Theatrical activities in the dow prepared a presentation for educators: love mirzoeva yurevna natalya alexandrovna kuznetsova theater is magical. Presentation "Theatrical activities in the preschool educational institution Presentation in the preschool educational institution on theatrical activities

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Presentation - Organization of theatrical activities


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"Dolls can do everything or almost EVERYTHING. They work wonders!"

Consistently introduce children of all age groups to various types of theater (puppet, drama, opera, ballet, musical comedies)
Gradual mastering by children of various types of creativity by age groups
Main goals
Improving the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image. Modeling the skills of social behavior in given conditions.

Types of theater in kindergarten table theater book theater theater of five fingers theater of masks theater of hand shadows finger shadow theater theater of "live" shadows magnetic theater

Forms of organization of theatrical activities When choosing material for staging, it is necessary to build on the age capabilities, knowledge and skills of children, enrich their life experience, stimulate interest in new knowledge, expand their creative potential: holidays and entertainment. 2. Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical play in everyday life. 3. Mini-games in other classes, theatrical play-performances, children visiting theaters together with their parents, mini-sketches with puppets in the course of studying the regional component with children, involving the main puppet - Petrushka in solving cognitive problems.

Organization of a corner of theatrical activities Corners for theatrical performances and performances are organized in kindergarten groups. They allocate space for director's games with a finger, table theater. In the corner there are: - various types of theaters: bibabo, tabletop, theater on a flannelograph, etc.; - props for playing scenes and performances: a set of puppets, screens for a puppet theater, costumes, costume elements, masks; - attributes for various game positions: theatrical props, scenery, scripts, books, samples of musical works, posters, cash desk, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.

Main areas of work with children
Theatrical game Tasks: To teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. Develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups, memorize the words of the heroes of the performances, develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in theatrical art. Rhythmoplasty Tasks: To develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to a command or a musical signal, the willingness to act in concert, develop coordination of movement, learn to memorize the given poses and figuratively convey them. Culture and technique of speech Tasks: To develop speech breathing and correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, logic of speech; learn to compose short stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes; pronounce tongue twisters and poems, replenish vocabulary. Fundamentals of theatrical culture Tasks: To introduce children to theatrical terminology, to the main types of theatrical art, to cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater. Work on the performance Tasks: To teach how to compose sketches based on fairy tales; develop skills of action with imaginary objects; develop the ability to use intonations that express a variety of emotional states (sad, happy, angry, surprised, delighted, plaintive, etc.).

Theater puppets

Funny table actors - can be crocheted or knitted

Eyes. You can draw eyes on a spoon, stick ready-made shifty eyes or make an applique.

According to the method of control - dolls are divided into two types:
puppets controlled from behind a screen
Floor - work on the floor - in front of children

You can start introducing children with 1 ml. Groups Finger games are a great opportunity to play with your child. Playing with finger puppets helps the baby to better control the movements of his own fingers. Playing with adults, the child masters valuable communication skills, plays out various situations with dolls that behave like people, developing the child's imagination

Encourage interest in theatrical and play activities, encourage children to participate in this type of activity. Teach how to navigate in a group room and in the hall. To form the ability and convey facial expressions, gestures, movements, basic emotions
The main tasks of organizing theatrical activities in 1 ml. group

The teacher and older preschoolers show small performances to the kids, using for this purpose - different types of theater: picture theater (flanelegraph)

For children 2 ml. groups, the simplest and most accessible theater is the puppet theater on the table. Toys for it can be sewn from pieces: fabric, fur, leather, foam rubber - they should not be large. When manufacturing, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of toys in size (the cat should be taller than the mouse) and texture (all dolls for one performance are sewn from the same material.

In the middle group - we move on to a more complex theater. We introduce children to the theater screen and riding puppets. But before the children begin to work behind the screen, they must be allowed to play with the toy.
Help children learn puppetry

In the older group, children should be introduced to puppets. Puppets are called puppets, which are most often controlled with the help of threads. Such puppets are set in motion with the help of a wag (i.e., a wooden cross) Raise a steady interest in theatrical and play activities Lead children to create an expressive play image sketches

Expand children's understanding of the world around them Enrich and activate vocabulary Support initiative in improvisation Consolidate children's ideas about various types of theaters, be able to distinguish and name them Improve the ability to coherently and expressively retell
The main tasks of organizing theatrical activities in the senior and preparatory groups

Also suitable are "performers", molded from clay according to the type of Dymkovo toys, as well as wooden toys made according to the Bogorodsky type.
Interesting dolls can be made from paper cones, boxes of various heights.


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Tatyana Chernyakova
Presentation "Theatrical activity in the preschool educational institution"

The most popular and fascinating direction in preschool education is theatrical activity. This is a good opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child, to nurture the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the world around them, embody them, create their own artistic image of a character, they develop creative imagination, thinking, speech, and the ability to see unusual moments in everyday life. Theatrical activities helps the child overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. In this way, theatre helps the child to develop comprehensively.

The problem of education and upbringing of preschoolers by means theatrical art is relevant not only as an independent section of the artistic and aesthetic education of children, but also as a powerful means of socializing children. In our time - a time of stress - everything is overgrown with a lot of problems. That is why it is necessary through theatre help the child perceive the world and reality easier and, of course, instill a love for theater, to the Russian word ... It is important to constantly stimulate the child to show sympathy for the people around him, to be patient even with strange ideas unusual in real life. The main goal is the formation of a thinking, feeling, loving and active person, ready for creativity in any field. activities.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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"Types of theaters in the preschool educational institution" Prepared by the educator: Kuts Tatyana Alexandrovna 2015

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The theater is a magical land in which the child rejoices - playing, and in the GAME he learns the WORLD! .

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The purpose of theatrical activity in kindergarten To form and improve the speech abilities and skills of children; develop the ability to freely and liberatedly speak to the audience; develop communication skills; develop facial expressions, expressive movements, intonational expressiveness of speech; create conditions for interaction (parents-teachers-children) to organize theatrical activities in the group.

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PICTURE THEATER Flannelograph is specially designed for CHILDREN NOT ONLY LISTENING TO THE FAIRY TALE, BUT ALSO SEE ITS HEROES. When telling a story, they lay out the characters on the flannelgraph in the order in which they appear. In the same way, you can use a magnetic board and paper figures - heroes of fairy tales.

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Finger games are a great opportunity not only to play, but also to develop fine motor skills. Playing with finger puppets helps the baby to better control the movements of his own fingers. Playing with adults or in the company of peers, the child masters communication skills, plays out various life situations with dolls that develop the child's imagination.

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Theater BI - BA - BO! The whole hand is already working in this theater! In this case, the actor's index finger goes into the head of the doll, and the thumb and middle finger into the sleeves of her costume. The movements of her head, arms, torso are carried out with the help of movements of the fingers, hands. Glove puppets are very mobile and expressive. Bibabo dolls usually act on a screen behind which the puppeteer is hiding.

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DESK THEATER. Toys for such a theater should be small and light so that they can be held by the child in the hands, and preferably stable so that the child can easily change the characters and scenery of the scene.

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SHADOW THEATER Here the interest arises: what will the viewer see? Unlike a screen with life-size puppets, the “actor” himself sees (from the shadow side) what he creates and can consciously regulate the puppet process. Shadow theater has a "magic" similar to creating a black and white cartoon.

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MASK THEATER IN IT - each child takes on the role of a certain hero and is in the IMAGE - MASK. He has already learned to be aware of himself - as a hero, with habits corresponding to him, he controls his body and does not pinch (especially his hands, which are always visible, he already controls them like in a finger theater). He places himself on the stage in certain mise-en-scenes - like in a theater on a table (knowing that you need to face the viewer - do not block another character). He knows that there is an order in which the characters appear (picture theater). He conducts a dialogue with another character in the text, realizing that the development of the plot depends on this and he realizes how it approximately looks from the outside (3D thinking of the shadow theater).

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Equipping the theater corner of an early age group Attributes in accordance with the content of imitation and round dance games: masks, caps, figurative aprons, badges-emblems. For teacher's games with children and surprise moments: "finger" theater (knitted for the entire length of the child's finger), cane puppets, dolls (images of people, animals), bibabo theater. To show children performances based on fairy tales (“Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Zayushkina Hut”, “Wolf and Seven Kids”): picture theater, tabletop theater of planar toys. Equipping the theater corner for the younger group Kovrograph (flannelgraph). Various types of theater: picture theater (“Three Bears”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Hedgehog and Bear”, “Hare and Geese”), parsley theater (“Who said meow?”, “Ryaba Hen”), shadow theater (“Fox and a hare”), a toy theater and a “finger” theater for playing out works of small forms of folklore. Costumes, masks, theatrical and game attributes for playing the fairy tales "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok", "Teremok". Small screen for table theater. Attributes for disguise - elements of costumes (hats, scarves, skirts, bags, umbrellas, beads, etc.). Attributes in accordance with the content of simulation and round dance games: masks of wild and domestic animals (adults and cubs), masks of fairy-tale characters.

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Equipping the theater corner for the middle group Theatrical and play equipment: large and small screens, fences, simple decorations made by children. Rack-hanger for suits. Costumes, masks, wigs, attributes for staging 4-5 fairy tales. The group has different types of puppet theater: picture theater, finger, glove, parsley theater, puppet theater, shadow theater of figures and masks, cane puppets, puppets with a living hand. Attributes in accordance with the content of simulation and round dance games: masks of wild and domestic animals (adults and cubs), masks of theatrical characters. Large folding screen, small table theater screen. Rack-hanger for suits. Costumes, masks, attributes for staging two or three fairy tales. Puppets and attributes for playing the same fairy tales in various types of theater (flat on a flannelograph, rod, puppet, table, glove). Attributes for "Colorful fairy tales". theater of mathematics.

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Equipping the theater corner for the older group Theatrical and gaming equipment: large and small screens, fences, simple decorations made by children. Rack-hanger for suits. Costumes, masks, wigs, attributes for staging 4-5 fairy tales. The group has different types of puppet theater: picture theater, finger, glove, parsley theater, puppet theater, shadow theater of figures and masks, cane puppets, puppets with a living hand. Toys for theatrical games meet basically the same requirements as in the previous age stage. However, puppets with an elementary control system are additionally recommended here; soft, on strong threads, commensurate with the growth of the child.

Gildenbrant Xenia
Presentation "Types of theaters"

Types of theaters:


Finger theatre

glove theatre

Theatre pictures on flannelgraph

spoon theater, caps, on sticks

Shadow theatre

Puppet Theatre"b-b-bo"

Puppet theatre

Theater of scarf puppets

Desktop theatre

Hands theater

tantamareski theater

Staging fairy tales

Bibabo - the simplest doll, consisting of a head and a dress in the form of a glove. The head has a special hole for the index finger, and the thumb and middle finger are used for gesturing with the doll's hands.

Such a doll determined the fate of Sergei Obraztsov, who in his memoirs writes:

Mom gave me a little funny doll. This Bibabo doll was called and consisted of a celluloid head and a blue dressing gown that was worn on the hand like a glove ... Everything that Bibabo did was funny and a little touching. I both loved him and pitied him, as children of little kittens love and pitied him. I even took him for a walk with me, and he stuck out in the sleeve of my sheepskin coat, looking at passers-by, a policeman, children on Chistoprudny Boulevard or a shop window ...

2. theatrical-game activities in different age groups

First junior group

Acquaintance with theatrical doll Bi-ba-bo and theatrical games.

2. Simulation games.

3. Working out the main emotions.

4. Finger theatre

Second junior group

Consistent acquaintance with the species theaters,

acting basics.

1. Games-imitations of individual human actions,

animals and birds.

2. Game-imitation of well-known images

fairy tale characters.

3. Game-improvisation to music.

4. Single-dark wordless improvisation game

with one character according to the texts of poetry

and jokes.

middle group

Puppet theatre should be combined with theatrical play.

1. Multi-character dramatization games based on texts

two-three-part fairy tales about animals and magical

2. Dramatization games based on the texts of stories on topics

"Children and their games", "Children and animals", "Labor


3. Staging a play based on the work.

Senior group

In the older group, all children actively participate in theatrical games and dramatizations.

1. Children already have access to self-production

performances, including those based on "collage"

from several literary works.

2. Cool puppets, puppets with live

3. Russian folk tales-fables are used about


preparatory group

In the preparatory group theatrical games are distinguished by more complex characters of heroes, difficult mise-en-scenes to develop (location of actors on stage).

The ability to perform the same actions in different situations, circumstances and in different ways is developed. Goodwill and sociability are brought up in communication with peers. Children learn to respond appropriately to the behavior of partners. Children compose etudes with imagined circumstances.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Puppet theater in kindergarten. "Story. Theatre. Children” (different age group) Prepared by: Musical director: N.Yu. Morozov. MBDOU Kindergarten No. 7 "Bell" branch No. 1 with. Opole. Yuryev-Polsky district of the Vladimir region

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The theater is a magical land where the child enjoys playing, and in the game he learns the world. S.I. Merzlyakova. Puppet theater corner.

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The purpose of the work: The development of the creative abilities of children through theatrical activities. Relevance: Preschool age is the most appropriate period for the development of children in theatrical activities, which contributes to the disclosure of the personality of the child, his individuality, creativity.

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disclosure of creative abilities through an artistic image; development of speech and sound culture of the word; development of personal qualities (friendly and partnership relations between children); communication skills, respect for the work of adults; Perspectives of circle work.

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The main directions and tasks of the work of the circle: “Fairy tale. Theatre. Children, "Theatrical game: Tasks: To teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. Develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups, memorize the words of the heroes of the performances, develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in theatrical art. Rhythmoplasty: Tasks: To develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to a command or a musical signal, the willingness to act in concert, develop coordination of movement, learn to remember the given poses and figuratively convey them. Culture of speech technology: Tasks: To develop speech breathing, articulation, clear diction, varied intonation of speech; learn to compose short stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes; pronounce tongue twisters and poems, replenish vocabulary. Fundamentals of theatrical culture: Tasks: To acquaint children with theatrical terminology, with the main types of theatrical art, to cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater. Work on the performance: Tasks: To teach how to compose sketches based on fairy tales; develop skills of action with imaginary objects; develop the ability to use intonations that express a variety of emotional states (sad, happy, angry, surprised, delighted, plaintive, etc.).

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Health-saving technologies: dynamic pauses: breathing exercises; articulation gymnastics; finger games with words; gymnastics for the eyes; physical education minute;

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create conditions for the realization of the ability of children to feel, think and express their state in the game; encourage improvisation using the means of expression available to the child (facial expressions, gestures, movements); help in mastering communication skills and developing the emotional sphere of children; to support the desire to perform in front of the audience; The role of the teacher in the organization of circle work in the preschool educational institution:

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Theatrical game is: A means of socialization of a preschooler A means of developing the speech of preschoolers A means of developing the emotional sphere of a child A means of developing mental processes

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An important condition for the effective conduct of a theater circle in a group of different ages is the systematic and gradual complication of the material .. When planning and organizing a circle, the list of knowledge and skills in the program for children of each year of life is taken into account .. In theatrical games, children learn: speech culture, mathematical, literary , musical and other knowledge.

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Forms and methods of work with children. Individual approach, involvement of parents. Work on speech, intonation, diction. Consistent acquaintance of children with the types of theater. Staged mastering of creativity by children by age groups.

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Versatile development of children in theatrical activities. modeling Physical education Fiction Drawing Designing and manual labor Musical education REMP Speech development Theatrical activities

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The development of creative activity of preschoolers. improvisation The role of costumes, scenery, object environment Search for expressive means Game movements Work on the motor skills of the hand and its movement on the screen Intonation, character, puppets Acquaintance with the basics of dramatization Acquaintance with the basics of puppet theater CHILD Acquaintance with the basics of acting skills Independent theatrical activities Holidays, entertainment Game movements Expressive reading Facial expression Expressiveness of movements Staging of performances Dramatization games Telling fairy tales

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Puppet world - communication without barriers. Picking up dolls, you can attract the attention of children and solve many pedagogical problems, as this is the easiest way to introduce kids to behavior patterns. (dogs are offended, dolls are sleeping, etc.) Children immediately begin to talk, answer questions.

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The theater improves the speech of children, as in the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, their own statements, the vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech, its intonation structure improves. Theater - is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings, introduces children to spiritual values. It is equally important that classes in the circle develop the emotional sphere of the children, make them sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out. The theater helps to form the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each literary work or fairy tale for children always has a moral orientation. Favorite characters become role models. Theater and children.

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These are glove puppets, consisting of a "hard head" and a costume attached to it. With them they act on a screen behind which stands the driver (puppeteer). In our collection there are dolls of factory and own production. For theatrical performances "Teremok", "Easter bun", using old toys, they made puppets on gapits. The theater was replenished with masks, costumes, foam rubber puppets. Bibabo Theatre.

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A special place in the circle is occupied by a miniature theater, where the actors are the fingers of the guys with cone-shaped puppets, puppets - cups. The children of the senior group made dolls on their own under the guidance of the teacher V.A. Piskareva. A certain gesture - semantic symbolism contributes to: the development of the muscular apparatus, fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity; increases the overall level of organization of thinking. Finger Theatre.

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