Super prize 6 out of 45 for today. Forecasting secrets in Gosloto: number selection

Lotteries are popular entertainment all over the world. Many people want to try their luck by making minimal investments and getting huge winnings. There are many reasons for such a risk: the desire to get rich quickly and effortlessly, to believe in a miracle, to change life, to have fun, to get positive emotions. Fortune smiles on some, while others are still in search of answers to the question: "How to win the 6 out of 45 lottery."

General Lottery Rules

For more than eight years, gamblers have been buying tickets, hoping for a solid reward. To have a chance of winning, you need to know the basic information about Gosloto "6 out of 45". There are several options for getting the opportunity to place a bet:

  1. On the official website, where after paying the receipt, you can choose the numbers you like.
  2. In a mobile application.
  3. In the branches of the Russian Post.
  4. Via SMS, which is sent to the number 9999.
  5. At points of sale of tickets.
  6. With the help of a QR code.

The probability of winning the lottery "6 out of 45" depends on the number of guessed numbers. For example, a match of six numbers occurs in one case in 8,145,060. Further, the odds are: 5 - 1 in 34808, 4 - 1 in 733, 3 - 1 in 45, 2 - 1 in 7. To get closer to victory, many produce more bets, while others firmly believe in luck.

Draws take place daily. First, the amount of the prize fund is calculated, and only then the "6 out of 45" lottery is drawn. Lottery equipment determines the lucky combinations that are obtained randomly. Participants will learn about the results by calling the number 84 992 702 727, which is indicated on the official website or at ticket sales points.

Ways to increase your chances of becoming a millionaire

In their interviews, joyful winners report different ways of achieving success. So how do you win the 6 out of 45 lottery? The most popular ways:

  1. The use of conspiracies and mystical rituals to attract good luck.
  2. Choice of favorite numbers.
  3. A bet on those numbers that are happy, significant, carrying a certain meaning.
  4. Blind faith in the fact that someday fortune will certainly show favor.
  5. The usual positive attitude.
  6. Deep analysis of the lottery "6 out of 45", the study of statistics.
  7. Recourse to the help of self-made LFOs.
  8. Development of personal strategies.
  9. Using the same combination over and over again.
  10. Help from loved ones who are distinguished by enviable luck.

Determining the size of the bet

The question of how to win the "6 out of 45" lottery by varying the bet is still open. There are cases in history when a person bought a single ticket, spending minimal money, and as a result received a large reward. There are also people who have been investing for years, combining ways of playing, using expanded bets, but still only suffer losses.

With an increase in the cost of a receipt, the probability of winning increases, as evidenced by the repeated analysis of past draws. However, it is not very wise to invest the last savings in the illusory hope of becoming a millionaire. You always have to be mentally prepared for failure. Therefore, it is recommended to spend only the money that you do not mind losing forever.

Some winners used multi-circulation bets to win. They chose the number series they liked once, paying for participation in several future draws at once. One of the fans of this strategy was able to get more than 184 million rubles.

How to select winning combinations

How to win the "6 out of 45" lottery using the correct number guessing tactics? The main tips for beginners are as follows:

  • You don't have to pick numbers in a row.
  • Do not pay too much attention to dates, since there are only 31 days in a month, and even fewer months. A number from 32 to 45, as a rule, often remains unclaimed.
  • It is worth trying to bet with a group of friends, increasing the number of combinations.
  • From time to time, you should make detailed bets, getting the opportunity to choose up to 14 numbers.

Is there a secret to 100% winnings?

Now you can meet a large number of scammers who ask for solid money for providing those who wish with step-by-step instructions that can bring the jackpot. They assure that it is their "6 out of 45" lottery winning system that is the only correct, reliable and successful one. However, you do not need to believe in such fairy tales.

If there is a desire to try your luck, then it is better to do it yourself than to give your funds to dishonest citizens who are trying to get rich at the expense of gullible players. The secrets of victory are unique.

Someone is helped by mathematical charts, in which the analysis of the "6 out of 45" lottery plays a decisive role. Others invent formulas for calculating lucky combinations. Still others "poke a finger into the sky." There are people who claim that the cherished numbers appeared to them in a dream. Therefore, you should rely on personal intuition.

It is not recommended to skip distribution draws, because if you guess the correct numbers, the jackpot will be many times larger in them. An indispensable guarantee of success is a good mood, self-confidence and lack of fanaticism. If you are unlucky once, do not give up your hobby. Regularity is an essential condition for achieving what you want.

Thus, each participant has the same chances of getting the coveted jackpot. Experienced lottery fans are constantly inventing new ways to get closer to the big prize. However, there are no 100% successful algorithms. You can try each of them in turn, combine, combine, come up with personal theories. The result will still be individual and random.

won a couple of times

Grade: 5

The lottery is interesting, it hung on the stoloto website for a very long time, since I was a student. It's convenient, you don't need to buy tickets, everything happens right on the lottery website. In order to be able to play this lottery, I had to register an account. It took no more than a minute, then I chose my cherished 6 numbers in the aggregator and began to wait for the draw. I must say that they are held often, literally 2-3 times a day, so there is a greater chance to win, and the amounts are more impressive.
My maximum winnings in the lottery was 500 rubles. I withdrew without problems by phone number, then I played a dozen more times, but I never won more than 50 rubles, I spent them on buying new tickets.

Justified the costs

Grade: 4

The only negative that I noticed is that the draw is on TV too early, on weekends, so I just look at the results of the draw on the net later. But the minus is not so critical. So, for those who get up early just right. The ticket that I bought last time became the winning one, even jumped on the chair when the notification came. True, the winnings amounted to only 80 rubles, but it's still nice that at least the costs paid off. I can recommend the lottery to anyone who likes to dream.

It's hard to win

Grade: 3

Pros: You can win. Cons: Expensive. The lottery is not new, it appeared more than 5 years ago. Outwardly, the tickets have not changed much, they are issued in the same way, the same fields, numbered with letters. I don’t like to play on the Internet, so I buy tickets only in stalls. Circulations are infrequent, only 2 times a day, but it's better than every 15 minutes and better than once a week. So there is less confusion, hassle, but you will not forget which day to wait for the draw.
The organizers quickly jacked up the prices when it became popular, initially the cheapest ticket cost 50 rubles. Often it turns out to guess 2 numbers, but this is only a win of 100 rubles, I don’t even try to return them, because getting money, even a small amount, is very dreary.

Only that which is not at a loss

Grade: 3

1 ticket costs 100 rubles. I filled in the tickets with combinations of numbers immediately at the kiosk, then I checked the results of the draws on the Internet. He won small sums from 50 to 700 rubles and took tickets for them again. A big win has never been caught.

One of the most winning

Grade: 4

I noticed one feature: to win, you need to invest a lot of money, so the chances increase and there is logic in this! I can’t spend a large amount, but I spend a little, but I also win a little. My principle is simple: in order not to be excruciatingly painful, I spend only the money that I have "free" on the lottery. 2nd principle: I do not change the combination of numbers during the year, for example. I put the same ones for a very long time, until the feeling comes that it's time to change them. And yet, I never throw away the purchased tickets, I save them. This gamble periodically pleases me with not very big winnings.

I don't see the draw online

Grade: 3

I don't know if this is a coincidence or a regularity, but every time I try to watch the draw online, the picture hangs wildly and "crumbles". Although the laptop is quite powerful and fast. In the application on the phone, by the way, the same situation. Therefore, I will find out the results only in the draw table. It also happens that the gaming site credits money to the wallet in the personal account for a long time, so I don’t have time to buy a ticket. Until you wait for enrollment, sales are terminated. And we have to wait for the next edition.

The multi-circulation option is available, so there is a chance!

Grade: 4

I bet on the same numbers for several draws in advance. In this lottery, this option is available. It is curious that with the advent of the Internet, you can easily see which numbers fall out most often. The Stoloto website will provide any information on winnings, statistics before your eyes. Those who win admit to using combinations of the winning numbers.

Whoever takes a pack of tickets will receive ...

Grade: 5

The point of the game is to have as many matching numbers as possible on your ticket.
Tickets can be purchased both at points of sale and online. Of course, people want to brag about their luck, but the risk of being left with nothing, thanks to such publicity, is great. So, no one knows about hidden gains. There are units that advertise themselves.

Lucky numbers never came up

Grade: 4

Despite a lot of negative reviews on the net calling this lottery a scam, I do not think that this is a scam of gullible Fortune seekers. Firstly, I myself often win, however, minimal amounts, and secondly, I personally know a person who hit a solid jackpot in this lottery - more than 100 thousand rubles. Well, the fact that this is a lottery with state participation is already a certain reputation. But the functionality that shows supposedly lucky numbers that fall out most often did not inspire confidence. I fell for him and crossed them out on the ticket, among other numbers. Moreover, I put a ticket for the maximum possible number of draws, that is, in this lottery it is 10. Accordingly, the ticket price soared several times compared to what it would have been if I had ordered a simple, single-draw bet.

No juggling

Grade: 4

Of course, guessing 6 numbers when there are 45 cells on the field is difficult, but the more excitement. The cost of tickets is small - for only 100 rubles you get a chance to become a millionaire. I like that you can play not only with the paper version of the lottery, but also online. I like the option of playing by SMS, everything is exactly the same as in the paper version, but there is no need to be afraid that the ticket will be lost - all numbers sent by message are automatically entered into the drawing system. By the way, on the lottery website there is a hint for especially gamblers - the most frequently drawn numbers are indicated both for the last 10 draws and for the entire time of the lottery. So, I think everything is fair and without juggling. Moreover, draws are held three times a day - in the morning, afternoon and evening, the results of the draws can be monitored in real time.

Has a premium club

Grade: 5

As for me, it’s more convenient to play on the site than to deal with paper media. Because, having lost the stub from a paper ticket, then you will not prove anything to anyone. And in electronic form, data is not lost. As soon as you put the ticket in the basket and paid (and you need to do this within 15 minutes, otherwise the ticket will automatically fly out of the basket), all information is recorded on the site server and will not be lost anywhere.
It's nice that the site has a system of bonus promotion. I installed an application on my phone - get a bonus, paid for and sent an e-ticket to a friend - a bonus was also accrued. Bonus points can then be spent on buying tickets, but cashing out will not work. Those who often play and bet large amounts can be enrolled in the Premium Club, where, in addition to all sorts of goodies in the form of closed promotions, accelerated auto-payments, the opportunity to participate in the draw for free, there is also a personal manager.

Is it possible to win the Gosloto lottery? If we exclude the assumption of dishonesty of the organizers of the lottery, then we can say with confidence: yes, it is real.

How to win at Gosloto is known to those who rely not only on intuition, but also use statistical analysis, powerful analytical mathematical tools and various lottery systems.

It has long been known that, along with the laws of nature, sociology, economics, etc. there are also laws of numbers. There are also some mathematical formulas and axioms with which you can maximize the probability of a certain sequence of numbers falling out. Among them, I would highlight the following


1. Agree that, despite theoretical probabilities and calculations, the chance of a sequence falling out only from even or only from odd numbers very small? Therefore, you should avoid such combinations in your bets.

2. Sequences also have a very unlikely chance of falling out with a small or vice versa very large sum of their numbers.
For example: 1,4,6,9,11,12 or 35,37,40,41,44,45 (I'm already silent about 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 40,41,42,43, 44.45).

3. Western practitioners and analysts, analyzing large archives of various lotteries, came to the conclusion that when choosing numbers for your bets, it is not necessary to analyze starting from some shaggy year of 1900, but it is enough to analyze the last 50 draws this lottery. The result will not be worse, but most often even better.

4. Statistics show that there are so-called "hot numbers" (Hot numbers) most frequently drawn in the previous 10 draws and which have a 61% (on average) probability of being drawn again in the next draw.

5. Moreover, you will not believe it, but you can see for yourself that with a probability of about 10%, the numbers that fell out in the previous (last) draw fall out. It's super hot "priority numbers" (Prior numbers).

6. Similarly, 27% (on average) have the so-called "cold numbers" (Cold numbers) - numbers that have not been drawn for a very long time.

7. With a probability of about 2% they drop out "expected numbers" (Due numbers), which most often fall out along with hot or cold numbers in pairs, triples or fours.

8. Well, it would be a sin to deny that the chances of winning increase if you place more bets using full and incomplete (reduced) lottery systems in the game. For example, such as .

How can I put it all together and use it now?

Very simple. Use special software, everything is already thought out for us!
I don’t know about Russian developments, but in the West it is full of it (type something like “lotto software” in Google).

Personally, I really liked it and I have been using the program from

In short, Lotto Pro is a rather curious application that is designed to guess the most likely, “lucky” numbers in all kinds of lotteries. Its distinctive feature is that it is not a random number generator that is used to calculate the numbers, but a powerful analytical tool based on the principle of statistical analysis, and it copes well with its task, taking into account all the above wishes.

More than 100 types of lotteries (all Western) are preinstalled in the program. But you can choose among them similar to our Gosloto lotteries, for example, the same 6 out of 45 or 5 out of 36. Or you can enter your own lottery into the program with your own conditions:

The program also has a bunch of different full, incomplete, incomplete with extensions and key systems preinstalled:

For the program to work properly, you need to know lotteries (preferably at least 50 draws). They need to be entered in a special form and click on the button responsible for starting the analysis. After that, the program will calculate and offer a list of numbers with the highest probability of falling out in the next draw.

How to choose? Let's say you decide to use .

18 rooms. 11 of them (~61%) of your choice and preference you choose from the Hot column (numbers in brackets indicate the number of their losses in the last 10 draws), 2 numbers (~10%) - from the Prior column, 4 or 5 numbers ( ~27%) - from the Cold column (numbers in brackets indicate how many draws ago this number was last drawn) and your choice of 1 number from the expected numbers or nothing - the Due column.

You can apply filters to the selected combinations by the number of even or odd numbers or by the minimum and maximum amount in combinations:

According to the developers, in some types of lotteries, the program allows you to guess the winning numbers with a probability of 87%.

The minus of the program is, as always, it is paid ($ 29.95; trial period 15 days). But worth it. In general, I recommend!

Well, in our kiosk you can buy. And quite inexpensive. I also recommend!

Gosloto is a state lottery, which is implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation. Gosloto lotteries come in various types and differ from each other in the number of digits in the winning combination.
You can buy a lottery ticket on the official website of the distributor, at lottery kiosks, retail outlets or using a special mobile application.

Gosloto ticket sales points

If you purchased a Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket, then according to the rules of the game, you must fill in all the playing fields. In total, there are six playing fields in the lottery ticket. The playing field consists of 45 numbers arranged in order. To fill the playing field, you need to choose any 6 numbers if you wish. You can also choose more, but this will already be considered a flat rate. An expanded bet starts with 7 numbers. By making an extended bet, you increase your chances of winning. However, at the same time, you simultaneously increase the amount of potential winnings and the cost of the bet.
The winner of each draw is determined using a random number generator. This equipment determines the winning combination of each draw. The drawing of each draw is broadcast in real time, but if you are not able to check the ticket at this time, then check it in other ways.
By going to the official website, on the main page you will see many icons of various lotteries. Of these icons, you will need to click on the 6 out of 45 lottery icon. After that, you will be redirected to a new page of the site, where you can get the following information: where to buy a ticket, how to play the lottery, how to check the results of the draw.
To obtain information about the winning combination of any draw, you must use the "Archive of Draws" tab

Draw archive

In the archive you can find the result of the game, that is, the numbers that have fallen, by the date and number of the draw. Here you will also find information about the amount of the super prize.

Search for the required circulation

The site provides an opportunity to search for the necessary winning combination. This search can be carried out by date or by number of circulation. If you want to view the archive of 2016 draws, then specify the following range in the search period: from January 1, 2016, to December 31. After that, the computer will provide you with a complete list of all draws that were played in 2016.
Using the search, you do not need to review all the draws, but you just need to indicate the draw you are interested in and the computer will automatically provide you with the result of the draw.
By using the site to check the results of the draw, you can save your free time by not having to sit in front of the TV screen.

The main lotteries of the country

If you are the owner of the “6 out of 45” lottery ticket, the circulation of which was drawn a few days ago, you can check such a ticket on the official Stoloto website. This opportunity is also provided for other types of Stoloto lotteries: Russian Lotto, Gosloto 5 out of 36, Gosloto 4 out of 20, Gosloto 7 out of 49, Sportloto 6 out of 49, KENO-Sportloto ”, “Rapido”, “12/24”, “Top-3”, “Duel”, “Prikup”, “Housing Lottery”, “Golden Horseshoe”, “6 out of 36” and Sportloto instant lotteries.

All types of Stoloto lotteries

To check the lottery ticket of the drawn lottery, you need to use the site's capabilities. To do this, first go to the website at the following Internet address:
Anyone can use the site at a convenient time of the day and absolutely free. very easy to use, even an inexperienced user can handle it.
So, to check the “6 out of 45” ticket, you will need to find the corresponding icon on the main page of the site and click on it.

Switching to the Stoloto lottery 6 of 45

After that, a new page of the site will open, where you can use the following tabs: about the lottery, buy a ticket, rules, where to buy, draw archive, check the ticket, winners.

Lottery Information Tabs 6 of 45

Stoloto "6 out of 45" archive of draws provides information on all draws that were previously played. Using the "Archive of Draws" tab, you can find out information about winning your lottery ticket. In this masonry, you can get information about a lottery ticket in two ways: by date or by circulation.
If you want to search by date, then you will need to enter a date range that contains the date of your lottery ticket draw. After that, the computer will provide you with a list of all draws that were held in a given range, as well as the winning combination of each draw and the size of the super prize.

Draw archive 6 of 45

If it is more convenient for you to search by circulation, then you need to specify a certain range of circulations, in which the circulation of your lottery ticket will be present. After that, the computer will provide you with a list of all draws that were held in a given range, as well as the winning combination of each draw and the size of the super prize. That is, as you see, the search results will always be the same, regardless of the search method.
You can check the ticket not only with the help of the archive, for this you can also use the "Check ticket" tab. By clicking on this tab, you can check your ticket and find out the amount of winnings. You can check your ticket in two ways: by ticket number, by combination.
If you want to quickly check your lottery ticket, then use the method that allows you to check by ticket number. To do this, you will need to indicate the number of the starting draw and the ticket number in the appropriate fields. After entering this information, you need to click on the "Check" button. This method is the simplest and only provides information on your ticket.
If you are interested in what the prize combination was in a certain draw, then it is better to use the method that allows you to check the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket for the combination. In this case, you need to specify the starting circulation and the selected combination. After entering this information, you need to click on the "Check" button.

Check ticket 6 out of 45

I would like to remind you of the rules of the game in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery. In total, there are six playing fields in the lottery ticket. Only the lottery ticket in which the playing field is filled can participate in the game. To fill the playing field, you need to choose different 6 numbers if you wish. You can also choose more than 6 numbers, but this will already count the expanded rate and the ticket will cost more. By making an expanded bet, you automatically increase your chances of winning. By increasing your chances of winning, you simultaneously increase the amount of potential winnings, as well as the value of the bet.
If you play online, then you are given the opportunity to mark up to 13 numbers on one playing field, and this turns out to be 1716 game combinations. If you mark the numbers on the paper coupon, then you can mark up to a maximum of 19 numbers in one playing field, which is 27,132 game combinations.
Knowing the rules of the game, you can safely purchase a lottery ticket and take part in the drawing, and you already know how to check your ticket.

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