“He has bigger breasts than hers”: archival photos of Gradsky and his wife from the beach again excite the Internet. Marina Kotashenko - biography, information, personal life Alexander gradsky with his wife Marina

In the past few years, the public has not been silent about the courts and gossip around the great artist - Alexander Gradsky. The reason for everything was his marriage to a young lady. That's what the crowd of respectable fans did not expect then. But the marriage lasts to this day - today the couple has a son.

Artist biography

Wikipedia about Alexander Gradsky gives the following information:

  • People's Artist of Russia;
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation;
  • Honored Art Worker of Russia;
  • People's Artist of the Pridnestrovian People's Republic.

The above titles were awarded to the singer, composer, poet, multi-instrumentalist, one of the founders of Russian rock Alexander Borisovich Gradsky.
The biography of this amazing person began in the city of Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk Region, where Gradsky Alexander was born in November 1949. My father worked as a mechanical engineer in Kopeisk at a distribution plant, and my mother was a professional actress. Only in 1957 did they return to Moscow, where Sasha went to school. At the age of 9, his parents sent the artist to a music school, where he learned to play the violin. While studying at school, Alexander Gradsky takes part in concerts, a theater group, sings with a guitar, at the age of 14 he writes his first poem.

Inspired by the hits he listened to by some Western bands, Alexander Gradsky decides to become a singer and musician. He graduated from the Gnessin Institute and toured the country as a soloist of the ensemble. Alexander Gradsky is multi-talented, on his account, in addition to many performed songs, romances, opera parts, several rock operas, ballets, films, where he proved himself as a composer.

The personal life of the singer and composer

The personal life of the singer and composer is as rich as his career. The artist was officially married three times:

All the wives and girlfriends of Gradsky were very beautiful, his taste in this regard is excellent.

The real personal life of the singer

From 2003 to the present, he has been living in a civil marriage with Marina Kotashenko. In September 2014, the last wife gave birth to Gradsky's son Alexander. She gave birth in America. The son appeared several weeks ahead of schedule, but this did not affect the well-being of the mother and the baby. The wife of Alexander Gradsky is 31 years younger than him. Tall and slender blonde came from Kyiv, graduated from VGIK, now works in a Moscow modeling agency, starred in several films.

Alexander Gradsky and his wife met on the street - the man really liked the girl, he drove up to her in a car. However, the beauty did not recognize him, but she took the proposed phone number. And she called him two weeks later. The girl did not care about the age difference, she saw in Gradsky a man with whom no one can compare.

They have been together since 2003, Marina Kotashenko made friends with her husband's adult children, which not every wife of a famous person can do. Only at the age of 33 did Marina become a mother, and now she and Gradsky have a real family.

Rumors and gossip

Recently, the entire Internet was covered with a photo where Alexander Gradsky and his wife are on the beach. Whatever unflattering epithets sounded in their address, "beauty and the beast" envious hissed, losers gloated. Gradsky himself believes that Marina, with her appearance, would have found a younger mate, and he was just lucky that this wonderful woman was next to him. Wife Marina is quite happy next to the "grandfather of Russian rock" and does not give rise to gossip with her stormy romances.

No matter how old Alexander Gradsky is, he is in demand and loved, and his young wife is making a career in cinema on her own. They have a little son growing up, older children delight with their successes. For more than 10 years, Alexander and his wife have not been living side by side - they are a family, held together by reliable feelings, kind and trusting relationships. Gradsky's speeches can be viewed on the video.

His persona is of interest to people of different ages and musical tastes. How old is Gradsky Alexander? Who does he live with now? What projects does he participate in? You will find all the necessary information in the article.

short biography

The future composer, poet and musician was born in the city of Kopeisk (Chelyabinsk region). It happened on November 3, 1949. His father worked as a mechanical engineer, and his mother was a professional actress. In the province of Gradsky lived for a short time. When Sasha was 8 years old, the family moved to Moscow. At first they had to huddle in an eight-meter communal apartment. Parents made a lot of efforts so that their son received a decent education. They found the best music teachers for him. The secondary school that Alexander went to was located in the center of the capital.

At the age of 14, Gradsky lost his mother. The talented actress passed away suddenly. Ironically, Sasha's singing debut took place this year.

In 1974 he received a diploma on the successful completion of the chamber department of solo singing (in Gnesinka).


Gradsky is the creator of one of the first rock bands in the Soviet Union. She received the name "Slavs". Then the group was twice renamed "Skomorokhi" and "Scythians". In 1969, the musicians managed to achieve popularity. Almost all of Moscow listened to the songs of Skomorokhov.

Since 1972 Gradsky Alexander started working in the studio. He wrote the music and lyrics himself. In 1973, Andron Konchalovsky approached the composer with a request to write music for his film Lovers' Romance. The experiment turned out to be remarkably successful. In 1974, the Western magazine "Billboard" awarded Gradsky the title of "Star of the Year", appreciating his contribution to the global music industry. Since then, our hero has regularly delighted the Soviet public with new hits, collecting full houses at concerts. How old was Gradsky Alexander then? Approximately 25-26 years old.


"How old is Gradsky?" is not the only question asked by the composer's fans. The female part is interested in the details of his personal life. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity.

It is known that Alexander has three official marriages behind him. The first wife of the composer was Natalia Smirnova. How old was Gradsky at that time? About twenty. The young girl could not cope with the complex character of the musician of the "Skomorokhi" group. As a result, she ran away already on the third day after the wedding. In a recent interview, Gradsky called his first marriage "an act of youth." From this we can conclude that there were no strong feelings between him and Natalya. Soon the girl began to meet with another soloist of "Skomorokhov" - Gleb May.

In 1976, Gradsky married again. His choice fell on the beautiful actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. The idyll in their relationship did not last long. In 1980, the marriage broke up.

Olga became the third legal wife of the composer. Little is known about her. However, it was in this marriage that Alexander twice experienced the happiness of fatherhood. In March 1981, his wife gave him an heir. The boy was named Daniel. And in January 1986, another replenishment happened in the family. This time the daughter Mashenka was born. Marriage with Olga lasted almost 20 years. And it's not that an idyll reigned in their relationship. Only friends and relatives knew that the spouses lived in different apartments. Gradsky regularly came to Olga to visit the children. In 2003, the marriage was officially annulled. Without scandals and claims. How old was Gradsky at that time? Only 54 years old. A man in his prime. I must say that our today's hero was not alone for long.

Current wife

The composer met his fourth wife in 2003. Tall and slender blonde immediately attracted the attention of the master. Surely you are wondering how old is the wife of Alexander Gradsky. 11 years younger than him. The girl moved to Moscow from Kyiv. Behind her shoulders is studying at VGIK, working in a modeling agency and shooting in several films. How old was Gradsky's wife at the time they met? Approximately 22-23 years old. What did a young and beautiful girl like so much in a man over 50? Most likely, charisma and incredible energy.

The couple has been living together for 10 years. They recently became happy parents. A charming son was born, who was named Alexander in honor of his father. Marina gave birth not in Moscow, but in New York. A caring husband found one of the best clinics in advance and fully paid for medical services. Labor began 2 weeks ahead of schedule. The composer at that time was in Moldova, where he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic. Next to Marina was Gradsky's daughter from her third marriage, Maria. Immediately after the concert, the happy father rushed to the New York clinic to see his child. The Gradsky family returned to Moscow only on September 26. Now they live in the elite village of Novoglagolevo, which is 35 kilometers from the capital.

Fans are interested in how old Gradsky's wife is now. Those who do not personally know the girl and see her only in the photo give her no more than 25 years. According to Marina, proper nutrition, sports and, of course, love help her look good. On November 22, 2014, the composer's wife celebrated her 34th birthday.

Creativity and recognition

Do you know how old Gradsky was when he was awarded the title of "People's Artist of the Russian Federation"? It happened in 2000. Knowing the date of birth of the master, it is easy to calculate that he received a high award at the age of 51. He was personally congratulated by V. Putin.

Since 1987, Gradsky has been a member of the Union of Composers. He has 15 released discs and hundreds of songs. In addition, he wrote music for 40 films. And for the TV series "Gangster Petersburg" Alexander performed his song "The City That Doesn't Exist", which later became a hit. However, this composition is not considered the most popular. The first place is occupied by the song "How young we were." Until 1990, Gradsky did not perform it at concerts, although the audience really liked it. The reason why the master did so remained unknown. But now everything has changed. For several years now, the master has opened his concerts with this song.

Gradsky Alexander is one of the first Soviet artists who went abroad. He managed to work with such stars of the first magnitude as Sammy Davis and Liza Minnelli. The founder of Russian rock has visited Sweden, Germany, Greece and even Japan.

Talented children

We have already mentioned that Gradsky has a son and a daughter from his third marriage. The father tries to protect them from excessive media attention. How old are Gradsky's daughter and his son? What are they doing? Now you will know everything.

28-year-old Maria graduated from Moscow State University a few years ago. The girl has an excellent relationship not only with her father, but also with her young stepmother. And she just loves her little half-brother. A year ago, Masha was offered a job on Channel One. She became a TV presenter of the talk show "In Our Time".

Daniil, the first son of Gradsky, recently turned 33 years old. He is a charismatic and talented young man. He is a great singer and a born artist. The audience of the project "Voice" could be convinced of this. The third season was marked by the arrival of a star offspring on the show. Daniil went to Golos without warning his father. And Gradsky, in turn, did not recognize his son. When the guy sang, Dima Bilan and Pelageya turned to him. Despite the fact that his talent was appreciated by two members of the jury, Daniel decided to leave the show. This news saddened the audience. But the guy himself considered it dishonest to take someone's place. After all, many will think that he got into the project by pull.

The profession of Gradsky's son is an economist. Recently, a young man is engaged in business and is fond of extrasensory perception. The composer loves all his children and tries to provide them with a decent future. Six months ago, he decided to build a house for Daniil in the village of Novoglagolevo. According to the approved project, it will be a two-story cottage with an area of ​​280 "squares".

double anniversary

For those who do not know how old Gradsky is in 2014, we inform you. The famous musician is 65 years old. The gala concert took place on November 25 at Crocus City Hall. The maestro performed his famous hits, and he was accompanied by the academic orchestra named after. Knowing the answer to the question of how old Gradsky Alexander is now, it's hard to believe it. Because he looks younger. Meanwhile, the composer celebrated a double anniversary - his 65th birthday and 50 years of creative activity. His friends and colleagues came to congratulate Gradsky, including outstanding musicians, singers, actors and directors.


Knowing how old Gradsky is now, it’s hard to believe that he is as active as he was in his youth, continues to record songs, compose music and participate in television projects. The composer's touring activities deserve special attention. Issues related to organizing concerts and inviting a star to a corporate party, wedding and anniversary are decided by Gradsky's personal assistant.

Participation in the "Voice"

For the third season, we can observe Alexander Gradsky as part of the star jury. According to the information in the print media, the composer's fee reaches $ 2 million. But for Gradsky, participation in the project is not only an additional source of income. The program provides him with an excellent opportunity - to select talented guys and make real pop stars out of them. After all, the master is no longer young, which means it's time to start preparing a worthy shift. How old was Gradsky in 2013 when his ward Sergey Volchkov won? It's not hard to calculate. Then the composer was 64 years old. He made a bet on an intelligent Belarusian guy and got right to the point. The guy easily got ahead of the potential leader of the project - Nargiz Zakirova.

We are ready to tell about Gradskoy that which is not written in newspapers and magazines. Here are some interesting facts from his life.

  • Until the age of 14, he bore the surname Fradkin. But after the death of his mother, he decided to perpetuate her memory. For this, Alexander took her last name, becoming Gradsky.
  • Unlike other public people, the master does not like to be photographed.
  • In the group "Skomorokhi" he created, the keyboardist was
  • The words "scoop" and "journalist" were coined by Gradsky.


Now you know how old Gradsky is in 2014, where he lives, who his wives were, and what talents his children have. We wish our beloved composer inspiration and success in his work. And, of course, happiness in your personal life.

Childhood and family of Alexander Gradsky

When Alexander was born, the family lived beyond the Urals in the Chelyabinsk region. Dad was an engineer, where he was assigned after graduating from the institute. Mom was an actress, but having gone to Kopeysk for her husband, she was forced to abandon the stage and career at the Moscow Art Theater, where she, as a young actress, was invited after the theater. In Kopeisk, she directed an amateur theater at the local Palace of Culture.

Only in 1957 did the family from Kopeysk move back to the capital. For some time I had to live with my grandmother near Moscow, and later my parents moved to the city in a small room in the basement, Sasha stayed with his grandmother. Only when it was necessary to go to school, he moved to his parents. At the age of nine, mother and father took their son to a music school, where he studied without much desire, learning to play the violin. He liked music, but the fact that at home it was necessary to play every day for several hours depressed him.

Alexander Gradsky - How young we were

At school, he preferred the humanities, while the exact ones were of little interest to him. The boy read a lot and already at fourteen he wrote his first poem. My mother's brother, together with the Moiseev Theater, often toured abroad, including the United States. Thanks to these trips, my uncle got records with modern Western music, which Alexander also listened to.

As a schoolboy, Gradsky began to try his hand at school parties, where he sang to the guitar or piano. He also attended the theater club.

The first songs of Alexander Gradsky

At fourteen, a teenager with the Polish student group "Cockroaches" took part in a number of concerts. "The Best City on Earth" is the first song performed by Gradsky as part of this group.

When Alexander was fifteen, the family moved into a nice apartment. At this age, the teenager decided that he would become a musician and singer with a name - Alexander Gradsky. He himself says that the serious passion for The Beatles prompted him to decide to continue his musical education.

Alexander Gradsky and musical groups

In 1965, the group "Slavs" appeared, which was organized by Alexander together with Mikhail Turkov, later the rest of the guys who became members of the musical group joined them. A year later, the ensemble "Skomorokhi" appeared, which performed songs in their native language, mostly Gradsky's own songs. The hallmark of the novice singer was his song "Blue Forest". In parallel, Alexander performed with the Scythians group, and then with Los Panchos.

There was never enough money for equipment, so the musician and his comrades began working at the Philharmonic. Having accepted the offer of David Tukhmanov, he went on tour around the country. Performances with Los Panchos continued, in addition, for some time he played solo guitar in VIA Electron. During these few years, speaking, Alexander never sang, being afraid to light up. The idea was to collect the necessary amount for decent equipment over several years of performances, and then perform in Moscow with Russian rock and roll.

Alexander Gradsky - Song about the Olympics in Sochi 2014

In 1969, Gradsky became a student at the Gnesinka solo singing department. His teacher was L. Kotelnikova. During his studies, he performed with solo concerts, where he sang with the guitar. Gradsky was among the first singers and musicians who experimented in rock with Russian-language lyrics. Around that time, the first sound recording experience appeared. The songs of "Skomorokhov" began to sound throughout the country.

The best songs of Alexander Gradsky

After graduating from the Gnessin Institute, Alexander began touring, his career quickly went up. During Gradsky's concerts there were always full houses. It happened that he gave four solo concerts a day, each of which lasted at least two hours.

In 1975, Alexander entered the conservatory, while working on several films was in progress. In 1976, the musician began working on the first part of the Russian Songs suite, and in 1978, on the second. The album with the same name was released in 1980. At the time, it was a significant work in rock music. The musician continued to tour, performing mainly with songs of his own composition. Soon he began teaching, first teaching at the Gnessin School, after a while at the Gnessin Institute, and then at GITIS, where he headed the vocal department.

The 1980s was a turning point for Alexander's work, he moved into the category of "Protestants", in his rock music there was both tragic satire and dramatic lyrics. His talent and voice were always taken into account, so if troubles happened, they were small, but for the first time he went abroad only in 1988. It was a conference attended by people from cinema, politics and the arts.

Soon the musician reduced the number of tours and concerts. His desire was to create a Theater of Contemporary Music, for which he was given a building in the center of the capital, which required reconstruction. Gradsky often traveled abroad and worked on joint projects with Chris Christophersson, Sammy Davis, Liza Minnelli and others. He released a number of CDs in Russia and two CDs were released in Japan.

On Channel One, the show "Voice" was released, where Gradsky was one of the mentors. In both 2012 and 2013, a member of his team won. The wards of the musician were such contestants as Sharip Umkhanov, Sergey Volchkov, Yazilya Mukhametova and others.

Personal life of Alexander Gradsky

Alexander was left without a mother early. She died when he was only fourteen years old. In memory of her, he took his mother's surname and became Alexander Gradsky.

Gradsky's first marriage lasted only three months. Natalya Smirnova became his chosen one. The second official wife was Anastasia Vertinskaya. The wedding took place three years after the first marriage. Together they lived for only two years, although the divorce was issued only after four years. Immediately after the divorce, a third marriage followed. Alexander married Olga Fartysheva. The marriage lasted twenty-three years. They had a son and a daughter.

Alexander Gradsky at present

Now Gradsky has been living in a civil marriage for more than ten years with model Marina Kotashenko, who is more than thirty years younger than him. The relationship of today's wife Gradsky with his adult children can be called even.

In 1964, Gradsky, having learned that for the movie "The Elusive Avengers" they were looking for a guy who was good at playing the guitar, went to audition. They didn't take him.

There he met Misha Turkov, who also unsuccessfully participated in the tests. They talked and after some time decided to create a group "Slavs".

It is known that after graduating from school, Gradsky worked for some time at Mosfilm as a loader, then worked in the same position at a cardboard factory and even worked as a laboratory assistant, where his father arranged him.

After a while, in 1976, Alexander Borisovich met a new love, the actress Anastasia Vertinskaya became his chosen one. At the beginning of family life, everything was fine, but then reproaches against Alexander and endless omissions began. You can’t call a happy marriage, they soon broke up.

The third marriage became longer than the previous ones. He lived with his wife Olga Gradskaya for 23 years. They had two wonderful children. Son Daniel was born in 1981, and daughter Maria in 1986. The family was happy, but for unknown reasons to the public, they divorced in 2003. Relatives and friends were extremely disappointed with this news.

Alexander was not alone for long. In 2004, the musician begins a life together with model Marina Kotashenko. Alexander is 30 years older than his girlfriend. The age difference amazes everyone. Alexander was always cheerful and his self-esteem was always in order, therefore, without embarrassment, he met a girl on the street and turned to her with a proposal to “touch history”.

In 2014, a young wife, Marina, gave birth to Gradsky's son, who was named Alexander. The son was born in one of the best clinics in New York under the strict supervision of doctors.

Marina maintains friendly relations with the children of the musician, they immediately found a common language.

A year ago, photos of Marina and Alexander in beachwear leaked to the network. Caring people said about them "Beauty and the Beast". The pictures in love did not embarrass for a minute. Gradsky is sincerely glad that his wife is such a beauty. He was lucky that she chose him.

Gradsky's life improved, he is happy with his family. Together they live in the suburbs, he teaches vocal lessons and continues to write music.

Kotashenko herself is a closed nature and there has never been gossip about her that she is unfaithful to her husband or does not love him.

Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko do not like to give interviews and talk about their family's leisure time, but this time they made an exception. They talked about little Sasha, who is growing up as an energetic and very inquisitive child. Sashenka was already three years old at the beginning of September.

“Sasha speaks well, he has talents: he sings songs, plays the guitar. Poems tells. Already trying to read, Marina said.

A close friend of the Gradsky family, journalist Yevgeny Dodolev, said that a nanny helps Marina cope with her son. Also, a whole staff helps to keep the big house clean and tidy. It is difficult for a fragile and young wife to run a household alone.

“Marina is the wife of a famous and wealthy man. She wouldn’t be there to peel potatoes, wipe pianos or clean the pool. Her concern is the child. Well, Gradsky, like any man, also loves attention, ” Dodolev said.

Gradsky and his wife, the beautiful Marina Kotashenko, became parents on October 31, 2018, and three days later the artist turned 69 years old. This is Marina's second child, and Alexander became a father for the fourth time. He has an adult daughter and son, born in a previous marriage.

Gradsky and his wife are happy together

For the first time, Gradsky married Natalya Smirnova, but lived with her for only three months. Three years passed, and he married Anastasia Vertinskaya. This marriage also did not last long - they separated two years later, although the divorce was not filed immediately. But in the third marriage, with Olga Fartysheva, Gradsky lived for 23 years, and their separation came as a surprise to others. In this marriage, son Daniel and daughter Maria were born.

Now Alexander lives with Marina Kotashenko, who is 31 years younger than him. Gradsky and his wife have been living for 14 years, although they have not registered an official marriage. In 2014, on September 1, their son Sasha was born, and on the last day of October 2018, another boy, Ivan, was born.

About meeting his fourth wife, Gradsky said that on his part it was love at first sight. Alexander saw Marina walking along the sidewalk, passing by in a car. The beauty of the girl so struck him that he could not help but stop. Soon, Marina felt that next to her was a man of extraordinary attractiveness, with whom she was calm and comfortable. And communication with HIM brings joy.

Marina is proud that their eldest son is very similar to his father. Gradsky and his wife have already noticed the boy's remarkable musical abilities. The kid already has a real guitar, he plays it and sings songs. Sasha recites poetry with pleasure, learns to read.

Gradsky repeatedly spoke about how lucky he was that such a beauty fell in love with him, although she could have chosen someone more profitable. He is not at all offended by the fact that sometimes phrases like “beauty and the beast” are heard in their address, he does not at all doubt the reciprocity of their feelings.

Gradsky and his wife settled in the Moscow region, in the village of Novoglagolevo, and live very happily there. Alexander still writes music, teaches vocals.

Creative paths of Gradsky and his wife

Alexander's parents sent him to a music school, where he learned to play the violin when he was 9 years old. The boy did not really like to study at home a lot, although he loved music.

At school, he preferred the humanities, read a lot. At the age of 14, Alexander wrote his first poem. His uncle had repeatedly been on foreign tours, and thanks to this, records appeared in their house, thanks to which Sasha learned modern Western music. The teenager became seriously interested in the work of the Beatles, and this played a role in his decision to continue studying music.

As a fourteen-year-old schoolboy, Alexander took part in the performances of the Polish student group "Cockroaches". Then "Slavs", "Buffoons", "Scythians", "Los Panchos", "Electron", he played in these groups, but did not sing. It's just that Gradsky set himself the goal of saving up money for the purchase of decent equipment, and even then show himself and Russian rock and roll in Moscow.

At the age of 20, Alexander entered the Gnesinka. Then he began to give solo concerts, sing with the guitar. After graduating from the Gnessin Institute, Gradsky became very popular, began to give many concerts, in which, for the most part, his songs sounded.

In 1975, Alexander entered the conservatory, but did not stop touring. Then he worked a lot on music for films, released several records. Soon he began to engage in teaching work, first at Gnesinka, and then at GITIS.

Gradsky's wife, Marina Kotashenko, was a model for a Moscow agency at the time they met. Now, after graduating from VGIK, he plays in the studio theater of his master, Vsevolod Shilovsky. In addition, it can sometimes be seen in some series. Marina also received a legal education in absentia. Marina motivates this by relying only on her own strength so that her influential husband does not have to protect her.

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