Secular etiquette: concept and foundations. History of etiquette

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. All the rules of etiquette, which are expressed in certain forms of behavior, combine the moral, ethical and aesthetic aspects of life. The first side expresses the moral norm: preventive care, increasing ...

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. All the rules of etiquette, which are expressed in certain forms of behavior, combine the moral, ethical and aesthetic aspects of life. The first side expresses the moral norm: precautionary care, respect, protection. The second side speaks of beauty, elegance of forms of human behavior.

  • Expert advice on etiquette and protocol
    • Baby etiquette rules
    • Communication with friends and loved ones
    • Rules of behavior at the table
    • Business Etiquette

Etiquette as a set of laws of communication

Already in the ancient primitive society, during the joint work, certain requirements and norms of behavior were developed for all members of society. The oldest codes of conduct that have survived to this day were created five thousand years ago. The ancient Chinese "Book of Historical Givings" lists five basic human positive qualities: philanthropy, fidelity, wisdom, reverence for elders, courage.

Over time, new customs, customs, morality appeared. The norms of behavior have been honed for centuries, merged into the concept of "etiquette" - a certain code of conduct, norms, duties that people must adhere to in different life situations.

Baby etiquette rules

The youngest children already know how to wave goodbye or smile when they meet. Dads teach boys to give a hand for a firm shake, and moms introduce kids on the playground, even if the baby himself looks out from behind his parents.

While raising a child, adults themselves, without noticing it, teach him etiquette lessons, rules for communicating with peers (“Say hello to a friend”, “You can’t take away toys, you need to ask permission”, “The girl needs to be let forward and protected”) and with elders (“Give flowers for mom”, “Go and meet dad from work”, “Help grandma carry the package”).

Later, children will learn how to use cutlery, thank their mother for the cooked dinner, and behave properly at a party and in public.

It is necessary to teach the child the rules of etiquette from an early age. It is a shame for schoolchildren who do not give up their seat in transport to older people. And teaching a child, as you know, is easiest of all by example. After all, parents for him are both authority and an example to follow. Follow the rules of etiquette yourself, and your child will know and apply them.

Communication with friends and loved ones

If friends constantly send various nonsense (pictures, unnecessary links) to the workbox, distracting from work, then the best way out is to ignore it. Install a spam filter and when asked if the pictures were received, answer no, since they were filtered out as an attack.

If women are trying to extort personal details, you can either refuse to answer or be frank, silent about intimate details and not say anything about a person behind his back that could not be said to his face.

If a girl has received an invitation to a party or a visit, but she is going to go there with a young man, you must first ask the organizers of the holiday if it is possible to come not alone.

If, after gatherings in a cafe, friends decide to split the bill equally, you can excuse yourself by saying that they did not intend to spend a large amount today and pay only for themselves.

On a date, I wanted to eat, then you need to boldly tell the gentleman about it, perhaps he will invite the lady to a cafe. But you should not order the most expensive dishes, because the visit to the restaurant was not planned, and the bill can put a man in an awkward position.

When parting, it is better to express everything in person, not limited to an electronic message, moreover, this will confirm firm intentions not to meet again.

Should a woman accept an expensive gift from a fan she is indifferent to? The rules of etiquette leave this to the discretion of the woman herself, but this does not oblige her to anything. If the gift is unpleasant, you can return it with an explanation that it is not possible to give something of equal value.

If a man boasts of his former successes on the personal front, you can safely explain to him that listening to this is unpleasant for a woman. As an argument, you can ask a man if he would like the story of a woman's victories.

Rules of etiquette when meeting parents

Getting acquainted with the parents of the second half, I want to make the best impression, remaining myself and observing the norms of social etiquette.

No need to demonstrate your excitement, you should not try to hide it under the mask of bravado and looseness, it is better to behave naturally.

It is not customary, when visiting potential relatives for the first time, to start a conversation about the atmosphere and interior of the house. Sitting at the laid table, you need to take the place indicated by the owners of the house. Be sure to follow a straightened posture and not relax at the table.

It is not necessary from the very beginning of the acquaintance to be excessively active, to take the initiative of the conversation. It is better to behave correctly and modestly, to answer the questions of the groom's parents. It is necessary to tell about yourself on the very first day of acquaintance only when the owners themselves ask about it.

It would be impolite to refuse the offered treat, otherwise you can seriously offend a potential mother-in-law or mother-in-law. It is advisable to try all the treats offered by the hostess, and be sure to express admiration for their taste.

You need to try to stretch one glass of alcohol for the whole evening, not succumbing to the tricks of a cunning father-in-law or father-in-law who makes toasts and pours alcohol.

Girls should not smoke at the first meeting, young people can smoke only after an offer from the owner.

If any holiday became a reason for acquaintance, then you should take care of gifts for parents in advance. You can not give pets, except in cases where it is known for certain that a certain animal is required. Perfumes, individual cosmetics and underwear are also taboo, because only a fairly close person can study the tastes of the hostess. Shirts and ties are given only to relatives, so you should not present them to your future father-in-law or father-in-law on the first day of meeting. It is better to choose beautiful flowers in a neutral package, pick up a good book.

No need to stretch your visit, you can’t stay too long at a party. Leaving the house, you need to invite the parents of the bride or groom to visit in return.

Rules of behavior at the table

The etiquette of eating is due to traditions, national characteristics. But the general rules are the same, every cultured person must know their minimum.

First, women are invited to the table, and then men. Late for a dinner party and dinner is considered unacceptable. They sit down at the table, observing a certain distance of comfort - not close, but not very far.

Sitting at the dinner table, the elbows should not be placed on the table, an exception is sometimes made for women, but only for a short period of time.

Buns, bread are taken by hand, broken, and not cut off with a knife. It is impossible to bite from whole pieces of bread, small pieces are broken off from them. Even children are not allowed to roll the bread crumb into balls, play with cutlery, napkins. While eating, do not tilt your head low over a plate, gently bring a spoon or fork to your mouth. You need to drink and eat silently, not champing, not sipping loudly. It is indecent to eat quickly, even if a person is very hungry.

The knife should be held with the right hand, and the fork with the left. However, they do not use a knife, according to the rules of etiquette, when they eat spaghetti (you need to use a fork and a large spoon), seafood (crayfish must be taken with your hands, and shrimp are pierced with a fork, there are special tweezers for crabs, lobsters, lobsters), fish, jelly and puddings ( you can use a fork or spoon).

When Yuri Gagarin was invited after the flight to an appointment with the Queen of England at the palace and offered refreshments, spreading a huge number of various forks and knives on the table, the great cosmonaut was embarrassed. Queen Elizabeth came to his aid, saying that although she grew up in the palace and knows the rules of etiquette by heart, she still does not remember the purpose of all these devices. If at the reception a person does not know how to behave, you can simply watch others or ask for advice.

Business Etiquette

Observing the rules of etiquette at work, a person forms his positive, reliable image of a competent and knowledgeable, well-mannered partner. Experienced employers pay special attention to the observance of etiquette.

You need to be punctual and time correctly. You can not say too much to others, discuss the employer and colleagues. You should think not only about yourself, but also about the interests of partners.

You should dress according to the established norms of a certain society. Be sure to monitor the correctness and purity of speech. Diction, intonation, pronunciation must be clear. It is unacceptable to use obscene words. The ability to listen to an interlocutor is a valuable quality.

Traveling abroad always gives us new discoveries, new feelings, and if we're lucky, new friends. Everyone knows that you can gain trust and respect by strictly following the main rule of conduct in a foreign country:

Going to another country, you need to get acquainted with its traditions and customs. This is not only useful (because it will help you avoid embarrassing situations), but also interesting and educational. Judge for yourself.

In England, for example, great importance is attached to formalities. They are observed in everything: in correspondence, when meeting, at the table, etc. You should not, for example, address someone by their first name unless you have received their express permission to do so. Talking about business with an Englishman after the end of the working day is considered bad form. At the table, you can not address strangers if you are not introduced to them, and also put your hands on the table. Kissing the hand of women and shaking hands with men is not accepted.

In France, it should be remembered that French cuisine is considered the subject of national pride. Feel free to praise any dish or drink - this will only be welcome. Leaving food on the plate is not accepted, and if you want to salt the dish to your liking, be aware that this may be regarded as disrespectful to the hosts. The most suitable topics for a table conversation may be performances, exhibitions, books, tourist attractions of the city and country. If you, going to visit, decide to present flowers to the hostess of the house, remember that white flowers and chrysanthemums in France are considered a symbol of sorrow.

In Germany, special attention will be paid to your punctuality. Punctuality and strict regulation affect everywhere. The Germans have a habit of painting both business and private life by the day and by the hour. An invitation to visit is a sign of special respect. A man can present a bouquet to the hostess, but first it should be unwrapped. Coming to the house, it is also customary to give small gifts to children.

In Japan, life is simply full of various ceremonies and subject to strict protocol, so you need to be extremely polite. When you want to give a Japanese a small gift, give it with both hands as a sign of respect. This is especially important when meeting with a person who occupies a high position. Before entering a Japanese house, you must take off your shoes. Instead of shaking hands, the Japanese bow low. It is not customary to sit cross-legged here: this is a sign that the thoughts and statements of the interlocutor do not interest you. Having made an appointment for you, the Japanese will definitely come two minutes before the specified time.

The usual form of greeting in China is a slight bow. Handshakes are also common. After a business meeting, you will probably be invited to a restaurant, where they will persuade you to try some exotic dish. If you are not even ready for this, try to eat at least a small piece. Clothing in China is not given much importance. A suit with a tie is required only at official receptions. If you are invited to a Chinese house, then come a little early. Avoid giving expensive gifts. The gift should be accepted with both hands.

Muslim countries are characterized by general rules of etiquette, due to religious beliefs. Five times a day in Muslim countries, work is interrupted for prayer (prayer). Arriving at the house of a Muslim, do not be surprised if he kisses you on both cheeks - this is the national custom. Moreover, you must return the same and also greet him with a kiss. Remember that Muslims do not eat pork or drink alcohol.

In Pakistan and some other Islamic countries, only the right hand is eaten. The left one is considered so unclean that even if you accidentally touch food with it, the owner will immediately order the dish of food to be taken away from the table (this does not apply to a vessel with water). When meeting on the street, Muslims confine themselves to shaking hands.

In Arab countries, when visiting, you cannot sit down so that the soles of your shoes are visible to the host - this is considered indecent. A man cannot touch a woman. If you drink a cup of coffee and give it to the owner, he will immediately pour more into it. And so it will be until you alone drink all the coffee from one coffee pot. If you don't want to drink anymore, then shake the cup from side to side or turn it upside down.

In addition to special rules of conduct, each country has its own sign language.

In Holland, turning the index finger at the temple means that someone said a witty phrase. Speaking about himself, a European will show his hand to his chest, and a Japanese - to his nose. A ring formed by the thumb and forefinger in the USA means that everything is going well, in Japan - money, in France - zero, and in Portugal it is considered obscene.

The Italian expresses disbelief by tapping his nose with his index finger. This gesture in Holland means that the speaker or the one being talked about is intoxicated.

respect the hosts and adequately represent their homeland.

In Arab countries, a raised thumb is considered a manifestation of obscene behavior.

When a Frenchman or an Italian knocks himself on the head with his finger, it means that they think some idea is stupid. If a British or Spaniard slaps his forehead with his hand, he will show others that he is pleased with himself. With the same gesture, the German will express his extreme indignation towards someone.

When the Frenchman is delighted with something, he puts the tips of three fingers together, raises them to his lips and, raising his chin high, sends a gentle kiss into the air. If he rubs the base of his nose with his index finger, this means that he does not trust the person they are talking about.

What to do if you are invited to dinner in another country? In some countries they are very strange ...

First you need to learn the rules of etiquette in different countries of the world. Otherwise, you can not only get into an awkward situation, but also ruin your relationship with the owner of the house forever.

Why is it that in Kazakhstan they don’t pour a full cup of tea, in China you can’t cut noodles, and in Ethiopia it’s indecent to ask for a separate plate?

France: calmness, only calmness

The very word "etiquette" is of French origin. And this is no coincidence. It is customary to pay special attention to the rules of conduct at the table, as well as the meal itself. It is considered bad taste in France to rush at the table. Even if you are very hungry, eat slowly. By the way, it is useful not only for the image, but also for digestion. In addition, you should not pounce on the bread that is brought before the main course. Eating a piece of it while waiting for a hot one is considered bad form here.

England: social circle

The British pay great attention not only to the rules of eating, but also to communication at the table. For example, it is considered the height of indecency to raise your voice during a conversation, to brag about your achievements, and most importantly, to have a conversation with only one guest. The topic of conversation is common to the whole table, and all those present take part in the conversation. It is also considered indecent to interrupt the interlocutor - especially the guest or the head of the family.

China: size matters

Now we associate long spaghetti primarily with Italy. At the same time, according to one version, noodles appeared in Europe thanks to the traveler Marco Polo. It was he who brought her in 1292 with him from China. In China itself, noodles have been eaten for thousands of years. The first mention of it is contained in documents that are more than 2000 years old. Since then, there has been a real cult of noodles in China. She represents health and longevity. That is why table etiquette prescribes in no case cut the noodles. It is believed that in this way a person shortens his life.

Kazakhstan: the glass is half empty

In Kazakhstan, a full cup of tea is never served to a guest. Do not ask for supplements - this is considered impolite. A cup filled to the brim means that the owner wants to get you out of his house faster. The smaller the portion of tea that is poured to the guest, the more respect. In addition, tea in Kazakhstan is usually drunk from a bowl, and it is simply inconvenient to hold it in your hands if you fill it to the brim.

Thailand: Wash your hands after eating

If in Thailand they set the table with a spoon and fork, this does not mean that you were given a choice of what to eat. Particular attention should be paid to boiled rice dishes. The fork here is only used to put the rice on the spoon. True, some dishes from the northern and northeastern regions of the country should only be eaten with your hands. In them, rice has a sticky texture, and therefore, it is more difficult to take it with a fork. You can relax only if you were served a dish without rice. This food is eaten with a fork. By the way, rice is not eaten with chopsticks in Thailand. This is considered the most malicious violation of etiquette.

Chile: hands off!

In Chile, the opposite is true for hands. At the table, absolutely nothing can be eaten with your hands. Only cutlery. Even french fries. Moreover, it is worth forgetting about the well-known rule “the bird is eaten with your hands”. In Chile, you will be looked upon as a barbarian. Here, by the way, the strictest rules of etiquette among all Latin American countries.

Japan: how much in this sound

Don't be surprised if you see Japanese people munching loudly while eating noodles and soups. In this way they show their respect to the cook. The louder the champing, the better the dish turned out. By the way, the soup can be drunk directly from the bowl without even using a spoon.

Ethiopia: tortilla

In Ethiopia, it is indecent to ask for a separate plate. All guests and hosts eat from one large dish. Such are the traditions of hospitality. Food in Ethiopia is placed on a flat cake, which is called "ynjera". In addition, ingers put on the edge of the plate in order to take food with their help. Thus, the cake also acts as a fork. By the way, it is customary to take food in small portions so as not to drop too much on a common plate.

Adygea: stop, who goes

Circassians have great respect for food, so it is considered disrespectful to turn your back to the set table. For the same reason, all those gathered cannot leave the table together. At least one person must remain seated until the rest return. Usually the eldest stays. In addition, in Adygea it is not customary to refuse an invitation to dine. This may be perceived by the owner as an insult.

Nenets Autonomous Okrug: all sang

What Russian feast passes without a song? Usually, after the guests eat and drink, they begin to sing. But not everywhere. For example, among the Nenets it is strictly forbidden to sing and whistle at the table. This is considered the height of indecency. If someone suddenly sings at the table, the Nenets will remember the sign "sing everything, whistle everything."

One of the most common gestures is this one.

If in the USA it means “everything is OK”, then in Japan it is money, in France it is zero, and in Portugal it is a completely indecent gesture.

Lightly tapping your nose with your finger means that most likely you are not telling the truth. In England, this will be regarded as a sign that someone is telling you something in secret, in Holland they will indicate that someone is drunk.

An Englishman and a Spaniard, slapping his forehead, will thus express extreme admiration for himself, and a German - extreme indignation at someone.

Trying to show that someone is talking nonsense, we twist a finger at the temple.

The Dutchman, in this way, will report that he heard an incredibly witty phrase. Even laughter is interpreted differently. If we have a smile - it's fun, then in Africa - extreme amazement. There are generally global differences in etiquette between southern and northern countries. The farther from the equator, the more pedantic and punctual people are. In the south, a delay of 15-20 minutes is in the order of things. In addition, in northern countries, all kinds of touching is unacceptable, especially between members of opposite sexes. Exceptions are handshakes. Southerners, on the contrary, will hug, kiss, pat on the back of each guest. But, again, they will be careful with the opposite sex. Going to other countries, it would be nice to find out about the daily routine that is acceptable there. For example, in southern countries there are very long dinners. They last 2-3 hours.

In Italy, it is not customary to carry suitcases on your own. There are specially trained people for this. Moreover, in Italy they don’t even call a taxi on their own. You need to go to any cafe and ask the owner to do it for you. This is done for free or at a nominal cost.

The country where etiquette is most scrupulous is England. The table rules are especially respected there. The ability to properly handle forks and knives is a minimum that will not allow you to appear as a rude ignoramus in the eyes of the British.

In England, it is not customary to give compliments, give gifts, talk about work after the working day is over.

In France, table etiquette matters. Lunch lasts 2-3 hours. At the same time, you cannot leave the table under any circumstances. Moreover, all participants in the dinner should participate in the conversation. Never break into small groups when you are having a conversation.

In addition, in France it is customary to be late for lunch by 15 minutes.

Nationalism is highly developed there. The French are very fond of their language, their culture. It would be nice to know a few words in French and have an idea about the culture of France.

A completely separate story is the etiquette of Muslim countries. Going there, first of all, pay attention to your clothes. It is desirable that the woman's arms, legs and shoulders be covered. A woman in our countries goes forward through the door, in Muslim countries a man goes forward, and after that all women.

You can not contact a woman, you should not clarify any questions with her. All issues in Muslim countries are decided only by men.

In Muslim countries, it is also not customary to sit cross-legged. You will offend the feelings of others if you show them the soles of your shoes or your bare feet. There are many subtleties in behavior in Eastern countries. Egypt has long become almost native. India and Thailand every year attract more and more new fans of their exotic.

In India, it is not customary to touch other people. As a greeting - not a handshake, but two palms folded side by side, and a slight bow.

In India, they eat with their hands, and to show the owner that you are full, it is better to leave some food on the plate.

In addition, when going to India, you need to remember that it is better to have cheap sandals with you, because in almost all temples and museums you will have to take off your shoes and leave your shoes at the entrance. In order not to be upset later on not seeing your expensive sandals, it is better not to take very expensive shoes.

And know that Indian men are very fond of coming to the beach on weekends and looking at naked women. If suddenly you are faced with this, it is better not to argue, not to swear. If this bothers you, you can just cover yourself with a bathrobe.

In Thailand, it is not customary to step on the threshold. Local residents believe that good spirits live in it. Also in Thailand you can not sunbathe topless and get involved in nudism, you can not throw chewing gum on the sidewalk. For this you face a fine of 600 dollars. And if you do not have such money, then you can be put in jail.

In Thailand, in no case can not talk about the heat. This is considered the height of indecency. Muslim non-verbal etiquette

In Turkey, it is customary to invite people to the bathhouse as a sign of respect. Turks love to give gifts and receive them. In Turkey, coffee will be poured to you almost endlessly. It is very strong, without sugar, usually with cardamom. In order to refuse, you need to move the cup from side to side or even turn it upside down. Going on a trip, it will not be superfluous to take souvenirs with you. But do not be intrusive in trying to hand them over to your new acquaintances.

There are a lot of cultures. Therefore, when going abroad, do not be lazy, get on the Internet and find out a little more about the country where you are going.

The behavior of people is determined not only by their current thoughts and other transient moments, traditions play a big role. What in one culture is considered to be the height of nobility and grace, representatives of another may consider it rude or not at all understand the meaning of a certain action or statement.

Of course, it is impossible for every person to comprehend the traditional way and etiquette of all the peoples of the world deeper than professional ethnographers and other specialists. But the most basic points about the culture of behavior in the most significant states must be known.

What is folk etiquette?

Folk etiquette is something that has evolved over centuries and even millennia. Its formation was influenced not so much by political processes and state orders as by everyday life and living conditions of people.

A simple example: if in Russia, and in Europe as well, successfully completed negotiations are reported to have "passed in a warm atmosphere", then in India, in this case, they talk about "cool". And that's just the topmost layer; the origin of many customs is difficult to understand even for professionals and most locals. It remains only to take into account not trying to "remake" other people for themselves.

Features of behavior in different cultures

A wide range of sources will help you find out the necessary information: there are many books, articles about various countries. Using such information, you can easily make a positive impression on the inhabitants of a foreign state and understand their logic and motivation more deeply.

For all strongly cultures, a lively interest, participation and goodwill, correctness (that is, the absence of harsh and unconditional criticism) is perceived positively.

Arab countries

The main feature of Arabic etiquette is the strict observance of the instructions of the Koran. During the so-called month of Ramadan, the faithful are forbidden to eat anything during daylight hours. And those who are going to negotiate and conclude deals with residents of the Arab countries should take into account that the first month of the Islamic calendar is not intended for receptions and official events.

But even on the most ordinary days, the same negotiations or other joint actions will be interrupted five times a day for prayer. Muslims observe the Friday break very strictly, and no business should be planned for this day.

It is undesirable to discuss religious or political issues, unless that is the purpose of your trip. Politeness in doing business in an Arab country implies one's own punctuality, a willingness to accept the host's delay.


For the Japanese, the tea ceremony is of great importance. This ritual, if not of a religious nature, is actually familiar to all the inhabitants of the islands who know at least a little of their culture. There are even quite a few schools where they teach the mastery of this art for quite substantial money. But of course, Japanese etiquette has many other components. In particular:

  • soup will not be the first, but the last dish;
  • the courtyard is perceived as an extension of the house, and no one sees anything shameful in receiving guests there;
  • in communication both among themselves and with foreigners, the Japanese seek to find a compromise, and not provoke a conflict;
  • if you demonstrate your diligence and willingness to successfully solve problems, this will only be a plus;
  • those who are late for a meeting or negotiations are generally not taken seriously;
  • it is better to refuse a handshake.

Great Britain

English etiquette cannot be ignored, if only because it has been one of the most developed for centuries. And even today, the extraordinary respect for old traditions has made it possible to preserve many customs that have long been out of use in other countries. The greeting is quite simple, it is a well-known handshake.

Important: in England it is customary to shake hands with both men and women - and this tradition has nothing to do with those modern trends that make others resent everything European in a row. But kissing hands and publicly expressing compliments is not only not approved, but also sharply condemned.

The real British standard of conduct at the table is perhaps the most stringent in Europe. It is strictly forbidden to put your hands on the table itself, only on your knees.

The device, taken in one hand, cannot be transferred to the other. Vegetables and meat are always served together, so you need to take some meat and put vegetables on top with a knife, which should remain on the convex part of the teeth. Who pierces the components separately from each other is perceived immediately from the negative side.

Yes, the British never talk among themselves at the table - if someone speaks, everyone listens to him at once. And when you yourself speak, make sure that everyone present can perceive the speech. Royal precision is valued by the British along with respect for their country as a whole. Anyone who is late even for a minute is perceived as an uncultured person. It is unlikely that anyone will want to deal with such people, whether it be personal relationships, commercial transactions or cultural projects.

The visit is furnished with several conditions:

  • mail invitation first;
  • then the answer to it, also on a postcard;
  • you need to stay at a party no more than ½ hour, politely leave and return home;
  • and immediately after that, send an email thanking you for your welcome.

Only the most ill-bred of the English speak with their hands in their pockets. You can gesticulate, but not too actively, trying to keep your palm towards you. Unless absolutely necessary, do not contact personally strangers before introducing each other.


A characteristic feature of China is traditionally calm and measured. Chinese standard of living is natural in spirit, unhurried; as in Japan, the handling of tea is very developed. It is brewed according to special recipes and is always drunk at a small table, and conversation on secular topics is also an indispensable “seasoning”. It is unacceptable to sit with a gloomy look or touch on some bad, negative topics.

At the tea ceremony, all status boundaries are abolished, the position in society as a whole and in the rest of the hierarchy no longer matters.


France is considered a country that sets standards in many ways, especially in fashion, clothing and perfumery. Etiquette in general is also very developed there, the French value talkative and tactful interlocutors; no one considers it shameful to give women flowers, even when there is no hint of holidays.

The vast majority of French citizens are not very fond of learning foreign languages, and even those who speak English or German have a bad attitude towards their use in business speech. Therefore, those who master French will have a clear advantage over other foreigners. Do not be too lazy to express your praise for this or that dish, since it is gastronomy that is perceived as the pinnacle of France's national achievements.

Gross errors against etiquette would be leaving food on the plate and adding salt to taste; put in as much food as you will eat exactly, and you will have to put up with insufficient salinity.


Being in any German city, you need to indicate the status of the interlocutor when talking. They, perhaps, will forgive their compatriots for the omission in this case, but foreigners need to use every opportunity to reinforce their authority. When you do not know exactly who you are talking to, it is advisable to contact "Herr Doctor". Politeness is also manifested in the fact that a restaurant visitor greets all those present, regardless of the degree of acquaintance with them, with the word “Mahlzeit”.

German politeness invariably implies punctuality; addressing each other as you emphasize close friendship, Russian approaches must be boldly discarded. A German handshake can mean:

  • meeting;
  • parting;
  • agreement or rejection of the opponent's position.

Therefore, you need to carefully delve into the context of communication and evaluate what this gesture means in a particular case. To the question about affairs and condition, you need to give a detailed and as clear answer as possible, and not be limited to a stingy statement of a good or bad life. Remember: the Germans do not hide what they think about the interlocutor, they also express negative assessments if they consider them justified.


The hot sun of the Iberian Peninsula determined the characteristic feature of its inhabitants - they came up with the so-called siesta. From 13:00 to 17:00, disturbing someone with personal requests and even non-urgent matters is undesirable. When a Spaniard sincerely invites you to breakfast, he must do so three times. The first two times - just a courtesy on duty. Punctual people in Spain will have a harder time than in other countries - they will have to accustom themselves to be late for 15 minutes.

If you happen to travel by train from Madrid to Barcelona, ​​Murcia or Seville, invite fellow travelers to share a meal. They will answer in the negative, and so should you yourself.


Just like Spain is one of the leaders in football, Italy is far ahead of other European countries when it comes to pasta. But their inhabitants undoubtedly have something in common - this is impulsiveness, a tendency to express passions while defending their opinions. Italians gesticulate a lot, expressing their feelings with the help of facial expressions, so learn non-verbal language if you have to go to Rome, Naples, Venice.

Politeness in Italian also consists in the fact that any conversation begins with a question about the health of children and adults (of course, if it is appropriate). As in Spain, excessive punctuality is not to be expected. But it is important to observe the measure: 15 minutes of delay is quite common, but a half-hour wait will already cause a lot of reproaches. They put at least five appetizers on the table, the first and second courses, cheese, dessert, and so on.


American etiquette, for obvious reasons, is quite close to English, but at the same time it is simpler and more utilitarian. Train yourself to put on a big smile when you greet or simply address other people. Shaking hands with those with whom you are not in official relations is not recommended. In America, due to the trend towards gender equality, it is considered impolite to give way to women.

An etiquette American will not visit his friends who did not invite him; but if he goes to a celebration, whether official or not, he will make every effort not to be late.

Always speak directly and clearly hints are understood by the inhabitants of the United States with great difficulty. The principles of rational nutrition for the population of this country are much more important than knowledge about the manner of handling a knife and fork.


Turkish etiquette is also quite specific. So, women are required to always walk in long clothes that completely cover their limbs; and even men regardless of the weather, you can not wear shorts in public places. In the order of things, local residents consider inviting a guest to a bathhouse, it is even an honor according to Turkish ideas.


Everyone knows at least one rule of Indian etiquette - when inviting Indians to your place, you should categorically refrain from beef dishes. When meeting, it is advisable to avoid shaking hands, at least not to impose them on the other side. Those travelers who are fully dressed inspire more confidence and respect in Indians than frivolous persons. When preparing for a purely business or official event, you need to dress in a conservative style, this will be immediately appreciated.

The inhabitants of Hindustan do not see anything shameful when, even in purely working relationships, they are interested in very personal details; be prepared that they will try to find out as much information from you as possible.

You should not be offended, but you can use such a tradition to get to know the other side more deeply.


Korean traditions in the field of etiquette, like Chinese ones, are primarily due to the reproduction of the family hierarchy at the level of the whole society. The oldest of those present are treated with the utmost respect. Women who smoke and drink alcohol are perceived sharply negatively in Korean society.

An important national tradition is the minimal use of furniture; eating, sitting on the floor are quite familiar. Entering a restaurant and discovering a not too sophisticated environment, do not rush to look for another institution; in Korea, it is generally not customary to pay attention to external design, the main emphasis is on the quality of cooking as such.

Rules of conduct for a traveler: a reminder

To describe in one article or even in a large book the customs of all the peoples of the world is not possible in principle. But you can focus on individual points that may be useful to you.

So, Greek traditions imply the obligatory presentation of gifts to the hostesses of houses - gifts from guests most often turn out to be cakes, flowers, juices and cheeses.

The European approach to ecology is very attractive and modern in spirit. However, in Sweden the requirements even for foreigners are tougher than the average for the continent. It is enough to leave garbage in nature after a picnic to get a very substantial fine. It is also undesirable to enter the territory where other people live without an invitation.. But if you manage to make friends with the natives, you will immediately see that they are quite organized, by no means stiff and very friendly in nature.

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