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🙂 Greetings to new guests of the site and regular readers! The article "Tomaso Albinoni: Biography" contains brief information about the life of the Venetian composer and violinist of the Baroque era.

Tomaso Albinoni

Tomaso was born into a wealthy merchant family, the patrician Antonio in 1671. In his time he was a popular opera composer. Nowadays, his instrumental compositions can often be heard at classical music concerts.

The biography of this remarkable master, unfortunately, has not been studied enough. However, there are records to whom specifically Albinoni dedicated his works.

Dear friend, leave your affairs for 5 minutes and listen to "Adagio" ↓

And it is also known that his father, who loved music and did not miss a single theatrical premiere, sent his son to study with the most famous Venetian violinist at that time, whose name history has not preserved.

In parallel, he took vocal lessons, as he loved to sing from an early age. Teaching was easy for him. Gradually, he began to surprise his teacher with a truly virtuoso violin. And three years later the teacher became the first listener and connoisseur of the works of his student.

His career developed rapidly. Twenty-three-year-old Tomaso ventured to dedicate Opus No. 1 to Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, who was known as a generous philanthropist and patron of young musicians, incl. Corelli.

In 1700, the young musician entered Duke F. Carlo as a court violinist. As recorded in archival documents, Opus No. 2 and several instrumental pieces were dedicated to the duke.

The following year, Albinoni writes Opus No. 3, the most famous and popular among music lovers, and dedicates it to Ferdinand III, Duke of Tuscany.

Composer's personal life

Tomaso married when he was already 34 years old, Margherita Raimondi. His close friend Antonino Biffi, the bandmaster of St. Mark's Cathedral, was invited to the wedding.

Venice. St. Mark's Cathedral in St. Mark's Square, next to the Doge's Palace.

At this time, Albinoni had already gained fame not only in his homeland, but also in European cities. He composes not only music for operas, but also sonatas, concertos for violin or oboe. Maximilian II, Elector of Bavaria, invites the composer as a conductor to the premiere of his opera.

For a long time, the popular composer of music, after the death of his wife, lived alone in his native Venice. He hardly talked to anyone. The composer died in 1751, when he was almost 80 years old, presumably from a diabetic crisis.

Tomaso Albinoni created 48 operas. Many of them saw the light on the Venetian theater stage. The rest have not survived to this day (the handwritten scores in Dresden burned down in a fire in 1944).

I. Bach liked his music, he wrote fugues on the themes of Albinoni. Bach offered his bass parts to his students, developing in them a sense of beautiful harmony.

This video has more information

Tomasso Giovanni Albinoni(1671-1750) - Venetian composer and violinist of the Baroque era.

short biography

Albinoni, along with A. Vivaldi, is the largest representative of the Venetian school of the late Baroque. Born in Venice in a wealthy bourgeois family. From his youth he studied violin, singing, counterpoint. Albinoni initially gained fame as an enlightened music lover (he signed his compositions as a "Venetian dilettante"). Later, his activities acquired a professional character, since 1711, on the title pages of Albinoni's work, it is indicated - "violinist musician".

Albinoni is the author of more than 50 operas that were performed on the stages of Venetian theaters, and cantatas (now completely forgotten). Albinoni's instrumental work is of primary importance. His symphonies, violin concertos, sonatas and trio sonatas are notable for their polyphonic mastery and plasticity in the development of thematic material. In symphonies and concertos, he anticipated some of the stylistic features of the classical symphony. J. S. Bach, who highly appreciated the works of Albinoni, made adaptations of 2 fugues from the collection of trio sonatas (Nos. 3 and 8).


"Griselda" (1703)
"Abandoned Dido" (1725)
"Artamena" (1740)
collections of trio sonatas


date added: 15.04.2008

The future musician - Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni - was born on June 8, 1671 in Venice. His family was quite wealthy, as a result of which Albinoni had the opportunity to learn violin and singing as a child.

Very little is known about the composer's life. The beginning of his career can be considered the composition "Opus 1", which he presented in 1694 to the Roman cardinal and philanthropist Ottoboni. And in 1700 he entered the position of violinist to the famous Duke of Mantua Fernando Carlo. Later, after combining several instrumental pieces in Opus 2, he gave them as a gift to his patron.

Some time later, Albinoni also wrote Opus 3, which this time he dedicated to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Ferdinand III.

Since the composer had some savings, he did not at all strive to get at least some worthy position at court. And basically he composed music freely - only at the behest of the soul and mood. Married in 1705, he soon became known throughout Italy as the author of excellent operas. Venice, Genoa, Bologna, Mantua, Udine, Piacenza and even Naples submitted to him.

Starting with violin concertos and a trio of sonatas, Albinoni gradually began to pay more attention to instrumental music. And then, with enthusiasm, he took up concertos for oboe and solo sonatas. A peculiar step forward on the career ladder was the invitation of the Elector of Bavaria, Maximilian II Emmanuel, to take over the leadership of the national opera.

There is very little information about his later life - this knowledge was kept in the Dresden State Library, which was destroyed by bombing during World War II. It is known that from 1723 to 1740 he created more than fifty remarkable operas, not counting a huge number of exclusively instrumental compositions. There is also a fragment of an entry in one of the books of the parish of St. Barnabas that Tommaso Albinoni died of diabetes in 1751. His life ended in his native Venice, most likely in complete obscurity ...

True, his compositions survived several centuries, and had a very great influence on the musical culture of Europe. In particular, Johann Sebastian Bach was so inspired by Albinoni's work that he even used the themes of his compositions in two of his own fugues. And also, teaching students the secrets of harmony, he gave them the bass parts of the late composer as exercises ...

In memory of the composer, in 1945 Remo Giazotto managed to find in the ruins of the Dresden State Library a fragment of a musical notation of the slow part of the master's sonata trio. After that, Remo recreated this melody, which is currently known to the musical world under the name Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor.

Tomasso Giovanni Albinoni(Italian Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni, June 8, 1671, Venice - January 17, 1751, Venice)

Only a few facts are known about the life of T. Albinoni, an Italian violinist and composer. He was born in Venice into a wealthy family of a wealthy merchant and a Venetian patrician, and, apparently, he could easily study music, not particularly worrying about his financial situation. From 1711, he ceased to sign his compositions "Venetian amateur" (delettanta venete) and calls himself musico de violino, thereby emphasizing his transition to the status of a professional. Where and with whom Albinoni studied is unknown. It is believed that J. Legrenzi. After his marriage, the composer moved to Verona. Apparently, for some time he lived in Florence - at least there, in 1703. one of his operas is performed (Griselda, in libre by A. Zeno). Albinoni visited Germany and, obviously, showed himself there as an outstanding master, since it was he who was given the honor of writing and performing in Munich (1722) an opera for the wedding of Prince Charles Albert. Nothing more is known about Albinoni, except that he died in Venice. The works of the composer that have come down to us are also few - mostly instrumental concertos and sonatas. However, being a contemporary of A. Vivaldi, J. S. Bach and G. F. Handel, Albinoni did not remain in the ranks of composers whose names are known only to music historians. In the heyday of the Italian instrumental art of the Baroque, against the backdrop of the work of the outstanding concert masters of the 17th - first half of the 18th centuries. - T. Martini, F. Veracini, G. Tartini, A. Corelli, G. Torelli, A. Vivaldi and others - Albinoni said his significant artistic word, which over time was noticed and appreciated by descendants. . But there is evidence of recognition of his work during his lifetime. In 1718, a collection was published in Amsterdam, which included 12 concertos by the most famous Italian composers of that time. Among them is Albinoni's concerto in G major, the best in this collection. The great Bach, who carefully studied the music of his contemporaries, singled out Albinoni's sonatas, the plastic beauty of their melodies, and he wrote his clavier fugues on two of them.

Concerto in G major for flute and strings


GRAMATICA Antiveduto St Cecila with Two Angels

In comparison with Vivaldi's concertos, their scope, brilliant virtuoso solo parts, contrasts, dynamics and passion, Albinoni's concertos stand out for their restrained rigor, exquisite elaboration, and melody. Albinoni wrote about 50 operas, mainly on historical and mythological subjects (more than Handel), on which he worked throughout his life.

The thin, plastic, melodic fabric of Albinoni's instrumental concertos in each of its voices is attractive to the modern listener for that perfect, strict, devoid of any exaggeration beauty, which is always a sign of high art.

Concerto for two violins in D minor

Quite often, composers who were famous during their lifetime are quickly forgotten after death, and only after many tens and hundreds of years they experience a revival. So it was with Bach, Vivaldi, and other now famous composers. However, the discovery of the work of the Italian composer Tomaso Albinoni is especially because the society of the 20th century discovered it thanks to a work that the composer himself would hardly even recognize as his own. This is the famous "Adagio" for organ and strings, based on a fragment of a manuscript opened in the Dresden State Library after World War II by Remo Giazotto, a Milanese music researcher who at that time was completing a biography of Albinoni and a catalog of his music. Only the bass part and six bars of the melody survived, probably a fragment of the slow part of the sonata trio. Giazotto "recreated" the now famous "Adagio" around 1945, based on the surviving fragment. Since he assumed that the play was written to be performed in a church, he added an organ. Ironically, it was thanks to the work, most of which is a creation of the 20th century, that the renaissance of Albinoni's work swept the world.

Concerto in D minor

Concerto in G minor

Adagio in G minor for string instruments and organ, known as Adagio Albinoni is a work by Remo Giazotto, first published in 1958.

According to Giazotto, the play is a reconstruction based on a fragment from the music Tomaso Albinoni, found on the ruins of an allied aircraft destroyed during raids at the end of World War II Saxon State Library in Dresden. Remo Giazotto published in 1945 the first scientific biography of Albinoni, in the 1720s. working in Germany. The found fragment, according to Giazotto's preface to the first edition of the Adagio, contained a bass part and two fragments of the first violin part, with a total duration of six measures. The first publication of the play in its entirety was titled: Remo Giazotto. Adagio in G minor for strings and organ based on two fragments of the theme and a digital bass by Tomaso Albinoni(ital. Remo Giazotto: adagio in sol minore per archi e organo su due spunti tematici e su un basso numerato di Tomaso Albinoni).

The play, from the point of view of criticism, is stylistically different from the undoubted works of the Baroque in general and Albinoni in particular. In 1998, the well-known musicologist and music educator, professor at the University of Lüneburg, Wulf Dieter Lugert, in collaboration with Volker Schütz, published in the journal Praxis des Musikunterrichts a review of the problem of Adagio authorship, including fragments of letters from the Saxon State Library, which claim that such a musical fragment from Albinoni's legacy is not in the library collection and has never been found in it, so the work as a whole is an unconditional fake of Giazotto.

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