Timur Batrutdinov interview. Timur Batrutdinov about creativity and girls

Timur Batrutdinov is a resident of the Comedy Club on TNT and one of the most enviable bachelors in our country. His favorite dish is everything that his sister cooks. By the way, Timur does not eat meat, believing that he has no right to eat thinking beings. He is very close in spirit to Horton - the elephant, whom he voiced in the cartoon of the same name, and he considers his work on this project a great achievement, because this is his first work, "which can be shown to children." Soviet comedies make him laugh again and again, and he is millions of admirers.

What is your sense of humor?

A sense of humor is what sets us apart from other mammals. But now I just said - and remembered cats and dogs. They probably have a sense of humor - how can you run after candy wrappers without it, for example. And for me, a sense of humor is an innate ability, but developed over the years.

How did you become a comedian? And are you comfortable in this role?

I avoid using the word "role". Because first you you make a role, and over time Role"makes" you. And you can get lost in it. In my opinion, a role is how people perceive you, and often it is very different from who you really are. I wouldn't call myself a comedian. I'm just a fun and nice guy.

Agree one hundred percent. Are you planning to act in a serious movie?

I do not want. And so there are too many serious things in our life.

You so convincingly play quarrels with Garik Kharlamov in the Comedy Club and the new HB comedy program on TNT. Do quarrels occur in real life and are there disagreements in creativity?

Of course not. In the creative process, common sense wins, not emotions. Garik and I have long learned to agree with each other. All our fights are made up. Only friends can convincingly play a quarrel.

How did Comedy Club influence Russian show business?

No way. I would say that this Russian show business influences the Comedy Club, giving us new reasons for jokes and inspiring us with new songs, new awards.

Recently, a new project "HB" has appeared. Its slogan is "the regulator of brain activity." How does HB affect brain activity?

"HB" affects not only brain activity, but also all activities of the human body and spirit.

Do you have an acronym for the new show?

Bread / roll, Cotton, charisma / mediocrity ... but in fact this is just a decoding of the names - Kharlamov / Batrutdinov.

How do you see the future outside of Comedy Club and HB projects?

So far, it is very difficult for me to imagine what will be ahead - outside of what I am producing now. Everything can be.

What interesting things await us in new projects?

Watch and find out (smiles widely).

How close is the stand-up show to the Russian audience? What will you highlight before the appearance of the Comedy Club?

I would call Mikhail Zadornov one of the first stand-up artists. We had improvisation, it was just called in a different way - theatrical skits (semi-prepared scenes with elements of improvisation). While studying at the university in St. Petersburg, we showed entire improvisational performances on stage. I do not believe that until the word stand-up entered our everyday life, this genre did not exist.

Timur Batrutdinov about creativity

You represent the new "predatory" Old Spice collection in Russia. How do you take care of your appearance? How do you manage to look great on set, especially in the summer?

I wash and brush my teeth (smiles). And like any normal guy I use a standard set of products: shower gel, shampoo and deodorant. All this can be found in the collections of Old Spice - Wolfthorn, Foxcrest and Hawkridge. All of them are dedicated to wild predators - the wolf, the fox and the hawk. By smell, the Wolf is the most suitable for me - he is strong, uncompromising and daring.

Please tell us what will be the new video you are shooting with Isaiah Mustafa?

Timur Batrutdinov. Interview

Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov is a resident of the Comedy Club (TNT). He began his own creative path with KVN. currently trying his hand at cinema. Writes a book. He dreams of becoming a director and making his own film! - Relatively not so long ago, the first season of the MTV series “The Club” took place, in which you took a bright part. How are the impressions? “It didn’t turn out the way I expected. Thought it would be more true. Since I know the fate of the club firsthand, and in the series there are certain standards.

But, in principle, for me this is the first important "work experience" in the cinema. I don't know how important, but still. I tried, I’m unlikely to act in a sequel ... But by and large, you need to act. - Your first filming in the movie is "Masha + Sasha"? - No, the first ones took place in St. Petersburg, at the time when I was educated at the University of Economics and Finance. At that moment I should have received. Extras in different films at every turn. My first role was in a film that was filmed by Canadians.

I took the Winter Palace in a huge bunch of sailors. But the next day he was already a White Guard, defending Zimny. Still haven't seen this movie. - Did the magic of cinema attract you just at that moment? - It subconsciously attracted me for a long time, despite the fact that I refused it for a long time.

Entered the economic university. - In other words, you have long decided to connect your own life with the skill? - Yes, something decided in me, but I myself struggled with it. I thought that the profession of an economist is more promising, you need to get money, you need to build a house, plant a tree.

But, as practice shows, it is possible to do what you love, not without success. - What did you dream about in your youth? - In my own school work, I wrote that it doesn’t matter who I become, the main thing is that my last name should be in the Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. It’s a pity at the moment that there is no longer a dictionary, but let it at least be in spelling - my last name is hard to spell, and invariably inaccuracies are made in it. - Are there any plans at the moment to go to study, as a director, for example? - Yes, I already entered the Stolichny "bag", but due to the tight tour schedule, my studies did not work out.

But I do not lose hope to take an experienced directing education. Until then, I only have small directorial experiments. - Tell me. - Let it be a small secret. I will only inform you that this is indirectly connected with the series "Club", during filming time which I found creative unanimity with the performer key role Pyotr Fedorov.

He is a good young man, we are on the same wavelength. Are you trying to do something with him? Yes, we're trying. - Do you write scripts? And I write scripts. - You have another book, in my opinion, will be. - Partially already available. An autobiographical tragicomedy about my year in the armed forces, it is called “The Year in Boots”. - Will she come out? - Maybe. I have it somewhere in printed form, somewhere on a floppy disk, somewhere on a napkin. We need to put everything together, and there is also a feeling that something needs to be freshened up.

Until I realized that it was a tragedy or a comedy. - What genre of your scripts, comedy or more drama? - Well, these are not scripts, but actor's texts. And so, comedies prevail. - With whom would you like to work from the actors of the old school? Most of them are no longer alive. Evgeny Leonov, for example. He was and remains for me one of the most charismatically good faces of cinema. Still nowhere and under no circumstances was there to be a good person.

I also have his autograph. At the time when he came to us in the small town of Baltiysk with his creative evening, I sent my sister for an autograph - I was ashamed to come up myself. What specific films do you like? - The so-called "cinema is not for everyone." Terry Gilliam, David Lynch and others like them. - Did you live in Moscow before St. Petersburg? - No, it turned out to be a whole journey.

I appeared in the suburbs. Later, the domestic family moved to the Kaliningrad region, to Baltiysk, from there I went to St. Petersburg, from St. Petersburg to the army. From the army back to Peter. And already from St. Petersburg to Moscow. And it's short. - Does your "work experience" as an actor in KVN, in Comedy, give you the opportunity not to study acting?

Can you customize your image? - I think yes. With experienced guys from the "Club", they are young actors, but they can be called specialists, I feel at ease. There is no fear in the eyes, you don’t think how to express emotions - an image.

Before filming, I went to clubs, watched types, it was very interesting. Have you looked at any books on acting? - At the time when I was educated at the University of Economics, we had a student acting club, amateur performances, perhaps, like everywhere else in St. Petersburg. I went to acting classes, watched plays. In addition, he himself assembled a troupe, which we sonorously called the Theater of Absurd Logic "Ivy", despite the fact that this theater consisted of only five people.

We put on plays, scripts for which we wrote ourselves. Then it may have taken the steps to what I am currently doing. There was a lot of impromptu, improvisation. Quite often, starting a performance, we ourselves did not know how it would end. It was joyful. - How do experienced actors treat you? Do not harbor envy, do not take offense?

They studied, worked hard for four years, and someone came, played and gained wild popularity ... - I don't know. Experienced actors whom I know personally are not upset at all, on the contrary, they rejoice and support. - And what are you offended by? - I am a quick-tempered and at times touchy person. I don't like it when I'm like this. Resentment is not a necessary feeling. - So, you are soon ignited and soon depart? - Yes.

In this, Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov and I understand each other perfectly. We are both emotionally expressive people. We used to yelp, but now we wisely accept each other's shortcomings. - Normal friendly relations. And how did you and Garik find each other? - KVN brought us together.

It feels like we've known each other for a hundred years. I know what he will tell, he knows what I will tell. Some kind of idyll. - Are you by and large an unpredictable person? - Probably, yes. I change, I analyze some of my own actions, and I realize that a year earlier, perhaps, I would have acted differently. I have a lot of what is happening to me at the moment, I do not have time to catch up with consciousness. Everything turned around and around. Before I came to Moscow, I had a choice.

I moved from St. Petersburg on one salary, they seemed to offer good money, but suddenly the “Ungold Youth” appeared, and at that time I was dreaming about the big leagues. And I gave up on work and was in KVN, in that place and met Garik. Later there was a choice between KVN and Comedy. Consciously, I realized that in KVN I couldn’t jump higher and the choice fell on Comedy. Despite the fact that I am ranting at the moment, but then everything happened instantly. - Do you get tired of touring? - I'm tired. Touring undermines creativity a little.

So tired that I don't feel like doing anything anymore. - Did something change in you with the advent of popularity? - Of course yes! I became pretentious, arrogant, squeamish and proud (laughs). I believe that due to experience I have become a little better from an experimental point of view, but from a human point of view, I have remained the same. - And how do you react when fans approach you? - I am very pleased. Despite the fact that they fit differently. It is not uncommon to be pleased, not uncommon, to encounter consumer attitudes.

It's not great. It’s more pleasant for me when they come up and say: “Timur” than “Hey, Comedy Club”. - What are the specific negative aspects of the profession of a Comedy resident? “Perhaps just tiredness. Yet personal life suffer catastrophically. I am already 28 years old. And once I dreamed of having my first child at that age. And I don’t have a child, I also don’t have a wife. - At the time when you and Garik come up with a scene, is it all based on humor, or do you want to convey something to a person? - Rather the first.

The national task is to make people laugh. We do not remember what we carry, we do not teach anyone anything. We are happy fools. - What are you addicted to? - In many ways, I depend on the success of my family. From how things are with my sister, with my mother. They are the main ladies in my life at the moment.

Perhaps they are what keeps me going at the moment. Otherwise, I would have been more swindling, I would have gone to more crazy things. - Are you still nervous when you go on stage? - no longer available at the moment. - And on film set? - At the time when I start to play the scene, the anxiety disappears. But I think that's the majority. - Find in your memory your first shooting day, no longer in the crowd. - I just served in the army, returned to St. Petersburg for the last time to try myself in the acting field.

I needed money, and one of my acquaintances, an actor, dragged me to Lenfilm. I told them that I have an acting education. We came up with a legend that I graduated from the Yaroslavl Theater School.

I was asked how the teacher was called. Well, that's exactly what we didn't rehearse. I gave the name of my own statistics teacher. And what were they defending? Your thesis ... Vasily Terkin reported at random. I was found out in an episodic role in the series "Knife in the Clouds."

I was in that place playing a security guard in the parking lot. - And you were not in the actor's databases? - Well, if only the Yaroslavl School ... - Aren't you ashamed now? - No, don't be ashamed. - Wouldn't you like to participate in some other series, in a sitcom? - I think that the sitcom is somehow not in Russian. - Would you like to play? Is there a role that sits in your head? - I want to play a hypocrite.

What is good for everyone, but in reality ... or vice versa - a person that is revealed slowly. It would also be very interesting to play a negative character, despite the fact that, I think that only good roles can be played with my face. - Would you like to work in the theater? - This is very interesting, I was constantly attracted by experiments. - They say that the life of people who are associated with humor is not at all funny. - Well, here I am at the moment also some important.

But by and large ... - In other words, you deny it? - No, I quite often meet comedians who are very boring in life. - What if we omit the tediousness ... Here, find in the memory of Charlie Chaplin - his life on the screen and true destiny... - And this is the future of comedians. Laughter through tears. - Do you believe in miracles? - I believe. It always happens to me. I do not expect it - I, that there is nothing impossible ... - So, you set specific goals and go towards them? - Yes, but something else appears along the way.

That's relatively not so long ago I bought a car, but before that I also did not dream about it. - And at the time when you will ride it? - Does it need to be driven? (laughs) - Do you like noisy companies? - Not much noise from me. - Isn't it rare that you want to run away to yourself and hide from everyone? - Needless to say, not uncommon. I turn off the phone, lock myself at home and watch the view from the window, and from my window you can already see the Moscow River. - Aren't you afraid that at the time when the second good half appears, you will no longer be able to do it alone? - No, I'm not afraid of this, rather, it's hard for me to believe that the second half will appear on the horizon.

But, I hope that it will certainly happen. - How do you imagine your soul mate? - The main thing is to have a harmonious little man, both outside and inside. And at a time when you have something to be silent about with him, I think that this is precisely what is available, that very thing. - Was there any extravagant act for the girl? - I saw a girl, but at that moment I was also very busy. And she did not like this state of affairs, and she was about to tell me that it was time for us to part.

I determined this from her friend and decided to arrange a farewell party. I come to her, she is set, angry, and I put my finger on her lips and say: “Relax, I know what you want to tell me. Let's make this evening as I wish it." He closed her eyes, put on headphones with pleasant space music and led her. Everything was already thought out in advance. I knew what, where and how. Prepared, chose landscapes.

With my eyes closed, I put her in the car, we set off. I took off her headphones, untied her eyes, and we were on the bank of the pond, next to the church. Unusual place, not so far away from St. Petersburg.

We saw the sunset. She says: "It would be nice to drink champagne." And the friends hid a bottle of champagne in the pond in advance. I take it out of the water and say: “Oh, Champagne!”. What struck her. Later, I again blindfolded her and took her to the second place.

I talked my friends in advance, and a fire was already burning in that place, something was prepared on it, unexpectedly there were some flowers, and a lot of other exciting things. Ultimately, we have visited many more places. In the morning, meeting the sunrise on the roof, she had already changed her mind about telling me, but I had already come to terms with what she had to tell me.

This is such a disaster. - What are you capable of for love? Anything but murder! - Aren't you afraid that she might ask a question: either your profession or your relationship? - I don't think it will. - Since you are invariably not at home, do you have constant tours? - Well, it's temporary. at the moment it is the cost of what

He gave an interview to the star editor of Lady Mail.Ru Nino Takaishvili, in which he told why he still remains a bachelor, what are the disadvantages of popularity and how he meets girls.

Timur, in the press you are often called "an inveterate bachelor." How do you yourself feel about such a definition addressed to you? Doesn't hurt?

It does not hurt, there is nothing offensive in this - just the real state of affairs today. For now, I'm married to my job!

- What's new at work?

At the end of April, we launched the first part of the KhB show on the TNT channel together with Garik Kharlamov, recently launched the second, and now I am working on a new project. But it's still a secret.

Timur, what do you think, is there any most successful age for marriage? Some, for example, believe that it is stupid to get married before the age of 30 ...

Is it stupid to get married before 30? I really like this idea, because I am already over 30. I once planned that I would get married at 27, as my dad once did. But, as they say, if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. Now I want to believe that after 35 years is the best time to take this step. Because I'm already 35. (Smiling.) By this time, the necessary life experience has been acquired, and at this age a man can already understand that he definitely wants to belong to only one person.

Do you think it depends on age?

Including. In youth, hormones boil, interfere with thinking, and over time, you understand the true values. For me, this is just a theory. In fact, I'm afraid I'm already too used to the bachelor lifestyle. But I travel a lot - I can afford it.

- Do you have any favorite places, countries?

Our planet is my favorite place! I like America, Europe, and places that civilization has not really touched. In January I was in Sri Lanka, poor but happy people live there...

- Could you drop everything and go live somewhere in Thailand?

- There is an opinion that comedians and comedians in real life are the saddest people. This is true?

I often hear about it, but I ended up in humor, because initially a cheerful person. Perhaps, over time, venerable comedians begin to have some kind of hostility, a purely professional attitude towards humor, but I hope that this will not come to me. When you start to think about what you are doing, about how other people will react to it, then collapse is close. But when everything is easy, when you get pleasure from work, then everything works out.

- Did you want to become an artist since childhood, or were there any other plans?

I wanted to be recognized, I wanted to be famous...

- And how, there was no disappointment?

I learned all sides of the coin. Of course, I'm not Michael Jackson, and certainly not (smiles), nevertheless, compared with Philip Bedrosovich, it’s easier for me in life. But sometimes elements of social phobia “surge”. For example, I go to the store at night. It's not that they don't let me through, no. I'm just shy of attention.

Often in real life I have to keep my stage image, which is sometimes very difficult. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood? Here you are walking through the supermarket all in your thoughts, choosing bread and squash caviar, and suddenly they come up to you with a sincere desire to take a picture ... And you understand that you don’t want this now.

But there is also a big plus in the fact that I attract the attention of the public. For example, a contract with Old Spice. I present a new predatory fragrance collection in Russia. It's nice that I was chosen, especially since I personally like Old Spice. Opportunity to star in a viral video with Issiah Mustafa (International Ambassador for Old Spice). A new and interesting experience for me.

- But it's easy for you to meet any girl ...

And here the opposite effect often works. That is, the girls form an opinion, a certain stereotype, that since I am a public person, it means that I am spoiled and not serious.

But I still like being famous. I remember, as a child, I wrote in an essay that I wanted my name to be in the encyclopedic dictionary. And now my name is on Wikipedia! And in crossword puzzles sometimes comes across ... (Laughs.) By the way, a good surname for crossword puzzles - you can always make a mistake with some letter.

- Timur, what should a girl be like to please you?

The more I live, the more I realize that I do not know the answer to this question. Because there are external factors - you see a beautiful girl, but she turns out to be ugly inside. And vice versa…

- Where do you usually meet girls?

I sometimes meet on the Internet! Because I don't go to clubs...

- You write yourself: “Hi, how are you?”?

Communication is done in different ways. And so I can meet someone on the set, at a party, at a wedding or on vacation - but, as a rule, everyone comes there either with their own "samovars" or with the wrong goals. By the way, this is the answer to the question why I am still not married.

- Have you ever met a girl on the Internet and went on a blind date?

Yes, and it happened. But the Internet is a different story - in social networks I have my own style of communication. I follow the Internet life, I observe such phenomena as trolls and "hamsters". Sometimes I even start talking to them myself! Often this helps to come up with some new humorous twists ...

- So the Internet inspires you?

Exactly! I try to get the most out of this. I try to get in touch with real life, and the Internet today is that very real life.

- Doesn't this substitution of the real by the virtual world scare you?

This is not about me - I do not live on the Web. For a while, I generally retired from social networks. And now my stay there is more connected with the work and promotion of the HB show, especially since the premiere episodes of the program are now on TNT. I also protect my personal life from social networks - I don’t post any personal photos ... I have an Instagram - I like to photograph landscapes, clouds ... Someone may find my blog boring.

- How do you see the development of your career? Would you like to play a dramatic role, for example?

To a dramatic role, of course, you need to grow up. Both for me and for the viewer. To me - in terms of conveying the depth of mood and emotions. And the viewer needs to be ready to perceive me not only in a comedy role. To be honest, there are no dramatic roles in the nearest plans yet.

- Timur, how did it happen that you, dreaming of becoming an artist since childhood, entered the Faculty of Economics?

It was the 90s, the Union collapsed, cinema was gone, everything was gone, a whole layer ... Gone was what we, the children of the Soviet Union, believed in. At that time, the economist and lawyer were the most promising professions.

- After graduation, did you work in your specialty?

Yes, I worked as an economist for a while. This had its own certain charm, even the creative side - I amuse the team! (Laughs.) Today I do not regret at all that I received an economic education, served in the army ... One way or another, all the turns of my life led me to the result that I have now. And I'm quite happy with them!

In an interview with Wday, Batrutdinov said that he spends a lot of time on television, so when he was offered to become a member of the project, he took it as a sign of fate, as if the stars had finally converged successfully. “After all, I am a bachelor, I work for TNT, and the project sounds like this -“ A bachelor at TNT, ”recalls the comedian. - The first thought that flashed through my head at that moment was: “Maybe, really, it was the Universe that sent me a chance in the form of a TV project.” The biggest reason to end bachelorhood is children. I am the successor of the Batrutdinov family, and I have a very big task - to preserve the family of ancestors. I am, to put it mildly, well over 30, so I took the project very seriously. I really want to find that one person who would walk with me through life - hand in hand. I haven’t had a relationship for a long time, I’m an inveterate bachelor and I want to get out of this mess as soon as possible.

On the set of The Bachelor, Timur was very sorry for the girls who had to fight with their pride and fears. There was a moment when he could not stand it and asked to ease the conditions for the participants. “My existing subconscious image of a girl is a brown-eyed brunette. And this means that in the end we get ... a Tatar! You need to ask the Universe how it turned out that three girls from Tatarstan ended up on the project. But then neither the participants knew who would be a bachelor, and I did not know who and where the girls would be from. "The Bachelor" is first and foremost a show. Despite this, it is based on real people, real emotions and real experiences, and therefore I was as honest and sincere as possible. I didn’t play, but I was really worried: I told myself to be natural. Because the way I behave is the way the girls will behave with me.

Each rose ceremony was exciting for the girls

Initially, Batrutdinov went to the project with the idea that even if he did not find his man among the participants, he would tell himself by his act that he was ready for the family, that he did not want to be a bachelor anymore. “I want people to understand that Timur Batrutdinov is not only a comedian, but also a deeply thinking and extremely romantic person, which my main profession and the roles in which I appear in the frame cannot reveal. Yes, I'm best at images of fools. But I'm the same as everyone else, and love at first sight in my life was. True, it later turned out that it is inherent only in puberty, when any sympathy is perceived as high feelings. Over the years, your love becomes more and more unapproachable, and after 30 it is difficult for a man to start any kind of relationship.

With the winner of the "Bachelor" Daria Kananukha, Timur did not work out

If Batrutdinov has a free week at work, he spends it on travel. It happens that he really wants to babysit the children, and if this coincides with a few free days, he goes to his nieces, 7-year-old Sofia and 3-year-old Olga. “Now I dream of a son, and he will definitely have a Tatar name. I even wanted to name him Robert, but Pasha Volya and Laysan Utyasheva overtook me and named their baby Robert. Garik Martirosyan advised naming his son Ruslan. Because Ruslan Timurovich Batrutdinov sounds good. Sounds!"

Now the second wave has begun for Timur - the filming has ended and now he is looking at everything that was from the side. “I didn’t hear what the girls were saying and I didn’t see how they act in front of the cameras. Therefore, sometimes "The Bachelor" causes me a stupor. Participation in a reality show for me is a colossal experience. I do not regret my participation, but if I could rewind time to the moment when I was offered to participate, I would think again. Because it turned out to be emotionally difficult for me. At one point, I caught myself thinking that I live all this and am very worried. I also realized that reality shows are very difficult for me and this genre is closed to me, ”summed up the Comedy Club resident.

- The bet in the show "Money or Shame" is one million rubles. Is this amount enough for you to disgrace yourself?

In general, it’s better not to disgrace yourself for any money, but if you are offered a good amount for it, then in our time of crisis you can endure a little. A million is not lying on the road.

- What is the most immoral, shameful act you have committed in your life?

All my life I try to stick to morality. I did all the most immoral things in my life on the stage of the Comedy Club and, of course, as part of the HB show.

- Are you a gambler? Do you like to take risks?

Oh yeah! I am a gambling and risky guy. Within reasonable limits.

What place does money take in your life?

Once upon a time I had my own ideas about money, and I wanted to have a lot of them. But after the first corporate party, I realized that money is the same relative concept as time. Now money is far from the first place in my life. In the first place is not even health, but life in harmony with oneself.

Timur Batrutdinov on the show "Money or Shame". Photo: TNT4 press service

- Is it easy for you to lie?

Lies - this is definitely not mine. I can always see when I'm trying to lie. Therefore, it is better to tell the truth - no one will believe it anyway. Everything, as on the show "Money or Shame." So on the set with Uncle Vitya, I was extremely honest.

- On the show, did you have fun or rather strained, looking for the right answers, trying to find words?

Initially came, of course, tense. Then I realized that I needed to relax, to let go of everything. In the end, I didn't hear anything new about myself.

- On the set, Uncle Vitya tried to offend you, but in life do you react to insults?

At first I reacted until I found out that there is such a thing as "Internet trolling". In principle, you need to relax and, first of all, troll yourself. So that no one else can do it. At one time in school, I set myself up that way. I was the youngest in the class, and at first everyone laughed at me. But I realized that I needed to work ahead of the curve, and I was the first to laugh at myself, having exhausted all the topics for jokes about my height. Everyone laughed, and then I switched to those who tried to joke with me.

Timur and host Uncle Vitya. Photo: TNT4 press service

- And now you use this technique, can you laugh at yourself, say, in a circle of friends?

I can and try to do it. If you can't laugh at yourself, you'll be constantly offended. And resentment corrodes you from the inside, laughter is a panacea for everything.

- And if you are undeservedly insulted in real life, what will you do?

I am for justice, and I will gladly punch the offender in the face.

- What if it's her?

And if it is her, I will call her young man and gladly punch him in the face.

- Are there topics that can seriously hurt you?

There are no such topics. This can be understood from "HB" and especially from "HB-2". You could say laughing at yourself is my job.

Photo: TNT4 press service

Wherever I am, I will definitely turn on TNT4 and watch this show. Maybe even in the cheerful company of Garik Kharlamov. Moreover, I am interested in the program not only with my participation. It is interesting to look at other issues - who else and how Uncle Vitya will disgrace.

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