Online temperament test. Test: determination of the type of character according to Jung

The term "temperament" is of Latin origin and means "ratio" in translation. The first scientist to define four types of temperament was Hippocrates, who lived in the fifth century BC. He believed that a person contains four fluids: sangius (blood), flegma (phlegm), chole and melas chole (yellow and black bile, respectively). The type of reactions of this or that person, according to Hippocrates, depends on which liquid prevails. In subsequent eras, temperament types were divided into strong and weak. Strong - phlegmatic, and weak - melancholic.

Sanguine is sociable and mobile

It is easy to distinguish from owners of other types of temperament. This is usually a sociable person who easily adapts to the situation. He is mobile, he has an expressive facial expression. In a sanguine person, mental processes change easily and quickly, so overwork almost never threatens him. Sanguine easily converges with people and calmly parted with them. He copes well with any negotiations, but is much less successful in matters that require perseverance and constant effort. The processes of excitation and inhibition in sanguine people are balanced.

Phlegmatic - not lazy at all

In a phlegmatic person, mental processes arise and change slowly. The owner of this type of temperament is generally characterized by low activity. He does not rebuild too quickly, does not adapt well to the changed situation. It takes him quite a long time to do this. Outwardly, his temperament is manifested in the fact that the phlegmatic is inactive, speaks slowly, his facial expressions are inexpressive. It is not easy to get him out of patience, but the one who succeeds usually regrets it very much later, because it is as difficult to stop a phlegmatic person as it is to excite him. A characteristic feature of all owners of this temperament is perseverance, perseverance, the desire to bring what has been started to completion. The phlegmatic is a reliable life partner and business partner who usually strictly adheres to the terms of the agreement.

Choleric - a person who is addicted

In a choleric, mental processes arise and change rapidly. This is a quick-tempered, but quick-witted person. He gets carried away easily, but just as quickly loses interest if he fails to achieve instant success. However, the choleric, thanks to his assertiveness and desire to put all his efforts into what interests him, often achieves excellent results. He is sharp in communication, initiative, energetic, but a stormy burst of activity is very quickly replaced by indifference. Excitation in the choleric prevails over inhibition.

Melancholic focused on experiences

Melancholic refers to weak psychological types. He is prone to overly deep feelings even when there seems to be no reason for this. His feelings are stable, but outwardly they almost do not manifest themselves. In the owner of this type of temperament, inhibition prevails over excitation. The slightest resistance unsettles. He is characterized by timidity and indecision, he is very vulnerable. Owners of this type of temperament prefer individual work to collective work.

The phlegmatic type of temperament is characterized by calmness, resistance to stress, peace of mind, as well as diligence, endurance, the ability to make friends, and natural modesty. These and other qualities help phlegmatic people get along easily with people of different temperaments.


Phlegmatic is able to maintain equanimity in almost any stressful situation. You need to try very hard to get him out of himself, however, if you succeed, then he will pour out all the accumulated anger completely. Therefore, it is better not to loosen his state, which is inert to external stimuli, but instead, simply enjoy communication with a very calm person, which are rare.

He is characterized by passivity in all sorts of cases. The phlegmatic will prefer routine work that can be done without too much fuss. This has its advantages: phlegmatic people almost always achieve career growth, while representatives of others experience ups and downs. It can be assumed that in love they rarely take the initiative due to their passivity. No, they have everything in order with self-esteem, but at the same time they are childishly modest.

Representatives of this type of temperament have one of the rare qualities - the ability to listen to other people. They are excellent interlocutors, because they rarely interrupt and are attentive to trifles. Thanks to their calm nature and the ability to weigh the situation before doing something or advising, they find a common language with quick-tempered choleric people, and with fickle sanguine people, and with sensitive melancholic people. At the same time, phlegmatic people do not strive to be the first to make contact, but they are able to easily maintain acquaintances that once took place.

Phlegmatic people are highly intelligent, diligent and efficient. They can easily spend one or more evenings carefully studying a scientific work, or intricate embroidery. In general terms, phlegmatic people are like athletes who choose endurance running over short sprints. In communication, encourage any of their attempts to offer initiative, pay due attention to their positive features, from time to time offer participation in joint meetings, trips, as well as creative and business projects.

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Hippocrates divided mankind into 4 types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Choleric is a very energetic person. You can work and live peacefully with such a person, provided you obey him unquestioningly. To create a friendly atmosphere, it is better to fulfill all his requests and desires.


To determine the type of temperament, set a task for the test subject. If he immediately set about its implementation, without thinking about the details and without making plans, you have a choleric person in front of you.

Upon reaching the goal, the choleric will surely find many associates, because. he has an innate ability to convince and lead people.

Most likely, your supervisor at work is a choleric, because. they are characterized by the desire to dominate, the ability to correctly assess the situation, the ability to manipulate others.

Argue with the choleric. When participating in disputes, people of this temperament always defend their point of view to the end, even knowing that they are wrong. Cholerics will never compromise. Possessing great self-confidence, they are not able to hear others and accept someone else's opinion. Sometimes they have no sense of tact.

If you have been communicating with a person of this type of character for a long time, you have never seen him dull or indifferent. Invite him to take part in a charity event, for example, in saving people during disasters, or in holding a political rally, the choleric will never refuse such an undertaking.

In any situation, choleric people take the reins of government into their own hands. Often they are surprised that other people cannot find the right way to solve a problem. The main thing for this type of people is to achieve their goals.

The character is complex in such a way that he does not need friends. He always remains independent of the opinions of others. When a group is needed to achieve goals, he will be happy to work in a team, but only on such conditions as to be the first, and the first to achieve the goals.


Among the famous choleric people are such people as Alexander Suvorov, Peter I, Alexander Pushkin.

One of the four types of human temperament - sanguine, at first glance, is very positive. In fact, cheerfulness, sociability, goodwill, non-conflict - all these character traits are very attractive. But is everything really good with a sanguine person?


Sanguine is an incorrigible lover of life. And from this love of life come all the derivative features of his character.

He is energetic, because he is constantly in search of new sensations and vivid impressions. And this energy manifests itself in everything. Even if he does some hard, unpleasant work, he does it vigorously. At least in order to quickly finish it and start getting new, more pleasant experiences.

It’s very good that people of different temperaments inhabit the world - that’s the only reason we haven’t quarreled like choleric people, haven’t let everything take its course like sanguine people, haven’t locked ourselves in our own experiences like phlegmatic people and haven’t drowned in tears like melancholic people.

True, people with pronounced signs of a particular temperament are rare. Most of them have a mixed temperament with a predominance of traits of the same type, which makes it possible to define a person as a sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic or melancholic.


Choleric people have many wonderful character traits. They are proactive, energetic, determined and efficient. Cholerics are excellent inspirers and organizers with a sharp mind, who know what they want, and are persistently moving towards their goal. To achieve it, they are ready for anything - even to go over their heads.

They are confident that they know everything and will answer any question. This impression is also formed by others, so choleric people are often asked for advice and help.

It is not surprising that choleric people are born. They tend to take this position even when they find themselves in an unfamiliar company or in a new team. They are not afraid to be in opposition - they like to enter into discussions and defend their point of view, even if deep down they understand that they are wrong. At any cost, they will try to suppress their opponent or opponent.

Cholerics are optimists who do not despair in a difficult situation, but enthusiastically undertake to resolve it. They have great.

These are the strengths of a person with a choleric temperament. But choleric people also have disadvantages, which is why it is not so easy to communicate with them. They are also authoritarian. For them, their own opinion is above all, while they are always ready to ridicule someone else's. They strive to make all decisions individually.

Cholerics are rude, arrogant, caustic and even cruel. Compassion, sympathy, they are not peculiar, other people's tears only irritate them. They are independent and easily cut off relations with those who do not recognize their leadership.

Many choleric people are characterized by selfishness, cunning and resourcefulness.

Famous dictators and tyrants had this type of temperament.


Sanguine people are energetic and friendly, affable and, with any person, they always have a topic for conversation. They say about such people: “They don’t climb into their pocket for a word.”

Any event that attracts the attention of a sanguine person evokes a lively response from him: he either laughs at the slightest reason or is just as sincerely angry for some insignificant reason. sanguine is bright and expressive - you can easily identify it by them. But if desired, he may well control his feelings and not show them.

Sanguine people are optimists, they are carefree and joyful, they live in the present, do not remember past failures and do not think about the future. They are active and efficient, routine and monotony are alien to them, they crave new vivid impressions.

But sanguine people are often fickle, disorganized and have a tendency to take advantage of other people, make promises and not keep them. They easily admit their guilt and just as easily find an excuse for themselves and ask for forgiveness, but they continue to behave in the old way. They can be on their minds and impose their point of view, they like to dominate.


Perhaps this is the most attractive type of all types of temperament. Phlegmatic people are friendly and smiling, they are true friends, husbands and wives, good parents. They are difficult to unbalance, they are diplomatic, they are called peacemakers because they avoid conflicts themselves and help other people find a common language.

Phlegmatic people are good, strangers easily open their souls to them, talking about their experiences, and they will find a kind word for everyone. At the same time, phlegmatic people themselves are secretive and are in no hurry to open their souls.

They express their own opinion only when they are asked, and do not impose it on others, like choleric people.

Among the minuses - isolation, anxiety, pessimism. Phlegmatic people are often conservative, dislike innovation and change, stubborn, stingy and somewhat selfish.


Many philosophers, musicians, writers, art critics, designers, people of other creative professions have a melancholy temperament. These are whole individuals with formed moral values. They are faithful, devoted, sacrificial, respond to other people's requests and are ready to help even to the detriment of themselves.

Melancholic people are vulnerable and emotional, prone to philosophizing, analysis and introspection, they are thinkers. Often they are too zealous in introspection and introspection, as a result of which they fall, because they are rarely satisfied with themselves.

Among melancholics, there are many hypochondriacs who are overly concerned about their health and are constantly looking for some new “serious” disease. For the most part, melancholics are introverts.

Some character traits of melancholic people prevent them from building harmonious relationships with other people. They like to talk about someone in order to criticize, but they themselves are very: for them it is extremely important what other people say about them. And in order to get their approval, they can act contrary to their wishes. But they remember the hurt for a long time.

Like phlegmatic people, melancholic people are pessimistic.

The German philosopher wrote about them: "The melancholic will take for tragedy what the sanguine person sees only as an interesting incident, and the phlegmatic - something not worthy of attention."

“Every person is a victim of his temperament, unless temperament is sacrificed by a person, which is observed no less often,” Alexander Rafailovich Kugel.

If we take into account the type of temperament of our colleagues, friends and acquaintances, it will be easier for us to predict their behavior and find our own approach to each. We will understand the motives of the choleric when he tries to impose his opinion on us, we will be able to trust the phlegmatic, knowing that he will not betray us, we will not be ironic over the melancholic so as not to hurt him, and we will not get bored with the sanguine.

True, when determining someone else's temperament, it is easy to make a mistake, because it is not for nothing that Hans Eysenck developed a whole methodology with many questions, which is used by many psychologists and psychotherapists. It has two options, so that with the help of repeated research, the psychologist gets a more accurate result. The text of the questionnaire, the keys to the two options A and B and instructions on how to use it can be found on the Internet by typing "Eysenck EPI Method" in the search.

According to the immediate answers that must be given to the 57 questions proposed in the test, the habitual way of human behavior is revealed. his temperament, emotional stability, deceit or sincerity are determined.

It is curious that the German physiologist Wilhelm Wundt singled out the best signs of each temperament and advised people to take a little from each: to perceive everyday joys and sorrows as a sanguine person; during important events, behave like a melancholic, when making decisions, like a phlegmatic; and in his aspirations, which deeply affect personal interests, to be like a choleric.

So, we bring to your attention a method for determining the type of character, derived by Jung on the basis of personality typology. Based on his psychoanalytic doctrine of the soul, Jung created a typology of personality, in which he identified two main types: extroverts and introverts. These psychological personality types coexist in every person.

It is possible to determine a specific psychological type of personality by identifying the prevailing characteristics of one of the parties - extraversion or introversion. In the event that the ratio of extraversion and introversion in a person is approximately the same, then he is classified as an ambivert. Find out what type of person you are!

Instructions for the test

Your attention is invited to 20 questions. There are two possible answers for each question, you need to choose only one - the most appropriate and suitable for you.

1. What do you prefer?

a) a few close friends;

b) a large comradely company.

a) with an entertaining plot;

b) with the disclosure of the experiences of another.

3. What are you more likely to tolerate in your work?

a) being late

b) mistakes.

4. If you commit a bad deed, then:

a) you are acutely worried;

b) there are no acute experiences.

5. How do you get along with people?

a) quickly, easily;

b) slowly, carefully.

6. Do you consider yourself touchy?

7. Do you tend to laugh heartily?

8. Do you consider yourself!

a) silent

b) talkative.

9. Are you outspoken or secretive?

a) candid

b) hidden.

10. Do you like to analyze your experiences?

11. Being in a society, you prefer:

a) speak;

b) listen.

12. Do you often experience dissatisfaction with yourself?

13. Do you like to organize something?

14. Would you like to keep an intimate diary?

15. Do you move quickly from decision to execution?

16. Does your mood change easily?

17. Do you like to convince others, to impose your views?

18. Your movements

a) fast;

b) slow.

19. Are you worried about possible troubles?

20. In difficult cases, you:

a) hurry to ask for help;

b) do not apply.

Test Keys:

The following answers speak about your extraversion: 1b, 2a, 3b, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9a, 10b, 11a, 12b, 13a, 14b, 15a, 16a, 17a, 18a, 19b, 20a.

The number of matching answers is counted and multiplied by 5.

Test analysis and interpretation of results

  • Scores 0-35 - introversion: focused on their own experiences, little contact, silent, it is difficult to make new acquaintances, they do not like to take risks, they experience a break in old ties, there are no options for losing and winning, a high level of anxiety and rigidity; phlegmatic, melancholy.
  • An introvert can be an excellent scientist, researcher, observer, writer, or self-employed person.
  • Scores 36-65 - ambiversion: personalities in which there are mild features of both types.
  • Scores 66-100 - extraversion: they are easy to communicate, they have a high level of aggressiveness, they tend to be leaders, they like to be in the center of attention, they easily make acquaintances, they are impulsive, open and sociable, there may be useful people among their acquaintances; judge people "by their appearance", do not look inside; choleric, sanguine. An extrovert can be an excellent toastmaster, an organizer (often on a voluntary basis), an official who manages people, an artist or an entertainer.

This test will help determine what type of temperament you belong to.

No temperament can be said to be "good" or "bad". Therefore, your task is not to try to change your temperament (this is impossible), but to correctly use its positive aspects and try to neutralize the negative manifestations.

In addition, no person has any type of temperament in its purest form. Usually it is a mixture of different types, but some still prevails. Try to determine what type of temperament prevails in you.

We invite you to take a short test.

Mark next to each statement: + (corresponds to you) or - (does not correspond).

Questionnaire text

1. You are restless.

2. You are quick-tempered and impulsive.

3. You are usually impatient.

4. You are proactive and determined.

5. You are stubborn and even stubborn.

6. You are resourceful, you quickly navigate the dispute.

7. The rhythm of your activity is uneven, spasmodic.

8. You like to take risks.

9. You easily forgive insults.

10. Your speech is quick and emotional.

11. You often suffer from your imbalance.

12. You do not tolerate anyone's shortcomings.

13. Everything new attracts you.

14. Your mood often changes.

15. You are a cheerful and cheerful person.

16. You are always collected, and the energy is in full swing.

17. You often leave what you started halfway through.

18. You do not always correctly assess your strengths.

19. Your interests and hobbies often change.

20. You easily get used to new circumstances.

21. It is not difficult for you to be distracted from your affairs, and you quickly deal with someone else's problem.

22. Hard work that requires patience is not for you.

23. You are sociable and responsive.

24. You have a clear and loud speech.

25. You have great self-control and don't panic even in difficult situations.

26. You fall asleep easily and wake up quickly.

27. You find it difficult to concentrate and make an informed decision.

28. You are distracted and inattentive.

29. You are reserved and cold-blooded.

30. You are consistent in words.

31. You are careful and reasonable.

32. You are characterized by endurance, you know how to wait.

33. You are not too talkative and do not like empty talk.

34. You have a measured and calm speech.

35. You distribute your forces correctly and never give all the best.

36. You plan your affairs and adhere to a clear daily routine.

37. You take criticism calmly.

38. It's hard for you to switch to another activity right away.

39. You have smooth, good relationships with people.

40. You are accurate even in small things.

41. You find it difficult to adapt to a new environment.

42. You are very slow.

43. You are shy.

44. New surroundings confuse you.

45. You are not confident in yourself, in your abilities.

46. ​​Loneliness does not bother you.

47. Failures and troubles unsettle you for a long time.

48. In difficult life periods, you withdraw into yourself.

49. You are not very hardy, you get tired quickly.

50. You have a quiet, sometimes slurred speech.

51. You automatically adopt the character traits of the interlocutor and his manner of speaking.

52. You are very impressionable and sensitive.

53. You have high demands on yourself and the world around you.

54. Some suspiciousness and suspicion are inherent in you.

55. You are easily offended.

56. You are pleased when people around you empathize.

Well, did you answer the questions? Let's take a look at the test results then.

There are 4 groups of questions in the test, 14 statements in each group. In the first group (from 1 to 14 statements) a description of the choleric is given. In the second group (from 15 to 28 statements) - a characteristic of a sanguine person. In the third group (from 29 to 42 statements) - a portrait of a phlegmatic person. In the fourth group (from 43 to 56 statements) - a description of the melancholic.

If in any of the groups you received more than 10 pluses, then this type of temperament prevails in you. If the number of pluses is 5-9, then these traits are expressed in you to a large extent. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the features of this type of temperament are weakly expressed in you.

A person is born with a certain genetic predisposition, on the basis of which he is able to form other personal characteristics. For example, if a person is not born with wings, then he will not be able to fly, no matter how much he wants to. However, he can learn various manipulations that his hands can perform. Also with the type of temperament, which has certain characteristics and definitions that affect the further development of a person. A special test can help to identify it.

There are still discussions about whether temperament is an innate quality. Many refer to the fact that temperament is already embedded in a person from birth, and certain character traits are formed on its basis. If there are stable features in temperament, then they should be attributed to the features of nervous activity that is already embedded in a person.

Thus, temperament is an innate property of a person, and character is acquired. A person can only influence his character, which is formed on the basis of what temperament he has.

What are temperament types?

Temperament types are understood as personality traits that are stable and characterized by the dynamism of manifestation, and not by their content. This is a type of activity of the higher nervous system, which manifests itself in the emotional sphere.

In psychology, there are those that clearly distinguish people into certain reactions and behavioral models. However, we do not forget that actions and character traits are subject to a person, regardless of what temperament he has.

Each person has their own temperament and character. Many people confuse these concepts, thinking that they are one and the same. In fact, these are two different indicators of a person's mental reaction. One is hereditary and practically unchanged, and the second is acquired and depends only on the individual himself.

Temperament is a mental reaction and a state that depends on the structure of the human nervous system. The nervous system of the individual is formed even in the womb on the basis of the genetic program that is transmitted from both parents.

Temperament is a hereditary gift. That is why a child is often the same as his parents. The device of the nervous system allows relatives to be the same, which helps to strengthen them and maintain the family.

is a set of qualities that a person develops in the process of life. How does this happen? There is a situation. A person begins to react to it, think about it, draw conclusions, make decisions, take actions. On the basis of experience, conclusions are made (beliefs are created). And subsequent situations in which a person begins to react in a similar way and perform similar actions form habits in him.

Habits in actions, thoughts and decisions make certain qualities of character manifest in certain situations. A person can develop any quality and trait in himself. But only that which corresponds to his actions, thoughts and decisions that he uses develops in him.

If you change your habitual actions, then the character will also change, since the manifestation of other qualities will be required and others that were previously used will be excluded.

Thus, temperament is transmitted to people from their parents, and character is formed by the person himself in the process of life.

Types of human temperament

There are 4 types of human temperament today:

  1. Choleric type - unrestrained, unbalanced, quick-tempered, unbridled. Emotional experiences in this category of people proceed very quickly and are clearly manifested. So, they are easy to get out, because they quickly flare up, however, they also subside emotionally just as easily.

Choleric is a very passionate and emotional person. He can not experience emotions dimly. If he experiences something, it is very deep and bright. And he can experience conflicting feelings at the same time. However, these experiences do not last. Soon the choleric quickly switches to other emotions.

Such a person is disgusted by monotonous work. At first, he lights up with ideas and enthusiasm. However, over time, he cools down and begins to do the work, though, carelessly.

Choleric characteristics are speed and strength, harshness and impatience. The facial expressions and gestures of such a person are pronounced, sweeping, active. Teenagers with this type of temperament are rebellious, often naughty, getting into fights, disrupting lessons, etc. They are very mobile and active, and can involve other children in adventures.

  1. The melancholic type is unbalanced, the depth of experiences with their implicit and sluggish manifestation to the outside. Such people behave imperceptibly and slowly. Their movements are distinguished by restraint, inexpressiveness, monotony, slowness and poverty.

The melancholic is very sensitive and vulnerable. His voice is quiet and expressionless. Such a person is afraid of difficulties, therefore, before committing any action, he thinks over its necessity and implementation plan for a long time. If the action does not require mental stress, then it is performed.

Melancholic has an asthenic character, when emotions are very deep and stable, monotonous. Such a person is unsociable and closed. He is almost always sad and lethargic, because he reacts painfully to external stimuli.

The melancholic is weak, indecisive, constantly wanting to settle everything and hesitates. The absolute melancholic is characterized by passivity, disinterest in business and lethargy. Such a person seems to live in his own world, practically unadapted to life.

Melancholic children are often offended and teased, they do not know how to fight against injustice. It is difficult for them to get along in a team, but they are easily influenced by others. Melancholy teenagers are whiny, timid and shy

  1. The sanguine type is characterized by speed, poise and moderate strength, but the weakness of the intensity of mental processes. Sanguine is able to quickly switch from one job to another. His activities are diverse, he does not get tired, he learns quickly and can work on something for a long time. His emotionality changes quickly, so it is not deep.

Sanguine people are manifested by expressive and vivid facial expressions, which can be accompanied by active movements. They are cheerful and mobile. Such people are very easy to be distracted by any external stimuli, since their depth of experience is very low. They are quite impressive.

The sanguine is able to quickly solve problems, especially if they are not too difficult and serious. Their decisions are often hasty. They, like choleric people, quickly light up with various ideas, but then quickly lose interest.

Sanguine refers to sociable and sociable people. However, the relationship with him is quite superficial, as he quickly switches from one emotion to another. Today he loves, but tomorrow he may not love. There is a plus here, since the sanguine person quickly forgets insults, sorrows, troubles (as well as joys, pleasant moments, help).

Sanguine likes to take a leading position, command and take responsibility, be the center of attention, be ahead.

  1. The phlegmatic type is characterized by lethargy, little mobility, slowness. Such a person has a poor emotional sphere, therefore he is not able to be energetic and quickly move on to action. The balance of character is explained by the fact that the emotions of the phlegmatic are even and constant. He is called measured, calm and unflappable. Affective manifestations, disorders, impulsivity are not typical for him, since such an individual is almost impossible to piss off.

The gestures and facial expressions of the phlegmatic are inexpressive and monotonous. His speech is lifeless, slow, accompanied by gestures and expressiveness.

Before performing any action, the phlegmatic thinks over his future for a long time and carefully. However, if he decides to commit it, then he will gradually and purposefully implement it. It is difficult for such a person to change from one job to another, so he prefers to do what he is familiar and familiar with. Changes and changes are possible only when the phlegmatic was warned about them, he was able to think them over in advance and get used to them. When a phlegmatic mentally gets used, then changes occur easily.

It should not be assumed that a person belongs only to a certain type of temperament. Usually, each contains the characteristics of several types, which is called a mixed type. One type is clearly expressed in it, and the other three complement the first one to one degree or another.

Psychological types of temperament

Temperament types are divided according to the following psychological characteristics:

  • Sensitivity - the amount of the smallest forces from the outside world, which is necessary to cause a mental reaction.
  • Reactivity - the level of reaction and its manifestation in the outside world.
  • Activity is the ability of a person to overcome difficulties, to influence the world around him.
  • The ratio of reactivity and activity is the level of dependence of human activity on external stimuli.
  • Rigidity and plasticity are the levels of a person's adaptability to external stimuli (high or low, inertia).
  • The rate of reactions is the speed of mental processes and reactions, motor activity.
  • Introversion and extraversion are types of thinking and behavior that are directed to the outer or inner world of a person.
  • Emotional excitability - the amount of the smallest stimulus that should cause an emotional reaction, as well as the speed of its occurrence.

Temperament Type Test

All readers are encouraged to take a test to determine the type of temperament. The main thing here is to quickly answer the questions posed, without particularly thinking about the answers. Answer as you would in real life.

Why reveal the type of temperament of your own and other people? This will allow you to more clearly know how to interact with others, what they are capable of, not to be offended if suddenly others do not behave as you would like.

There are many tests to identify a person's temperament:

  1. Rusalov's Questionnaire.
  2. Belov's method.
  3. Eysenck's test questionnaire.
  4. Questionnaire Smishek.

Knowing your own and someone else's temperament will be useful if a long-term relationship is built with a person. To avoid some conflict situations, it is better to understand the characteristics of another person.


A person is born with temperament, and character is formed over the years. A person can influence the manifestations of certain qualities and behavior. However, everything will be based on the nervous system and its characteristics with which the individual was born.

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