always celebrated with at least a hearty commemoration of his loving relatives and friends. For an Orthodox believer, this is a birthday for a new, eternal life.

Ecumenical funeral service (PARENTAL SATURDAYS)

In addition to these days, the Church has established special days for the solemn, universal, ecumenical commemoration of all fathers and brothers in faith who have passed away from time immemorial, who have been honored with a Christian death, as well as those who, having been overtaken by sudden death, were not sent to the afterlife by the prayers of the Church. The requiems performed at the same time, indicated by the charter of the Ecumenical Church, are called ecumenical, and the days on which the commemoration is performed are called ecumenical parental Saturdays. In the circle of the liturgical year, such days of general remembrance are:

Saturday is meatless. Devoting the Meat-Feast Week to the remembrance of the last Last Judgment of Christ, the Church, in view of this judgment, has established intercession not only for her living members, but also for all those who have died from time immemorial, who have lived in piety, of all genera, ranks and conditions, especially for those who died a sudden death. and pray to the Lord for mercy on them. The solemn all-church commemoration of the departed on this Saturday (as well as on Trinity Saturday) brings great benefit and help to our dead fathers and brothers, and at the same time serves as an expression of the fullness of the Church life that we live. For salvation is possible only in the Church - a community of believers, whose members are not only those who live, but also all those who have died in the faith. And communion with them through prayer, prayerful commemoration of them is the expression of our common unity in the Church of Christ.

Saturday Trinity. The commemoration of all the dead pious Christians was established on the Saturday before Pentecost due to the fact that the event of the descent of the Holy Spirit completed the economy of the salvation of man, and the departed also participate in this salvation. Therefore, the Church, sending up prayers on Pentecost for the revival of all living by the Holy Spirit, asks on the very day of the feast that for the departed the grace of the all-holy and all-sanctifying Spirit of the Comforter, which they were honored during their lifetime, would be a source of bliss, since by the Holy Spirit “every soul is alive.” ". Therefore, the eve of the holiday, Saturday, the Church dedicates to the remembrance of the dead, to prayer for them. St. Basil the Great, who compiled the touching prayers for the Vespers of Pentecost, says in them that the Lord, most of all, on this day deigns to accept prayers for the dead and even for "those who are held in hell."

Parental Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Holy Forty Days. On Holy Forty Days - the days of Great Lent, spiritual feat, the feat of repentance and doing good to others - the Church calls on believers to be in the closest union of Christian love and peace not only with the living, but also with the dead, to make prayerful commemoration on the appointed days of those who have departed from this life. In addition, the Saturdays of these weeks are appointed by the Church to commemorate the dead also for the reason that no funeral commemorations are performed on the weekly days of Great Lent (this includes funeral litanies, litias, memorial services, commemoration of the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after death, forty-mouthed), since there is no daily full liturgy, with the celebration of which the commemoration of the dead is associated. In order not to deprive the dead of the saving intercession of the Church on the days of Holy Forty Days, the indicated Saturdays are singled out.

Radonitsa. The basis of the general commemoration of the dead, which takes place on Tuesday after St. Thomas' week (Sunday), is, on the one hand, the remembrance of the descent of Jesus Christ into hell and His victory over death, combined with St. Thomas Sunday, on the other hand, the permission of the church charter to perform the usual commemoration of the dead after Holy and Bright weeks, starting with Fomin Monday. On this day, believers come to the graves of their loved ones with the joyful news of the Resurrection of Christ. Hence the very day of commemoration is called Radonitsa (or Radunitsa).

Unfortunately, in Soviet times, the custom was established to visit cemeteries not on Radonitsa, but on the first day of Easter. It is natural for a believer to visit the graves of his loved ones after an earnest prayer for their repose in the temple - after a memorial service served in the church. During the Easter week there are no requiems, for Easter is an all-encompassing joy for those who believe in the Resurrection of our Savior Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, during the entire Paschal week, litanies for the dead are not pronounced (although the usual commemoration is performed at the proskomedia), and memorial services are not served.


It is necessary to commemorate the deceased in the Church as often as possible, not only on the designated special days of commemoration, but also on any other day. The Church performs the main prayer for the repose of the departed Orthodox Christians at the Divine Liturgy, bringing a bloodless sacrifice to God for them. To do this, before the start of the liturgy (or the night before), a note with their names should be submitted to the church (only baptized Orthodox can be entered). On the proskomedia, particles for their repose will be taken out of the prosphora, which at the end of the liturgy will be lowered into the holy cup and washed with the Blood of the Son of God. Let us remember that this is the greatest good that we can give to those who are dear to us. Here is how the commemoration at the liturgy is said in the Epistle of the Eastern Patriarchs: “We believe that the souls of people who fell into mortal sins and did not despair at death, but repented even before being separated from real life, only did not have time to bear any fruits of repentance (such fruits could be their prayers, tears, kneeling during prayerful vigils, contrition, consolation of the poor and expression in deeds of love for God and neighbor), - the souls of such people descend into hell and suffer punishment for the sins they have committed, without losing, however, the hope of relief. They receive relief through the infinite goodness of God through the prayers of the priests and good works performed for the dead, and especially through the power of the bloodless sacrifice, which, in particular, the clergy brings for each Christian for his loved ones, and in general for everyone, the Catholic and Apostolic Church daily brings.

At the top of the note is usually placed an eight-pointed Orthodox cross. Then the type of commemoration is indicated - “On the repose”, after which the names of those commemorated in the genitive case are written in large, legible handwriting (answer the question “who?”), With the clergy and monastics mentioned first, indicating the rank and degree of monasticism (for example, Metropolitan John, Schemagumen Savva, Archpriest Alexander, nun Rachel, Andrey, Nina).

All names must be given in church spelling (for example, Tatiana, Alexy) and in full (Michael, Lyubov, not Misha, Lyuba).

The number of names in the note does not matter; it is only necessary to take into account that the priest has the opportunity to read not very long notes more carefully. Therefore, it is better to submit several notes if you want to remember many of your loved ones.

By submitting notes, the parishioner makes a donation for the needs of the monastery or temple. To avoid confusion, remember that the difference in prices (registered or simple notes) only reflects the difference in the amount of the donation. Nor should you be embarrassed if you have not heard the names of your relatives mentioned in the litany. As mentioned above, the main commemoration takes place on the proskomedia, when particles are taken out of the prosphora. During the funeral litany, you can take out your commemoration book and pray for loved ones. Prayer will be more effective if the one who commemorates himself on that day partakes of the Body and Blood of Christ.

After the liturgy, you can serve a memorial service. A memorial service is served before the eve - a special table with the image of a crucifix and rows of candlesticks. Here you can also leave an offering for the needs of the temple in memory of the departed loved ones.

It is very important after death to order a magpie in the temple - an unceasing commemoration at the liturgy for forty days. At the end of the magpie, you can order again. There are also long periods of commemoration - six months, a year. Some monasteries accept notes for eternal (as long as the monastery stands) commemoration or for commemoration during the reading of the Psalter (this is an ancient Orthodox custom). The more churches that pray, the better for our neighbor!

It is very useful on the memorable days of the deceased to donate to the church, to give alms to the poor with a request to pray for him. On the eve, you can bring sacrificed food. You can’t just bring meat food and alcohol (except church wine) on the eve. The simplest type of sacrifice for the deceased is a candle that is placed on his repose.

Understanding that the most we can do for our deceased loved ones is to submit a note of commemoration at the liturgy, we should not forget to pray for them at home and do works of mercy.


Prayer for the departed is our main and invaluable help to those who have departed to another world. The deceased does not need, by and large, either a coffin, or a grave monument, and even more so a memorial table - all this is just a tribute to traditions, albeit very pious ones. But the eternally living soul of the deceased feels a great need for constant prayer, for she cannot do good deeds herself, with which she would be able to propitiate the Lord. Prayer at home for loved ones, including the dead, is the duty of every Orthodox. St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, says this about prayer for the departed: “If the all-pervading Wisdom of God does not forbid praying for the dead, does this not mean that it is still allowed to throw a rope, although not always reliable enough, but sometimes, and maybe often, salvific for souls who have fallen away from the shore of temporal life, but have not reached the eternal home? Salvatory for those souls who vacillate over the abyss between bodily death and the last judgment of Christ, now rising by faith, now plunging into deeds unworthy of it, now exalted by grace, now being brought down by the remains of damaged nature, now ascending by Divine desire, now becoming entangled in coarse, not yet completely stripped off the clothes of earthly thoughts ... "

The home prayer commemoration of the deceased Christian is very diverse. One should especially pray for the deceased in the first forty days after his death. As already indicated in the section “Reading the Psalter for the Dead”, during this period it is very useful to read about the deceased Psalter, at least one kathisma a day. You can also recommend reading an akathist for the repose of the dead. In general, the Church commands us to pray every day for the deceased parents, relatives, known and benefactors. For this, the following short prayer is included in the number of daily morning prayers:

Prayer for the dead

Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is more convenient to read the names from the commemorative book - a small book where the names of living and deceased relatives are recorded. There is a pious custom to keep family commemorations, reading which Orthodox people commemorate many generations of their deceased ancestors by name.


The pious custom of commemorating the dead at a meal has been known for a very long time. But, unfortunately, many commemorations turn into an occasion for relatives to get together, discuss the news, eat tasty food, while Orthodox Christians should also pray for the dead at the memorial table.

Before the meal, one should perform a lithium - a short rite of memorial service, which can be performed by a layman. In extreme cases, you need to at least read the 90th psalm and the prayer "Our Father". The first dish that is eaten at the wake is kutya (kolyovo). These are boiled grains of cereals (wheat or rice) with honey and raisins. Grains are a symbol of resurrection, and honey is a sweetness enjoyed by the righteous in the Kingdom of God. According to the charter, kutya should be consecrated with a special rite during a memorial service; if this is not possible, it is necessary to sprinkle it with holy water.

Naturally, the desire of the owners to treat everyone who came to the commemoration to taste better. But you need to observe the fasts established by the Church, and eat the allowed food: on Wednesday, Friday, during long fasts - do not eat fast. If the memory of the deceased happens on a weekday of Great Lent, then the commemoration is transferred to the next Saturday or Sunday.

It is necessary to refrain from wine, especially from vodka, at the memorial meal! The dead are not commemorated with wine! Wine is a symbol of earthly joy, and a commemoration is an occasion for intense prayer for a person who may suffer greatly in the afterlife. You should not drink alcohol, even if the deceased himself liked to drink. It is known that "drunken" commemorations often turn into an ugly gathering, where the deceased is simply forgotten. At the table, you need to remember the deceased, his good qualities and deeds (hence the name - commemoration). The custom of leaving a glass of vodka and a piece of bread “for the deceased” at the table is a relic of paganism and should not be observed in Orthodox families.

On the contrary, there are pious practices worthy of emulation. In many Orthodox families, the poor and the poor, children and old women are the first to sit down at the memorial table. They can also distribute clothes and belongings of the deceased. Orthodox people can tell about numerous cases of evidence from the afterlife about great help to the dead as a result of the work of alms by their relatives. Moreover, the loss of loved ones prompts many people to take the first step towards God, to begin to live the life of an Orthodox Christian.

Thus, one now living archimandrite relates the following incident from his pastoral practice.

“It was in the difficult post-war years. Comes to me, the rector of the village church, a mother crying with grief, in which her eight-year-old son Misha drowned. And she says that Misha dreamed of her and complained about the cold - he was completely without clothes. I say to her: "Are any of his clothes left?" - "Oh sure". - "Give it to your friends Mishin, they will surely come in handy."

A few days later, she tells me that she again saw Misha in a dream: he was dressed in exactly the same clothes that were given to his friends. He thanked, but now complained of hunger. I advised to make a memorial meal for the village children - Misha's friends and acquaintances. No matter how difficult it is in difficult times, but what can you do for your beloved son! And the woman, than she could, treated the children.

She came for the third time. She thanked me very much: "Misha said in a dream that now he is warm and full, only my prayers are not enough." I taught her prayers and advised her not to leave works of mercy for the future. She became a zealous parishioner, always ready to respond to requests for help, to the best of her ability and ability she helped orphans, the poor and the poor.”

Prayer to the Lord God

Remember, Lord, the souls of your departed servants, my parents (names), and all relatives according to the flesh; and forgive them all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, granting them the Kingdom and the communion of Your eternal good and Your endless and blessed life of enjoyment.

Remember, Lord, and all in the hope of the resurrection and eternal life of the dead, fathers and our brothers and sisters, and lying here and everywhere, Orthodox Christians, and with Your saints, where the light of Your face comes, indwell, and I have mercy and Humanitarian. Amen.


Remember, Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the life of your eternally reposed servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Humane, forgive sins, and consume iniquities, weaken, leave and forgive all his voluntary sins and involuntary, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good, prepared for those who love You: if you sin, but do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity glorious, faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity, Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Be merciful to him the same, and faith, even in Thee instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as if Generous rest: there is no man who lives and does not sin. But Thou art One, apart from all sin, and Thy righteousness, righteousness forever, and Thou art the One God of mercies and generosity, and love of mankind, and to Thee we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen


Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! In contrition and tenderness of my heart, I pray to You: God rest the soul of Your deceased servant (name), in Your Kingdom of Heaven. Lord Almighty! Thou hast blessed the matrimonial union of husband and wife, when thou didst say: it is not good to be a single man, we will make him an assistant for him. You sanctified this union in the image of the spiritual union of Christ with the Church. I believe, Lord, and I confess that you have blessed you to combine and me with this holy union with one of Your servants. Thy good and wise will deigned to take away from me this Thy servant, and gave it to me, as a helper and companion of my life. I bow before this Thy will, and pray to Thee with all my heart, accept this prayer for Thy servant (name), and forgive her, if you sin in word, deed, thought, knowledge and ignorance; love the earthly more than the heavenly; if you care more about clothing and adornment of your body, than about enlightening the garments of your soul; or even more carelessly about your children; if you grieve someone by word or deed; if you scold your neighbor in your heart, or condemn someone or something else from such evil deeds.
Forgive her all this, as good and philanthropic: as if there is a person who will live and not sin. Do not enter into judgment with Your servant, as Your creation, do not condemn me by her sin to eternal torment, but have mercy and mercy according to Your great mercy. I pray and ask Thee, Lord, grant me strength for all the days of my life, without ceasing to pray for the departed Thy servant, and even before the death of my belly, ask her from Thee, the Judge of the whole world, for the remission of her sins. Yes, as you, O God, put on her head a crown from an honest stone, crowning her here on earth; so crown me with Your eternal glory in Your Heavenly Kingdom, with all the saints rejoicing there, and together with them forever sing Your all-holy name with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Christ Jesus, Lord and Almighty! You are crying consolation, orphans and widows intercession. Thou didst say: Call upon Me in the day of thy affliction, and I will destroy thee. In the days of my sorrow, I resort to You and pray to You: do not turn Your face away from me and hear my prayer, brought to You with tears. You, Lord, Master of all, deigned to combine me with one of Your servants, in which we should have one body and one spirit; You gave me this servant, as a partner and protector. Thy good and wise will deigned to take this Thy servant away from me and leave me alone. I bow before this Thy will and resort to Thee in the days of my sorrow: quench my sorrow about being separated from Thy servant, my friend. If you took him away from me, not taken from me by Your mercy. As if you once took two mites to the widow, so accept this prayer of mine. Remember, Lord, the soul of your deceased servant (name), forgive him all his sins, free and involuntary, if in word, if in deed, if in knowledge and ignorance, do not destroy him with his iniquities and do not betray him to eternal torment, but by Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Thy mercies, weaken and forgive all his sins and commit him with Thy saints, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life. I pray and ask Thee, Lord, grant me all the days of my life not to stop praying for Your departed servant, and even before my departure, ask You, the Judge of the whole world, for the remission of all his sins and his settlement in Heavenly abodes, even if you have prepared for those who love Tya. Like if you sin, but do not depart from You, and undoubtedly the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are Orthodox even to your last breath of confession; the same, his faith, even in Thee, instead of deeds, he is imputed: as if a person is not, who will be alive and will not sin, You are one except for sin, and Your truth is truth forever. I believe, Lord, and I confess that You hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from me. Seeing the widow, weeping greenery, having mercy, her son, to the burial of the bear, resurrected you: so having mercy, calm my sorrow. As if you opened the doors of Your mercy to Your servant Theophilus, who departed to You, and forgave him his sins through the prayers of Your Holy Church, listening to the prayers and alms of his wife: I pray to You, accept my prayer for Your servant and bring him into eternal life. Like you are our hope. You are God, to have mercy and save, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Lord of life and death, Comforter of those who mourn! With a contrite and touched heart, I resort to You and pray to You: remember. Lord, in your Kingdom, your deceased servant (your servant), my child (name), and create eternal memory for him (her). You, Lord of life and death, have given me this child. Thy good and wise will was pleased to take it away from me. Blessed be Your name, Lord. I pray to Thee, Judge of heaven and earth, with Thy infinite love for us sinners, forgive my departed child all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in word, even in deed, even in knowledge and ignorance. Forgive, Merciful, and our parental sins, may they not abide on our children: we know, as if we have sinned against Thee by a multitude, we have not kept a multitude, we have not done so, as thou hast commanded us. But if our deceased child, ours or his own for the sake of guilt, was in this life, working for the world and his flesh, and not more than You, the Lord and your God: if you love the delights of this world, and not more than Your Word and Your commandments, if you betrayed sweetness of life, and not more than repentance of our sins, and in intemperance I betrayed vigil, fasting and prayer to oblivion - I pray you earnestly, forgive me, O good Father, my child, all such sins of his, forgive and weaken, if you do something else evil in this life . Christ Jesus! You resurrected the daughter of Jairus by the faith and prayer of her father. You healed the daughter of a Canaanite wife by faith and the petition of her mother: hear my prayer, and do not despise my prayer for my child. Forgive, Lord, forgive all his sins and, having forgiven and cleansed his soul, take away eternal torment and instill with all Your saints, who have pleased You from time immemorial, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life: as if there is a person who He will live and will not sin, but Thou art the only one except for all sin: yes, whenever you have to judge the world, my child will hear Your most exalted voice: come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Like you are the Father of mercies and bounty. You are our life and resurrection, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the guardian of the orphans, the grieving refuge and the weeping comforter. I am running to you, orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to You: hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from the sighs of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to You, merciful Lord, quench my grief about separation from my parent who gave birth and raised (who gave birth and raised) me (my mother), (name) (or: with my parents who gave birth and raised me, their names) - but his soul (or: her, or: theirs), as if departed (or: departed) to You with true faith in You and with firm hope in Your philanthropy and mercy, receive into Your Kingdom of Heaven. I bow before Your holy will, it has already been taken away (or: taken away, or: taken away) be from me, and I ask You not to take away from him (or: from her, or: from them) Your mercy and mercy. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even up to the third and fourth generation: but also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of the heart, I pray to Thee, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment the deceased unforgettable (departed unforgettable) for me Your servant (Your servant), my parent (my mother) (name), but release him (her) all his sins ( her) free and involuntary, in word and deed, by knowledge and ignorance created by him (her) in his (her) life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and philanthropy, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on him (s) and eternal spare the pain. You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, do not stop remembering my deceased parent (my deceased mother) in your prayers, and beg Thee, the righteous Judge, and put him (s) in a bright place, in a cool place and in a place of peace, with all the saints, all sickness, sorrow and sighing will flee from here. Gracious Lord! Receive this day about Your servant (Your) (name) this warm prayer of mine and give him (her) Your recompense for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as if he taught (taught) me first of all lead Thee, your Lord, in reverently pray to You, trust in You alone in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for the well-being of him (her) about my spiritual success, for the warmth that he (she) brings prayers for me before You and for all the gifts that he (she) asked me from You, reward him (her) with Your mercy. With your heavenly blessings and joys in your eternal Kingdom. You are the God of mercies and generosity and philanthropy, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Prayer for the dead by sudden (sudden) death

Thy fates are inscrutable, Lord! Thy ways are unsearchable! Giving breath to every creature and bringing everything from those who do not exist into existence, You send the Angel of death to him on the Day, which is not known, and at the hour, which does not care; but you steal from the hand of death, you give life at the last breath; be patient with the new and give time for repentance; ovago, like cereal, cut with the sword of death in one hour, in the twinkling of an eye; You strike the other with thunder and lightning, you burn the other with fire, and you betray the other for food with the wild beast; you command the new ones to be swallowed up by the waves and the abysses of the sea and the abysses of the earth; You steal away the new ones with a destructive ulcer, where death, like a reaper, reaps and separates a father or mother from their children, a brother from a brother, a spouse from a wife, a baby is torn away from the bosom of the mother, lifeless casts down the strong of the earth, the rich and the poor. What else is there? Marvelous and perplexed by us Your looking, O God! But Lord, Lord! You are only One, knowing everything, weigh, for the sake of this this happens and for the sake of being, as if Your servant (Your servant) (name) in a single twinkling of an eye was consumed by the yawn of death. If you punish him for many, grave sins of him (her), we pray Thee, the Many-merciful and All-merciful Lord, do not rebuke him (s) with Your fury and punish him completely, but, according to Your goodness and Your unapplied mercy, show him (her) greatness Your mercy in forgiveness and forgiveness of sins. Is it possible that the departed (-shay) Thy servant (Thy servant), in this life, thinking of the Day of Judgment, knowing his wretchedness and desiring to bring you fruits worthy of repentance, but not reaching this, was not called (-on) to be by you on the day that not knowing, and at the hour, we don’t expect it, for the sake of it, we pray to Thee, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful Lord, the unfinished repentance, even as You see Your eyes, and the unfinished work of saving him (her), fix it, arrange it, complete it with Your inexpressible goodness and philanthropy; I have only one hope for the Imams in Your infinite mercy: You have judgment and punishment, You have truth and inexhaustible mercy; You punish, and at the same time you are merciful; beish, and together you accept; we diligently pray to Thee, O Lord our God, do not suddenly punish the one called to Thee by Thy Dread Judgment, but spare, spare him (th) and do not reject from Thy presence. Oh, it’s terrible to suddenly fall into Your hands, Lord, and appear before Your court, impartial! It is terrible to come back to You without a grace-filled parting word, without Repentance and communion of Your Holy, terrible and life-giving Mysteries, Lord! If suddenly the departed (-shay), ever-remembered (-may) by us, Your servant (Your servant) is much more sinful (-on), much guilty (-on) is condemned at Your righteous judgment, we pray Thee, have mercy on him (her), do not condemn him (s) to eternal torment, to eternal death; be patient with us yet, give us the length of our days, if we pray to Thee all the days for the departed Thy servant (s), until you hear us and receive by Thy mercy the one who has suddenly departed (th) to Thee; and give us, Lord, wash away his (her) sins with tears of contrition and our sighs before You, may not be brought down (on) by your sin to the place of torment Your servant (Your servant) (name), but may he dwell in the resting place . You Yourself, Lord, command us to strike at the doors of Your mercy, we implore Thee, O Most Generous King, and we will not cease to beg Your mercy and cry out with penitent David: have mercy, have mercy on Your servant (Thy servant), God, according to Your great mercy. But if You are not satisfied with our words, this little prayer of ours, we implore You, Lord, by faith in Your saving merits, by hope in the redemptive and miraculous power of Your sacrifice, brought by You for the sins of the whole world; we pray to Thee, O Sweetest Jesus! You are the Lamb of God, take away the sins of the world, crucify yourself for our salvation! We pray to Thee, as our Savior and Redeemer, save and have mercy and eternal torment deliver the soul of the ever-remembered (s) by us suddenly deceased (s) of Your servant (Your servant) (name), do not leave him (s) to perish forever, but vouchsafe to reach Thy quiet haven and rest there, where all Thy saints rest. Together, we pray to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ our God, accept by Thy mercy and all Thy servants (names) who suddenly reposed to You, their water is covered, the coward is embraced, the murderers killed, the fire hit, hail, snow, scum, nakedness and the spirit of the storm killed , thunder and lightning fell, strike a destructive ulcer, or die with some other fault, according to Your will and allowance, we pray Thee, accept them under Your mercy and resurrect them into eternal, holy and blessed life. Amen.

Memorial prayer

rest, O Lord, the souls of thy servants

Orthodox Christianity, like any religion, is built on communion with God through prayer. Prayer can be a petition for the granting of health, success, a calm journey, as well as a prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased. In general, in Orthodoxy it is customary to constantly, if not daily, pray for the departed. It is believed that the Lord forgives the sins of those who pray for the souls of the dead, since they themselves can no longer change the situation in which they find themselves in the afterlife. Memorial prayer is an opportunity to pray for sins committed during life.

Prayers for remembrance

Prayer for all the dead

Remember, Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the life of your eternally reposed servant, our brother (name), as Good and Humanitarian, forgive sins and consume iniquity, weaken, leave and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal blessings, prepared for those who love You: if you sin, but do not depart from You, and unquestionably in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity glorious, faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Be merciful to him the same, and even faith in Thee instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as if generously rest: there is no man who lives and does not sin. But Thou art One except for all sin, and Thy truth is truth forever, and Thou art the One God of mercies and generosity, and humanity, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the repose of the deceased after a serious and prolonged illness

Lord, Lord! You are righteous, and Your judgment is righteous: You, in Your eternal Wisdom, have set the limit of our life, no one will pass it. Wise are thy laws, unsearchable are thy ways! You command the angel of death to remove the soul from the body from an infant and an old man, from a husband and a young man, from a healthy and sick person, according to Your destinies that are indescribable and unknown to us; but we believe that this is Your holy will, for, according to the judgment of Your truth, You, the Most Good Lord, are like a wise and omnipotent and omniscient Physician of our souls and bodies, you send illnesses and ailments, misfortunes and misfortunes to a person, like spiritual medicine. You strike him and heal, you kill the dead in him and revive the immortal, and, like a child-loving Father, you punish him, you accept him: we pray Thee, Lover of mankind, Lord, accept Your servant (Your servant) (name), who has reposed to You (name), he (south) sought Thou art with Thy philanthropy, punishing with a serious bodily illness, in a hedgehog to save the soul from mortal illness; and if all this I received (-la) is from You with humility, patience and love for You, as the omnipotent Physician of our souls and bodies, show him (her) today Your rich mercy, as if she had endured all this sin of hers for the sake of Impute to him (her), Lord, this temporary grave illness as a kind of punishment for the sins committed in this vale of weeping, and heal his (her) soul from sinful ailments. Have mercy, Lord, have mercy on the one who is exacted by You, and punished temporarily, I pray Thee, do not punish with the deprivation of Your eternal heavenly blessings, but make him (s) enjoy them in Your Kingdom. But if the departed (-shay) Thy servant (Thy servant), without reasoning in himself, for the sake of this was the touch of the healing and providential Right Hand of Thy, stubbornly what he said in himself, or, according to his foolishness, murmuring in his heart, like this burden consider yourself unbearable, or, due to the weakness of your nature, stinging with a long illness and grieved by the misfortune, we pray Thee, Long-suffering and Many-merciful Lord, forgive him (her) this sin by Thy boundless mercy and unapplied Thy mercy to us sinful and unworthy servants of Thy, forgive for the sake of Your love for the human race; Is it possible that his (her) iniquities, having surpassed his (her) head, illness and ailments did not move him (s) to complete and sincere repentance, we implore Thee, the Head of our life, we implore Your redemptive merits, have mercy and save, Savior, servant Yours (Your servant) from eternal death. Lord God our Savior! You, by faith in You, granted forgiveness and remission of sins, granting pardon and healing to the thirty-million-year-old weakened, when you said: “Your sins are felt to you”; with this faith and hope in Your goodness, we resort to Your, O Most Generous Jesus, unspeakable mercy and in the tenderness of our hearts we pray to Thee, Lord: and today such a word of mercy, a word of remission of sins to the departed (-s), ever-remembered (- mine) by us to Your servant (Your servant) (name), may he heal spiritually, and may he settle in a place of light, in a place of rest, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, and may his (her) illnesses and ailments change there, tears of suffering and sorrow into a source of joy in the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for the repose of Orthodox soldiers, for faith and the Fatherland in the battle of the slain

Invincible, incomprehensible and strong in battles, Lord our God! You, according to Your inscrutable destinies, send the Angel of Death under his shelter, the other in the village, the other on the sea, the other on the battlefield from the weapons of war, spewing terrible and deadly forces, destroying bodies, tearing limbs and crushing the bones of those who fight; we believe, as if according to Your, Lord, wise looking, such is the death of the defenders of the faith and the Fatherland.
We pray to Thee, Most Good Lord, remember in Thy Kingdom the Orthodox soldiers who were killed in battle, and receive them into Thy heavenly chamber, as if they were ulcerated martyrs, stained with their blood, as if they had suffered for Thy Holy Church and for the Fatherland, blessed thou art, as Thy property . We pray to Thee, accept the warriors who have departed to You in the hosts of the warriors of the Heavenly Forces, accept them by Your grace, as if they fell in the battle for the independence of the Russian land from the yoke of the infidels, as if defending the Orthodox faith from enemies, defending the Fatherland in difficult times from foreign hordes; remember, Lord, and all those who fought with a good feat for the anciently preserved Apostolic Orthodoxy, for the Russian land consecrated and holy in the language of Your choice, in the south, the enemies of the Cross and Orthodoxy bring both fire and a sword. Receive with peace of soul Thy servants (names), who fought for our prosperity, for our peace and rest, and give them eternal rest, as if they were saving cities and towns and protecting the Fatherland, and have mercy on the Orthodox soldiers who fell in battle with Your mercy, forgive them all sins committed in this life by word, deed, knowledge and ignorance. Look with Thy mercy, O Most Merciful Lord, on their wounds, torment, groaning and suffering, and impute all this to them as a feat good and pleasing to You; accept them by Thy mercy, for the sake of severe sorrow and burden here, in need, crampedness, in labor and vigilance of the former, gladness and thirst, exhaustion and exhaustion, endured, sane as the sheep of the slaughter. We pray to Thee, Lord, that their wounds be medicine and oil poured on their sinful sores. Look from heaven, O God, and see the tears of the orphans who have lost their fathers, and accept the tender prayers of their sons and daughters for them; hear the prayerful sighs of fathers and mothers who have lost their children; hear, merciful Lord, inconsolable widows who have lost their spouses; brothers and sisters crying for their relatives - and remember the husbands killed in the fortress of strength and in the prime of life, the elders, in the strength of spirit and courage; Look at our heartfelt sorrows, see our lamentation and have mercy, O Good One, to those who pray to You, Lord! You took away our relatives from us, but do not deprive us of Your mercy: hear our prayer and receive Your servants (names) who are ever remembered by us who have graciously departed to You; call them to your chamber, like good warriors who laid down their lives for the faith and the Fatherland on the battlefields; accept them into the hosts of Your chosen ones, as if they had served You with faith and truth, and give them rest in Your Kingdom, as martyrs who went to You wounded, ulcerated and betrayed their spirit in terrible torment; instill in Thy holy city all Thy servants (names) ever remembered by us, like good warriors, courageously laboring in terrible wars of ever-memorable us; their garments tamo in fine linen are bright and clean, as if they had whitened their robes in their blood, and worthy of martyr's crowns; create them together as participants in the triumph and glory of the victors who fought under the banner of Your Cross with the world, the flesh and the devil; place them in a host of glorious martyrs, victorious martyrs, the righteous and all Your saints. Amen.

Prayer for the dead by sudden (sudden) death

Thy fates are inscrutable, Lord! Thy ways are unsearchable! Giving breath to every creature and bringing everything from those who do not exist into being, You send the Angel of death to him on the Day, which is unknown, and at the hour, which does not care; but you steal from the hand of death, you give life at the last breath; be patient with the new and give time for repentance; ovago, like cereal, cut with the sword of death in one hour, in the twinkling of an eye; You strike the other with thunder and lightning, you burn the other with fire, and you betray the other for food with the beast of the oak forest; you command the new ones to be swallowed up by the waves and the abysses of the sea and the abysses of the earth; You steal away the new ones with a destructive sore, where death, like a reaper, reaps and separates a father or mother from their children, a brother from a brother, a spouse from a wife, a baby is torn away from the bosom of the mother, lifeless casts down the strong of the earth, the rich and the poor. What else is there? Marvelous and perplexed by us Your looking, O God! But Lord, Lord! You are only One, knowing everything, weigh, for the sake of this this happens and for the sake of being, as if Your servant (Your servant) (name) in a single twinkling of an eye was consumed by the yawn of death. If you punish him for many, grave sins of him (her), we pray Thee, the Many-Merciful and All-Merciful Lord, do not rebuke him (s) with Your fury and punish him completely, but, according to Your goodness and according to Your unapplied mercy, show him (her) greatness Your mercy in forgiveness and forgiveness of sins. Is it possible that the departed (-shay) Thy servant (Thy servant), in this life, thinking of the Day of Judgment, knowing his wretchedness and desiring to bring you fruits worthy of repentance, but not reaching this, was not called (-on) to be by you on the day that not knowing, and at the hour, we don’t expect it, for the sake of it, we pray to Thee, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful Lord, the unfinished repentance, even as You see Your eyes, and the unfinished work of saving him (her), fix it, arrange it, complete it with Your inexpressible goodness and philanthropy; I have only one hope for the Imams in Your infinite mercy: You have judgment and punishment, You have truth and inexhaustible mercy; You punish, and at the same time you are merciful; beish, and together you accept; we diligently pray to Thee, O Lord our God, do not suddenly punish the one called to Thee by Thy Terrible Judgment, but spare, spare him (th) and do not reject from Thy face. Oh, it’s terrible to suddenly fall into Your hands, Lord, and present yourself to Your impartial judgment! It is terrible to come back to You without a grace-filled parting word, without Repentance and communion of Your Holy, terrible and life-giving Mysteries, Lord! If suddenly the departed (-shay), ever-remembered (-may) by us, Your servant (Your servant) is so many sinners (-on), so guilty (-on) is the condemnation at Your righteous judgment, we pray Thee, have mercy on him (her), do not condemn him (s) to eternal torment, to eternal death; be patient with us yet, give us the length of our days, if we pray to Thee all the days for the departed Thy servant (s), until you hear us and receive by Thy mercy the one who suddenly departed (th) to Thee; and give us, Lord, wash away his (her) sins with tears of contrition and our sighs before You, may not be brought down by your sin to the place of torment Your servant (Your servant) (name), but may he dwell in the resting place . You Yourself, Lord, command us to strike at the doors of Your mercy, we pray Thee, O Most Generous King, and we will not cease to beg Your mercy and cry out with penitent David: have mercy, have mercy on Your servant (Thy servant), God, according to Your great mercy. But if You are not satisfied with Our words, this small prayer of ours, we implore You, Lord, by faith in Your saving merits, by hope in the redemptive and miraculous power of Your sacrifice, brought by You for the sins of the whole world; we pray to Thee, O Sweetest Jesus! You are the Lamb of God, take away the sins of the world, crucify yourself for our salvation! We pray to Thee, as our Savior and Redeemer, save and have mercy and eternal torment deliver the soul of our ever-remembering (s) by us suddenly deceased (s) of Your servant (Your servant) (name), do not leave him (s) to perish forever, but vouchsafe to reach Thy quiet haven and rest there, where all Thy saints rest. Together, we pray to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ our God, accept by Thy mercy and all Thy servants (names) who suddenly reposed to You, their water is covered, the coward is embraced, the murderers killed, the fire fell, hail, snow, scum, nakedness and the spirit of the storm killed , thunder and lightning fell, strike a destructive ulcer, or die with some other fault, according to Your will and allowance, we pray Thee, accept them under Your mercy and resurrect them into eternal, holy and blessed life. Amen.

Prayer for the Newly Departed

Holy Mother of God! We resort to You, our Intercessor: You are an ambulance helper, our intercessor with God, unsleeping! Most of all, we pray to Thee at this hour: help the newly-departed (thy) servant of Yours (Your servant) (name) to go through this terrible and unknown path; we pray to Thee, the Mistress of the world, by Your power, sever the terrible forces of dark spirits from the fear-driven soul of his (her) soul, may they be embarrassed and put to shame before You; free me from the torment of air publicans, destroy their councils and bring them down, like evil-minded enemies. Be her, O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, an intercessor and protector from the airy prince of darkness, the tormentor and the terrible ways of the leader; we pray to Thee, Most Holy Theotokos, Protect me with Your honest robe, so fearlessly and without restraint will pass from earth to heaven. We pray to Thee, our Intercessor, intercede for Your servant (Your servant) with Your motherly boldness in the Lord; we pray to Thee, our Help, help him (her), who has (-sch) to be judged even before the Last Judgment, help him to be justified before God, as the Creator of heaven and earth, and implore Your Only Begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, may the deceased rest in the bowels of Abraham with the righteous and all the saints. Amen.

When do they pray for repose?

The Orthodox religion defines death as the beginning of a new, eternal life. All earthly life is built on preparing the soul for heavenly life by one's deeds, good deeds and prayers. However, no one on earth can know where the soul of a loved one or a loved one is located. Therefore, a prayer for repose, by relatives, begins to be performed immediately after death, so that the Lord forgives his sins and grants the deceased salvation from hell.

Prayers begin to be read when a person is near death, which are called "Proceedings for the exodus of the soul from the body." They are aimed at asking for release from the torment of the separation of the soul from the body. After death and before burial, day and night, the relatives of the deceased read the psalter, which is believed to bring relief to the soul and relatives of the deceased. In addition, on the day of death, a special prayer rule is ordered in the church for the deceased - magpie. Immediately before the burial, the body of the deceased is buried in the temple, where everyone prays for the repose of the soul.

At the first commemoration, immediately after the cemetery, they repeatedly pray for the repose of the newly deceased. The Church does not allow the Orthodox to drink alcoholic beverages at the cemetery or during commemoration, this defiles the souls of the departed. On memorial days, it is recommended to come to the temple, give notes of repose in the shop, pray and put candles to the crucifix. Of the first days, the fortieth day after death is considered the most important. It is believed that on this day the soul appears for judgment before God, therefore it is recommended to assemble a large memorial table and invite all your friends to help the soul of the deceased with common prayers for repose.

The prayer for repose is read during the reading of morning and evening prayers. On Saturday, in every Orthodox church, a common prayer is performed for the forgiveness of sins to the dead - a memorial service or litia. Of course, a priest can pray for the souls of the departed every day, a detailed schedule can be found in the temple. The Church does not pray only for the souls of suicides. God does not forgive those who have committed this terrible sin. However, in connection with the ban on the constant commemoration of the souls of people who committed suicide, the church still makes a reservation, in the form of one day a year, on which a prayer is still made for the repose of the soul of the deceased, thereby alleviating his suffering.

So, the prayer for the repose of the dead is performed daily. Prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased is aimed at alleviating the fate of the soul, forgiveness of sins committed during life. The Orthodox Church teaches how important it is to pray for our dead. Remembering the departed relatives and friends, read a short prayer, it will give peace to their souls.

Short memorial prayers

Remember, Lord, from the life of this departed orthodox kings and queens, noble princes and princesses, the most holy patriarchs, His Grace metropolitans, archbishops and bishops of the Orthodox, in the priesthood and in the parish of the church, and in the monastic rank you served, and in your eternal villages with the saints rest in peace. (Bow.)

Remember, Lord, the souls of your departed servants, my parents (their names), and all relatives in the flesh; and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, granting them the Kingdom and the communion of Your eternal good and Your endless and blissful life pleasure (Bow)

Remember, Lord, and all in the hope of the resurrection and eternal life of the reposed, fathers and our brothers and sisters, and lying here and everywhere, Orthodox Christians, and with Your saints, where the light of Your face dwells, indwell, and have mercy on us, as Good and Humanitarian. Amen. (Bow)

Grant, Lord, the forgiveness of sins to all those who have departed in the faith and hope of the resurrection, our fathers, brothers and sisters, and create for them an eternal memory. (Three times)

Remember, Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the life of your eternally reposed servant, our brother (name), as Good and Humanitarian, forgive sins and consume iniquity, weaken, leave and forgive all his voluntary and involuntary sins, deliver him eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal blessings, divined by those who love You: even if you sin, but do not depart from You, and unquestionably in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity glorified, faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Be merciful to him the same, and even faith in Thee instead of deeds, and with Your saints, as if generously rest: there is no man who lives and does not sin. Thou art One except for all sin, and Thy truth is truth forever, and Thou art the One God of mercies and generosity, and humanity, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. (Bow)

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Complete collection and description: a brief prayer for the repose of the soul for the spiritual life of a believer.

Upon the death of our relatives, relatives and friends, relations with them do not stop. Only visible communion is interrupted, because there is no death in the Kingdom of Christ. It is only an invisible transition from temporary, earthly life into eternal life.

Why Pray for the Dead

Prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased is a continuation of our invisible connection. Orthodox Christians believe that the Merciful Lord grants forgiveness to their souls through prayers.

As long as a person is alive, he can repent of sins at any time and receive forgiveness from God. But after death, the soul no longer has the opportunity to ask for forgiveness and intercede for itself. And we, living people, come to help with prayers for them to the Creator.

Advice! Pray as often as possible.

After the death of a person, the place of residence of his newly deceased soul depends on how the deceased spent his earthly life, whether he believed in Christ, whether he kept His commandments. Therefore, by fervently praying for dead people, we, the living, can accomplish for them the only and long-awaited blessing - eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prayer texts

Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the orphan guardian, the grieving refuge and the weeping comforter. I resort to You, az, orphan, groaning and. weeping, and I pray to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighing of my heart and from the tears of my eyes.

I pray to You, merciful Lord, quench my grief about separation from the one who gave birth and raised me, my parent (name); but his soul, as if having departed to Thee with true faith in Thee and firm hope in Thy philanthropy and mercy, receive into Thy Kingdom of Heaven.

I bow before Your holy will, it was already taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from him. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even up to the third and fourth generation: but also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

With contrition and tenderness of the heart, I pray to Thee, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment the departed unforgettable for me Thy servant, my parent (name), but forgive him all his sins, free and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance created by him in his life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and philanthropy, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Theotokos and all the saints, have mercy on him and deliver eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, do not stop remembering my deceased parent in your prayers, and beg Thee, the righteous Judge, and put him in a bright place, in a cool place and in a place of peace, with all the saints From here, all sickness, sadness and sighing will run away. Merciful Lord!

Receive this day about Your servant (name), this warm prayer of mine and reward him with Your recompense for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as if he taught me first of all lead Thee, Your Lord, in reverence to pray to Thee, to trust in Thee alone in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep your commandments;

For his well-being about my spiritual success, for the warmth of his prayers for me before You and for all the gifts he asked me from You, reward him with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal kingdom.

You are the God of mercies and generosity and philanthropy, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

It is read from the day of death 40 days and before the anniversary 40 days before the day of death daily.

Remember, Lord our God, in the faith and hope of the belly of the eternally reposed * Thy servant, our brother (name), and as Good and Humane, forgive sins and consume injustice, weaken, leave and forgive all his voluntary sins and involuntary, deliver him eternal torment and fire of Gehenna, and grant him the communion and enjoyment of Your eternal good, prepared for those who love You: if you sin, but do not depart from You, and undoubtedly in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Your God in the Trinity glorified, faith, and Unity in the Trinity and the Trinity in Unity Orthodox even until his last breath of confession. Be merciful to that, and faith, even in Thee, instead of deeds, and with Your saints, like Generous, rest in peace: there is no man who lives and does not sin, but You are One besides all sin and Your truth is truth forever, and You are the One God of mercy and generosity, and philanthropy, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

God of spirits and all flesh, righting death and abolishing the devil, and bestowing life on Your world! Himself, Lord, give rest to the souls of the departed Thy servants: His Holiness Patriarchs, His Grace Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, who served You in the priestly, church and monastic ranks; the creators of this holy temple, Orthodox forefathers, father, brothers and sisters, lying here and everywhere; leaders and warriors for faith and the fatherland laid down their lives, faithful, killed in internecine warfare, drowned, burned, frozen in the scum, torn to pieces by beasts, suddenly died without repentance and did not have time to reconcile with the Church and with their enemies; in the frenzy of the mind of the suicidal, those whom we commanded and asked to pray for, for whom there is no one to pray and the faithful, the burials of the Christian deprived of (name) in a brighter place, in a greener place, in a place of rest, sickness, sadness and sighing will flee from here. Any sin committed by them in word or deed or thought, as a good Humanity God, forgive, as if there is a person who will be alive and will not sin. Thou art only one except for sin, Thy righteousness is righteousness forever, and Thy word is truth.

As You are the Resurrection, and the Life and Peace of the departed Thy servant (name), Christ our God, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning, and the Most Holy, and the Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Remember, Lord our God, in faith and hope of the belly of your eternal newly-departed servant (or your servant), (name), and as good and philanthropist, forgive sins and consume iniquity, weaken, leave and forgive all his voluntary sins and involuntary, reclaiming his holy second coming, in the communion of your eternal blessings, even for the sake of the One faith in Thee, the true God and the Lover of mankind. Like you are the resurrection and the belly, and rest to your servant, (name), Christ our God. And we send glory to You, with Your Father without beginning and with the Most Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

Give rest, Lord, to the souls of your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, free and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

What do 3, 9, 40 days and anniversary mean

Few of the deceased were honored before death with confession and Holy Communion, many die unexpectedly, and someone overtakes a violent death.

The deceased especially needs prayer support in 40 days after death. It was at this time that his fate in the other world was decided, his "accommodation" in hell or in heavenly villages.

For the good memory of the deceased, relatives and close people are obliged to perform a prayer feat:

  • to do merciful deeds and deeds;
  • forgive ill-wishers;
  • pacify personal hypocrisy;
  • regularly repent of sins and take Communion;
  • comfort the mourners;
  • distribute alms to those in need.

Day three

Commemoration on the 3rd day after death is performed in memory of the Resurrection of Christ. 2 days the soul is present on earth. She is constantly accompanied by an angel. She visits places dear to her during her lifetime, "visits" her loved ones.

Important! On the 3rd day, the soul ascends to worship the Creator. It is on this day that prayers for her repose and forgiveness of sins are a particularly timely event.

From the 3rd to the 6th day, the soul, accompanied by an angel, sees the beauty of the paradise villages. The grief that was felt when parting with the body is gradually forgotten. The sinful soul mourns and reproaches itself for the carelessness of earthly life.

Day nine

On the 9th day, the Almighty again commands the soul to come to Him. The memorial service on this day is created in memory of nine angelic ranks. It is they who intercede for salvation and mercy for the newly deceased.

Day fortieth

On the 40th day, the soul ascends to Christ again to resolve its fate - the Almighty determines its location until His Second Coming to earth and the Terrible Judgment Seat. It is at this moment that prayer and commemoration are considered especially timely for the sake of settling the soul at rest in paradise with the saints.

It is the 40th day that is significant in the history of the Church:

  • the prophet Moses talked with the Creator on Mount Sinai and received the tablets of the Law after a 40-day fast;
  • the Israelites reached Judea after a 40-year journey;
  • The Savior ascended on the 40th day after Resurrection.

Anniversary of remembrance

The commemoration of the dead on the anniversary of death is due to the liturgical cycle - the annual circle. At its end, all church events are repeated again. And the anniversary of the repose of a person is his birthday in eternity.

The Orthodox Church keeps many examples of how the deceased expect prayers for them from living people: they come to us in dream visions, perform certain signs that indicate the need for prayerful remembrance.

Christian love is eternal, and the dead are not dead, but are alive and love us, because the human soul is immortal. Few of the righteous go to heavenly abodes and enjoy the joy of communion with the Heavenly Father. That is why prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased is so important.

Important! No less effective commemoration of the dead is considered to be the offering of the Bloodless Sacrifice for them during the Divine Liturgy.

Orthodox prayers for the dead

Prayers for the dead are considered an important church ritual that helps the soul of the deceased find peace. Which prayer to read for the deceased up to 40 days every day, which prayer for the repose of the soul up to 1 year for parents, relatives, husbands, wives, should be chosen in order to correctly commemorate the newly deceased (recently departed to another world) loved one, a long-dead father, mother?

Up to 40 days, the souls of the departed need prayer. Prayers for the dead, as a rule, are read by relatives at home or in the temple, the texts of prayers can be short, long, prayers uttered in one's own words are suitable on days of commemoration.

The first 3 days after death, according to the narration of the Holy Fathers, the soul is near the body. After 3 days, the soul of the newly reposed deceased passes from earthly life to the spiritual world, where each soul has the opportunity to bear the responsibility for the earthly deeds done, to answer for the sins committed. On the 40th day, God's Judgment ends, and the soul moves to heaven or hell. The first 40 days are very important for the souls of the departed, prayers are especially needed these days.

Razgadamus considers it educational. The most important for Orthodox Christians are prayers for the dead; an Orthodox prayer is read at the Liturgy in the church during the service, in the process of the funeral service by the priests. At home, in addition to prayer, you can read the Psalter - this is the sacred book of psalms, which is read collectively, individually in the church or at home in front of the icons. Psalter for the dead can be read on the anniversary of the death of parents, husband, wife, on any other day, it should be read correctly at home with a burning candle or lamp.

How to pray on memorial days, what kind of prayers for the departed should Orthodox Christians have? We offer the strongest Orthodox prayers of commemoration, which can be read on Parental memorial Saturdays, after the death of parents (father, mother) up to 40 days or a deceased wife, husband, relative every day. After Christ's Easter, according to the church Orthodox calendar, every year Orthodox Christians celebrate the holiday Radonitsa or Parents' Day (in 2017, the date is April 25); we hope that the accessible texts published in this article will be used by many believers on the approaching day of remembrance.

Prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased

Prayer for deceased parents

Prayer for the deceased up to 40 days

Short Prayer for the Dead

Most of all I believe in the power of clear text. I read a short prayer today, I liked it, I think the souls of mom and dad heard me.

It is imperative to touch on mourning topics so as not to forget about those who died long ago but need our help - a prayer for the repose!

As far as I know, the canons of Orthodoxy for the newly deceased in the church, first of all, order a memorial service so that the Lord has mercy on his soul, a prayer if it is strong helps both the deceased and relatives mourning a loved one

I’m ashamed to say, I didn’t even know that there are special texts for the dead, which can be read in the cemetery, etc. and never paid attention to someone praying at the graves?

It is important not where to pray for the dead (at home, in a cemetery, in a church), how to do it - consciously or as some read the text on the machine, memorizing it without delving into the meaning.

after the parents died, she prayed up to 40 days and after 40 days from the date of death. First, my father died 3 months later, my mother followed him. I understood from the priest’s story that it’s better to read for the newly deceased in church during a memorial service, but at home by itself.

The souls of the dead require prayer for up to 40 days, both for newly appointed and after passing through purgatory. You need to remember and not forget about those who have already departed to another world all the time, they feel our care - souls are meant.

if I correctly understood the meaning of the text of the prayer, can it be read about the repose and pardon of the soul of a deceased person?

Memorial prayers are read for this, so that the Lord would have mercy on the soul of the newly deceased and give him the Kingdom of Heaven.

I have chosen for myself a short prayer for the departed God rest. I read it on Radonitsa, Parental Saturdays on memorial days of memory from the day of death or on the birthday of parents. The text of the prayer is purposeful and intelligible, tears well up when you read it.

I asked in the church they said - you can commemorate the deceased on any day. It is better to order a prayer service more often, especially for the recently deceased up to 1 year old.

It is best to regularly order a prayer service for the dead in the church. Reading a prayer once a year is not enough.

Someone says about once a year. It is necessary to remember the dead with prayer every time you come to the cemetery, and TWO times: first immediately upon arrival, then before leaving.

I didn’t know that for the rest, a prayer in a cemetery is read twice ?! I'll know - thanks for the tip.

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Prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased

According to religious canons, the living need to pray for the repose of the dead in order to give them the opportunity to be at peace, enjoying the other world. The deceased will not be able to propitiate the Lord with his daily deeds, he will not be able to offer him a prayer, therefore, those who remain in this world must pray for his soul.

Prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased are also useful to the living, for they soothe their souls from worldly and vain things, filling them with the memory of the Heavenly world. The prayer service makes us remember the need to refrain from sins, weakening the course of righteous sorrow.

When we pray, we remember that the departed also grieve for us, helping in our worldly life.

Of course, one cannot count on salvation and mercy for the souls of sinners who reject the canons of God during their lifetime, who live outside the church, even when they are baptized. In order to avoid becoming like them, it is necessary to constantly remember about salvation in the other world.

When a servant of God lives his earthly life in accordance with the laws of our Father, turning daily to the angels, yes to the Lord God, blessings await him in earthly life and in heaven.

Offering a prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased, the living are directly involved in asking for Paradise for them in Heaven. The Lord will certainly show mercy to the deceased, who lived a good life and remained loved by living relatives, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

It is also believed that the Orthodox prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased does not just help. Due to the fact that you ask for the dead, being alive, the dead will help you, being your messenger in the Other World, and this, you see, for us sinful souls, is definitely not superfluous.

Popular prayers for the dead

Prayers for the Benefit of the Dead

It is possible to commemorate the deceased on any day. According to customs, Saturday is called the day of remembrance of all the Saints and the dead. The dead are commemorated on the third, ninth and fortieth day after death, then on parental Saturdays, on the day of the death anniversary, Angel Day and Birthday.

There are many prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased. Here are a few of the more common ones:

In all the presented prayers for repose, a petition is raised to the Lord to grant forgiveness of sins to the deceased, providing peace in another world.

Pray if you want to

Remember that no one is obligated to commemorate a deceased person. If you wish to remember a deceased loved one, then only raise up the holy word, for only with a pure heart is it necessary to turn to God.

A prayer for repose, coming from the heart, can work wonders. Even scientists who are skeptical of everything that cannot be explained in terms of science note the power of the holy word.

According to scientific statements, the holy texts of prayers contain a special combination of sounds, designed to bestow a certain internal emotional state on the one who reads and hears it, granting physical healing to the body, as well as simply peace.

If the prayer was pronounced correctly, you will feel as if a certain burden is falling off your shoulders, giving a feeling of special, blessed freedom, as well as calmness. Praying - you diminish the pain of loss, tormenting the heart.

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