Theater "Baikal. Theater "Baikal" - the best dance group in Russia! video Final performance of Baikal at the competition

Theater "Baikal" following the results of its performance on the show "Everybody Dance!" shared first place with other contestants and advanced to the next round. For the second performance, the theater presented a waltz to the jury, and as the artists themselves admitted, it was not easy for them to perform in this unusual technique.

A ballet troupe of 20 artists, choreographer Arsalan Sandanov and artistic director of the theater Zhargal Zhalsanov went to the capital of Russia to shoot the project on March 1. Theater artists will compete for the title of winner with 11 teams from different parts of the country. They will take the stage to surprise and amaze the audience and prove to the whole country that they are real professionals. The task of the participants is not only to adequately present their own style, whether it be folk or ballroom dancing, hip-hop, breakdance or contemporary, ballet or flamenco, but also to become the best in a foreign field, that is, constantly transform and reincarnate. The winners will receive one million rubles and the title of the best dance group in the country. Choreographer, actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Alla Sigalova, theater and film actor, director, choreographer Yegor Druzhinin and ballet dancer Vladimir Derevyanko evaluate performances.

Spirit of the ancestors

In the first, debut performance at the show, the Baikal Theater presented the national dance-legend "Spirit of the Ancestors". - We tried to convey our ethnicity, the spirit of our ancestors, - said theater artist Ekaterina Kukshinova, - we were worried that the jury would somehow criticize us or it would not be very pleasant comments.

However, the jury was delighted with the dance, although Alla Sigalova expressed concern whether the theater would be able to reincarnate for the next number, as required by the conditions of the show.

You are beautiful, but I am very worried about you, how will you continue, because you are so original, how will you transform? I wish you good luck, she said. Presenter Yevgeny Papunaishvili emphasized that the Baikal Theater is the custodian of the unique traditions of folk dance and the winner of the Russian government award.

As the director of the theater Dandar Badluev noted, after the first round the ensemble had many serious competitors, because the strongest remained on the show. He stressed that the theater troupe should "try to surprise the jury and the audience." To this end, the artistic director of the theater, Zhargal Zhalsanov, chose the most famous European style and decided to prepare a performance based on the Viennese waltz. Note that the Viennese waltz is considered one of the most difficult dances to perform among the entire ballroom program, although it has the fewest figures. The waltz has a completely different technique, standards, figures and performance requirements - compared to the national dances that the Baikal Theater is used to performing.

And Viennese waltz

The performance turned out to be spectacular: the Baikal ensemble performed in an unusual role for themselves, presenting a real swan dance. The men came out in tailcoats, and the girls in swan costumes. The artists themselves later admitted that it was difficult for them to dance, and the most difficult was to work in pairs.

Of course, when there are teams of ballroom dance professionals, you don’t want to lose face, it was scary, - the members of the ensemble said after the performance.

The number caused a stormy reaction of the audience in the form of prolonged applause, and the jury noted that the ensemble managed to surprise them.

Those few pas of the waltz that the artists did were not ideal, but the attempt to change is magical, says Sigalova.

Elegant, subtle, - Vladimir Derevyanko appreciated. – Although stylistically still need to work.

The vocabulary of the previous issue was much more complex and diverse, there is nothing supernatural here, - Yegor Druzhinin noted, commenting on the Viennese you performed by the Buryat dance, - we all know that it is much easier to dance quickly, we know that tailcoat is not for everyone. It still doesn't suit all of you, but you know how to wear it.

The Baikal Theater received the highest ratings for this performance - 8, 9 and 10, and as a result, with 27 points, shared the first place in the intermediate final table of the show, along with another team. The theater will continue to fight on the federal TV show.

According to Zhargal Zhalsanov, the Baikal Theater, founded in 1942, is the oldest and only professional song and dance theater that preserves and promotes the Buryat-Mongolian national culture.

For us, this is a very dangerous experiment, - says Zhalsanov about his performance on the show, - but I clearly understand that we have such a message, a movement towards change.

Marina Denisova, Vostok-Teleinform.

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The Buryat theater "Baikal" with a dance-mix enchantingly won the title of the best dance group of the country in the project "Russia 1" "Everybody dance!"

Today, on May 7, the final of the show “Everybody Dance!” took place on the Russia 1 TV channel, which brought together the best dance groups from all over the country. Of the 11 contestants, only 6 reached the end - multiple champions of Europe and the world in ballroom dancing Formation "Vera" (Tyumen), a well-known experimental dance group from Krasnoyarsk "Evolvers", young dancers (some are still studying in high school) "The First Crew" from Belgorod, the Moscow break-in team Predatorz Crew, the Sevastopol Ballet of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet, and the Baikal State Song and Dance Theater from Buryatia.

"Baikal" confidently reached the final, the only one on the show that had never been nominated for elimination. In the previous edition, Baikal set a record by getting the highest possible score. Buryat artists have already danced vogue, ballet, hip-hop, contemporary, waltz, Chinese dance with fans - in general, they tried uncharacteristic directions for themselves. Even presenter Olga Shelest, presenting Baikal, recalled: "The team amazed the whole country, changing styles."

We are happy that we made it to the final, - shared his emotions before the performance, artistic director Zhargal Zhalsanov. - I knew that the team had potential, but it is one thing to know and feel, and quite another to see the jury's scores.

The dancers themselves admitted that they would return to their native Buryatia as "heroes" and "winners", regardless of the results.

For the decisive battle, the Baikal Theater presented an unusual composition in which it performed various styles to ethnic music - elements of break, samba, support from ballet and even yokhor.

“It was an extravaganza,” the presenter Olga Shelest summed up.

In the final, the judges of the project Egor Druzhinin, Alla Sigalova and Vladimir Derevyanko did not give marks. Their task was to choose the three best teams, from which the audience in the hall would determine the winner. After the performance of "Baikal" the jury again highly appreciated the level of skill of the performers.

I am in love with each of you. You have always shown a miracle, you are already winners. I love you very much, - enthusiastically responded the choreographer, actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Alla Sigalova.

Choreographer Egor Druzhinin made the audience excited when he began his speech with the words - “Taking numbers from different styles for the final performance is very dangerous, it can turn out to be a vinaigrette. We need a special artistic style and high performing skills.” Druzhinin paused and continued, making it clear that the Baikal Theater succeeded in all this: “And this proves that we have probable winners in front of us!”

Vladimir Derevianko admitted that in the final the Buryat dancers surprised him again. "You are one of the few ensembles that has shown a wide variety of styles, including neoclassical."

The Baikal Theater received a special prize from the Vkontakte social network as the participant in the show with the largest number of likes, reposts and comments. Before the final, voting was launched, in which 75% of the votes as the most likely winner were received by the Buryat team.

As a result, after a short meeting, the judges named the three best teams. Curiously, all of them were from Siberia. This is the Tyumen formation "Vera", "Evolvers" from Krasnoyarsk and, of course, the favorites of judges and spectators - the theater "Baikal".

The winner was chosen by the audience in the hall. There was great excitement on the faces of the Baikal artists, and when it was announced that they had won the show (gaining 35% of the votes), the dancers screamed with joy. They were solemnly awarded the cup "Everybody dance!" and a certificate for a million rubles.

Your city is proud of you, all of Russia is proud of you. You proved that you are real artists who are subject to any styles, genres and directions. You are great fellows, - the presenters turned to Baikal.

The actresses of the theater thanked for the victory with broken voices.

Come to Baikal with us, - they invited all the spectators.

We will definitely come, - the presenters joyfully answered.

It should be noted that the live release of the TV show on the big screen was broadcast on the Soviet Square in Ulan-Ude. There was also a concert program with the participation of the Baikal Theater Orchestra, soloists and Buryat pop stars.

Next week, the winners of the TV show are scheduled to have a press conference in Ulan-Ude, where they will share their emotions and plans on where to spend the million they won.


The Buryat National Theater of Song and Dance "Baikal" appeared in Ulan-Ude in 1942. Initially, it was an ensemble of the Philharmonic Society, it left its composition in the early 2000s. A new story began in 2005, when, together with the orchestra and the dance theater, the ensemble was transformed into a theater.

Dance Theater "Baikal" on the show "Everybody Dance!" 2017 was a special year for the theatre, when the team won in a TV project where professional teams competed. 3 teams reached the final, the victory of the Baikal Theater in “Everybody Dance!” brought the votes of the audience. During the project, the team performed in different genres. The final dance of the Baikal Theater was the folk Buryat yokhor, which included elements of ballet, vogue, and hip-hop.

At the productions of the Buryat theater "Baikal" you can feel the folk cultural traditions of the Buryat-Mongols. The performances are based on the folklore of local residents, which arose under the influence of Buddhism and shamanism. Here you can see the embodiment of ideas about the importance of nature for the Buryat-Mongols, dating back to the time of nomadic life, colorful scenes with hunters and animals.

The songs of the Baikal Theater, which are performed during the performances, are very original, they cannot be deciphered in the usual musical way. They always accompany national dances, the elements of which are intertwined with modern choreography. Sometimes the songs imitate the voices of animals and birds.


On the official website, the poster of the Baikal Theater is presented for a month. Shows and concerts that the theater organizes at different venues, including in other cities, are indicated here. The fact is that now the Baikal Dance Theater does not have its own stage. The construction of the building is not planned by the leadership of the region, as the city already has three theater venues. Fundraising for project documentation for the building of the Buryat theater of song and dance "Baikal" was initiated on crowdfunding platforms. Often performances can be seen on the stage of the Russian Drama Theater in Ulan-Ude.

The poster of the Baikal Theater includes theatrical concerts, solo and anniversary evenings of artists, dance shows, and orchestra performances. It is especially interesting to visit concerts of the Baikal Theater with ethnic ballet or opera: this is the play-element “The Spirit of the Ancestors”, the production of “Myths and Legends of Lake Baikal”, etc. Such performances are staged on the basis of local folk myths and legends. At some concerts, modern choreography is also staged.

Another colorful show of the theater "Baikal" is called "Shine of Asia". Here you can see the dances and songs of different peoples of Asia, including China, Korea, Japan, Bali. As can be seen on the poster of the Baikal Theater in Ulan-Ude, this multicultural project is touring various Russian cities.

So the first season of the project "Everybody Dance" ended. Bright productions, the best teams, professional judges: perhaps this is one of the few dance projects in the history of Russian television that so successfully combined such a diverse palette of styles. Throughout the show, each of the eleven teams tried to prove themselves in different genres, but only six ensembles made it to the final.

The television project has become a difficult test not only for dancers, but also for choreographers. If the teams needed to master the rumba in the shortest possible time or, for example, learn how to climb, like circus performers, under the dome on a cable, then their leaders had to cope with both new styles and the special specifics of television, which implies spectacularity and quick picture switching .

Unlike "Dancing with the Stars", where the multi-million audience of the channel was involved in the voting, in the final of "Everybody Dance" everything was decided by the results of the audience voting in the hall. The judges had only to choose the top three. There was no doubt that the Tyumen "Vera" would be among the favorites: it was no coincidence that the team opened the first and last issue of the project.

In the final, "Vera" decided to abandon the lyrical mood, which is so well revealed, for example, in their show "Eternal Love", and preferred a dynamic and high-speed tango. "The final number is an attempt to give away the last energy that remains, an attempt to express all the passion that was not expressed, perhaps, for the previous numbers," said one of the members of the ensemble Alexei Plaksin, who throughout the project was a kind of voice for the team .

Amazing synchronicity and spectacular rearrangements, which the team is famous for, were duly noted by the audience and the jury. However, "Vera" somewhat complicated its task by performing the European program in Latin American shoes, and not on the floor, but on red moving canvases. This number allowed the team to re-enter the top three ensembles of the project.

But the Tyumen "Vera" in the project had a very strong competitor - the Buryat ensemble "Baikal", which throughout all the programs never got into the nomination. "Baikal" demonstrated in the final number a mix of various styles, including ballroom dance and neoclassical.

Yevgeny Papunaishvili noted that the samba fragment that the dancers included in their performance was quite difficult in terms of choreography. Indeed, as part of their show, the dancers performed not only the basic steps, but also pivots, zigzags, hand spins and lifts. The successful combination of styles won the sympathy of the audience and helped Baikal to rise to the top of the podium.

The results of the project can be expressed by the dry residue of the audience vote. Baikal won with 35 percent of sympathies, Vera from Tyumen got 33 percent, and Evolvers from Krasnoyarsk got 32 percent. Summing up the results of the show, the members of the Vera team noted that the most difficult dance style for them was street hip-hop (probably as the most distant style from the aesthetics of ballroom dancing), and the most exciting was vogue, which is very close to the fashion industry. Trying other types of dance always makes the dancers stronger and the creative search for the team has undoubtedly been crowned with success. And we, in turn, will wait for new victories and show performances of "Faith" in the secular and sports arenas!

A new super project starts on the Rossiya TV channel "Everybody is dancing!"

The best dance groups from all over the country are starting a dance marathon. They will take the stage to surprise and amaze the audience and prove to the whole country that they are real professionals! We will see dances that excite the whole world, dances that everyone wants to dance!

Every week super teams of professional dancers will compete for the main prize of the project and the title of the best dance group in Russia.

On the main dance floor of Russia, a real element will rage - dance, movement, rhythm, music and beauty. There are no boundaries in time and space - in the new show "Everybody Dance" the participants dance everything! The variety of styles is amazing, and the number of participants is amazing! Their task is not only to adequately represent their own style, whether it be folk or ballroom dancing, hip-hop, breakdance or contemporary, ballet or flamenco, but also to become the best in a foreign field. Participants will have to constantly reincarnate, destroy stereotypes, overcome themselves and act in a new role. They will prove that the genre boundaries in the art of dance are quite arbitrary and any style is subject to true professionals!

In the first edition, the participants will only introduce themselves and their genre, get acquainted with the star jury and other contestants. But the competition will start from the second issue. Each performance of the participants is evaluated by a professional jury, at the end of the issue, the presenters sum up the results and all the results of the teams appear on the standings. The teams that take the last lines in the table are in the nomination for departure. Who will stay in the project and who will leave will be revealed after the audience voting in the studio. The sum of the audience votes is summed up with the scores of the jury.

In each episode of the show there are bright and unexpected reincarnations, joint numbers with guest stars and lively emotions of participants, judges and spectators. But the main thing is the opportunity to get acquainted with the best dance groups in the country, admire their talent, make sure that there are no borders, and everyone can dance!


The performances will be evaluated by an authoritative jury: choreographer, actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Alla Sigalova, theater and film actor, director and choreographer Egor Druzhinin, ballet dancer and choreographer Vladimir Derevianko.

Presenters: Olga Shelest and Evgeny Papunaishvili

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