The structure of the number fund operation service. Room Fund Operation Department

The hotel complex is one of the most important elements of the social sphere, and also plays an important role in improving the efficiency of social production.

A hotel is an enterprise that provides people who are away from home with a range of services, the most important of which (complex-forming) are equally accommodation and meals. This indicates the mandatory presence of two main services in the hotel - accommodation and meals. However, their relationship to each other can vary greatly.

The main services of the hotel:

To implement a closed technological cycle of guest service in the hotel, the following main services are provided:

  • * booking;
  • * service;
  • * reception and settlement part;
  • * room fund operation service.

In hotel enterprises of various types and capacities, the number of services may be more or less than those given above.

Hotel services, depending on the presence of contact with the guest, are located on two levels. At the first level - services, the staff of which has direct contact with the guest (contact services), at the second level - services, the staff of which has practically no contact with the guest (non-contact services). In the hotel industry, such a distinction is very important, as it affects the requirements for staff.

We are interested in non-contact service, as the room service staff belongs to the second level of service. The most important requirements are the availability of special education and work experience in this field.

The most important function of the room fund operation service is to maintain the necessary level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public premises (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

In terms of the number of employed personnel, this service is usually the largest hotel service. As a rule, up to 50% of all hotel employees work here.

The guest service service is either an independent division or is part of the Front office service. The staff of this service works with customers in constant contact and performs functions related to the service. The service manager is headed by a manager who reports to doormen, pages (messengers), baggage handlers, elevator operators, concierges, couriers, drivers. Sometimes the work of this service is coordinated by concierges.

The work of this service is simple, but important. The porter meets the guest, opens the door, calls a taxi, manages the parking lot, helps the guest to unload, guards the luggage and hands it over to the luggage carriers, who bring it to the hotel and then carry it to the rooms. The porter should also help the guest to navigate the city, know its main sights, etc.

The page (messenger) or bellboy accompanies the guest to the room, carries his hand luggage, opens the room, checks its readiness, explains to the guest the rules for using the room equipment, and also delivers correspondence to the rooms and performs other messenger functions. In addition, the page is the director's eyes and ears: he must report "upstairs" all suspicious cases he has noticed.

Many important services are performed by concierges. They can be seen at a special table in the lobby or on the floors. Until a certain time, concierges were not employees of hotels. These were independent entrepreneurs who bought the right to provide services to hotel customers.

The most typical services provided by concierges include: purchase and delivery of theater tickets; table reservations in city restaurants; ordering and delivery of tickets for various transport; reservation of places in various beauty salons; providing information about sights and interesting events taking place at the place of stay of guests; assistance in emergency cases; fulfillment of personal orders of clients.

A qualified concierge can arrange an audience with the Pope in Rome, send a client on a round-the-world trip in Paris, and get tickets to the most fashionable musical in New York.

The importance of the function performed by concierges is evidenced by the creation of the professional concierge organization UPPGH (Union Proffiessionalle des Portiers des Grand Hotels). This organization includes about 4,000 people from all over the world.

The front office should have established contacts with such service partners as tour agencies, car rental companies, travel agencies, etc. An important point of the service department is the need to provide customers with information and additional services.

The specifics of the service service is that the staff should have as much information as possible about the hotel itself and its services, as well as about local conditions and attractions. The service desk operates 24 hours a day and 365 days a year and must provide information and services to its guests at their first call. The duties of this service also include the constant updating of such information, as well as the provision of promotional and operational information.

Room stock maintenance and operation services are included as structural divisions in the room stock management service.

The following employees are part of the services for maintenance and operation of the number of rooms:

The head of the service - controls the work of all employees of the service and is responsible for the effective work of his unit, monitors compliance with the corporate policy of the enterprise, developed standards and job descriptions.

Deputy Head of Service - responsible for the condition of the hotel rooms, prepares a report on the status of the rooms, directly supervises the cleaning staff, draws up a schedule for their work.

Laundry and dry cleaning director - responsible for the operation of the laundry and dry cleaning inside the hotel and is the second deputy head of the housekeeping and maintenance service, is responsible for providing the hotel with clean linen for the smooth operation of the room stock and catering services, as well as for fulfilling guest orders for cleaning and ironing clothes.

Floor attendant - leads a group consisting of maids and cleaning employees, assists in accommodating clients in rooms, is responsible for the condition of the part of the room fund assigned to him, controls the quality of cleaning of residential and non-residential premises, checks the cleaned rooms, receives or transmits messages guests on the floor, registration of the duty log, as well as the preparation of reports on malfunctions and the condition of the rooms. His responsibilities include staff training, optimal distribution of employees' workload during general cleaning.

Manager - a specialist in the control and supervision of the activities of various facilities, both industrial and commercial, the head of a group, a link. It can be included in various services of the hotel enterprise, usually in the reception and accommodation service and the hotel fund service. Can perform the functions of a duty officer on the floor.

Maid - is engaged in cleaning hotel rooms and preparing them for sleep. The maid must clean 10-13 rooms per day in high class hotels and 18-20 rooms in economy class hotels. The duties of the maid include collecting things from the room that the client wants to wash or clean, and transfer them to the appropriate services.

The cleaning rate of one maid depends on various factors: the norms established by the service standards of chain hotels; hotel category; structure of the number stock; the policy of the hotel management, aimed either at savings or at improving the quality of service.

Cleaning clerk - works in the room stock and daily cleans corridors, elevator cabins and stair areas, service, retail and warehouse premises, as well as other specialized or public areas, helps maids during general cleaning.

Night duty - is responsible for the unit after the end of the day's work. He is engaged in summing up the balance of operations of the department for the past day, checks whether all occupied rooms have been removed, whether all the equipment in them is functioning. If necessary, checks the alarm and security on the floors of the hotel.

The duties of the personnel of the services of maintenance and operation of the room fund of clients include:

  • 1. Baggage towing and marking.
  • 2. Sorting and transfer of incoming correspondence addressed to guests.
  • 3. Ordering air, bus or train tickets.
  • 4. Provision of information on the schedule of urban, suburban and long-distance transport.
  • 5. Acceptance of orders for the organization of excursions, visits to museums, theaters, entertainment centers, clubs, restaurants.
  • 6. Providing information about local attractions and institutions in the field of leisure and entertainment.
  • 7. Informing guests about the possibility of obtaining additional services both in the hotel services and in nearby institutions.
  • 8. Provision of cars for rent - with or without a driver.
  • 9. Help in emergency cases.
  • 10. Fulfillment of small orders for clients.
  • 11. Cleaning of hotel rooms and premises.
  • 12. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions in the hotel, etc.

The room fund management service checks its room data daily with the data of the reception service. Messages from the reception service about the guest's discharge from the room are recorded in the corresponding column of the housekeeping service journal. In another column of the journal, the name of the maid who is entrusted with cleaning the room is recorded. At the end of the cleaning, a corresponding mark is made in the log. The availability of the room is reported to the reception.

Detailed instructions have been developed for cleaning the hotel premises. For example, for cleaning a room, such an instruction in abbreviated form looks like this:

  • * Knock on the door of the room three times, making sure that there is no guest, open the door of the room.
  • * Open the window, remove the trash.
  • * Remove the bed, collect dirty linen, make fresh, wash your hands.
  • * Wash the dishes, turn upside down, cover with a towel.
  • * Clean the bathroom, move from clean to dirty surfaces.
  • * Close the window and clean the dust, move from top to bottom.
  • * Floor cleaning: first it is swept, and then vacuumed.

It takes 20-30 minutes to clean the room, depending on its size and equipment. The quality of cleaning is instructed by the head maid, and sometimes by a special controller. For inspectors, there is also a special instruction on the procedure for inspection. There are special security rules that maids must follow: do not open the door of the room to guests who have forgotten the key in the room, or to workers; always keep the keys to the rooms with you, do not leave them on the work trolley; when cleaning the room, the door to it must be open, but the entrance is blocked by a work cart; the maid should report suspicious customers (little luggage, did not spend the night in the room).

In addition to cleaning rooms, the housekeeping service is responsible for cleaning halls, corridors, and restaurant premises. This work is performed by special personnel using more "heavy" and powerful equipment than that which is intended for cleaning rooms. There are two cleanliness standards for public areas of the hotel: normal (daily cleaning) and prestigious (dust removed twice a day). In addition to the daily cleaning of the premises, hotels carry out periodic cleaning (for example, spring cleaning).

The room management service also includes a laundry service and a lost items office. Before handing over the linen to the laundry and upon receiving it from there, it is recalculated. In large hotels, linen is divided into three categories depending on the cost of the rooms. Forgotten items of clients in the rooms are stored for three months. If the hotel has a playroom with governesses, where customers can leave their children for a while, then this service is also part of the housekeeping department.


1.1. Types of hotel premises…………...…………………….……….4
1.2. The essence and functions of the work of maids……..………………….……..9
2.1. The history of the hotel. Organizational structure of the Alfa hotel management………......... .............................. . .........................16
2.2. Characteristics of the operation of the number of rooms in the hotel "Alpha"……………………………………………………………………………..19


This work reveals in detail the importance of the reception service for the operation of the number of rooms, as well as the features and main tasks of this service. Nowadays, every person knows that cleanliness is a guarantee of health, but not everyone knows how cleanliness is maintained in hotels and tourist complexes, and not one hotel can exist without this service.
A hotel is a fairly large enterprise that operates around the clock, and therefore, high sanitary and hygienic requirements are imposed on it. Regardless of the category and level of development, the hotel must always be clean, as well as the area adjacent to it. This requires a huge daily work of hotel staff. Therefore, it is important to know how best to organize and carry out landscaping and cleaning work, ensuring cleanliness in the hotel industry.
The room fund maintenance service provides room service for tourists, maintains the necessary sanitary condition of the rooms and the level of comfort, and is engaged in the indication of household services.
The purpose of the course work is to study the organization of the operation of the room stock.

The objectives of the course work are:

    Studying the types of hotel premises;
    Studying the essence and functions of the work of maids;
    Study of the history of the emergence of the hotel "Alfa", and the organizational structure of the hotel management;
    Analysis of the characteristics of the operation of the number of rooms in the hotel "Alfa.


      Types of hotel premises
All hotel premises are divided into four main groups - residential, residential administrative, service and utility:
    Residential: rooms of all categories and amenity premises directly related to them;
    Administrative: vestibule with all its premises and communications, administrative offices;
    Service; public and general use premises (cinema and concert halls, music salons, conference and negotiation halls);
    Ancillary; utility and storage facilities (linen and laundries, inventory and repair shops, storerooms, warehouses, workshops with various inventory and technical equipment).
The composition of the premises is determined by the type of hotel, dictated by the desire to create a high level of comfort for guests and improve the working conditions of staff.
The main part of the area of ​​hotel buildings is occupied by living rooms - rooms, as well as auxiliary and office premises associated with them.
A hotel room includes almost all elements of a person's home (except for the kitchen), there should be a place for rest and sleep, work, and reception of guests.
Depending on the degree of improvement, comfort, number of rooms, the rooms are divided into the following categories (Fig. 1.1.).
            Room categories

Multi-rooms Standard rooms


Rice. 1.1. Types of room categories

Multi-rooms (apartments) usually consist of three rooms: a bedroom, a living room, an office. There is a kitchenette, two bathrooms, one of which is for guests.
Suites consist of two rooms (bedroom and living room). Equipped with high-quality furniture and equipped in accordance with the requirements of international standards.
Double numbers are pairs of rooms that can be connected into one through an adjacent door.
Standart room - standard equipment of single rooms depends on the category of the hotel and must comply with the requirements of GOST 50645-94 "Classification of hotels".
The auxiliary premises of the residential group of the hotel include a lobby, corridors, floor halls and a living room.
The vestibule group includes: a lobby with a working place of the administrator on duty, a cloakroom, a reception, a passport office, a cash desk, a service bureau.
It houses a communication agency, transport departments, kiosks selling souvenirs, perfumes, newspapers and magazines, and others. From the lobby there is an entrance to restaurants and cafes.
In the hotel building, vertical and horizontal connections, or communications, must be provided.
Horizontal links connect rooms located on the same floor (corridors, passages, galleries, halls, etc.).
to vertical communications include: stairs and ramps, elevators and lifts for various purposes, in more modern hotels - escalators. Stairs are divided into main and secondary (service).
The nodes of communications connecting separate groups of premises are floor halls near the stairs, lobbies, foyers, corridors.
To administrative premises include: management offices, accounting, personnel department and others.
To service premises include catering points: restaurants, buffets, bars, snack bars. In total, they are designed for the full capacity of the hotel. Usually all catering establishments are under the control of the hotel administration.
Related enterprises include: post offices, bank branches, international telephone, trade kiosks, transport agencies, hairdressers.
Ancillary and utility rooms include premises for service personnel, workshops, storerooms, warehouses, linen, and repair rooms.
Organization of cleaning work. A hotel is an enterprise that operates in a continuous mode of service, and therefore, high sanitary and hygienic requirements are imposed on it.
To carry out quick and high-quality cleaning in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards, the hotel must have:

    highly qualified professionally trained personnel;
    full inventory, modern cleaning materials;
    modern types of cleaning machines and mechanisms.
It is important to properly allocate the time spent on cleaning work. It is necessary that cleaning is carried out quickly and without unnecessary time and effort on the part of the attendants.
When performing cleaning work, there are several important principles:
    floor personnel should "be seen as little as possible by the guest";
    cleaning equipment and cleaning tools should not be left in common areas;
    maids, cleaners should not be distracted by personal affairs during cleaning work;
The implementation of these principles is a criterion for the level of service culture in a given hotel.
The following categories of cleaning work are distinguished:
    cleaning of the territory adjacent to the hotel;
    cleaning of the area of ​​the central entrance and the lobby and some rooms of the lobby group (cloakroom);
    cleaning of common areas: stairs, corridors, halls, administrative, office and utility rooms;
    cleaning of the room stock (residential rooms plus units for individual use).
All types of cleaning work are carried out by employees of the room service. The replacement of employees of various categories with each other can be carried out only by order of the management in case of production necessity. The deputy director of the room service service organizes the work of all hotel staff.
When performing cleaning work, it is recommended to adhere to the following principle: cleaning is carried out clockwise or counterclockwise in order not to miss a single piece of furniture.
To perform cleaning work, there are the following categories of personnel: maids - who clean residential rooms; cleaners - employed in cleaning corridors, halls, stairs, lobby; cleaners of production and service premises, workshops and technical services.
Cleaning works of all hotel premises are divided by type and purpose into several groups (Table 1.1.).

Table 1.1.
Cleaning work of hotel premises

To properly ensure cleaning and maximum cleanliness of the premises, as well as the items of equipment located in them, with minimal effort and time, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence in work.
The sequence of cleaning a multi-room suite: bedroom, guest room, dining room, office, hallway, bathroom.
      Essence and functions of maid work
When cleaning rooms, you must first of all ventilate them. In a three-room suite, the following cleaning sequence is observed: first the bedroom is cleaned, then the living room, study, hallway and bathroom. In a two-room suite, the bedroom is first cleaned, then the living room and bathroom. Cleaning in a one-room suite should begin with a dining table. If there is food left on the table, it should be removed in the refrigerator or covered with a napkin. If the food was served in the room from the restaurant, the dishes are handed over to the waiter, and those belonging to the hotel should be thoroughly washed, wiped and put in a cupboard or sideboard.
The hotel management must constantly monitor what kind of linen is used. Wrinkled linen with rust, holes or stains is not allowed in the rooms. Linen and bedding should be flawlessly laundered, immaculately starched and perfectly ironed.
If defects are found in linen, it must be replaced and handed over to the linen room, but in no case should it be mixed with dirty linen. If the linen is damaged due to the fault of the resident, the maid must report this to the floor attendant and the head of the floor. The cleaning of this room with the change of linen must be checked in the presence of the guest, having clarified the conflict situation.
If laundry needs to be repaired, linen workers should repair it, and linens that are stained, rusted, or shabby should be set aside for write-off. Change of linen is made by maids or senior maids. To do this, it is recommended to have 20% of the supply of linen from the total number of places on the floor on the floors. If this order is observed, the maid has the opportunity to change linen at any time of the day. It is necessary to store change of linen in a separate closet. In order to save money, linen should not be changed earlier than the deadline, but it should not be extended, as this will lead to a decrease in the level of service.
There is also an unshakable rule: you cannot change linen in the presence of a guest or allow him to put things in an uncleaned room.
After cleaning the bed, the maid proceeds to clean the desk. There may be textbooks, manuscripts, business papers on the table, which in no case should be considered. If the surface of the table is covered with plastic, it should be wiped with a damp, clean cloth. If the table is polished, wipe it with a soft cloth. In case of violation of polishing, it can be restored by wiping with a swab of clean white cloth moistened with polish. Then, after allowing the surface to dry for 15-20 minutes, wipe it to a shine with a soft cloth.
When removing ashes from the ashtray, you need to carefully look for foreign objects. Then wipe the telephone set, table lamp with a damp cloth; dry-books, magazines, TV. The drawers of the desk also need to be carefully examined, shaken out, wiped from dust. In case of detection of their defects (poorly closed or there are breakdowns) - make an application for a joiner's call.
Then the maid starts cleaning carpets, rugs, bedside rugs, curtains, draperies, upholstered furniture, as well as removing dust from walls and floors with a vacuum cleaner.
Working with a vacuum cleaner, the maid must comply with safety rules. It is not recommended to clean under the bed with a metal pipe with a brush, as it can damage the sides of the wooden bed. It is best to move the bed away from the wall and then clean up.
If there are no vacuum cleaners in the hotel, carpets, paths and bedside rugs can be swept with a damp broom - movements directed along the pile. It is necessary to sweep carefully so that water does not fall on the parquet. If the carpets are heavily soiled, they are washed with nylon brushes with a solution of soap powder in warm water. This should be done on the street or in specially designated places. When the carpet dries, you need to vacuum it to lift the pile.
When working with a vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to ensure that foreign objects do not accidentally get into it.
After working with a vacuum cleaner, the maid should wipe dust off baseboards, window sills, and radiators. The dust between the sections of the radiator is removed with a special narrow brush, then the crossbars and legs of tables and chairs, as well as the polished surfaces of furniture are wiped with dry fleas. The wardrobe should be opened and ventilated daily, make sure that there are enough clothes hangers in it. There should always be brushes for clothes and shoes, a key for opening bottles in a certain place in the room.
After cleaning the room, and, as noted earlier, it is recommended to carry out clockwise or counterclockwise so that nothing is missed, it is necessary to carefully ventilate the serviceability of technical devices, sockets, switches, plugs, electric lights, telephone, TV.
The maid is obliged to monitor the operation of refrigerators, radio points and radio equipment. If a malfunction is detected, she must report this to the head maid or floor attendant.
When cleaning a dorm-type room, the maid must ensure that guests do not store suitcases in the rooms, as this is prohibited by the rules. Things should be stored only in the storage room.

The purpose of general cleaning is to:

    Carry out a thorough thorough cleaning;
    Cover with cleaning those objects and places of the living room that are not subject to daily cleaning after the guest leaves;
    To carry out sanitary and hygienic measures that, according to the standard terms, coincide with the general cleaning;
    Carry out cosmetic repairs in the room (touch-up, wallpapering, and so on);
    Make sure the room is habitable by inspecting and identifying problems with various communication systems.
General cleaning work includes:
    Washing the walls, wiping them dry;
    Cleaning of ventilation grilles;
    Cleaning of draperies, mattresses, feather beds;
    Cleaning, washing windows and doors;
    Additional work: washing floors, carpets, painting floors, rubbing floors;
    Mechanized cleaning of the ceiling, walls, ventilation grilles;
    Washing curtains;
    Washing lighting fixtures.
General cleaning is carried out 1 time in 7-10-14 days. As a rule, the number of rooms in which she is obliged to carry out general cleaning in a timely manner

Booked room cleaning

The purpose of the cleaning work is the following: to ensure that the room is fully ready for the arrival of the guest who booked this room.
In the chain of sequence for carrying out all types of cleaning work for the day, the cleaning of the booked rooms is carried out first.
This type of cleaning is carried out on the eve of the day of arrival or at night, on the day of the guest's arrival, early in the morning, daily 1 time per day for a certain number of days before the guest's arrival.

The cleaning service for the booked rooms includes:

    Dry wiping;
    Wet wipe;
    Wet floor cleaning.
Express cleaning

This type of cleaning is carried out at the request of the resident for a fee.
The scope of express cleaning includes:

    Removal of garbage from the room;
    Cleaning and washing dishes;
    Changed bed linen;
    Change of bed linen;
    Cleaning in the bathroom for individual use: washing sinks, bathroom, toilet bowl;
    Change of towels;
    Floor washing or mechanized floor cleaning.
All types of cleaning work carried out in the hotel rooms are carried out with the obligatory use of cleaning equipment and cleaning materials. Proper use of cleaning equipment and materials, as well as storage and care of them are an important measure in compliance with the norms of the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

Common area cleaning technology

Common areas include: lobbies, halls, corridors, cloakrooms, administrative, service and utility rooms, stairs and places for recreation and mass events.
The main feature of the maintenance of groups of these premises is the numerous flow of visitors. The main cleaning of common areas is carried out early in the morning, late in the evening or at night. During the day, common areas are cleaned as they become dirty.
The scope of cleaning work for common areas includes:

    Washing floors with detergents;
    Mechanized floor cleaning;
    Cleaning glass, doors, gratings, window sills, mirrors;
    Removal of garbage from wastebaskets, urns, cisterns;
    Removal of dust and processing of tables, racks;
Cleaning of common areas is carried out in the following sequence:
    Ventilation of premises;
    Removing dust from armchairs, sofas, coffee tables, mirrors;
    Washing all other floors and in the lobby as needed;
Parquet floors are wiped weekly with a dry wrung-out cloth, the upholstered part of the furniture is vacuumed, window blocks are wiped.
Every two months it is necessary to wipe the surface of the walls, sweep the ceilings, change the curtains, wipe the cornices.

Cleaning of private bathrooms. The maid starts cleaning the bathroom after finishing cleaning the residential rooms.
Before starting cleaning, she should put on special clothes - a rubberized apron, rubber or caprolactam gloves, a scarf.
Cleaning of the bathroom is carried out in the following sequence: a mirror, a glass toilet shelf and toiletries, a washbasin, a bathtub, tiled walls, a toilet bowl, a bidet, a floor.
The mirror is wiped with a damp cloth, and then wiped dry.
The washbasin is rubbed with paste or other cleaning agents to remove dirt, washed with hot water, rinsed with a disinfectant solution, rinsed again with water.
Tiled wall tiles above the bathroom during routine cleaning are wiped daily with a clean white cloth to remove traces of soap suds.
The toilet is washed last. To do this, the maid must wear gloves. First, pour hot water over the inner walls, then rub them with cleaning paste using a ruff, rinse with hot water and rinse with a disinfectant solution. Also, rinse the toilet lid and door handles with a solution of bleach.
Rinse the rubber mat in the shower several times with cold water, and then rinse with bleach.
After cleaning, the maid checks the availability of toilet paper and branded soap in the bathroom, the serviceability of the shaver socket and the cleanliness of the towels (replace with new ones if necessary).

Cleaning of public bathrooms. The complex of daily cleaning of public bathrooms includes:

    wiping hinged glass shelves with mirrors;
    washing of wash basins, toilet bowls, urinals;
    wiping tiles around plumbing fixtures;
    wiping doors and partitions, washing floors.
As necessary, but less than once a week, tiled walls, partitions, doors are completely washed, and lamps are wiped monthly.


2.1. The history of the hotel. Organizational structure of Alfa hotel management

The Izmailova Alfa Hotel celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2005. Over the years, they have experienced a lot and achieved a lot. The Alfa Hotel and the cinema and concert hall are 100% owned by the Moscow Trade Union Federation. The remaining four buildings are part of the holding, where there is a controlling stake. Izmailovo is the largest complex. Its constituent hotels developed in different ways. In the last decade of the last century, the hotel completely lost the so-called social tourism in the interior of the country. In these difficult years, the loading of complexes was 18-30%. A positive role in its preservation was played by the fact that the Moscow Government was one of the first in the country to take the path of development and assistance to small and medium-sized businesses. In order to survive, for some period it was necessary to convert part of the number of rooms into offices, since such areas simply did not exist in the city - for all their demand. Demand for offices was high. At that time, various development projects were considered, in particular, there were very popular ideas of corporatization according to the formula of “people's enterprises”. The restaurants in the buildings looked like hangars in the truest sense of the word: they were designed to make it possible to feed 10,000 residents in two shifts. Moreover, the tourist preferred to bring everything with him - both food and drinks. Practically no profit was withdrawn from the buildings.
Moreover, the Alfa Hotel became the first high-rise building in Moscow, where the elevator facilities were completely replaced. The operation of the hotel is influenced by a lot of factors, including the distance from the metro and parking. Alfa, due to its proximity to the metro, is in the most advantageous position. Tourists both before and now most actively use this type of public transport. And, of course, they are guided by the hotel closest to him. The Alfa Hotel has always focused primarily on the guest. She always kept the price level slightly higher than the rest, and yet was in demand more than other cases. Participation in exhibitions, signing contracts - and in this direction, Alpha, perhaps, also turned out to be one of the most advanced pioneers. She very quickly orientated herself in the market, skillfully positioned herself, and received a wide response in the process.
The hotel of the first buildings began a serious reconstruction of the number of rooms, as soon as the economy went up.
The floor-by-floor reconstruction made it possible to sharply increase the revenue side, without losing it even in 1998. By this time I already had a regular customer. Various automated systems have been introduced - from the intra-complex "client-bank" to security, service. This also objectively increased the cost of the rooms. The tourist contingent, which was shifting towards small and medium-sized businesses, also required a certain level of service, in which Alfa succeeded very quickly. We started with the elementary: communication services, equipment multiplier, computerization. The work of the restaurant was excellent and without much investment in Alfa: it always attracted visitors with its high quality. And today it remains so.
Today a lot of people say : « We didn't expect such living and service conditions in Alpha! . A person who reacts this way becomes our client for a long time. Cleanliness, order, comfort, good condition of the room stock, excellent restaurants, modern elevators - all this creates the image of the hotel complex. In general, in terms of service, there are no trifles.

The most important function of the room fund operation service is to maintain the necessary level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public premises (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

This service is the largest. It employs up to 50% of all employees of the hotel.

The guest service at the hotel is an independent division, or is included in the Front Office service. The staff of this service is in constant work with clients and performs the function of customer service. This service is headed by a subordinate manager who is: porters, messengers, baggage handlers, elevator operators, concierges, couriers and drivers.

The work of this service is very important, although not difficult. When the doorman meets the guest, he is obliged to open the door for him, call a taxi, supervise the parking lot and guard the luggage. The porter passes the luggage to the luggage carriers, who bring it to the hotel and then carry it to the rooms. The porter is obliged to know the sights of the city and must help the guest to navigate the city.

The messenger accompanies the guest to the room, carries his hand luggage, opens the room, checks its readiness, explains to the guest the rules for using the room's equipment, delivers correspondence to the rooms. In addition, the messenger is the eyes and ears of the director: he must report “upstairs” all suspicious cases he has noticed.

Many important services are performed by concierges. They can be seen at a special table in the lobby. They help to purchase and deliver concert tickets, book a table in a city restaurant, provide information about the city's attractions, etc.

The service staff should have as much information as possible about the hotel and its services and local attractions. The customer service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is obliged to provide services to guests at their first call. It is the responsibility of this service to keep advertising information up to date.

Room stock maintenance and operation services are included as structural units in the room stock management service (Fig. 4).

Fig 4.

The number fund management services include:

The head of the service, who supervises the work of all employees of this service. Responsible for the good performance of his department.

The deputy head of this service is responsible for the condition of the rooms in the hotel, prepares a report on the status of the rooms in the hotel, supervises the cleaning staff, draws up a work schedule.

The Director of Dry Cleaning is responsible for running the laundry inside the hotel and is the Second Deputy Head of Housekeeping. Responsible for providing the hotel with clean linen, as well as for fulfilling orders for ironing and cleaning clothes.

The floor attendant is the main head of the maid service, assists in accommodating clients in the rooms, controls the quality of cleaning of residential and non-residential premises, checks the cleaned rooms, draws up a duty log, and also draws up a report on malfunctions and the condition of the rooms. It is also his responsibility to train the staff and the optimal distribution of employees during the general cleaning.

The maid is engaged in cleaning hotel rooms and preparing them for sleep. The maid must clean 10-13 rooms per day in high category hotels and 18-20 rooms in economy class hotels. The duties of the maid include collecting things from the room that the client wants to wash or clean, and transfer them to the appropriate services. The rate of cleaning the rooms of one maid depends on various factors: the norms established by the hotel standards, the structure of the room stock, the hotel management, the direction of the quality of service. The cleaning of the room fund has the following sequence: first, the reserved rooms are cleaned, then the rooms that have just been vacated are cleaned, and the last cleaning is carried out in the occupied premises. Room cleaning in a busy room is carried out in the absence of the guest. If the guest is in the room, you should ask permission from him.

The cleaning process consists of: washing dishes, airing the room, cleaning the bed, removing dust from surfaces, cleaning the sanitary unit. The maid is obliged to check the safety of the equipment.

If the room has several rooms, then the bedroom is removed first, then the living room and the bathroom. Hotel rooms are cleaned daily.

If the room has just been vacated, then the maid is obliged to take the room, change bed linen and towels, and replace the information that is in the room.

In hotels there is a position of a supervisor. He supervises the work of the maids and makes sure that all rooms are cleaned according to the standards. He also sends information about the vacant rooms to the reception and accommodation service.

In luxury hotels, there is a steward position, which begins to work in the afternoon. It is his responsibility to provide each room with fresh towels, give the room a smart look, install a fold-out bed. This tradition is observed in America.

Cleaning clerk - works in the room stock and daily cleans corridors, elevator cabins and stair areas, office and commercial premises.

The night duty officer is responsible for the units after the end of the day's work. He sums up the balance of operations for the past day, checks whether all occupied rooms have been cleaned, whether all the equipment in them is functioning. If necessary, checks the alarm and security on the floors.

The duties of the personnel of the services of maintenance and operation of the room fund of clients include:

1. towing luggage and its marking

2. sorting and transfer of incoming correspondence addressed to guests

3. ordering air, bus or train tickets

4. provision of information on the schedule of urban, suburban and long-distance transport

5. accepting orders for organizing excursions, visiting museums, theaters

6. providing information about local attractions

7. providing guests with information and additional services

8. provision of cars for rent - with or without a driver

9. emergency assistance

10. execution of small orders of the client

11. cleaning of hotel rooms and premises

12. observance of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the hotel, etc.

The room fund management service checks the room data daily with these reception services.

Detailed instructions have been developed for cleaning the hotel premises. For example, for cleaning a room, such an instruction in abbreviated form looks like this:

Knock on the door of the room three times, making sure that there is no guest, open the door of the room.

Open the window, take out the trash.

Remove the bed, collect dirty linen, lay fresh, wash your hands.

Wash the dishes, turn upside down, cover with a towel.

Clean the bathroom, move from clean to dirty surfaces.

Close the window and clean the dust, move from top to bottom.

Floor cleaning: first it is swept, and then vacuumed.

Room cleaning takes 20 - 30 minutes, depending on the size of the room and its equipment. There are special security rules that maids must follow: do not open the door of the room to guests who have forgotten the key in the room, or to workers; always keep the keys to the rooms with you, do not leave them on the work trolley; when cleaning the room, the door to it must be open, but the entrance is blocked by a work cart; the maid should report suspicious customers (little luggage, did not spend the night in the room).

In addition to cleaning rooms, the housekeeping service is responsible for cleaning halls, corridors, and restaurant premises. This work is carried out by special personnel using more "heavy" and more powerful equipment than that which is intended for cleaning rooms. There are two cleanliness standards for public areas of the hotel: normal (daily cleaning) and prestigious (dust removed twice a day). In addition to the daily cleaning of the premises, hotels carry out periodic cleaning (for example, spring cleaning).

The room management service also includes a laundry service and a lost items office. Before handing over the linen to the laundry and upon receiving it from there, it is recalculated. In large hotels, linen is divided into three categories depending on the cost of the rooms. Forgotten items of clients in the rooms are stored for three months. If the hotel has a playroom with governesses, where customers can leave their children for a while, then this service is also part of the housekeeping department.

Each hotel sets itself certain tasks, the main of which, of course, is high-quality customer service. The achievement of this task set for the hotel to a large extent depends on how the management has reached mutual understanding with the staff, how motivated the employees are and what kind of psychological climate reigns in the team.

The most commonly used means of communication in this case are: material incentives for evaluating performance, a promotion system, a system of privileges, competitions for the best in the profession among employees and other material incentives. The response expected by the hotel management is expressed in improving the attitude of employees to their work and achieving a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team and quality customer service.

The room fund management service is the service that makes this a reality. She organizes the work that the client sees and evaluates, by which he judges the entire hotel as a whole.

Largely thanks to the efforts of the administrative and economic service staff, the guest feels at home, surrounded by care and attention.

There is an opinion that work in this service is unattractive, not qualified, not prestigious, unlike other departments of the hotel enterprise. Previously, in hotels, service was considered as something secondary, not worthy of attention. All this took place, but has long gone down in history, the world's leading hotel corporations have come to the domestic market, which have long understood the role, place and importance of this service in the activities of a modern hotel enterprise. It is the work of the maid that the guest sees every day and much more often than the work of the registrar, driver or waiter.

Service employees are of great value to the enterprise. At the head

This service has the same high status as the heads of other hotel services. Work in this unit is a good launching pad for career advancement.

Room service. Service composition. Structure (schematically). Service role.
The room fund maintenance service provides the main services of the hotel, namely: it ensures the comfort of living, the safety of life, health, property of residents and property of the hotel. The most important function of the service is to maintain the necessary level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public premises (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

The structure of the service includes a manager for the maintenance of the number of rooms, head. floor, senior maids, floor attendants, maids, cleaners. The service closely cooperates with the chief engineer service and the reception and accommodation service.

Accommodations are rooms. To public - lobby, halls, corridors, transitions, premises of services providing additional services, bathrooms and showers for common use. Office premises include service areas and transitions between them, office rooms.

In addition, this service informs the reception and accommodation service about the release of rooms and their readiness for occupancy and the chief engineer service about the need to eliminate malfunctions in the room equipment, accidents, and carry out routine repairs. The workers included in the service of the chief engineer help to rearrange the furniture in the rooms, carry heavy loads, participate in loading and unloading operations when transporting linen to and from the laundry, etc.

Cleaning work can be divided into types: dry and wet wiping, cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, washing floors, doors, windows, walls, etc.; according to the purpose of the cleaned premises: cleaning of common areas, office premises, rooms. The latter, in turn, is divided into general cleaning, cleaning after leaving, daily current cleaning, intermediate cleaning.

General cleaning is carried out once every 7-10 days. It is necessary to wash the walls, heating appliances, doors, windows; carefully vacuum furniture, floors, carpets. After cleaning, carefully check the serviceability of all technical devices.

Cleaning after check-out is carried out after the release of the room with a mandatory change of bed linen.

Daily routine cleaning is carried out in the absence of the guest with mandatory bed making. Change of bed linen and towels is carried out according to the norms, which depend on the category of the hotel.

Intermediate cleaning is carried out in hotels 4-5 *, includes cleaning the bathroom, making the bed, garbage collection, including in the ashtray, and involves monitoring the condition of the living room during the day.

Cleaning of rooms in the hotel is carried out by maids, the rest of the premises are cleaned by cleaners.

Room cleaning involves the availability of special equipment, cleaning materials and inventory.

Cleaning materials include cleaning and detergents; for cleaning equipment - buckets, brushes, scoops for collecting garbage, rags; to cleaning equipment - vacuum cleaners, scrubbers, maid carts.

On the floor there should be special rooms for storing cleaning products. At the end of the shift, the maids must put all the cleaning products in order and put them in the place allotted for their storage.

The hotel economist sets the consumption rates for cleaning and detergents that come to the floors from the warehouse, while the head of the service writes out a requirement for these funds.

The hotel has the following room cleaning sequence. Cleaning begins with airing the room. The maid then proceeds to clean the dining table; washes dishes and cutlery, an ashtray, shakes off the tablecloth, puts food in the refrigerator or mini-bar. It is necessary to monitor the completeness of the mini-bar daily. Ashes from an ashtray are not recommended to be shaken off into the toilet bowl or sink, as this will damage faience or porcelain. The next step is to make the bed. A blanket and a pillow are placed on a chair. The feather is turned over. The sheet on the inside is tucked under the feather bed, on the outside - under the mattress.

The duvet is tucked into a duvet cover, the pillow into a pillowcase. The pillow is placed on top of the duvet. It is necessary to ensure that the duvet cover and pillowcases are worn on the front side. Shake the blanket in the duvet cover so that it takes the correct position so that there are no empty corners and folds, fill it with an envelope. It is necessary to use a blanket, spreading it in such a way that the outlines of the blanket do not lose their shape.

Using a vacuum cleaner, dust should be removed from the surface of that part of the walls that cannot be processed with a wet method. In a wet way with the use of detergents, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwalls covered with oil paints or washing wallpaper is processed; dust is removed from equipment and lighting fittings (only outside), from furniture and floors.

Cleaning the bathroom begins with the walls, then the shelf and sink are cleaned. Sinks must be washed both inside and out, paying attention to the cleanliness of the siphon. Then wash the bath. You should monitor the draining of water from the bath, check the integrity of the chain to which the plug is attached, check the operation of the water fittings. All chrome parts of the shower, as well as pipes, should be wiped well with a dry cloth. The walls, sink, bath are coated with disinfectant solutions, preferably of a liquid consistency, so as not to scratch the tiles, and wiped dry.

Toilets are washed first with hot, then with cold water using detergents and disinfectants. The drain tank is checked. Then the maid washes the floor in the bathroom. Lastly, she cleans the hallway. If the number is multi-room, the cleaning sequence is as follows: bedroom, office, living room, bathroom, hallway.

After cleaning, the maid should check the serviceability of the equipment of the room, as well as the availability of promotional materials and information.

Each hotel room must have fire safety rules, an evacuation plan from the room in case of fire, rules for using electrical appliances, and the procedure for staying in a hotel. Depending on the category and standards of the hotel, the room may contain an advertising brochure, branded envelopes, paper, pens, threads, needles, buttons.

When leaving the room, the maid is obliged to turn off electrical appliances, turn off the lights, lock the room with a key. In the summer, you can leave the window or window sash open.
Quality control of cleaning and maintenance of residential rooms
The category of the hotel assumes that the rooms of the residential floor are equipped with the necessary equipment, furniture and inventory. The completeness of the room equipment is strictly regulated by the "System of classifications of hotels and other accommodation facilities." In addition, the room should be cozy, i.e. the interior of the room (arrangement of furniture, colors, the presence of flowers, paintings) must meet the requirements of aesthetics, please the eye.

The room must meet the requirements of the SES for the quality of cleaning, lighting, noise level. All equipment in it must be in good condition, the condition of furniture, bed linen must meet the necessary requirements. The necessary information materials must be available in the room.

All this is included in the concept of "number content". Quality control of cleaning and maintenance of residential rooms is carried out daily by the head. floor or the one to whom these powers are imputed. In addition, the hotel administration can organize a commission to check the content of the rooms.

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