A participant in the children's "Voice" continues treatment after a terrible accident. What's with the eye of the participant "Voice

Before the concert “Little Legends of a Big Country” at the Music Hall, Piterzavtra journalists spoke with members of Dima Bilan’s team from the third season of the show “Voice. Children ”-“ Goosebumps Queen ”Yaroslava Degtyareva and the winner of the project Danila Pluzhnikov.

The young artists told Piterzavtra how their life has changed after The Voice, what to do if you are afraid to perform, and a little more about video blogs and your favorite mentor.

Piterzavtra: We first of all ask all artists about our city. Have you already been to St. Petersburg? Do you remember anything here?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I was. Beautiful buildings, big river.

Danil Pluzhnikov: And I already was. The city is very beautiful, with a great history.

Piterzavtra: Have any of your own songs appeared in your repertoire?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: They write me a song.

Danil Pluzhnikov: I compose musical works on the synthesizer, but so far without lyrics. For the time being, we mostly sing the songs that we like.

Piterzavtra: And who usually chooses the songs you will perform?

Danil Pluzhnikov: In my case - my family, me, a teacher.

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I have the same.

Piterzavtra: You participate in many concerts, travel to different cities, do you still have time to study?

Danil Pluzhnikov: And where to go? They ask me a few paragraphs, I read, do assignments on them, I come home, I hand them over. Again they ask me a bunch of paragraphs, I leave, I teach, I come, I rent. Here is such a cycle.

Piterzavtra: What subjects are difficult?

Danil Pluzhnikov: I am a humanitarian. I do not communicate with the exact sciences, but with the rest - everything is fine. Algebra is a nightmare.

Piterzavtra: Danil, I recently watched your performance on the New Wave, where you and Dima Bilan performed a song from Oleg Gazmanov's repertoire "Mama". The audience wept. How does it feel when you sing and the whole room is crying?

Danil: Feelings are indescribable. It's very nice when you manage to convey to the audience the secret that you sing about.

Yaroslav Degtyarev: If I were in Daniel's place, I would feel sad myself. You sing, and the whole hall cries, I would cry myself. It's sad when everyone cries.

Piterzavtra: What to do if you are afraid to go on stage?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: If you are afraid to perform somewhere for the first time, imagine that you are at home, but you need to sing well. I sometimes imagine that if I sing well, they will buy me sweets.

Danil Pluzhnikov: Before the performance, it is better to discard doubtful, negative thoughts. Set a goal for yourself and do what you love.

Danil Pluzhnikov: I like everything: performances, new cities, meeting very interesting people. People come up to us, just passers-by, say nice words. We really like all this. Life has changed.

Yaroslav Degtyarev: Yes Yes Yes! I completely agree with you.

Piterzavtra: Probably one of the most interesting people is your mentor Dima Bilan. How would you characterize it?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: Cheerful, kind. The best mentor in the world.

Danil Pluzhnikov: That says it all. A man with a broad soul, a professional in his field, very warm, friendly, simple. It is very easy to communicate with him.

Piterzavtra: Did you remember any of his advice in particular?

Danil Pluzhnikov: There were many tips, we can not choose any one.

Piterzavtra: Danil, I saw a vlog on your social network page. How did you decide to become a vlogger?

Danil Pluzhnikov: I just had a desire to record an interesting video, edit it, put it on YouTube, because it is very interesting. For a long time I could not get myself together, take a normal camera, shoot the material, and then also edit it. We bought the camera at the beginning of the summer, then I got everything together for three months, then I recorded it and posted it. Recently I recorded another video, I will start editing soon.

Now I often go to all sorts of events. I plan to shoot about life on stage and behind the scenes: how everything happens there, how the artists are going through backstage, how they communicate in the dressing room. Here's something like that in the plans. Maybe I’ll add some headings in addition to speeches. The more videos the better.

While we were preparing the interview for publication, Danil released the second video:

Piterzavtra: Do you target any popular bloggers?

Danil Pluzhnikov: I don't watch blogs now. I improvise myself.

Piterzavtra: Your blog will be about behind the scenes. Can you share a particularly memorable experience?

Danil Pluzhnikov: There are a lot of interesting cases. In principle, our conversation is also an interesting case. (smiles).

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I have been wanting to become a blogger for a long time, but I can’t, I don’t have enough time. The problem is where to shoot, what to shoot, with whom to shoot? Friends in Moscow so far only from Golos. They probably won't have time to get together, shoot a video together.

Piterzavtra: What do you want to shoot about?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I want to make a review of Lego, DIY video, unboxing. I will try to make it very interesting. It's still fashionable to shoot make-up videos for school, but I'm only in the third grade. Why do I need makeup? Maybe when I'm in high school, then I'll start doing makeup and taking pictures.

Piterzavtra: Is it always interesting what people are reading and watching?

Danil Pluzhnikov: I don't like to single out anything in particular. I love everything good: movies, music, food.

Yaroslav Degtyarev: You will probably be surprised now, but I really liked the book "The Master and Margarita". Admittedly, I haven't read it yet. This is such a mystical book. An adult piece that I like. I really asked my mother for this book, they didn’t find it at home, and Irina Ivanovna, the director of the school, gave it to me.

Piterzavtra: How did you hear about this book?

Yaroslav Degtyarev: I saw on the Internet a picture with a silhouette of a cat, and in it there is a building and a witch, I even copied it later. I click on the cat, I got into the Google chat, where the Behemoth cat wrote “I’m not being naughty, I’m not touching anyone!” (In 2016, Google launched an online reading project for The Master and Margarita on the 125th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Bulgakov. - Ed.)

I love cats very much. In general, I love animals very much, I communicate with them, I have a dog and a cat at home. In the summer, I give my cat a massage with herbs and petals to keep him feeling fresh. I brought him a sweater for the winter so that he would not freeze.

Piterzavtra: Wish your child fans something, what should they do to make their wishes come true?

Danil Pluzhnikov: Do not be afraid, go further, strive for your goal! Only forward!

Yaroslav Degtyarev: And most importantly, never give up on your dreams!

Interviewed by: Ksenia BORISOVA (the_ksenya)

P.S.: We express special gratitude Nadezhda Kokareva and Elena Romanova for help in arranging the interview.

    People met Yaroslava Degtyareva thanks to the Voicequot ; project, on which the girl could not be overlooked. The girl is very bright, cheerful, bright and charismatic, you can never say that she had to go through very difficult obstacles in this life.

    And the girl's eye problems are the result of a car accident.

    And in addition.

    The girl was injured during a severe accident. You can also notice small scars on Yaroslav's face. Yara underwent many operations and lay in the hospital for a long time, according to her mother, she has matured a lot. I immediately noticed that she did not have children's eyes, they really carry some kind of pain. Even when Yaroslava smiles in the eyes of a sad woman.

    The girl is very sorry. When I didn’t know the details yet, I just saw that something was wrong with the eye, questions arose. And when I read about a terrible car accident in my life, I was simply horrified. The girl was literally collected after that accident, she was injured all over, and especially her head and eyes. After that, this defect remained. The child is yet to undergo more than one operation.

    Yaroslava Degtyareva is a strong, brave and also a very talented girl. When she was 5 years old, her family was in trouble, as she and her family got into a car accident. The front glass of the car the family was traveling in was cracked by a violent collision and splashed into their faces with small broken pieces of glass. Can you imagine what happened to the people in the cabin of this car? The girl received terrible injuries, her broken body was collected in the hospital and healed. A terrible open trauma to the skull, a severe fracture of the leg, an eye cut with glasses and other injuries - all this survived Yaroslav Degtyarev.

    The incident happened about two years ago. At the same time, the girl's mother suffered. But despite her injuries, she nursed Yaroslav. At first, after the incident, the girl could not even walk.

    But thank God, everything is over and she is healthy.

    And slight marks on the left side will disappear over time. Of course, not without the intervention of specialists. But the main thing is that the baby's dreams will definitely come true.

    The fact is that Yaroslava Degtyareva has the consequences of a road accident in a car, at her still early age. This is the result of a cranial injury in that car accident. For this reason, Yaroslav Degtyareva's eye looks like this.

    At the age of five, Yasya, along with her parents, got into a terrible car accident.

    The car, driven by the girl's father, flew off the road into a cliff.

    The glass shattered, shattering into tiny pieces. The girl had to be pulled out from under the car.

    Doctors fought all night for her life, collected the girl literally piece by piece.

    On New Year's Eve, the girl asked the Christmas tree for a gift: so that the legs would start walking.

    And her request was heard. As soon as the girl got to her feet, she found the strength to walk around the wards and sing for seriously ill children.

    The girl, in her so young years, holds herself together, and also encourages her mother, because she is also badly crippled, her eye was half sewn up, but she had no time to take care of herself, she devoted all her time to restoring her daughter. The situation hardened them both. And although they are still being treated, they do not lose optimism.

    And how the girl behaved during the announcement of the voting results at the final.

    She was sincerely happy for Danila Pluzhnikov, who reached the super final and then became the winner. Only a person with a pure, open soul can rejoice like that.

    Yaroslav has more than one operation ahead of him. And may her dream of all her scars heal and she fully recover from the accident come true.

    The girl, along with her parents, got into an accident four years ago! There was a serious injury to the head and eyes. The glass was removed from the eyeball, the glass damaged the lower and upper eyelids. Had multiple cosmetic surgeries!

    Yaroslav Degtyareva can only sympathize.

    According to this site kp.ru, even in childhood Yaroslav Degtyarev got into a terrible car accident, the girl had the following injuries:

    So these are the consequences of that terrible accident.

    It's all because of a terrible car accident in which the girl got into with her family. The consequences were terrible, for a long time the girl could not walk, but very steadfastly endured all the hardships of treatment and restrictions. The girl is a real fighter and she was rewarded, she can already walk.

Yaroslava Degtyareva is a young Russian singer, actress, participant in the Voice. Children-3.

Childhood and family

Yaroslav Viktorovna Degtyareva was born on August 14, 2008 in Rostov-on-Don. The talent for singing woke up in Yasa - as her relatives affectionately call her - very early. However, her great plans to become a singer were once nearly thwarted by a fatal accident.

When the girl was five, she and her family got into a car accident. The girl's father was driving the car that terrible day. He lost control and the car went into a ditch. Yaroslava received an open craniocerebral injury, many fractures and eye damage. The girl had to endure several serious operations and learn to walk again.

But even during the days of recovery in the hospital, the charming baby did not lose optimism: having barely recovered, she began to walk around the wards and perform in front of other children. “Mom, they love it so much! I am so glad that I can do something for them, ”the young singer shared her impressions.

Voice. Children

When all the worst was over, Yaroslava, together with her mother Olesya (after the accident, the woman divorced her husband) moved to her grandmother in the small mining town of Gukovo in the Rostov region. There, the girl was sent to a music studio, where she immediately became a soloist.

The talented baby often shone at local concerts and talent competitions, often winning prizes. And when the recruitment of participants for the third season of the popular show “Voice.Children” was announced, mother Olesya applied for participation without hesitation.

The show started in February 2016. At the stage of blind auditions, the 8-year-old baby shocked the judges with a brilliant, adult performance of Viktor Tsoi's song "Cuckoo". Pelageya and Dima Bilan immediately turned to her - the girl preferred the latter as a mentor.

Yaroslav Degtyarev with the song "Cuckoo"

Later, Yaroslava admitted that she had prepared several songs for casting, but could not choose one. As a result, the girl at the last moment remembered her favorite song "Cuckoo", which she heard in the movie "Battle for Sevastopol", and decided to perform it. Subsequently, the song performed by Yaroslava entered the top 10 most popular videos in the Russian-language segment of YouTube in 2016.

The show was very successful for Yaroslav - Bilan, other judges and viewers adored the baby and supported her with all their might in the competition. Thanks to her efforts and the support of her fans, Degtyareva managed to reach the final, but she lost the first prize to Danila Pluzhnikov.

Later career

But even when the next season of "Voice" began, they did not think about forgetting about Degtyareva, who won the hearts of the whole country. She and her mother moved to Moscow, the baby was invited to speak on the radio, she appeared again and again on Channel One, and once she even tried herself as a model at Fashion Week in Moscow. In addition, the baby took part in the show "Alice in Wonderland on Ice" in St. Petersburg and won the title of "Girl of the Year" at the Teens Bachelorette Party award in March 2017. A month later, the presentation of her first author's song "One" took place.

Yaroslav Degtyareva - One

Success in the show brought Yaroslav to the world of cinema. In December 2017, Kirill Pletnev's film "Burn!" was released. about a prison guard (Inga Oboldina) who is pursuing her dream of becoming a singer. The girl played a small but important role - the main character in childhood. On the set, the baby met such famous Russian actors as Victoria Isakova, Vladimir Ilyin, Anna Ukolova.

Personal life and hobbies

Yaroslav Degtyareva loves to read, walk, ride horses and cook with her mother. The young singer plans to learn how to play the guitar.

Yaroslav Degtyarev now

Yaroslava continues to work on her career as a singer - she actively participates in various concerts and festivals (sometimes even as a jury), records songs, while not forgetting about her studies. In May 2018, she performed in St. Petersburg, presenting her new song "Don't Stop Dreaming" to the audience.

StarHit contacted the talented girl and her mother to find out how she was doing.

As it turned out, Yaroslav is still recovering from a terrible accident that occurred two years ago. Then the baby almost died. The child continues to visit doctors. Yaroslava's mother Olesya sincerely hopes that this intervention of medical specialists was the last.

“Yasya is on the mend, she needs to take care of her head. Doctors put in a plate, resolved the issue with a non-healing suture after an accident, we are under observation, the issues of eliminating all consequences, including external ones, have not yet been resolved. The last operation was in the summer, just before Yasin's birthday. Unfortunately, we met him in the hospital... Yasya's mood is optimistic! Of course, she hopes never to go to the hospital again!.. Now we are seeing a doctor and recovering,” said Olesya Degtyareva "StarHit".

The mother of the young star also spoke about how the life of their family was changed by participation in the TV show “Voice. Children ”, in which the girl managed to reach the very end. “I see how much happier and happier Yaroslava has become from all the events taking place, and this is the most important thing for me! To put it mildly, we were not ready for popularity, we did not even expect that everything would turn out that way. At that time (during the filming of the program - Approx.) I did not think about the reverse side of publicity - you are always in sight, at first it was overcoming for me, ”Olesya shared.

Yaroslav herself admits that she was not worried while participating in the project. The girl received a lot of vivid emotions, and she especially remembered the duet with Nargiz in another Channel One program called “Best of All”. They began to recognize Yaroslav everywhere, they began to invite them to shoot, the artist also had her first fans. According to the young star, she continues to maintain good relations with her mentor, who, by the way, is one of her favorite performers, along with Polina Gagarina, Alla Pugacheva, Grigory Leps and Sia.

“We are friends with Dima Bilan, he is very kind, cheerful! He invites to concerts, called to the premiere of the cartoon, ”Yaroslava told StarHit.

In her free time, Yaroslava, in addition to reading her favorite books, enjoys shooting videos and is thinking about developing her own YouTube channel. So far, there are mostly her performances, but Yaroslav believes that everything is ahead. As soon as the young performer has more free time, she will start filming her videos. She also admitted that she just loves to sing. “It is always interesting, as if it were a holiday! And it’s a lot of fun when, for example, you go to performances with friends, ”comments the aspiring artist.

A seven-year-old girl from Gukovo, who sang in the show “Voice. Children - 3 "" Cuckoo" by Viktor Tsoi, conquered Internet users.

The first glory of Yaroslav

The video of Yaroslava's performance at the blind auditions was watched over 7 million times online - this is a real record! Yasya herself, as her relatives call the girl, is pleased with such attention, as well as the growing number of subscribers on Instagram - the schoolgirl already has more than 8 thousand of them.

The little star has been singing since childhood, mother Alesya Bumagina assures:

Yasya had not yet begun to speak, but was already singing something. My daughter has natural talent. For more than a year she has been performing on stage: at various city and school events. We have already visited two talent competitions in Sochi. Yase is surprised: he is not afraid to sing on stage! She performed the song "Cuckoo" all over the country. She chose it herself. I heard in the film "Battle for Sevastopol" performed by the singer Polina Gagarina and wanted to sing it. In her free time, Yaroslava makes videos - for example, with dolls. He loves animals very much, dreams of a real horse.

little fighter

Despite her young age, Yaroslava Degtyareva managed to survive the tragedy in her life: two years ago, she and her mother had a serious accident. All night the doctors fought for the life of the crumbs, after which the girl learned to walk again.

Two years ago, Yasya and I were driving along the highway from Rostov and got into a terrible accident, - Yaroslava's mother adds. - Due to the fault of the driver, they flew into a ditch. My daughter had an open craniocerebral injury, a hip fracture, many injuries to internal organs, her face was injured. The hospital near the accident site did not have the necessary doctors. My brother arrived, agreed, and Yasechka was taken to Rostov. Heads of departments gathered there: a neurosurgeon, an ophthalmologist, an orthopedist… Thanks to them and God. I spent a month with my daughter in the hospital ward. At first she just lay down. Then she began to raise her head, sit down, then we learned to walk again. At first they moved on crutches. I was worried about how my daughter would take all this, I did not know what to do next. But Yasya did well, did not lose heart. While we were in the hospital, I taught her to read, we drew a lot. She constantly said that she was still the best for me, the most beautiful. In addition, the daughter saw heavy children. I sympathized with them, supported them, sang for them. Now we are constantly under the supervision of doctors. We regularly examine the eyes, the head (there is no escape from the consequences of the accident), we keep our finger on the pulse all the time. But there are no contraindications to singing, and she likes it. So everything is slowly getting better, the worst is over.

In the third season of the children's version of the show "Voice" Yaroslav Degtyareva performed the very first. And how she performed! To the crumb, diligently deducing the lines of Tsoi “My sun, look at me!”, Two judges turned at once - Dima Bilan and Pelageya. Both mentors offered the young participant a place in their team, but the girl snapped: “Pelageya, of course, you are very beautiful, but I choose Bilan!”

I don’t like children’s, cheerful songs, ”Yaroslava admitted. - Therefore, for blind auditions, I chose "Cuckoo" - a combative, powerful composition. I am glad that I got into the team of Dima Bilan. He is artistic, not sad, and his hits are wonderful. When I was little, I fell asleep to his songs, like to lullabies.

Popular recognition

Fans give Yasa her portraits

In less than a week, the video with the performance of Yaroslava Degtyareva was watched more than one and a half million times. Popularity has swirled Yasya with a frantic whirlwind - the girl simply does not have time to read hundreds of messages on social networks. Fans flood the baby with compliments and questions, to which the young singer promises to shoot video responses. The girl's mother Alesya assures that every day she fights against her daughter's fake pages on social networks. It turns out that dishonest people communicate on behalf of Yaroslav with fans, which makes her daughter very upset.

A horse named Bilan

In his native school in Gukovo, the young star is also welcome: between filming, Yasya makes up for lost time and performs at local concerts. Everyone asks to be photographed, but the girl is not arrogant. She is glad that everyone praises her, but she does not consider herself a star.

But the most important gift to Yaroslav was presented by her admirer from Krasnoyarsk. A declaration of love for horses on Channel One touched one of the fans of the show so much that he decided to give her a real horse.

After the broadcasts with the participation of Yasya, a certain Ruslan from Krasnoyarsk contacted me and said that he really wants to give his daughter such a gift, - said Yaroslava's mother Alesya. - His acquaintance keeps horses, and one of them will soon become Yasina. Now Ruslan is solving organizational issues: when and where to deliver the gift.

It was a shock for the girl and mother - they even decided that it was a toy horse. But it turned out to be true. Yasya is very happy, she decided that if there is a stallion, she will call him Buran. Or Bilan - think.

My daughter's love for horses began in early childhood, recalls Alesya. - From the age of three, she constantly rode horseback in the Skazka park in Rostov. It happened that she even rode a horse to the park, if we met them along the way. We even spent one of Yasha's past birthdays in the Botanical Garden, riding horses.

Thinking out loud

In the future, little star Yaroslava Degtyareva wants to become an artist, singer and music teacher.

At school, children who cannot sing ask me to help, - Yasya assures. - Worked out with one girl a little, explained how it is necessary, and she began to get better. In my free time, I like to shoot interesting videos or make cakes in a toy bakery. I also play with a cat or train a dog.

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